#i said as if this weren't really just a copium crack theory to get my ship together
endiness · 5 months
this is such a copium crack theory lol, but like. what if the show uses toussaint in place of kovir. like, they both do kind of have similar qualities in that they're rich nations and that they're neutral when it comes to the war. so, like. what if instead of dijkstra going to kovir for help, it's radovid that goes to toussaint. y'know, at the same time jaskier is there. and then radskier. 🤪
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idonutlose · 2 years
Damn they weren't kidding that plant could really plant huh
Tristamp 11 thoughts ig because god damn I need to get this rot out of my brain before I implode
There's a few very minor Trimax spoilers but like. July is visually fucked already like c'mon
First off I'm gonna miss the angel/wing aesthetic a lot but god damn the plant (like. roots and flowers shit) stuff is cool also. Knives's "wing" made of blades in that one promo poster are a fun contrast. One could probably read it as like a fallen angel/lucifer type things but idk I don't think it's that deep.
Speaking of I CRACKED TF UP when I saw little Knives reading the bible. Just like. Under a tree. Help. Knives has become Catholic 🙏
(he's going through his reddit atheist phase)
I'm a bit disappointed by how little of Tessla was shown (ie there's nothing explicitly said about how the humans treated her, the aftermath of the twins' reactions, etc) but I'm gonna take a hit off my copium tank and hope that it gets elaborated on either next episode or much later. Considering the importance of Rem to Vash, the fact that this hasn't happened yet, that next episode is about Vash fighting back against the mind fuckery Knives did, and also that there's a giant fucking Rem made of plants eating July, it could happen? Like... Vash fighting back for his own free will could involve him confronting those memories again but idk we'll see. Also, Tessla's eyeball in Knives's hand in episode 10 was not explicitly touched upon (I don't think Tristamp has established that plants can merge together on a smaller scale like that but idk) so maybe that'll be shown in like the reaction or aftermath thing? Again. Copium.
The pregnant plants shit was weird but me knowing what Knives did in the manga made it a little less weird. Still weird but I don't think those plants are long for this world either considering in the past two versions of Trigun July gets completely annihilated.
Also, the memory loss being about fellow characters. I called it. I'd heard the prequel theory tossed around a lot (which btw I still hate. like chronologically and some events wise sure it could be a prequel but like prequel to me implies tristamp comes before '98/trimax and uh no it don't) and hypothesized that Vash would just completely forget about the rest of the cast. If Tristamp does Eriks in S2 (S2 orange? plz???!), he's gonna be way funnier/sadder when either Wolfwood or Meryl rolls up and he has no idea who they are :(
Anyways yeah. July ain't long for this world if it's not already gone. I wonder if the plant shit Vash is leaving everywhere is going to stay there or explode/implode next episode (I'm gonna go for implode considering the black hole gate shit from a few episodes ago). Kinda sad that there's no proper angel arm or "You're really gonna shoot me" moment but I'm delighted by the differences. It's a remix. It definitely isn't '98, it isn't Trimax, but man, I'm looking forward to what's coming next.
Anyways. Thoughts out of my head and into the world. Apologies. Feel free to brainrot with me if you want I am going insane
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