#okay but to add a teeny tiny sense of validity to this
endiness · 5 months
this is such a copium crack theory lol, but like. what if the show uses toussaint in place of kovir. like, they both do kind of have similar qualities in that they're rich nations and that they're neutral when it comes to the war. so, like. what if instead of dijkstra going to kovir for help, it's radovid that goes to toussaint. y'know, at the same time jaskier is there. and then radskier. 🤪
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lostlastsforever756 · 6 years
That Rizzles fic, though. You’ve saved my weekend because I’m losing my mind here over the fine details of purchasing rights and pricing out contracts for restaurants. (Seriously, it’s 2:30AM and I almost cried.)
Maura moving back home at Christmas, bound to eventually run into Jane again and dredge up complicated and painful feelings and memories?! You’ve just given me an amazing early holiday gift! “It’s like those Hallmark Christmas Movies™” AKA IDEAL. I LOVE TRASHY CHRISTMAS ROMCOMS/DRAMAS. 
Okay, so. A ‘when they were kids’ prologue? Heartbreaking, what the hell. I SIGNED UP FOR CHRISTMAS CUTENESS, however I am also a sucker for angst so goddamnit you got me. Teeny boppers Maura and Jane, ugh. You can just imagine them as the two sorta ‘weird’ kids, the outcasts that only got along with each other. My favourite section of this is either Maura’s anxiety, which is palpable and relatably overwhelming in a childish way, or her observing Jane and how “her body moves is as fluid as a dancer” as she shoots hoops. It’s entirely Maura to make that connection instead of just a plain athletic observation, and it’s so sweet and loving. Plus Jane was absolutely the kid that was all awkwardly bolshy and lanky and scraped knees, naturally sporty if not exactly a team player.
Now to the actual intro chapter. And oh my god this is just Winter blues to the max. Maura leaving and no one throwing her a going away party is entirely plausible and sad. Maura being aware of this? Ouch. I like how you write her and balance her rational, straightforward bluntness with how emotional and in turmoil she actually is. The confrontation with the student? I felt that awkwardness. Maybe weirdly, I sort of agree with him and at least partly already feel like Maura is taking this move for the wrong reasons. I know it eventually leads to Jane but Maura, honey, you’re obviously not clear-headed right now. In the short term you’re still going to be miserable when you move to Boston.
(But props to Maura for walking through snow and ice in heels. I struggle to do that in proper Winter boots every year.)
Your Jack actually makes me like him in this tiny bit, amazing! A Christmas miracle. Or maybe that’s my sleep deprivation talking. But still. She is throwing away everything to follow him, and not even out of love from her heart, but out of being lost and grasping for any possible way out and a sense of societal obligation and normality. If she were in a healthier place maybe it could work. I mean, well, no. It would never. But oh Maura. This is going to be a long road to happiness, I can feel it.
My reply:
First of all, super glad you saw this and also I love getting these messages??? And i wanted to reply to this so bad that I finally got back into my computer instead of using stupid tumblr mobile to properly reply because tumblr seems to be…not notifying me of messages on mobile? and also, like, eating the replies? so that’s cool.
Honestly, sometimes (most of the time) i love me some trashy hallmark rom coms, but I think about Rizzles ALL THE TIME so I was like yup time to get it done. I didn’t want this to be like a “we saw each other once and immediately fell in love” thing, I wanted there to be that wonderful friendship we see in the show with the romance, so like that’s where the prologue came in. I love writing about people having anxiety, because I feel like it happens so often to me and its not something i can ignore, it’s like the only thing i can think about is not throwing up when it happens to me, and it happens when I’m just thinking about asking someone a question soooo yeah. I love thinking about baby Jane tbh, because I know that girl never showered and tried to wear shorts well into February and honestly that was me as a kid. The point of the prologue was just to kinda show that these two girls really cared and loved each other at some point to make what’s about to happen more natural. 
So, on to Maura! She’s….she’s uh…she’s dumb sometimes. And if you read the books, I’m pretty sure there are like one or two scenes where she shows up to a crime scene in the snow in shoes that are NOT winter boots and almost falls on her ass, so I had to add that in as well. She’s dumb sometimes, but i love her, and also who isn’t? But she’s also dumb because yes, the student is correct, she is quitting and moving for all the wrong reasons. She’s kind of under this impression that she needs to be a “good wife” to Jack, something she has come up with on her own, by the way, and she’s not entirely sure how to do that. So, she has taken it to the extreme and is quitting and thinking shes gonna be a house wife (which, tbh, i would probably do that too, i take everything too far in one direction or another) when really all that’s gonna do is make her even more sad. And she KNOWS IT but she’s gonna try to do it anyway. Well, you know, until Jane comes along lol.
I am trying to make Jack as likable as possible, because when I watched the show, i didn’t really see him as a bad guy and I don’t like to immediately paint significant others as bad in fics, you know? We all know she’s gonna leave him for Jane, but he doesn’t have to be a horrible dude for that to happen, sometimes things like that just happen. Although, chapter two, you might not like him as much, but he is also afraid because he knows that Maura probably isn’t into him as much as he is in to her. And also i wrote another thing in chapter 3 that might not make him look good, but i promise my original intention was to not make him look bad! 
So, over all, Maura is an extremist and would be making a huge mistake if Jane wasn’t on the other end of these horrible decisions lol. I really hope to finish this by christmas (except that’s 5 days away and I only just realized that RIGHT NOW so that probably won’t happen I’m SORRY!) Also, you can tell me I’m wrong, but Sasha and Elizabeth Mitchell DO have similar facial features, okay?? I’m not crazy! (if you haven’t read chapter two, you have no idea what i’m talking about but you’ll get it lol).
Thank you, as always, for reading and validating my fanfiction <3 also, sorry about the crying at 2 am thing, that sounds horrible and I hope you can figure it all out and get some much deserved rest
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