#i said giant ingo
subwaytostardew · 7 months
▽ Subway to Stardew - Emmet 8-Heart Event ▽
This plays after getting at least 8 hearts with Emmet and entering the Railroad between 9AM - 4PM on a Thursday after viewing his 7 heart event.
You recieve this letter when you reach 8 hearts with Emmet!
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Commentary and progress under the readmore.
▷ Station Steward Thylak
I DID NOT REALIZE THAT THIS EVENT WOULD BE THAT LONG... I could have sworn it was around 14 minutes max! I was worried that the battle stuff went by too quickly! It's almost 30 minutes long! And that's with me clicking away faster! Emmet really meant it when he said he wanted to spend all the livelong day together...
I thought it was going to be roughly 18 minutes. NOPE. WOOPS. This what happens when you write possibly too much.
We are bad at making short events. Vanilla events are around 1-3 minutes long. A day in Stardew lasts 14 minutes and 10 seconds. I would not recommend trying to play this mod spoiler free on multiplayer because time does not freeze and you will die if you don't skip the events. I wouldn't want to shorten the events either... Cutting down their infodumps would just be wrong.
We had a few requests to have a battle event which made me 😅 because I personally couldn't imagine that going well (truth over ideals...). This event was partially made to shut that idea down. The whole tunnel scene is mostly me trying to write an in-story reason as to why there won't be a battle with the farmer against Ingo... Emmet is competitive! This is not just limited to battles but extends to being your best friend! Behind the scenes... I'm just too tired to write out more battles. I actually really dislike single battle format. I'm not making an Ingo battle event. You already have three games to battle him in. I refuse to make more battle events for the time being.
I say that but there's another half-finished double battle event between submas that I switched tracks from to work on Emmet's 8 heart event... I'll finish that eventually.
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Anyways... the creation process did not go by quickly at all either. I sure do have a lot to say on that matter. I do all my coding in google docs (terrible, I know) and so far we have had to make 3 seperate documents becuase things start to break at around 40 pages. The document before Emmet's 8 heart event made it to 64 pages before I abandoned it for a new document.
The longest document we have is around 80 pages along. Which usually contain the draft scripts of multiple events. code documents however take up a lot more since it's basically a giant wall of text. So when Emmet's 8 heart event started to slow down the current code document (the third iteration). We had to give the event its own space.
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Emmet's 8 heart event ended up being 36 pages long alone! Also if you didn't know, Stardew's event format doesn't allow for line breaks so I have been staring at a 36 page wall of text for weeks. I plan to upload a video compiling all the different options later because I feel like all of the "good" options for battle... don't quite make sense in the context of the rest of the story. The farmer is supposed to not be good at battle and lose because they got overwhelmed with information. As the one writing out all the battle options though, I can't bring myself to act like I'm bad at battling. The winning options are extra silly just to justify a loss and because I couldn't bring myself to lie about Wild Charge not being a guaranteed OHKO on Archeops either. Especially since Emmet brings out damage calculations in a few of the options.
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On that topic, all of the battle options play out accurately in a real double battle! I tested. Every. Single. Path. In Pokemon Showdown between the halves of Emmet's team.
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I had nightmares of reliving this same battle over and over because that's all I did when I was awake. Make it stopppppp 😭
The lines about them practicing were references to me actually simulating everything in Showdown! Emmet's frustration is also based on how making this event took over my brain so now I struggle to comprehend how someone who doesn't know what to do in this battle would feel... Thank you Kade for helping me with that part ^^;;;
Your welcome =3
I actually enjoyed the Pokémon Showdown part - when it comes to Pokémon Battles, I have dabbled a little bit into the competitive side of things. Or at least the massive game of 4D Chess... trying to predict your opponent etc. Bait them into making a mistake, etc. There was a good time where we did nothing but Pokémon Battles for a night. And it was fun.
I am in no way good at competitive side of things - (I lose lot but that's okay.) especially in the double battle format. Single Battles I could do. (Though once again, I'm average at best) However I think the most memorable battle I ever had was back in Pokémon X and Y, where I managed to chip away and stall a Mega Aggron with a Umbreon.. And I think Umbreon was my last Pokémon but I kept using Moonlight to keep my health up. My kid self was super surprised and ecstatic that I beaten the odds... but whenever I do Pokémon Showdown I'm either testing battle stuff or making teams. I'm addicted to team compositions and doing a combination of different Pokémon even if it's not the competitive Meta....
I have the choices sorted into good/bad routes in my mind so in most of the routes, Emmet criticizes the player's decisions based on type advantage, STAB, and target. I was torn between the best and worst options for this recording but thanks to Kade's input, you get to see Durant ramming into Emmet instead of him getting mad at you for conducting Shadow Claw on Galvantula.
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Battling Emmet as a first time trainer is not going to go well! Not only is he too competitive and he refuses to let you win (unlike Ingo), he pretty much sets you up for failiure. I'm sorry Emmet but Galvantula's stats are not intended for making her a physical attacker (emphasis on the Egg Move at what cost...).
Not to mention... Emmet is a Battle Facility Head. And you don't get to battle the Subway Bosses in the mainline games unless you have a somewhat decent team halfway through the game. Even still! They can both wipe the floor with you if you're not aware that they are using battle items...
Though I interpret Emmet not going easy on someone as him challenging them to push themselves and exceed expectations. Both Ingo and Emmet as characters encourage others in their own way, Ingo through words and Emmet I believe through his actions. Though he also can say some encouraging things.
Not the most encouraging if you compare their quotes pages... Customer service and communication isn't exactly his forte... But Emmet wants you to do your best and win against him! He likes seeing serious battlers like him! He just won't let you win unless if you push yourself to do your best. You'll have to. He doesn't really have the most beginner-friendly approach...
Considering you the Farmer, have no idea what a Pokémon even is. (You're practically learning everything from Ingo, Emmet, Elesa etc.) The fact you get challenged to a Battle because Emmet wants to share his interests with you - to have you better understand Pokémon.
He just struggles with the fact that, he is essentially challenging someone with no real battle experience and it's a Double Battle at that. Controlling two Pokémon at once?! Think about the effort it takes to command one Pokémon. We all seen the Anime and how trainers struggle to connect with their partners because they're new. They're just starting. They aren't going to be Battle Facility levels of skill.
Not to mention that Emmet is a little deprived in the valley and hasn't really battled any other new passengers in quite some time. At most, he battled Iris once when she came to visit, Ingo (who's Pokemon are optimized for countering/pissing him off), and himself (I had the mental image of him sitting in the field practicing for this event like an old man playing chess against himself in a park). He's a little too far gone to fully understand what a beginner would think in this situation other than mayyyybe it would take a moment to catch them up to speed. (I would know... I swear those option paths rewired my brain...)
After inputting all of their data into Showdown, I had actually forgotten that Galvantula and Durant are Emmet's Doubles Line team while Eelektross and Archeops are the Super Doubles Line team when deciding the matchups. (Been a while since they were in the Battle Subway huh...) Story-wise, I was thinking that Emmet should be with his ace and that he wouldn't really trust anyone else with Archeops since... he has higher support needs (depression bird 💔). Eelektross and Archeops are paired up because of Gastro Acid and Defeatist. I was thinking that Galvantula and Durant are a bit more beginner-friendly; they can take a loss a bit more easilly (a little less so in Galvantula's case... she's a hater). The farmer had already met Durant earlier in the 4-heart event so he'd volunteer to return the favor of fighting for you. Once you win his trust, he's more than happy to help. As for Galvantula... She's testing to see if she can trust her clingy child with you.
I'm excited to dive into the Pokémon NPC stories... Durant and Excadrill especially.
Durant was originally going to have Choice Scarf instead of Quick Claw to help narrow down the options. It was a pain reorganizing my notes and options all over again to lump not only move choices but turn order in mind. My notes were a mess.
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Durant and Galvantula are a very luck-based combination so it was ultimately easier to write the different option paths with that in mind since Stardew's event format is verrrrrrrrrrrry linear. All of the options need to merge back into the same event (well... besides the option to refuse his friendship/battle which ends the event in the tunnel). Durant has lowered accuracy while Galvantula has higher critical hit ratios, I could write the battles based on their luck which is great because I wanted to force a loss.
I thought it would be a little too... reductive (it sure would reduce the amount of content >.>) and unrealistic for the player to impress Emmet with a victory on their first battle. Emmet sees this battle as a test on if you can follow his train of thought and be a good match for him because he's a little bit dependent on you for emotional regulation. He kind of expects you as his favorite passenger to have twin telepathy like Ingo since that's his standard operating procedure. You won't. Because you're not Ingo. You're just some weird farmer he got attached to. With the setup of a battle, I wanted this event to develop the farmer and Emmet's relationship to show that they aren't exactly perfect for each other (and Will say things that can be wrongly misinterpreted) but ultimately they will put in the effort to communicate and make things work. They won't have the best communication! But it's there.
While Ingo has a proper library confession, this event doubles as Emmet's "confession" of sorts. Emmet is already pretty openly affectionate by this point and I wanted to make it somewhat ambiguous as to whether or not his attachment to you is romantic or strictly platonic. To him, it doesn't really matter, but he does want you all to himself. He's not fond of sharing!
But... While Emmet's event may be more platonic in intent, you can still reject him. It's a lot harsher than Ingo's because refusing to even let him try to be a better friend for you is pretty harsh in itself. Ingo's is mostly the choice of whether or not you want to send him back to 6 hearts for more dialogue variety (it's really easy to miss dialogue when you try to max out their hearts as soon as possible! We're making lines for every day, season, and heart level.) Rejecting Emmet sends you back to 2 hearts and overrides his daily dialogue for the day with him asking if you're still friends, apologizing, and then getting too upset to say anything more.
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From the start, I wanted Emmet to be like Nemona; awkward in their attachment, somewhat intimidating in their obsession/competitiveness, and thinks of the player as their savior from loneliness. He wants to be the best friend you have because you're the best friend he has. It's only fair. Best rival for life, favorite passenger, same thing.
The mountain pass events were actually made because Emmet's original schedule included him waiting around near the bushes there like Nemona stalking the player on their gym journey. NPCs actually can't path there so when he did, he was just deleted from the save!
I also stumbled across a bug back when I made the very first introduction event where a question loops unless if you pick a certain option. I kept that with Emmet forcing you to keep battling with him in mind as a slight reference to how Nemona doesn't let you say no to being her "best rival for life". This question also makes SMAPI hate you!
Gotta love Pokémon's false sense of 'Sure you have a choice. Your choice is always YES.'
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There's probably a more fitting flower for Emmet outside of poppies. I just looked up every flower in Stardew (some of them aren't real...) and their meanings in flower language to come to the conclusion of poppies. The meanings in Emmet's event refer to the white poppy in particular. White. Rest. Oblivion. It fits. Good enough. It was a bit difficult to find more on the flower language of poppies in English (particularly the "Oblivion" part) so I resorted to Japanese sites for more information.
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In English, the meaning of "Rest" seems to precede every other meaning. Poppies are used in death memorials. Emmet and the farmer did accidentally develop a shared theme of dying (overwork exhaustion, slimes, the mines, etc... Emmet can't get a break. I'm sorry.) but I wasn't sure if Kade was okay with the theme of death being emphasized. With that in mind, I was stunned when I that saw that her first battle map draft included a graveyard. The implication that Emmet picked flowers from a memorial site...
In my mind - the area is an old train stop in between the desert area and the forest/mountains that lead into Pelican Town. Also figured there would be an abandon farm - considering how Pelican Town is struggling it makes sense that potentially other places are not in best of shape either.
The graveyard is possibly dead relatives of whatever family or farmer made their life near the rails. Of course a lot of time has passed... So much so that nature has taken back what was theirs in the first place.
I always make up stories when having a location in mind and this area parallels with the tunnel Ingo takes you through to stargaze around 10 hearts. That area being an abandon coal mining operation.... Coal, Wood, etc. was used to powered steam trains so makes sense for there to be a source for it. I'm not the best when it comes to filling up Tiled Maps with decor - but I at least put down enough for Thylak to come in and make it more fitting for Stardew
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The battlefield underwent quite a few revisions, one was having the battle area be more centered, and changing the old warehouse/worker area to be more like a train repair station with a water stop. I wanted it to feel like a place where Emmet goes to keep himself busy when he's told to take a break from working on the station.
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Here's the final map! The battle area had to be shrunken down to fit in an event. More grass was added because I kept losing track of Joltik in the dirt. There's more flowers for Emmet to observe the quality of and pick tge best ones as gifts that he's too nervous to give the farmer until they wilt and dry. Poppies by the gravestones, of course!
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I also did attempt to make a proper scrapbook sprite for when I eventually have Emmet give you his gift, but I never got around to implementing it properly since... I'm not familliar with adding custom items and its implementation changes in the 1.6 update.
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Despite having access to the modding alpha, I've been procrastinating on migrating to 1.6 since HD Portraits isn't supported yet (I know... 1.6 releases in 3 weeks...).
Until next time! Thank you for reading!
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monsoon-of-art · 1 year
Hey! I had a late night idea in regards to your mer au of Ingo cheering up Dawn. I hope it's okay to share it with you.
Ingo frown stretched lower than usual "What's wrong?"
Dawn paused to gather her thoughts, and then eventually turned to him "Can you be honest with me?"
"Of course."
"Do you...like it here?"
Ingo's gaze drifted out to the stretch of water above them as he considered her question "I am grateful for the hospitality of my clan and being of service to my Noble brings me great satisfaction if that's what you're asking. "
But Dawn shook her head "No, I mean, do you like living here?" With a wide sweep of the arm, she gestured to the space in front of them "In the ocean?"
Ingo made a thoughtful noise "I don't know what to compare it to, I'm afraid. It's all I've ever known. I cannot recall living anywhere else. Why do you ask?"
Dawn shrugged "I just...I don't know how you live here. I don't know if I could. It's so scary here!"
She forced a smile up at her Uncle's concerned eyes "Don't get me wrong, I love being with you and the other mers are nice...mostly. And I still think it's cool to be a mer and to do things and go places nobody else in the Survey Corps can. And I like writing down all the weird and wonderful things I find out about marine life, but..."
Dawn twiddled her fingers, folding in on herself as if to hide. "For every reason I find to love the ocean... there's so many more reasons to dread it.
"Everything's bigger than me, including everything that wants to eat me. And even the things that are way smaller than me are terrifying. Like pufferfish or jellyfish or the time Sabi told me that starfish would eat my body if I died. It's all so creepy! I feel like I can't go anywhere without being in danger.
"And sometimes the creatures I find give me the shudders when I have to draw them or write about them. Everything seems to be either full of teeth, are armed to the teeth, slimy, have unspeakable diets or are deceptivley cute. It's like swimming through a place of nightmares!"
She sighed internally "Honestly, I'm beginning to hate coming back to the ocean again and again. If it weren't for the fact that the Survey Corps are relying on my research...Ingo, how do you deal with being here?"
Ingo straightened his cap and gave an apologetic shrug "I suppose because I don't face a lot of the problems you do, I'm not a pup who's just learning to swim and I don't have to fear as many of this world's creatures you do. And like I said before, the ocean is all I've ever known. But I do admire your courage in coming here for your research, even if I'd prefer that you'd stay on land."
"It's kinda sad, you know? The ocean's not as...well...magical as I thought it would be."
It broke Ingo's heart to see the girl look so sombre. It must have been hard to be such a small and vulnerable pup in a vast, unforgiving ocean. And Dawn was right, the ocean could be a cruel and ugly place...but it wasn't all it was. Ingo's amnesia had brought him to be blown away by so many rich experiences as if it was his first time in the ocean. When he first arrived, members of the Pearl Clan would smile and laugh affectionately at the way he stared at the reef coming to life around him, mesmerised by the shifting colours and shapes. Or the times he could swim beside a pod of sperm whales during patrols, the motions of his tail mirrored by slow, graceful giants that would turn their gaze at him with seemingly all knowing eyes . And even something as simple as a kelp forest seemed to hold such majesty and serenity if you stopped to enjoy its shade.
The orca's attention was brought back to the melancholy child in front of him as an idea tugged up the corners of his mouth. "How about I show you something?"
Dawn couldn't see much between the gaps of Ingo's fingers as they closed securely around her, just a deep cobalt blue interrupted by the occasional black shape. Although, more and more black shapes were appearing, occasionally blocking out the light. She grew nervous. Where was Ingo taking her? They've been travelling like this for quite a while now.
Ingo broke the silence with a smile in his voice: "We have arrived at our stop. Are you ready?"
The black shapes were more frequent than ever now. Dawn was incredibly uneasy, but also admittedly curious. And Ingo's cheerful tone calmed her down somewhat, telling her she was in no danger.
"Okay." That came out more timid than intended.
Ingo removed the hand that served as her roof and the bright blue light surrounding her made her blink.
And all around them wide, graceful sheets of black and white glided through the vast blue space.
Manta rays.
So many-too many! Like the ocean had moving stripes! All of them slowly migrating forward. Below Ingo's steady hand she could see more of them below, many so far down they were fading into space. The filtered sun above them was occasionally blocked out, leaving dancing shadows over Dawn and Ingo's form.
Beside her, one of them glided close enough for her to note its large gaping mouth. She flinched.
"It's alright" said Ingo, holding her closer to his tunic "They're harmless."
Dawn read about Manta rays. She knew they were only filter feeders and that they wouldnt harm her with barbs in their tails. However, seeing a Manta ray up close and personal was different to seeing one in a book, and new uncertanties curled in her stomach.
But she trusted Ingo. She was safe with him and he wouldn't take her anywhere he deemed too risky. And even if there was danger, he would close his hand over her again at the first sign of it. She laid lack into his tunic behind her and took in the comfort that came with it. Her shoulders began to relax.
"They're quite friendly, and even playful" Ingo continued "Sometimes I blow bubbles here because I know they enjoy swimming through them."
He demonstrated, and he was right. Some mantas above them seemed to slow down through the streams of air, and even circled back to have a second go.
Dawn giggled. It was almost like they were watching dolphins.
Ingo pointed up to the larger mantas above them with his free hand "See the markings on the underside of their bodies?"
Dawn nodded
"The shape of the markings is unique to each animal, like a fingerprint."
"Really? So you can tell each Manta Ray apart?"
Ingo scratched the back of his neck "Well, I haven't personally memorised any markings, and even if I did, there are too many at this station to keep track of, but yes, in theory you could."
For a good while, they stayed there. Ingo had long since became lost in his own rambling, and Dawn was just happy to listen. He was spouting facts about everything he was taught about the creatures around them, from their feeding habits to the how and why of their migrations.
She couldn't even hope to remember half of it all, but she took mental notes to write down some of the more interesting things he mentioned when she had the chance.
If the Mers weren't so afraid of humans and visa versa, Dawn imagined Ingo would be quite valuable to the Survey Corps.
Dawn took another glance around her. The colossal, yet quiet creatures drifted in a steady stream around them; taking their time towards an unknown destination, like commuters in a crowded city, but in slow motion. It was so serene here. So peaceful. Gentle giants, just like Ingo and so many of the other mers.
"There really is no danger, is there?"
Ingo chuckled "No. Not here."
But then his smile dipped and he looked soberly down at Dawn.
"Perhaps there is danger back at the reefs, waiting for us. And perhaps there always will be a dangerous and ominous side to the ocean. But the ocean is vast. And in all that space there is room for beauty as well, and gentleness, and wonder. The scope of it amazes even me.
"My home is frightening, and I'm worried that I won't be able to protect you from all that it holds, but I don't want you to miss out on all that's good in this world either. In more ways than one, it is magical. I hope you come to see it that way too."
Akari leaned further into her Uncle's tunic and smiled.
Yeah, maybe she will.
"Thanks, Ingo."
(Aaaaaand it's morning! Wow, that idea really exploded! Thank you for letting me share, though. And thank you again for all your art and stories! :) )
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edsanon · 1 year
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This popped out of nowhere
But I kinda love it ???
Anyway, PLA au or something I still don’t know-
Some hcs below the cut.
Aizetsu is a Pokémon magnet and I stand by that since I originally hc him being a disney Princess. Put him in the Alabaster Iceland alone for three hours then go back for him and you’ll see him sitting with a giant Garchomp on his lap demanding pets. His shiny Sylveon is his baby, he will sent the world ablaze if something happens to her (she’s so tiny-), same goes for his zorua. Rei likes him, though Aizetsu probably stays near the training grounds. He’d probably enjoy Ingo’s presence.
Urogi would probably just have fun, flying around and sometimes bothering the wardens- especially Liam and Sabi, to play. Sabi is always happy to, and she’s Braviary’s warden so she likes birbs. Liam has shiny rocks. He may also offer piggy back rides to Akari and Rei (mostly Rei since he’s the one to ask). Pokemons don’t like him much though, so he often picks up Aizetsu to lure in a Pokémon.
As for Karaku he’s either with Urogi, getting screamed at by Sekido, annoying Cyllene or the rest of the corps, or he’s near Arezu, which is often the case. She wants to experiment with new hairstyles ? Well Karaku’s there, and he stayed still for several hours while she was experimenting with his hair. For being relaxed he certainly was ! He has a cyndaquil and a Petillil.
Sekido is.. angry. And an electric type Pokémon magnet. Really, he steps outside and suddenly there’s a Pichu latching onto his kimono and won’t let go. Also, due to his blood demon art, Pokemons who evolves with a thunder stone just have to touch him in order to evolve. He’s not well liked in the village, in fact people tends to avoid him (except Ingo because we love Ingo in this house and he’s wonderful) the only thing that they’re thankful for is that he’s the only one to stand up when Kamado is saying bullshit. He’s a Kamado Slander and that’s good for him. I do think Sekido is soft for his brothers, and if his brothers care for someone then he will try to care too, so I’ll let you imagine how he reacts whenever Commander Kamadoo-doo-head forces Rei to do something when he’s sick or wounded.
“What are you doing here ? Shouldn’t you be in the infirmary ?”
“Well..Kamado said-“
“I Heard enough.”
Before grabbing his staff and walking away. You can be sure Urogi and Karaku aren’t far behind wanting to witness an ass whooping while Aizetsu stays near Rei just in case. The only reason that Kamado isn’t dead yet is because Arceus decided to say “fuck it” and the brothers are hurting like hell each time they try to kill someone. They are surviving barely with blood donations, potato mochis, and corpses.
It’s three am, I did not mean to dump hcs like this, but hey, who is gonna read this anyway ? Just enjoy the art.
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that1nkyone · 2 years
Distortion Guide AU: Cautionary Tale
A good twenty minutes passed in relative silence.
Adaman wasn't too fond of such things. Time was meant to be decorated with life, sound, conversation or song. Or time was meant to be spent getting things done. He cast his gaze about, frowning slightly at the strange angle of a waterfall - falling upwards and continuously into the void above. And glancing down at the rocky path he trod simply presented him with what seemed like dried, blackened plants. "May I have your attention?" A voice finally rang out through the still air, and Adaman glanced up, suddenly. The strange man in white had stopped walking at the very front of their little entourage. He was now looking over his shoulder, silver eyes gleaming.
"What's the matter?" Irida leaned out from behind Adaman, and he jolted. Lost in thought, he'd forgotten how closely everyone had been following behind. Akari was already walking past him, eager to see what their guide had stopped for. And he glimpsed Ingo at the very back, with the strange and shy lantern Pokemon flanking him. It glowed a faint violet in response. "We are getting close to an exit, I believe." Emmet said, tilting his head. The giant eel Pokemon who had hovered at his side had surged ahead in a flash. Adaman stepped forward onto a wider rocky platform, and blinked at the sight. The Distortion Realm had been strange and unpredictable. But Adaman had found it very bereft of life. Deserted, uninhabitable - with dark barren rocks and strange vegetation. He'd wondered how anyone had survived here. Here, he was surprised to see the beginnings of grass and sand on the platform he stood upon. Scattered before them were several rocky platforms with twisted and warped trees - still with brilliant green leaves and deep brown trunks. He saw a few Pecha berries at their base - some had been stretched thin under the distortion. He saw another few waterfalls - except some seemed to be depositing golden sands, which became silver as they rose up into the void. Churning tubes of water spread out around them in what seemed like a colossal net spreading outwards - suspended in the still air. "…There's so much more going on, here." Adaman said, placing a hand on his head. "I thought this place was basically a desert." "Nope!" Emmet said, looking up. "There's places where this realm is barren - but it's the same in the other side of this world, right?" The same… Adaman's gaze drifted again between Emmet, and Ingo who followed from behind to take in the sight. He tried to ignore the slight twist in his gut. "Your attention, please!" Adaman spun, as Emmet performed a full point - almost exactly the same as he'd seen Ingo perform. He was pointing off towards the watery scene before him. Adaman, upon squinting, could see a larger floating rock - trees growing out the sides, and water falling upwards and downwards from several trickling creeks that veined all around it.
There appeared to be an entrance at its base - a cave of sorts. "Places like this are verrry useful." Emmet explained. "Some food, if you need it. And there are many points where we can transfer from here to your home destination."
He looked around. "There are perhaps many ways home, among the waterways. But I believe the cave may be the safest option. There's a floor there, for example!" Adaman frowned. "So, we're just walking past a lot of potential exits?" At his word, the structures before them shifted. The path of rocks seemed to adjust - sinking down into the abyss, while another trail of stones formed towards another platform with a tall and twisted tree. The giant eel Pokemon had reappeared in the process, shooting up from beneath the platform they stood upon. It gave Emmet a quick look, then zigzagged its way to the tree itself, where it hovered. "Please stay behind the yellow line." Emmet said, with a nod. "Onwards!"
Adaman gave a small sigh, as he fell into line behind Emmet. Akari stepped over the rocky path first, silent and observant as always.
The Clan leader couldn't help but wonder if any of this was new to her. "What does he mean by 'yellow line?'" Irida asked from behind him, raising a brow. She was careful as she stepped, frowning at the sand that would inevitably get stuck in her shoes. "I believe it means to remain cautious." Ingo said, trailing after her. "… though as to why there is a line, and why line is yellow, I am unsure." Adaman glanced over his shoulder. "Guess he knows the same strange phrases you know." he said, raising a brow. "Have you noticed that?" The Warden looked up at Adaman. And suddenly, the Clan Leader felt the need to divert the topic - because Ingo suddenly looked rather haunted. More than usual, at least. "… You mentioned this realm being a Mirror World." Ingo said regardless, in a voice too quiet for him. "One that reflects the one we live in." Irida nodded, her face softening after having shot Adaman a scowl (he'd held up his hands in defense). "The old stories we were told were to 'beware one's reflection.'" she said. "If there was something strange about your appearance - in a mirror, in the water - we were told to run. Or else we'd end up in a world where Space had no dominion." "It was Time, for us." Adaman recounted, quietly. "… though, seems as if both were correct." Ingo was silent for a moment. The lantern Pokemon hovered nearby, trilling quietly - Adaman was unsure if it were showing concern, or simply curiosity. "Are you worried Emmet will lead us astray?" Irida asked, stealing a glance in the man's direction (he had stopped in his path to encourage Akari, as she braced herself to take a leap to the next platform). "He may have been helping us so far - but if you're concerned about what his plans may be - "
"That is not the reason." Ingo's voice was sharp. It startled Adaman, the way his gaze grew steely. He quickly glanced in Emmet's direction. The man had turned at the voice, but he didn't seem fazed. He turned back to Akari, nodding as she made it to the next platform. Ingo blinked a couple of times, then seemed to shrink in on himself slightly - as if sheepish about his outburst. "… My apologies, Lady Irida." he said, softly. "I simply… I do not believe he will harm us. That seems…" He seemed to pause a moment, as if going over his thoughts. Instead of continuing on, he drew in a breath. "I am just… uneasy about him." Adaman raised a brow.
"For looking so similar to you?" he asked. Ingo looked at him, with a slight frown. The steeliness had returned in some degree.
"No." he said. "For being trapped in such an unstable place as this." Adaman blinked as the Warden stepped forward past him. He couldn't read Ingo's expression well enough to know his mood. Not that he was familiar enough with the man to really read him to begin with. Adaman frowned. Ingo appeared to have only met Emmet a few hours ago. And yet, he seemed to have no hesitation on trusting the man. But to Adaman, time was what granted familiarity - not the instinct of a mysterious man with holes in his memory. "We need to get him back to safety." Adaman glanced at Irida. Her gaze was firm, at her Warden's back. "Do you trust Emmet?" Adaman asked. "No." The other Clan Leader stepped forward. "I have barely shared any space with him. But I do trust my own Warden." Adaman raised a brow. "Ingo is a smart man. But even you have to notice how much this place is affecting him. You don't think that wouldn't affect his judgement, as well?"
Irida sighed. "That may be so. But even when he finds himself lacking in information, he'd find it very irresponsible to let any of us be led into danger. That seems to be a constant with Ingo." She stepped ahead. And Adaman sighed, continuing along the path of rocky stepping stones. Time would tell, he supposed. The question was whether he would let it. It was when they had all grouped together at the twisted tree, when there was a sudden rumble. Emmet held up a tattered gloved hand. "Emergency brake. We are rerouting again." As he spoke, several of the stepping stone paths seemed to rise away - and others dropped deep into the depths. Adaman watched wide-eyed as the watery tubes seemed to spiral slowly - some bunching neatly in knots, others clashing with a mighty SPLASH. Irida and Ingo stepped back, as a wave of water was suspended in the air - scattering slowly into smaller droplets as it moved. The droplets floated, and began to simply drift aimlessly. Akari stepped forward to the platform's edge, squinting up at them as they seemed to grow and shrink in size. With a small gasp, she pointed at a relatively large one. "What do you see, Miss Akari?" Ingo asked, tilting back the brim of his hat. Within the droplet - or perhaps now a bubble, Adaman thought - was a very familiar scene. Waves crashed against a smooth shore under a blue sky. Spheal rolled about a large piece of driftwood. The distant cry of Chatot could be heard, distorted in the distance. "Cobalt Coastlands." Adaman breathed. The relief he felt at seeing such a place was impalpable. "Ah! A verrry nice destination!" Adaman jumped at how close Emmet's voice had been. He was standing next to him, lifting back the brim of his hat for a brief moment, before placing it back down over one eye. "Verrry pretty. Verrry reflective. I've seen it a few times." Emmet said, with an odd half-smile. "But I have never been there." Before Adaman could tell him to step away a little, Ingo suddenly stepped up next to him. He seemed to marvel at the bubbles floating by. "Water… a reflective surface." he said, thoughtfully. "You don't think… in order to get back home…" "I guess all we have to do is wait until it gets closer." Irida said. "Then we can jump straight in - like at the lake!" At this, Emmet thrust an arm in front of them both. His amiable expression had become fierce. "Stay behind the yellow line." he warned. "This is not a route. This is simply a window." Ingo regarded Emmet a moment, before stepping back. Adaman frowned.
"We got here through the reflection of Lake Verity." he said, firmly. "The water may be a different shape, but it's the same deal, right?" Emmet shook his head. "This is not a door. This is a window. Keep your arms and legs inside the vessel at all times." His gaze sharpened. "It is dangerous. Let us continue." Emmet marched past them, to a waiting Akari and the two Pokemon. The giant eel seemed impatient to get moving, while the lantern seemed incredibly wary of the water. Adaman glanced at Ingo, whose eyes darted back and forth between their Guide, and the bubbles forming from the droplets. Then, the Warden turned and followed after. Irida tersely followed after Emmet, glancing up longingly at the bubbles. Adaman could see why - all of them were reflecting parts of the Cobalt Coastlands. The area seemed to lighten up at their presence, the sun shining through each one into the dim Distortion World. Adaman glanced at the massive rock further ahead - with the cave they were apparently en route to. Dark and foreboding - and further away from the windows to their world than he cared for. He glanced back at the bubbles. One of the smaller ones, just the size of his head, was floating near him, now. A Spheal rolled into view, its beady black eyes looking around as it chirped. Adaman reached out towards the bubble, and the Spheal. Looking back now, Adaman wouldn't be sure what spurred him to do such a thing. Perhaps he sought familiarity. To be back in a world where he didn't feel quite so out of place. His fingers touched the surface of the bubble. "ADAMAN!" … and a massive force suddenly threw him off his feet. He felt his wrist crack back as his outstretched hand was snapped back against his chest. He was thrown clear off the platform as the bubble exploded in a massive burst of light. Terror gripped him as he drifted through the air. There was nothing around him - no rock, no platform, not even a tree or a watery current in his path to catch him. His voice was stolen from him for a few terrible moments as he found himself being flung further away from where he'd once stood. "TROSS!" With a crackle, something wrapped around his waist. And he jerked backwards with the force that now kept him in place. Adaman looked down to see a familiar scaly tail there - finned, and with a yellow pattern seeping up to its body. He looked up to see a maw of teeth, and a glare directed down at him. "Tross…" the pokemon growled. Then, with all the care of one carrying a basket of firewood, Adaman found himself being pulled over to a nearby platform. He was so stunned that he could not tell which way was up (subjectively at least) - and was alarmed when a gloved hand gripped him by the wrist, tugging him and his feet directly to solid ground. The giant eel Pokemon released his waist. Though his legs were seconds from giving out, Adaman wasn't given the opportunity to collapse to the ground. Instead, he was held firm by his upper arm, and Emmet was staring directly at him. His eyes were sharp, and wide. His mouth was hidden beneath his high collar. "Stay behind the yellow line." Emmet said, his voice quiet and upset. The Clan Leader was silent, as their Guide released him. He re-oriented himself, his legs still shaking from the experience - he realised he was back on the platform with the Twisted Tree. Adaman glanced over to the bubbles that floated behind him, and stilled in shock. The Spheal he'd seen before - the one he had reached out to - now lay on its side. It looked stunned and dizzy - an alarmed Walrein had scooted over to gently push the pup rightside up. It gave a small, distressed wail, its side looking injured from the blast. The driftwood nearby had snapped in two. "Adaman!"
"Sir Adaman!" The Clan Leader was slow to turn to face Irida and Ingo's approach. Akari followed after - though seemed more preoccupied with the very frightened lantern Pokemon, who was hiding behind her - seemingly reluctant to let Akari get any closer to the bubbles. Adaman swallowed. "… I'm fine." he said. "Thanks to our Guides, here. Just a bit shaken up." Irida tensed. "Well, thank Palkia that's all you were!" she said, trading her alarm for anger. "What were you thinking, not minding your own space?!" Adaman did not retort. And at that, Irida's expression softened, slightly. He turned to face Emmet.
"I apologise for getting us behind schedule." He said, regaining as much of his composure as he could. "I'll be sure to stay behind you. You know this place better than all of us, it seems." The man in white stared back at him, over his shoulder. Adaman couldn't see his mouth - his wide collar was in the way. He could not tell what expression he had. "… Appreciated." Emmet said, at last. "But save your sorries for the Spheal. Apologise properly. Irreponsible conduct can hurt other fellow passengers, and others in commute." Adaman gave a small glance to the bubbles. He saw the Walrein and a couple of other Spheals gently guide their injured friend away. "… I will." He exhaled, a weight in his chest. "Let's go." The small group didn't move from the twisted tree platform for a while. The rumbling in the distance ceased, and suddenly rocks rose upwards - revealing new paths branching out every which way. Emmet selected a rock, and leapt onto it. "We are resuming our transit! All aboard!" This time, Adaman didn't steal a glance to Ingo at the familiar phrase. Instead, he quietly followed after Emmet, as the giant eel Pokemon surged past to scout up ahead once more.
Silence fell upon the small group again, and Adaman fell back into his thoughts.
Suddenly, he realised that it wasn't just about leaving this place. As much as he wished otherwise, the Clan Leader couldn't bring himself to entirely trust Emmet, yet. The unpredictable nature and tales of the Distortion World were hooked deep into him.
However, this man and his Pokemon had saved his life.
He could not forget that.
But most of all - "Stay behind the yellow line." - he could not forget the haunted look on Emmet's face as he'd spoken, holding onto a wayward passenger's arm as if everything depended on it.
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waywardstation · 2 years
i know this has nothing to do with your funky fresh aus but every time i see art of your ingo being smothered in sneasels i am filled with love and affection… this being said i have been recently wondering where the alpha sneasels in the game come from and now my head is just full of thoughts and images of ingo and his giant emotional support baby™️ and just thought i should share as it is very funny and endearing to me <3
Asks don’t have to relate to my AU, no worries!! I am happy you like the art!! Clearly, I love drawing Ingo getting brutally attacked by his noble’s ruthless baby pile haha
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AND OHH A BIG ALPHA SNEASEL!! It’d be almost as big as Ingo!! Very hard to hold, but he’d do it anyways every time it wants up in his arms haha. So cute!!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts Anon!! I will be thinking about this now too
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ingo-ingoing-ingone · 4 months
My sound seems to sound a bit harsh but I'm just voicing my opinion on the matter: this is no attack towards you or anyone. Everyone is free to have their own thoughts on the matter and this is mine...
honestly even before the event there is a ridiculous amount of Emmet content. I feel just like everything else in PLA the hype for Ingo has died down a lot... we are no longer in summer of '22 where PLA was EVERYWHERE...
But you're fine to have this opinion...
Personally I see so much too much Emmet content and bias towards him even outside the "event"
honestly could be just me but this bias and the fight who is better really is killing the enjoyment for me. To me the twins are perfect when they are together. The smooth running two-car train. A whole point and call pose. Yin and Yang.
But honestly I already have stepped greatly away from the fandom as it is no longer reflective of what I feel... so I'm enjoying the twins for myself and only selectively engage with content... but a lot of my favorite creators have been very inactive lately...
Anon, my guy, there's thoughts that you should keep private or in your head and this is one of them.
If you're the same Anon who asked me if I look at the submas tag, and you saw my answer, what did you hope to get out of this?? I said I'm enjoying the emmet content and he's my favorite, why bring this up to me?
I'm not a confession blog, I'm my blog. I'm here to reblog and make works that I enjoy.
And I enjoy a character who hasn't been in a mainline game since like 2012 or so getting some spotlight. Ingo got his a lot during PLA hype and I'm glad Emmet is now getting more stuff made about him
I love the both of them together too, and a giant portion of what I make and reblog is exactly that.
But anon, have some boundaries. You did not need to send this rude message to me. Please do not do so again.
Edit: also people have been inactive or moved on because that's life. It's summer break for many people which will bring some creators back I'm sure
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leggerefiore · 2 years
OMG!!! i haven't seen this HC question anywhere yet.... The Twins (and their starters) reaction to finding out their S/O is a plushie designer and make proto-type plushies of said designs
mmm feels like I haven't done one of these in a while, I assumed you meant like s/o made plushies of them
● He finds your talent quite sweet and adorable. The only times he involved himself with fabric had gone interestingly (his mother noted the crooked sew on his slacks and asked if he needed help), but he enjoys seeing you go from conceptual designing stage to planning to action. He's just stunned you can turn a pile of fabric and stuffing into a genuine cute item. It's something he comes to adore and offer his help to you in any way.
● He actually wants to learn how to do it… For personal reasons. As much as he would love to commission you, he secretly wishes to make something for you and Emmet. His brother would adore a personally made gift, and he would like to show his love towards you and gratitude for teaching him. Ingo's creations are… not the best, but it's apparent they were made with love. The awkwardly shaped Litwick holding a heart is placed somewhere in your home, hopefully.
● When he catches you making a plush of him and his Chandelure, he was admittedly a bit flustered. Assuredly, there are better people to recreate than him? He also shuddered at the thought of making something as complicatedly shaped as his Chandelure as a plush. You sheepishly held out the prototype. You then screeched as Chandelure floated it away and disappeared off with it. Ingo couldn't hold back a laugh at his jealous pokemon's actions. You sighed and shook your head. He gazed at your Chandelure plushie softly. “Bravo, dearest!! That's sweet of you, but I must apologise for the robbery,” Ingo clapped his hands, “She's… Infatuated with anything that reminds her of me. She stole a rider's keychain once…” A small laugh escaped you.
(You stole your plushie back from her. She still has yet to forgive you.)
○ He staaaaaares. It's interesting. Emmet likes plushies, don't get him wrong, but he's never met anyone who makes them. His curiosity is piqued. Prepare yourself for questions. He wants to know and silently observe you making one. It's neat! And cute. He loves it. Soft coos and compliments of your work become a common thing. His adoration for your talent is a silent one, but anything you give to him is proudly displayed.
○ He would try to learn in his own to make something to gift to you. Emmet is not the best with his hands, he did somehow many to stab his thumb multiple times with a needle the only time he tried to fix a tear in a t-shirt he owned, but he's trying his best. Elesa is recruited into this task, but gives up after seeing his worst attempt. It was… terrifying. At some point, he finds an online guide for a Joltik and manages to make one for you. It's scary how well it's made. (He would never ruin a Joltik.)
○ He doesn't say a word as he watches you add the finishing touches onto a plush of him. An Eelektross plush laid nearby. Emmet gave a big grin as he released his starter. The electric type blinked his eyes a few times before floating over to you to see the plush. You jumped at the sudden eel intrusion and turn to spot your boyfriend in the doorway. “Verrry cute! I love them! Heehee, I don't think I've ever seen anyone make an Eelektross plush,” his grin was big as he stepped in, “Mmm… It seems Eelmmet likes me more.” You turned around to see the giant eel cuddling the small Emmet plush. It was hard to not just give it to him then and there.
(Eelektross politely returned it after Emmet asked him to. The eel then hugged you.)
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polutrope · 10 months
bittersweet memories + uhh turgon or finrod?
Thank you for the prompt! Here's ~850 words of plotless banter between old friends. Warnings for a little recreational cannabis use. Stoner Turgon is so important to me. Posting these to AO3, here. Prompt list. Beleria Cast of Characters.
They passed through the blue light tunnel and emerged onto a wide open space. Here, the leafless trees were girded in twinkling green and red and gold, garlands of handmade lanterns strung between them. Illuminated wire sculptures of bears and wolves and reindeer glowed among the thick cedar trunks that stood sentinel around Doriath Botanical Gardens.
“Hey,” said Finrod, grinning at the exuberant display of holiday cheer. “Remember when you got me high that time we took my parents here?”
“Best way to do a festival of lights,” Turgon mused, deadpan. He sipped from the hot apple cider they’d picked up at the concession.
Finrod laughed. “I don’t know, I was freaking out. Remember I kept tying to comfort you, thinking you were crying when you were laughing? Hah! And my little sister was there too, wasn’t she? She was what, eight? Nine? She must have thought we were nuts.”
“Galadriel at nine? She probably knew exactly what was going on. Your dad knew, too, by the way.”
“What!” Finrod cried.
“Yeah, he called me out on it when you went and stared at the Santa actor for so long some poor volunteer had to escort you out. He thought it was funny, mostly.”
The path rounded a corner and they were greeted by the smiling face and raised arm of a giant mechanical snowman swaying from side-to-side.
“Yikes,” said Turgon. “That thing’s ugly.”
“Surprised my parents let me hang out with you then,” said Finrod, following the thread of his memories. “Seventeen-year-old kid with his cousin in university.”
“Excuse me. I was a very good influence. ”
“I’m surprised you let me hang out with you.”
Turgon shrugged. “You were always more interesting than the guys I went to school with. You got me out of my textbooks to do fun things, like going the light festivals. Smarter, too. Actually, I thought you were cooler than me.”
“Aw.” Finrod bumped shoulders with him. “That’s sweet, Turno. Didn’t know you thought so highly of me.”
“Oh, no. Back then. You’re a loser now.”
Finrod sighed heavily and knotted his arms across his chest.
“Hey— a joke, Ingo,” Turgon said, then looked down at him with that expression of concern that Finrod always found both reassuring and insufferably patronising. “Something up?”
“No, you have a point,” Finrod elaborated. “That was ten years ago, Turno, and what’s changed? I have two worthless arts degrees. Soon as I make any money I blow it trying to go ‘find myself’ in some distant land. I’ve worked in almost every coffee shop in the neighbourhood at this point. I’m still hung up on a girl I left five years ago. Pretty sure my roommate hates me.”
“Curufin hates everyone. Unless you mean Celebrimbor. That kid’s just weird.”
“No, of course not! I love Tyelpë.”
“There you go. It’s not all as grim as you make it out.”
“Oh come on, you know what I mean. You’re married to the love of your life. You have a beautiful daughter. You’re almost a professor.”
“Yeah, I do. And I love them, and I love my job. But I hardly sleep. I hardly spend any time with Elenwë or Idril anymore, and when I do my sister and her kid are there — I love Aredhel, I love my sulky little nephew, but they take up a lot of space. This is the first time I’ve been somewhere other than the university or my apartment in months. And do you know what postdocs make? Probably about the same as you’re earning at that coffee shop.” Turgon sipped his drink again. “Grass is always greener, Ingo.”
Finrod shook his head ruefully. “Sorry, I know.”
“It’s all right. I get it.” Turgon hooked an arm around Finrod’s shoulders and tugged him close. “You remember what granddad use to say?”
“You’ll figure it out, kid,” said Finrod.
“And then you’ll forget,” Turgon continued, mimicking Finwë’s sagacious drawl. “And then you’ll figure it out all over again.”
“That’s what keeps life from getting boring,” they said in unison.
At that moment, there was a burst of song, and to their right a fountain leapt up from the centre of the pond. Turgon stopped in his tracks, transfixed by the impressive choreography of light and water and sound.
“Ingo.” Turgon turned to him during a lull in the music. “I gotta tell you something.”
“I’m high right now.”
“What! Tsk!” Finrod slapped his arm and Turgon snickered. Then he slid a small, colourful bag from his coat pocket.
“Gummies,” he said, opening the package. “You want one? They’re subtle, not like that stuff I used to smoke.”
“Gummies?” Finrod repeated. “You’re a gummy stoner now?”
“Shh.” Turgon chuckled. “I’m only a casual gummy user. You gonna take one or not?”
Finrod worked his fingers in the bag. “Of course I am,” he popped one in his mouth. “I can’t believe you were going to hide this from me.”
“I thought you might think I was a loser.” A carefree smile reached Turgon’s eyes. “Come on, fellow loser, let’s see some more lights — this time with a hundred percent more pop.”
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kharmii · 15 days
Yeah, it's the hugely amount of respect he shows and him just embracing this foreign culture like he always has used it. (Also seeing him going "Almighty Sinnoh!" in fics or getting confused when they refer to the Region as Sinnoh, despite at the end of the games story they decided to call Hisui Sinnoh from now on. It sometimes makes me feel only a handful of people have actually played the game and the majority just does whatever they want...
Nevermind me. Also that comic was wholesome and cute!
Now I wanna hear your take on all of this since it felt you implied you had your own thoughts on that topic as well! (and honestly I like reading your takes and opinions. People might be beefing with you at times but everyone is allowed to have their own opinions. (also all the characters are fictional so lay off the moral compass @ others))
Everybody has the right to their own opinions, but if someone is a minor on here, then they should stay out of shipping discourse. A lot of ships involve stupid fetishes that are R-18. If someone is a legal adult who is not emotionally mature enough to recognize that fetishes can't be seen in the context of irl morality, then that person should also stay out of shipping discourse. Use that block button. If you can't tell that an incest fetish isn't the same as supporting irl incest, then by all means, block that 'immoral' person.
I get this is the 'werewolf fckn site' (as reference to that gross post showing a pineapple being squeezed in a vice to represent knotting). It's not really that specific thing, per se, but Tumblr to me has always been a fandom fetish site. I've been on here since 2014 and seen Rule 34 about almost everything. It just seems like certain kinks are overrepresented because we have to deal with the social contagion of trans-coded fetishes, and so we're stuck seeing smelly wolf beasts, enormously fat people vomiting and farting on each other, ass-womb m-preg abortions, etc etc.....
About Ingo...not sure if anything ever bugged me in fan fiction besides the ultrabeast head canon, but it bothered me in canon that they made him so short. Even with a hunched back, I feel like he should have been closer to Volo's height and definitely taller than the clan leaders. I'm also not wild about the head canons where there's this huge age gap between Ingo and Melli, and that Ingo was there long enough to know him as a child.
Also, blankshippers beefed with Volo ships because they didn't like how he was an implausible alternative, but then Melli is just as bad. They did interact in the highlands and probably both spend a lot of time there, but realistically they are from different clans so it's awkward. I still like the ship because there's so much good content of it, just that in the back of my mind I'm like....there's no way that would ever happen. Ingo might be friendly with his clan and the people in the training grounds, but he wouldn't ever be able to fully integrate. If he said "Almighty Sinnoh" or showed so much respect to Sneasler, then it would only be because he felt he had to do it or risk committing a faux pas. I doubt he'd have anything to do with the Diamond Clan and wouldn't interact with Melli unless he had to.
Anyway, have some cute pictures of Ingo with his giant purple cat sloth thing.
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Art credit: The Skiz biz@limitlesskyz
agari┃みすきはヘッダ@agari33 Twitter.
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harveybwabbit92 · 2 years
[Elesa is helping Emmet and E-S/o clean out their crawlspace when she finds a suspicious box of home movies. ]
Elesa, smirks while holding one of the tapes: Hey guys, you wanna watch something scary later?~
{Shows Emmet and E-S/o a tape Titled: Ingo and I-S/o get dirty. Emmet grimaces.]
Emmet, grossed out: Why would I wanna watch that, I hear enough of it through my walls, I don’t need a visual!
E-S/o: And I’ve already walked in on them once, I don’t need to see it again...
Elesa: Aw, C’mon! Me and Skyla will appear as the VIP guest couple for the Subway’s Valentines day event!~
{Cut to the three of them huddled around a tiny VCR combo TV watching said tape.]
Ingo, huskily: I can't believe you talked me into this!
I-S/o, flustered: Uh it's such a mess. Ooh! Watch the teeth...
[The screen shows Ingo and I-S/o are carving a giant pumpkin.]
Ingo, covered in pumpkin guts: Don't go telling your buddies at work about this.
Elesa, pouting as she ejects the tape: What the hell? Every tape is just them carving pumpkins!
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smallestapplin · 2 years
I'm having a very rough day, so have some BotW stuff Both twins actually buy things from you for more rupees the more you talk with them. It's a subtle difference, such as a meal you sell being 80, and they buy it for 90 instead. They don't ever change the prices for Guardian parts, being that they pay the highest price for parts from anyone else in Hyrule. But anything else is fair game! They don't mention buying your things for a higher price, simply because they want to help you out. You don't seem the type to just take rupees for no reason, so this is their way of subtly helping out, and still making a transaction
They also always are on a different 'dead' Guardian after every blood moon. It's always somewhere kinda of close to Hyrule castle. Every time you see them after a blood moon, they give you a little gift! Sometimes it's an elixir, other times its some cooked food. Sometimes they'll even give you rare materials! Gems, fairies, even ancient weapons on rare occasions. If you are less than 20% health, it will always be a health recovery item they give you. And any food they give you that has health, always gives you a lot of bonus hearts! At least 10! If you only wear your underwear around them, they both freak out, and get incredibly flustered, their faces burning red. Though Emmet jokes about it, Ingo will tell him off for it. "P-Please cover up! It's indecent to wear so little clothing like that!" "Yes, though I like the view." "Emmet!" They get really happy at any ancient cores you have. Both get really excited for Giant Ancient cores. They buy them for a lot of rupees. They both get so cute about it too, with how excited they are to have more. If you buy everything they are selling, they both become happy. They hope the things you bought will be of service to you! Anything to help out their friend! -Silver Anon
Oh no, I hope you day gets better! Take it easy, I’m sending you lots of love!
Also I love this so much 😭🥺😩
This is perfect and is them to a T.
The amount of times Ingo has yelled ‘Emmet!’ After his twin said something, everyone has lost count.
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answrs · 1 year
Insert the 'What?' Meme. Did I miss something?
@makima-s-most-smile oh you lucky bastard for not having encountered this (jk jk).
(the tags on this post, for reference)
#anti nonsense #christ the brainrot has spread deep #yeah you get three guesses and the first two don't count it's the pla fandom children* again because who else would it be 🤦 #*gods i fucking hope it's only twelve year olds doing this. i know it's not but let me exist in a more sane world for a moment please. #i have never seen a fandom so violently obsessed with yelling about a pairing where half the ship legit doesn't even exist in the source medium #I am BEGGING y'all to be fucking normal. #the bar was set so low and you're digging into the earth's core to go under it
I’m gonna just tldr sum up the drama for other people just tuning in with unknown level of knowledge on this absurd level of nonsense too:
*DEEP BREATH* OKAY SO! tldr there's a giant moral panic in the legends arceus fandom from purity culture/antis about a super niche incest pairing of side character warden ingo and his (notably absent) brother emmet. except the sheer SCALE to which this spitting, vitriolic (...and performative: see the giant shitfest when japanese fanartists started blocking people with ‘proship dni’s and suddenly those dnis ~mysteriously disappeared~ like hmm! might be something there!) hatred means that basically any fluff piece that gets posted also comes with a giant “ALSO I KILL INCEST SHIPPERS I MUST CONSTANTLY REMIND EVERYONE OF THE FACT AN INCEST PAIRING EXISTS WITH THESE TWO CHARACTERS FUCKING ON ANY AND ALL G-RATED FLUFF PIECES”
yeah so that’s the background. like ive literally seen fics of the teen sidekick getting railed by the entire adult cast float around but nah, it’s only this one, niche pairing that gets plastered all over the tags on the genfic tags on ao3. (which, again, shows how performative out the wazoo it is with these people. seeing ‘proship dni’ tagged on a fanfic on archive of our own, the site literally built by a wincest shipper to host Problematic™ Content™™ the first time absolutely sent me... but the six hundred times after that were much less funny. also the death threats that some come with. yeah. not funny.)
anyway i noticed it started spreading into parental ingo&protagonist fics where emmet is literally not even mentioned whatsoever a few weeks ago. and now i have found at least one fic that’s at the point where neither character involved in the pairing are even present in said media. and the fucking ‘bLaNkShIp dNi’ tags are still there.
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idk if yall remember the one prompt from that last round that was something like "grabbing their shoulder to stop them doing something theyd regret" BUT that one did prompt me to have to think about like... in what circumstances EXACTLY would a) one of them be about to do something inadvisable and b) the other one wouldnt just be an enabler. bc i feel like most often they're probably in agreement in the rare situation they're about to do something Stupid. and anyway i love having misc character thoughts so i might not keep this but what i wound up at is,
emmet is very easily hypnotized by the siren song of a Really Good Opponent. listen he might be fully aware that battle will end in like, structural damage and a totally depleted potion reserve. BUT. he probably could technically beat them if he wanted and that is just so hard for him to resist. this is like his singular weakness. conversely ingo like, enjoys battling, but he doesn't get hyped about about it the same way emmet does, and is usually more concerned about Consequences (emmet will be aware of them but his mental math is like, nah consequences are for later us, so ingo is the one who has to be like maybe we DON'T start with the giant frenzied axe bug like, right now right now, maybe we wait a little bit and actually see what it can do first so we don't wind up like razing a forest)
but what ingo DOES find very difficult to be normal about is when he runs into someone who's being Unfair. it's not like, something he's proud of, but he gets ANGRY about it. like "let's go right here right now so i can balance the scales and make YOU feel helpless and scared and i will absolutely wager my life savings to get you in a battle" kind of pissed. he's usually capable of keeping a lid on it but if he knows he could take them it's just. extremely tempting. and this isnt to say emmet is like fine with sitting and watching but i think in 99% of situations excepting the one detailed above, emmet is also very calculating. he is Very ok with being patient if it means a better and more effective comeuppance later.
anyway like i said i might not make this part of my consistent characterization for them but i DO think it's fun for right now
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unovanhunny · 2 years
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A little bit more about the Teen Emmet AU! I said I'd make a post about their pokemon~ Though this one is just about Emmet's baby girl.
This little sweetheart is named Nico. Emmet rescued her from abuse and probable death at the hands of some cruel kids in his foster home at the time. He nursed her back to health and protected her and kept her hidden. The hurt she was subjected to left a few scars, a couple on her legs and two framing either side of her little mandibles, looking almost like a perpetual smile, just like Emmet. She's the only other thing he cares about besides Ingo and he would hurt someone without a second thought if they tried to hurt Nico.
Emmet has a photography hobby and took many many pictures of his baby. He dressed her up in cute bows and dresses and did little photoshoots. He tells her she's the prettiest girl in the world. When he finally has the opportunity to get away from his situation, of course he brings her, and she Evolves. He spent so long protecting her, now she's going to protect him!
Initially when Nico first met Ingo, she was very on edge. She knew how important he was to Emmet, that he was practically everything. And if Ingo did anything to hurt him, it would completely destroy Emmet. If he tried to hurt Emmet, she would get rid of him. But the worry was for nothing. Ingo was so good to Emmet, so good for him. And once she determined that, she warmed up to him extremely quickly.
Ingo was nervous about the giant spider in Emmet's apartment who kept staring him down, but she became friendly to him after not too long, so he relaxed and grew to love her too.
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cutekittenlady · 2 years
Submas Poll Fic (maybe ill take suggestions for a title after a bit)
Poll fic time!
<< First < Last + Next >
To Emmets horror Garbodor let out a cry and abruptly picked him up. He thought he'd have cracked a tooth if he didn't have the flashlight between his teeth.
As Garbodor moved, Emmet realized he was stapping back.... for a running start.
"Gwobwordwor! Gwobwordwor, NWO!" Emmet screamed, forgetting to take the flashlight from his teeth.
With a cry Garbodor charged at the side of the carriage.
Emmet would have described how the metal bent, the glass shattered, and the whole wall blew outward at the force of a giant sentient hunk of... whatever Garbodor was made of. He would have described it all. If it weren't for the fact he kept his eyes squeezed shut the whole time.
The glass was still tinkling when Emmet dared to open his eyes.
He had to give it to Garbodor. The damage to Emmet had been minimized. His cheek had been cut by some stray glass, but that was all. He hung from Garbodors arm for a moment before shakily reaching up and taking the flashlight out of his teeth.
Garbodor set Emmet down with a whine and moved it amalgamated arms around in a fussy manner.
Emmet looked at the pokemon and said, "Thank you Garbodor."
But I could have simply opening the door, was something he did NOT say.
Garbador was usually so well trained but ever since... Ingo disappeared he'd been more on edge when it came to Emmet.
Emmet rolled his shoulders and sighed.
He rubbed his bleeding cheek with his sleeve. Now all they had to do was wait for emergency services to arrive, check the cars for any passengers, and navigate through the dark-
The tunnel wasn't dark.
Or at least it wasn't as dark as it should have been.
Typically he needed a lamp to check the railway tunnels, and with the lights of the cars down, and assuming the accident had been picked up the tunnels emergency lighting should have been all they could see.
But... there was another light.
Emmet's eyes drifted towards the front of the train, where a bluish light seemed to be glowing. He looked at it uncomprehendingly.
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leggerefiore · 2 years
What if the prehistoric moth bois met their normal human counterparts?
just Emmet bc I think the Ingos would actually be buddies
Emmet would admit that he had seen a number of strange things on the trains and in the stations before.
He would even admit he had seen some imposters and look-alikes of both himself and his older brother.
He, however, had not seen the giant moth hybrid that looked exactly like him before.
Were hybrids uncommon? Not at all. The twin was fully aware they existed. He turned on his radio. “Ingo,” he clearly called into it.
“Yes, Emmet?” came his brother's reply.
“There is a giant moth hybrid wearing my clothes and sitting in the locomotive of the green-line train,” he explained. Ingo sighed over the radio audibly.
“I have told you not to use the radios for pranks, yes? Why do you insist on doing this still -” Emmet turned off his brother's chiding. There was no time for that. Instead, he approached the aloof hybrid, who was focusing on the conductor's hands. Was he fascinated with trains? He did not blame the hybrid, but his actions of pretending to be him were simply not acceptable. The younger twin stood tall and brave as he faced the moth.
He immediately hissed at him and puffed up like a cotton ball. Emmet felt more confused, getting a better look at the hybrid. What even was he? He would not say he knew every single pokemon out there in the world, but he was certain this was one that had never been on an approved registry for entering Unova. “Who are you and what are you?” he asked the moth with a tilt of his head. The moth growled. Was this how this was going to go? He truly would hate to have to call the authorities on this odd fellow, but there was a chance he was too aggressive to be handled by him. Maybe his brother's Chandelure could hypnotise him?
“Emmet?” a voice suddenly called out. Both he and the moth froze and turned to peer out the door. A person was clearly in distress and looking for something. Emmet felt slightly annoyed. Of all times to need his help! Before he could politely turn you away, the moth hybrid pushed past him and walked out toward them. They looked relieved at the sight of the giant creature, who immediately took to rubbing his cheek against their head and purring quite loudly. Emmet felt dumbfounded. Was the moth also actually named Emmet?
He stepped out, too, and the person stiffened instantly at the sight of him. Their eyes went to the moth, whose contentment vanished. More growling came from him as he placed the person firmly behind him. The coat was quickly shoved off to reveal wings that were oddly reminiscent of a Volcarona. Was he an odd Volcarona hybrid? That made more sense when excluding the absolutely massive size of the hybrid.
“I am Emmet, and I am not angry,” he said simply, “I just want to know why he is pretending to be me.” The person gave a sigh and awkwardly stepped out from behind the moth hybrid, who began to chirp and whine. His communication was awful. Emmet's new concern was about the ferality of the hybrid.
“... He likes train rides,” they tell him with a nervous expression, “He's – um - He's not a normal hybrid. I apologise. I did not realise he looked so much like you did.” Emmet tilted his head. It was not forbidden for hybrids to use the trains (at least under their leadership). Him not being a normal hybrid was extremely apparent.
“I am Emmet,” the moth suddenly chimed in, “Not him.” Emmet felt more lost. The moth was truly named Emmet, too. There were two Emmets. This was worse than the ditto incident.
“No… I am Emmet, but I guess you are, too,” he nodded and wished his brother was here even more. Ingo was much better at handling these confusing situations that needed a lot of discussion. He was better at apprehending stile jumpers.
“Yeah… I think the professor named him and his brother after you both, I'm sorry,” the person apologised again, “I'll prevent him from causing further incident.”
“... I am sorry, too, but I need to investigate this!” Emmet admitted. This was too weird. He could not just let this go. What did they mean, professor? That seemed so odd! He shook his head. Suddenly, the radio went off.
“Emmet. I now properly understand what you meant by giant moth hybrid pretending to be you,” Ingo's voice called out, “I… I have found one of my own.”
“Please, I want my mate!!” a voice just like Ingo's called out desperately.
The person turned to the moth Emmet with wide eyes.
Ah, Emmet thought, more mystery.
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