#i saw ‘kindergarten 2’ and ‘talk’ in the same sentence and immediately went off
magicwaaaze · 4 years
Mo I know you posted about it like 2 hours ago but I love kindergarten 2 and havent seen any content or opinions about it since it first came out so I would really enjoy hearing you talk about it honestly 🥺🥺🥺
oh my god?? 🥺🥺💕 thank you so much for giving me an excuse to talk about it hygsgdfg
i haven’t seen a lot of kindergarten 2 content either ever since the hype died down. i rewatched jacksepticeye’s playthrough recently and now i’m just kinda searching the tags for new art/headcanons 😔 but! i guess i might as well put my own content out there now that i have the chance! here are some headcanons and opinions and pretty much everything i’ve been thinking about it
personal opinions:
nugget is a king as per usual 😌✨ we stan a true intellectual
the huxley twins are by far my favorite characters in the series (sorry nugget-). i just really like their dynamic and it just seems like there’s a lot of ✨lore✨ behind them. i probably have more headcanons for them than for anyone else tbh
i hate the janitor with a burning passion he makes me want to throw hands with an 80 year old. monty gave him less than what he deserved 😤
60% of me loves ozzy and 40% of me wants to give him a bouquet of green flowers
he reminds me of sammyclassicsonicfan
there should be a third alternate ending to cain’s not able where felix gets a redemption arc, learns how to not be a dick to teddy, and they both live happily ever after. 😔 alas.
i think penny should’ve been the one to kill the principal. she deserved it after all of that :(
jerome is criminally underrated. i love him and he deserved more screen time :(
lily and billy are so cool what the h*ck
stevie was just trying to do his job i’m so sad-
honestly, i don’t ship felix and cindy at all. if anything, they make me think of a married couple who got divorced and stayed best friends afterwards- but i do love how much of a chaotic duo they are
buggs: *breathing*
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seriously someone please just hug him
okay but WHY did the principals want to turn the kids into monsters? i get it but like i wanna know their motives. the female principal said that she wanted to take over other schools in the area but for WHAT i’m curious
clout glasses felix was the best thing to come out of the fandom and you can’t change my mind
i gotta know what that trip to the nugget factory was like for felix and nuggie wuggie. did they have a bonding moment. did they just go to mcdonald’s. did they h*ld h*nds. I Need To Know
dr. danner deserves to say one swear word. as a treat. he is so tired
penny is alive (figuratively speaking) and well after creature feature. monty and carla rebuilt her with danner’s help and she’s not a pile of robotic parts and goo anymore,, monty’s family ended up taking her in because they think she’s just a sweetheart
the main character and nugget both don’t have parents/family and live on their own. gang gang 🤟
buggs is much wiser than he lets on. he’s supposed to be in first grade but got held back
nugget has a diet that consists solely of different brands of chicken nuggets and honey mustards
ozzy and ted are secretly best friends
ozzy wears gloves 24/7
monty has a new york accent and the huxley’s have british accents you Cannot change my mind
ted literally thinks that felix is the coolest person to ever walk the planet. he pretty much idolizes him. which is why he never stands up for himself when felix starts being... well, felix. he justifies all of his brother’s actions even though he knows they’re wrong
the twins eventually learn how to be good brothers to each other because i’m dumb and i want them to be happy together :’(
buggs and penny eventually become very good friends (he pretended not to want her friendship bracelet, yet he wears it every day)
that leg in the nugget cave? penny’s. :)
ted plays violin and felix plays piano
monty actually comes from a really wholesome family, but they don’t have a lot of money. he uses his earnings from his side business to help them out because he loves the hell outta them
the huxley twins’ mom isn’t apart of their lives. she and mr. huxley got divorced when he got caught cheating 👀 it was a huge scandal and after they divorced she straight up ditched them. at least, that’s what father tells them
theodore is just ted’s evil alter ego okay. it’s his emo persona okay. that’s not my boy, he’s just going through a phase, thAT’S NOT m
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ricksbowen · 5 years
simply, utterly | pt. 6
IN WHICH: the truth comes out and doubts start to appear.
INSPIRATION: 18 — one direction, july — noah cyrus
pt. 1, pt. 2, pt. 3, pt. 4, pt. 5, pt. 6, pt. 7
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The break in your voice made Ricky turn away as quick as he could. If he saw how broken his words made you, he knew he’d break the act.
“I don’t feel the same—“
“I know what you said.” You spat, poison and disbelief poignant on your tongue. “I— You—“ You couldn’t even get a sentence out, the want to yell and cry too much to bear.
But why would you? You were never together in the first place.
“I thought that we had something,” you said, almost laughing at how pathetic you sounded. How could you think of such a thing? This was real life, not the movies and T.V shows about high school where everyone is happy. “Did you,” you swallowed dejectedly, “Never feel the same? Even after homecoming?” It was your last attempt, your last try for a reason for why he was acting like this.
Ricky didn’t want to answer that question. He chose to look down at his sneakers instead, and that act alone as enough of an answer.
You let out a breath, grabbing your things quickly. Ricky turned around hesitantly, the silence that followed your voice almost deafening. The only sound now was the small, angry sniffs you made and the rummaging of your backpack as you stuffed everything inside.
“Y/N,” Ricky mumbled, your name serving as a small plea for you to stop and stay with him. But with what he had said, Ricky knew it was too late.
“Don’t,” you said, forcing a tight-lipped smile. Your eyes were shiny with tears, lip quivering as if you were ready to cry at any given moment. “It’s fine. It’s nothing.” Your voice broke again. You pushed past him, reaching up to your face to angrily wipe away your tears.
You hated crying.
Ricky watched you leave hastily, moving past Big Red, who was coming into the dressing room to find Ricky. His head turned after you, a frown engraving his face that he pointed towards Ricky almost immediately.
“What happened?”
You slammed the car door as you climbed out of Ej’s car and walked up to your driveway.
The front door slammed loudly behind you, the yells of surprise from your parents only being white noise as you trudged up your stairs. You didn’t know how to feel.
You felt disappointed that he didn’t feel the same.
You felt angry because you thought he felt the same way.
You felt stupid that you thought that he felt the same way.
You locked your door behind you, throwing your backpack onto the floor and jumping onto your bed. You didn’t want to feel like this. You felt pathetic, wanting to cry over a guy that you had despised since kindergarten.
But you did. You sniffed into your pillow, clutching it close to your chest. Sometimes you forgot that you were still a teen. This was normal.
You were thankful the weekend was here. You didn’t want anyone to see you like this. You continued to stay in bed, getting up only to eat, use the bathroom, and shower. Other than that, you spent your time in bed, watching movies and ignoring the world.
You didn’t get up from your bed, even after Ej knocked on your door to check up on you on Saturday.
“Y/N, I know you’re in there!” Ej spoke loudly, leaning against the door and looking through his phone. “Ashlyn’s coming over today, remember?” Ej said, his voice muffled from the other side of your door.
No response. You had been blocking him out for the past 30 minutes now. You had heard your mom scold him for yelling and yet he still had the audacity to stay outside your door.
“I’m gonna make sandwiches downstairs if you want some,” Ej paused for a response. Nothing. “If you want it,” he muttered under his breath. feeling a slight sense of guilt pitting at the bottom of his stomach. But his actions were for the best— right?
You heard his footsteps become fainter and fainter as he walked away from your door. You let out a relieved sigh, turning over in your bed to reach for your phone.
8:34 PM. Ashlyn’s parents must’ve had a date or odd festival if they were dropping her off with you and Ej at this time.
You forced yourself up, running your hand through your hair.
Usually you were the one telling someone else to not dwell over a guy. Yet here you were, your mind focused on nothing but Ricky. His words seemed to echo in your head like a mantra, like a sick taunting joke.
I don’t like you in the way you like me.
You climbed out of bed, walking to your mirror and looking at yourself. You looked like a mess: mascara smudged under your eyes beyond belief and your hair a crazed mess. You rubbed under your eyes, trying to wipe away the makeup and groaning immediately when you saw that it made it worse.
Why couldn’t you stop thinking of him?
You put your face in your hands, letting out a loud groan just for the hell of it.
“You have a lot of explaining to do,” Ashlyn announced the moment Ej let her in and shut the door behind her. “I’ve been talking to Big Red—“
“Since when have you been talking to Big Red?” Ej interrupted, raising his brows.
“Not the point,” Ashlyn glared at him. Ej swore that he’d never seen her so annoyed. “I saw you homecoming night, Ej,” she crossed her arms over her chest. “You were talking to Ricky.”
“Okay, and?”
“You never talk to Ricky!” Ashlyn moved past Ej, making her way to the living room and sitting down on the sofa. She eyed Ej as he sat next to her, her suspicions growing by the second. “Big Red told me what Ricky did.”
“Oh?” That sparked his interest, making Ej sat up at the mention of Ricky. “What’d he do?”
“I know that Ricky and Y/N spent the whole homecoming night together,” she explained, ignoring Ej’s question completely. “Big Red told me. But he also told me that Ricky called him all disappointed.” She gauged his reaction, and while he put on an act of apathy, Ashlyn Caswell knew her cousin more than that. “Ricky mentioned you,” she continued, eyes never leaving Ej’s face as she observed him.
“Odd.” Ej stood up abruptly, trying to shove off the feeling of Ashlyn’s eyes burning holes in his head. “Why would he? I just came over to the car to tell Y/N to go home.”
“And she did. Pissed off and cursing at you— I was there, Ej.” Ashlyn followed him into the kitchen, feeling like a sleuth as she kept her interrogating tone to a lower level. She leaned against the countertop, watching at Ej nonchalantly took things out to make sandwiches. “What did you tell him?”
“I’ll tell Y/N if you don’t tell me.”
Ej froze, eyes widening and brain racing. If Ashlyn told you, you’d start suspecting him in a heartbeat. He couldn’t have that happen, but he couldn’t tell Ashlyn either. She’d tell you. “You wouldn’t,” he decided, returning to making his sandwich.
Ashlyn narrowed her eyes at him, annoyance and the want to know what he told Ricky growing. “Watch me,” she challenged.
A minute passed. Then two, then three. It felt like years, the only sound being Ej and his sandwiches until the silence became too much for him.
“I told him to back off. That he didn’t deserve Y/N.”
There it was. Ashlyn didn’t know what she was expecting when Ej confessed, but it certainly wasn’t that.
“What?” she forced out, Ej shaking his head to himself as he placed the plate of sandwiches on the table.
“Y/N already been through too much with him,” Ej muttered, avoiding Ashlyn’s eyes. He felt guilty, sure, but he knew it was for the best. “Don’t tell me you forgot about 5th grade—“
“5th grade was ages ago.” Ashlyn put her hands on her face, letting them slowly slide down. She had been by her cousin’s side through thick and thin, but she knew how carried away he got. He cared too deeply about things, and when you were introduced to the family, she knew how attached he got. He had always wanted a little sister.
“But it never stopped, Ash,” Ej rubbed his temples, shutting his eyes for just a moment before opening them again. “It’s bad enough that she has to play Gabriella with him as Troy. She just,” he exhaled heavily, too caught up in his own thoughts to see Ashlyn’s eyes widen at something behind him. “Deserves someone better.”
“That’s not your choice to make.”
Your voice made him jump, and he whipped around to see you, standing with your jacket thrown over your shoulders. You were planning on telling Ej that you were going out on a late-night walk; now you had more of a reason to go. You were looking at him with betrayal, almost disbelief that your own brother told someone you began to care about to back off.
“He would’ve hurt you again. It was for your own good,” Ej forced out, taking a step towards you. Immediately, you took a step back.
“It was never your choice to make,” you hissed, anger coursing through your veins as you spat your words out. Your eyes went between Ej’s guilt-ridden face and Ashlyn’s sympathetic one, and you cleared your throat to get rid of the lump that threatened to grow.
“I’m going out.” You turned away from him, blocking his words away by putting your earphones into your ears. You slammed the door behind you, walking out onto your driveway with smoke practically coming out of your ears. You looked ahead of you, anger slipping away for just a moment.
When he saw you, he began to understand what people meant when they said that ‘time stopped and everything was just her.’
You were staring back, eyes wide before you abruptly turned, making your way down your street.
“Hey— Wait!” Ricky ran back to his house, opening the door and yelling that he was going out fo his dad before shutting it and running after you.
Why? He didn’t know. He was trying to avoid you, trying to shut you out of his life for his own good, yet here he was: running up to you as you pretended to be unaware of his presence.
You gave up, pulling your earphones out and glancing at him. “What do you want?” Your voice didn’t hold the same kind of anger it did when you confronted him. You sounded tired, exhausted even.
“It’s too late for you to be walking alone,” Ricky said, breathless from catching up to you. “What happened?”
“Why do you think something happened?”
“Because you’re answering all my questions with more questions.” Ricky looked at you, seeing you purse your lips and let out an exasperated sigh. He won that round. “So?”
Your teeth caught your bottom lip and you stayed silent. The walk continued on like that: awkwardly silent.
You ended up leading him to the park, the lack of light not even making you wince as you continued down the path between the grass. Almost everyone who went to East had gone to this park when they were younger. It was the park where people started making memories with people that weren’t their family, where they began friendships that either died out or stayed strong.
“I go here when I need an escape,” you explained quietly, walking up to the playground and stepping in. You heard the little pebbles under your feet as you walked, Ricky still following you as you walked to one of the smaller, wooden playgrounds. You sat down, and Ricky did the same “It brings me comfort or something. I don’t know.” Your voice trailed off.
Ricky sat to the one next to yours, and you continued keeping your eyes on anything that wasn’t him. He was listening to you, looking ahead at the empty and dark playground that brought back memories he never remembered.
“Did you really believe everything that Ej told you?”
Ricky paused, looking at you and seeing you looking back at him with a slight frown. “What?” Did you know? How did you find out?
“I heard him.” You chuckled humorlessly, shaking your head in disbelief as you looked up at the sky. “He said you didn’t deserve me. That you’d hurt me again.”
You turned to Ricky, his eyes downcast and guilt building in his stomach. “Did you believe him?” The question rang in the air like a bell, and seconds ticked by before Ricky slowly nodded his head.
“He said that it wasn’t going to work out,” Ricky mumbled. “That I’d just leave you broken. He had a point, you know. I mean,” he ran a hand through his hair, shutting his eyes tightly before opening them again. “We’ve hated each other for all of our lives, Y/N.”
“It wasn’t his place to say whether or not we’d work out,” you retorted, turning your body to him. “I’m pissed at him. I’m mad that he intervened, that he made you think that we’d never work out when I thought that we’d be great together, and—“ you stopped your rant, turning your head away from him. “I thought we’d be great,” you repeated softly, mostly to yourself.
“We’d still be, you know,” Ricky murmured, nudging you softly with his shoulder. You didn’t look at him.
“We can’t work if you have doubts, Ricky. You said it yourself,” you let out an exhale, your breath white in the cold air. “We’ve hated each other for all our lives. I don’t know what to think anymore.”
Ricky swore his heart dropped when you uttered those words.
“Do you,” he swallowed. “Do you hate me, Y/N?”
No response. You stayed quiet, staring at the dark playground and the faint bits of moonlight that hit the pebbled ground. Each second that passed was like a year. You looked at him, offering a close-lipped smile that spoke a million words.
“I don’t think I ever did.”
A/N: wow my love for cliches are coming out the more i write this. thank you all for the love <3
TAGS:  @softpeteparker, @jointherebellion215, @l-tt-e, @broken-from-fandoms, @uwupxterparker, @room-3o4​, @eternaleviee​, @hobistigma​, @fangeekkk​, @wcnderwoo​, @myrandom-fandomlife​, @multifangorl​, @tomshufflepuff, @ggclarissa​, @decaffeinated-fangirl​, @religious-pizza-roll​, @rororo06​, @svelby-g​, @sarcarstic-space-weirdo​, @whoseblogsthis​, @hxney-bunches-x, @whimsical-fantasies​, @shawnnyyyboiii​, @captainlarsonn​, @herondalescecilys​, @yamisaloser​, @17ves​, @lovelydnbrough, @ceilingtittty​, @savedbystark​, @stitch-flo​, @shawnandconnor, @whoseblogsthis​
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pearlplusau · 5 years
Pearl Plus AU- The bright light part 2
Amethyst 8XWJ was one of the earliest to pop up from the Earth’s crust. When she first emerged off the kindergarten walls, she face-planted on the hard ground and was immediately greeted by a fellow quartz soldier, 8XWI. All gems she emerged with were great and fun, but 8XWI was special. When she saw others summoning their weapons, she was able to conjure her own with just one attempt. When she was taught about the Great Diamond authority and how the system works, she immediately adapted to the idea of higher power and understood her purpose of serving to live, living to serve. She was skilled, she was talented, she was… listening and attentive.
“What’s holding you back?” Holly asked in a sympathetic tone, her face twitched from calm to manic. “No idea where My Diamond’s pool is?” She brings back the whip once more, grinning to herself, “Shocker! (pun intended)”
She gripped the handle tighter, amplifying the static and electric current, causing an ear-splitting buzz to ring around the area, and flunged it towards 8XWJ’s arm. “Huh?” before she was able to react, electricity coursed from the handle to the tip and zapped her whole without warning, “Ahhhhh!” she screamed and trashed, but the whip won’t let go!
She kneeled down, and tried to resist! But it was too much, she thought of her comrades, her fellow amethysts losing the battle on Earth! Never will she be able to see them again! She didn’t want to give in, but…her form begged to differ.
The surge of destruction was too much! Being weak from her previous punishment, she couldn’t hold much longer, and…
A purple quartz gem clinked as it landed on the platform, clattering as it stayed on its spot. 8XWJ was poofed and retreated into her gem.
Holly Blue Agate was smiling as she set her weapon down and thought to herself. ‘Finally, took care of the annoying purple upper-crust.’
“That takes care of that!” She claimed out loud as she dusted her arms off, and glared to the other gems gasping around her.
“Was that really necessary Holly?” Aquamarine questioned in annoyance, “Poofing gems in the open wide would be lead to…” She held her thought and snapped her fingers, realising her true intentions, “Ohhhh, I get it, you want us to report your little crime to the diamonds so you’ll be able to deliver the message, clever…”
“Yeah yeah, don’t get your hopes up, I know the rules around here.” Holly replied as she slipped the purple gem into her front pocket.
As she leaves, she glanced at the surrounding gems as they muttered their predictions, different coloured sapphires glanced around nervously and whisper information among themselves, but Holly took no interest in what the future holds, her plan of meeting the Diamonds will be worth all the negative impact on her image.
She went in search of a warp pad, the fastest way to the Diamonds, a white pearl was at the control panel and stated her crimes,
“Holly Blue Agate, you have been reported of dismantling an amethyst out on the open. As you know, you will be sent to the judgement hall and be set on trial by the Great Diamond Authority! Any last words dear?” The pearl asked before giving the confirmation code on the warp pad.
“Why yes Pearl! I look forward to be in the presence of the powerful Yellow Diamond, AND my glimmering diamond of course! This judgement will be a little talk between us don’t you worry.”
“We’ll see about that…” The pearl thought while typing in the code.
Holly was cuffed in glowing white shackles by two Topazes, her eyes widen as this is something unexpected.
“What is this? Handcuffs? Is this really nessasar-” Before she could finish her question, the shackles glowed and bounded Holly in a white bubble. Frozen in time, she was unable to finish her statement, her mouth was wide open but her facial expression remained annoyed.
“Huhu! This new law implemented is really rather convenient for us, don’t you think so Topaz?” The pearl had a smug face of enjoying these minor “punishments” while the topazes were unfazed with the statement. They proceeded by raising a control panel that resembles a joystick and monitored the bubble by sending it to the designated location.
Inside the orb, Holly could still see, but she could not speak, she could not move. The only sense she could control was her sight, but all she saw was the orb heading to somewhere no agate had been before. Her white boots were in uneven positions, this frustrated her, but she cannot do anything about it, she simply stayed frozen,
It was a long journey, but Holly can make out the structures and buildings leading to the black coloured cubed Courtroom. As she gets closer, she realised there’s still a chance the diamonds won’t even attend the trial for a Quartz soldier, she tried to have cold feet as she felt nervous but the atmosphere wouldn’t allow it!
The orb came to a halt, the front of the orb scanned the building’s wall, taking a sample of the colour to match the Courtroom building. The colour dripped down from the top like a small current of black ink being poured over. When the orb was fully covered in Black, it slightly floated up and went through the wall with the sound of electric current zipping through the air.
The black orb enters a dark room, where it finally dissipated away in a cloud of back dust.
“-ary…” She finally finished her sentence hung over her mouth during the entire trip. She sighed and readied herself, wanting to look as best as she could be for the Great Diamond Authority.
The wall opened up a door sized hole, a tense, anxious blue zircon came in mumbling with floating screens around her, she was just a bit shorter but also belonging to Blue’s court by her colouring. She looked around the room and spotted the blue agate, her face contorted in  bewilderment and confusion.
“YOU’RE the one on trial? But you’re an Agate! When the files came in it says two quartz soldiers “roughhousing” in front of the Great Ballroom!” She examined the tall gem and retrieved a hologram picture from her monocle, it shows a purple gem being violently taken hold by the blue gem.
“Why yes! I did took advantage of that amethyst, you see, she had vital information about an issue of a colonisation process and asked me to inform the diamonds!” Holly tried to explain her actions, but Zircon just looked mortified while taking in the information given, she pulled out another hologram screen and typed in the new info.
“The door to the trial room will be accessible any second, do you have any more information to give before we proceed matters and actions to the diamonds?” The lawyer gem urged as she readied her equipment.
“That will be all, surely the diamonds would listen to what I have to say before deciding what to do with me!” Holly spoke with a dab of uncertainty.
The door to the courtroom opened up.
“Let’s go.” Blue Zircon led the way with Holly trudging behind her.
In the dark room, Holly stood on a glowing platform, waiting for the arrival of the three diamonds. A yellow zircon warped to the left of Holly, she took one look at her opponent lawyer and smirked, “New to this huh? First job and you get to defend an abuser? Isn’t that a bit, anticlimactic?”
“Being my first assignment, no, it’s not thanks for asking.” The tone in her reply was not at all thankful nor sincere, but before she could finish, two pearls warped into the room in front of them.
Yellow Pearl was the first to speak, “All rise for the luminous Yellow Diamond!” Yellow warped in and proceed to her throne with an expression of annoyance.
Blue Pearl continued, “The lustrous Blue Diamond.” Blue warped in and slumped into her throne in…. anger?
Both pearls synchronise for the last diamond, “And the Great, Magnificent, Brilliant White Diamond!” The brightest diamond warped in and shone the room so bright Holly was blinded for a moment, until the diamond dimmed her light and proceed to the throne in the midst of Blue and Yellow.
“Let’s just finish this so we can go back to our duties.” Stated White diamond before starting the trial.
Having the three diamonds present was not as glamorous as expected, in fact, it was intimidating.
The three diamonds stared down at the accused with annoyance and little patience.
It was VERY intimidating.
The yellow Zircon initiated the trial by stating the situation and the actions committed.
“…And so, here we are, at the end of this trial our great leaders will decide the fate of this Agate and end this case.” Yellow Zircon was about to proceed to her points and arguments but the diamonds up there were not at peace with each other.
“Is everything all right my Diamonds?” The lawyer asked with her arms saluting.
But the diamonds took no notice, Blue and Yellow Diamond were silently arguing about the topic beforehand, while White looked like she wants to just zap the accused and get things over with.
“This does not look good….” Blue Zircon whispered to Holly, “Why don’t you just admit your bad choice of actions and get it over with?” She suggested.
“Never! What I did to that gem was for a reason, and that reason will not be wasted from the inconvenience of the diamonds.” Holly protested but took one more glance at the diamonds, Blue diamond looked more unhappy and upset than usual, she looks like she’s trying very hard to hold in her sadness and frustration, Yellow diamond has her outfit to be slightly ruff and off placed, with her electric current leaking from her finger tips, not being her usual strict self. As for White Diamond, She just looked as same as before, her face says, “It would be so much easier to just blast this gem with my powers and have this all done immediately!” And it looks like she’s not having the patience to handle the current situation.
“Fine! Just because this trials wasting out leaders’ time, I’ll just present the information, but not without evidence.” Holly glanced at her pocket and checked the purple gem in place, and went into the confession.
“My Diamonds!” Holly saluted while addressing the leaders, “There is something I would like to confess.”
The diamonds paid little to no attention to the Agate, as they were occupied with their own matters.
Holly could hear some words mumbling amongst them, but could only pick up Pink Diamond’s name and nothing more.
Yellow spoke with a slightly louder voice, loud enough for Holly to get the picture.
“Blue, this is not the time to defend pink and her failing colony! You of all gems should have known her failure was inevitable, why struggle now to try and help her when you could help me convince this to White?” Yellow Diamond whispered, sounding infuriated but also trying her best to lower her voice for the sake of their reputation.
“This is the exact type of behaviour that will led her thinking we don’t trust her! You gave her a chance to prove herself, so you must stick with it!” Blue snapped at Yellow louder than she should, which tipped White into snapping back,
“Enough!” She demanded and glared, both diamonds froze and sat back down.
“Proceed this trivial little judgement so we can get it over with!” The diamond commanded.
“Yess of course My Diamond!” Blue Zircon saluted and summon some holographic files, she fuddled a bit, tried to pull the right file, but ended up dropping them to the floor like paper scattering around everywhere, but worse.
“Deepest apologise, I’ll just….uhhh…” Blue Zircon was dripping more tears than sweat, she tried to collect herself and the files, but she could feel the stares of the three powerful diamonds looming over, her anxiety is building up, it’s reaching the limit, she wasn’t ready for this!
She took on a desperate glance at Holly, hoping someone would help her out, but Holly had other plans in mind.
“My Diamonds!” Holly stood up, addressed and saluted in a clear, articulated voice.
The diamonds glared daggers at her for disrupting the defendant, but it was clear that she had caught their attention.
“I understand that this trial has interrupted your daily schedule, and I know you are all in a hurry of getting back to more important matters, I will be able to speed up this trial if you generously allow me to speak freely for just mere minutes. Hopefully, this can all be resolved as soon as it can be.” Holly explained to the diamonds and hoped that they would agree with her.
The three diamonds exchanged looks of uncertainty, but they also wished to get back to more pressing matters.
Finally White Diamond spoke, “Very well, you are given 5 minutes to prepare your explanation that will be brief and informative, no stuttering and mumbling will be tolerated and if so, you will be executed immediately! We shall have a short recess, Dismissed!”
Everyone retreated into their own rooms.
(First of all, i would like to thank @marzipanotaku16 for her amazing points and criticisms for making this work better than anticipated, we’ve known each other online and through the magic of steven universe. She’s also the friend that encouraged me to start a blog and share the writing for everyone to read, this blog wouldn’t be here without her.
Anyways, this story took longer to write and it would be concluded at part 3, I have some plans and ideas for more stories that may intrigued y’all but haven't really started drafting yet, so that’s gonna take a while to finish up.
And I would like to remind y’all that this is not completely a pink pearl oriented story, this blog is for me to express my ideas through the power of writing and the internet (lame lol) 
This tells me you read the whole thing, so thank you, dear reader, and have a splendid day, happy reading and enjoy! )
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netflixmomma516 · 5 years
Her Secrets 13 Pt 2 |13RW Series
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13 1
This is the last Chapter of this Series! Thank you for all the love on this Series!!! Stay Tuned for more Imagines and Series!
"Hey YNN, can I talk to you?" Jeff says behind me. Jess and I looked back at him. His usual tan face is pale. His usual brown eyes are filled with an unexplainable look. Jess looks to me for permission to leave. I just shake my head at both of them. I know I have to face everyone sooner or later.
Jess gives me a side hug, "it's going to be okay." She whispers in my ear. I try not to get emotional again.
Jess walks away and Jeff sits in the spot she was just in. I just look out to the lake not wanting to face this.
I didn’t think everyone would find out about it like this.
We sit in silence for a couple minutes. Jeff's probably trying to find the right words to say.
What do you say when you find out the girl you're falling for is pregnant with another guy's baby?
Jeff took a deep breath, "can I ask a couple questions?" I just shake my head, scared my voice will be shaky when I talk.
"Did you move because you're pregnant?" His voice is unsure of exactly how to ask the questions he has.
"Yes." I keep short.
"What exactly happened?" He looks to me.
I take a huge breath. I'm ready to be completely honest with him.
I look at the lake, the sky was starting to get orange and pink.
"A bunch of my friends and I were at a bonfire party, we were all drinking and having a good time. For the first time in months, I felt safe. Well this guy, his name is Andy. I've known him since kindergarten, he had been my best friend at one point. He had been harassing me and my ex Sam for months. We ended up breaking up and sneaking around because we got so scared of what he would do. Well like I said we were at a party and Andy showed up. He stabbed Sam with a pocket knife he had. I was so scared of what he would do to me. He demanded to talk to me. So we went behind my friend's barn, he raped me, he got off inside me. Sam was fine, Andy went to jail, and I thought I was finally safe again. 3 weeks later, I was at school, and it was already hard because everyone knew what happened to me, well I started getting really sick, and I knew I was pregnant. 2 days later I told my mom, and she instantly told my dad everything. My dad offered me to live with him, so a week later I was here in Crestmont." I wipe the tears that are stained on my cheeks.
- "YNN come here.." Sam said trying to grab my hand, slurring his words. He's been drinking since we got here.
I looked around the field at the group of friends drinking around the fire. "He's not going to find out babe," I relaxed and settled into his chest. His arms wrapped around my torso. Giving me nothing but butterflies. "Sam, I love you." I looked up at his blue eyes. "I love you too." His lips land on mine perfectly. This is the first time where I have felt safe in months.
All of our friends started screaming. "ANDY LEAVE!" Our friend Miles screamed trying to protect Sam and me. Sam's grip tightened on my waist and I didn’t mind even though it started to hurt.
I looked at the pocket knife in his hand. I started to fear for our lives.
I tried to remain calm. I touched Sam's hand letting him know I was okay. I swiftly let myself go from his grip.
"Andy let's talk just us," I remained calm. I knew he was here to get me back. I kept glancing at the knife in his left hand. "Not yet I have some unfinished business baby." I cringed at those words. "What do you…" Before I could finish my question he was running toward Sam and stabbed him in the stomach. I screamed. "ANDY WHAT THE FUCK!?" I screamed at the teenage boy in front of me. He looked at me after. His hazel eyes are like almost black. He had a wicked look on his face.  
All of our friends rushed to aide Sam, but I was frozen in my spot.
"We can talk now sweetheart." He said calmly like he didn’t just stab my boyfriend. "YNN talk to him, we got Sam," Miles said putting pressure on his wound.
I followed Andy behind the barn, "Why did you stab Sam?" I asked trying not to break. "Because if I can't have you, no one can." He gets closer to me, my stomach goes in knots and not in a good way. I'm frozen I can't scream or run. My body is frozen. "You're now mine," Andy's thin lips land on my lips.
His hands go to my butt and squeeze it. My body tenses. His lips attack my neck. I close my eyes. I start crying. I'm trying so hard not to scream or he might kill me.
"YN, get naked." He whispers just for us to hear. I close my eyes and do what he says.
I look at the knife that was in his hand still. Tears keep flowing.
"Damn you're so sexy." He attacks my boobs with his mouth. "Ugh, baby you're so perfect."
He slips out of his bloody jeans, "lay down right there," he points to the hay bail. I do what he says still sobbing. I'm freezing without my coat.
He slips in me and that's when I scream at the pain. It's been months since I last had sex.
"Shut up," Andy spits in my face. I start to cry harder and I go limp just waiting for someone to help me or for him to finish; whichever one comes first.
I hear the sirens coming closer. I feel a huge relief come over me.
He grunts in my ear and I feel the warmth going inside me.
I close my eyes knowing he finished. He immediately gets off of me.
"I hope you don’t forget me. I love you YN." He says in my ear as he kisses my cheek and gives up to the police.
I'm frozen on the hay bail. Still sobbing harder than before.
A female police officer comes around the barn to see me lying naked and sobbing.
She rushed over to me and immediately throws a blanket over me and grabbing my clothes off the ground.
"Did he rape you?" She asked quickly. I shake my head, not being able to speak because of how hard I'm sobbing.
"Can you walk?" I shake my head yes and get off the hay bail. She wraps the blanket around me so I don’t expose myself in front of anyone else.
I finally go back to the group of friends all talking to police.
"Let's go to the hospital," the female leads me to the ambulance. The same one Sam is currently in.
"Sam.." I finally see his wound. "I'll be okay YNN." His hand grasps mine. I couldn't help but cry and kiss his hand.
"YNN he's in jail, he will be for a long time," Sam whispers to me. "He won't be able to hurt us."
I didn’t dare look at Jeff. I couldn’t bear for someone else to feel sorry for me again. "I wanted to move, I kept everything a secret because for once since everything happened I wanted to feel normal. When I'm with you I feel normal, I feel safe." I finally mustered up the courage to look at him. His head turned to face me at the same time.
His hand grabs mine, "how long is he in there?" Knowing he was talking about Andy. "He's sentenced to 10 years unless he takes the plea deal and he could get out in 1 year but he has to go through counseling." I look down at our hands.
"YN," Jeff's hand tilts my chin up to look at him in the eyes. "I'll always protect you, I want you, and this baby, I want everything." His smile is genuine and his eyes are their normal brown with a hint of green. I smile at his words. His hand touches my growing baby belly, he leans his forehead against mine. This moment is more than I could've ever imagined. Our lips barely touch.
"I just have one deal now that you know," I smile at him as we sit in the sand taking everything in. "What's that?" He smiles at me. "Don't treat me different. I just want to be as normal as I can." I look into his eyes looking for answers. "Of course." He shakes his head, and brings me into his side, his lips grace my forehead.
"My mom would've loved you," Jeff says as he looks to the sunset. I look up at him with a smile. "If she's anything like you, I would've loved her too." We kiss again.
"We better get back to the house," Jeff says. He stands up, his hand reaches to help me up. He lets go as soon as I'm steadied on the sand.
"YN, we still love you," Zach says as we settle on the patio chairs. I smile at the group in front of us.
I don’t see Scott or Chloe anywhere. "Hey, where's Chloe?" I ask no one in particular. "She went inside," Justin answered.
I turn to go inside, Jess grabs my wrist and gives me a warning look. "I'm not going to go off on her I just want to talk," I explain. She shakes her head and lets go of my wrist.
I walk into the cabin, on a mission looking for the girl who told everyone my secret.
I finally found her in our bedroom. She was sitting on her bed, tears covering up her cheeks. She looked up and started crying even more. "I'm sorry," was all she could manage to get out. "Chloe, you had no right to do that to me. Especially because I've done nothing too you." I bite back my tears.
"You took Scott away from me YNN, don’t you get that? Before you moved here, I was almost positive Scott and I was going to get back together. When Scott told me about you, and I saw how he lit up when he talked about you, I knew my chances were nonexistent. Scott's the only thing that has stayed consistent in the last year, even with his baseball career taking off."
I instantly feel for the girl.
"That gives you no right to tell everyone my secret. It was my secret. I was going to tell everyone in due time, but that was mine. I didn't tell everyone, because for once I felt normal again. I haven't felt normal in almost a year." I couldn’t help but break.
"I'm sorry YNN, I'm sorry I took that power away from you, but I didn’t know what else to do, Scott is still hung up on you even after you've clearly made your choice with Jeff." She stands up next to me. "Chloe, I didn’t make a choice until today," I state.  "Who's the choice?" She asks nervously I'm going to say, Scott. "Isn't it obvious?" She shakes her head no, "Jeff." I state. She smiles a smile of relief, "but I need to talk to Scott first." She shakes her head.
"I'm sorry." She says again. I look to her, I can't forgive her at the moment. I shake my head no. "Chloe that wasn’t your secret to tell, it was mine. I'm sorry, but it's going to be a long time before I can forgive you again." I say as I get up and walk out of the room, leaving her alone.
I close the door, lean against it, and break again. I was finally normal, but now everyone is going to be looking at me like this fragile doll, and I hate it.
I go back out to the group on the patio, and still no sign of Scott. I try to act like it doesn’t bother me because I finally know Jeff is the guy I want, but I still care about Scott and want to explain everything to him.
I pull Zach over to the side, "hey have you seen Scott since Chloe said everything?" I asked in more of a whisper. "Last I saw him was when you were running away, he ran in the house, but since then I haven't. Why what's up?" He looked at me with concern in his deep brown eyes. "I just want to make sure he's okay," I say honestly. I don’t know what he would. His ex-girlfriend just revealed that the girl he likes is pregnant. "Try out front and if he's not out there he might've gone for a walk." I huff. "Thank you, Zach." We go in for a side hug.
We walk back to the group, "has anyone seen Scott?" Jeff asks. "No, last I saw he walked in the house," Justin said. "I'm going to go look for him." Jeff stands up, knowing I should go talk to him first. I stand up and grip his wrist, he turns to me. "I should be the first to talk to him," I explain shyly. He just shakes his head, knowing I'm right.
I walk into the house, and no sight of him anywhere I go out on the front porch, still no sign. I decide to go for a walk. Maybe I'll find him and I can somehow clear my head.
I walk for about 5 minutes, just looking around at nature, almost forgetting I'm looking for Scott.
I see a person sitting on a bench overlooking the lake, I half smile knowing it's Scott.
I reach the bench, "is the spot next to you taken?" I ask hopefully he's not to mad at me.
"Sure," he doesn’t even look at me. "Scott.." I start. "No YNN, it's okay." His hand reaches for mine. "I guess I wasn't worth the truth." Those words stung. "Scott, you were, but how was I supposed to tell everyone I moved because I was pregnant?" I asked seriously. "I wouldn’t have judged you." He says. "I didn’t know that, I wanted to be normal. I wanted that secret for as long as I could." I state. He finally looks to me. "Scott, I didn’t mean to hurt you. I just wanted to be normal, plus I was scared. I was scared he was going to find me again." I state. "Who?" He asks. "A guy from back home, the reason I moved out here," I say.
I don’t go into depth on who I'm talking about. I want that secret for me and Jeff.  "Scott, do you trust me?" I ask looking out to the lake.  "Of course," he says grabbing my hand again. "Then trust me when I say I don’t want to pull you into a life you can't handle. My life isn't perfect like yours." I say.
"You think my life is perfect?" He says shocked. "It seems pretty perfect from a stranger looking in," I say. "You have no idea, YNN." He looks back to the horizon. - "YN, do you want to flush out the semen?" The blonde nurse asks. "No," I might regret that answer.
"Are you sure? It's possible you'll get pregnant." She says. I shake my head up and down, "I know."
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Waiting Game | Lee Jeno
Word count: 1.5k
A/n: wow I used a lot off lil faces in here for no reason other than self amusement so sorry¿? also hi I might have accidentally fallen in love with Jeno while writing this uwu his smile
Genre: floof ofc
Is it even possible that you liked the same boy for 11 years? You met Jeno in kindergarten and immediately fell for him. When you two were kids, you'd always tease each other and talk. "Ladies first." "oh then go ahead, Jeno." But as you two grew up, you both became too shy and quiet to talk to one another. 乁║ ˙ 益 ˙ ║ㄏ
Nevertheless, you liked the boy and you reckoned somehow you always would. Any time you imagined your future, he was there. If you were picturing your wedding, he was the groom. Your kids: had his eyes and hair. Future house: idk but he'd be there. You get the point. Jeno was always on your mind and you were worried that you might never get over him.
Now, half way through your junior year, you realize that you dont have much time left before you'll both move off to college and never see each other again *sad uwu*. So what do you do? You find his social media! How you two don't follow each other already, I dont know. A little while after he follows you back you send a meme. He sends one back, cute right? But then next day when you see him, you two act the same: borderline ignoring one another.
Frustrated at everything, mainly yourself, you decide to just risk it to get the biscuit. The next morning, you check your phone to see yet another meme from Jeno. Instead of sending one back you send:
Roses are red
You're pretty cute
Do you want to be my date to prom uwu?
And homeboy frickin responds to you with that:
Violets are blue
You're pretty cute too
I'd love to go to prom with you uwu
And you were like asdfjkan I did that on a whim and what?!?!? Queue your heart: bOom boOm!! -`ღ´- But now you are super anxious because you have barely had adequate conversations with this boy and now you are going to prom together. Little did you know that Jeno was also panicking.
So basically you have already gotten a dress at this point and are trying to track homeboy down to show him for color coordination purposes and not just because you want to talk to him. You finally find Jeno during lunch and show him pics of your dress and ask what he planned on wearing. You turn to face him and he just kinda (❁´◡`❁)... you wave your hand in front of his face a few times and he returns back to Earth. "Oh right sorry- uh you look nice. I'll just find a tie that will match" he says as his face turns hues of red. As you walk away you heard the rest of the boys laughing at Jeno's table, oblivious to the teasing comments about Jeno being in loooove with you.
Now at least you have an excuse to talk to Jeno which is cool because it leads to more conversations and meme sharing. One day in class you sent him some funny post and he looked up at you and smiled and your heart!! just!! boOm!! bOom!! -`ღ´- You would die for his eye smile holy crap. You absentmindedly smile back and now you two are just looking at each other and smiling like idiots for a few minutes <(▰˘◡˘▰)> . That is until the teacher calls your name.
"I'm sorry, what?" "I asked if what you got for number 7. Please pay attention y/n." "Yes, sorry." And you glanced back to Jeno to see that he was no longer looking at you but he did still have that stupid smile on his face. "24.9" "correct." You could feel your face blushing brightly just as Jeno's had before.
The day of prom finally came and to say you were really frickin anxious would be an understatement. The dance started at 7, so you were meeting Jeno at 5 to get pictures and dinner beforehand. You had hoped that when he came to pick you up you two would just leave. Of course, your parents had other plans, taking a millioooon pictures of you two together. After 1395820 years you finally head out to dinner with a few of your mutual friends and their dates.
Around a large table sat you, Jeno, and 8 others. You knew Jaemin, Renjun, and Donghyuck who were also in your class in addition to being Jeno's best friends, but you didnt know the last boy, Chenle. Apparently, he was a year younger than you, but you think it may be a bit more than one year. Coincidentally, their dates were some of your friends: let's call them Ryn why not we got a good thing going here, Elle, Sarah, and Rosie. After 2 hours of mindless staring, blushing, laughing, and eating a bunch of food, it was actually time for prom!
You entered the venue that was decorated to look like an enchanted forest, but to you it looked like Barbie Swan Lake. but whatevs. For the majority of the dance, you all had danced together in a large group, occasionally taking breaks for water and to cool down. But this time Jeno and you had decided to take a break while the others continued to bust a move. (´▽`)ノ♪
"Tonight has been really fun so far, y/n, thank you for asking me to prom. I would've asked you but I didn't have the balls to do it." Not knowing what to say, you looked at him kinda like (��♡‿♡。) and without even realizing your actions, you left a smol smooch on his already tinted cheeks before grabbing his hand as you make your way back to the group.
It was nearing the end of the dance and, to your luck, the DJ put on a slow song. Before you could even open your mouth to speak, Jeno already had his hands around your waist, slowly drifting back and forth. Once again, he had the darned smile on his face that made you melt. You wrapped your arms around his neck in return and began to move as well. This got a lot of winks and hollers from your friends. You glared at Elle when you noticed she was filming everything. Pretty soon they started dancing too, leaving you and Jeno to yourselves.
You two had always been semi-awkward when you locked eyes for minutes on end, but it felt different now. The awkwardness and lack of talking was killing you. You tried to initiate conversation in hopes of eliminating some of the tension. "So-" but you were immediately cut off by Jeno's lips crashing abruptly against yours. You looked at him with your eyes wide from shock (⊙_⊙) . "No need to talk" he replied, leaning in again. You closed your eyes and kissed him back.
Before you knew it, the song was over along with prom and students were leaving in crowds. You said bye to your friends before getting in Jeno's car for him to drive you home. At least, you thought he was taking you back to your house until you realized that he was in fact not doing that. "Um, this isnt the way to my house." "oh I know." "so where are we going?" "You'll see." You pouted (╯︵╰) wanting to know what was going on. When Jeno saw this he did what Jeno would do and pecked your lips again. "Dont worry y/n." And truthfully you couldn't worry. You really couldn't think at all. *swoons* (◕﹏◕✿)
He pulled up to a wendy's drive thru and began to order some food. "What would you like y/n?" After getting the bag of food he parked his car and began to munch eat his fries. After consuming the total of your meals and the fries that were in the bottom of the bag you were both just kinda :|. So you decided you might as well just kinda sorta maybe makeout with Jeno. And thus, that is what you did. His lips were really soft and tasted a little salty from all the fries, but you didnt mind.
You continued to smoochy smoochy makeout with Jeno for who knows how long when your phone vibrated, signaling a message from your mother. "She wants to know when I'll be home." "I suppose I should probably take you home now. It's getting late."
As he pulled up in your driveway and you thanked him for driving you, he grabbed your hand to stop you from getting out of his car. "Hey so, uh, about tonight- so are we-" he trailed off, not knowing how to finish his sentence properly without sounding like a doofus. "Jeno, would you like to be my boyfriend?" "YES! I mean, yeah sure that's cool." With that same dumb smile on your faces, you pressed your lips to his once more before heading into your house. When your mom asked you how it went, all you could do was smile. Even if it took 11 years to realize just how much you both liked each other, it was well worth the wait.
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missnctyukhei · 6 years
pairing: yukhei x reader
genre/warnings: smut, angst
word count: 3.3K
Tumblr media
It was already late. The lights were still bright in Hong Kong, but the sun was already long rested. Actually, you should already be sleeping, but you were still lying in your bed with your eyes open, watching the thousandth unnecessary video. It was like an addiction that deprived you of sleep. After you finished watching a video, you clicked immediately on the next one. You could not say boredom was the reason, but you could not sleep either. After seemed like hundredth make-up video, you thought for a moment about closing your laptop and go to sleep. But your phone lit up and a name appears that you haven’t read in a long time.
Yukhei (New Number Korea): “Are you still awake?“
Y/N: “Are you still alive?”
You couldn’t withhold this ironic statement. Yukhei and you were childhood friends. You've known each other since kindergarten and you've shared everything. However, when he went to Korea, the contact became increasingly rare. At the beginning you have still written from time to time. If he visited Hong Kong, then you met. But the calls and the visits became less and less until the contact broke off.
Yukhei (New Number Korea): “Haha…but I think I deserve this. ;)”
Y/N: “Why are you contacting me?”
You had to admit that you were a little angry. He was your best friend, you saw each other almost every day or talked to each other on the phone. And then he broke off the contact, because he had a better life now. A better life as an idol with fancy clothes, stylish hairstyles and surrounded by beautiful people. There was no room for you here.
Yukhei (New Number Korea):  “I'm in town for a few days, I‘m staying by my parents.“
Yukhei (New Number Korea): “Do you want to come over?“
Y/N: “At 2 am? Seriously?”
In fact, you wanted to come immediately, but you did not want to treat him with this satisfaction. He didn’t call you for so long and he didn’t responded to your calls for so many months. And now you should jump?
Yukhei (New Number Korea):  “I know…I sucked…“
Yukhei (New Number Korea): “My mum made Kanom Krok. We can meet in the restaurant and you can have as many as you want.“
Kanom Krok was your absolute favorite dessert and you could not say no to it. Besides, the restaraunt was around the corner so you didn‘t have to go that far.
Y/N: “Ok…you know me well. I’m there in 15 minutes.”
You could not deny that you were upset. Yukhei was your friend, but somehow your stomach twisted at the thought of the meeting. You had not seen each other for nearly a year. A lot has changed. You were not the same anymore.
Quickly you put on your dress that you had recently bought. It was pastel pink and actually you never used to be interested in such clothes. But you discovered lately your feminine side. After you put on make-up, you do one last check in the mirror and you didn’t recognize yourself again. Earlier than you used to go over to Yukhei's with dirty sweatpants and you didn’t mind. You were unadorned by ninety percent of the time you spent together. Who were you?
Your pulse did not calm down when you stood in front of the restaurant. The blinds were down, but the door was open through a small crack, from which light emerged. He was already there.
Before you opened the door, you paused briefly. Why were you so nervous? You breathe deeply and reach for the doorknob. The smell that came your way was so familiar. You close your eyes for a moment and it feels like you're a kid again. You spent so much time in this restaurant. After school, on the weekend. It was like a second home for you. After Yukhei went to Korea, you never entered the restaurant again. You have always seen his mother on the street or in the supermarket and she always offered to come by. But it was like an inner blockage that didn’t let you enter this room.
Inside the restaurant everything was deserted. The chairs were set on the tables and everything was cleared away. Your gaze moved to the counter and you discover a familiar face. He stood by the counter with a big grin and wide open arms. You smile shallowly and greet him with a hug. Your head rested on his chest and it was a soothing feeling to have him with you again. When you touch his skin and smell him again, you realize more how much you missed him.
"You have changed." You release your hug and he looked at you closely. Your gaze falls on your dress and you play shy with the hem.
"I know. I thought with age … I can also become more feminine." You look up to your childhood friend who still examines you with his eyes. Somehow, it was important to you to know what he thinks of your new look. Immediately you became nervous because he still did not say anything and looked at you further. You could not stand the silence anymore, it must finally be said something.
"Maybe it does not suit me, but ..."
"You look good, just different ..." He interrupted and a wide grin spread on his lips.
"I just changed over time. Just like you ... Lucas ..."A little anger came up in you again. You could not hide your cynicism. It hurt to lose such a good friend and you didn‘t want him out of your life. But it seems to you that Korea and the whole industry took him away from you.
"I know, I failed as a friend. But even if we have changed, that does not mean that we can no longer be friends. I really missed you ..." The last words were soft as warm butter and in your heart spread a pleasant warmth. This feeling was so unfamiliar that you couldn‘t really classify it. Slowly you got nervous because you did not know how to react. He should not see your anxiety. That's why you box him on his upper arm and start laughing like a little boy.
"Your strokes have gotten harder" Yukhei started to laugh and rubbed gently over the spot that had been recently touched by your fist.
"I think you just got thinner." You grin slightly and touch his biceps. And briefly you had a moment that was the same as before. That feeling unleashed pain in you and you immediately release your hand from his arm and took a step back.
"What's going on?" Yukhei took the lost step back to you and looks with his big eyes into yours. You had to swallow and try to settle the mess in you for a short moment.
"I don‘t know either. I think it's a pity that it's not like it used to be before." You fold your arms over your chest and try not to look him. His eyes made you nervous and that was an unknown feeling for you. It was like another Yukhei standing in front of you. A Yukhei which suddenly is attractive, where your knees soften and you do not bring out a complete sentences.
"I know, I miss that time too. I wanted to contact you as well, but there was so much to do. All the performances on TV, the whole dance and singing classes. Sometimes I have so little sleep that I can not remember where the front and back are."
You feel guilty. You were his best friend and you should be happy about his success. He had worked hard for all this. You look up at him again slowly and try to smile. You didn’t want to argue with him in the short time you were together in Hong Kong.
"You're really famous ..." Your voice was gentle, your gaze deep in his dark eyes.
"Well, a little bit." He said this with a laugh, but his eyes did not stray from yours. For a moment it was quiet between you two, but then you gave him a little push and walked over to the bar.
"Since when are you so modest?" With the back you turn to the countertops and put your palms on them, so you could lift yourself up.
"You have not lost your cynicism." He turned to you and laughed. Slowly a light-heartedness reappeared and you were glad that your anger and nervousness were gone. You just wanted to spend your time with Yukhei.
"Any news in your life?" He leaned his back on the fridge. You just shrug, at the moment you didn’t have much to tell.
"Not much actually. Except that I changed my appearance, not much has happened. "
"Do you have a boyfriend?" His question hit you fast and hard. You had to swallow for a moment and suddenly you got nervous again. You never had a boyfriend and something kept you from falling in love with someone. Although you have always been with boys, but they were your friends, you just did not fall in love with them. That was always a big taboo for you.
"No I didn’t. You? I mean, you're working with really pretty girls now. "
"I don’t have one either. There is simply no time for it. "
For sure, you thought ironic. He probably sleeps with all the trainees or other employees. He always got well with girls and it always bothered you somehow. But, when you see him on TV with other female idols, your stomach is cramping. Only the thought that he was flirting with them make you mad.
"Y/N the forever virgin!" Yukhei tried to tease you, but it bothered you more that he called you that.
"I’m not a Virgo anymore!" You stretch your mouth to a pout and interdigitate, like a defiant child, your arms in front of the chest.
"Ah, is that so?" He was curious and interested, but you didn’t want to pay any more attention to the subject. You went to college and experiment a little bit. But love never played a role in your life.
"Besides, I do not need to worry about being alone. We have our deal."
"Our deal? Do you think about that, which we decided at the age of 13?" He looked surprised and approached you. He was standing right in front of you. Your knees touched his stomach and his palms were placed next to your hips so he could lean forward a little closer to you.
The deal was ridiculous. After school, you were angry because a boy called you ugly. You finally renounced the boys. Yukhei's mother then asked you if you would not marry someday and have children. You wanted to, but you found the guys too stupid for that. So Yukhei suggested that you marry him, because it's cool to be together with his best friend. It was an innocent deal, far away from sexual feelings. But whenever one of you two was disappointed by the opposite sex, the deal came up again.
"I hope you didn’t forget it." Your voice was slightly fragile because Yukhei's face was dangerously close to yours. You look at his lips, which were full and soft. You imagine kissing him at this moment, uniting your tongue with his. You've never had those thoughts or you've succeeded in ousting them. But right now, you just wanted his lips on your senses.
"I think that's the moment when I can say that I've always had a little crush on you."
"Did you?" He nodded and it surprised you, because you saw all these girls come and go. He has boast in front you like you were one of his buddies.
"You always had this principle of never starting something with your friends." He smiled slightly and his lips were already close to yours. Your heart was racing and you could not speak at that moment.
"Do you still have this principle?" His lips were only a millimetre away from yours, but he's waiting for your reaction. You did not need to say anything anymore, you wanted him. He was the one you always wanted, only you never knew. You could never fall in love, because it was always Yukhei who was in your heart.
You use the last millimetre and put your lips together. His palms immediately broke away from the counter and clutched at your hips. You also put your arms on his shoulders and pull him a little closer to you. You open your legs so that he could draw you closer to his haunch with his hands.
The kisses were very gentle and soft at the beginning. But the desire for you two became more and more intense. His kisses became tougher and more demanding, as if he had been starving for years. Together your bodies moved in tact to your kisses, but the desire was no longer satisfied. His hands pushed up your dress and you stopped him for a moment.
"Is everything okay? Shall we stop? "Yukhei looked at you in surprise. He wanted you and you him, but it was so fast, so abrupt. You had to gather briefly, because it was your best friend standing in front of you and pulled up your dress. This time it was not just any college guy whose name you didn’t want to know.
You put gently your palms on his chest and kiss his neck.
"It’s all right." Your small kisses went up to his ear.
"I just need you … Yukhei." You whisper in his ear, almost moaning his name. A soft groan escaped his lips after he heard your words and his head dropped to his neck as you left another trail of kisses on him. As he leans forward to you again, his hand wanders to the fabric of your pants. With his thumb he press against your clit.
This time you moan his name, which increased his pressure and he began to press his finger in the ankle. A soft groan escaped you and he saw this as an opportunity to simply pull down your pants. Then his fingers found themselves in your middle again and stroked over your folds to distribute the wetness everywhere. His fingers wandered down away from your clit and one finger slowly slide inside you. Your palms cramp a little bit on the counter and your back makes a hollow cross. He moved slowly, taking his time to feel you, every inch and stretch you. He looked at you and took his other hand to bring it to your lips and his mouth.
„Yukhei. Please…“ You whine unable to wait any longer. He pulled his finger out of you and pulled down his sweatpants. He did not need time anymore because he was already hard. You pull your dress over your head and he did the same with his shirt.
There were you two, best friends, naked to each other. It was a strange feeling, but everything you wanted.
"Do you really want to do it?" Yukhei asked again for safety, because then there was no turning back.
„Yes. I want you inside me. I need you…“
As your words were uttered, he moaned louder. He almost lost himself in your words, but slowly he regaining his control. He bit into your neck before he leaned your legs against the sides of your body. Yukhei rested his head on your entrance and paused for a moment, stroking you with light fingers before pushing his head inside. He pushes himself further and further into you, until you were completely filled. Your eyes grew big, your whole body tensed. It felt like a salvation. He was in you at last and you were able to absorb him completely. Lust and desire come over you and also Yukheigroaned as he felt you more and more.
You lay your hands on his back and your fingertips buried in his skin. He begins to move, his hips thrusting slowly at that perfect angle. He was so thick and long, just when you thought you were full he would push further.  
“You’re so beautiful, Y/N. Oh God…” His head fall back at his moan. His pace get faster and he rolled his hips perfectly and deftly until he could not stand it anymore. Yukhei stroked your face and ran a thumb over your swollen lips as you groaned his name.
“Oh God….Yukhei….Oh God!” It made you when he located the exact spot where you immediately bent to buckle. You feel your orgasm rising up in you. You had never been struck by lightning but you imagined this is what it felt like. He called you name with his raw and deep voice and he rocked his hips into yours a few final times. You two moaned in unison, tears running over your checks. His thrust were harder and faster pace, which you didn’t imagine was possible. Your eyes met and you cling to the edge of you pleasure.
He was deep inside you. The feeling surrounds you like never before, it was like tunnel vision, everything was there, he was there.
“I’m gonna cu…” His last thrust was hard but full of pleasure.
He rested his forehead against yours and breathed heavily while he looked deep into your eyes. He was still in you and with big eyes you look at him. You have never experienced anything like this today. No man had ever given you that feeling before.
He kissed away your tears and then pulled himself out of you.
He looked at you briefly and pulled you back immediately. Your lips met again and you wish that you could stay like this forever.
"This has no future, right?" Your voice was gentle. You knew the reality. Even if you are so attracted to each other, your relationship has no chance.
"I wish so much I could say something else…" His head was lowered, his voice honest. You were not a random girl, what he just wanted to fuck. You were his best friend, his life person. He wanted to spend his time with nobody else.
"Different time – different place, it's always like that, right?" You're trying to put a smile on your lips, but it was hard for you. Your palms stroked his forearms.
"I never said this to a girl before, but I just want you to know that I love you." His voice was weak. Otherwise he was loud and his voice was deep, but that phrase was not easy for him. You took his face in your hands and kissed him passionately. His eyes were closed until your face move slowly away from his. Then you look him deep in the eye.
"I love you too." You thought love was hard, but at that moment, everything was so easy. Yukhei was everything you needed. No other man could ever do him justice.
"What do we do now?" The silence in the room was hard to bear. You two were forgiven. Two hearts that were together, but could not be together. Everything spoke for your love, but not life. If he was not an idol in Korea, you would come together, marry, build a family, like his mother said when you were 13 years old. But life plays with other cards.
Yukhei gently put his face back on yours and gave you a kiss. Then he took your hands and pulled you off the counter.
"I think we eat Kanom Krok now."
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fucnhg-slee-p · 5 years
Chapter 2
When Liza awoke again she was in the same bed but with fresh clothing and wet hair, a glass of water and a cheese? sandwich next to her on a table, James was asleep on a bed across the room.. Liza sat up groaning, she scarfed down her food as quietly as possible, James stirred awake and padded toward her sitting on the chair near her bed “how are you feeling?” James softly asked. “I’m feeling a little better now” she replied while chewing. Now that she wasn’t half dead she could see this guy is actually pretty cute “uh, how old are you? Sorry if thats weird to ask I’m just curious”
“Late 50s, what about you?”
“Wow, you look amazing for 50 something. I’m 18”
Over the rest of the night they shared stories about themselves and Liza started to remember how she’d gotten here in the first place.
Liza was at a party, very unlike her to be here but she was, her best friend, Maggie dragged her out here and of course she tagged along because she had a huge crush on her.. cliche right? To be secretly In love with your best friend that you’ve known since kindergarten. Liza was actually having a lot of fun, although she didn’t really know anyone there besides Maggie.
A girl she had seen around school before walked up to her, “hi! I’m lele” she said a little too happily, Liza immediately didn’t like her but was still friendly and introduced herself “come on i wanna take you to meet some of my friends” lele gestured to follow her. Liza looked Behind her to have Maggie help her out of meeting most likely people just as weird and annoying as lele but Maggie was gone, talking to some very tall guy. Maggie noticed Liza starring and mouthed “Jacob” and raised her eyebrows excitedly, of course she was talking to him. Liza felt a little jealous of both of them to be honest she thought he was quite attractive too. Finding no way to get out of meeting lele’s friends she followed her and just like liza thought they were just as annoying.
David, jake, Logan, ariel, so many names and honestly liza didn’t care enough to remember any of them. At this point Maggie was long gone and probably went home with Jacob already, and of course liza wished she could’ve joined in on whatever they were going to do that night. Unfortunately though, she was here with lele pons and her friends of all the fucking things.
Eventually they wanted to take the party to one of their houses and all liza had wanted to do for the last few hours was just to go home but these assholes wouldn’t let her go, so she begrudgingly tagged along to Logan’s house or maybe it was Tessa’s.. who cares.
And thats when she saw him, An older man, Tessa’s father probably. The minute he walked down the stairs liza was instantly drawn and her eyes couldn’t leave him, she was a little less miserable now. “Hey dad” Tessa said, everyone else following suit and collectively saying “hey jay” they all suddenly seemed to act at least half sober until he went back upstairs saying “don’t stay up too late guys” he was only in her sight for a moment but liza thought he was very attractive. Eventually though her mind wandered off to where she wanted to be right now, in Jacobs bedroom with Maggie doing unspeakable things-
“Lizah, truth or dareee” David asked, drunkenly slurring his words. Liza snapped out of her daydream and answered “uh, dare?” They all cheered loudly, giving her more of a headache. “I ddare you to drnk this wholele bttole f uh, vokah” lele practically screaming the sentence, pushing the bottle in her face. Liza didn’t really like to drink and she hesitated but she thought maybe it’d help forget some of this mostly awful night. She chugged the whole thing and it hit her almost instantly. She lifted the bottle in the air triumphantly.
A couple hours later and she was back to feeling like shit, worse than before actually because now she was on the bathroom floor with a horrible headache, throwing up. A girl named ariel was holding her hair back, although annoying she seemed like a good person seeing as she had no idea who Liza was but decided to help her with this for no reason.
It was finally the end of the night and almost everyone was asleep and liza was far too tired to go home so she decided to spend the night and leave hopefully before anyone else woke up.
The only issue is liza didn’t wake up in the same place she remembered falling asleep...she woke up the basement, a week later
First of all, which one of them put her here and why, second what relation does James have to any of those kids?
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thelanguageoflovers · 6 years
That Damned Universe - Chapter 3
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2
Geometry dragged on, Cyrus glancing up at TJ as many times as he could within the forty minutes without drawing attention. Every single time he did, however, TJ immediately looked away. "Something's going on there," Cyrus said as he and Buffy walked out of class, his brows furrowed. "And now I have to deal with whatever it is tonight after library work." "Waiting for that shoe to drop," Buffy groaned. Just as they turned the corner to go downstairs, TJ brushed past them, knocking into Buffy as he jogged down the stairs. "Well alright then," she huffed. "That was weird," Cyrus noted, turning to the side to look at Buffy as he walked. "Did you put glass in his cereal this morning?" "No, rat poison. The glass went in his coffee," Buffy deadpanned, rolling her eyes.
"I swear, he was not like that before. He used to be nice!" Cyrus exclaimed, leading Buffy towards their dormitory and up the stairs. "Hey, wanna come see my room?" "Will TJ be there?" "If he is, Lord knows he'll just turn on his heel and leave," Cyrus shrugged, rounding a corner to climb the next flight of stairs. "Fair enough," Buffy shrugged, reaching the third floor with a sigh. "Please tell me this is your floor." "One more, sorry," Cyrus said, ignoring Buffy's pout and starting up the last flight of stairs. "Alright, any further and we'll have to start tunneling through the roof," Buffy huffed. "Well, that was the plan, but now that you say it something tells me the administration would be a little annoyed," Cyrus joked, walking down the hall. "Yes, just a touch." "I guess we'll have to settle for my room," he shrugged, opening his door. TJ was sitting on his bed, reading a book. "Hey, TJ," Cyrus said. "Hey, Cy-" TJ looked up as Buffy followed him inside. "I've gotta go," he said quickly, standing up. "I'll- uh - leave you two alone." "Oh- okay," Cyrus said, turning to the side so TJ could get past him. TJ couldn't have left fast enough, and Cyrus was pretty sure he heard him running down the hall after the door shut. "Behold, in theaters everywhere-" Buffy said, gesturing to the door. "He Hates Buffy Driscoll." "And the alternate title- He Doesn't Know Buffy Driscoll," Cyrus rebutted. "I'm sure he'd like you if he got to know you-you're pretty similar, you know." "I resent that statement," Buffy responded, sitting on Cyrus's bed, back against the wall. "Hey! He's nice," Cyrus defended, sitting next to her. "Not to me," Buffy snorted. "I saw him in the hallway in the Lowry Center earlier- he literally fell trying to get away from me! He is very much disliked by people who aren't his twin sister or his teammates." "I like him," Cyrus grumbled, hugging a pillow to his chest. "Oh no," Buffy groaned. "Oh no no no. Cyrus no. You do not like him!" "What? of course I do! I have to live with him for- Buffy no!" Cyrus stopped mid-sentence, realizing what Buffy meant. "What? It's obvious! TJ looks at you like you hung the stars in the sky!" "Buffy, stop it," Cyrus said, more seriously. "Come on, Cyrus." "Buffy! I said stop! I don't want to have this conversation with you right now." "You're allowed to have a crush! You could have better taste, however..." "God, shut up! I am not talking about this! "Cyrus, come on! You are clearly in love with him!" "Alright, I have library duty," Cyrus huffed, standing up. "I'd tell you to lock up when you leave, but you don't have keys, so..." "Are you kicking me out?" Buffy asked, following Cyrus to the door. "Yes, as a matter of fact, I am," Cyrus responded, locking his door. "I've gotta go, see you tomorrow," he said coldly, turning and walking down the hall towards the back doors, which were closest to the library. Cyrus walked all the way to the library in a huff, his brows furrowed in confusion. He smiled at Mrs. Bell when he walked in. "Cyrus! You're here! Good, we have lots to do tonight," she said, standing up from her desk. "The cart of books to be shelved is right over there." She gestured to a cart of new books, nearly overflowing. "Oh, oh my gosh." "Of course, we don't expect you to get it all done now," Mrs. Bell added quickly. "Thank goodness," Cyrus sighed. "Alright, you two can get to work now," Mrs. Bell said, clapping her hands together. "Wait- two of us? What?" Just as Mrs. Bell opened her mouth to respond, the library's phone rang. She picked it up, and settled for pointing over Cyrus's shoulder, to where TJ had come to the cart for an armload of books. "Just my luck," Cyrus muttered, walking up next to TJ for a stack of books to shelve. "Cyrus? What are you doing here?" TJ asked upon noting Cyrus in his peripheral vision. "Working," Cyrus said, holding up the books in his arms as evidence. "That damned universe, huh?" "Yeah," TJ chuckled, following Cyrus towards the shelves of historical fiction. "I thought you were hanging out with your, uh, girlfriend?" "What?" Cyrus asked, glancing over his shoulder at TJ. "Your girlfriend? The one you were like just hanging out with?" "Buffy?" Cyrus laughed as he began to alphabetize the books in his hands, putting them away as he did. "Assuming that's her name, yes. That's the one." "No, no. Buffy's just a friend. She, Andi and I have been best friends since we were little kids," Cyrus explained. "And you all got into Lincoln?" "Well, you and your twin sister both did," Cyrus pointed out. "Fair enough, I guess," TJ laughed, moving a book to the side to put another on the shelf. "So, you three have been best friends since you were little?" "Yeah," Cyrus chuckled, shifting the books in his arms. "Since we met in kindergarten." "Good." "Good?" Cyrus asked. "Yeah, good. You deserve that." "Deserve what?" Cyrus laughed gently, looking at TJ out of the corner of his eye. "That whole thing," TJ said, gesturing vaguely. "The best friends thing. The always being there for each other thing, the never fighting thing." "We don't never fight," Cyrus said sadly, thinking back to Buffy- and then subsequently Andi, who was probably by now incredibly angry with him. "You okay?" TJ asked softly. "Y-yeah, I'm alright," Cyrus stammered, wiping his eyes, glad to find no tears pooling there. "Just nervous about PE on Wednesday. We're playing dodgeball and I am very much the underdog in this fight." "Hey, the underdog can win the fight!" TJ defended. "Have you learned nothing in American Studies?" he teased, leading Cyrus back to the book cart. "It's the first day!" "Of your entire education?" TJ rebutted, following Cyrus to the romance section. "...Point taken. I know the underdog can win, but I am not just the underdog. I am the human version of a rock." "So you...Change states under pressure?" "Yes, lots of metamorphism in my life," Cyrus joked, scowling at a book he was putting away. "Sidenote- this section of the library should be burned." "Now we know what the fine people of Alexandria were thinking!" TJ exclaimed sarcastically. "Hush, you." Cyrus and TJ worked around each other until 5:30, talking mindlessly as they shelved the new books. "Cyrus, TJ! Time's up, you two. You gotta go to your dorm or I am breaking school rules," Mrs. Bell called from her desk. TJ and Cyrus both sighed, plopping the last of the books they were holding on the cart before making their way out of the library. "Goodnight Mrs. Bell!" Cyrus called over his shoulder as he left. "See you Friday!" TJ added, holding the door open for Cyrus. Cyrus and TJ walked side by side back to their dorm, their hands brushing every so often. Cyrus glanced up at TJ, who looked like he was somewhere else entirely; he was clearly very much lost in thought. He opened his mouth to ask what was wrong, then clamped it shut again- if TJ wanted to talk, he would. "Hey, you okay?" Damn it. Apparently, his mouth hadn't gotten the memo. "Oh, yeah," TJ dismissed him vaguely, opening Stanford's back door. "...Just had a bad day." "Wanna talk?" Cyrus asked, following him inside. "I...Don't know yet," TJ shrugged. "I just had some problems with my friends." "That makes two of us," Cyrus sighed. "You, Crackle and Pop fought?" TJ asked incredulously. "Did you just equate me and my best friends to the mascots of a breakfast cereal? And make me Snap?" "Yes I did," TJ nodded. "Do you want to talk about it?" "I guess. Buffy and I just... Had an argument. And I kicked her out. And now Andi is undoubtedly mad at me for it." "Buffy's the tall, weirdly intimidating one, right?" "That's her," Cyrus chuckled, walking down the hallway. "So...If you don't mind me asking, what happened?" "Oh- oh, nothing!" Cyrus waved him off, opening their door. "Something stupid." "Fair enough. My friends and I got into a fight today, too." "Ah. What happened with you guys?" "Nothing, nothing. Something stupid, you know the drill," TJ said, casually taking off his white button down to replace it with a pajama shirt. "Ah, I- I know it well," Cyrus stammered, looking anywhere and everywhere that was not occupied by his roommate's stupid muscles. "Guess we're in the same boat here then," TJ said, pulling on a t-shirt and taking a pair of sweatpants out of his drawer. "Be right back," he said absentmindedly, disappearing into the bathroom to change. "...I guess we are."
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tsfanart · 6 years
Movie Night, Part 4/5
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 ... Part 5
The next morning, Logan woke up in his bed, and immediately the events of the night before came back to him. He groaned and rolled over, and immediately saw Patton looking over at him. Logan raised his eyebrows expectantly, and Patton sighed.
"Virgil [AND] I talked a little last night," he began.
"Oh, and how did that go?"
Patton pulled his chair over a little closer to the bed. "Roman's [HURT] still, but Virgil convinced him that he had his own apologizing to do, so he agreed to meet with you sometime today."
Logan sat up and nodded. "I guess that's fair. Do [YOU] know what time he said worked best for him?"
Patton nodded. "At ten, I think, which is...oh, which is any minute now, actually!" he said, startled.
Logan got out of bed. "Well, [WE’VE] gotta get going then, don't we?"
"I guess so, yeah."
Logan sighed and got dressed quickly, and then he and Patton headed out towards the others' room.
"I've [KNOWN] the anatomy of an apology since kindergarten," Logan said aloud as they walked down the stairs. "Say I'm sorry and that it won't happen again, and offer to do what I can to make things better. Ensure [EACH] of us is on the same page." He turned to face Patton. "That's all this is, right?"
Patton shrugged uncomfortably. "Well, [OTHER] than trying not to make excuses, sure. But I don't think you have to approach it as some sort of formula," he pointed out, softening a little. "Go [FOR] being sincere, you know?"
Logan gave a quivering sigh and hunched his shoulders as they reached Roman and Virgil's floor and started down the hall.
"And don't overthink it too much," Patton went on, hand on Logan's shoulder. "It's [SO] easy sometimes to get lost in your head, and I get that, but Roman's just a person--just like you are."
They had reached the door. Logan stared it up and down a few times as if it were a lion he was taming. He stared down at the doorknob and rubbed his arm, but jumped as Patton's voice pulled him out of his head.
"How [LONG] were you planning on standing there, exactly?" came his roommate's good-natured whisper. Logan grit his teeth sheepishly and knocked on the door.
Virgil opened the door seconds later, looking cheerful. "Oh, hey guys! How's [YOUR] morning so far? Did you sleep well and everything?" The questions were addressed to both of them, but he was looking at Logan in particular.
Patton spoke up. "His [HEART’S] been racing long enough, maybe we should just get this over with."
Virgil gave an understanding nod. "Okay, that's fair." He pulled back a little and faced Logan again. "Roman's [BEEN] up for a while now; he just left to get a snack, but he should be back any minute. Are you okay with waiting around here until then?"
Logan nodded shyly, and Virgil stepped aside to let him in. Then he turned back to Patton.
"I'm [ACHING] to get something to eat soon. Have you had breakfast yet?" he asked, a bit too emphatically. Logan rolled his eyes a little, but couldn't help smiling.
"No, [BUT] I wouldn't object to having some now!" he replied just as pointedly. "We'll see you later, alright, Logan?" He patted Logan's shoulder and left with Virgil for the dining hall.
Logan stood around in Virgil and Roman's empty dorm room, wondering if he should sit down. He looked around and stood in the center of the room, concerned more than anything with staying out of trouble.
At long last, Roman returned with a candy bar he'd gotten from the vending machine. He took notice of Logan and stopped short.
"Oh...[YOU’RE] here already," he said plainly.
Logan looked down at himself, and looked back up at Roman with a sneer. "I guess I am, aren't I? That [TOO] annoying for you?"
"You know, you don't need to broadcast to the world that you know everything," Roman snapped, closing the door behind them. He sat down in his desk chair and looked off to the side.
"I'm [SHY] enough around here as it is, okay?" he went on. "I just thought inviting those two guys from upstairs to a movie night with my roommate would be a good way to meet new people." He looked up at Logan. "But [TO] be reminded nearly right off the bat that I'm childish and immature because I like kids movies was not what I was looking for."
Logan looked away sadly, and Roman pointed wordlessly at Virgil's chair. Logan reluctantly sat down in it.
"Listen," Roman continued a bit more softly, I really am sorry for calling you out the way I did; it was uncalled for and it just made everyone uncomfortable, and I should have found a better way to put it. I'll [SAY] I'm sorry for that--truthfully. But I also need you to understand where I'm coming from."
Logan nodded, and Roman looked at him expectantly.
"Now [IT] would be your turn to talk, I believe."
Logan closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "I suppose I'm confused as to what you mean when you say that you're shy," he began. "I'm [INSIDE] my dorm room each weekend doing homework while you're out hanging with all your new friends like everyone else."
Suddenly, Roman hardened again. "Um, and who exactly are these new friends you speak of?"
Logan rolled his eyes. "C'mon, [WE] both know what I'm talking about. I see people wave to you in passing all the time. Frankly [BOTH] students and teachers seem to like you quite a bit."
Roman leaned back in his chair and folded his arms. "Wow, we really live on different planets here, don't we?" Logan shot him a puzzled look, so he continued. "I [KNOW] you and Patton and Virgil so far--that's it. And sure, people talk to me, but that doesn't mean I know how to talk to them."
That last sentence gave Logan pause. Someone else...knew how it felt to not know how to hold a conversation?
Just then, Roman got up and started pacing. "But [WHAT’S] worse is, Virgil is the only person that I'm really close to and he already knows me inside and out. Do you know how stifling it is to have to live with someone who already knows all of your flaws?" he shouted.
Logan sat there silently. He couldn't say he did know how stifling it was.
Roman continued talking, a bit calmer now. "I've [BEEN] trying to branch out so I could have a fresh start, but I can only do that so much because it seems mean to Virgil, and just...you're lucky that you don't have to deal with all that."
"I suppose I never thought of it that way," Logan said genuinely once Roman's tirade had had a chance to sink in. "Certainly [GOING] off of that information I can understand why you would feel that your social position is inferior to mine; however--"
"Okay, seriously, do you have to talk like that?" Roman cut in suddenly. "Come [ON]."
Just like he had the night before, Logan bit his lip and slid down further into his chair. In a moment of recognition, Roman slumped his shoulders and put his hands up.
"...Okay, you're right, that wasn't very helpful, let's just try that again," he said. Now it was his turn to close his eyes and take a deep breath. Finally his own voice was steady, and he spoke up again.
"Look, [WE] both know that you're the one who's supposed to be here and not me," he said pitifully. "As I was saying at the start of this conversation, all I ask is that you don't rub it in my face so much."
Logan looked up and tilted his head. "I [KNOW] that my...speech patterns can be unusual sometimes, but I'm feeling lost as to how that relates to your belief that only I belong here. Can you per--can you maybe explain that a little better?" he asked sincerely.
Roman put his face in his hands and groaned, and moved to lie on his bed. "All [THE] kids here have such intelligent conversations about books and culture and the stuff they've read and I can't contribute to any of it! I'm not smart enough to hear the nuances in classical music or to understand the significance of a given metaphor."
Logan thought this through and tried to find a way to speak up, but Roman went on. "This [GAME] of trying to pretend I know those things just makes me feel worse. It's just exhausting and depressing. Oh, [AND] don't think for a second that I know anything about robotics or mass production or friction," he added pointedly. Logan nodded regretfully.
Roman turned to stare at the ceiling, having cooled off a little. "My point is, I was never meant to be a college student."
Logan sat in the chair for a few moments and swung his feet. He was done with his own self-pity; Roman was saying things about himself that weren't true, and for the first time he could ever remember, Logan was overcome with a sense of compassion. But how to help?
"Roman...[WE’RE] in the same history class together, right?" he said at last.
Roman turned around and faced him. "Yeah...why?"
"You're [GONNA] say you don't belong here even though just last week you made an incredibly insightful point about how Taft's domestic policies impacted his decision to fire Pinchot?" Logan asked gently.
Roman sat up and glared at him. "What, you mean the point that a certain someone said was incomplete? Don't [PLAY] like you liked what I said when you're the one who shot it down."
Suddenly, Logan got back on the defensive. "Now, I don't think that's entirely fair. Shooting [IT] down would be like saying it was a bad idea. I liked it a lot; I was just trying to build on it." He stared at Roman with the same helpless, wounded look he'd given Patton the night before, but then he sighed and shook his head.
He tilted his head again and leaned forward a bit. "...You [AND] I have had a pretty rough start, haven't we?" he said shyly. Roman leaned forward too, and offered a small smile.
They stayed like that for a moment or two, but then Logan shook his head and leaned back. "Anyway, what I was trying to say is, you're at this school because you got accepted. And [IF] you ask me, that's evidence enough that you're meant to be here," he said, meeting Roman's eyes for the first time.
Now it was Roman's turn to stare at his feet. "It is?"
Logan nodded. "Don't [YOU] understand?" he asked, speaking even more softly now. "Admissions directors don't make mistakes about these things."
Roman gave him a skeptical glare, so he went on. "They [ASK] all the right questions during interviews and read every application essay carefully to ensure that all their students are thoughtful and intelligent and have the potential to thrive here. You're here because they were able to see the best in you." He smiled again.
Roman swallowed back a sob, and said at last, "Maybe [ME] and you should talk more often."
'You and I,' Logan thought to himself, but he was too overjoyed to finally have a new friend to care. "Yeah, maybe we should," he replied with a grin.
Roman smiled and wiped his eyes. "Look, [HOW] about we start this over, yeah?" He stood up and stuck out his hand. "I'm Roman."
Logan grinned and stood from Virgil's chair, sticking out his own hand. "Hello, [I’M] Logan. It's nice to meet you!"
@lizaelsparrow @bunny222 @phlying-squirrel @haikyuupaladin @anarchicrealist @existentialburden @hissesssss @lonelygoldheart @sassy-in-glasses @pensive-patton @punch-you-with-friendship @challybop @natigail @kindofclever @k9cat @iris-sanders-athena @ravenclawangst @secretlyondrugs @theresneverenoughfandoms @nashiraneko @wtfeodipus @savingshae @zoalis @a-simple-fryingpan @yv-sanders @justanotherpurplebutterfly @frigglishsprite413 @afilhadehades-blog @pandilli
Hey...if you don’t totally hate me yet, why not go back and reread The Apartment (first word of every other spoken sentence), Audition (third word of every other spoken sentence), House Party (third by default, but second and fourth as necessary, word of every single spoken sentence), and Embarrassing Past (first letter of every sentence)?
Also, DISCLAIMER: These OPs were not edited until July 8th. Please don’t feel bad if you didn’t pick up on it--you weren’t supposed to! This has everything to do with seeing if I could be a good enough writer to pull it off and nothing to do with making others feel bad. It was all in good fun!
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blogs-of-our-lives · 6 years
I, Frankenstein is a Trash Movie
           I’ve been putting off writing this for some time now. I watched Episode 98 immediately after watching 97, and you can tell it was getting a little hazy by the end. I can vaguely remember the beginning of the episode, and that’s when my memory was at its clearest. So I may take some creative liberties and make my own plot as I go.
           Welcome to Carter’s nightmare carnival funhouse version of Days of our Lives.
           This show makes me sad. I write way way way slower than they produce episodes. As I write this review for Episode 98, they’ve already released episode 205. Granted, I have no intentions of following it every day (episode 200 has a thumbnail of Ciara passed out on the floor as an obviously fake fire consumes her house, so I’m abso-fucking-lutely reviewing that one next), but the blistering pace that this show takes is disheartening. It just goes to show that life moves fast. You blink, and kids your age are getting married. In the previous NFL draft, the Buffalo Bills selected linebacker Tremaine Edmunds in the first round, at the age of 19. He’s younger than I am. That’s ridiculous. I’m getting old, fast.
           The episode opens with John at the hospital. He looks flustered, glancing around desperately. For those who haven’t read about the previous episode, the last we saw John, he had just entered the Dimera mausoleum with Will. As the door shuts, we hear a gunshot. Shortly behind him is Paul (wearing a black leather jacket, everybody in this show is wearing a black leather jacket, it’s like the soap opera version of Sons of Anarchy).
“What have you done?” Paul asks, staring in horror at the floor.
John steps in behind him, holding a comically small gun. “The same thing I’m going to do to you,” he says. It cuts to the outside of the mausoleum, where we hear another gunshot.
I didn’t mention this last episode, but imagine if that was the last thing you heard. It was clearly not a sincere question. Paul knew what happened. Ugh. I hate that line so much. Imagine your first memories. Imagine kindergarten, first grade, all the way up to middle school and high school. Every moment of your life, every love and every regret, every moment of anger or sadness, has been leading up to an old guy in a black leather jacket with a tiny gun saying “The same thing I’m going to do to you” and then shooting you.
Anyway, we’re caught up. John is distressed, and at this point it’s kind of unclear what he’s trying to do. I can’t remember if John is trying to finish off Steve (John is a spy tasked with killing Steve, the eyepatch guy), trying to tell his wife (Will’s grandma, and just so you guys all know, there’s no coming back from murdering someone’s grandson. No amount of foot rubs and boxes of chocolate shaped like hearts can help you come back from murdering your wife’s grandson) that he’s a spy, or maybe he just had a moment of clarity and realized that Days of our Lives can only rent like three sets at one time and he truly had nowhere else to go.
I’ll just tell you all the truth. Will and Paul are alive. They both make an appearance on the thumbnail of episode 191, and unless it’s from a flashback (more on that later), they survived. Just as a good rule of thumb, if this show wants you to think somebody is dead, they’re probably alive.
Fun fact, when someone on the show says “They’re in a better place” when talking about a dead character, they’re telling the truth.
Oh god, I just realized that it doesn’t even matter. They’ve blurred the lines between life and death so much (Will returning from the dead with amnesia, the Salem Stalker victims returning to life, John dying in a car accident and somehow appearing in this episode) that there truly is no reason to believe anyone is dead. It doesn’t matter if an actual licensed doctor comes on screen and pronounces the character dead. You could probably bring back your favorite character just by emailing the producer. The email is [REDACTED BY EDITOR – You absolutely may not use my personal email address], by the way. Email that at least twice a day every day, and soon you’ll get your character back.
The scene cuts to a man and a woman standing next to each other in front of the Dimera mausoleum. The mausoleum has “DIMERA” etched into the marble, just in case the viewer has forgotten that scene from less than 24 hours earlier. It could have easily been confused with any of the thousands of mausoleums that appear in our day to day television. These two people (the woman is a former lover of Andre Dimera, the most recent Dimera to pass away – which apparently is common enough that it merits the need for a mausoleum – and the man is of absolutely no consequence and isn’t worth the number of words I’ve invested in him already) take up most of the episode, pondering Andre’s life in front of his tomb, before they will presumably enter and discover Paul and Will’s “bodies” (I have no idea what they will find there), but are also painfully boring. I’ve said before that a single Days of Our Lives episode contains very little content. Usually it has about a conversation’s worth of information. For example, the description of episode 189 is “Kate makes a huge confession to Chad.” Presumably they also talk about the confession, right? Usually not. Usually the episode breaks down in the following way: Kate sees Chad and says hello, cut to other characters, cut to commercials, Kate says she has a confession, cut to other characters, cut to commercials, Kate says the confession, cut straight to commercials, Chad looks upset, the episode ends.
This is a very long-winded way of me telling you that it takes the full 60 minutes of Days of our Lives for the two people to enter the goddamn tomb.
It’s about time I talk about the flashbacks. I don’t remember what each individual flashback contained, but there were two or three in this episode. And holy crap, they were genius. Not the content of the flashbacks, but the idea of them. Because they literally reused old Days of our Lives footage. Imagine if I could copy and paste bits of previous Blogs of our Lives episodes, label them as a flashback, and call it a day. Oh man, I am jealous of the writers. Until I remember they’re stuck in the Fields of Asphodel that is being a writer for Days of Our Lives.
Naturally, the flashbacks have slightly lower quality than the episode itself. We live in an age of progress, and in a few years, even the most recent movies will look dated. But this is just absurd. It looks like someone went frame by frame and printed out the entirety of the flashback, photocopied them, photocopied them again, and put them back in. Also the audio sucks. I don’t have anything poetic to say about it. It just sounds like the voice actors did their recordings via walkie-talkies.
Remember Gabi, the chic murderer? Well now she’s talking with a police officer in the station. He’s trying to get help her out, clearly a friend of hers. “You’re going to be home to see your daughter soon,” he said.
“That’s not likely,” a woman says, strutting into the room. She’s got a satisfied, smug smirk. “I’m pressing charges.” Ah, she must be the DA. I think? Is that how law works? The DA can just press charges? Does that mean that she just as easily could have chosen not to? For murder? I’ll give DOOL a pass because I don’t understand it myself.
And now my notes start making even less sense. The handwriting is larger and sloppier and mostly illegible.
The former lover of Andre Dimera and the man accompanying her continue on their Hamlet-style soliloquy, talking and talking and talking and just standing outside the damn mausoleum. Finally, she opens the door and gasps, before the camera fades to black, ending the episode. Which is the biggest cop out I’ve ever seen, but nothing in this show surprises me anymore. I’m not mad, just disappointed. I’m telling you guys, an hour of Days of our Lives contains about five minutes of something actually happening.
Of course, this isn’t the end of my notes. I will transcribe them below exactly as it is written:
All of these wonderful pieces of insight culminate in a full page entry, in all caps, on the next page. SHE FINDS HIM THERE.
I don’t know. I was going to put more to that sentence, but I realized it answered every question one could possibly have about that list. Why did I forget how to spell? I don’t know. Presumably I was in a rush to get all my ideas down. Where does the syringe (or rather srynge) come in? Who is the woman that sees things? Why are the angels fighting? I don’t know.
My best guess is that John Black stole a syringe to inject Steve with poison, seeing as both were in the hospital. Which opens up the possibility that I meant to write “punts srynge in STEVE.” Somehow I doubt that, however. I assume I meant “flights of angels,” a Shakespeare reference. Who even knows. You guys can probably decipher my notes better than I can.
The other day, I was at Walmart (while procrastinating writing this, and I suppose in a way I’m still procrastinating by writing this side segment), when the $3 movie bin caught my eye. I’m drawn to it every time. I love DVDs (there’s something to be said about physical media rather than digital), I’m a cheap bastard who loves cheap-ass shit, and I love love love love love bad movies. More on that later.
I found a three movie collection of Prom Nights 1-4, starring Jaime Lee Curtis. It seemed to be some kind of an off-brand Carrie. Also, for those of you with keen eyes, it was not a mistake that the 3 movie collection contained 1-4. For whatever reason, the set contained Prom Night, Prom Night 2, and Prom Night 4. Why not Prom Night 3? Won’t I be lost without knowing what happened between Prom Night 2 and Prom Night 4?
I truly, sincerely believe I have good taste in movies. I watch a lot of good movies and can understand what makes them good and why. However, on one fateful day about three years ago, I discovered that it was far easier to enjoy a bad movie with your friends than a good one. I get upset if people talk during a good movie, and don’t care if people talk during a bad movie. We can make fun of bad movies, but not good movies. Most of all, a good movie often invokes a specific mood. It’s hard to match that mood with a group of people. A bad movie also invokes a specific mood, always laughter, which is very easy to match with a group of people.
Which is why I’ve seen Fridays the 13th Parts 1-8, Jason Goes to Hell, Jason X, Freddy vs. Jason, Nightmares on Elm Street 1-3, FACE/OFF, The Room, a lot of Scooby-Doo direct to DVD movies, Scared Shrekless (in my defense that was a gift), The Wickerman (the one with Nicholas Cage, obviously), The Gingerdead Man (starring Gary Busey), Starship Troopers (starring Gary Busey’s son), Antz, Darkman (treat yourself, it’s pretty great), Flushed Away (I enjoyed this one a little too genuinely), Birdemic: Shock and Terror, S. Darko, Jurassic Park III, Vampires Suck (not as much as that movie did), Hellraiser, Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2, Meet the Robinsons, Hannibal Rising (swapping Jodie Foster for Julianne Moore was a poor decision), Alvin and the Chipmunks, Eragon (sweet Jesus Christ, I forgot about Eragon), Annabelle, Annabelle: Creation, The Conjuring (people will try to tell you the Conjuring is a good movie… don’t let them), Ouija, The Boy, and The Visit. Honorable mention goes out to Rubber, which isn’t actually a bad movie, and one other.
I, Frankenstein.
A movie so bad its title needed to be separated so it couldn’t taint any other sentences. The worst movie I’ve ever seen. But I can save that for another post.
You’ll notice that a lot of these movies are horror. I looove horror movies, so I say this with all the love in my heart. It’s a trash genre. I’ve never seen anything like it. For every one good horror movie, there are at least fifty horrible ones. Not fifty bad ones. Fifty horrible ones. I’ll talk about horror as a genre next time, but I’ll leave you with an anecdote. My friends and I wanted to watch a horror movie, so we found a list of the Top 100 Horror Movies of All Time. We didn’t recognize a single movie until #50, and they had the movie Oculus as the 25th best horror movie of all time. That’s ridiculous. The nicest thing I have to say about Oculus was there were a lot of parts of the movie where I didn’t want to get up and leave. There were a lot of mediocre scenes, and I mean that as a compliment. I thought about this for a moment, that Oculus was ranked 25th of all time, and realized that’s about right. There are so so so few good horror movies, and just an absurd amount are terrible. I think it’s due to the fact that all horror movies are vaguely formulaic, relying on tropes for the genre. It makes them really easy to write and produce.
Anyway, thanks for reading, and I’ll have the next Blogs of our Lives out much sooner than I got this one out.
Fuck I, Frankenstein.
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The Pill {Planted in Pain verse}
Written for day 2 @oqpromptparty, is based off prompt #236 where Regina sneaks their daughter birth control pills and Robin finds out.
Read at Ao3.
“We need to talk.”
Regina sighed unclipping her hair from the bun she’d thrown it into for work. It was a Wednesday afternoon and she came home to find Robin waiting for her in their bedroom. A sight which might’ve excited her had it not been for the look on his face and the fact that she’d just spent the last 9 hours dealing with 30 middle schoolers still riding their sugar high from leftover halloween candy. Honestly, she was dead tired and simply looking forward to a night where she could just pop a frozen lasagna into the oven and relax with her husband and daughter.
So imagine her disappointment when she came home to find him waiting for her, still dressed in his uniform and clearly ready to thrown down. And not in a good way.
“Can it wait Robin, really?” she begged, slipping off her heels. “I’ve had such a long day and I’m sure whatever it is can be talked about in the morning.”
Normally she wouldn’t be so nonchalant with him but she was tired. Besides what could he possibly have to be so upset about. As far as she knew she hadn’t done anything wrong.
“No it can’t wait until the morning,” said Robin, standing from the bed. “I’ve got something I need to discuss now.”
Blowing out a tired breath she raised her eyebrows at him. “Fine. What is it that’s so important?”
He stared her down. “I stopped by the pharmacy today.”
Oh shit.
Regina straightened her back as she realized just why he was so upset. “Oh.”
“Yeah,” Robin nodded at her. “I called in a prescription this morning, my back was acting up again. Funny thing though when I got there to pick it up, they mixed up my order. Turns out there was another order put in a little while ago under the name Locksely. A prescription for birth control.”  
Regina shut her eyes. Jesus Christ.
Crossing his arm, Robin continued on. “Now unless I’m mistaken you haven’t been on any birth control since we found out we couldn’t conceive. So either you’re hiding one hell of a miracle from me… or it’s the worst case scenario.”
“Because the only other person in this house who could possibly need those is our fifteen year old daughter,” he bit out, with flares of anger in his eyes. “So Regina… please tell me there’s a secret miracle.” 
She took a deep breath before planting her hands on her hips and looking him in the eye. “Robin… Lizzy came to me a few weeks ago…”
“We sat down and had a talk…”
“And we decided that she should go on the pill,” finished Regina. Ignoring her husband’s indignant moans, she pressed on. “So I took her to the doctor and got her a prescription.”
“Are you kidding me? Behind my back?”  
“Only because I knew you would react this way,” she pointed out.
“How else am I supposed to react? She’s fifteen years old!” he replied, raising his voice an octave. Nervously tapping his police belt, he sucked in a sharped breath. “Is she… I mean has she ever…?”
He trailed off, unwilling to finish that sentence, unwilling to imagine his little girl even thinking of doing such things. She was so young, too young. She didn’t even have a boyfriend goddamnit! At least not one that he knew of.
A relieved breath left him when he saw Regina shake her head.
“No she hasn’t,” she mumbled, crossing her arms. Her eyebrows knit together. “A least I don’t think so.”
Robin’s eyes went wide. “You don’t think so?”
“She said that she hasn’t and I believe her,” clarified Regina. “Our daughter keeps many secrets Robin but she’s not an outright liar. You know that.”
“God,” he sighed, stressfully running his fingers through his hair. He was sure this conversation alone would give him two more patches of grey.
“Fine if she’s not having it then why does she need the pills?” he stressed.
“I don’t know that she actually needs them Robin. I think she just thinks that it’s best that she have them,” explained Regina as gently as possible. “She wants to protect her body. She’s just trying to be proactive.”
“Proactive,” scoffed Robin. “Who needs to be that proactive?”
“Our daughter,” Regina forcefully drawled. “Remember the one who wrote out a meal plan for the first three weeks of kindergarten?  And who asked for two raincoats in the fourth grade, just so she could keep a spare one at school just in case? She’s just trying to think ahead. And you know what? After what happened with Roland maybe that’s not such a bad thing.”
He lifted a dissenting finger in her direction. “What happened with Roland was… well I don’t know what happened there but it wasn’t the same as this. Lizzy isn’t Roland.”
“No she isn’t,” agreed Regina. “Because Lizzy is a girl and has a lot more to worry about than the boys when it comes to sex.”
“The hell she does,” Robin humorously chuckled. “She has nothing to worry about because it’s not happening. Because she’s not getting those pills.”
Regina threw her head and groaned. “Robin…”
“I mean it Regina. I’m putting my foot down.”
His wife tilted her head at him, a fire suddenly lit behind her brown eyes as she stared up at him. “Excuse me Robin? You can put your foot down all you like but I am not gonna allow you to micromanage our teenage daughter’s body like you’re a fucking member of congress. She asked for the pills, she’s getting them. End. Of. Discussion.”
Before he could even think of a response she spun on her heel and marched into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her.
So much for a relaxing evening.
They say you shouldn’t blink when you become a parent. You blink once and you’ll miss your kid’s whole childhood, it’ll whizz past you in a flash, leaving you in an empty house wondering where the hell all the time went.
Robin used to roll his eyes at that sentiment. He’d been so arrogant then.
It seemed like only yesterday he was chasing after his kids, changing their diapers, making sure they didn’t fall down the stairs or get into messes. With all three of them it felt like those days would never end.
Then he blinked.
His kids grew up. Henry and Roland were already gone, the former only two months away from getting his bachelor’s degree and the latter, half a world away traveling through Europe. The only one left was Lizzy, his princess. And even she was slipping through his fingers.
He knocked on her door later that night and slipped into her room while she was studying. Looking around he sighed. When they’d first brought her home the walls had been pink, there were stuffed animals everywhere and a bassinet against the wall. He’d used to spend long nights sitting in a rocking chair next to her closet singing old Britney Spears songs to get her to sleep. Things had transformed quite a bit since then. The bassinet was replaced with a full size bed. The pink walls were gone painted a painted a cool green when she was in middle school and plastered with old posters of role models and movies she’d picked up on the way. It was a young woman’s room now.
Looking up from her book, she eyed him suspiciously as she took a seat on the side of her bed.
“Hey daddy,” she drawled, narrowing her eyes. “What’s up?”
“Nothing,” he lied, shrugging his shoulders. “I just wanted to check in on you. Feels like we haven’t had any alone time in a while.”
She tilted her head at him. “Okay…”
“So… what’s new?” he ventured.
Lizzy searched his face, her blue eyes scanning him for five seconds at most before she rolled them and reluctantly set her book aside. “Mom told you about the birth control, didn’t she?”
No one in the house had ever been able to keep a secret from Lizzy, yet somehow it always took Robin by surprise how quickly she was able to cut through the bullshit.
He hesitated as she looked at him expectantly, crossing her arms as she did so. Finally, he sighed and came clean. “She didn’t tell me. I found out on my own,” he revealed. “You’re not the only one who can sniff out a secret around here.”
“True,” she said, nodding her head appreciatively. Looking away, she mumbled, “I didn’t want you to know.”
“Well, I do,” he replied. “And I got to admit, I’ve got some concerns.”
Subconsciously she tugged on on the end of the braid that fell over her shoulder. “Are you mad at me?”
“No,” he immediately assured her, reaching out to give her hand a squeeze. “I’m not mad, bug. I promise. I’m just confused, and a little worried about you”  
Lizzy let out a reluctant huff. “Well you don’t have to. I’m not having sex Dad.”
Despite his relief, Robin still tried not to wince at her bluntness. “Then why do you feel the need to take the Pill? Are you thinking of… it?”
“No!” she, said twisting up her face. “It’s not like I even have a boyfriend to do it with.”
Before Robin couldn’t even relish a second of relief she added, “But I might… someday soon. You know the guys at school aren’t great but one of them might mature enough for a second look.” Nervously averting her gaze she continued. “Dad I’m just trying to be responsible for me. You know I talked about it with Alice the last time I saw her and she thought it was a good idea.”
Robin’s eyebrows rose at the mention of Lizzy’s birth mother. “Alice suggested you get on birth control?”
“Well, yeah,” said Lizzy, as if it should be obvious. “C’mon you really didn’t think it was Mom, right?”
“I had a feeling it wasn’t,” he mumbled, knowing he’d probably have to eat crow for his wife over the next few days. He’d also need to have a serious conversation with her birth mother about boundaries.
“I don’t see what the big deal is,” said Lizzy, shaking her head. “You gave Henry and Roland condoms when they were my age.”
“No I didn’t.”  
Lizzy sent him a disbelieving look identical to Regina’s. “Dad… you put them under the sink in the bathroom… that I use… two inches away from where we stored the spare toilet paper. I saw them every day. Did you really think I didn’t know what they were?”
Robin cursed under his breath. He’d warned the boys to be stealthy about where they kept the box. “Well… that was different.”
“Because they’re boys?”
“No because… they were dating,” he floundered. “And you aren’t.”
“Oh,” she sarcastically drawled nodding her head. “So if I did get a boyfriend, then could I have birth control?”
Robin sucked his teeth, clearly uncomfortable with the turn of their conversation. Lizzy just grinned at him triumphantly, always pleased to needle her father with the flaws of his own logic.
“Going through all these hypotheticals isn’t going to get us anywhere,” he deflected. “I just… I’m not so sure that I’m comfortable knowing that you’re taking them, right now.”
Lizzy sighed, annoyed. “Does it really bother you that much, Dad?”
“A little bit sweetheart,” he admitted.
“Fine,” she said, shaking her head. “Then I won’t take them.”
“You won’t?”
“Nah,” she mumbled. “It’s not like I really need them, right now anyway. I just wanted to be extra careful. It’s not worth it if it’s making you act all crazy.”
“Crazy?” Robin twisted up his face indignantly. “I think I handled this fairly calmly, thank you very much.”
Lizzy snorted, sarcastically nodding her head. “Yeah, you were super chill. Not at all crazed.”
Robin sent her a small smile. He wasn’t naive enough to think she wasn’t disappointed but he still felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders.
Sighing, he reached out to pat her leg. “Listen bug… you know I just want you to be safe, right?”
“I know,” she said, shrugging her shoulders.
“You’re only fifteen years old, you’ve got other things to worry about and I just don’t see the need to pile anything else on to that,” he tried to explain. “Especially things you’re not ready for.”
“You mean sex.”
Again with the bluntless. “Yes I mean sex,” he sighed. “You don’t have to say it.”
“Feels like I do,” she laughed. “It makes you blush dad.”
“I’m not blushing.”
“You are,” she said, smirking at him with a chuckle.
He smiled at her before standing from the bed, and giving her a kiss on the top of her head. “Love you, bug.”
“Love you Dad.”
Almost sixteen years ago Robin confronted a teenage girl who followed him home one night. She’d ended up giving him her baby.
Though they’d always left the door open for her, Alice had always left a wide berth between herself and Lizzy. At least initially. She’d always stood on the other side of the door, happy to remain there with nothing but the rare letter and yearly photos. Six years ago, Lizzy had walked through the door herself, showing up at Alice’s home without so much as a warning or a heads up.
It could’ve been a clusterfuck, blunt and painful with his daughter’s birth mother saying she wanted nothing to do with her. Robin would always be grateful that it went the other way.
Alice had welcomed Lizzy with open arms. Answering all her questions, reminding her that she was always loved and free to see her whenever she liked as much as she wanted. It was the best thing that could’ve happened.
And Robin tried to remind himself of that when he showed up to see her the next day.
He didn’t know why he’d come to see her. He’d already laid the issue to rest the night before, not that Regina was too pleased to hear about it. Yet, somehow he found himself heading downtown on his lunch break and pulling up to the building where Alice she taught life painting.
It didn’t take him long to find the right classroom, Lizzy had taken a class their last summer and the number hadn’t changed. He’d slipped into the back just as she was finishing up with a class, all her students, young and old, setting aside their canvases for the day and heading out of the room.
She looked up in surprise when she saw him standing there but a smile quickly appeared on her face - wide, eager and unsuspecting.
“Robin hi!” she said, greeting him with a warm hug. “It’s good to see you.”
“It’s good to see you too,” he muttered, forcing a smile on his face.
Robin liked Alice. It was hard not to, knowing what she’d given up to make sure Lizzy had a good home.  He knew she was a good person with a sweet heart. She’d come a long way since that night when she’d asked him to take her baby. She was older and happier now. Smiled a lot more than he’d remembered and no longer dressed like a runaway. Thirty three years old she was Lizzy’s mirror in almost every way except hair color. While Lizzy’s hair was a deep chestnut brown, Alice’s was golden blonde. It made her easy to spot in a crowd.
“What are you doing here?” she curiously asked. “Is everything okay with Lizzy?”
“Everything with Lizzy is fine,” he said, shoving his hands in his pockets. “It’s just that I had a talk with her last night about birth control.”
He didn’t know what type of reaction he expected from her. Maybe something apologetic or nervous. Or maybe just something more than the nonchalant shrug that she offered him.
“And… are you putting her on the pill?”
“No,” he said. “We decided against it.”
Alice nodded her head, thoughtfully, before turning back to her student’s area. “Okay. Well I’m sure you know what’s best.”
“We do,” he said, more forcefully than intended, following her as she picked up the stray paintbrushes her students left behind. “The problem is when I talked to her about it she mentioned that you told her that she should get on the pill. Is that true?”
“It is,” she said, plainly turning to face him, her eyebrows raised questioningly as she stared at him with innocence in her eyes. “Problem?”
Robin took a deep breath trying to control the flare of irritation he could feel rising inside him. “Alice… Regina and I love you.”
“I know.”
“We’ve always been willing to let you have a place in Lizzy’s life.”
“I’m aware.”
“Ever since she found you we’ve always done our best to make sure that the two of you know each other in a way that we’re all comfortable with, especially now that you and Robyn J. have April. You are an important part of my daughter’s life and I don’t want that to change.”
Alice sucked in a deep breath, knowing what was coming next. “But…”
“But you’re not her parent,” Robin gently explained. “Regina and I are her mother and father, and that means that there are certain topics and boundaries that belong to us.”
“Like birth control and sex?”
“Like birth control and sex, yes,” he repeated. “I can’t have you contradicting the things that we say and the values we’re trying to instill in her. Regina and I already spoke to Lizzy about sex and the fact that she’s not ready for it, and probably won’t be for a while.”
Alice crossed her arms, letting out an indignant huff. “Oh yeah I’m sure, you gave her an excellent talk about waiting for love and marriage. My dad gave me a talk too. It was super effective, clearly.”
Clenching his jaw he bit out. “This isn’t a joke Alice.”
“I never said it was,” she replied. “Trust me I know how real this is Robin. If anyone knows how real it is, I do. Especially since I was only two years older than her when I had to shoplift my pregnancy test.”
Her voice started to shake and she pressed her lips together, sucking in a deep breath.
Robin remained silent, thrown by her sudden show of emotion.
“What was I supposed to say to her Robin?” she mumbled. “‘Just don’t worry about it Lizzy. I never did and things turned out okay.’”
Regret filled her eyes as she looked up at him. “I just wanted her to know that she had a safety net. Something that could save her if she fell down my path.”
“Lizzy is not gonna fall down your path,” asserted Robin. “She’s not… you.”
Alice smiled, not even a little offended. “You’re right, she’s not me. She’s smarter. She reached out. She came to you. Which is all I wanted her to do anyway.”
“Really?” said Robin, suddenly feeling sheepish.
“Yeah,” said Alice. “I only told her that if she really felt worried she should talk to you guys about getting on the pill. Not go off and get it by herself.”
“Oh,” drawled Robin. Sighing, he leaned back against one of the student’s desk. “Well, now I just feel like an ass.”
Alice let out a chuckle, shaking her head. “You’re not an ass Robin. You’re a concerned dad, one of the best concerned dad and I should know that. I picked you.”
Tapping his fingers against his belt he shook his head. “I just feel like she’s too young for all of this.”
“You’re not wrong,” replied Alice. “She’s just a kid but, and I hate that I can say this, she’s not wrong to be thinking about protecting herself. I mean… I had friends who were having sex at her age.”
“You’re kidding.”
“Wish I was,” sighed Alice. She turned to him skeptical. “C’mon you must’ve known kids in high school who’d done it when you were her age.”
Robin scoffed. “I knew guys who’d bragged about it but I just always assumed they were full of shit.”
“Well some of them probably were, some of them probably weren’t,” she said, tilting her head back and forth. “I waited ‘til I was 17 and I had people screaming at me that I was prude.”
“That’s ridiculous.”
“That’s high school,” she laughed. Throwing her head back she groaned. “God, April’s only three I’m dreading the day I have to send her.”
“You’ve got eleven years. You can stretch ‘em out,” joked Robin. “Worst comes to worst just homeschool her.”
Alice offered him a sympathetic smile. “I’m sorry if I crossed a line for you Robin. I really am. I just want her to be safe.”
Robin nodded. “We both do.”
He’d been getting a chilly reception from Regina ever since the whole pill debacle had come up. By the time they got into bed that evening, she still hadn’t warmed to him not that he expected her to. When his wife took a stand she tended to dig her heels in, especially when it came to their children.
Putting on his pajamas he climbed into bed next to her, staring at the profile of her face as she read one of her novels. Nudging her arm he whispered, “Can I ask you a question?”
She hummed affirmatively, not looking up from her book.
“How did you lose your virginity?”
Regina’s head whipped toward him, her attention captured. “What?”
Robin shrugged his shoulders. “I just kind of realized that we’ve never really told each other about our first times.”
“We’ve never really had a reason too,” she softly replied, closing her book.
Leaning back against their headboard, Robin sighed thinking back to his college days. “My first time was with Marian.”
Regina nodded her head, unsurprised. “I figured.”
“Yeah, I was 20 years old, we’d been together for four years by then.”
“Four years?” repeated Regina, clearly incredulous.
Robin turned to her and smirked. “What can I say? I was a gentleman.”
Regina let out a sharp laugh as she rolled her eyes. “Fine, I’ll pretend to believe that.”
“It’s true,” he said. “I never wanted to push her, or make her uncomfortable. I’d known her my whole life, was afraid I’d lose her if I screwed things up.” He paused. “But then she came to me, said she was ready and we spent the night together in my dorm room.”
Regina hummed. “I feel like I’m gonna regret asking this but how was it?”
Robin shrugged his shoulders. “I thought it was okay at least. Not sure the same could be said for her because three weeks later she told me she was gay.”
Her eyes widened. “Three weeks later?”
“Yeah,” he said, nodding his head acceptingly. “I’m pretty sure I was the final nail in that coffin.”
Regina couldn’t help the giggle that fell from her lips as she reached out to comfortingly run her fingers through his hair. “Oh Robin… I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” he said, shaking his head. “It was what it was and I don’t really have any regrets about it.” Again he nudged her shoulder. “What about you? What was your first time like?”
Regina licked her lips, hesitant before speaking. “It wasn’t great,” she admitted. “I ended up doing it with my next door neighbor, he was a year older than me. Said he liked me and I felt flattered by that. He was nice boy, kind of awkward but sweet. He asked me on a date one day and I said yes. So I lied to my mother told her I was working a double shift at the mall but I went to the movies with him instead. Then we ended up doing it in the backseat of his car.”
They way she spoke about it, so deliberately steady and emotionless, tugged at Robin’s heart. “How old were you?”
“Sixteen,” she said, regretfully. Pressing her lips together she thought back to that day. “I remember that I was the one who brought it up, made sure he had a condom, checked the expiration date and everything. Even after all that I was still terrified that I was pregnant.” She shook her head. “I couldn’t relax for weeks. It felt like I was walking on a tight rope and someone was waiting beneath my feet for the chance to trip me.”
“That’s awful,” mumbled Robin.
“It was what it was,” she said shrugging her shoulders. “It wasn’t great but I think the worst part about it was that while I was freaking out I felt so… alone. Zelena was off at college. And I sure as hell wasn’t gonna tell Cora. I knew she’d crucify me. I just wish I’d had someone I could’ve reached out to. It would’ve made things a lot easier.”
She looked over at him with her dark brown eyes and he sunk into their sheets letting out a deep breath as he did so. “You still want Lizzy to go on the pill.”
Regina paused, carefully thinking over her answer. “I want Lizzy to feel like she can come to us about anything, especially the big stuff. I don’t want her thinking that we’ll condemn her or judge her for any of it.”
“I wasn’t trying to make her feel judged,” stressed Robin. “I just didn’t want to feel like I was giving her the greenlight to start doing stuff that she’s too young for.”
“It’s not a green light Robin. It’s a sign of trust,” she explained. “Not just from us to her but from her to us. She’s including us in her decisions because she trusts us not to freak out about it.”
“Trusts you at least,” scoffed Robin.
Regina rolled her eyes. “For the sex stuff maybe but I remember being pretty low on the list when it came time to started thinking about what colleges to go to.”
Robin chuckled. “That’s because you always go overboard with college research.”
“Because I’m the only one who knows what to look for,” she said. “But that’s not the point. The point is I want us to continue being in the  loop with her. I don’t want her to feel like she has to deal with these things without us. Especially not now. I want us in her loop.”
“But we weren’t in her loop,” said Robin. “You were. And Alice was and Lizzy was. The only person who wasn’t in the loop for this was me. I was excluded. And from what I could tell nobody had plans to change that.”
Regina knit her eyebrows together, finally picking up on the fact that he was hurt that she’d kept this from him.
Robin sighed. “I know you thought I wasn’t going to react well, and maybe I proved you right, but that doesn’t mean you get to keep things about our daughter from me.”
Regina nodded understandingly. “You’re right and I’m sorry I left you out. That was unfair.”
“Thank you,” he replied, satisfied with her apology. “And for the record, I’ve given it some thought and I think you should go ahead and give her the birth control pills.”
Regina raised her eyebrows surprised. “Really?”
“Yes,” he reluctantly. “I still think she���s too young for all of this, she’s just a kid. But I realize that kids can sometimes make bad choices. Hell, kids making bad choices is how we got our daughter in the first place. And as much as I trust her to know better… if she wants to have a safety net then I think we should let her.”
Regina tried to hold back a smile. “Are you sure?”
“Yes,” he said. “So long as I get to stay in the loop.”
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akira-mess · 6 years
My Hero
This was inspired by @lightningstrikes-art awesome art of Keith and Shiro as kids, this one and this one!
KeithxShiro / 1929 words / Ao3 / Chapter 2 of ??? /prev chapter
Age 5
He was dreaming, he was awfully aware of that fact but at the same time, a part of him couldn’t help but wish that instead of a dream it was the reality.
In his dream he was sitting on top of the grass, his father was next to him with a big smile on his face, they didn't need to speak to understand how happy they were at the moment. His father opened his mouth as to say something but stopped himself mid-track and instead choose to raise his hand to rub his hair.
It was a dream he often had, ever since he could remember he would have the same dream again and again; sometimes once a month, sometimes once a week, whenever he was feeling bad he would have that same dream.
But it never lasted it always ended whenever his father would try and say something; and even in the off chance that it would last a bit more, it was still a mere dream and eventually, he would wake up in an empty house with his father nowhere to be seen.
And he really couldn’t say anything to his father, they only had each other after all, didn't they? He couldn't make more trouble to his father, than what he had already caused.
“Keith?” His father's voice brought him back to reality, and he woke up almost immediately, he was always quick to wake up. “Keith, buddy?” He groaned softly in response. “Oh, no, don't get up.” He felt his father's hand rubbing his back over the blankets.
“Dad…” He called as he covered his face with the blanket.
“I have to go to the station, buddy.” His father explained and he felt a little pain in his heart, feeling even more complicated than before. “You don't want to go to the neighbor's house?” He shook his head. “Alright, alright. I left their number on the table, do you remember how to use the phone?” He nodded not wanting to speak with his father. “Don’t be afraid to call them if you need something, okay?” He nodded again” Can you repeat the rules for me, buddy?”
He hesitated for a moment before answering monotonously. “Don't open the door and don't speak with strangers.” But it’s not as if he really listen to those rules, either way, his father wouldn’t know if he did or not.
“I'm sorry I have to leave so soon, Keith, but I'll take you anywhere you want on the weekend, okay? I promise.” He nodded absent-minded, it wasn't the first time that his father promised him something like that before going back on his word. “Go back to sleep, bud.” His father added softly after he made sure that he was nicely wrapped with his blankets.
He didn't move until he heard the steps as his father was going down the stairs, and even then he waited for a few more minutes before he got up in a rush and quickly went down the stairs as fast as his little legs let him.
The softs thud, thud, thud that his little feet made against the wood echoed through the halls, but by the time he reached the entrance his father was gone, the house completely empty.
He stared at the wooden door for some more minutes, and when he finally accepted that his father was not coming back he reluctantly went back to his room.
It was always like that, his father always left early, never waiting for him to be awake, a part of him knew that he was busy with his work but the other only wondered if it wasn't because his father didn't want to see him? Maybe he has been a bad boy and so his father didn't love him anymore. Maybe that was why he left so early and came back late…
By the time he arrived at his room, he only grabbed the little hippo plushy that was on the floor, and as he sat on the bed he hugged it tightly.
He has been a really bad boy, that’s why he didn’t have a mother. He was a bad boy and that’s why his father was never home.
In that empty and lonely house, only his soft sobs could be heard.
 Age 6
“See you tomorrow, Takashi!” Both of his friends said in unison as they went to the opposite side that the one he had to go. “Don't forget to bring us the CD!” One of them added while waving his hand.
“Will do!” He smiled brightly before turning around the corner.
It was a normal day, playing some games with his friends at kindergarten, walking back home once the classes have ended (luckily the kindergarten was just around the corner of his house, so his mother allowed him to go back by himself), and occasionally help any little kids in distress as the good hero he was (even if it has been quite some time since the last time he helped anyone).
It was just a normal day, like any other.
It was like that until he walked in front of his neighbor’s house and saw a little kid sitting on the little stair right in front of the door, his black hair messy and a little purple plushy in his arms.
“Hey,” it took him just a few seconds before he remembered his name. “Keith!” He greeted as he got closer to the boy, a smile adorning his face.
But Keith only flinched slightly before turning to look to the other side, just as he did the day before.
Is he still mad? He pondered but he kept on getting closer either way. Keith obviously looked like he had some trouble, so what kind of superhero he would be if he didn’t help? And even more, he did promise to Keith's hero dad and his mother that he would look after him.
“What are you doing here?” He asked with a big smile on his face. Is he bored?
If he remembered well, his mother told him that Keith wouldn't join kindergarten until the next school year since they're almost finishing classes. At the moment he thought it was kind of a shame, but he knew better than anyone that it was hard when everyone already knew each other. He had quite the hard time himself to become friends with everyone when he moved into town two years ago.
“Are you bored? Do you want to play with me?” He added happily, but Keith kept on ignoring him. “Come on, let's go!” He leaned in closer to him as to touch his shoulder to try and get his attention, but Keith only shivered when he felt his hand getting closer. He stopped.
“Go away…” Keith whispered, but it was loud for him to hear. “Just leave me...” He looked at Keith confused, but he didn't move. There was no way he could just leave, even if Keith was asking him to.
“Are you okay?” Didn't his voice sound kind of weird just now? He was worried now. “Keith…”
"Just leave!" Finally, Keith turned his head back to where he was, his eyes were red and there were some little tears forming on the corners of his eyes. "Go away…" He repeated quietly as his hand clenched around the plushy he was holding.
And he just froze.
It's not like that was the first time he saw a little kid crying, but seeing Keith trying so hard to hold back his tears, he didn't like it. But how could he get him to stop?
He really didn't like it.
“Hey…” He started, his hand moving slowly towards Keith's head. “Don't cry…” He spoke calmly and soft, just as how he did when the other kids in his class were throwing a tantrum, and surprisingly, Keith didn't move away from his touch, and instead, he let him rub his hair. “It’s going to be okay!” He added more confidently, his free hand going to clean the tears that were rolling down his face.
“Leave me alone…” Keith repeated, and somehow, he could tell that he really didn’t mean those words. “Go…” But his own sobs didn’t let him finish his sentence. “I… Just… Leave…”
Eventually, Keith gave up trying to speak and they both stayed quiet. With his hand still rubbing Keith’s head and the little boy trying, but failing, to hold back his tears. He wasn’t sure how much time has passed with them like that, maybe just minutes, but for him, it felt like hours, he felt strangely comfortable.
“There, there…” He said quietly, with a little smile on his face as he noticed that Keith was calming down. “Don’t cry.” Slowly, Keith rested his little head on his chest, his smile grew even bigger. “Did something happened?” He wondered, but the boy only shook his head. “You can tell me! I’m a superhero, I’m sure I can help!” He added proud of himself, but as soon as those words left his mouth Keith moved away from him, pushing away the hand that was rubbing his hair.
“Go…” He whispered.
“Leave!” Keith screamed, tears forming on the corners of his eyes once more. “I hate heroes!!” And with that, he went back inside the house, not before slamming the door right on his face.
“Huh?” Puzzled, he could only stare at the closed door in front of him. He hates… heroes?
 Age 5
“You can tell me! I’m a superhero,” he heard the boy in front of him say happily, “I’m sure I can help!”
A superhero… How many has he heard those same words…
 “Your father is really a hero, Keith.”
 “Aren’t you proud to be his son?”
 “He saved four lives at the fire yesterday.”
 “He is a real hero!”
 “Will you become a fireman just as your father?”
 “I wish my husband was a brave as your father!”
 “A hero! A hero! A hero!
Why did they all have to call his father like that? Why did everyone have such an obsession with being a hero? What good were they? 
He didn’t want a superhero, he wanted a father. He didn’t want a hero that would save lives, he wanted a father that would stay with him.
Why would someone call themselves a ‘superhero’ like that? He really couldn’t understand it. He couldn’t understand those old neighbors, nor his father, nor that weird boy.
“Go…” He whispered, why was he talking with that boy in the first place?
“Leave!” He screamed. Leave me alone!!  “I hate heroes!!” I hate them, I hate them, I hate them! Without even bothering to look back at the boy, he rushed inside, slammed the door behind him and pressed his back against the cold wooden door.
Once again, he was completely alone in that empty house.
Why did that boy have to come and bother him? He was fine by himself, wasn't he? It has always been like that.
“I’ll come back tomorrow, alright?!”
He didn’t get that boy, he really didn’t.
0 notes
ricksbowen · 5 years
simply, utterly | pt. 5
IN WHICH: ej talks to ricky and ricky makes a decision he knows he’ll regret.
INSPIRATION: 18 — one direction, i love you — billie eilish
pt. 1, pt. 2, pt. 3, pt. 4, pt. 5, pt. 6, pt. 7
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“Ricky, stop laughing!”
“Sorry! Sorry!” He giggled out, teeth biting down on his bottom lip as you both walked into the gas station.
It was your idea. Only an idea as sudden and spontaneous as walking into a gas station in fully formal dance clothes to get tons of food could only come from you.
“Just act natural,” you hissed, hooking his arm around yours and sending a charming smile to the woman behind the counter.
“People are staring.”
“Let them,” you said, quoting his words as you gave him a cheeky smile. You saw the hesitancy on his face, and you bumped your hip against his. “Too chicken, Richard?” you mocked, your voice different from how you’d usually tease him. You were more lighthearted, and your words were paired with a smile that made Ricky’s heart beat a bit faster than he liked.
“Then you get the slushies, I get the snacks.” Your arm untangled itself from his as you made your way to one of the many rows of chips.
You left the gas station with a huge bag full of chips and one blue slushie and one red one. The both of you were laughing, joking around about the faces of the people in the gas station, and that same energy was kept as you got into Ricky’s car. The car ride home was chaotic, with you tossing Goldfish into Ricky’s mouth as he drove ( dangerous, but fun ) and blasted music.
“If you make us crash, Bowen—“ you yelled, yelping when he purposely pressed down on the gas just to scare you. You sent him a glare, one that made him laugh while you punched his bicep. “You dick!” you said, unable to keep the grin from your face as he laughed harder.
He pulled up in front of his house, turning his head to catch a Goldfish that you tossed at him ( which you thought he wouldn’t have been able to catch ). You let out a cheer as his arms went up in victory.
You leaned back in the seat of his car, a smile ghosting over your lips as you looked up at the roof of the car. Comfortable silence surrounded the both of you, your chest heaving with the adrenaline of the night.
“He didn’t deserve you, you know,” Ricky said softly, eyes darting to look at you for just a second. “He’s stupid, and— and, he a complete and utter dick that didn’t deserve your time.” You turned your body to look at him, and Ricky continued his rant as the anger he felt towards Harrison came back. “You deserve someone who you can bring to all your adventures. Someone that’ll smile when you give them nicknames or ruffle their hair, or—“
“Someone like you.” You interrupted him, his head turning to you and a blush blooming onto his cheeks at your words. He felt like he was on cloud nine. “Thank you for tonight.”
The shyest smile lifted his lips, and you felt your heart skip a beat when he reached out to take your cheek. Slowly, he leaned closer to you, and you to him.
You could feel his breath fanning over your lips, and your eyes shut—
Knocking. Someone was knocking on the car window.
It pulled you both apart, blushed on your faces as you turned to your window. Your face fell when you saw who was outside.
You rolled your window down. “Ej? What the hell?” you asked, unsure whether to feel surprised or angry at him. He was still in his fancy suit, but his hair was a mess and his face was void of any emotion.
“Go inside, Y/N,” Ej stated, words cold and curt, shocking even you.
“Why?” you asked, words cautious and unsure. You felt Ricky take your hand, giving it a small squeeze as if he was reassuring you silently.
“Just do it,” Ej said sternly. You gave Ricky a look as if wordlessly telling him, ‘If he tries something, tell me.’ Your hand left his, reaching for one of the unopened bags of chips ( of course ) and you opened the car door, giving Ej a glare.
“What’s up with you? Why’re you acting like such a dick?” You spat, words coming out before you could stop them. Ej didn’t say anything, only pointing to your house with one quick jab that made you scoff in disbelief. “Unbelievable,” you muttered angrily to yourself, reluctantly walking to your house.
Ej watched you, making sure you shut the door behind you before he leaned back down to the window of Ricky’s car.
“Look, all I did was take her to go get some food at a gas station and take her home,” Ricky explained patiently, hoping that whatever Ej was thinking of him would just go away.
Ej had never been fond of him. Ever since he heard about Ricky from Y/N when she came home from her first day in kindergarten. He had been hurting Y/N since they met, even going as far as to make fun of her in the 5th grade for being adopted.
“Stay away from her,” Ej stated, bitterness evident in his words. He was serious — he had never been more serious in his life in what he was doing — staring down Ricky with a strict look.
“What?” Ricky sat up, raising a brow at him. “Ej, you can’t be serious—“
“Don’t play dumb,” Ej rolled his eyes, “Listen. Do you actually like her or are you just not over Nini?”
“What’s up with you?” Ricky implored, motioning to Ej out of irritation.
“I’m trying to protect my sister from someone who could hurt her,” Ej retorted, practically scowling.
Ricky blinked. Ej was talking about him.
“You’ve both hated each other since the day you two met,” Ej continued, looking away as he shook his head to himself. “You and I both know it’s not gonna work out. So if you care about her,” he glanced at Ricky with a pointed look, “Leave her alone. It’s the best for both of you.”
Ej stood up straight, not even waiting for Ricky’s response before he walked back to his house.
Ricky hit his head on the horn of his car, letting it let out a loud beep while he groaned.
This time, it was his turn to ignore you.
Ej’s words hit him harder than he wanted to admit. He had stayed up that night, doing nothing but staring up at his ceiling and thinking of the right decision. Your happiness meant the world to him.
Ej had a point— he had been hurting you since you met him.
He never had the chance to say sorry to you for what he said as a 5th grader. You always did say you got him back for what he said, but he knew that it hurt you. He hurt you.
What if his old ways came back? Even thinking of doing that to you threw him into a pit of guilt, but Ej was right.
You deserved more.
Ignoring you was hard. You went out of your way on Monday to try and talk to him — something you had never done before — and it pained Ricky when he chose to walk away before you could get closer. You’d see him in the halls, offering him a small smile and a hesitant wave that immediately dropped when he paid no mind to you.
Rehearsals were even worse.
You didn’t need him. You needed someone better than him, someone that you could meet on the first day and actually take a liking to. He kept that on his mind as he said his script, keeping enough emotion to match the scene but hiding his apathy behind the façade.
He’d see you during breaks. You were watching him, trying to read him as if you were Joe finding someone new to fall for. But Ricky was good at hiding his emotions and keeping his words to himself.
You? Not so much.
It had gone on for three days before you confronted him. It was the end of rehearsals, and almost everyone had already left. You tapped him on the shoulder while he was picking up his things.
“Hey,” you greeted, forcing a tight-lipped smile onto your face as you watched him stand up. “Are, uh, you okay? You’ve been kinda distant lately.”
You were taking it easy on him. In any other circumstance, you would’ve confronted him in a way that would’ve made anyone try and run off. But your words were soft, laced with concern that Ricky felt guilty for.
“I know,” Ricky mumbled, avoiding your gaze as he stood in front of you.
“Is, um,” you stuttered hesitantly. “Is everything okay?”
“Sure,” Ricky replied curtly, already moving by you to walk away. “I gotta head home—“
“I wanted to ask if you were free on Friday,” you blurted, fingers picking at your sweatshirt. “If it’s like, stress or whatever, we can go out. See a movie or something.”
Ricky stopped in his tracks, turning back to you. The façade he had been keeping up for the week dropping at your words. “Like a date?” He almost sounded hopeful, and that made your smile widen.
“Yeah. Like a date.”
Ricky knew what he had to do. You deserved more than him. He had been hurting you since he had met you. He looked into your eyes, forcing out the sentence from his throat.
“I don’t like you in the way you like me.”
TAGS:  @softpeteparker, @jointherebellion215, @l-tt-e, @broken-from-fandoms, @uwupxterparker, @room-3o4​, @eternaleviee​, @hobistigma​, @fangeekkk​, @wcnderwoo​, @myrandom-fandomlife​, @multifangorl​, @tomshufflepuff, @ggclarissa​, @decaffeinated-fangirl​, @religious-pizza-roll​, @rororo06​, @svelby-g​, @sarcarstic-space-weirdo​, @whoseblogsthis​, @hxney-bunches-x, @whimsical-fantasies​, @shawnnyyyboiii​, @captainlarsonn​, @herondalescecilys​, @yamisaloser​, @17ves​, @lovelydnbrough​
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canaryatlaw · 7 years
Okay, well today wasn't bad. Still kind of overall stressed, but dealing with it. I have time at least, to get all this shit done, get it spaced out over and all that, so that helps. Alarm went off at 7 and I got out of bed and made it to work and made it through the rest of the file for the permanency hearing, which was more of the parents being like "we're not alcoholics we don't need treatment fuck you" all the way to getting their damn kid removed, so I write up some normal permanency hearing questions and took that and the file over to the lawyer who gave it to me to talk to him about it. I ask if they ever made a paternity finding, because there was a whole big thing about it because apparently her "dad" her whole life isn't technically her legally-presumed dad because her mother was married to someone else when she was born, but I never found a finding, and then the lawyers like "oh yeah, well dad passed away in November, something related to his alcoholism." Oh. Well. And he goes on to add the mom is basically on her death bed in the same situation. Don't need treatment my ass. This poor child. She seems like a good kid though, so hopefully we can get her get into some post-high school training if not actual college. I'll get to meet her and interview her Monday. At that point I went back to my office and created a template for permanency hearing questions that I could just tweak for individual cases since the status based questions are largely the same. Somewhere in all of this my eyes were drooping way too much again so I took another 15 minute head on desk session, I might've actually passed out for a few minutes, but when the alarm went off I freaked out for a minute because I was expecting the wrong time for some reason and thought I accidentally passed out for like two hours lol. So I was fairly glad that didn't happen. Somewhere in here I also tried to call my psychiatrist about the whole Xanax thing I was discussing last night, only to be told he's on vacation till the end of the month.....I mean, the guy definitely deserves it, he's partially retired already and probably in his 70's, and I don't want to disturb him or anything, but like, I know him and I know he would want to hear two sentences from me on this issue but I didn't want to say it was an emergency because it wasn't, and if I did they probably would've put me on with one of the other psychiatrists that are filling in for him, and I'm sorry but there's no way I'm trusting anyone else with this shit. I think I'm gonna increase it to 3 mg a day for now at least, which is still within the normal range he said I could try so it's not a big deal. Hopefully that will make finals a bit more manageable. So that was less than ideal, but oh well. All of my events are really out of order for today so idk if any of this happened in this order, but around lunchtime I went to go see my across the hall friend who's now my across the building friend, to see if she was feeling better and if she wanted to get lunch because I, like a kindergartener, left my lunch box in the fridge yesterday (I had actually packed dinner in a brown paper bag for later but I didn't want to pack two of those). So we went to the "bakery" that has super awesome pizza an I got some of their pizza with the seriously biggest slices and ate like, half a slice lol. So good though. It was nice to talk to her though, we traded crazy stories from our courthouse and the DV one, and I was just like man, I'm so glad I have people I can share these things with without them being immediately horrified and me being like "yes I know those are terribly tragic circumstances but if you hang in there for a moment the court moment was really funny!!" Lol, it's gallows humor for sure but I mean gotten let it out somehow. I vent to my brother about crazy cases too, that's helpful since talking about the law is one of the few things we can talk about and actually have a lengthy productive discussion on without it somehow devolving into him being an asshole (mostly, anyway). So there's that at least. He appreciates my stories. So back from lunch and I spent a while organizing orders into alphabetized folders for two different lawyers haha who both apologized for the shitty work but I'm like hey whatever it's all good I know I'm the intern and I'll deal with your shitty jobs if it gets me a good in here. And then I had to show my supervisor how to send in the mid-semester evaluation my field placement supervisor wanted from him (oh, and he apparently knew my FP supervisor like 15 years ago and he was her boss in this office??? I swear he was everyone's boss at some point) because he was getting so lost in computer forms and retrieving files and saving them and electronically signing forms, so I'm just sitting there showing him how to do it and he's like "ohmygosh Rachel, you're so smart!!!" and I'm like trying not to laugh because he's just so adorably funny. And then of course I got to read more of the nice things he said about me which made my heart melt once again because he's literally so nice I can't handle it and his words are always really genuine too so it's nice. And yeah. So I didn't have anywhere to rush to right after leaving the juvenile courthouse today for the first time I can remember since, the summer, since I decided no kickboxing this week because I simply don't have the emotional or physical energy for it, so I was just gonna find a Starbucks to chill in and work on my appellate brief until small group time. So I got to like, take my time leaving and my supervisor is like "Rachel what are you still doing here, you're gonna be late to class!!" and it's like 5:01 haha so funny. So then waiting for the bus I saw the PD that was on the panel we did yesterday so we of course talked about delinquency stuff, like the spring break project from last year and of course eventually got into the whole transferring to adult court thing and I mentioned the slenderman case because that's just the most horrific case of misjudgment by the system and she'd heard of it of course but didn't know the details and she was beyond horrified to hear that they're trying two severely mentally ill 12 year old children as adults and having them face 35 years in prison. Like, we literally have an entire juvenile justice system FOR PRECISELY THESE REASONS. Bypassing it ignores all the science and research and not to mention the recidivism rate which skyrockets when you try children as adults. I'll cap it there though, not gonna go into a full rant at the moment (I know I've already done it on here). I got off the one bus to catch another and had to watch it stop and drive off while I was stuck on the other side of the crosswalk which SUCKS and it was just chilly enough to be annoying out today, but then thankfully another bus came like 2 minutes later which isn't typical but I was very grateful for. So I took that to the Starbucks area, then popped into Walgreens to buy more of their caramel chocolates that Lyft driver got me hooked on (lol) except they didn't have those exact ones, so I got what's basically the same but with toffee pieces and I tried a little and they're pretty amazing. So then I went to Starbucks and got an iced white tea lemonade and tried to surreptitiously eat my sandwiches (I mean I was facing the window so I didn't have to be all that secretive about it) and start the behemoth that is gonna be finishing my appellate brief, and I pretty much immediately felt lost, but always over like the stupid stuff I could find like whether saying "don't use the party names" meant the given names or the terms plaintiff/defendant....(it's the prior, I think anyway) but I figured as some sort of game plan I would work on fixing the argument section based on the feedback I got from our prof, since that still is the substance of the brief, and then work on adding all the extra parts. Half of the edits she gave me though we're like about ordering the arguments and shit and it just pissed me off because I like the way I order my arguments, dammit, because IT MAKES SENSE, and I'm sorry if it doesn't fit your blue book standard but my boss at my actual job where I submit actual motions to actual court seems to be quite impressed with it so you can take your argument order and shove it.....(note please that that wasn't actually directed at my prof, cuz I kind of like her, and I know it's the curriculum and not her setting the standards). But that just annoyed me cuz like, real life isn't legal writing fact patterns. You're not always gonna have an analogous case and a distinguishable case, and you're gonna have to make it work. I just....I get too worked up about all of it. But I at least made some progress on preliminary efforts, so maybe, 5% done? It's a start, at least. I walked from the Starbucks to church which is like a ten minute walk and even though it was still a little chilly I haven't done any walking for the past two days and I haven't had any chance to work out this week (I likely won't go to the gym tomorrow because I have no reason to be downtown) so it's something at least, to go with my push ups (which I think may be hurting a muscle in my side, because trying any new physical activity is basically let's see how I can piss my body off this time for me). But yeah, small group was good. This was something I meant to mention quickly on my last week's recap of it, but I think I might have a teeny tiny crush on one of the guys? Like it was in my head last week but it was barely anything, then I get in there today and we start talking about the marvel tv shows and you know I can talk above superheroes all damn day haha so that was enjoyable, and then he was being like "yeah it was cool being at my cousins wedding this weekend but it's also so weird being single at a wedding" and I'm like alright, that might have been a subtle hint, lol, and of course as soon as the idea even entered my head I spent the rest of the night pretty much planning our wedding when I haven't really decided if I even like the guy yet, lol. Physically he's not like drop dead gorgeous, but he's definitely not ugly and has a certain charming quality to his appearance, so I can work with that. The rest of small group (I almost just wrote Smallville) was good too, we talked about a passage in 1 Corinthians I was familiar with about love and of course I got to opine about my deep theories on the issue about how basically the passage is indicative of the entire problem of "religion" and what the church is facing today- that is, they have all the rules, all the right answers, but without love following through all of it it's basically useless, and I feel like that's so on point for what the church is dealing with right now. Like, no. Love meets you were you are. Love is right in there with your mess. Love doesn't require you to clean up your act before you're welcomed into our church. Jesus certainly didn't require it to be let into his presence, so how dare we even try to do it? And yeah, other random deep shit like that, lol, you get the picture. Took the train to the bus as my normal and AGAIN had to run to make the bus (this was a different stop, but same bus route) and again had to bang on the door to get let in while the driver was looking so put out by it and I'm just like....calm your tits lady we're giving your company money but being here, lol. But I got home, didn't almost get run over by a car but had the weird experience of a car stopping fully at a red light, and I started crossing, and then they suddenly started driving again and blew the light by like, a mile. They didn't even come close to wear I was crossing so I was never in danger or anything, but I was like seriously, wtf man? Who does that?!? Idiots. For home and watched Powerless, which was cute of course, then Riverdale which just left me with the comment that this is the one teen drama where all the high schoolers have it together for the most part and all their parents are going batshit crazy, lol. But I enjoyed both, and that pretty much wrapped up my night. And it's late, and I get to sleep in which I'm very glad about, but still I'm tired and want to go to sleep now, so that's what I will do. Goodnight mis amigos. Happy Friday.
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schizopagan · 8 years
Get to know me... 1) Sexuality? Complicated and unhealthy 
2) If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? Brandon Boyd
3) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17. "-nam War Memorial in Washington D.C. In this very powerful and moving place,"
4) What do you think about most? Freedom from my abuser
5) What does your latest text message from someone else say? "Pravastatin and lock top lock and close door glass"
6) Do you sleep with or without clothes on? With clothes on 
7) What’s your strangest talent? Catching things that suddenly fall before they hit the ground 
8) Girls…. (finish the sentence); Boys…. (finish the sentence) Girls are pretty fucking awesome. Boys can be awesome too, I just wish they were nice.
9) Ever had a poem or song written about you? I wrote a poem about myself in junior high. I was a Christian then. Paint walls white Shut windows tight Feel the room cold as the night Sit still and blow out the light Plunge into abyss Kick down door Trip, fall to floor Lay there, stay there, move no more Be the fool just as before No better than this Must defeat Must rise to meet Bright face shining, peace complete Strength to help thee to thy feet Break from killer's kiss Shining face shall show thee grace Walk with thee at steady pace Stay until you finish race Welcome you to bliss.
10) When is the last time you played the air guitar? I don't think I ever have.
11) Do you have any strange phobias? I have a phobia of being on the phone.
12) Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose? I stuck a small ball up my nose when I was little. Thankfully, it occurred to me to blow it out.
13) What’s your religion? I don't have a religion exactly, but I am into Witchcraft.
14) If you are outside, what are you most likely doing? Checking on/watering my plants, or watching the dog
15) Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Behind the camera, definitely
16) Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band? Coheed & Cambria. They got me through some seriously hard times.
17) What was the last lie you told? I'm fine.
18) Do you believe in karma? Mmm...I don't know. I think it's hard to obtain evidence of karma, but it's a possibility.
19) What does your URL mean? I have schizoaffective disorder, and I'm a relatively new Pagan.
20) What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength? My greatest weakness I can think of is fear of people. I don't know that I have any strengths, other than that I'm still holding on.
21) Who is your celebrity crush? It changes from time to time, but currently it's Kim Namjoon, a Korean rapper. He's not that pretty really, but I love the sound of his voice.
22) Have you ever gone skinny dipping? Nope
23) How do you vent your anger? I hold it in because I can't take it when someone gets mad at me, even if I think I'm right.
24) Do you have a collection of anything? I collect toys that I find laying around.
25) Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? Both freak me the fuck out, but if I had to choose I'd pick the phone.
26) Are you happy with the person you’ve become? I'm happier than I was when I was a Christian, but I'm not sure that really answers the question. I guess I'll say I may be getting there.
27) What’s a sound you hate; sound you love? I hate the sound of my abuser's voice. I love the sound of good melodies and harmonies.
28) What’s your biggest “what if”? What if I'm stuck living with my abuser for the rest of my life?
29) Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Ghosts are a possibility, but I've never met one. I do believe in aliens. I think the universe is just too damn vast to have life only on earth.
30) Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm. My right arm just feels the air from my fan. My left arm touches the northern wall of my room.
31) Smell the air. What do you smell? I smell my own BO, I haven't had a shower in 3 weeks.
32) What’s the worst place you have ever been to? The King's Academy, where I went to school from Kindergarten to 9th grade
33) Choose East Coast or West Coast? I've never been to the west coast, so I'm stuck with the east coast. I live in south Florida.
34) Most attractive singer of your opposite gender? Do Kyungsoo, another Korean. He may be short, but I do not care. He's beautiful to me, and his voice is amazing.
35) To you, what is the meaning of life? It varies from being to being.
36) Define Art. Definition 1) expression of one's feelings. Definition 2) depiction of one's surroundings. That's about the best I can do, although I get the feeling my definitions fall short.
37) Do you believe in luck? That's a tough one, I really don't know.
38) What’s the weather like right now? 78 degrees, no real breeze, skies partly cloudy 
39) What time is it? 2:23am
40) Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed? Yes, and yes. But it was the other girl's fault. I was driving the speed limit going straight through a green light, and the other girl was on the other side making a left turn. She didn't have an arrow, so she was supposed to wait for me. But she didn't see me, and started making her turn when I was right up on her. I slammed the brakes, but it was too late. 
41) What was the last book you read? Striped Ice Cream by Joan M. Lexau 
42) Do you like the smell of gasoline? Yes
43) Do you have any nicknames? Chrissy, Spoo Pooka, Poota, Buttons, Christal Louise
44) What was the last movie you saw? Babies. Such a cute movie
45) What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had? Just a knee scrape
46) Have you ever caught a butterfly? Yes
47) Do you have any obsessions right now? Kpop
48) What’s your sexual orientation? I don't quite know...? Like I do find some people attractive, but I have no interest whatsoever in sexual intercourse. 
49) Ever had a rumor spread about you? Yeah, back in middle school I had a rumor spread about me that I was in love with one of my friends. I'm black and he was white, so it was kind of a big deal. Some people thought that the Bible said you weren't supposed to date outside your race, so it was really embarrassing.
50) Do you believe in magic? I've only tried very little, but I still lean toward yes.
51) Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? Not with the little things, like if someone ate my food, or borrowed something without asking, stuff like that. But deep pain that lasts for the rest of my life does not get forgiven.
52) What is your astrological sign? Scorpio
53) Do you save money or spend it? Spend it
54) What’s the last thing you purchased? Just some food stuffs from Walmart 
55) Love or lust? Love please
56) In a relationship? I've never even been on a date.
57) How many relationships have you had? 0, big fat ostrich egg
58) Can you touch your nose with your tongue? Nope
59) Where were you yesterday? Home all day
60) Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? Some pink underwear 
61) Are you wearing socks right now? Always, unless it's absolutely sweltering 
62) What’s your favorite animal? Cats, domestic and feral
63) What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you? Kindness 
64) Where is your best friend? You mean my older sister? Either at her house, or at her boyfriend's house
65) Spit or swallow?(; Spit or swallow what? Saliva? Swallow, I think spitting saliva is gross unless you have a cold and can't stop salivating.
66) What is your heritage? Well I'm basically African American, but I don't know what African country my ancestors were from. I was also told that my family has Cherokee in our blood, but I can't verify that.
67) What were you doing last night at 12 AM? I was either trying to sleep, or I was checking all my social media.
68) What do you think is Satan’s last name? According to Christianity, which I think is where Satan came from, he used to be an angel, and they didn't have last names. Or do you mean a human that I think is really evil? I couldn't choose just one.
69) Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off? You can't ask me that!
70) Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend? I suppose so, I think I'm alright.
71) You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do? Assuming I can swim? Save the dog, of course! It's hard to imagine though, because dogs are generally good swimmers. Right?
72) You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid? I would probably end up telling my mom. I think I would just live my last days normally. I would only be afraid if death was going to be painful. I have a very low pain threshold.
73) You can only have one of these things; trust or love. I trust no one, so I guess I'll take love.
74) What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it? Between the Rent and Me by...Snowden? I forget who it's by.
75) What are the last four digits in your cell phone number? Now why would you need to know that?
76) In your opinion, what makes a great relationship? I want trust, love, and longevity.
77) How can I win your heart? Smile at me genuinely in a way that is neither creepy nor flirtatious. This tells me that I have your positive attention, and that you are not a threat. Give me a compliment that is neither creepy nor flirtatious. This is just more normal-person treatment for me, and if I believe you it'll make me feel really good. Don't be a Christian, you will lose my trust immediately. Be somewhere in between smart and stupid. You can have a talent, but you better not be a genius. I could go on...
78) Can insanity bring on more creativity? Define "insanity" first.
79) What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far? Quitting Christianity 
80) What size shoes do you wear? 11
81) What would you want to be written on your tombstone? Oh I don't care about that.
82) What is your favorite word? I like the sound of the word "androgynous".
83) Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart. Break
84) What is a saying you say a lot? "Change is the only constant."
85) What’s the last song you listened to? BTS Cypher 4. Yes, it's Korean. 
86) Basic question; what’s your favorite color/colors? Deep purple, and deep green
87) What is your current desktop picture? The Atlantic Ocean 
88) If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be? My abuser
89) What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on? Number 69
90) One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do? Pass out
91) You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power? Invisibility 
92) You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again? The moment when I became the fastest runner in my Kindergarten class
93) You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? Can I erase my whole childhood? Oh wait no, wouldn't wanna erase the day I became the fastest runner in my Kindergarten class...
94) You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be? I don't want to have sex so...if we were just going to have a slumber party I guess I'd give Brandon Boyd a shot.
95) You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go? NYC. Can I take my sister?
96) Do you have any relatives in jail? My uncle went to jail once. If I remember correctly, he was trying to steal some sea turtle eggs.
97) Have you ever thrown up in the car? Yes, but it wasn't car sickness, it was having taken my antipsychotic without food.
98) Ever been on a plane? Yes
99) If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say? Good morning! My name is Christal B- and I'm looking for a friend. I am: schizoaffective, a budding Witch, black, shy, introverted, in school part time pursuing an AS in Environmental Science, unemployed, living with my parents, a little chubby, 5'7", punkish, emotionally sensitive, and overall fairly decent I would say. I have: a learning disability, athsma, a car, no pets, and no children. I like: plants, animals (wild and domestic), food, books, traveling, MUSIC, clothes, art, and thunderstorms. I dislike: sports, sex, drugs, and alcohol. I'm serious. I'd like you to be: kind, understanding, reasonably intelligent, and interested in some of the same things. If you have any questions please ask, and if you think we might get along please contact me. I can be found on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Tumblr. Thank you for taking the time to listen, and have a wonderful day.
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