#i saw that one post about the colour wheel and the terrans being on the colour wheel
whatudottu · 8 months
Color scheme ideas for SG Twitch in Electric Souls' sixth and last chapter? Some description is required...
Other SG terrans', trying to avoid big overlap;
Thrash — Black and gold with canon Twitch's eye and chest light color. Maybe silverish base?
Twitch — No idea. I briefly considered TFP Soundwave-y colors, but in hindsight that propably wouldn't look good. It's hard to come up with shades of blue that don't look gross....
Nightshade — Brass with red eyes. Gold-ish secondary. Not sure about base color.
Hashtag — Military green with yellow visor and eyes. Not sure if the base color changes or not.
Jawbreaker — No idea either.
(Also, Jawbreaker's colors.... he won't appear in Electric Souls because he'll be born later, but still.... He's an edgy punk child)
I decided to try and visualise this since I already had my program open:
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Tada! Your colour ideas (at least i hope you meant those colours) up top for Thrash, Nightshade, and Hashtag, as well as my attempt at giving Twitch and Jawbreaker some colours. Hopefully the visuals work but then again there's room to miss the mark-
Looking at base terrans, they kinda have two different 'skin' (what I'm assuming you called base) tones, either silverish or greeny-blue though I suppose I might not have gone to extremes here. Gave Hashtag her original base colour give or take but I tried to give Nightshade a greeny tone for their base, kinda taking the brass and turning to copper rust for inspiration. It looks fine on my screen at least, but do give your thoughts.
Seeing as how you got gold for Thrash (kinda yellowish here), brass for Nightshade (something orangey), and military green for Hashtag (which lends to being a more yellowy green), I thought maybe Twitch and Jawbreaker would be on the opposite end of the colour wheel in the blues, purples, and magentas, so I tried it out. You said you were initially going for Soundwave-ish kinda colours for Twitch but thought the blue sucked, so I kinda made it a much lighter blue? Going off of SG Jawbreaker's punk vibe according to this ask I thought a dark purple would do well, the pink horns maybe giving punk idk I thought it would look cool as a bright pop of colour and since it's punk not goth you said bright pink horns (and bright blue-green optics) could look punky without stepping on Thrash's toes in the black paint department.
I also looked at optic colour variation even if technically canon Thrash and Hashtag both have blue optics, so including the bright blue-green cyan of Jawbreaker's eyes, I gave Twitch some lilac coloured optics to once again contrast with the three terran optic colours you've already provided.
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