#i saw twt talking doomsday and am feeling feelings
missycolorful · 2 years
I always find it so interesting that a lot of Doomsday takes desperately seek that history be considered when mourning the country. And it’s not a totally inept ideal, given how some people like Tommy and Ghostbur value memories of old and cling to them when mourning what was lost. I can see where that value lies. They have good memories there.
It’s just that, when it comes to the present, and the standings of the country now, and whether or not New L'manberg is bad, history isn’t enough.
It’s like… how we say we shouldn’t do the exact opposite. By that, I mean we hold the common belief that one’s history should not m carry too much weight when they are a good person in the present, as in they changed and are better than they were years ago and do not hold bad beliefs they held prior.
So, idk, even barring my conflicted feelings of old L’manberg, why does the cruelty of a corrupt nation not matter just because it was good at some point? Because even then, L’manberg died on Nov 16th and has not risen from its grave. The new one is a cruel mockery of the old.
Like “oh Techno and Phil should learn more about L’manberg’s beginnings to see where that value stood and what it meant them.”
And I’m sorry, but this just… it isn’t enough. Because this implies that that would matter. To them or those who hold contempt for NLM. But it does not. Because to say this is telling me that people believe that Doomsday was 100% emotionally driven, and thus the solution would fall into place if everyone just calmed down and had a moment to think back on old L'manberg. Which was not true in the slightest. There IS emotion taken into account, but we can’t dismiss there is LOGIC to Techno and Phil’s reason for Doomsday. To pretend emotion is solely at the core completely disregards a lot about these characters, their ideals and values, and their experiences and how said experiences played into those ideals.
Techno’s history with the country is complicated. He came into it in the midst of conflict. He knows very little about any good that L'manberg held. And really, with the Red Festival, the 16th, the Butcher Army, the Green Festival, Techno has had continuous bad experiences associated with the country. And his viewpoints have solely taken in a lot of the damage done at the hands of the country, such as Tommy's exile, Wilbur's own destruction, et cetra.
And he didn't feel safe with New L'manberg still kicking, thanks to the Butcher Army. He tried to talk them down, reason with them, tell them that he wanted to pacify. But they weren't listening. At this point, what else is he supposed to do? Assassinate the president? Which already happened (kinda sorta) and led to another leader coming in that was slowly corrupted by the system? Do any of us really think that NLM would be willing to talk to Technoblade with mutual respect and understanding? You may try to say "yes," but deep down, I think we know that that option was never on the table. So, feeling unsafe and seeing that government has done more harm than good for these people, Technoblade took action.
Then we have Philza, who again, there's talks of "oh, let him hear about the history of L'manberg, he'll hear them out." Except... Philza DID know about it. Or he THOUGHT he did. He has those letters, the letters that spun L'manberg's history into something more positive as opposed to the suffering it caused and the damage done. He thought things were okay with Wilbur and the country he was creating. It was why he was willing to DEFEND L’manberg on the 16th against the Withers. It was why he was willing to build back up what was destroyed. He interacted with its citizens, helped in a lot of ways that honestly, some people seem to forgot. He was a big part of New L’manberg’s beginnings. Even if he proclaimed he wasn't really a citizen, he was still very much a present figure in helping rebuild it.
It was why the gradual corruption he witnessed burned him so much. Tubbo, someone who he somewhat respected and even initially praised for his work on LMN, admitted to him that he used money from his citizens for personal gain. Fundy, his own family, bonded with him then continuously scammed him and much worse, hovered the fact he was family over Phil’s head as he and the Butcher Army raided his house. He almost DIED by Tubbo’s hand aka state violence?? He almost saw the execution his best friend, in such an unjustly, vile way. He WITNESSED ALL OF THIS. Despite trying to give it a chance, he told them that he felt his loyalty was not earned. And they failed to give him any reason to give his utmost loyalty to them. They simply provided a man, who has seen many nations fall in all of his years and seen corruption creep into every crevice, more ammo in his beliefs that "this is the right thing to do," to help those suffering at the hands of a torturous nation.
This isn't even taking into account the damage L'manberg has done to its own founders and other citizens. I won't go too deep into it, but while Doomsday was traumatizing, I refuse to pretend that L'manberg didn't hurt pretty much everyone in close proximity of it. And all of that pain, all of that trauma, all of that everything, are we really going to disregard all of that, all because "oh, no, it was good at one point, don't be mean to it now."
Why is history important when the present is so ripe with wrongness? When the country that stands is nothing like the one that they once cherished? What does blowing up this new one matter when L’manberg has been dead for so long, when most of its people had defected elsewhere and was such a negative for pretty everyone else that had remained? Memories of old that hold sentimentality aren't bad or wrong or invalid, but if memories are the only good thing they have of a current country, then... just... why let a corpse run ragged?
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