#i say eventually because I am bad at updating pages / readable info
shapeshyft · 8 months
Coming down the pipe, eventually:
Superstar Verse: Mystique abandons super-terrorism (as her main job) and transitions into being a pop mega star. Singing songs, humanitarian aid, completely divested from the sins & woes of the world. 'Don't fucking talk me, I just sold out Madison Square, I gotta go do my breathing exercises'. (Built on the back of that time in the... 80s? That she - Y'know... did all that horrible shit to Dazzler.)
Suburban Verse: Baby Blue & Irene go to Xavier with a modified proposal. 'Don't erase the details of my son from my mind, just erase fucking all of it. Take my pain away, lock my soul behind a wall, make me happy, and ignorant, and painless, I want this all to stop!' So, who's left? Why, Melissa Corvin, of course. Mother of One, PTA Member, Local Housewife, and Harbourer of a truly Awful Secret.
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