#i see so much chemistry with malira
kitkatwinchester · 1 year
Okay okay, Malira is still amazing, truly.
But I just CANNOT be mad at Scira. I cannot. I love them too much. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
That little Scira moment was so freaking cute, I swear to god.
"Be careful works for me."
Her adorable little babble because she's worried about him, and his adorable little smile because he finds her so endearing, and then that hug where they just both held each other so tight, and even when Scott knew he had to let go, he had a hard time pulling away, and then the way Kira just watches him go, I just...
I love them. I really do. I fully support that being the canon ship (I will love Malira in the privacy of my own head aka this Tumblr page XD). <3 <3 <3
The fact that they both look at Braeden at the SAME TIME with the EXACT same head turn movement (it's a little thing, but it's a BIG THING to me! <3 <3).
The fact that Scott starts to panic slightly because he doesn't know what to do, and Stiles recognizes that immediately.
The fact that Scott looks to Stiles for a solution, and Stiles already has one for him.
The fact that Scott looks at him in surprise and immediately says "not without you" because that means leaving his best friend stranded and, more importantly, not having him at his side and he hates that.
The fact that Stiles immediately comforts Scott by more or less reminding him that he has a better shot of finding Derek than the rest of them do and telling him that he'll do everything he can to keep the rest of the pack safe and get things figured out.
The fact that Scott has so many reservations about this and clearly hates this plan and is so close to saying no again.
The fact that Stiles gives him that little encouraging pat on the chest and gestures him to Braeden so that they can leave on time.
The fact that only after much support and encouragement from Stiles is Scott finally able to decide that it's okay to keep going without the rest of the pack.
Did I way overanalyze that scene? Yes.
Do I care in the slightest? Absolutely not.
Is that 20-second-scene going on my "Best Sciles Moments" list? YOU BET!!
I seriously cannot believe there was ever a time where I didn't have Sciles in my life, because IT'S SERIOUSLY AMAZING!!!
AHHHH I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I don't love that Scott is more or less going off on his own to try to find Derek and potentially face Kate, and I REALLY don't love that the rest of the pack is stranded in the desert that will apparently get more dangerous at night right after being hit/attacked by something, but it's FINE. They wouldn't kill anyone in the season premiere...right?
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(I couldn't find the Sciles scene because NOBODY EVER GIFS THESE LITTLE SMALL SCILES MOMENTS THAT I ADORE, but I will happily take the Scira hug gif. <3 <3 <3 <3)
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calcetineys · 5 years
So, I watched Love is Blind on Netflix… and so it won’t be a complete waste of my time, here’s a Steo AU. (Even though I’ve already done something similar. But now it also has Malira!)
If you aren’t familiar with this show, it’s a dating show hosted by Nick Lachey (that detail does come up) where participants go into little rooms called “pods” and talk with another person in the pod next to them. The idea is to see if they can fall in love without seeing each other. 
In this case, let’s not think about the logistics of how a bunch of bisexuals who aren’t supposed to see each other are supposed to be housed in the same facility.
So, Stiles probably claims that he didn’t think through this idea, but like, he kinda of did, at least enough to know that he does want someone who wants him for life. The fact that they can walk out and never see each other if that doesn’t end up being the case helps.
 He is ignoring the fact that this is going to be televised/streamed.
Also, he’s sort of thinking that maybe if someone got close enough, he could just go full throttle and somehow that will sabotage his chances? Like, put some much of himself out there that the person he’s talking to will be like ‘yeah, let’s not’. 
He doesn’t get that far with most people, but he wasn’t expecting someone like Theo.
So they meet on maybe the third rotation, Stiles has talked to a guy that was not really interesting and a really sweet girl named Kira who is not at all his type but made him laugh, and Theo not even thinking about the people he’s talked to, even less when he hears the voice on the other side of the wall that catches his attention.
That first ‘date’ goes pretty standard for them, as in, Theo’s kinda smitten, Stiles is a bit irritated but reluctantly intrigued.
At some point, the producers get a sense of who’s got chemistry and who doesn’t and starts letting the people who aren’t attracted to each other interact outside of the pods, to be able to get some conversation and feedback about how people are feeling.
Stiles gets to meet Kira in person, and she’s very pretty and just as charming, but he thinks he was right in his first impression. But he’s glad to listen to her gush about a woman named Malia, who Stiles did get a chance to talk with on one of the earlier days and did like, but he can tell that Kira’s absolutely gone on her.
He kind of avoids the question when she asks if he’s talked to anyone he likes, and she doesn’t push because she’s nice like that.
Also she wouldn’t want some one to do that to her, if she wasn’t feeling so ready to shout about how much fun she’s having with Malia.
She figures that part of it is the environment, that because she doesn’t have to worry about embarrassing herself with anything other than what she says, it’s easier to feel so excited about getting to know someone.
But she also just really likes this woman. Malia’s so straightforward and knows exactly what she wants to say and says it, which seems simple but is something Kira admires so much. And her confidence and intelligence and-
Yeah, Kira’s a goner.
Which is something that would make Malia very happy, over on the other side of the facility, where she and Theo are talking about their respective interests, albeit in a more sedate way.
The producers put them together in person after it became apparent that Malia differed from Stiles in that she was more irritated and not very intrigued by Theo on the other side of the wall.
They get some good footage of them talking about how cute the person they’re interested in is.
“She’s so dorky,” Malia says, smiling. She thinks about how Kira told her she’s never really felt all that comfortable with her body, always felt not exactly uncoordinated but definitely not graceful.
She doesn’t share that with Theo, but Malia thinks that she’d like to help Kira with feeling more at peace with herself, which is something that Malia had struggled with in the past.
Her head’s so wrapped up in thoughts like that, that she finds that she doesn’t mind Theo talking about the man named Stiles that had caught her passing interest early on, because he didn’t manage to keep it after she’d talked to Kira.
But she agrees with Theo as he says that Stiles is just so fucking smart, and clever and unafraid to call out bullshit, that their conversations are endlessly fun, that he doesn’t even want to talk to any of the other participants.
So he doesn’t. 
He ignores the signal the crew gives him to leave his pod, and when Stiles pauses on his way out he asks what Theo’s doing, because he can hear the chatter over the radio on the crew on his end.
“I don’t want to talk to anyone else. If you do, I guess I can’t do anything but ask if would rather stay here,” Theo says.
And Stiles is, unsurprisingly, suspicious of that, and says, “You really need to pull a stunt like this to get my attention.”
And Theo laughs, “Oh, I don’t, huh?”
“Because I’m not impressed,” Stiles corrects. But that’s not the truth exactly. It’s more that he doesn’t quite believe it. “These big, empty gestures…”
Theo’s quiet so a long second, and Stiles tells himself to leave, but he stays, waits until he hears: “It’s not supposed to impress you. I just want you to stay.”
And for some reason, Stiles does.
They don’t say anything for a long while, and eventually, the camera crew just decides to roll with it, because this is more interesting than the standard rotations.
Stiles is the one to start talking again, and at first it’s lighter topics. He starts talking about how Kira’s having some great luck with falling in love, but cuts that conversation off, because he’s ignoring that fact that there are other people here and that they should have moved on by now.
But it’s probably for that reason that he finds himself telling Theo things not as a way to drive him away, but more because he feels like maybe he doesn’t need to.
It is partly the fact that they can’t see each other, but it’s like how having difficult conversations in a car are easier, because there’s no eye contact, because both people are facing the same direction. 
They’re both sitting against the connecting way as he tells him about losing his mother, about feeling like he lost his father for years, about how for a long time when he was a teenager, he felt like he was losing himself and his mind.
Theo doesn’t interrupt, doesn’t say anything during, but Stiles knows he’s listening, and he finds that he doesn’t really care that so many other people are listening too.
“Thank you,” is what he hears in return.
Like his thoughts are a gift and not a repellent, not a burden.
The next time they talk, Stiles listens as Theo talks about losing his parents, though they’re still alive, about his sister Tara, who is the only family he’s ever needed.
Theo doesn’t say it, but Stiles puts together that she’s probably the only person that Theo’s kept in his life and he can’t help but ask why he came here. 
“Would it be too cheesy to say I came for you?”
Stiles scoffs and says, “Yeah.”
“Then I guess I don’t have a good answer.”
That’s not deterrent enough to end the conversation, even when they get the signal that the others are switching pods. When no one tries to get them to move, Stiles gets the feeling that the producers are eating this up and rolls his eyes. 
Back in the regular rotations, Kira’s listening to Malia talking about Theo and Stiles, which is more information that Kira learned from Stiles and she’s mostly concerned about them getting in trouble and getting kicked off.
“I doubt it,” Malia says. “It’ll be good for ratings. But enough about that-“
This is the first time they delve into really serious topics, though they’re talked about Kira’s insecurities and Malia’s mentioned her family issues.
But she gets into it more now, because she feels like Kira truly wants to know, to understand, and that makes her feels…good. 
“My birth parents…” she starts with. “She, uh- she regretted having me, my father didn’t know  about me for a long time, and he tries, but he’s not- My adopted family are my family, but I didn’t always accept that when I was younger. And it was even worse when my birth mother came to meet me when I was a teenager. She didn’t have a good reason for coming, not one that I can think of even now. 
And I’ve let go of the idea of ever understanding why she did what she did or why she said the things she sai- she told me I didn’t have a name, not a real one. She said a lot of shit that day, but that’s what stayed with me the longest.  
“But I’ve figured out who I am.”
Kira’s never wanted to be in the same room with her more than right then, wants to see this strength with her own eyes, and she envies the camera crew who get to.  
“You’re amazing,” she hears herself say.
It’s quiet for a second, before Malia says, “I’m smiling right now.”
Kira is now too.
“I know this seems crazy, but I’ve never felt so sure of something. It’s amazing that I can feel so certain of this, of you,” Kira says the next time they meet. “And I want to be with you, if you want me to, so will you marry me?”
“Absolutely,” Malia says, without a hint of hesitation, so absolutely proud of Kira for going for what she wants.
And Kira cries because she gets that for the rest of her life.
They finally meet in person, and god but when have two people ever smiled so brightly?
Theo waits longer than Kira did, because he knows that even though Stiles came here knowing how this process went, Stiles didn’t really expect to find someone who wanted him.
But he did, and Theo’s not shy about telling him. 
He tries not to push, but sometimes he shows how he knows they’re leaving here together, saying things like, “After this, I’m going to take you to-” and “I can’t wait to see your smile.” And- and this was the real kicker for Stiles, “Tara’s gonna adore you.”
He doesn’t wait until the last day though, doesn’t want to put Stiles through having to think that Theo’s not going to ask him.
He keeps it simple, because he knows how little Stiles is likely to believe him, but he speaks with such conviction, because he means what he says:
“I want all of you, everything you’ll give me. And that’s not going to change, Stiles.”
And Stiles is standing on his side of the wall, not wanting to believe that this is real, but knowing that it is, and he hasn’t been this terrified in years
And he thinks about all the times he’s been terrified in his life, all the times he didn’t do what was right for him, sucks in a breath when he realizes that he knows this is what’s right for him- and the fact that he believes what Theo’s saying has Stiles, for once in his life, doing right by himself.
So he agrees.
So just imagine, them meeting face to face, how Stiles is breathing hard, standing there, seeing this person who made him feel- feel like he- god, feel like this, he thinks, as Theo’s right in front of him now, pulling Stiles against him, looking up at him like he was something to look at, like after knowing so many of the worst parts of him, that he was still someone to want.
Kira and Malia have a dance on their pre-honeymoon sort of like in canon, where Kira starts out awkward, which is adorable, but Malia helps her feel more in control of her body, and comfortable with her movements and having fun instead of worrying about how she looks. At the end, Malia’s like, “Yeah, that was sexy as hell.”
And Kira really likes that.
So yeah, it’s possible that Theo and Stiles actually go through with the wedding, but because the whole ‘getting married after four months’ things was kind of stupid, and seemed like an entirely different variable in the ‘experiment’, it’s also very probable that Stiles, as Stiles does, freaks out about the whole thing, and worries about his father and if this doesn’t work out and how this is moving so fucking fast and Theo doesn’t want him to feel anxious about them, so he just says, “So we don’t get married right now and we don’t break up.”
Stiles stumbles over his words here and finally settles on, “But aren’t we like, contractually obliged to have a wedding?”
“I think we were also contractually obligated to date bunch of people in pods and I didn’t let that get in our way.”
“So, you’re just gonna say, ‘hey, fuck you Nick Lachey’?”
“Fuck Nick Lachey.”
“…alright then.”
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
Okay, I know that whatever-the-f*ck-her-name-is still got the upper hand with the freaking wolfsbane (I hate wolfsbane. I really hate it. Why can it be used in so many forms?? WHY?!), but that was SO F*CKING BAD*SS I CANNOT WITH THIS PACK!!
I mean, even when she DID get the upper hand, and Scott and Malia were struggling against the wolfsbane, Scott looked her dead in the eyes, watched her every move, and still had enough confidence to say "you don't know where he is, either", and I just LOVE THAT.
I mean, the amount of utter strength and confidence in:
"Stiles. Take 10 off the table."
That boy just took out one of the bodyguards, reached down for the walkie talkie, and talked DIRECTLY TO his best friend that was SITTING IN THE ROOM with the villain with NO fear and NO qualms, and Stiles just freaking reached over and removed the money.
Obviously our pack is slightly underestimating these hunters, because they don't really know what they're up against, but I guarantee you, the hunters don't know what they're up against either.
And then you add to that Kira and Malia like..
The way they were just watching, and then they both sprung into action, Kira with the f*cking NUNCHUCKS, Malia with her werewolf strength and acrobatics I just...
I'm sorry.
I am.
I've been racking my brain, and I don't think I have EVER so IMMEDIATELY shipped someone THIS INTENSELY, but OMG, the CHEMISTRY.
I love Scira. With all of my heart. And I know that ship goes canon at some point and I'm totally happy about that.
And I know Stalia does officially happen at some point, and I know Scalia (don't ask me why Scott and Kira would ever break up, but ANYWAYS) is a thing also, so I know there is absolutely no way I get Malira canonically, and I probably won't even get that many more Malira moments throughout the rest of the show.
Like, obviously you do, because there's a ship name for it, but PLEASE TELL ME THERE ARE PEOPLE OUT THERE WHO SHIP THIS AS HARD AS I DO!
*clears throat*
This pack may not have the upper hand right now, but they're freaking amazing, and so freaking bad*ss, and they have each other, so I have faith they'll get out of this.
And once I'm done screaming about Malira, I'm gonna watch them do exactly that.
Also, as a very brief aside, we also have to give credit to the way Stiles described Derek in an effort to get her to give him up. Love this man. XD <3
Anyways MALIRA MY BELOVED!! <3 <3
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(Okay let's be honest, I will never stop screaming about Malira, because LOOK AT THEM THEY'RE PERFECT!! <3 <3 <3 <3)
Update: Scott literally said "let's go all the way to Mexico to save someone that may or may not be dead" and his pack said "okay" like it was no big deal and THIS is why the McCall pack is superior to any other pack because NO ONE could EVER have as much loyalty as they do. <3 <3
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