#i see this on my tl and im just like twf is hoing on rn
cucumberteapot · 1 year
I really can't understand this weird dichotomy Twitter has manefested with Gwen, Hobie and Miles as a love triangle. Bro, the whole point is that it's not a love triangle. It's Schrodinger's triangle. Hobie isn't interested in Gwen, and Gwen isn't interested in Hobie and until he actually meets the guy, everything Miles learns about Hobie is second-hand information from Gwen - That they're friends and she's been living with him for a few months. Miles isn't even all that jealous (because what's there to be jealous of??), he's just a 15 year old boy trying to find out if his crush is single and not attracted someone else he doesn't even know! Because, yeah, around this age, you are insecure, and you don't just ask the person you're interested in if they'd want to date you. And when it's obvious there's nothing between Gwen and Hobie, this plot point is dropped because its served its purpose in conveying Miles' uncertainty in himself.
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