#i should be stopped
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A Collection Of: Random Things I've seen On Tumblr That Remind Me Of Newt At Like..1 am
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mercurygray · 6 months
Against my better judgement, I now seem to have not one, not two, but THREE OCs chambered for TDS cinematic universe Masters of the Air shenanigans.
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Babe pls if u listen to cute music like serani poji you wont be depressed pls i can change könig ALL THID PAIN IS NOT WORTH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I am manipulating u)
okay but cleaning königs wounds after a rough mission, making engels tea less sweet because he knows she doesn't like too sweet thingies, stealing he underwear, have matching bracelets with her, torturing her with his horrible dad jokes, wearing her t shirts (his body convulsed bcs hes too big), he slipped and she hollered to the ground laughing, stealing her underwear (angst begone!!!!!!!!)
I'm telling you I'm so easy to manipulate
Cleaning his wounds? He would have a hard on in a second. Sorry, this was supposed to be fluff, but he would. He would be so proud and pleased if reader sank to her knees to check a wound on his thigh or hovered over him while he's sitting to clean a scratch or a scrape on his arm. If he came straight to her from a medic with a more serious injury, and reader would fuss over his health, force him to stay in bed while she treats him like a KING, he would be purring silently under that mask. (Finally, someone takes care of him ❤️) He might not be fit to make love to reader, but she could always take him in her pretty little mouth? Just to give him a warrior's welcome ease his pain.
And taking her underwear from the laundry bin again? He should be ashamed. But surprise, surprise… he's not. He never treats himself to them in front of Engel, though. Knows he would only get shocked, mousy looks. He brings them to his nose only when he's alone, to drive the smell of dry dust and acrid smoke and gunpowder and man-sweat from his system. Breathing her is like breathing the sun and honey and all things good. He's invigorated like he just downed a pint of pilsner.
The matching bracelets were her idea, and he allowed her to put it on his wrist – it looked colorful and funny, standing out against his black shirt and army olive greens, and it sort of itched and pricked, a new item that it was, pressing against his skin. But every time he looks at it he remembers her and all her cute jokes and silly little monologues. The other operators look at the new addition with their noses wrinkled and turned up. Thinking it's one of his oddities again... He doesn't give a fuck because they're stupid – they don't know it's an entire blessing he has received from his angel. That bracelet basically makes him invincible on the battlefield.
And of course he learns to prepare her tea just right in a manner of days. (It's a bit scary, how well he remembers every little detail about what she likes to eat, drink, wear, read, listen to...)
His dad jokes… Holy fuck. He tells her he was stopped at the airport for control and they asked about his occupation. He answered he's only here for work. ;( ((I can't do this lol))
Making him wear her t-shirt because surely it would look cute and funny? It nearly tears at the side seam, gets stuck in his huge head as if it was his mask now. The t-shirt is ruined by the time he forces his arms through, that little piece of clothing simply can't take those shoulders. He looks at her with a sigh – great, now it's ruined, and he looks even more stupid. What did she expect? Is this what she really wanted? Oh, she's laughing so much she bends over and has tears in her eyes. He feels warm and fuzzy, too. Perhaps it was worth it after all to entertain her like this. 💕 (But most of all he loves when she wears his shirts: she looks so small and cute inside them. Like a little pet... Not to talk of how the clothing smells after: the sweet scent of her caught on his tactical wear is yet another distraction when he's supposed to go to work.)
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veritasrose · 9 months
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I did it! Zapp is a charlatan fighter and Kif is a sage rogue. I took all Zapp’s points out of intelligence and wisdom and put them in strength and charisma instead.
Guardians under the cut:
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ashthedestroyer · 2 years
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So therapy’s going well
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frozenwafflesagain · 1 year
What do you get when you decide Klaus and Five should be twins and then you throw them in the apocalypse together?
Pain. You get pain.
Anyway here’s my fic—
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pigeon-in-a-pie · 5 months
guys i'm so sorry it happened again i know vat7k is like the fourth fandom i've been screaming about in the last week alone i know i never shut up- i'm riding the emotional high of being interested in things for the first time in a long time ok- bear with me-
i'm so sorry if you followed me for camelot, spies are forever, chess, and are now getting all of the above + vat7k and everything else-
i can be normal i swear- i just won't so while we're here just SLAM that block button for tags OR unfollow because i WILL be reblogging all night for many nights in a row-
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misty-missdee · 1 year
Ahaha wheee~ :)))
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helenapsent · 1 year
a bit of meme:
Three courageous "beasties" Set out on a quest Deliver horn to Numisu, Who tired of the mess - Friends, it's not simple… Exclaimed Eluard. - We know, - responded Brutus. And Tidus: - "Fort Boyard"!
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Let me explain for "Fort Boyard": they definitely have to go through the fiercest trials that all famous Fort Boyard personalities go through. In fact, that's what the meme is all about
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localsharkcryptid · 2 years
Did anyone ask for a Detroit Become Human TNT Duo au?
Too bad I'm writing it anyway, I don't need more projects but it's still happening. I will not be stopped.
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Character.ai is both a blessing and a curse...
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this is far too much power
(tap to view the bullshit in its full form)
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mercurygray · 4 months
No one:
Literally no one:
me: ...say, I think I'm going to write something nice for Crank.
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fredbydawn · 1 year
Compuer… show me jpegs of that horny clown I love
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myfriendgoo94 · 2 years
Not me seeing that pic and getting h'rny rip
dammit my pics keep killing my followers 😢
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kochei0 · 3 months
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I turn to Ares.
Thanks to Tyler Miles Lockett who allowed me to draw inspiration from his ARES piece for page 2! Look at his etsy page it's SICK
⚔️ If you want to read some queer retelling of arturian legends have a look at my webtoon
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captainjonnitkessler · 6 months
Sometimes I wish we would start calling out the performative radicalism on this site for the poser bullshit it is. "Remember, it's always morally correct to kill a cop!" "Don't forget to firebomb your local government office!" "Wow, it sure would be a shame if these instructions on how to make a molotov cocktail got spread around!"
Okay. But you're not killing cops or firebombing government offices. You are posting on a dying microblogging website to a carefully-curated echo chamber that has radicalized itself into thinking that taking the absolute most extreme position on any subject is praxis but that anyone discussing the most practical way to effect actual change is your sworn enemy. You do not have the street cred OR the activist cred to be talking about killing cops, babe.
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