#i should make a tag about grieving or something bc this is the only social media i feel like i can like. vent on.
pheonix-inside · 2 years
Hot bitches stay up past their bedtime and cry
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sol1056 · 6 years
Do you think they couldn't make other characters queer cause of copyright? As far as my knowledge goes (correct me if i'm wrong bc I'm confused) Shiro belongs to the first itineration of Voltron, Go Lion! and Koplars are the owners of the American version. The post-s8 tea on Twitter said they weren't given permission of changing last names, what if was the same with sexualities? Koplar's Shiro, Sven was coupled with Romelle but I think Go Lion's Shiro didn't have anyone, so it was an easy pick?
That’s not really the way copyright works. 
Shiro belongs to DreamWorks, full stop, do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars. The same goes for Allura, Pidge, Hunk, Keith, Lance, Coran, Kolivan, Krolia, Zarkon, Lotor, Haggar/Honerva, and any other iteration of the characters as they are presented in DreamWork’s version. 
Note: I’m not saying that Shiro wasn’t a character in GoLion. I’m saying that the Shiro-of-GoLion is a character copyrighted by Toei Animation; Shiro-of-VLD is a character copyrighted by DreamWorks; Shiro of… well, any other iteration would be copyrighted by whomever created that iteration. 
It’s a complicated and heavily-legislated area of the law, but here’s the core idea boiled down into a single statement: your creation is copyrighted the instant you “fix it in a tangible medium of expression”.   
That is, you cannot copyright an idea; you can only copyright a distinct implementation. Furthermore, copyright is always owned — automatically upon creation — by the person or company who did the work of setting that idea into its concrete state. 
Behind the cut: copyrighting characters, withholding character information, cultural hot buttons, and where do we go from here. 
note #1: there is one exception, known as “work-for-hire,” where employees create something on behalf of an employer. This must known beforehand and made explicit via some kind of agreement. If you read the fine print, there’ll be a work-for-hire clause in most employee or contractor agreements.
note #2: yes, this does mean you could create a mecha series where the robots are all big lions, or a mecha series where animal-based mecha combine. It would probably end up in court anyway ‘cause companies get prickly about protecting their IPs, but afaik the court’s decision would hinge on whether your implementation is different enough.
(this is why I scoff so much at the EPs being so open about where they steal ideas from: there’s a reason writers talk about filing off the serial numbers. it’s not because we don’t want you to think we get ideas from everywhere. it’s because distinct is also a necessary ingredient for plausible deniability of plagiarism.) 
copyrighting characters
The ‘no last name’ claims are frankly a lot of hot air. 
First, you cannot copyright a character name; you can only copyright the specific and fully-developed character as a whole. (A Meg Murry who’s a South Asian marathon runner? Not a violation of L’Engle.) You could trademark a character name, but only if that name appears in the title; frex, Indiana Jones was able to be trademarked because his name is part of a series of works that all begin with “Indiana Jones.” 
WEP could trademark Voltron (as the mecha’s name), but doesn’t look like WEP chose to do so. Recent research seems to indicate WEP actually embraces and supports non-media products (that is, things that are obviously not their adaptation-of-an-anime) using the name, possibly on the theory this wide usage increases the name’s recognition and cultural cachet.
Second, consider Devil’s Due Publishing (DDP), which gave every character a full name, new biography, age, height, and family history. It retains its copyright over those characters, but only as whole characters. You could make your Keith Kogane an orphan in his mid-20s who’s distinctly anti-social, and you’d probably be fine, because that description is still more of a stereotype than a distinct/unique character. 
To quote the legal encyclopedia:
Judge Learned Hand of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit established the standard for character protection in a case called Nichols v. Universal Pictures Corp., 45 F.2d 119 (2d Cir. 1930), when he stated that, “the less developed the characters, the less they can be copyrighted; that is the penalty an author must bear for marking them too indistinctly.”
For example, alien characters stranded on Earth is a popular and recurring theme as portrayed in My Favorite Martian, Starman, Alien Nation, Transformers, District 9, Predators, and The Man Who Fell to Earth. The idea of a stranded alien character, without embellishment, is not protectable.
[…] once a stranded alien character acquires more distinctive features or aspects—for example, a big-headed, long-necked alien with a glowing finger who murmurs “Phone home”—it becomes distinct enough to merit protection and its owners can prevent others from using the character’s image and expression.
If you make your misanthropic orphan named Keith also a former Marine, and an expert in hand-to-hand combat, and grieving a dead fiancee… He’s no longer a stereotype, but a character with a unique combination of features. DDP probably would have grounds to send you a cease-and-desist. 
However, if you say Keith Kogane is a lonely kid from Texas with an alien mom and a fireman dad, who’s the best damn pilot of his generation, and is generally awkward and whose silence hides a whip-smart intellect… again, a unique combination that fleshes out generic ‘Keith’ into a very specific and distinct Keith. Who is not, it should be noted, a carbon-copy of DDP’s Keith.
And the real nail in the coffin: if you’re going to argue that it’s a copyright violation to use Keith’s or Lance’s or Hunk’s last names, then why wouldn’t the same apply to using their first names? Or using names like Daibazaal, Sincline, Lotor, Honerva, Haggar, Alfor, Yurak, etc. Pretty sure ‘Zarkon’ isn’t a name you see everyday. I mean, it’s not, say, ‘Bob.’ 
withholding information
I’ve seen staff from another DW project say they can’t specify character ages until marketing decides. Which is… truly bizarre. If DW really is having marketing make such creative decisions, it’s not just putting the cart before the horse, it’s putting the cart in the jewelry store and the horse in the attic. 
If marketing or PR is anywhere in the mix, perhaps that’s because someone with social media savvy has realized topics like ethnicity and age will bring out the vitriolic teeny meanies of the Fandom Purity Police Brigade. Thing is, that doesn’t hold water, either: Trollhunters gave us ages and grade-in-school.
There could be another layer, too. The EPs I saw in those earliest interviews clearly had little firsthand experience with fandom, and seemed startled to hear fans actually care about those details. Two years of their interviews, and I have the strong sense they don’t like losing what they see as a battle of wills, no matter who their opponent is. Fandom cries out for surnames? Fandom will never get it. Fandom likes this couple over that one? Fandom is heading for severe disappointment. And so on. 
That’s ignoring the praise the EPs enjoyed for fandom’s conflation of a Korean-American VA and a Korean studio’s aesthetics, to see Keith himself as non-white. The EPs got representation points, and didn’t have to do a thing; the fandom did it for them. Why mess with that?
But no, copyright has nothing to do with that. 
cultural hot buttons
Sexuality, gender, and ethnicity are three places that a franchisee could run into problems, because these are hot buttons in the US. If the franchise owner feels a particular tangible form (this specific character in this specific iteration) violates the franchise’s ‘family-friendly’ aspect of their brand… I’d bet the contract between the parties does give the franchise owner some right of refusal or revision. 
Set aside what you think of VLD’s beginning, middle, or end. For all LM’s other faults, that sketch she did so long ago highlights all three: gender (Pidge), race (Keith and Allura), and sexuality (Shiro). We may’ve had to wait for an unfortunately tacked-on epilogue to get explicit confirmation*, but in the end, VLD was a significant break from previous Voltron iterations. 
Where, exactly, is anyone getting the impression that WEP is so terribly upset about its princess no longer being white, one of its pilots no longer being male, or another pilot no longer being straight? Whatever Bob Koplar might think of VLD’s end, his statement on the day of S8′s release made clear WEP is eager to continue their partnership with DW. 
Sounds to me like WEP is okay with DW’s creative and cultural approach. Otherwise, why go back for more? 
* edited to clarify, per @inklingdancer‘s tag
moving right along
It ultimately doesn’t matter what a previous iteration did. So long as DW’s creation is fully its own, copyright is neither barrier nor impetus to providing (or withholding) any information about that creation. 
What DW creates, DW owns. Which means DW is free to tell us last names, middle names, heights, ages, family history, race, gender, sexuality, love interest, even most hated food or favorite color — or nothing at all. 
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estherroberts · 7 years
esther roberts!
part of advanced PLACEMENT: an ars PARADOXICA high school au about a gang of queer teen nerds, by @estherroberts​ , @podcastmecaptain , and @lizzieraindrops
all three of the aformentioned dorks are responsible for the hijinks found in this post. today though, it’s @estherroberts especially. (that’s me!)
click here for the au masterpost | track #ars placement for updates!
ALSO: things aren’t always showing up in the tags, so your most reliable bet is the aforementioned masterpost.
this is one of many individualized advanced PLACEMENT works, for the stories of each character involved. we each picked three kids to write about, and this is the first one of mine! without further ado, here’s esther! 
esther roberts is tiny but she is not delicate- which is to say, she looks fragile but she will kick your ass. she is feminine but she is unyielding. and she will beat you to the chair and pull it out her damn self.
pencil skirts, fancy blouses, necklaces with tiny charms, and three rings with varying sizes of stones are like a uniform for esther.
she has honey blonde hair in the sunlight and mousy brown in dark and her hair wiggles just past her shoulders. also, she has bangs. they're cute but they don't help her look any older.
she has brown eyes and sometimes they're warm and welcoming but mostly they're analyzing and looking and curious and questioning
she doesn't want any more piercings than the basic ear ones and she likes to wear long chained dangly earrings because they feel nice
she wears heels for the click clack and the height and ballet flats for the comfort 
she’s an aquarius
she has a cat named johanna and when she was younger she had fish but she was a horrible fish mother and gave them to jack’s sisters
esther’s father died when she was four years old
the only things she has left of him are
a) a deck of cards
b) all kinds of russian swear words
c) an ability to withstand incredibly cold weather
d) an ability to withstand her mother
technically the occupants of her house are just her and her mom, anita
anita is from new york and certainly sounds like it
she is loud and affectionate and even though she is grieving her husband, does her best to raise her daughter
there are aunts, uncles, and cousins living across the street and on either side, and her mother’s parents are less than a block away
and there are always people over
most of her cousins are a lot older than she is, some of them have children by the time she’s a junior and so she is both the baby and the babysitter
also always over is jack wyatt
they grew up together, and jack talked to esther’s cousins as much, if not more, than esther did
they did ballroom lessons together, they cooked together, they have embarrassing photos of each other when they were babies, they even are very close to having their own language (there’s more on that in the jack post)
if you asked esther at five, at seven, at fifteen, at seventeen, who her favorite person in the world was? she would say jack. (she might throw bridget in there too, but we’re not there yet)
she loves him a LOT
esther figured out she was gay in 5th grade bc she watched glee and wanted to kiss quinn (later she realized how GARBAGE FIRE the show was but she’s glad it got her this, at least)
she’s maybe 11 and she’s freaking out. she thinks about it before she falls asleep and sometimes she looks stuff up online but she feels like it’s Extra so she stopped doing that. and it’s her secret, it’s a Big Secret.
sometimes she asks jack if they would still be friends if she was gay and he looks at her funny and tells her that she’s an idiot and he would still be her friend if she was green and came from the moon
“actually it’d be so cool if you were green and from the moon,”
and one time she held hands with a girl who was like, a study buddy or something as they were walking down the hallway and her heart hurt because she wished it could be real, really real
lots more under the readmore! 
when she is 12 her and jack meet anthony in detention, and through him, they also meet quentin
the four of them have lunch together every day and talk about advanced math and sciences, comparing notes and theories and arguing constantly
sometimes anthony does her nails
she really likes light solid colors like white, beige, pink
but one time he brings gold flecks to put on top of her pink
and he’s a little unsure about how she’ll react but she agrees
and is UTTERLY DELIGHTED with the final result
in 7th grade, tiny practical esther still doesn't understand most social interactions very well
she doesn't see the value in communication so spends no time learning how to do it
but toward the end of the year she starts to actually worry about this
their school is a middle and high school combined but
anthony has been complaining that all his friends are younger than him, that by high school he STILL won’t know anyone his age, that making friends is SO HARD
and so esther starts spending a lot of time interrogating her mom about how to initiate conversations and when you should ask someone about their day and what you do if someone doesn't like you
and her mom thinks it's great that she's finally expressing interest in people, for the love of god, so she gives her practice assignments to try to get to know the people around her better and get more friends
over summer she meets sally this way, by complimenting her star trek shirt and then dragging her to lunch with The Boys
of course, sally ends up becoming best friends with anthony, but her and esther are close too
anyway this is how esther becomes a CHARMER. teachers, when they aren't telling off her for talking to jack, LOVE HER. store clerks and waiters feel a little bit better about themselves after she leaves them (and internally she still has a script running because she needs it, but she gets better at improvising and she learns to smile a little bit more, because people like that)
it’s not that she’s being fake? because she genuinely does care, it’s just that she’s cracked the code of being like a Great People person
esther invited four non family members to her bat mitzvah:
jack, anthony, quentin, and sally.
they’re all super impressed with her confidence and jack actually cries a little
the party half of it isn’t so much of a party as it is a smorgasbord of incredible food
anita tells the kids they can just the tiniest sips of wine and they all get so excited about it she changes her mind
her freshman year there’s a GSA club and she’s rly scared but she signs up and asks jack if he’ll come with her to a meeting and he’s like, absolutely
and she passes him a note in the middle of it and it just says “i’m gay?????????” and he passes it back with “probably, also, same” and she nods and he smiles and for a while he’s the only one who knows
sophomore year she’s in science and math with sally bc she’s Smart for a little one
and they’re doing group work together and she’s texting instead of talking to sally
and sally’s like “are we gonna work now?” and esther’s like “yeah sorry, uh"
“i was in an argument with jack over who gets to marry hayley atwell"
and sally’s like, “is she, like, your woman crush wednesday whatever”
and esther’s like “oh no, i’m a giant lesbian”
makes a face, mumbles, “woman crush wednesday, god”
and sally’s just like, bubbly, happy, excited (but it takes her a minute to process)
“oh. OH! :D i hope you win the argument!!”
and esther grins wickedly and is like, “i will"
this eventually leads to a Bond they share over queer stuff, which leads to regular talks down at the garden shed, which eventually winds up at detention
but that’s another story 
later in the year she tells june and helen, who are in orchestra with her, and theyre so sweet about it and it’s the only time (until, of course, Chuck E Cheese Night) that june smiles at her
she doesn’t say it to anyone unless it comes up, but she doesn’t say silent on her opinions in class discussions and she figures everyone’s figured it out by now
telling her mother, on the other hand, scares the SHIT out of her
like, she knows anita will be chill about it she knows this but it’s so so scary for some reason? like what if she’s wrong and what if her mom is disappointed or doesn’t believe her?
her and bridget start dating the summer between sophomore year and junior year
that summer, before they get together, they text constantly
and esther, like is absolutely flirting, she’s doing her best
she thinks very highly of bridget as an academic but the selfies bridget sends... oh god, the selfies are so breathtakingly beautiful 
even the silly ones
like, wow
esther has never had a girlfriend, she doesn’t know how to flirt, but being smooth is like, in her dna
(jack makes fun of her all the time and tells her she’s being cheesy)
(but it appears to be working, so she tells him to fuck off)
eventually her efforts do pay off and bridget officially asks her out while they’re eating ice cream
their relationship is so healthy like, they talk about everything and they’re super honest with each other
and when they have miscommunications they talk about what they feel and try to say what they mean
her whole life esther has always been “the cute one”
it comes from being smol and from being the youngest in her family and bc, well, she is pretty cute
but bridget calls her beautiful one day and she nearly cries
because she’s never gotten to feel beautiful before
also, bridget’s the only one who calls her ettie and very quickly becomes the only one who’s allowed to call her ettie
esther loves her so much, she would do anything for bridget and anything to keep her
and she knows, she knows she needs to tell her mom soon, but one month passes and then three and then six and it’s hanukkah?
and her mom tells her she can invite as many people she wants on the third night, that they won’t have any cousins and it can just be esther’s friends
because of orchestra, and The Gay, and the poly chain and other couples, the gang has taken shape, and esther, for the first time, has more than four friends. she has eight now, eight people she loves and (mostly) get along with
trying to explain all of it to anita is a literal nightmare, but she can’t quite speak bridget’s name
“mom, again, you know jack, and his girlfriend penny, and then sally and her not-not? or is it not? boyfriend anthony and his girlfriend helen and her girlfriend june and her boyfriend quentin and-”
anita is patient and is really doing her best to understand the tangled relationship web but she does notice that esther said eight and only gave her seven names
“who’s the eighth person, esther?"
“aaaaaaaaaaa she’s uhhhh she’s ummmmmmmmmm aaaaaaa……..her name is bridget. she’s my age. she’s beautiful. she’s like. really good at english. she makes a mean apple pie. she’s a libra. she volunteers at the library. she’s like, an actual angel and she makes me smile every day and also she’s kind of my girlfriend?????????????”
anita:    :O
“i’m so sorry i didnt say sooner, i just. i got scared. i really don’t want to lose her. and i didn’t know how you would react, if you knew and i didnt- i didnt… i didn’t want to lie but i didnt know what to SAY and i waited too long and i’m sorry and-”
god bless esther’s mother, because although she is absolutely freaking out internally, just says, “i cannot wait to meet her"
needless to say they all have a BLAST and esther’s mom really does her best to get all the pronouns and relationships right and she appreciates how captive of an audience she has when she tells stories esther’s heard hundreds of times
and bridget is so polite and she offers to help clean the kitchen after
and esthers mom keeps making faces at esther like “SHES A KEEPER” and esther is ready to Die of happiness and embarrassment
up until her junior year, homework was incredibly easy. all she had to do was hyperfocus and she could work on it all night. but the more work she got, the more overwhelming it was, the more pressure she put on herself, and the harder it got to do
her grades didn’t really drop but ?
it took her a lot longer to get her homework done
she got distracted more easily
and then get mad at herself for getting distracted
being diagnosed for adhd helped a lot
she’s not on meds (she’s thinking about it though) but knowing that this is something to manage and take care of is really helping her
she’s learning to be okay with that part of herself? jack doesn’t stim the same way she does but he helps her figure out what she likes
and eventually she’s even a little proud of her neurodivergence, the way she’s proud of her sexuality and proud to be jewish
i’m not gonna pretend i know the rules of dilemma. but esther does, anita does, jack does, and sally….? sort of does?
just like in canon, her and jack play all the time
she’s better than he is but only SLIGHTLY, he’s been playing just as long as she has
she just gets a little more practice
esther’s dedication to STEM is sort of a mix of a lot of things
she has a genuine natural interest in math and science
she likes that things make sense and that there are universal rules (this doesn’t mean she won’t try to break them, she just likes knowing that they’re there)
(it’s a bit like a finish line, except you get to keep going)
(esther takes statistics really early in her hs career and just, LOVES it. like if she didn’t want to save the world, she’d probably be a data analyst
testing things to discern their significance is 300% her jam
and she loves hand drawing graphs
she has enough graph paper in her backpack to fill up a large dictionary)
also designing projects is a really big strong suit of hers
she’s an incredible planner/diagrammer
which works SUPER well with jack’s buildy skills
she comes up with the shit, and he makes it
also her handwriting is incred so whenever they write up things with the scientific method she’s the one who has to do it
she doesn’t know what she wants to do in the field but she knows she LOVES it 
overall she’s a pretty happy gay
she loves her friends and she loves her school and she loves her mom and she can put up with her cousins
she’s not afraid of the future, she’s ready for it.
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