#i should make the mlems a series
ghostofvalorie · 4 months
That Essay
@forsaire tagged me and now I MUST provide! You opened Pandora's box on this one.
To adhere to the rules I will first provide FOUR and ONLY FOUR of my fictional crushes! And to make it easier on us all I've narrowed it down to games only, so here we go!
I'm starting off from the very beginning of my journey into crushing on non-existent people, and people who have read my tags before might know this one already!
Malik Al Sayf from Assassins Creed 1 - 2007
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A man whom you've wrong by being arrogant and then spends the next few hours of the game being yelled at by him, and rightfully so. Not only do you cost him his arm and place as an assassin in the brotherhood, but his younger brother as well.
Eventually Altaïr stops begin a prick and apologizes and Malik, bless his heart forgives him.
Still... not me rolling into Jerusalem hoping, wishing, to get yelled at because Malik's Voice Actor goes HARD <3 I love him and his 7 whole polygons! NEXT!!
Keeping it somewhat chronological:
The Arishok from Dragon Age 2 - 2011
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He beeg. He got horns. He is technically an antagonist in the game but he has a moral code that makes sense to him that he is willing to kill and die for. Qunari famously live their lives incredibly black and white so to him he is in the right, even if we disagree.
But he just got a wholeass vibe, and he'll say nice things such as
"I have a growing lack of disgust for you" and I mean, with that voice... say no more sir. *takes shirt off*
NR 3: Adam Jensen from Deus Ex - 2011-2016
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My cyborg husband <3
Ex-swat turned security guy, then interpool agent (depends on which game you are playing)
He's just an incredibly good guy, the sweetest person on the block. Ofc it depends on how you play and what choices you make, but MY Adam is a sweeheart that will go out of his way to help people.
And my boi got sass, he'll be snarky to literally anyone, his boss, the cops, criminals you name it.
He's also secretly a little funny. <3
Nr 4: Arthur Morgan from Red Dead Redemption 2 - 2018
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I mean first off, he do a little *mlem* when he drinks coffee... Do i even need to say more?
Arthur is just such a perfect sad boy. Raised to believe his only worth lies in killing people when in reality he is incredibly competent, sharp and caring. Again depends on how you play the game, but my Arthur is the goodest boi in the west.
Now that was four, oh but look, somehow completely unrelated to all this, some other honorable mentions seems to have ended up after the cut, how silly of me!
And @xintothewoodswegox, show us what you got!
Beast from Beauty and the Beast - 2017
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No further comment, your honor, if you've seen the movie you should know.
Kaidan Alenko from Mass Effect - 2012
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How can we not love the powerful nerdass space magician! He's caring, he is cute, he is Canadian and schrodinger's person of color!
He also glow blue, what else can you possible want? I for sure do NOT kick my feet and twirl my hair anytime he wants to talk to me.
Eris Goddess of Chaos from Sinbad - 2003
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I MEAN LOOK AT HER?!?!?!? Again an antagonist, but she is sexy about it.
Helga Sinclair from Atlantis - 2001
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I'm-I i mean, I don't even have words. Every time I SEE Helga my brain flat-lines I can't help it.
Majima Goro from the Like a Dragon series of games
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No comment, because if i start i will NEVER stop, he's story is too good.
Simon 'Ghost' Riley from Call of Duty MWII - 2022
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I could literally put ALL the characters from that game in this list. ALL OF THEM, but to keep this somewhat short I've chosen ONE and i've chosen Ghost, the most tragic man alive.
Kar'niss from Baldur's Gate 3 - 2023
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Another TRAGIC boi, missunderstood and abused </3 I could take care of him. LET ME TAKE CARE OF HIM LARIAN
Jonathan Reid from Vampyr - 2018
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You didn't think I'd squeeze in a vampire this late, did you?
I wasn't overly impressed by Jonathan from the start, BUT, he is FASCINATING if you play him as a bloodthirsty villain willing to murder everyone for power! I'm here for bad-boy Reid!
Lastly, for now:
Corvo Attano from Dishonored - 2012
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Also an incredibly tragic man, who's fate you hold in your hands with your actions!
He's just hot, he's a dilf, he can succumb to grief and violence or rise above it to save not only his daughter but an entire empire from destruction.
I'm not sure i've y'all have noticed the pattern yet but let me spell it out for you:
PEOPLE THAT CAN ABSOLUTELY DESTROY ME! Look at them all! So STRONG! So POWERFUL! Fuck, mess me up fam!
And the beauty lies in that they never would. Or I mean Eris might... but I'm in a firm belief that the others would never harm someone they care about and ain't that just the purest thing you've ever heard.
Now this was only the highlights of my fictional crushes, I've kept most of the absolute freaks out for now. Maybe I'll do an updated list later where werewolves and Cthulhu makes the cut, we'll see. Now I know HP Lovecraft wasn't a very cool dude to say the least, but you expect me to be normal about the big tentacle monster? REALLY?
Lower your expectations.
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ryukogo · 7 years
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brain: you could totally work on the askblog me: mmmmmmnah let’s doodle other things instead
doodled a few pips (upper left pip is SkullgirlsAU/Skullpark!Pip and Estella as Squigly and Leviathan [chose Estella as Lev because they were both certainly more graceful and Damien didn’t fit imo] and rightmost pip is asktweekncats!Pip
also doodled an OxenfreeAU/Oxenpark!Craig cause why not
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l-a-d-y-radio · 4 years
Dating Commander Meouch would include:
Requested by @mlem-meouch
Yeeee dawgy, I had fun with this one.
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Gif by @twrpgifs
- My boyfriend---uh, I mean Meouch is totally the grump with a heart of gold boyfriend. Sure, he can blow his top a little too easily at others, but calming him down is pretty effortless since you got him wrapped around your finger.
- He's not the cleanest guy either. Leaves his flannels draped over the furniture, doesn't make his bed, tends to leave dirty dishes in his room, prolly drinks out of the same coffee mug for a week. It's exasperating, but you can't stay mad at him.
- He notices and appreciates how you try to clean his place every time you visit, and takes it upon himself to try and be more tidy. It's a slow, but sure process.
- He even notices his lifestyle becoming a bit healthier since dating began. He drinks and smokes a bit less, sleeps better, even goes to Sung, asking for some workout advice.
"Really? Since when are you interested in working out?"
"Well, I thought I should just try to take care of myself some more, y'know? Be a bit more aware."
"Or...you wanna look good for (Y/N), don't you? 😏"
"W-what?! No! W-what the hell are you talking about?" He says, blushing profusely.
- Upon finding out the lengths he goes to, you assure him he doesn't need to take care of himself to impress you. He should do it, because he's worth it.
- Likes to run his bass lines by you, asking for tips and your opinion on whether or not if it fits for the songs he's working on. Offers to teach you a bit, but you'd rather just watch him.
- LOVES LOVES LOVES showing off on stage when you're at their concerts. Anytime the song calls for his bass to come in, he'll play extra hard and dance more, always tries to see if you're impressed. Of course you are, and the bastard knows it.
- His insecurities take over when someone hits on you. He knows he can be an asshole, and worries whether or not you'll get tired of him and snatched up. So he'll do his best to casually put his arm around your waist, showing a bit of teeth and lowly growl as a warning.
- When he wants to be, this boy gets SOFT. He trusts you enough to let his tough guy act drop a bit. Lets you give him scritches, and falls asleep with his head in your lap, purring contentedly.
- PDA isn't his thing, but he's alright with light stuff like hugs.
- Jurassic Park and Star Wars movie marathons! Y'all are such nerds and you know it. He might even invest in a giant Lego Star Wars set for you guys to build together.
- LOUD debates on which film series is the best. Always ends in a draw.
- Plays smooth jazz on rainy days to help you relax; you do so much for him and he appreciates it.
- His nicknames for you include: Babe, Baby, Doll and Angel Face.
- Gives you his flannel when you are cold, it always smells like a bit like whiskey.
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ryoshan-a · 6 years
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ok. listen i know i havent been here in ages and this isn’t an original idea but hear me out:
RWBY as a live action tv series, and our characters as the actors, actresses, and crew.  
set in our world modern verse. featuring a small production company, employing and casting crew and actors from all over the world. not convinced yet? here’s why y’all should indulge me: 
your muse canonically dead or afk? not anymore!! they produce the show now. or write it. or just hang out on the set when they’re free. 
your muse a villain and hard to rp with other folk? not anymore!!! let them be pals with the most unlikely of other people. see how they deal with fndm hating their character. (or loving their char too much)
your char an oc? nOT ANYMORE. theyre canon chars now. maybe they write the show. direct. tell qrow off when he almost posts spoilers on twitter. ANYTHING
whats a crossover? the ocs you rp with are now actors/crew in their own universe’s movie/game/tv show. the chars from other fandoms are actors/crew in their source’s show/movie/game. 
your ship a rarepair u jump through hoops to put together? not anymore!! their actors are shacking up. 
lbr we’re all suffering the hiatus. who needs canon material for this!! they’re in shooting for the eps that’ll air in october. 
seriously, how easy would it be to get,, literally the entire community involved in something like this. TAG ME IF YOU DO!!! i wanna see what folk come up with!!
still not convinced? here’s some ideas i came up with, with the help of @iruzurru and @rosescattered. obv if i mention your muse and you wanna get in on this dont feel like you have to follow these!! these are just meant to inspire™
under the cut, cause lONG: 
taiyang and summer club together every year to fund a holiday for the entire cast and crew to celebrate the end of a season. they buy out an entire plane for the journeys and instigate travelling songs 
taiyang is a writer for the show who played ruby and yang’s dad more as a cameo, but got given more scenes when the character proved rlly popular 
summer is a writer too. noone, not even tai knows she’s gonna be playing summer when she shows up later in the show >:3c 
emerald and cinder being best friends who play up icly for the fans. emerald throws down on twitter with anyone who harrasses cinder for playing a baddie 
winter wasn’t an actor originally. she writes novels, but she was on set one day waiting for weiss to finish shooting so they could go to lunch. 
she was given first dibs on an audition to play weiss’ ic sister and nails it. weiss insists she’s not even acting, she’s just Really Like This 
winter writes fanfic of emerald/cinder on ao3 for shits and giggles dont @ me. noone knows its her bc she uses winter’s ic callsign as a username and ppl just assume its a winter fan
this is yang’s first big acting job, but she’s Known in celebrity circles because her mom is the Very Famous Raven Branwen.raven’s a household name 
raven subsequently gets cast as her real mom because it just makes sense and would boost the series’ popularity following her guest appearance at the end of volume 2 
qrow is very vocal about his character’s storylines and supports charities relating to substance abuse. he frequently finds himself in twitter discourse with fans because he loudly discourages romanticising his character 
this gets him accused of hating his character, which he doesn’t. fandom either loves him or hates him 
qrow and raven arent siblings but they might as well be because they’re so fking close and roast each other on twitter all the time 
neo’s actress is actually a really famous opera singer who’s breaking into acting. this gives rise to the popular fanon that neo actually can talk and has a bitchin’ voice but chooses not to. 
emerald’s an orphan. she bounced around kids homes and developed a great talent for lying in the process. hearing a drama teacher describe acting as ‘lying really well’ sealed the deal for her career choice. she’s had bit parts and lives in a shitty apartment until rwby becomes her first big break. 
coco was a big actress in france. she came to america seeking to break into hollywood, and found it pretty difficult. she’s emerald’s roommate, and it’s emerald who tells her about the opening for a member of team cfvy and pushes her to audition. 
ilia has to wear one of those green screen suits all the time so they can animate her scales. yang gets a selfie with her every time she’s wearing it. takes upon takes have been ruined by blake and sun laughing at her. 
it annoys ilia at first. then, she starts to find it funny. then, she gets her own back by purposefully making people laugh. she does the yoshi mlem every time she cracks her whip. 
pyrrha’s actress routinely gets bit parts and cameos in future volumes bc the cast and crew love her so much they want her around all the time. she’s like 50% of the reason a comedy mini-series where nothing bad happens exists alongside the main series. 
the entire cast and crew rallying around cinder after v3 when the fan backlash comes from pyrrha’s onscreen death. they throw a party after to celebrate pyrrha and cinders great performances. its a greek theme
team rwby, smartasses that they are, all come dressed as achilles with little papier mache arrows stuck in their heels
weiss is a Career Showman. she started off in ballet, then moved to broadway, then onto the bigscreen. she’s had a huge amount of success despite how young she is, and was continually pushed to land greater and greater roles. she suffered a very publicised breakdown because of the stress. 
she ‘disappeared’ in the showbiz scene when she went to live with winter in her remote little writing shack in the middle of assfuck nowhere to recharge. 
rwby is her first acting job since then. she was hesitant to start back at all, but finds herself extremely supported and refreshed by the small, close-knit production. 
blake’s had to work twice as hard for every role she’s ever landed due to being an ethnic minority. her professionalism makes her seem closed off and cold, so she hasn’t made many friends. she has a small, devoted fanbase, though.
summer is one of those fans, and has always wanted to cast blake in something. her character was written with her in mind, and summer was elated when blake accepted the proffered audition and subsequent role in rwby. 
ruby is summer and tai’s daughter!! they are not shy at all about saying that her part was written For Her. they don’t apologise for it either fuck u they created this show they cast who they want. 
the red trailer only initially existed for ruby to do a screentest of her character. it was so well produced and nailed so hard they made it promotional material and wrote the white, black and yellow ones to go with it. 
ruby grew up reading her parents’ stuff and writing her own, too. in school, she wrote, directed and produced an entire play for her classmates, but never thought of acting until her parents suggested she play the lead in this new show they’ve been thinking about. 
ruby and yang met on set. they’ve been thick as thieves ever since. 
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