ryukogo · 6 years
Ok soo like, we know that the fox miraculous for the MLB AU is coming, but i am wondering if the holders of the miraculouses (minus Kenny and Butters) in Miraculous LadyBunny will remain the same for MiraculousAskTweekNCats. And on another note, did MTAC's HawkMoth akumatize any of the pets?
mtac and atac are virtually the same save for the whole pet thing probably, but imo it’d probably be logical to either change or shuffle the miraculous assignments (beyond kenny because that fucker will remain for sure)
Butters is Ladybug
Kenny can still be Chat Noir (now he has Three Whole Lives To Live)
Nichole might be the Bee
Red or Thomas might be the Fox
Gary might be the Peacock
Jimmy or Pete might be the Turtle
i imagine that mtac’s hawk moth would leave the pets alone as long as they remain in their pet forms with no negative emotions radiating off of them. if they’re human and feeling negative emotions they’re just as susceptible to being akumatized as anyone else.
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spdrabblebomb · 7 years
SP Drabble Bomb - Beginnings Entry
Submitted by @p-aurisan
SP Drabble Bomb - Beginnings
NOTE: Crossover drabble. Features the story of Fire Emblem Heroes. Also features Mika’s askblog, Ask Tweek and Cats.
SECOND NOTE: WARNING! If you follow the blog asktweekncats, there are MAJOR SPOILERS ahead for events yet to happen. So if you don’t want to be spoiled, don’t read!
“Stop living in the past, Tweek. Start something new here, with us.”
When Tweek managed to uncover the story of lies, delusions, anger and trickery, he started to lose his own sanity and thought that he had screwed up. It was a heavy burden to bear and he was still not admitting it. Its like he wanted to go out and end everything personally, like trying to have tendencies to kill himself. All of his best friends, Craig, Token, Clyde.. all lied to him. Even Pip and Kyle knew this kind of pain and they are convincing Tweek to stop hurting himself.
“Tweek, you can’t stay like this.. stay calm.. forget about them..”
“I can’t, Kyle! You know how we were deceived! I should have never adopted them.. I shouldn’t.. I shouldn’t..”
“Tweek, please, listen to Kyle! I had the same reaction when Damien did the same but killing ourselves will not solve anything!”
“Pip, you don’t understand.. this lie.. parade of lies, I was played with it for the longest goddamn time! Craig.. Clyde.. Token.. they played me like a fucking puppet longer than any of you!”
“Tweek, wait.. Tweek!”
“Kyle, its no use.. let Tweek have some time to relax. He’ll calm down sooner or later.”
That night time, Tweek was still awake from the horrors his best friends had ever done to him. He still wanted to move on from it no matter the cost, but it scarred him. Its like a nightmare.. a long and unforgiving one at that. He trembles in his bed, hoping for a way to escape from this situation. Kyle and Pip already slept at this time at his place, they had to tend to him until he feels better from what happened.
However, it didn’t take long until a so-called miracle had to appear right before his eyes. Its as if he is summoned by someone in another world, in order to start all over again and forget the lies. He accepted to go into the light, and no matter what happens, it is his choice to make. He finally bid farewell to the friends that, no, they are not friends to him any more.. except for Kyle and Pip who understood him.
Upon arrival into this world, Tweek was greeted by a female commander in red hair. He had to pick up a white ancient relic-it seems important somehow.
“Hello there. So you are the summoner that came by the portal, yes?”
“Me-me? A summoner? Well, if that’s what you wanna call me, yeah..”
“I see, so the ritual worked greatly then! Well, you were summoned here because you have to help us.”
“W-what can I do to help.. miss.. what’s your name again?”
“My name is Anna. I’m the commander of the Order of Heroes.”
“Nice to meet you, Anna. I’m Tweek.. Tweek Tweak.”
“Its great to meet you too, summoner Tweek.”
Before the two continued their conversation, one of Anna’s allies approaches and they appear to be under attack.
“Anna, I’d hate to interrupt but.. the Emblians, they’re attacking!”
“Damn it. We have to talk later, Tweek. Let’s get moving now!”
“O-okay! Right behind you, Anna.”
The three, with Anna’s right-hand man helping out, heads over to a battlefield. Emblian soldiers are barging on their way to invade Askr, Anna’s home kingdom. With no time to lose, Anna immediately asks Tweek to use the relic he has under his possession.
“Tweek, do you know that relic you have in your hand there?”
“No, I just got it.”
“Alright, I’ll keep this short. That relic is how I got you here. But me and Alfonse, yes, the man with blue hair, we can’t take these soldiers alone. You need to summon someone out of that thing.”
“A-agh.. okay. This thing looks like a gun. I’ll try my best.”
“Its worth a shot, you know. If Anna trusts you with that thing then surely you can use it right.”
Tweek nods, and points to a clear area with the relic. He suddenly got it to work, and summons a hero to help. Five eyes have condensed itself to a light and someone in the portal came by. A man with a bow and arrow, and a stunningly handsome face with silver hair. This man is actually known as Virion.
“Hello there, Summoner. Do you need any help?”
“No way, you got that right on the first time Tweek!”
“Thanks, Anna. Maybe this thing sounds so easy to use.”
“Okay, its nice that you got it working but we need your help to lead us in this fight, Tweek.”
“Alfonse’s right. Go ahead and show us what you can do as a tactician.”
“O-okay. I’ll do my best for you guys.”
And so it began. Tweek’s first ever fight in this new world. Its like he forgot all moment of despair and sadness here that he suffered from his friends that lied to him. Apparently so, he does not want to go back to where all the lies started, so he’ll do his best to help Anna and Alfonse whenever he can.
There were only two soldiers for now, perfect time to practice. Tweek observes the battle field like a board game, and Anna, Alfonse and Virion are his pieces at the board. Its basically like how he plays a board game, even if its complex for someone like him.
The first turn begins and Tweek does his thing. He did manage to read how this fight will work, elements, weapons, stats, and so on. All of this is beneficial for him in order to make sure everyone on his side is alive. In this turn, he did a simple strategy to try out. He plans to bait the enemies. After his phase, the enemies move closely to Tweek’s units.
On the second turn, enemies are already close to Tweek’s units, and he goes in for the kill. Anna takes care of one while Alfonse and Virion took out the other. The battle was over and Tweek did it, really good too for a first try.
“Well, you did awesomely out there Tweek!”
“Yeah, that was quite the strategy you used out there. I’m impressed.”
“A-actually, it feels like I know how to do this.. its like a board game so I can at least use what I learned here.”
“Whatever you did, it works nonetheless. For now, let’s get a move on, we need to meet up with Sharena too.”
“Alfonse’s right. Sharena’s still busy patrolling. Hope she didn’t run into trouble.”
“Then we gotta move, quickly. Tweek, Anna, let’s go.”
The group headed over to where Sharena was last seen. She was fighting by herself upon arrival, and there were four soldiers this time, the whole shebang. Its as if whoever is commanding them is going in full force to defeat what remains of Askr there is left.
“Sharena, you aren’t alone here you know!”
“Anna? Alfonse? Its about damn time, haha.. I can’t hold on for much longer here.. and who is that?”
“That’s Tweek, our summoner I called in. He can help.”
“Hi, Sharena.. yes, I’m here to help.”
“Oh thank you so much, Tweek! Alright, so we have four soldiers aiming for the castle.. our castle. Can you help us?”
“Sharena, Tweek already has agreed to help.”
“Oh, really? Damn, I’m always late for this, Alfonse. Anywho, let’s go and take care of these guys.”
“Tweek, remember what you did last time. Do the same here and we’ll get our castle free from invaders.”
“O-okay, Anna.. I’ll do my best.”
Tweek did the exact same thing he did before. He led the Order of Heroes perfectly in this fight and every enemy soldier is eliminated, he’s already getting the hang of how things work here.. and it made him forget that horrible path of lies. After victory is assured, the group already headed in the castle, and debriefed Tweek of what’s going on. There was no time for praise, and its time Tweek needs to know his role here in this new world.
The briefing is that the soldiers they fought were Emblians, who wanted to conquer Askr, their home. The story goes on, along with the mentions of Princess Veronica who is leading them to make it so. She has taken heroes under the contract to fight Askr’s protectors, and realizing they needed a summoner who is capable to do so, Tweek came into play. Tweek didn’t understand it, but he knows what he has to do: stop Princess Veronica from controlling the heroes and invading Askr.
After briefing time, Tweek summons more heroes to come for their cause. He needed more of them if they ever want to end the war Veronica started in peace. With eyes he earned throughout the battles he fought, he finally got the needed team he can ever rely on-more so than ever than those three cats that deceived him.
When time came for a break, Tweek now shares his story with the heroes.
“So.. what was it like in your world, Tweek? Can you tell us about it?”
“Its quite modern. We have comfortable houses, cars that well, take us around like horses, then there’s my friends who are great people and well.. its just a small mountain town, nothing much really.”
“Quite interesting to see someone from the modern world indeed.”
“I bet it sounds like a cool place!”
“Anna, Sharena, its not at this time.. trust me.”
“Why? What’s going on over there? We can help!”
“My home is in a mess right now. I was deceived by my best friends.. I was lied to.. all of those bad horrible shit that got to me. It feels like I wanted to end myself, but I am glad I didn’t.”
“My god.. what the heck?”
“Language, Takumi.. sorry about that, Tweek. Please go on.”
“Thanks, Chrom. So I was saying.. three of my best friends lie to me.. my fellow pals.. Kyle and Pip, we were all deceived and lied to. I wanted to go away and forget all the lies.. but when you all summoned me here.. it felt like a miracle. This place.. I-I wanted to start new here.. begin a quest to forget everything I experienced back there.”
“But.. I can’t let go of my past. I can’t forget these lies. Its like.. they are going to haunt me forever.”
“You’re not going to remember them longer, Tweek. You have a purpose to forget all this.”
“Yeah, Alfonse’s right. If you can do your best here like what you are doing right now, you can move on.”
“Sharena.. Alfonse.. thank you. But I know they’ll come for me.. they will get me back.”
“Not when we’re alive. We’ll take care of them for you.”
“Whoa, whoa there Raven, we’re not gonna kill them.. just send them back and leave me be. I don’t want this to make things worse already as it seems. Damn it. I can’t seem to forget my horrible past of lies.”
“Tweek, every hero will understand you right here. If you want them gone but not dead, we can do that. I’ll swear to it.”
“Thank you so much, Alfonse. I have a feeling they’ll come here soon..”
As the chat continues, everyone felt worried for Tweek, as he is the important person here. If they ever try and get him back, the heroes will stop them. Craig, Clyde, Token, they won’t get close to him now here. Though, Anna wanted to tell Tweek something.
“Stop living in the past, Tweek. Start something new here, with us.”
“Anna.. I will do so right now. At least here, there’s something to fight for.”
“Yeah, you don’t have to give up. Not when you have a group of heroes.. no, best friends right here to help now.”
“I can truly consider you and everyone else best friends, Anna. Thank you for everything.”
And thus, Tweek has finally begun his quest to save Askr from Embla. Granted, there may be more battles to come, but this is what he chose, to start and do something worth fighting and going for, away from those that lied to him. But apparently, he didn’t want to leave Kyle and Pip who cares for him way more than ever now.. and as such, sent them a letter. Tweek summons a gate to his home and leaves a letter on his bed. Turns out Kyle and Pip were about to wake up and he had to leave this one to know that they don’t have to worry about him.
The letter reads..
“To Pip Pirrup and Kyle Broflovski. If you read this, I am in another world now, fighting and doing my best as a tactician. I am finally free of my negative thoughts from Craig, Clyde and Token, who ruined my life with lies and deception. I plan to work together with new friends, but I will always keep you both in my thoughts. I can go back here freely, so don’t worry about me gone. Please, fight on for me, and everyone else who our so-called best friend cats have made lies to. For if we continue to drown ourselves in our lies, they will win. You are both right about this.. and I’m glad I listened after for so long. I will start a new beginning right here. May we see each other again soon. -Tweek Tweak”
Tweek’s new story is about to begin, rewritten and foretold as a true hero instead of someone who gives up after getting lied to for months. If he ever sees those who lied to him, there will be hell to pay..
Craig, Clyde and Token made it to Askr after they heard Tweek went there. A random portal appeared in the park in the town, and these three went in there to find him. After hearing the stories Kyle and Pip mentioned about Tweek’s adventures as a summoner, these three decided to settle things with him once and for all. Sure, they lied to Tweek, but now, they want to make things right.
“So this is that Askr kingdom they were mentioning about. Sure does look big.”
“Yeah, but we’re not here to go sightseeing. We are here for Tweek.”
“Craig’s right. Apparently I heard Kyle and Pip talk about a castle where he is, its best to go there first.”
“Will he still trust us though? I get the feeling Tweek would abandon us after the lies we did to him.”
“Clyde, shut the fuck up. Let’s not mention these to him. If we do, he won’t forgive us for sure.”
“Shit.. you’re right Craig. Sorry.”
The trio headed over to the castle where Tweek and his heroes are resting. It was already night time, and Tweek is on patrol. Craig and the others can already see the castle and hopefully find Tweek and convince him. But its not that simple for them, as Tweek has a burning passion of hatred against them and he hasn’t moved on completely.
“This must be the place.”
“Looks like it. So where do we start looking?”
“Outside. We must not alert anyone.”
However, as Token looks around, he changed his tone. He saw Tweek right there at the perimeter of the castle, with someone else.
“Well we don’t have to look around, Craig and Clyde.”
“Why is that?”
“I see Tweek over there patrolling with someone else.”
“What? Let me look.. oh shit, that’s him!”
“Clyde, shut your mouth, we’ll get caught!” Craig hits Clyde’s head.
“Ow, Craig, you don’t have to do that.”
“Well you nearly blew up our fucking cover, Clyde!” Craig whispered angrily.
“So what should we do now?”
“Heh.. I got an idea. We can still transform to our cat forms. That should get us to him closely.”
“One problem, Craig. That person Tweek is with. Guy’s got a bow and arrow and we don’t want to get shot, especially in our knees..”
“Then we scurry along quickly when that guy’s not noticing, that’s all.”
“Fine.. let’s get this over with.”
Craig, Clyde and Token transformed to their cat forms. It was the best way to make sure they don’t get caught as they head over to him. They have to stop meowing too.. Tweek still recognizes them. Right after transformation, the three cats ran a lot, avoiding other patrolling heroes as they get closer to the castle.
Meanwhile, Tweek and Takumi are still patrolling on the same spot Craig and his pals found him with. He is about to have a bad time.. as his memories of the lies came back to him.
“Ugh.. stop your lies.. I want.. to forget all this.”
“Summoner Tweek, what’s wrong?”
“Takumi.. listen to me.. the people that lied to me.. they are.. close by!”
“Oh damn it. Do you want me to call Anna and the others?”
“No, Takumi, we can’t let everyone be involved.. we have to do this together. You are the only person that I trust the most at this time. Get your trusty bow ready..”
“As you say then. I’ll stay close with you.”
“Thank you, Takumi.”
Tweek and Takumi are on high alert now after Tweek’s gut feelings were sparking. As the night patrol continues however, his gut feelings are really getting to him as his premonition about the three friends who lied to him is true. Craig, Clyde and Token are coming for him to take him back.
When Craig, Clyde and Token are actually in the castle perimeter now, they didn’t expect to see Takumi and Tweek at high alert. This made things worse for them because they knew Tweek was prepared the moment they set foot near the castle. Now they have to think of something else.
“Fuck, they know! What do we do now?”
“Look, we need to take care of that archer Tweek’s with. Its hard to get close to him if that guy is Tweek’s bodyguard.”
“Not to mention his horrible fashion style. Look at him, he’s got a robe! And bad long hair!”
“Clyde, shut up dammit!”
“Craig, me and Clyde will take care of that archer. You go for Tweek, since he knows you more than we do.”
Craig nods in agreement. “Stay safe, and don’t get hit.”
“We won’t. Stay safe out there, this place protects Tweek from us.”
The three cats move out, and they had no choice but to break the no meowing rule to bait Takumi away from Tweek. They headed over to the place where the two are on high alert. They all hid in a bush, ready to do their thing. The bush is right behind a tree, in front of both Tweek and Takumi’s eyes at the moment. Immediately, Token and Clyde meowed.
“Those meows.. I knew it!”
“I hear them too. Tweek, tell me what to do.”
“Aim at where they come from.. now!”
“Alright.. if this is the source of your problems this is a chance to get rid of them for good, Tweek.”
“Yeah.. thank you for being with me, Takumi.”
Takumi aims arrows at the source of the meows, but none of the cats got hit.. the arrows struck the tree where the cats are hiding from. He goes in to get a closer look and see where they are, but as he arrived at the bush, a black cat and a ragamuffin ambushed Takumi, leaving Tweek open. Craig scurries over, switches to human form and approaches Tweek.
“Get these cats off of me!! They’re scratching my robes! Damn it, that brown cat stole Fujin Yumi, get it from that thing!”
“Takumi, no! Alright.. I’ll get that bow off of-wha.. Craig?”
Craig stops Tweek from chasing Clyde and getting Takumi’s Fujin Yumi back. He wants to talk to him.. right from his heart.
“Tweek.. that’s really you right?”
“What the fuck do you want.. Craig.. or should I say.. the person that lied to me for so long?”
“I just want to talk to you, Tweek..”
“What else is there to talk about, Craig? You all lied to me. You won’t ever get to touch me again!”
“Look.. we all miss you, we’re not lying this time. We’re sorry we did this to you, okay..”
“Sorry? That’s it? That is not enough to heal these scars you gave to me.. you and Clyde and Token did that struck me for a long time..”
“We’re here to make things right, Tweek.. not make things worse. Kyle.. Pip, they miss you.”
“Can you stop lying, Craig? I sent them letters for fuck’s sake! They will miss me, but they accepted me for this decision.”
“South Park is not the same without you, Tweek.”
“It was never the same.. because of you.. all of you.. who had to lie and lie all the goddamn time as cats! I should have listened.. to Butters.”
“Tweek, we just wanted to tell you to move on.. we’re not here to make things worse. We’re not here to hurt you even more.. we are here to know you still trust us..”
“No, not anymore. Butters suffered because of you. Pip had to go to therapy because of Damien.. Kyle had to hurt himself for a day, don’t you see what have you done? All of this.. is your fault.. all of you so-called cats are the cause of all this.”
“We have changed, Tweek. We did for weeks. Now with you not around, its just not the same.. why were you forced to work for these? You don’t even know these people.”
“Because.. Anna and everyone else gave me a chance to start anew. You wouldn’t understand. She and everyone else, even Takumi, that guy Token and Clyde scratched.. gave me all that I need to forget you. After I did join them, you are nothing to me.. all three of you.”
“Tweek.. you.. bastard.. is this all that you had to say to us? We came here just to bring you back.. don’t say that we came here to this godforsaken place just to make things worse!”
“I do think.. yes, you are making things worse. You and those two assholes did it just by coming here.. tell them Craig. Get them off of Takumi right now.”
“Ugh.. Token.. Clyde.. stop it. Let the archer go.”
Token and Clyde stopped tormenting Takumi and gave back his bow. He won’t like it after seeing his Fujin Yumi in cat slobber. He’s already pissed off about it. They approached Tweek and gathered with Craig, also turning to human form.
“Now that you’re all here.. I want you to follow this simple request.” Tweek spoke kindly to them to make them understand this. “Leave this castle, and never show yourselves here. Ever again.”
“Tweek, you can’t fucking do this!”
“Don’t make me command Takumi to kill you all right there on the fucking spot, Craig!” Tweek beams angrily.
“I’d be happy to do that right now.. you three have no idea what you are getting into.”
“What now, Craig..” Token trembles. “We can’t stay here any longer or we’ll die. That archer is about to shoot on us and the other patrols will come at any minute!”
“You’d better listen to Token.. at least he’s still smart.”
“Fine.. Tweek, you win. But know this. You have started a mess that you ever didn’t realize..” Craig sighs. “Token, Clyde.. let’s go.”
The three left the castle, disheartened and lonely. Tweek was happy they heeded his warning, because he never wants to see them again for they were the cause of everything negative that happened to him.
“So these were the people that ruined your previous life. I would have struck an arrow at their heads gladly if you wanted.”
“Its fine, Takumi. If I do that, it will make things worse. I hope they would go back and understand. Let’s get back to patrolling.”
After a day later, Craig and pals regrouped in a safe place, becasue they didn’t go home. Not without Tweek. They still cling on to him, enough that they have to stay in Askr.
“What are we gonna do now? Tweek is not listening to us.”
“We have to keep trying, Clyde. We just have to. We won’t give up hope on Tweek.”
“Craig’s right. We won’t go back home until Tweek comes with us.”
“But that won’t be happening, you two. This war Tweek is in, the heroes, it will take a long time until everything is resolved..”
“Then we need another way to get to him.”
Then, at this point, someone approaches. This person overheard their conversation and knowing this can be an advantage, she joined in to give them an offer. Princess Veronica decided that its time Tweek returns with his friends back home.. for good.
“Perhaps I can help you all get your friend back.”
“Wha-who are you? What do you want from us?”
“I have nothing to take from you, rather, I want to help you all get your friend back. There is no malice in this, I promise.”
Craig and the others were tempted for this. Veronica knows that they wanted Tweek back so much. And considering that if they return home with Tweek, the summoner will leave Anna’s Order of Heroes for good, finally defeating Askr and rule over it. Craig, Token and Clyde thought about whether to accept the offer or not, because there are no other options left for them to take Tweek back. In the end, they accepted.
“Okay.. we’ll accept your offer. May we know who you are at the very least?”
“Thank you for accepting my offer. My name.. is Princess Veronica.. but you can just call me Veronica. Welcome to the Emblian Empire.”
“I am Craig Tucker. This is Clyde Donovan and that is Token Black. We’ll agree to join you if that means we take Tweek back.”
“Consider it done. I will work together with you three to get him back.”
After this offer came by, Tweek’s battle against the Emblian Empire will get even worse. With the three joining Princess Veronica’s side, it seems that this will make the most disheartening battle he will have to face in this world.. stronger than all the lies he faced back home.
Woah, this was a really wild ride start to finish. I love seeing the many different stories you guys have woven together! Though I’m not really familiar with some of the crossover materials at play, I was still kept interested in the plot and curious where it was leading. Thank you for writing!
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ch0c0coa · 9 years
Tumblr media
everytime i think of @asktweekncats i automatically imagine this and aaaa i love this blog is so original i love it, bless this blog, really
should i make this a sticker or something??iwantmoney
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ryukogo · 6 years
Okay, but Cartman totally did the balls thing to Kyle once but stopped when Kyle said that if it happened again the balls were coming off. And if the vet mysteriously closed up before they could get there, Kyle would cut them off himself. Needless to say that none of the cats ever let it go and still laugh about it. Because everyone knows that with Kyle what he said was a promise.
oh my god. definitely happened.
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ryukogo · 6 years
How mad was my boy Kyle when he woke up to Cartman's balls in his face? I feel like he would have thrown Cartman into the backyard and made him sleep out there for the rest of the night. Kenny and Stan have no sympathy because the three of them know Kyle like the back of their hand. Cartman knew Kyle would be pissed. And when they told the other pets about it in revenge because Kyle was in a foul mood the rest of the night, Damien and Token about pissed themselves laughing.
oh, Very Mad???????????
practically would have KICKED THE BABY (CAT) if ike hadnt stopped him bgdjlfsd
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ryukogo · 7 years
Is cat Token so nervous in that drawing with bear Nichole because he knows she's filled with fury and could destroy him?
i mean she has the physical strength to. but why would she?
bear nichole is, after all, just a wild bear. why would she kill this small creature radiating fear and worry? she’s not hungry.
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ryukogo · 6 years
why do i want atac but as an au with fusions
eye emojis
fusions how
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ryukogo · 7 years
I just like how the first memory of cartman he remembers is them arguing, wanna bet that eric will not be joining the "We just fucked up and appeared on Tweek's blog" gang?
i think we can all agree cartman and wendy are the smart ones there and will never appear on tweek’s blog
not willingly anyway??? if any of the other pets pulled them over (to fix their cover) they’d stay but not for long
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ryukogo · 7 years
𝔸𝕟𝕪 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕕 𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤/𝕥𝕣𝕚𝕧𝕚𝕒 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝔸𝕋𝔸ℂ? 𝕠𝕨𝕠
oh gee uhhh idk what counts as trivia by this point so i guess i’ll just establish atac canon
jason and red are siblings here - separated only by nine months, and both are in the same grade [i have batchmates in this situation].
jason white? who’s that? i only know Jason Tucker, brother of red
they’re skeeter’s kids, and ruby’s cousins on her dad’s side
they both take fencing classes
they don’t own pets
red however knows how to handle cats thanks to all the shenanigans
her side locks [the locks of hair that frame her face] is cut that way (one side much longer than the other) because it helps people remember that she’s not powder
thomas’s last name is schroeder - i gave his mom a fan last name
his father divorced his mother after learning he had tourette’s; she’s been raising him alone ever since
he’s been best friends with red ever since fourth grade, when he had been a new student to south park elementary
she was one of the first people to befriend him and invite him to sit with her and the turner sisters for lunch
they’ve been best friends ever since
he’s had a crush on red ever since
though he will never deny having a tiny crush on gary once
it got squished by jealousy - he will always deny it if you mention it to him - that stemmed from when he found out red was crushing hard on gary
tweek’s parents? more divergent in personality than they are in sp canon
richard tweak? still a piece of shit dad who uses his son for the benefit of the coffee shop, but hey, he buys cat food
maryam tweak, his mom? still oblivious, but she actively cares for tweek
she’s the one who urged richard to fetch their son when tweek passed out in the snow and the stoleys found him
tweek’s cats like her better than they like richard
nichole’s eyes are amber, but described as golden because they shine brightly a lot because of her normally sunny disposition
she gets them from her dad
michael is aroace, pete is bi, henrietta is pan, firkle is questioning
mike wakowski has a crush on michael but he couldn’t care less
firkle has had passing crushes on ruby and ike over the years, and recently his affections have settled on karen
henrietta had a crush on nichole once
it faded after fifth grade
pete had a crush on tweek once
michael is one or two years older than pete and henrietta
butters has approximately thirty wigs for when he feels like marjorine
he’s used all of them at least once, and only uses five on a regular rotation
estella lives in a manor on the outskirts of town alone with her robin, pocket
no guardian? no problem, bribe them with money
pip lives with adoptive parents - the vaudelayrs [a play on how pip is a book character - the baudelaires are also book characters] in a mansion in the richer part of town like token
damien lives in the lap of luxury thanks to them
pip doesn’t take on their last name
heidi and sally/powder are sisters
heidi is older than powder and more mature
heidi does not know cartman exists, and we are going to keep it that way
liane cartman is a children’s book writer and a dollmaker in her spare time
she wrote the popular ‘The Stick of Truth’ that a lot of the kids adore - most of the protagonists of ATAC included
it unsettles the pets that the storyline is so close to their storyline - the one that they made up as kids
ruby knows a lot
but does she know everything?
the stoleys do not know why they have two empty bedrooms designed as though people actually use them
one is girly, one is covered in geeky space things
they don’t remove any of them though - they just repurposed them to be kevin and esther’s rooms
ironic, because they really are kevin and esther’s rooms
TRIVIA! dogpoo was originally going to be, you guessed it, a dog! the only human-turned-dog, actually
this was scrapped in favor of keeping him human
not that he has appeared at all
dr. mephesto’s been sick for a while now, and has been bedridden ever since terrance was 13
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ryukogo · 7 years
Au where the ones behind the ATAC cats gets to Nic and turn her into an owl
ok but......... im curious, why an owl
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ryukogo · 7 years
I wanna ask something because I'm new to the cats thing... but can I ask what happened to flora? What's this about her deserving more? Getting betrayed or something by her boyfriend? And she got akumatized? Can you please help me out 'cuz I'm trying to follow as much as I can.
you’re uh confusing asktweekncats and the miraculous ladybunny au!!
flora’s fine in the atac universe (the cats thing); in miraculous ladybunny, she gets akumatized because [redacted]
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ryukogo · 7 years
I had so much fun with this.
   The worst day of Kyle Broflovski’s life started with a phone call.
            He could hear his mother talking to someone on the phone, her voice growing more and more urgent as the seconds ticked by. Suddenly, there were sounds of her footsteps on the stairs.
            In the bed across the room, Ike began to stir at the noise and so did the three cats on the floor near Kyle’s bed. In the end, everyone in the room was staring at the door wondering what had Sheila in such a fuss.
            Kyle turned towards the three of them with a warning gaze and they flinched. He would be lying if he said he didn’t get immense satisfaction from that. After Kyle had regained his memories of everything and he had confronted them, they had come to an agreement. In his opinion and theirs it would be too suspicious if all three of Kyle’s cats were to up and disappear. And so, they had struck a deal. In the company of any human besides Pip or Butters (because they know too, and Kyle is thankful for it because they are the biggest reason he is still sane at this point), he would still play the part of the loving owner and they would still be the loving pets. Once they were alone, thought, all bets were off.
            The bedroom door slammed open and there stood Kyle’s mother, eyes filled with worry and concern. Kyle’s stomach filled knots when she spoke to him first.
            “Kyle, honey, do you have any idea where Tweek is? I know things have been …..strained between the two of you lately, but his mother says she left him to close up the shop last night by himself and now he’s nowhere to be seen.”
            Kyle’s stomach dropped, and he felt like he was going to be sick. Please, please tell him this isn’t what he thought it was. Please, PLEAse, PLEASE.
            Without a word to the other occupants in the room, he picked up his phone and pressed his speed dial.  
            Tweek didn’t answer. In different circumstances, Kyle wouldn’t have assumed the worst, but knowing what he knows, it is best to go ahead and assume. When he got the dial tone saying that Tweek’s phone had been disconnect, he knew something was wrong. Tweek wouldn’t have disconnected the phone himself. Someone else had.
            Kyle wanted to scream his rage to the heavens. He wanted to break things. He took several deep breaths as Ike’s hands landed on his shoulders.
            When he had calmed himself down, he pressed his speed dial again.
            Pip answered immediately, “Kyle, dude, I was sleeping. What do you need?”
            Kyle didn’t have time for pleasantries. If Tweek had really gone missing, then they needed to form a plan, NOW. “Have you seen Tweek? He’s missing, Pip.”
            Out of the corner of his eye, Kyle watched as the cats in the room all went running out of the window. Sheila and Ike didn’t notice, however, both too focused on Kyle.
            On the other side of the phone, Kyle heard rustling and a gasp, “I haven’t Kyle. But, I’m sure he’s alright. He must be. There is no other option.”
            By the tone of Pip’s voice, Kyle could tell Pip was trying to convince himself more than he was trying to convince Kyle.
            The sick feeling in Kyle’s stomach only grew worse. He knew in his bones something terrible had happened to his boyfriend (Were they still boyfriends? Kyle didn’t know, and he knew he only had himself to blame).
            Kyle needed to take action, “Call Butters. Check on Tweek’s cats. Call the others. We need to start looking for him right now.“  
         Kyle hung up the phone. He turned towards his mother and said, “We are going to start looking for him.”
            He didn’t say anything to his brother as he dashed out of the room with his pajamas still on.
It didn’t take long for the news that Tweek was missing to spread like wildfire through the town. Kyle’s phone was going off like crazy as made plans to meet up with the others and start their search.
Deep down, Kyle knew the search was futile. But, some part of him was hoping Tweek would show and prove his suspicions wrong.
As they all started forming groups and choosing different directions to go in, Kyle got a text from an unknown number.
You three need to meet with us in that place. Right Now. And make sure no one follows you.
He didn’t notice the curious pairs of eyes watching him as he walked away with Butters and Pip.
It was no secret that there had been massive tension between them and Tweek lately. Tweek had said they were acting strange and it was time to get the bottom of the problem. This would not be another Thomas and Estella situation. They wouldn’t let it be.
            “YOU STUPID MOTHERFUCKERS! YOU PIECES OF SHIT! WE TOLD YOU NOT TO MAKE YOUR DISRESS SO OBVIOUS!” Craig Tucker was in fine form as he screamed his rage and worry at the three of them, for he blamed them for what had happened. There was no one trying to hold him back because they knew it wouldn’t work. Even though he’s dating Stan, he’s still also very much in love with Tweek and doesn’t tolerate any threats towards him whatsoever. Kyle still hated him for being his boyfriend’s boyfriend. Not that Kyle had been a good boyfriend lately. Beside him, Clyde was crying, and Token was trying to comfort him and be strong. The tear tracks on Token’s face spoke volumes about how devastated he was really was, though. Kevin Stoley was next to them, looking more defeated than ever before.
            Pip remained stone faced, and Butters started crying again.
The two boys glared at each other, the hatred between them almost overbearing to the people around them.
Craig’s face grew redder with rage, if that was even possible, and he started to retort, “HE WAS FINE FOR YEARS BEFORE YOU FUCKERS- “
“ENOUGH” Stan Marsh’s voice rang out and it was enough to silence both boys.
Stan was done with them both at the moment and he hissed, “You are not doing Tweek any favors by sitting here and screaming at each other.”
Pip’s voice spoke up and when Kyle turned to face him he looked so haunted that it took Kyle’s breath away, “We should have told him, Kyle. We thought we were doing the right thing and now I’m not so sure. “
Butters laughed bitterly and looked at Kenny who flinched, “We thought we were protecting him from this and yet we just made it worse.”
Kyle came to a grave realization, “We broke his heart more thoroughly than anything those Mephisto asshats could have ever done.” He hated himself even more.
“Enough of your pity party” Craig spoke up once again with Token and Clyde now standing on either side of him with determination in their steely gazes. “He is in grave danger and we are going to go get him.”
The air froze as everyone focused on the three of them.
For the first time since this whole debacle started, Herbert Pocket opened his mouth, “Oh so, now that it is Tweek that is missing, you want to do something and not just sit on our asses, huh?”
Craig whirled on him and gave him one of the nastiest glares Kyle had ever seen, “Do not start with me Herbert.”
“Craig.” Stan warned, ready to intervene should his boyfriend start another confrontation.
Kenny finally spoke up, “But, how? Alphonse has been on his deathbed for years, we have no idea who has been behind the recent targetings. It’s different than when it happened to us all those years ago, it feels more sinister. And we’ve checked on all the places where it happened to us and have found nothing. We have nowhere to start. There are no clues.”
Kyle noticed that Kenny deliberately left out the part about how all they think that the swan and lion that had shown up in South Park a couple of months ago were Thomas and Estella. Despite an extensive search, neither animal had shown up or been spotted since.
Craig’s face was still determined. “We have to do something. This is not going to stop and you all know it.”
Stan sighed and took his boyfriend’s hand, “I am with you all the way, you know that Craig. But, we need some sort of plan. We must make sure none of them are on to us, whoever they are. If they catch wind of this, we could be putting this town and Tweek in more danger than ever before.”
Stan turned towards the rest of the pets, who at this point had said nothing. He stared directly at Wendy, who looked resigned. “None of you have to be involved in this if you do not want to. It’s up to you.”
Kevin and Esther Stoley looked at each other, each having a silent conversation with the other. “We’re in.”
Pocket rubbed his hands over his face, “I’m in as well, Estella is still in danger and neither Tweek nor Thomas deserved this either.”
Wendy opened her mouth to speak, to tell them she was just as tired of this crap as they are, when-
“What a lovely conversation you all are having.” Everyone tensed at this because they all would recognize that voice anywhere. They had all been so engrossed in the moment that they hadn’t heard them creeping up on them.
Immediately, everyone turned toward her voice with chills going up their spines. It was never a pretty sight when Nichole was pissed, and it was obvious she was.
There stood Nichole with Jimmy and the three older goth kids. All of them were pissed.
Bradley gasped and looked shaken.
“So,” Henrietta crossed her arms, “Care to explain to the five of us what the hell is going on here?”
            Outside of the coffee shop, three figures stood. One of with rope and a blindfold, one with chloroform, and one with the muscles of someone who can hold most people down.
            Their car had been parked at just the right spot.
            Tweek’s parents were out and there was no one else around. It was almost midnight. The security cameras had never worked, Tweek’s parents were too cheap.
They had planned this out perfectly.
            They said nothing as they entered the establishment.
            When Tweek Tweak heard the door for the entrance to the shop chime, indicating that at least one customer had come in, he sighed. He was so not in the mood for an asshole who decided to come to the shop five minutes before it closed. He was exhausted, mentally and physically, and felt like he was to drop any second. He looked at his phone and saw that he had no service. That was odd. Oh well, he just wanted to go to bed and not think about his friends anymore.
            Putting the situation with Kyle, Butters, and Pip aside, he plastered a smile on his fact that he hoped looked decent and made a move to turn around from where he had been cleaning the back counters.
            But he never got the chance.
            Suddenly someone yanked his arms behind his back, someone put a blindfold over his eyes and a cloth to his nose and mouth.
            Tweek took one breath and realized with a flash of panic what was on the cloth.
            He struggled but to no avail. He was no match for the person holding him down, especially with the state he was in. He could feel the rope beginning to be put around his hands and feet.
            The last thing he heard before he lost consciousness was this:
            “It’s time for you to come home, cat.”
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ryukogo · 7 years
on a scale from 1 to 10 how much would've kyle want to kick the cat's asses before tweek got captured
there is no scale for kyle’s anger, he either is or isn’t, and he definitely is
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ryukogo · 7 years
Because Nic is the mom friend of the ATAC gang and will kick anyone's ass even tho is a nice fucker
with that logic she’d be a bear
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ryukogo · 7 years
I love Kyle so much because he's the only one of the main owners who has run into the pets while in human form and hasn't started remembering or done anything to raise red flags. Butters knows they are human, Tweek subconsciously remembers Clyde and Craig, Jimmy has suspicious activity on his computer, Nichole started remembering Token, Pip started remembering Damien. Kyle who has had conversations with Stan and Kenny? Radio silence. s;akdjfa;ldksjf I love him so much
bdjkslskd this is an old ask but yes radio silence my god
this ask was sent before he remembered cartman a little but YEAH ITS ONE OF MY FAVE THINGS
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ryukogo · 7 years
Crack atac ending where craig goes to the lion because he thinks it's thomas and gets eaten instead
like it’s established the lion and the swan can communicate with each other already so can you imagine everyone screeching ‘CRAIG’ and the swan just hissing at the lion in exasperation because ‘YOU CAN’T JUST EAT A TINY CAT YOU GET TO KNOW IT FIRST IF IT’S GOING TO KILL YOU’
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