#i should've had them in the same episode as bella
sims-himbo · 2 years
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have you ever seen the calientes this painted
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darkkryptonian · 1 year
Summary: This is the continuation of Maya and Carina after 6x07.
A/N: Yes, I am brokenhearted. Yes, I cried while writing this. No, I don't know what to do with myself. I just want them to be fucking happy. Why can't they be happy?
Carina has always been strong. She took care of her father and his manic episodes throughout her entire childhood.
She was also used to being alone doing all of it. She was used to having no one to take care of her.
It was all before she came in. Maya changed the way she lived. She was her rock. She made sure that Carina knew that it was okay to fall apart.
So, when Carina stepped out of that room, knowing that she may not see her again, she didn't have the option to fall apart, because she knew no one would be around to hold her. She looks back to her wife, who is now sedated and calm in her bed, she suppressed one last sob and left.
She didn't mean to leave their home. But that was all she could do. Maybe she was the problem. Maybe she was the reason why Maya was in the spot she was. Maybe she should've done more or maybe less.
But right now, none of that mattered. She has lost one more person and this time it felt like her broken heart will never be repaired. 
Utter silence. That's what she felt when she woke up. There were no voices in that hotel room. There was nothing that could indicate the presence of anyone.
She was alone. Truly and utterly, alone. 
It took her an entire day before she could gather the courage to step into the hospital again. She felt as if in the chaos of that place all the eyes were on her, judging her for leaving her wife alone.
So, she looked down and moved towards her floor, not stopping anywhere. She rounded all the mothers, spoke to them, did her work as if on autopilot, and did not look into anyone's eyes. 
When she came out of her fifth critical surgery for the day, she was completely and utterly spent. But, she couldn't stop. She knew if she did all she would want is to go and meet Maya and that was not an option.
After going through the same patient notes for the seventh time she realized that she needed to see Maya. There was no way she could function anymore. She needed to see her wife. Even if she pushed her away once more, she would at least talk to her.
So, she moved towards the patient rooms. As soon as she got out of the elevator, Andy was standing there. Talking to Dr. Altman. 
Both of them looked at her at the same time and all she wanted to do at that moment was disappear. She could feel their gaze on her, and she needed to leave.
But something stopped her from backing away. Something made her move forward.
“Is she okay?”
She asked softly. As if to hide her existence so close to Maya.
“She has been better.”
Andy replied with kindness in her eyes. She knew her friend, she knew she tended to push the people she loved away when she was going through something, and she knew Carina leaving was no one's fault.
That made Carina tear up again and she looked up to compose herself a bit.
“Has she eaten? Is she talking to anyone?”
She asked, looking at Teddy.
“Yes and No. No talking. She just fell asleep.”
Teddy said and placed a supportive hand on Carina's shoulder. All she wanted to do was to rush inside and be by Maya's side. 
So, she did. She will leave before Maya wakes up. She will. She will leave. She repeated in her mind. She stepped inside and Maya had her back turned to the door. She locked her door softly and walked forward.
She was afraid of facing her. Terrified. But, she needed to see her. So, she rounded the bed and finally faced her wife. Her beautiful, strong, Bella whose face was now adorned by a wound, whose body was plugged with several electrodes and tubes. 
She sat on the chair by the bed and placed her hand near Maya's. Not touching her. Respecting the bounds.
“I know-”
Her voice got heavy and she had to stop for a moment.
“I know you don't want me here, Bella. I understand why you wouldn't. I just wish it wasn't like this. I just wish I could hold you in my arms forever and protect you from everything.
I am so sorry for all the parts I played with you being here, like this. I am so sorry for pushing you. I know this is all my fault and I know I don't deserve your forgiveness.
I just…”
She stopped again, wiping her tears and composing herself.
“I don't know how to live without you. Please, don't leave me. I cannot live without you. I have never… Begged someone to stay. Because I know I am not worth it and I have learned to accept the loneliness that comes with it.
But, I cannot… Please don't… Please, Bella. I love you.”
She finally let go of the tears she was holding in. She placed her head on the bed and let go of all the emotions she had tried to bury in her. She cried and cried till she didn't have any tears left.
The exhaustion of the past two days finally took over her and she fell asleep right there. By Maya's bedside. During the night, her hand instinctively reached out for Maya's and she held on. Tightly. As if she was afraid that if she let go, Maya would disappear.
The next day she woke up to slight movement beside her head. In a few seconds, she was reminded of where she was last night and her head shot up to see Maya looking at her with confusion on her face.
“I'm… I'm sorry. I will leave. I shouldn't have… I am sorry. I am so sorry.”
She sputtered and stood up. She was going to leave when her fingers felt a little hold pulling her back.
“I love you too.”
It was spoken softly. But at that moment it felt like the most significant promise that she had heard. She softly kissed the tips of fingers still in her hand and placed a kiss on Maya's forehead.
“I love you very much.”
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2centsnobodyasked4 · 3 years
Teresa VS Rubi
I haven't watched a telenovela since like 2007. I feel like Rebelde was the last one I saw. However, I hold on to a couple of novelas that I thought were outstanding, such as Rubi. With the years, I've come across a lot of talk about 'Teresa' and I wondered why it had the same premise as Rubi. I was slightly intrigued. I learned that the story of Teresa came first back in the day, then Rubi. On social media such as tiktok and youtube, people are always comparing both. I kept saying that obviously Rubi was better because it was the one i watched. So in order to not be THAT biased, i decided to give Teresa a shot. So i just binged the entire novela in a couple of weeks. So here are my 2 cents.
Song: La descarada- Reyli
Song: Esa hembra es mala- Gloria Trevi
With the songs alone, I will still have to give it to Rubi's intro song. I feel like it was more seductive and more true to what the novela was going to be about. On the other hand, Teresa's theme song felt like it would be more appropriate for Rubi. Because it was sang from the point of view of the 'betrayed friend'. Although you can argue that the betrayed friend was Luisa and that it would be from her point of view, but that only happened towards the very last episodes, so it wouldn't really make sense for it to summarize the entire novela as Reyli's song did.
Furthermore, I enjoy Rubi's intro more, especially the beginning were is says 'Una obra de ..." it makes it seem fancy and like I'm in for a special treat.
The actress
Barbara Mori vs Angelique Boyer
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I know I'm going to sound like a jerk by comparing their physical appearance, but I'm going to do it anyway.
They are obviously both beautiful women, but in MY opinion, Barbara Mori's face is more seductive without even trying. She reminds me so much of Megan Fox. On the other hand, Angelique's face is so youthful that she has to work extra hard and make over the top gestures to act out the seductress role.
Although they both have fantastic bodies, they are very different from each other. Once again, Barbara's body gives off a more sensual and natural look. Even the way she moves is a perfect embodiment of Rubi. Angelique once more has a more youthful small body, and the main thing that makes her 'hot' is her boobs, which look really fake and it doesn't play into the story since she's suppose to be poor. Rubi didn't have much of a chest, but she still managed to appear more naturally seductive. Teresa was just constantly exposing her chest to appear seductive.
Barbara Mori's acting was excellent. She made me feel like thats how she was in real life. Everything came natural to her. Angelique's acting was all over the place. She really had to OVERACT to put her point across. Everything about the novela in general was overacted actually. Angelique had to do over the top facial expressions to show when she was scheming, when she was talking down to people or when she was in love. She came out looking like a cartoon character as opposed to Barbara that made her character seem like a real person.
I've already made this post way longer than i expected and there's so much more that I want to talk about out so I'm just gonna have to shoot out random points:
I feel like they were both equally evil. They both were horrible to their families, to the men they loved and to their friends. I can't really make my decision on who was worse. I will hand it to Teresa though that she worked and studied hard to have a degree and was an excellent lawyer. However, I've seen arguments that mention that she was smarter that Rubi and relied on her brains instead of her body to get ahead. But thats not true. Sure she had a degree but she didn't get far because of it at all. She did the EXACT same thing that Rubi did, got ahead with her body provoking a rich guy. Sure she played the long game but at then end she did the same thing, not just with Arturo but with Fernando as well. She seduced him, nothing to do with her brain.
Rubi's ending was EXCELLENT. It has stayed with me for a long time because we finally have a main character that didn't win at the end. She got what she deserved. She lost the man she loved, she lost all her money which is what she fought the most, she lost her beauty, and she lost her beautiful body. EVERYTHING, and it was just excellent.
Teresa's ending left me baffled. She ended up with the man she loved after everything that she did. People may argue that she changed and felt remorse for what she did, but come on. She didn't even suffer for that long. She only regretted things because she was caught and exposed, otherwise she would've never changed. Also the fact that Arturo came to her after what she did to his sister is disgusting. Sure forgive her for what she did to him, but to his innocent sister? Seriously??? I get it, that they wanted for them to have a happy ending since the actors were dating in real life, but that just makes bad story telling.
It kind of gave me the impression that Teresa was going to follow a similar plot to Rubi's in the sense that Teresa was going to stay in love with Mariano all the way til the end, and that at some point when Teresa was not going to have any more money, that Mariano would now be super rich and prestigious but would want nothing to do with her like in Rubi. Although that would've been a Rubi copy, it would've been a better route to take. Because then other elements seem pointless. Something that I do admire more from Teresa was the fact that Mariano fell in love with Aurora, because in Rubi, it felt like Alejandro, although he married Maribel, it never seemed like he truly loved her. It was more like he cared for her. So i was so ready for an awesome ending to where Teresa was trying to stop the wedding and be suffering because the love of her life no longer loves her. That would've been so satisfying to watch and Mariano's wedding would also be triumphant because he overcame his temptation....however, that didn't happen. Teresa didn't even care, so it makes the wedding kind of pointless to the story. It really felt like 3 quarters of the novela they were building it up that triumph moment, but instead it felt like they changed the direction of story to fit in the real romance between Angelique and Sebastian. To be honest, Arturo's ending should've been the same as his counterpart role in Rubi.
In Summary. I have a lot more bones to pick with Teresa, but the ones that come to mind, are probably mostly the acting, not just of Angelique but of the cast. I think many of them were new actors or something, but their acting was horrible. I can really tell who was new and who was a veteran. Having said all of this, I DID enjoy watching Teresa. I know it may seem like I'm just hating on it and like I didn't enjoy it, but I really did. The first few episodes were really boring but after a while it was hard for me to stop. In one day I would go through 10 episdoes.....bruh, those are like 10 hours a day dedicated to Teresa. It was intriguing and interesting, especially many of the elements that were different from Rubi, such as her becoming a lawyer and her ways that she helped unmask Ruben.
In conclusion though, I do see Rubi as superior. A superior actress, a superior story and superior ending. Maybe a bit is from nostalgia but I did give Teresa a fair chance. Although entertaining, it was not what I would consider a good novela.
Me das miedo Teresa.
Rubi, tan bella como malvada.
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