thettempest · 16 hours
Things you should do in the Magi Origin:
Talk to Mouse while he’s here. He’ll paint a clearer picture of the Fade than any other source in the game. I still don’t know if he was the one the Warden was supposed to face, or an intruder preying on the unsuspecting apprentices and using the lesser demons called there as a vetting process. Neither option is a pleasant one.
Speak to every mage, every apprentice. There’s quite a few. You could be here a while. Learn about the apprentice who disappeared last week, vanished into thin air, and none of their friends will ever learn why. No one is panicking over this. It’s useless to panic. They aren’t ever coming back. Hear about the templars who may or may not be watching apprentices in the bath - it’s all hearsay but it doesn’t sound impossible by any means. Understand that you should not be up and about at all, you should be huddled in a dark corner with a bucket waiting for the lyrium to work its way out of your system - generally, about a week. Is the Warden truly that great, or just standing strong for a friend who needs them more?
Visit Duncan in his room. After you speak to Jowan, before you get the Rod. Talk to him about mages. He has emotions beyond mild frustration, difficult though it may be to believe. 
Betray Jowan, but only hesitantly. Accuse Irving of being vicious, extreme in his vengeance. The difference between Kinloch Hold and the Gallows is not that the former is in any way less abusive so much as the former is better, marginally, at hiding how deep the resentment and fear runs.
Talk to Owain. Pick every dialogue option. Yes even that one. My capacity to feel differs from yours, but you also differ from all other beings. You are no more a person than others, and I am no less a person than you are. Am I to be denied personhood because I do not feel as you do? Stare. Blink. Breathe. Throw everything you thought you knew about the Tranquil in the trash and start over.
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thettempest · 18 hours
It’s okay to come crashing down after you thought you healed. It’s okay if it creeps back up on you. You are not a failure. Healing is complicated. It is a process. Sometimes you think you’ve healed and more resurfaces. That is okay. This is still healing. It doesn’t happen all at once. It happens in bits because it is too much to handle at once. Your brain has decided that you are ready to deal with the next part. You are making progress. And you are doing just fine. 
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thettempest · 20 hours
hey are you busy for the next 50 years? I’d like to sit on the porch with you and watch the sunsets
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thettempest · 21 hours
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Autumn 🍂 is here !!
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thettempest · 21 hours
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thettempest · 21 hours
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thettempest · 22 hours
very tired of running into problems!!
we need to buy a few necessities and the total is like ~$36 (idk how much the tax is) so any help would be lovely! my mom won't get her disability until... next week (the 30th or so) and we really need stuff before then
our paypal's here
any help, $1, a reblog, whatever, is genuinely so helpful! ty friends 💖💖💖
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thettempest · 23 hours
Hopefully the last request for help!
I need to raise £300 by October 1st 2024.
This will be the last time I ask, hopefully, because I have a job that I started at just last week. However, that means that I will not recieve a paycheck until the end of October, and sadly bills do continue to need paying; the major one being rent.
As of 22nd September 2024, I have about £40 in my bank account. My travel for work for the month is paid for, also managing to cover food. It's just rent and bills that need help. And so, I am coming to you all, in hope and gratitude.
As always, I have commissions open, and I would very much appreciate any help anyone can put my way.
Please help if you can - commission me if you can and want to - reblog this as far and as wide as you are able to. I know times are hard, and it sucks having to ask for help from people who I know are struggling as well.
If you would like not to see this post, please blacklist the tag #niamh needs help
Thank you for reading, if nothing else.
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thettempest · 23 hours
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thettempest · 1 day
very tired of running into problems!!
we need to buy a few necessities and the total is like ~$36 (idk how much the tax is) so any help would be lovely! my mom won't get her disability until... next week (the 30th or so) and we really need stuff before then
our paypal's here
any help, $1, a reblog, whatever, is genuinely so helpful! ty friends 💖💖💖
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thettempest · 2 days
very tired of running into problems!!
we need to buy a few necessities and the total is like ~$36 (idk how much the tax is) so any help would be lovely! my mom won't get her disability until... next week (the 30th or so) and we really need stuff before then
our paypal's here
any help, $1, a reblog, whatever, is genuinely so helpful! ty friends 💖💖💖
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thettempest · 2 days
i wish i could say “?????????????????” in real life. it would be very useful.
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thettempest · 2 days
Weeks of Sept. 21 - Oct. 5th Priority list rotation!
These are fundraisers that my vetter @moayesh has told me are high priority either due to the low amount of funds or due to the situation the person is in. If you donate to any of these, please leave a screenshot below to encourage others to donate too!
Saleh Abu Sardana: "I am creating this campaign so that I can secure my children’s future and get my life back again. I am working to achieve this with your help. The money will go to provide a decent life for my children and my wife. I hope that you will help me with this dream that did not exist before October 7 and has become a dream today. Thank you" <- Only has 65€.
Ragheb's family: "We are living in unimaginably harsh conditions. After losing home, 5 members of my family and jobs. We lost everything: our home, jobs, security. Even the devices we used to work with, due to the devastating war in Gaza. We are now living in dreadful conditions, without a stable shelter or a source of income." <- 738€.
Saadiya Masoud: Her husband and one of her children have suffered SEVERE injuries. Her husband had shrapnel lodged in his chest and her son has a spinal injury from a building collapsing on him from an air strike. Please help this family as they recover from their injuried and trauma. <- 1039 AUD.
Tawfiq Al Tatri: "Every day we move from one place to another. My house was destroyed on my family. Fortunately, we came out alive after losing many of my relatives and neighbors after the destruction of the neighborhood in which I live. Now I am trying to save my children’s lives from death and save their future." <- 1740€.
Maha Madhoun: "Eman's elderly mother enduring chronic illnesses without access to vital medication. Their escape from the relentless bombardment of warplanes, dodging bullets and navigating through a sea of injured and deceased, is a haunting ordeal etched into their memory." <- 4550$
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thettempest · 2 days
For the last goddamn time...
"Kill your darlings" means "if something is holding you back, get rid of it, even if it sounds pretty."
That's it! That's all it means! It means if you're stuck and stalled out on your story and you could fix the whole block by removing something but you're avoiding removing that thing because it's good, you remove that thing. That's the darling.
It does NOT mean
That you have to get rid of your self-indulgent writing
That you should delete something just because you like it (?wtf?)
That you need to kill off characters (??? what)
That you have to pare your story down to the absolute bare bones
That you have to delete anything whatsoever if you don't want to
The POINT is that you STOP FEELING GUILTY for throwing out good writing that isn't SERVING THE STORY.
The POINT is that you don't get so HUNG UP on the details that you lose sight of the BIG PICTURE.
Good grief....
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thettempest · 2 days
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Finally got a clear shot of noonoo carrying her spring, it's her favourite toy
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thettempest · 2 days
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I’ll say it again, please just grit your teeth and vote for Biden…
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thettempest · 2 days
very tired of running into problems!!
we need to buy a few necessities and the total is like ~$36 (idk how much the tax is) so any help would be lovely! my mom won't get her disability until... next week (the 30th or so) and we really need stuff before then
our paypal's here
any help, $1, a reblog, whatever, is genuinely so helpful! ty friends 💖💖💖
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