#teresa vs rubi
2centsnobodyasked4 · 3 years
Teresa VS Rubi
I haven't watched a telenovela since like 2007. I feel like Rebelde was the last one I saw. However, I hold on to a couple of novelas that I thought were outstanding, such as Rubi. With the years, I've come across a lot of talk about 'Teresa' and I wondered why it had the same premise as Rubi. I was slightly intrigued. I learned that the story of Teresa came first back in the day, then Rubi. On social media such as tiktok and youtube, people are always comparing both. I kept saying that obviously Rubi was better because it was the one i watched. So in order to not be THAT biased, i decided to give Teresa a shot. So i just binged the entire novela in a couple of weeks. So here are my 2 cents.
Song: La descarada- Reyli
Song: Esa hembra es mala- Gloria Trevi
With the songs alone, I will still have to give it to Rubi's intro song. I feel like it was more seductive and more true to what the novela was going to be about. On the other hand, Teresa's theme song felt like it would be more appropriate for Rubi. Because it was sang from the point of view of the 'betrayed friend'. Although you can argue that the betrayed friend was Luisa and that it would be from her point of view, but that only happened towards the very last episodes, so it wouldn't really make sense for it to summarize the entire novela as Reyli's song did.
Furthermore, I enjoy Rubi's intro more, especially the beginning were is says 'Una obra de ..." it makes it seem fancy and like I'm in for a special treat.
The actress
Barbara Mori vs Angelique Boyer
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I know I'm going to sound like a jerk by comparing their physical appearance, but I'm going to do it anyway.
They are obviously both beautiful women, but in MY opinion, Barbara Mori's face is more seductive without even trying. She reminds me so much of Megan Fox. On the other hand, Angelique's face is so youthful that she has to work extra hard and make over the top gestures to act out the seductress role.
Although they both have fantastic bodies, they are very different from each other. Once again, Barbara's body gives off a more sensual and natural look. Even the way she moves is a perfect embodiment of Rubi. Angelique once more has a more youthful small body, and the main thing that makes her 'hot' is her boobs, which look really fake and it doesn't play into the story since she's suppose to be poor. Rubi didn't have much of a chest, but she still managed to appear more naturally seductive. Teresa was just constantly exposing her chest to appear seductive.
Barbara Mori's acting was excellent. She made me feel like thats how she was in real life. Everything came natural to her. Angelique's acting was all over the place. She really had to OVERACT to put her point across. Everything about the novela in general was overacted actually. Angelique had to do over the top facial expressions to show when she was scheming, when she was talking down to people or when she was in love. She came out looking like a cartoon character as opposed to Barbara that made her character seem like a real person.
I've already made this post way longer than i expected and there's so much more that I want to talk about out so I'm just gonna have to shoot out random points:
I feel like they were both equally evil. They both were horrible to their families, to the men they loved and to their friends. I can't really make my decision on who was worse. I will hand it to Teresa though that she worked and studied hard to have a degree and was an excellent lawyer. However, I've seen arguments that mention that she was smarter that Rubi and relied on her brains instead of her body to get ahead. But thats not true. Sure she had a degree but she didn't get far because of it at all. She did the EXACT same thing that Rubi did, got ahead with her body provoking a rich guy. Sure she played the long game but at then end she did the same thing, not just with Arturo but with Fernando as well. She seduced him, nothing to do with her brain.
Rubi's ending was EXCELLENT. It has stayed with me for a long time because we finally have a main character that didn't win at the end. She got what she deserved. She lost the man she loved, she lost all her money which is what she fought the most, she lost her beauty, and she lost her beautiful body. EVERYTHING, and it was just excellent.
Teresa's ending left me baffled. She ended up with the man she loved after everything that she did. People may argue that she changed and felt remorse for what she did, but come on. She didn't even suffer for that long. She only regretted things because she was caught and exposed, otherwise she would've never changed. Also the fact that Arturo came to her after what she did to his sister is disgusting. Sure forgive her for what she did to him, but to his innocent sister? Seriously??? I get it, that they wanted for them to have a happy ending since the actors were dating in real life, but that just makes bad story telling.
It kind of gave me the impression that Teresa was going to follow a similar plot to Rubi's in the sense that Teresa was going to stay in love with Mariano all the way til the end, and that at some point when Teresa was not going to have any more money, that Mariano would now be super rich and prestigious but would want nothing to do with her like in Rubi. Although that would've been a Rubi copy, it would've been a better route to take. Because then other elements seem pointless. Something that I do admire more from Teresa was the fact that Mariano fell in love with Aurora, because in Rubi, it felt like Alejandro, although he married Maribel, it never seemed like he truly loved her. It was more like he cared for her. So i was so ready for an awesome ending to where Teresa was trying to stop the wedding and be suffering because the love of her life no longer loves her. That would've been so satisfying to watch and Mariano's wedding would also be triumphant because he overcame his temptation....however, that didn't happen. Teresa didn't even care, so it makes the wedding kind of pointless to the story. It really felt like 3 quarters of the novela they were building it up that triumph moment, but instead it felt like they changed the direction of story to fit in the real romance between Angelique and Sebastian. To be honest, Arturo's ending should've been the same as his counterpart role in Rubi.
In Summary. I have a lot more bones to pick with Teresa, but the ones that come to mind, are probably mostly the acting, not just of Angelique but of the cast. I think many of them were new actors or something, but their acting was horrible. I can really tell who was new and who was a veteran. Having said all of this, I DID enjoy watching Teresa. I know it may seem like I'm just hating on it and like I didn't enjoy it, but I really did. The first few episodes were really boring but after a while it was hard for me to stop. In one day I would go through 10 episdoes.....bruh, those are like 10 hours a day dedicated to Teresa. It was intriguing and interesting, especially many of the elements that were different from Rubi, such as her becoming a lawyer and her ways that she helped unmask Ruben.
In conclusion though, I do see Rubi as superior. A superior actress, a superior story and superior ending. Maybe a bit is from nostalgia but I did give Teresa a fair chance. Although entertaining, it was not what I would consider a good novela.
Me das miedo Teresa.
Rubi, tan bella como malvada.
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26 Reasons why Qrow is not Ruby’s father and why Taiyang is Ruby’s father
In response to the toxic aspect of the fandom attacking CRWBY and demanding that their desires for Qrow be chosen over canon, or how they feel their theory is more valid than the show itself? I have researched RWBY to make this 26-point Discussion as to why Canon is valid, and fancanon is not when it comes to Qrow Branwen, Ruby Rose, Taiyang Xiao Long, and Summer Rose.
 1.       “Monty said NO”    Most obviously. Monty Oum.
   He said in this tweet that ruby and yang are half-sisters…half-sisters,  which means they share the same mom or dad…in this case Taiyang….
Now people have claimed “he obviously meant step-sisters or cousins” Why is it that every time we show the English dictionary to you people or ask you to read it, that you claim you are being attacked or that you claim Monty was misleading us?
 2.       The writers said NO
   Miles Luna debunked this theory on Reddit…
   He pointed out that Ruby sees Qrow as a Role model, so she adapts her colors to be similar to his.
   And you don’t need somebody to be blood to be your role model.
 3. “Rooster Teeth said NO” Rooster Teeth even said that Qrow is "Ruby and Yang's Uncle" They also said “Ladies, he’s not your man”
 4.  “But what if Summer had feelings for Qrow? Why does Qrow Serve Ozpin?” Qrow said in Volume 6 " No one wanted me... I was cursed... I gave my life to you because you gave me a place in this world... I thought I was finally doing some good... " So he was saying he wasn't wanted, so no relationship with Summer. SUMMER DID NOT WANT HIM. And he was literally saying he served Ozpin because Ozpin gave him purpose. It’s pretty sad how people think Qrow can only be a complex character if he obsesses over another person’s wife and child. What , you wanna make him Severus Snape, the Lilly Potter stalker who insulted a girl’s face and tried to poison a boy’s pet and publicly outed a teacher?
5, "But Qrow could be lying" Except in volume 6 Qrow literally said "Don't lie...we're better than that"
And in volume 7?
" Long time ago. I just found working alone tends to be for the best "
" Gotta say, I’m still not really used to working with other Huntsmen in the field. "
And finally World Of Remnant on Patch.
" Nice place to raise a family, if you're into that sort of thing. "
  6.  “Qrow fans claim that Ruby and Summer form a core part of Qrow’s character and backstory.” WRONG! The main accusation for demanding Rooster Teeth / CRWBY change the backstory for Qrow would accomplish nothing.
Raven already pushed Yang onto Taiyang to raise on his own.
Qrow forcing Tai to Raise Ruby alongside Yang while Qrow could regularly visit, and while Summer lived with Taiyang, Yang, and Ruby?
It would cheapen Qrow’s character….blood isn’t everything.  Neither are cliches.
 7. “But what if Qrow gave Ruby to Tai to raise after Summer’s death?” Volume Chapter 6, Burning the Candle.
Yang tells Blake that she (yang) and Ruby were raised together by Summer and Taiyang…not by Taiyang on his own, but by Summer and Taiyang.
Yang clearly had memories of being raised by Summer and Tai both,  which meant that Summer and Taiyang lived together raising Ruby and Yang for Several Years.
  8. “Does Taiyang care about Summer or Ruby?” Taiyang was noted to have shut down when Summer didn’t come back…. Yang noted this in Volume 2 Chapter 6, and Ruby mentioned in the first episode of Volume 3 that Taiyang missed Summer. Qrow also said that Ruby is Taiyang’s “Special Angel”…. Ruby has also pointed out numerous times that Taiyang is Overprotective of Ruby. In fact, Ruby's conversation with Penny about overprotective fathers.
 9. “Qrow knows Taiyang is Ruby’s Father. Taiyang knows Ruby is Taiyang’s daughter. Qrow has referred to Taiyang as Ruby’s father during volume 3 and 7. Taiyang referred to Ruby as his daughter in volume 3.
 10. “Why didn’t Taiyang train Ruby in Martial Arts?” Taiyang is a martial arts fighter.   Ruby has neither the build nor the personality for ruthless hand to hand combat like her sister… Taiyang would trust Qrow, despite his semblance.   Remember how bad Ruby was in v5?
 11. “Qrow’s semblance is not what his fans exaggerate it to be”
Speaking of Qrow’s semblance? He was playing video games with his nieces,   taught at Signal Academy,   and could train Ruby… Clearly,  his semblance is not what theorists make it out to be.
 12. “Why doesn’t Qrow treat Yang the same way he treats Ruby?”
Yang is the daughter of Qrow’s sister,who abandoned the team.
During a one on one interaction between Qrow and Yang after yang vs mercury, Qrow called his own niece crazy, after she had been framed.
Qrow was not empathetic to Yang.
Qrow may not like Yang’s resemblance to Raven.
Ruby is the daughter of his two closest friends, so of course he’d prefer Ruby over Yang.
 13.  “Examples of Taiyang caring for Ruby.”
Volume 2 Ruby was excited when Taiyang sent a package in the mail, not even knowing it was Zwei.
Taiyang was at Ruby’s bedside in V3, and gave her a kiss on the forehead.
He also tried to bring her breakfast in bed.
Taiyang said he wanted to chase after Ruby, but had to nurse Yang back to health.
During the V8 broadcast, Taiyang was upset when the broadcast was cut.
 14. “Genetics research”
Black hair is the subtype of the pigment for blonde hair…
Also, Ruby’s got the same hair strand that Yang and Taiyang have.
Finally, black hair is more dominant.
So Ruby doesn’t need blonde hair to be Taiyang’s kid.
 15. “The STRQ Photo”
The photo....Qrow was with STRQ for four years...do you really think Qrow is not allowed to cry on the photo unless he was romantically involved? Can't a man grieve over the death of a female friend that he was NOT in a relationship with? Or are men not allowed to have female friends? Ichigo and Rukia from Bleach for example...friendship. They were his friends, his family. People seem obsessed with the idea that Qrow cannot care about a woman unless he was romantically involved or unless he's their bastard father.
 16. “Men and Women…as friends, platonic” Harry Potter as a book showed that a boy and a girl can interact and still be friends…
Why can’t Qrow be Summer’s friend?
Why does he have to be her lover?
We’ve seen Qrow talk about Innkeeper’s skirt lengths and leer at Barmaids who flirted with him.
Also, he’s shown to be bonding with both Clover and Robyn.
People act like he doesn't flirt with anyone , and yet he does.
 17. “Bad Luck Charm” Qrow has spent his whole life with his semblance, named after a Crow.
Raised by the Branwen bandit tribe.
“You and I are not the same, you don’t want the burden of my name” Both Branwen and Qrow are names that Qrow hates due to his semblance and past…
People may think of him as cool, but Qrow suffers from self-loathing.
So NO, the Bad Luck Charm song does NOT in fact allude to Qrow being Ruby’s father, but that Qrow hates himself, hence a major part of why he’s alcoholic.
Proof of which is his volume 6 exchange with Ozpin about being useful, which Qrow disagrees with, leading him to drink further. Yang literally said that she had never seen qrow so drunk before in v6.
And Ruby encourages his self-worth leading him to try giving up alcohol….
His alcoholism is tied to low-self-esteem, not relationships.
 18. Manga Anthology
Taiyang was shown in the Manga Anthology to have shut down upon Summer’s Death. That impacted his relationship with Ruby and Yang. Qrow? Is relatively unaffected. The good Uncle helping around the house. Taiyang haters and Qrow stans took this to demand that Qrow is entitled to Ruby, despite Taiyang recovering and doing his best to be a father. Anything Qrow does is worshipped like Mother Teresa, while anything Taiyang does, good or bad, is downplayed and smashed. Taiyang loved Summer so much he was devastated by her death. Qrow was unaffected. Think about that.
 19. “I like Brats” Why does Qrow spend time with kids he’s not related to? Because he likes kids. You know how there are adults who enjoy being around brats? That’s Qrow. He didn’t have romantic feelings for Summer, he liked being around her because she was like a kid. Similar to how Blake likes Ruby’s idealism? And trusts her leadership?
 20.  “Taiyang the 2-timer accusation”
A woman on youtube claimed that Taiyang was a 2-timer who cheated on raven with summer, as there was, in her and her friends’ minds, “no way that taiyang could be with half his team” When asked about TaiQrow as a joke, she was angered that people even ship TaiQrow.
But let me ask you this. Are you the same person you are now that you were 10 years ago? People claim that Qrow was somehow cool in beacon…because he’s cool now. But Taiyang, who raises two kids, and holds a job and a house…cannot be ruby’s father…because he’s not cool? And that somehow he was never cool? I’m sorry, I didn’t know you had to be cool to be a parent. I also had no idea people were only allowed to be in one relationship per lifetime. Raven freaking abandoned Tai for the tribe. Summer chose Taiyang over Qrow. People literally make Qrow out to be either an OC in a shipping fanfic, or a Naruto fanfic where Naruto is written to be fawned over by a girl whose canonical spouse, boyfriend, or male friend is somehow rewritten as evil.
1 year…..in 1 year since Raven abandoned Taiyang and Yang, Summer Rose the friend of Taiyang’s who he had known for 4 years, became more than a friend.
So no….Taiyang is not a two-timer…he moved on from Raven.
 22. “Why can’t Taiyang talk about Summer?” To WHO? He’s barely got 15 minutes of screentime, and the writers did NOT do him any favors when they had Qrow demand he leave so Qrow could tell Ruby a secret Ozpin trusted him with, before telling Ruby to run away from home leaving only a freaking note. Terrible daughter. Even Yang was prepared to do the same! To a man whose first wife abandoned him! At least Weiss has a legit reason for acting as she does against Jacques, several at least. Ruby? No. Now why would Taiyang talk about Summer’s fighting style to Yang when trying to get her to stop acting like Raven in her fighting style and semblance? Sure if there was more time…but RT at the end of the day isn’t some money-hungry political entity, it’s a startup at the end of the day, they don’t have the ability to do a full anime episode. Also, Taiyang cannot go out on these active missions…he was a schoolteacher who did not do missions until only recently…he was retired, remember.
 23. “These fanworks make more sense to me”
Qrow fans have tried using fanworks to justify their theory or ship, the same way Blacksun fans or Adam apologists make similar claims, and even Raven fans try to claim Raven is somehow a good mother. What do these fanworks do? Hate on Taiyang. Dismiss Ruby and Yang being half-blood siblings. Ignore multiple elements of the show or scenes. Occasionally shit-talk the writers.
Every time somebody tries to make a “rwby rewrite” or “rwby alt” or “Qrow is ruby’s father au” they cannot do it without completely rewriting the characters in so many forms and even the show, till Qrow, Raven, Taiyang, and Summer are NOTHING like they are in the show…And ONLY how a shipper wants qrow to be.
Or rewriting qrow to be nothing like he is in the show.
Most Alt or Rewrite consists of making Taiyang abusive, a cheater, or refusing to allow him to interact with Summer, while regularly pushing qrowxsummer at each other.
So no…it’s not that it makes sense to them through some fanart….a headcanon that has been debunked is no longer headcanon. A theory that is shut down is no longer a theory. There’s a reason anti-vaxxers and flat-earthers still exist. Because to them, their theories make more sense than reality. Which is why people still believe Qrow is Ruby’s father the same way people believe vaccines cause autism. Neither are true, and no amount of facts will shut them down, but they’re both popular theories.
 24. “Qrow Rings and Cross”
People claim that Qrow was married to Summer or that his cross represents him mourning Summer. Did the STRQ photo, in v3, the same volume as his appearance, not show Qrow with his rings, his cross, and angrily scowling, while Summer was right next to Taiyang?
 25. “What about Summer Rose’s choice?”
Remember how I said making Qrow’s character based on solely Ruby and Summer, ignoring everything regarding the tribe and ozpin giving him hope, and the grimm reaper…was bad writing? There’s a reason people hated v5. Raven was proven to be the deadbeat, Qrow was shown to have friends, and that Taiyang knew about Salem, and of course it was confirmed that Yang and Ruby again were sisters by Raven.
Now how about Summer? Team leader….took a man and a daughter who were abandoned by her friend…and made them her own. Yang calls Summer Rose “Supermom” and “Her Hero”…was literally willing to storm a bandit camp so Raven could use her portal to take Yang to Qrow, so she could get to Ruby. And yeah, I know the RWBY critics scream “why didn’t Yang just look for Ruby in Mistral?” It’s a bloody kingdom, and Yang was pursuing a lead, that Tai had given her, and Qrow told Yang he’d look after her sister. Remember that? Oh wait, RWBY Critics forget, my bad. Anyway, she’s more of a sister to Qrow than his blood sister Raven, she’s more of a mother to Yang than Raven, and she’s more of a spouse to Tai than Raven. Good Stepmother. Non-married couple. Relationship built on trust. Blood is not the same as family. (Example Weiss’s remark to her father) (Or Dom Toretto)
So making Summer into a throw-away character who dies so that a brooding jerk of an alcoholic can claim character development? Making a woman nothing except a throw-away for a man to get development is BAD WRITING. For God’s Sakes, even Pyrrha was written better than that! She interacted with team rwby, nora was always helping her out, and so was Ren (though those shakes are a crime against humanity” But when Qrow fans try to demand he’s ruby’s father? Their fanworks make Summer as much of a flat character as Preston Harvey from Fallout 4, where they make Summer unable to do anything but be obsessed with Qrow and having his child, similar to how Preston cannot think of anything other than “Another settlement needs your help, I’ll mark it on your pip-boy”
 26. Finally, the accusations that CRWBY are lying.
“You have to be ****** if you believe CRWBY when they say Qrow isn’t Ruby’s father” “CRWBY is lying, it’s what writers do” “It’s okay for writers to lie, it’s good for plot” “I’d prefer it if CRWBY was lying to us” “Monty is dead, the writers should change it now” “Monty is dead, nothing else in the writing matters” “Monty was hiding the truth from us” “CRWBY is hiding the truth about Qrow being Ruby’s father” “It makes sense for CRWBY to lie to us” Look at this…Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, Tumblr, Reddit, instagram…. The first quote? Was a woman who was using an anti-autism anti-disability slur defending the theory. Never have I ever seen people so obsessed with a  theory that they would deny reality and be rude to the very writers and original creator. But the QrowxSummer and Qrow is Ruby’s Father fandom group has made countless cases of this. THIS is how they defend their theory? And people upvote, like and support these remarks? SHAME SHAME SHAME
I get how people desire qrow to be Ruby’s father for ships or fanfics.
Even to where they make Taiyang a hated character just for the sake of making sure nobody disagrees with them.
But the attacking of RWBY and CRWBY, claiming that “this needs to be fixed”, or getting angry at RT for not giving you the non-canon ship you want? Claiming that just because you want it to be so, that somehow your ship/theory has “validity?”
That reflects poorly on the fandom and critics.
But then again…. It’s easy to ignore what’s real and what’s a fact that when theorists and ship-pushers and CRWBY Haters on youtube tells you to stop listening to monty and the writers, and instead believe whatever you want and claim whatever you want, Because surely you know what’s better for the show than the people who worked on it, right? Ha ha ha, no. THAT is the ULTIMATE disrespect somebody calling themselves a fan could ever give. And if you think or agree with that type of logic, you should look in the mirror.
I looked for backup sources to defend CRWBY and RWBY, you’ll find them below.
Backup sources include:
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Someone said telenovelas? I liked sortilegio although I love William levy more 😂. Did you ever watched Rubi? Or Teresa? A oldie like amigas y rivales? Amor real was soo good too IMO. Salome, la madrastra. Betty la fea(the Colombian original version) Mexican telenovelas are the bomb! 😂😂😂 although the new ones aren’t that good IMO. I think the last one I watched was triunfo del amor with William levy 😂😂
I watched Rubí, LMAO, it was absolutely iconic. I also watched a few eps of Teresa, but I think they fucked things up when they made Teresa fall in love with the husband. I, somehow, think I watched Amigas y Rivales, but I think I forgot everything about it, LMAO. And I agree, I think with telenovelas it reached a point where they became too repetitive and/or tried too hard and it just became too unbeliable (which considering telenovelas never were too realistic to begin with is quite a feat). The last one I watched, I think it was Marina!
P.S: I can’t believe none of you bitches are talking about the whole Rebelde vs Rebelde Way thing
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vintagenames · 6 years
Name Game
“Your Favorite Decade”
Simply pick your favorite from each section & keep score over the next few days!
# 21 - 30 Girls
21. Victoria (2016) vs Ella (2006) vs Courtney (1996) vs Samantha (1986) vs Julie (1976) vs Lori (1966) vs Janet (1956) vs Janet (1946) vs Janet (1936) vs Irene (1926) vs Josephine (1916) vs Bessie  (1906) vs Mabel (1896) vs Carrie (1886)
22. Riley (2016) vs Anna (2006) vs Nicole (1996) vs Amy (1986) vs Mary (1976) vs Melissa (1966) vs Elizabeth (1956) vs Janice (1946) vs Donna (1936) vs Marjorie (1926) vs Gladys (1916) vs Gertrude (1906) vs Hazel (1896) vs Laura (1886)
23. Aria (2016) vs Taylor (2006) vs Alyssa (1996) vs Michelle (1986) vs Rachel (1976) vs Tina (1966) vs Denise (1956) vs Dorothy (1946) vs Carolyn (1936) vs Patricia (1926) vs Ruby (1916) vs Hazel (1906) vs Gertrude (1896) vs Edna (1886)
24. Lily (2016) vs Lauren (2006) vs Rebecca (1996) vs Emily (1986) vs Erin (1976) vs Dawn (1966) vs Teresa (1956) vs Brenda (1946) vs Martha (1936) vs Martha (1926) vs Martha (1916) vs Louise (1906) vs Ida (1896) vs Lillian (1886)
25. Aubrey (2016) vs Hailey (2006) vs Morgan (1996) vs Crystal (1986) vs Andrea (1976) vs Brenda (1966) vs Margaret (1956) vs Elizabeth (1946) vs Phyllis (1936) vs Rose (1926) vs Ethel (1916) vs Bertha (1906) vs Pearl (1896) vs Helen (1886)
26. Zoey (2016) vs Kayla (2006) vs Alexandra (1996) vs Rebecca (1986) vs Christine (1976) vs Kelly (1966) vs Janice (1956) vs Gloria (1946) vs Lois (1936) vs Florence (1926) vs Grace (1916) vs Catherine (1906) vs Martha (1896) vs Rose (1886)
27. Penelope (2016) vs Victoria (2006) vs Amber (1996) vs Sara (1986) vs Sara (1976) vs Barbara (1966) vs Rebecca (1956) vs Cheryl (1946) vs Alice (1936) vs Louise (1926) vs Eleanor (1916) vs Clara (1906) vs Esther (1896) vs Gertrude (1886)
28. Lillian (2016) vs Addison (2006) vs Jasmine (1996) vs Katherine (1986) vs Carrie (1976) vs Sharon (1966) vs Catherine (1956) vs Joan (1946) vs Ann (1936) vs Lillian (1926) vs Edith (1916) vs Emma (1906) vs Frances (1896) vs Cora (1886)
29. Addison (2016) vs Jasmine (2006) vs Danielle (1996) vs Kelly (1986) vs Jaime (1976) vs Teresa (1966) vs Robin (1956) vs Marilyn (1946) vs Norma (1936) vs Norma (1926) vs Thelma (1916) vs Martha (1906) vs Edith (1896) vs Pearl (1886)
30. Layla (2016) vs Savannah (2006) vs Haley (1996) vs Erin (1986) vs April (1976) vs Amy (1966) vs Joyce (1956) vs Beverly (1946) vs Dolores (1936) vs Ruby (1926) vs Lucille (1916) vs Edith (1906) vs Myrtle (1896) vs Maude (1886)
Yet more waiting for you in the future...
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laresearchette · 3 years
Sunday, April 11, 2021 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
2021 WORLD MEN’S CURLING CHAMPIONSHIP (TSN) 1:00pm: Bronze (TSN) 9:00pm: Gold
MLB BASEBALL (SN) 1:00pm: Angels vs. Jays (TSN2) 7:00pm: Phillies vs. Atlanta
NBA BASKETBALL (TSN2) 3:00pm: Celtics vs. Nuggets (SN1/SNOntario/SNEast) 8:00pm: Raptors vs. Knicks (SN360) 10:00pm: Pistons vs. Clippers
NHL HOCKEY (SN/SN1) 4:00pm: Coyotes vs. Knights (SN360/SNWest/SNPacific) 7:00pm: Capitals vs. Bruins
GONE: FINDING MY DAUGHTER (CTV2) 8:00pm: A woman looks forward to meeting the daughter she gave up for adoption when she was a teenager. When her daughter disappears, the only person who helps her search for the girl is her former boyfriend.
V.C. ANDREWS’ ALL THAT GLITTERS (Lifetime Canada) 8:00pm: The web of deceit continues when Ruby returns to her childhood home in the bayou and finds herself lured into a twisted plan to be with her true love.
US (CBC) 9:00pm: After a day at the Louvre, the family catch the train to Amsterdam and head straight to the Rijksmuseum; Connie and Albie have a wild night out followed by a disastrous breakfast.
MASTERCHEF CANADA (CTV) 9:00pm:The remaining competitors partner up for a tag-team challenge; filled with complex seafood dishes.
QUEEN OF THE SOUTH (CTV Drama) 9:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE):  Teresa sets out to expand her business in New York City while James proves his allegiance to Teresa.
THE CURSE OF OAK ISLAND (History Canada) 10:00pm: With winter quickly approaching and time running out, the fellowship unearths the most compelling evidence yet that a ship may have been buried deep in the swamp.
0 notes
vintagenames · 6 years
Name Game
“Your Favorite Decade”
Simply pick your favorite from each section & keep score over the next few days!
# 51 - 60 Girls
51. Anna (2016) vs Jennifer (2006) vs Erin (1996) vs Anna (1986) vs Tanya (1976) vs Sheila (1966) vs Bonnie (1956) vs Doris (1946) vs Ruby (1936) vs Joan (1926) vs Katherine (1916) vs Virginia (1906) vs Alma (1896) vs Blanche (1886)
52. Hazel (2016) vs Avery (2006) vs Tiffany (1996) vs Natalie (1986) vs Megan (1976) vs Andrea (1966) vs Joan (1956) vs Suzanne (1946) vs Patsy (1936) vs Juanita (1926) vs Sarah (1916) vs Laura (1906) vs Cora (1896) vs Agnes (1886)
53. Aaliyah (2016) vs Mackenzie (2006) vs Emma (1996) vs April (1986) vs Michele (1976) vs Sherry (1966) vs Gloria (1956) vs Jo (1946) vs Sylvia (1936) vs Lorraine (1926) vs Anne (1916) vs Pauline (1906) vs Jennie (1896) vs Maggie (1886)
54. Ariana (2016) vs Zoe (2006) vs Gabrielle (1996) vs Victoria (1986) vs Dana (1976) vs Margaret (1966) vs Sherry (1956) vs Marie (1946) vs Arlene (1936) vs Geraldine (1926) vs Ida (1916) vs Ella (1906) vs Blanche (1896) vs Katherine (1886)
55. Lucy (2016) vs Sofia (2006) vs Chelsea (1996) vs Jenna (1986) vs Leslie (1976) vs Catherine (1966) vs Sheila (1956) vs Lois (1946) vs Joann (1936) vs Ann (1926) vs Eva (1916) vs Mattie (1906) vs Mae (1896) vs Mamie (1886)
56. Caroline (2016) vs Riley (2006) vs Destiny (1996) vs Tara (1986) vs Teresa (1976) vs Cindy (1966) vs Diana (1956) vs Rita (1946) vs Wanda (1936) vs Jane (1926) vs Bessie (1916) vs Katherine (1906) vs Maude (1896) vs Nora (1886)
57. Sarah (2016) vs Maya (2006) vs Christina (1996) vs Jacqueline (1986) vs Allison (1976) vs Janet (1966) vs Vicki (1956) vs Joanne (1946) vs Irene (1936) vs Nancy (1926) vs Pearl (1916) vs Alma (1906) vs Jessie (1896) vs Stella (1886)
58. Genesis (2016) vs Kimberly (2006) vs Sabrina (1996) vs Julie (1986) vs Veronica (1976) vs Gina (1966) vs Lynn (1956) vs Ellen (1946) vs Delores (1936) vs Beatrice (1926) vs Myrtle (1916) vs Jessie (1906) vs Mamie (1896) vs Elsie (1886)
59. Kennedy (2016) vs Andrea (2006) vs Marissa (1996) vs Monica (1986) vs Denise (1976) vs Kathy (1966) vs Martha (1956) vs Wanda (1946) vs Sally (1936) vs Audrey (1926) vs Viola (1916) vs Willie (1906) vs Lucy (1896) vs Rosa (1886)
60. Sadie (2016) vs Megan (2006) vs Vanessa (1996) vs Cassandra (1986) vs Heidi (1976) vs Carolyn (1966) vs Kathryn (1956) vs Rose (1946) vs Sharon (1936) vs Emma (1926) vs Kathryn (1916) vs Mae (1906) vs Stella (1896) vs Effie (1886)
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