#i sob over amanda every 2-5 business days
yougart · 6 months
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rip amanda young you would have loved mitski.
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katherinemallory · 4 years
#5 Everyone’s got their own soft spot
Things have got quite complicated... If you want to know how, check it here: #1 #2 #3 #4
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I kept shouting his name, but he ignored me. His silver Aston Martin DB10 has quickly disappeared. Great, I thought. I am soaking wet... And Bond seems to know my deepest, darkest secret. This is even worse than being out of active service.
I went up the stairs to my apartment. It turned out that I had difficulties with putting the key into the keyhole as my hands were shaking. I didn't know what I wanted to do, I didn't know anything, I was so overwhelmed. I just dreamed of taking a *really* long bath. A bath so long that it would take a week, and no one could disturb me... But before I took my wet clothes off, I searched my bag, looking for my phone. I checked on Amanda.
“Hello, this is Amanda Clarke speaking.”
It was the first time I've heard her real surname.
“Amanda, it's me, Katherine,” I uttered, feeling that my body was still shaking. Somehow I managed to keep my voice sweet. “It's good to hear you... Is everything alright? You didn't want to talk to me earlier.”
For a while there was no response.
“Yeah... I'm sorry, Kath,” she said like a person who doesn't have any hope left. “I'm really sorry I ruined everything.”
It was simply painful to hear that defeated tone.
“Hey, Amanda, you did ruin nothing. I asked how do *you* feel?”
There was a long moment of silence again.
“Honestly... I don't know anymore,” said Amanda, and then began to cry. “It was a-all my fault! I-I ruin-ned our mission and n-n-now... the whole se-e-ection is endange-e-red... it's-s... a nightmare,” she sobbed. “E-even M didn't spe-eak to me f-f-for long... H-he wa-anted me ou-ut of the-e office as soon a-as we e-e-entered...”
“Listen, it's not that,” I replied. “Surely he was angry, but believe me, not as angry as he could have been... I assume he just didn't expect us to get in trouble,” I kept wandering around my apartment, talking to Amanda as if I wanted to convince both her and myself that nothing serious has happened. “M will get over it soon. He knows the nature of our job. Just give him time,” I added in a single breath.
“T-t-thanks, Kath... it m-mea-ans a lot... and how-w are-e you...?”
I stopped in front of a mirror that was hanging on the wall next to my bedroom’s door. Hair: wet. Clothes: wet. Mood: would punch anyone who'd be standing near.
“Fine,” I sighed, “apart from the fact I just had an argument with Bond.”
“Wh-hat happene-ed??”
As soon as I realized what I've just confessed, I regretted it. From now on I had to be more cautious. No one could know the truth... or perhaps one person could, but definitely not one of the double-0s. And apart from that, Amanda’s got bigger problems on her mind than some pathetic life stories.
“Nevermind... You wouldn't believe me anyway... just some spy stuff.”
I took a long bath as I had planned, then changed into my pyjamas and went to bed. I felt like doing absolutely nothing, but there was one thing I couldn't take off my mind.
Despite being pretty angry at him, I tried to call Bond three times. And guess what, every single time my call went to voicemail. I quickly gave up and sent him a message instead:
James, I know you're upset, but we have to talk. I hope you’ll meet me when you're back... please take care of yourself.
I looked at my phone once again (just to make sure that I have sent the message), and felt that my eyelids began to close...
I woke up early the next day, even though I did not set the alarm clock. Perfect, I thought just after I have woken up, I don’t have to hurry. It’s going to be a long day and I have plenty of time to prepare myself for it.
I looked at my phone to check if Bond has answered me. As there were still no new messages, I had only one option left: the smart-blood programme.
Hi Q, it’s Kath. Has James landed in Maldives already?
There was a response within a minute.
Hello Kath. I’m sorry, but I promised James that I’d not tell anyone except M. Hope you’ll have a good day.
I glanced over the message a couple of times in disbelief. Mr. Bond pretends not to care anymore... Bastard, I said to myself as I went to the bathroom.
The fact I got suspended from any field operations, didn't necessarily mean that I didn’t have to show up at the MI6 Headquarters - there was plenty of paper work, waiting there for me and Amanda... M didn’t give us any days off (unlike he did with other double-0s), and it felt like a punishment... A punishment we deserved without a doubt.
I wanted to look elegantly that day. Not only because I needed to improve my mood after recent events, but also because of my meeting with Eve. I always liked to dress-up for the meetings with my friends. I was really looking forward to our dinner, as I missed her dearly when I was in Switzerland. And, what is more, it was her whom I wanted to tell everything about my disagreement with Bond.
There was this gossip spreading in the double-0 section that Eve was head over heels in love with Bond, but I didn’t quite believe it. When we all met on my first day after promotion, I got an impression that from the whole double-0 section it was Bond himself who was most convinced of the rumours' genuineness. He assumed that Moneypenny had a huge crush on him, but Eve didn’t seem too worried about Bond taking me on a date. She didn’t try to interrupt him when he was talking to me, and, what is more, she didn’t even seem interested in our conversation. Maybe Eve was a good actress after all, but my instincts told me something weird was going on there.
I have chosen one of my least favourite suits - a bottle green one (I was never a big fan of that colour, but I guess I’ve changed my mind a bit after realizing *someone’s eyes* were green...) - and a white shirt. Simple, but not too classic. Ideal to make a statement, I thought as I took the last sip of my morning cup of Earl Grey.
Both me and Amanda were quite busy with all the paper work we had to do that morning, but we didn't complain. We obediently accepted the "punishment", even though it took its toll... After a few hours of intense work, I decided to take Eve for lunch as I had promised her the day before.
I went through the long corridor on the last floor that led to M’s office. It was a lovely, sunny morning and the walls were *radiant* because of the sunshine that was coming through the windows. Even the colour of the door at the end of the corridor appeared to be a bit more brighter that day.
When I came in, M was standing next to Moneypenny’s desk. He was holding a few pieces of paper, probably some important documents, and it looked like he was telling her a story. M stopped talking, and they both looked in my direction. Eve was a bit astonished, but Mallory smiled at me mildly, almost imperceptibly.
“Good morning, sir,” I said, feeling both uncomfortable and excited to have met Mallory unexpectedly. “Hi, Eve.”
“Morning, 002,” replied Mallory. “Did you come here to see me or Miss Moneypenny?”
His voice sounded warm and gentlemanly. I could tell he was in a good mood.
“I came to see Eve, sir. Forgive me, if I’m intruding, I can come back later...”
“No, it’s fine. Miss Moneypenny can take some time off,” he looked at her, and then at his watch. “It’s time for lunch after all.”
“Thank you, sir,” said Eve, then stood up and walked around her desk. "Hi, Katherine," she added, touching my right arm.
M gave us a glance and put his hand on the doorknob. He was just about to go inside his office.
“Oh, sir,” I said shyly, but loud enough for him to notice. “I actually wanted to ask you something...”
“Yes, 002?” he responded as he turned his head towards me.
Damn, today he’s more hot than ever, I thought. He was wearing a very dark (definitely not black) suit, and one of his blue shirts, but I couldn’t take my eyes off his hair. It looked a little different than usual as Mallory was standing in front of the room's window. The sunlight highlighted his receding hairline and made me focus on the colour of his hair. His magnetic green eyes were observing my face, while he was waiting to hear my question. It was a wonderful moment. I wanted it to last forever.
“Katherine, I’ll wait for you outside,” announced Eve and left us alone.
I followed her with my eyes and then looked directly at Mallory. So hot... if only I could... Damn, Kath! Stop it. Don’t forget that he is your supervisor. And you’ve got a question to ask.
“Sir... has 007 reported to you already? Has he landed in Maldives safely?”
Mallory raised his right eyebrow. The questions surprised him.
“No,” he said calmly, “not yet, but I’m sure he’ll do that soon.”
He glanced at me suspiciously.
“Are you really *that* worried about him?” he asked in his most kind manner, putting the documents on Eve’s desk. Then he leaned against the wall next to the door to his office.
“No, sir,” I lied. “But we had an argument yesterday and I wanted to make sure he’s alright.”
“And do you think I know if Bond’s alright better than the man himself? Try to contact him.”
“I tried many times, sir,” I blurted, “but he ignores me... it seems like he has disappeared...”
Mallory was still very polite, but acted indifferent.
“It’s the fate of glass to break... well maybe it’s the fate of spies to just disappear,” he said slowly.
“Perhaps, sir, but he was really furious...”
At first, Mallory seemed like he really tried to understand my point of view. But I was dead sure he wouldn’t agree with me. He looked through the window and sighed while I was still explaining my concerns. The light hit Mallory’s eyes. He interrupted me, sounding semi-friendly.
“002, please behave like a professional,” Mallory instructed me in his deep, dry voice, as he picked up the documents from the table. “Private business between you and Bond is not a concern of mine. Save your energy for your main objective for today. There's plenty of paper work to deal with.”
Harsh. He went from being understanding to uncompromising very quickly. I looked down and blushed.
"I promise we’ll get the work done, sir.”
I noticed him smile as I lifted up my face to meet his eyes.
“Bond will be fine. Don’t worry,” said Mallory dryly. “Is that all...?”
“Yes, sir. Thank you.”
“See you later then, 002. And please remember your lunch with Miss Moneypenny shouldn’t take longer than half an hour.”
I agreed to meet Eve outside the MI6 Headquarters, so I took the elevator and went the way down. I couldn’t stop to think about Mallory... I’ve been analyzing the way he spoke to me just a few minutes ago. He sent me a lot of mixed signals. At first he was so understanding, and then he just *had* to remind me of my professionalism... Clearly he wasn’t satisfied with some private stuff going on between me and Bond. And I don't blame M - I can’t imagine myself as the Head of MI6 who has to deal with some conflict, or worse - romance, between my two double-0s...
I went outside and saw Eve, who was wearing a checkered coat and looking more adorable than ever.
“I’m sorry, Eve, I just *had* to talk to M for a while,” I said, being ashamed of myself that I made her wait for me.
“Please, don’t apologize, Kath,” she replied as she took my arm. “Now I’ve got you all for myself. Let’s go!”
“Now we look like a proper couple!” I said, as I turned my head to her and we burst into laughter.
We didn’t have unlimited time for our dinner, so we stopped at an Italian restaurant just around the corner. We could have eaten together in one of the cafes in the MI6 building, but we didn’t want to. It was safer to go somewhere more private. Obviously, leaving the SIS building couldn’t guarantee not being eavesdropped by one of your colleagues, but without a doubt it reduced the probability.
“So, Eve, how are you?” I asked, just after we both ordered our meals. “How was the life in the MI6 recently? Tell me everything.”
“Oh, it was nothing special. All the fun has gone together with you!” Eve giggled. “I had a lot of paper work to do, as usual, because nearly the whole double-0 section was away... and Bond kept coming to me and repeatedly asked about your reports to M...” she rested her left hand on the table and placed her head on the hand. “Of course I didn’t inform him of anything. He was convinced that I was aware of the content of the reports, but it’s not true. All the reports always go directly to M. And M forbids me from reading them. I'm sure Bond knows that as a double-0...”
She paused for a moment when the waiter came to our table with her glass of still water.
“And M... he has been quite nervous since you and Amanda left for Geneva...”
She gave me a glance and took a sip from her glass.
“... I don't know why, but he has been kind of irritated all the time,” she continued, looking directly at me. “And it all culminated when the Chief of the Swiss intelligence informed him of the planned kidnapping. It seemed like he was very concerned about that mission. He reacted immediately..."
“Yeah, I noticed his immediate reaction," I laughed, looking at the table. "You probably shouldn’t be telling me that.”
“Yeah, I shouldn’t,” added Eve. “But when you work with him every day...” she hesitated, “... you get a bit tired. It's not because of him, but rather all the stuff that is always going on... It can be really stressful sometimes, and after a few intense weeks in a row you feel exhausted... I have *no idea* how M is still capable of leading this whole organization... those emotions can drive you *crazy* if you let them... at the end of the day you have to vent to someone.”
"I get it," I replied, scratching my right hand. "You can vent to me whenever you feel like venting. I wouldn't want you to go crazy."
"Thanks, Kath. It feels good to know someone cares for your own sanity.”
The waiter came again, this time bringing our dinner.
“Speaking of M,” I trembled, “there is something I *have* to tell you.”
"I'm all ears."
“I know that... we don’t know each other for long, but... you’re the only one I trust with this...”
And I told her *everything*. How I left the double-0 section meeting with Bond, how he confessed his feelings for me, and how he accused me of having a crush on M.
"So, what's your opinion on this?” I asked when I finished the story.
“It’s no big deal,” said Eve. “Everyone’s got their own soft spot.”
“I do not follow you.”
“Oh, Katherine,” she replied. “It’s obvious. You’re Bond’s soft spot. And... it seems like M’s yours.”
I looked her straight in the eye, but quickly moved my sight to the flowers in a little vase that was standing on our table. Eve continued to talk.
“Yeah, I remember exactly what you’ve told me *that* day: ‘I’m not interested in men at my age’... And the look on your face when you left his office... I could tell there was something more in your eyes than just the excitement before the mission. Something more... private,” said Eve, looking at my shocked face. “Then this Christmas present.... and Bond’s jealousy. It all fits together.”
She left me speechless for a while.
“I just... I just hope it’s not too obvious...”
“I have no idea, Kath. But perhaps Bond noticed your behaviour because he’s interested in you,” she speculated. “Do you think he really had his reasons to figure it all out?"
“I’m not sure... but probably yes,” I confessed with a worried look on my face. “I told him how M let me chose my double-0 number, how he reacted to the present... Do you think for Bond it was enough?”
“Judging by the way you stared at M earlier today, I think it might have been enough.”
“Hey, I wasn’t staring at him...”
Eve smirked and started to shake her head.
“Right...” I said. “Thanks for being honest with me, Eve.”
I felt really embarrassed.
“Do you think it’s wrong?” I asked, sounding pretty concerned about my romantic feelings.
“Wrong? There’s always some excitement associated with a love triangle!” quipped Eve.
“No, Eve... I’m serious,” I insisted, while looking at the other tables, making sure no one observed us. Even though we were at some random restaurant, I was scared that there might have been someone from the SIS. “Is... is it wrong that I fell for M?”
She smiled at me mildly.
“No. It’s not wrong,” she assured me. “But you'll have to be very careful with what you do about it. Anything you do right now might make things very much complicated.”
After the dinner we came back to the MI6 Headquarters, as we both had a lot to deal with. We said goodbye in the main corridor. Eve left for M’s office and I left for the paper work.
“Thanks so much for listening to me, Eve. I just... I just hope that talking about Bond didn’t bother you...”
“No, it’s perfectly fine. You were right to assume it’s just a stupid rumour.”
“It is?”
“Yeah,” said Eve. “It used to be true, but it’s not true anymore... I have to go, Kath. I’m already three minutes late and M’s going to kill me!” exclaimed Eve, and then gave me a hug. “And don’t worry much. We’ll come up with the solution.”
“Thank you, Eve. You’re the best,” I replied, as I placed my head on her shoulder and returned the hug. I closed my eyes for a moment.
“Miss Moneypenny,” said a male, stern voice, “would you mind coming back to work?”
I opened my eyes and saw Mallory who has just appeared in front of me out of nowhere.
“I’m s-s-sorry, sir... I’m coming,” said Eve quietly.
Mallory didn’t reply and they headed towards the elevator. I watched them until the elevator’s door have closed.
Eve’s such a great person, I thought. What a relief... I’ve told her everything and now I feel a lot better. But should I feel any better...? I’m in the middle of some stupid love triangle and there is nothing to be proud of. It’s not even a triangle since it’s only Bond who is interested in me.
How is it possible what whenever Bond leaves, I miss him dearly, but when he is close I can’t think of anyone else but Mallory? And when I see Mallory I can barely think straight?
Time to get back to work.
To be continued.
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