#i sometimes feel bad about it bc they are rife or die but he’s such a marc hater i gotta pull the trigger on him for yaoi reasons. b
moonshynecybin · 7 months
How is Uccio coping in the forced coming out au? He thought he finally rid himself of the evil presence and now Marc is invading their home having to spend weekends at the ranch for pr. Uccio was suppose to go with vale to Ibiza for the holidays instead vale went to a resort with Marc
i was actually thinking about this todayyyyy. i think. uccio would be not so chill about vale choosing to come out and identify himself as the other guy with marc in those photos. perhaps maybe possibly. like not only does he think it’s a dumb PR move but ALSO vale is tying himself to marc in the public consciousness FOREVER here… even if they break up in a year like they plan no one is ever gonna talk about vale without bringing up marc in some context. which number one valentino rossi legacy defender and marc hater uccio salucci is gonna have a problem with. especially since he either earnestly believes marc sabotaged vale in philip island or went insane in the membrane enough to try and manipulate vale using telemetry to get him to hate marc as well. either way he’s not thrilled
so i think he comes at marc again in the wake of all this being like. well clearly he called that paparazzi to photograph you trap you and ruin your life and he planned that tryst in the alleyway and is in fact an EVIL TEMPTRESS who wants to organize your DOWNFALL. very shakespearean predicament tbh. and truly that’s finally what gets vale to be like um. what. because he was there!!! he was the one who found MARC that night!!! he kissed HIM!!! and he saw the look on marc’s face when the camera flashed and he’s seen how tired he’s been the last few weeks and the comments on twitter and the way he’s barely holding himself together with both fucking hands and his goddamn fingernails!!! and he knows marc would not fucking make that happen on purpose. and that’s what cracks the uccio vale relationship…
which makes vale feel even worseeee bc johnny cash voice my empire of DIRT. he lost part his support system AND a major brick in the foundation of his title winning ego saving conspiracy has been kicked over. so. he’s alone. and he maybe ruined his relationship with marc for nothing. not even a title he lost that too. and he’s old. and has even less privacy now. and he’s not getting laid. and marc has been ignoring him in private and vale thinks he doesn’t actually want him in public bc they’re supposed to be pretending. so he’s just a lil pressure cooker waiting to pop here. and that’s not even getting into the elaborate games of pda chicken they eventually start playing
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lesbianahsokatano · 4 years
SYDNEY! Penelope, Rife, and Myat!!!! 8, 23, 29, 39
!!!! thank youuuuuuuu! answers are under the cut bc they got. long
8: What do they believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them?
Penelope: HA! this is. a fun one for her! she thinks if she dies like, early and tragically she’ll just become a ghost and haunt the fuck outta whoever killed her. if she dies just like, at sea or w/e she genuinely thinks there is nothing after. you’re might be ghost and then u move on from being a ghost and then there’s nothing! it’s just darkness. like the ocean
Rife: does rife? think she’ll ever die? i dont think she does. rife is 17 and like, pretty sure she can figure out a way to become a god and then she’s gonna live forever with nou!!! shes very scared of dying
Myat: myat is scared of dying bc he thinks he might be alone after he dies and he has never been alone in his entire life before. he doesnt want to start now.
23: Do they get lonely easily?
Penelope: penny has been lonely her entire life she has just never known how to verbalize it. as much as she likes to pretend otherwise, penelope likes to be around people and have them near her.
Rife: Man i really just make lonely characters huh? rife gets lonely very easily and also normally feels a little lonely, just bc she genuinely can’t talk about one of the most important parts of her life to anyone other than her uncle (well, and hcoma now). she’s good at making friends to assuage the loneliness, but she’s always aware of it
Myat: nah bro myats just vibin
29: How would they describe their own personality? 
Penelope: bad at talking, good at fighting. very angry all the time, often at the expense of every other emotion
Rife: yknow, im just a kid! i’m like, 17, and i’m doing my best, and i think that i am very nice but i also know that sometimes im not! i think we should solve problems with kindness but murder can be necessary! xoxo rife motnus
Myat: obnoxiously loyal, a little bit of a coward, likes to overindulge
39: What does their happily ever after look like?
I literally hate you for asking this question
Penelope: penelope’s happy ever after already happened. it was when aramil killed the old captain of the lady’s death and the two of them took over the ship and then split a bottle of wine in the captain’s quarters. that’s genuinely the happiest moment of her life. so her happily ever after is just, bein a pirate captain on a ship with aramil and also being a sexy lesbian.
either that or it’s our buzzfeed unsolved au and they prove the existence of ghosts definitively
Rife: this is a shitty answer but i genuinely think rife is so ambitious that she would not know what a happily ever after was if it happened. i think she would always be trying to do more, she’s not the kind of person to be content with a happily ever after
Myat: bro i dont fucking know. does myat get one of those????? i guess it’s when he’s married niamh and fixed roslaya but like. bro i dont think that makes him happy i think it’s just what he needs to do
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theminiestofmins · 7 years
Alex Shibutani/Yuzuru Hanyu---> How Do You Like Your Men?
Oh god, Alex realized with looming dread.
He was so whipped.
"Maia, Maia please."
His sister smiled at him, a perfect picture of gentility. He groaned, slumping on her shoulder. Some twenty feet away, Yuzuru Hanyu eased out of his Biellman smoother than a free-flowing river moving around immovable rock.
"I can't do it, Mai. How am I supposed to stay sane after seeing that? It's like the third one he's done in the past ten minutes. Teach me how to live, little sister, because I think he just killed me."
"Oh please." Maia scoffed, tone light as air as if this was some laughing matter.
She was a cruel, cruel woman.
"You're being a baby, Alex. Just tell him you want to tap that already."
He choked on his own spit.
"Not so loud!"
She fixed him with a look rife with irritation.
"There's literally no one even mildly within hearing distance of us, Alex. Chill."
Nevertheless, the older Shibutani threw nervous glances from his peripheral, laughing awkwardly to fill the silence. He was lucky gala practice had only just started and it was only him, his sister, and Yuzu on the ice- the latter being thankfully too immersed in the phantom music playing in his head to pay them any attention.
"He's Yuzuru freaking Hanyu, I can't just approach him about wanting to get down and dirty like I'm talking about the weather."
"He's also Yuzu, our friend. You remember that part don't you?"
"Yeah so?" He spluttered.
"So just stop being a noob about it and go tell him you like him. What's the worst thing he could do, reject you?"
"Um, how about tell everyone I'm horribly whipped for that ass and those legs and that face and that everything in general?" He muttered miserably.
"Wow." Maia blinked owlishly.
"You're really whipped, aren't you?"
He groaned again and she shook her head as if to clear her thoughts.
"Okay well, first of all, we both know Yuzu's not that kind of person. He could never talk bad about anyone, especially a friend."
Alex didn't budge from where his head was buried into her shoulder. She sighed.
"And second: Alex, you're my big bro and I love and hate you, but mostly I love you. So believe me when I say, it's better to not leave things unsaid. Yuzu's cleverer than he looks, we all know that, and he's going to notice when you start avoiding him because you can't handle your feelings like every other grown adult."
She could feel him pouting into the material of her sweater.
"At least try a pick up line??" She offered hesitantly.
"If he doesn't react then laugh it off and say I dared you to do it or something. And if he does react, well then problem solved, go bang after practice."
Alex looked up at her then, a terribly fragile but still hopeful gleam in his eye.
She recognized that gleam. This would either be really good or really bad.
yuzuru honey pot hanyu excuse me what this is me switching between povs unsubtly lol
"Are you an ice skater because damn what a figure."
Yuzuru turned abruptly, the music in his head cutting out quicker than a quad. He registered tall, broad shoulders and a hesitant smirk.
Wait, what did he just say?
Yuzuru ran the words back over and over in his head.
Realization dawned.
Was he??
Going by the increasingly awkward manner with which the man opposite him was holding himself, he definitely was.
He nearly laughed. About time.
The other man was visibly sweating at this point, Yuzuru's prolonged silence most likely not doing wonders for his self-confidence.
He spared a glance around the eldest Shibutani's shoulder, catching Maia's hopeful look and taking notice of her crossed fingers.
Briefly he considered feigning incomprehension but- well- where was the fun in that? He settled for thinly veiled sarcasm instead. Just enough to tease but not enough to bite. Alex was admittedly cute when he was flustered and Yuzu didn't see it often enough what with constant training on his part and the awkward air that sometimes hovered around them.
He always wondered what that was. Guess now he knew. It made things easier for him.
"12 world records, you?"
The other male froze, clearly unprepared for his response. Maybe he hadn't expected him to respond at all?
Yuzu, in a rare moment of sympathy, giggled in that lovely way he knew made people weak.
(Oh how Alex was suffering.)
"I kid, I kid."
With the older male still frozen, Yuzu pouted.
"Alex not like joke?"
More stunned silence.
Internally, Yuzuru grinned a cat-like grin. Outwardly, he let his expression fall.
"Alex not like me?"
"Nononono." It all came out in a rush.
Internal-Yuzu preened.
"I like you very much, Yuzu." Alex groaned, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly, looking like he wanted to die.
(Alex can confirm he did.)
"That's the problem." He mumbled under his breath.
Yuzu brought a hand to his chin, index finger poking lightly into a soft cheek in what he knew was an irresistible look.
"I like Alex very much, too. What is problem?"
As if it was somehow possible, the eldest Shibutani turned redder than a cherry.
"No, Yuzu- I mean like- I really, really like you. More than a friend should."
Yuzuru tilted his head slightly to the left. He didn't need a mirror to know how adorable he looked.
Hook, line, and sinker.
"I like Alex more than a friend too."
He had a feeling the other male still didn't get it so he elaborated.
"Meet me in dorm later?"
Alex's eyes widened but he managed to nod dumbly.
(Was this real?)
Yuzuru absolutely beamed, bouncing a little on his skates before skating forwards and leaning on his toe picks- just about tall enough to plant a short peck on red cheeks.
He smiled once more, infinitely bright and infinitely pleased, before skating away, turning three back crossovers into a spreadeagle into a Biellman.
Surprisingly, the sounds of Alex choking and coughing were more pleasing to listen to than the nameless melody stuck in his head.
From twenty feet away, Maia thanked the skating gods it was still too early for the camera crews to get here.
A/N: a little birdie asked for Yuzu x Alex and I couldn't resist bc I've been craving since even before gala practice and gala practice in no way abated the urges
if you didn't catch on the things in parenthesis were Alex's thoughts and yes I made Yuzu a tease I'm just trying to stay accurate to real life here
btw did you like my pun with the title and first line lol
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mischievouscourtfae · 7 years
all the munday questions bc ilu
{{ EVIL! }}
1. Have you ever hated on your art?
>_> I hate that my dad still has ancient art hanging on the wall from High school. Also he saved the art on plates that I made when 5. So yes.
2. Ever been on a date? If so, how many?
LOL, yeah. But I don’t really do traditional dates? More just hanging out with people I like. Actual scheduled dates… maybe 5? I normally don’t date people until after we are bff and then it’s super laid back. I don’t care for traditional dating.
3. Cats or Dogs?
Both. But I lean more dogs. But both.
4. Sexuality/Sexual Orientation?
Pansexual, GreyAce? Very romantic though. But sex is very eeeeehhhhh
5. What is your opinion on haters?
Please don’t. Constructive criticism and critique are needed. Hate is never good or helpful.
6. Name an important piece of advice you’d give someone who’s just started out art.
Make, make, make. You will make stuff you hate or that fails dozens of times but each trial is learning. It’s all practice. Also believe people when they say it’s good. We are always our own worst critics. All works of art have merit. Even stick figures or abstract doodles. If you have the drive to make stuff, do it. Have fun. Get your ideas out there.
7. Ever animated things before? Were they good?
I tried to make a walking sequence… it was okay.
8. How old are you?
9. Would you specify yourself as a female, male or other?
Nonbinary. afab, but I lean more on the male side on nb? But I really could care less about pronouns, so I don’t mind people using she/her because it’s simpler and less confusing. But I’m cool with any pronouns or even just “hey you”.
10. How many friends do you have?
oh gosh… um… lots? It feels so strange cuz until I joined the Megamind fandom I could count them on one hand. Now… uh, I’m not sure I could say how many without forgetting people on accident. I’ll just say the super close friends I talk to regularly, 5.  
11. What does your work space look like right now?
^^;; a bunch of crap stuffed in several boxes that are my to-do pile. Otherwise, it’s all digital so my computer desk* is actually very clean.
*it’s an end table and a plastic tote I repurposed
12. What were you doing before answering this?
Work! But I just got home.
13. What’s your name/nickname?
14. Have you ever stolen something?
Well… so okay, in my old job it was very laid back about us buying stuff and we could make IOUs and pay at the end of the season… well my last year there the Board of Directors screwed me over big time… so I just… didn’t pay my IOU and I was in charge of the record keeping… so… no one would ever know… Like… it was prolly over $100 in really nice sweaters and shirts but I was very very pissed at how they treated me that year so I still don’t feel bad about it.
15. What’s your favourite movie?
Mulan and Megamind
16. What is your eye colour?
17. Do you have any phobias/fears?18. Name 10 things you like.
( already answered)
19. Name 10 things you hate.
short shorts (on me)
my boobs
the music they play in stores
customers that feel its okay to yell at retail workers
yellow rooms
misogyny, raceism, homophobia, etc
adam sandler movies
heavy gore
20. If you were the President of the USA, what would you do first?
21. Favourite singer?
T-T how am I supposed to pick? I can’t, don’t make me
22. Do you like Mundays?
God no, they are meeting days and I don’t have to be at the meetings but they turn the schedule into a mess and I usually don’t get my lunch on time.
oh, MUNdays. Yes. I hate monday, but I like answering mun questions.
23. What’s the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened for you?
Ripping my pants open while at work so my underwear was showing.
24. Would you rather have penises for fingers or vagina for hands?
…wtf kinda hentai shit is this????
25. What would you do if you could do anything you wanted?
Be in the same place as my lovely Cel
26. Before you die, recite your last words…
The greatest adventure is yet to come
27. Describe your life in 5 words or less.
Lost in my imagination forever.
28. Have any pets?
None currently T-T
29. What country do you live in?
30. Have you ever killed an animal before?
intentionally? Chipmunk. Shot with a pellet rife for getting in the birdfeed.
31. Favourite ice cream flavour?
chocolate peanut butter cup
32. Ever masturbated?
33. What are your kinks?
Tentacles o/////////o among others
34. Virgin?
35. Do you have any siblings?
My lil sis
36. Are your parents a married couple? Or divorced?
37. What fandoms are you in?
Ancient Egypt, Faeries, Megamind, Marvel (the main ones anyway)
38. What’s your favourite show/anime/etc.
Star vs the Forces of Evil, Sense8… those are the most recent. I have lots of stuff I like though.
39. What inspired you to do what you’re doing now?
… I feel to autistic for this question? rn? like writing this? Or my job? what I was doing before this? I have no idea what this is asking…
40. Tell us a weird secret!
I don’t really have secrets? Just stuff I don’t share often??? Uh… I used to live in a house with an evil spirit?
41. Yaoi, Yuri or Het ftw?
9_9 supernatural kinky stuff or xeno otherwise I only like it in written form
42. What are your pet’s names?
My parent’s dogs are Jack and my namesake Sam
43. Do your teachers like you?
They did when I was still in school
44. Have you ever roleplayed before?
Yes, before Tumblr I LARPed and did table top
45. Are you a feminist?
46. How big is your house?
Studio Apt, so tiny
47. Are you an emotional person?
48. When was the last time you showered?
49. What did you eat for breakfast?
Chips, lol
50. Can we be friends?
Yes uwu, say hi, I swear I’m very friendly even if I suck at keeping up contact sometimes
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