#i sont wanna live forever
lu-undy · 4 years
Chapter 78 - SBT
Here it is!
"I assume you had your reasons for doing it this way but it has to change, and fast." Lucien sat on the oval table and crossed his arms. The smoke from his cigarette floated in the air like a cloud above his head.
"I did. But now that there is no danger anymore, I might actually do it." 
Lucien frowned and pondered.  The king of the beggars went on.
"I will set a rendez-vous point. All you have to do is have him be there." 
"Non." Lucien answered, raising cold eyes to his ex-colleague. 
"Non." He repeated firmly. "You are not taking any risks in this business, I am. So we will do things my way."
"What risks are you taking?" Maurice asked and Lucien's anger flashed on his fair irises.
"You know very well." He answered drily.
"Very well, what do you suggest?" 
Lucien sighed. 
"I do not know yet. I need to think about it. The stakes are too high. Every second that I spend with you discussing it is a second that I betray him and his trust. I cannot afford that, nor do I want it, not anymore, not ever." 
"Fine." Maurice said, from his old wooden throne. "You do as you please." 
"Tell me where they are. I shall bear the responsibility of the rest." 
Maurice wrote something on a piece of paper and slid it to the ex-spy. 
"That is where I have kept them. Good luck. They are expecting him."
The Frenchman's rage boiled up a notch higher. 
"Pardon?" He asked in his native tongue. "Do not think for one second that this puts you out of any responsibility!"
"What are you going to do? Stab me in the back, like in the old days…?" 
Lucien's jaw relaxed and he smirked, not like the free man he was now, but like the spy he had been: cold, arrogant and overly self-confident.
"Me? Nothing. Him? I am not so sure, Maurice." 
He took the piece of paper that he stored in his pocket and exited the hideout. When he made it back to the surface, he adjusted his scarf and headed back home. 
-- Next day -- 
"Mundy, I forgot to tell you something."
"What is it?"
Lucien was sitting next to his lover at the table while they shared breakfast. 
"Richard and his wife agreed to take Diamond." 
"Oh, that's great news!" 
"I also sent the word to Maurice, and he is happy to take Star."
"Oh, alright."
"Oui, he shall train her to take on Perle's job and hunt mice and chase away any undesired rodents." 
"That's nice, hear that, Starry baby?" Mundy was cuddling the lady kitten. She meowed happily. "You'll get a nice home and a job. Kids'll cover you in pets too!"
"And guess where our beloved ball of hunger will end up?" Lucien asked, petting Glovy on his lap. 
"I don't know, where?" 
"There is one young man who will make him more than happy." 
Lucien smiled before answering. 
"Who better than an apprentice chef cook for our beloved Glovy?" Lucien asked. 
"Hear that, fat boy? Your new dad's gonna make you delicious food!"
"Mrow!" He answered excitedly. 
"Yeah…" Mundy extended his hand and scratched Glovy under his chin. "You're one happy, chunky boy, aren't ya?" 
The large yet short cat purred happily under the attention. 
"So that settles it apart from Junior…" Mundy said. The kitten had grown up like his brother and his sisters but still looked smaller. 
"Viens, mon petit." 
[Come, my little one.]
Lucien bent down, released Glovy and scooped his namesake off the floor to put him on his knees. 
"He will have a good forever home. We shall offer him as a gift and a surprise." Lucien answered, cuddling the kitten. 
"Yeah, but to who?" Mundy asked. 
"To whom?" Lucien corrected. "Well, who will need a Lucien and has been missing me while I was away?" 
"Me?" Mundy answered. 
"Apart from you?" Lucien asked. 
"Don't know, who?" 
"Victoria." He answered. 
"I think she will take the best care of him." Lucien added. 
"I'm sure you're right, darl'." Mundy laced a lazy arm around Lucien's shoulders and the Frenchman leaned on him. 
"Any plans for today?" Mundy asked.
"I was thinking of taking the kittens to their new homes." Lucien answered, pushing a lock of silver hair behind his ear. 
"Oh, ok, sure."
"I suggest we start with Bastien and Richard, they are not too far apart from each other. Then, Maurice and in the end, Victoria."
"You wanna take Junior to the diner?" 
"Non, I planned on knocking directly at her door, after her shift." 
"You know where she lives?" 
Lucien raised his eyes and his smirk to his lover. 
"Right, right, ok, ex-spy, I get it." Mundy chuckled.
"I see you are learning." Lucien teased. "But what do you think of this plan? That ought to keep us busy for most of the day."
"Seems like it, yeah. I'm alright with the plan. But first, we need to tell Pearl and Soot." 
"But of course." 
Lucien and Mundy finished their breakfast and found themselves sitting on the carpet in the living room, facing the cats. 
"Right, ladies and gents…" Mundy started. "Today, you're gonna leave Mum and Dad, even your gramps."
The kittens listened with wide open eyes. 
"Meow?" Perle, who had been laying on the carpet, moved to sit up.
"Do not worry, mon bébé," Lucien scratched her head gently. "They will all go to good homes. Star will go to Maurice and hunt the mice there, oh and Junior will go to Victoria."
"Meow?" Soot rose to his feet too. 
"Hey, Sooty boy, you trust the old gramps, eh?"
The black cat went straight to Mundy and purred when he scratched his jaw. 
"There we go. Now, we're gonna give you a few minutes to say goodbye, ok? You be good boys and girls." 
Mundy rose to his feet. 
"Mrow…" Perle bit her Papa's sleeve. 
"Oh? Qu'est-ce que tu veux, ma chérie?"
[Oh? What do you want, my darling?]
She kept on pulling his sleeve and meowing sadly. 
"I will stay with her, go and get ready, Mundy."
"You sure?"
"Oui, she needs me." 
"Fair. See ya in a bit, I'll go get my shoes and stuff." Mundy left a kiss on Lucien's brow and left him with the cats. 
Perle stood on her back legs. Lucien smiled and lifted her into his arms, rocking her gently.
"Qu'est-ce qui se passe? Tu n'aimes pas les 'au revoir' ?"
[What is happening? You don't like goodbyes?]
"Mrow…" She answered sadly. 
"Personne n'aime les au revoir. Ni les hommes, ni les chattes apparemment. Ne t'inquiète pas, tes bébés sont grands maintenant, ils n'ont plus besoin, ni de toi, ni de leur père, ni de nous."
[No one likes goodbyes. Neither people, nor lady cats apparently. Don't worry, your babies have grown up now, they don't need you or Soot, or us anymore.]
"What's wrong, baby?" Mundy joined them and put Lucien's shoes down next to him. "Don't want the kids to go, eh?" 
"Non, she does not." Lucien answered. They both spoiled her with affection, scratches and sweet words. 
"When…" Lucien started. His eyes were riveted on Perle. "When Jérémy was growing up…" 
Mundy's eyebrows jumped. He hadn't expected Lucien to talk about his late son. 
"There came an age where he liked me… less." 
"Oh?" Mundy scooted closer to his lover. 
"Like any other child of his age, he started seeing me not as a model, but as someone who continuously failed to understand him."
"It's fine, luv', we all had that phase for a bit…"
"I guess so but," Lucien sighed and looked away. "It still felt strange to hear the baby that I had carried in my arms a few years before tell me that he hated me, that I was never there for him, that… that…" 
"Sshhh." Mundy wrapped his arms around Lucien and pulled his head under his chin. 
"I was a poor father… I was absent, I was busy, I was away, I was…"
"Hey, it's alright. All dads are like that, ok? They're all busy with work and stuff when we're kids. Then we get to teenage boys and we start gettin' weird, and wonderin' about sheilas… And boys, I guess… About ourselves. We got all these questions and parents are shit at answerin' them. So we feel alone, and not really understood. But it's fine, it's how it goes and how it should go." 
Lucien buried his head deeper in Mundy's chest. 
"Doesn't mean you were a bad dad. And I'm sure of it now, I've seen you with Victoria and with Pearl. You're a bloody good Papa." 
"Maybe." Lucien's voice was muffled. His eyes were closed against Mundy's heart that he heard beating gently in front of him. He could smell the cheap cologne too, it brought him immense comfort. 
"Hey, not to me, eh? I saw you. I even told you. Wish my dad was like you."
"Oui but…"
"But what, love? Tell me." 
"Get it out, darl'... Better out than in."
Lucien's shoulders sank. 
"I wish I could now know what Jérémy really thought of me. At the end, he kept on reproaching me all those things and, well, they were all true. Each time he did, I looked in his eyes, God, his eyes… He had his mother's eyes… Blue, of a darker shade than mine, dirty blond hair, buck teeth… He was an adorable little boy but he grew up to hit puberty, too soon. And each time he would address me, it would not be with admiration anymore, but with anger and hatred." 
"Hey… Darl'..." Mundy gently rocked his lover and slid his fingers through his long hair. "Close your eyes and remember when you were his age, eh? Didn't you think that you had it all figured out, that you'd be better off without your parents, that they didn't understand what you felt…?"
"Mundy, you are not understanding."
Lucien pulled himself out of the embrace and rubbed his eyes. 
"Non, I understood him too well! I knew this rage, this powerlessness, this frustration. I knew it so well that when I was faced with it, I decided to leave home and live in the streets." 
Mundy frowned. 
"When I turned 18, I fled. My mother and step-father pressured me and forced me to choose between Medicine and Law. I didn't want either, and so I ran away. And whenever I saw Jérémy look at me with hatred, I would see myself, right before I fled. It terrified me, that sight."
"You were scared that he'd run away too?" Mundy asked. 
Lucien raised his eyes to him and nodded sadly. 
"Oh, I get it now… But Lu'..."
"Who knows? Maybe he wanted to flee too. Maybe God claimed him back before he had the chance."
"Ssh." Mundy pulled Lucien in a hug again. "You can't know. No one can."
"What terrified me most is how his mother would have reacted, had he decided to run away."
"Lu', stop thinkin' about it. You can't do anything about it, and in any case, you don't have to."
"Oui, but what if-?"
"No, luv', listen." Mundy cut him off and cupped his face such that he rested his forehead against his. "What ifs are useless, darl'. Stop thinking about it. Let your baby boy rest, and let yourself rest too."
"I cannot. There are things that I have been holding within myself for far too long. I want someone to know. I want someone to share all these personal secrets with, I want to share the weight of that burden, all those mistakes, those sins." 
"Hey now, don't be dramatic. Everyone does stuff they regret. There isn't one man or sheila alive who doesn't regret somethin'! It's just not possible!"
"Oui, but I don't care about other people!"
"Neither do I! But you can't continue carrying stuff like that on your back!"
"You want me to forget?" Lucien asked, his eyes wider than planets. 
"No! I want you to learn to live with it in your heart, not on your shoulders like you're carrying the world's misery on yourself!"
Lucien lowered his head and softly headbutted Mundy's chest. 
"I know it's hard, love. I really do. Sometimes I think about my parents and how I… I-I…" 
Lucien raised his head and Mundy looked away. 
"How you what?" He gently asked. 
"I'm a monster… I-I left them to die."
Lucien's eyes snapped wide. 
"Non!" He frowned. "You outdid yourself to avenge them! I saw you, the delicate, shy, compassionate you torture a man. You burnt a man, you burnt every square inch of his chest while he was wide awake and alive!"
Mundy rubbed his eyes and winced. 
"Yeah, you don't need to remind me of that, thanks…."
"Mundy…" Lucien put a hand on his cheek. "You have surpassed yourself, you have done what you never thought you could and yet what did you do? You put yourself aside and did more than what trained soldiers did during the war! Mundy, you avenged them and made them proud."
"Hm. Don't think they're proud." Mundy answered. 
"That is not what I said. I said you made them proud. You avenged them and that is what you had set yourself to do, didn't you?"
"Don't you feel at rest now with respect to your parents?" 
Mundy raised his eyes to Lucien and his gaze hung there for a few seconds. 
"I… I'm not sure." 
"Do you regret having dealt with Duchemin?" 
"N-not really but…"
Lucien nodded as he started to understand it. 
"Ah, I see… It is the discussion you had with your parents when you took me to meet them?"
Mundy nodded and sighed. 
"I feel like they'd be even more furious at me." 
"Mum's a good woman. She never would have wanted to hurt anyone. And Dad just hated violence for the sake of it."
"So you feel like you have avenged them but betrayed the education they gave you, their values?" 
"Yeah. I think you put the words on it, again." 
"Again?" Lucien asked. 
"That's why I was so fascinated by Lulu at first. It's cause he managed to put words on things I felt inside me."
"Mundy, you did what you did because it was the right thing to do when you had to do it." Lucien said. "Had things been different, of course you would have reacted differently. Had you not been dragged into the alligators business, you surely wouldn't have followed the track of the worthless man who killed your parents. Besides, this isn't a case of violence for the sake of it. You didn't wake up with the crave to torture someone, no one does. Non. You used violence because what else was left?"
"Nothing." Mundy answered.
"Exactly, you were alone and you didn't have any other way to set things straight. No law on Earth would have condemned that man for the atrocities he caused. So don't look at it the way you are. Had you not followed that lead to find the alligators, Duchemin might still be walking this Earth."
"And I wouldn't have met you." 
Lucien smiled. 
"Non, you would not have, but such is the game of life. You cannot win everything. Either you missed all this, you didn't deal with Duchemin and you didn't meet me, or you indeed go through all of this but with me at your side." 
"Is that the choice I have?" 
"Not exactly. You have made the choice of pursuing the alligators' road and we know where that has led you up until today. Who knows what the other path could have offered?"
"I wouldn't have known you."
"Indeed, but you would not feel this almost regret that you do right now." Lucien explained. 
"It is similar to me. I thought I had put away the suit and tie for good after Marie and Jérémy passed. Yet when the Minister of Defense told me of Duchemin, I could not resist the urge to deal with him." 
"D'you think they'd uh… They'd be… proud of you?"
"Non." Lucien chuckled. "Marie hated my job with a passion. She was very wary of Jérémy discovering it and becoming attracted to the idea of becoming like me. I pretended I had an office job - after all, the suit and tie worked wonders to fool anyone - and invented all kinds of stories and lies to him. He was too young to understand. But I think that as he grew up, he might have had suspicions. There aren't many jobs where you travel left and right, attend luxurious parties but don't take even your partner with you. I think he had his doubts about my job, maybe that added to his hatred towards me." 
"So we're both in the same state, eh?" 
"Thank God." 
Lucien looked at Mundy. He smiled softly. 
"I'm tired of feeling alone and have weird feelin's inside me, and I'm startin' to get used to you understanding me and feeling the same way too." 
Lucien returned the gentle, lopsided grin. 
"I am grateful to have found you for that same reason, mon loup."
[My wolf]
Lucien tapped the tip of Mundy's nose and the Aussie's eyelids fluttered as he chuckled. 
"Hey…!" Mundy pulled Lucien from his waist and kissed his nose. "There, now we're even."
"You're welcome. So, shall we take the kittens to their new homes?" 
"Before we do, do you feel any better?" Lucien asked.
"Yeah… Thanks love, you're the best."
"My pleasure.  In that case, let us proceed." Lucien turned to Perle. "May we…?" 
The lady cat rubbed her head against Lucien's hand before going to his mouth. He kissed her and she went to lie against Soot. 
"I think that's a yes, Lu'." Mundy said. "I found this cardboard box. Let's put the kitties in and I'll carry it. You lead the way." 
The couple scooped the kittens and placed them gently in the box. They went to the door and exited the place. 
"Mister L, Sir?" 
"Oh?" Lucien saw a group of kids running to him in the street. "Oui, what is it, gentlemen?" He squatted to be at their eye level. 
"Maurice said Francis left this for you." One of the blond boys recited his text and inflated his chest proudly. 
"What did he leave?" Lucien asked.
"This!" The child pointed further in the street. 
"Oh!" Lucien's eyebrows jumped and he failed to hide his surprise. "Is that really true?" 
"Yes, Sir! Francis said he was delighted to know you were doing well. He sends his regards." 
"Thank you. Here…" Lucien took his wallet out and gave the children a note. "Don't spend it all on sweets, and do share it." 
"Thank you so much!" The kids ran away, leaving the couple and the kittens alone on the pavement. 
"Hahaha!" Lucien went to the black motorcycle and tapped it gently. "A marvel of elegance and technology. I am delighted that Francis decided to leave it to me…" 
Mundy caught up with him, the box still in his arms. 
"I remember that bike. You came to see me at the lake with it. It's the one that turns invisible, right?" 
"Indeed, that is the one." Lucien let his fingers run on the leather seat. "A delight to drive too." He raised his eyes to Mundy and took the box off of his arms to secure it at the back. 
"What are you doin'...?"
"You don't think we will walk to deliver those kittens, do you?"
"N-no, we could take me van?"
"Non. Here." Lucien handed him the second helmet and made sure the kittens were safe. He wrapped his scarf around the box to dampen the noise of the engine.
"W-what? You want me to-?"
"Come on, Mundy!" Lucien straddled the motorcycle and held a hand out for his lover.
"You sure?"
"You don't trust my riding abilities?"
"N-no, nah, it's just that…"
"What then? Am I too old for riding a motorcycle?" Lucien chuckled.
"Nah, course not, hold on…" Mundy put on the helmet and took his lover's hand. He straddled the motorcycle, behind Lucien.
"Be careful on the road, love." 
"I will. Now hold on." Lucien started the engine and the motorcycle woke up in a roar. 
Mundy put his hands on Lucien's sides and took advantage of the situation to hold him dearly. The Frenchman smiled in his helmet and off they went to deliver the kittens. 
The first stop was made to Bastien. He was delighted to meet his new companion. Then came Maurice and a well earned lunch break. Lucien and Mundy were left with Junior. While waiting for Victoria to finish her shift, they spent the afternoon in a park with the young cat. 
"I had a thought about something you said."
"What is it?"
"Remember when you told me that there were things you wanted to do with me and that you hadn't had the chance before I went away?" 
"I think we should do one of them this evening." Lucien answered.
"What d'you have in mind?" Mundy asked. 
"Surprise…!" Lucien teased. "But first, let us deliver this young man to his new mother." He scratched his namesake's jaw and the kitten purred. 
"Alright, you lead the way."
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clownsuu · 6 years
After that night Janitor and Principal talked even more than usual. They talked during school days and when they left the school. Whenever they saw eachother.
They were walking down the street. Just two if them cause sock was at the orpahange again. They were talking and principal just felt like he should tell him why does he like him. “No not yet… we get back at home.” Principal mumbled. “Did you say something?” Janitor looked at principal whos face was red again. “N-no..” He said and faced the ground.
They arrived at the house in silence. They didnt speak a word. “I have to do some paperworks now. Theres some food in the fridge take that.” Principal broke the silence and went to his room. He sat down and started to look trough his papers. He saw something more colourfull than his papers. He took the paper and looked at it. It was a drawing from sock. It had a picture of him and a heart on it. He placed the picture on the table and laid his head on the table hands as his pillow.
He stared at the drawing smiling. The paper fell of the desk when principal sighed. The paper was upside down on the floor and it had sole text on its back. Principal picked it up and read the text. “Ilysm dont work too hard.” He readed it quietly. This was janitors hand writing. He walked out of the room whit the drawing in his hand. He walked over janitor and hugged him. “I love you too.”
This was followed by an awkward silence. Then principal turned aJnitor around and spoke again. “When i first saw you i thought you are cute and wanted to know you bettet.” He looked janitor in eyes and continued. “When you came here i had a chance to know you better and i did it. Then i got real feelings towards you.” He said and his face wasnt so red like usually when he talks whit janitor. “I just felt so weird everytime we talked. It was like i had butterflies in my stomach.” “When we were close in the closet, i felt warm and wanted to be like that with you forever. When you kissed me i felt like i finally have a place in thsi world. Like i was a real person not just a shadow on the wall.”
His face was still red and warm. Janitor looked at him whit a little smile on his face. Janitor put his hand on his cheek and kissed him. They stand there for like 10 minutes or something.
“Okayokayokayokay.. say it one more time” Baldi said and looked confused. “Me and jani are dating and live together cause he doesnt have a home..” principal said slowly and carefully. “Do you have a problem whit it?” he continued and lookee at baldi. “No of course not it just.. was a big suprise..” Baldi said whit a little laughter. “Well congrats!” he continued smiling and gave princi a pat on his back. “Also if i see you two kissing in the middle of the schoolday.. you will regret it..” he said still smiling and looking at principal. “O-okay got it..” princi said bit nervous and left Baldis office.
“So where we going after the day..” Princi said lenaing against wall. “You’ll see then..” Janitor said smirking. “A restaurant?” Princi said curious and got closer to Janitor. “I told you, you’ll see..” he said and they were about to kiss when Baldi just appeared next to them whit his ruler. “What did i say about kissing princi..” he said smiling and stared princi creepily. Jani and princi let go of eachother and princi was red again like always. “Thats what i thought of” Baldi said and walked away. After baldi left jani gave princi a quick smooch on his forehead. “It will be fun i promise..” Jani said softly and left the hallway heading to his closet.
Princi was walking alone towards his home. He was walking alone cause jani had to stay at the school for a cleaning some stuff. As princi arrived at his house he felt weird. “This fucking thing again..” he mumbled and opened the door. Princi took off his coat and sat on the couch. He was really tired and just in a minute he was laying on the couch and sleeping. He was seeing a nightmare. “No i dont wanna lose you.. please sont die..” he mumbled in his sleeo and some tears were rolling down on his cheek. He was shivering and suddenly fell off the couch waking up to that. “Pl- OH FUCK!” He sweared and was laying on the floor holding his head. He hitted his head ln the coffee table. “Fucking fuck fuck..” he mumbled and stood up. Princis forehead had a little bleeding scratch that wasnt big so he just left it to be there.
Jani opened the door quickly and made princi drop his coffee. “Oh- FUCK” Princi shouted as he dropped his coffee on ground. “Oh its only you..” he sighed and kneeled down on the floor to pick up the pieces of his mug. “Whoops did i scare you..” Jani laughed and took his coat off. “Yes..” Princi said and carried the mug pieces in the trash. “So where we going..” Princi said and walked over to Jani. “To get somr chinese and then comeback to netflix and chill..” Jani smirked. Princi took the closest pillow and smacked it on Janis head. “You idiot..” he snickered and kissed Jani.
Janitor noticed the little scratch on Princis fore head and holded his face. “What did you do or who hurted you?” he said quickly and stared at the small scratch. “I fell off the couch and hitted my head on the tabel..” he said slowly and grabbed on Janitors hands taking them off of his face. “Dont worry im fine..” he said smiling and kissed Janitor again. Janitor anserwed the kiss and again they stood for a while there kissing eachother.
After they stopped they decided not to go to the fucking date and just stay home and have some fun :))
fucking shoot my legs already the next chapter gonna be fucking lit
its bad i know hnn
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fluffytoast101 · 6 years
!"kids please! i need everyone to calm down and ask your questions one at a time!" David stopped the kids from talking all at the same time. “I thought the fund raiser was a success! If we need money why dont the quartermaster just beat you guys up again!” Harrison stated while Malva was nodding “It actaully isnt a bad idea!”
-small time skip bcs i dont want to rewrite every line of dialog-
“does that mean.. we all have to split up?” Nikki asked with sadness in her voice. Everyone looked around at eachother with sad expressions.
“Hi Max. Its been a few days.. Have you made your descsion yet? Wich camp do you wanna go to? Vera is still.. Mad about the uhm.. events if you were wondering..” David asked the sad boy who was carrying a bunch of regret. “Im still thinking.” He answerd quickly turning the other way. “Come on Max.. i know its been hard especially since Neil, Nikki-” Max remeberd their faces filled with rage and sadness. He even brought Malva to tears. “God damn! Dont you have counsler counsling to prep for or something?! Just leave me alone!” He cut David off and walked away.
“I cant belive im saying this but.. I dont know if i wanna go to science camp!” Neil said looking at his friends, looking a little longer at Malva. “Yeah! What fun is adventuring without you guys!” Nikki joined in. “I just want things to be back to normal!” Vera continued. “I just want to be able to enjoy my summer. dosnt really help that my uh... lady problems...? are hittting in strong!” Malva ended it. “Max what do we do?!” Neil desperatly asked max his eyes getting glossy. Max was doing something on davids phone and didnt pay attention to the others. “Max?” Nikki asked once again also tearing up. “Huh? Are you guys still fraking out about this? Whats your problem?” Max rudely said turning away from the phone. “Our problem?” Neil questioned Max’s rude comment. “damnit..” Malva mumbled under her breath on the verge of tears. “i dont wanna say goodbye yet! You guys are my friends!” Nikki frowned. “Yea Max. Wtf” Vera questioned Max aswell seeing him brining Malva on the verge of tears.”were like a wolf pack!” Nikki said with a slight smile. Neil chimed in “Or a team of scientists (somthing) doing a new study!” “Or a wolf pack!” Nikki obviously liked her idea better.  “Jesus guys. Grow up! Did you think summer was gonna last forever? It was always gonna end this way! Camp campbell comes to a close, you get sent home, you move on with your lives.” Max said doing something on the phone once again, looking up from it at the end. “Look, we had a good run! But we were temporally friends at best!” Max ended it. The small group of friends looked at him in schock turning into rage or sadness. “oh...” Nikki said looking down. Malva silently started crying trying to make it stop while hugging herself. Vera looked angry with a mix of sadness and confusion. Neil started speaking. “Really?! THATS all we are to YOU?” He said in pure frustration. “Fucking hell Max! I know your meant to be rude or something but thats just messed up!” Vera said slightly motioning to malva who was still silently crying looking down. Max felt the regret hit his body. “I mean.. Look Neil-” He started scratching the back of his neck.”Nonono you’re right! Why would someone like you need a friend?! You were fine on your own before we showed up!” Neil looked down then turning his gaze to malva and back up again. “You’ll be fine once were gone.” Neil walked off into the bus. “Nikki come on! You get it, right?” Max asked Nikki. Nikkis face turned into anger. “Bye Max” She said walking into the bus aswell. “Malva?” Max looked at the girl who looked up from the ground showing red puffy eyes. She quickly hugged Vera before walking into the bus the doors closing behind her. Max looked at Vera with regeret but she just flipped him off and walked back into camp.
- time skip,, again.. bcs... yeah...-
“Happy reunion?”
-Ok time skip again. brining thr camp back togheter burning camps 3 more left to pick up-
“thats... Almost everyone!” Max looked up from the clip bord in his hands with a smile. “Phew... this has been a eventful day!” Vera smiled at Max. “Just 3 names left!” David happily said. Max felt the regret come back again. “Yeah. i wonder how they are doing..” Vera said thinking about what Malva had told her in the past about her fear and how it keeps her up at night crying. She slightly frowned. “You know my favorite part is the look on the counslers faces when you mention the test Davey! Their all like ‘whoa what!?’“
- yet another time skip -
“Yeah thats the other thing... they are actually.. here” Gwen said looking over to the room where the three kids sat looking upset or jus scared. “Here at camp core we dislike using the phrase ‘trouble makers’ and uh..” The old man looked at Malva. “I dont know what to call your situation... uhm. well get back to that later. Anyways as i said we dont like to use the term ‘trouble makers’” “We prefer children in need of love. And young lady you need to get sleep.” The old lady said looking at Malva. She looked up from her knees (she was hugging her legs in her chair ya’know?) with dark cicles under her eyes that were also red and puffy. “I know that youve been.. up from the past 5 nights crying.” Neil and Nikki looked at Malva with sorrow and Neil reached out for her hand giving it a tight squeeze. He returned to his angry expression while still holding her hand. Nikki returned to her angry expression aswell. “Based on your recent behavior blah blah”
-time skip til’ gwen comes in-
“Thank godness for that duel major in sike! Am i right? Why dont you two get out of here while i chat with these little rascals!” Gwen bursted into the room while the owners left. She quickly closed the door and looked at the kids infront of her. “Lets get the fuck out of here.” She said dramatically.
“And then Nancy was like ‘whos an idiot?’ and i told her to mind her own fUCKING BUISNESS!” Gwen said while staning in the elavator with the 3 kids, Malva and Neil still holding hands. “Personally. Thats when i would have started with the biting.” Nikki proudly said. “Waitwaitwait! Can you go back for a second? Were getting the camp back?!” Neil looked suprised. Gwen looked at him with a smile and calm expression. “Oh. Yeah. And everybody is here.” Gwen simply said. Neil, Nikki and Malva looked at eachother with unease. “Everybody?” Neil and Nikki said in unsion while Malva continued to be quiet.
“Heeeey! Long time no see!” Max said while holding up his hand for a high five. Neil and Nikki looked unipressed while Malva still looked sad. Vera quickly ran up to her brining her into a hug. “Heard you all started a bit of mayhem at your camps? Guess im rubbing off on you.” He nudged Nikki. “If you use mayehem to describe putting someone in an emotional state making them stay up for 5 nights crying!” Neil said grabbing Malvas hand again.. just bcs it felt right. Vera let go of Malva and looked at her with sympathy. “Oh look its the temporally friend of ours!” Neil continued. “Yes, the friend that isnt permanent.” Nikki joined in. “Come on guys! Things are gonna go back to the way they were. I promise! Ive got a plan!” Max tried to convince them. “Interesting. I figured you would have moved on with your life right now.” Neil sarcastically said. “I will aslo add a sarcastic remark as soon as i can think of one.” Nikki said. “Oh my! David and Gwen blah bLAHBALH FUCKING BLAH BCS MORE -TIME SKIP BITCH DEAL WITH IT.-
“Im. Im sorry. I didnt go thru all this trouble for camp campbell.. I did it.. for you guys.” Max said. Malva softend up a bit. “You guys are my friends.. And i just didnt want to admit it. Just once the time actually got to say goodbye.. i had something to lose! Well you know... trying to go thru life alone seems pretty fucking stupid know.” They all turned and looked at cameron campbell. “Oh what?! Am i supposed to be the big bad example here?!” He said. “We did everything we said out to do by doing it togheter. and had a little fun while doing so! But everything fell apart when you pushed it away..” David confronted Campbell. “Well yea! But i won!” He defended himself. “Won what exactly?” Gwen said unimpressed. “I got my life back!I can leave this country behind and leave everything behind! just not thailand... or russia.. burned all the bridges with north korea..” He scratched his chin. “With all that money you can just buy some new friends who will eventually hate your guts too” Max stated. “Well i- uh-” Cmeron was lost of words.
“Well *sigh* i guess this is goodbye.” Max said turning to his friends. “I just wanted you to know... Ill miss you!” Nikki smiled and Neil looked suprised. Malva gave a small smile and looked at him. Vera looked proud that he actually said something nice for once. “And im sorry we couldnt be friend for longer..” Max continued rubbing his shoulder. “Dont be such a dummy Max!” Nikki started. “Yeah! We might never see eachother again, but we’ll always be friends.” Neil continued. “Oh and i snuck my phone with me *cough* so ican just give you all my number and just msg me so can we have a group chat!” Malva said with a raspy smile and a toothy grin. “Hell yeah! See we sont lose contact!” Vera slightly nudged Malvas shoulder as she wrote donw her number 3 times on a piece of paper. “Awwwwwww.” The older ones said. “Group hug!” Dolph said and David ran and hugged Gwen, Max, Vera, Malva, Neil and Nikki. Until they heard a bus driving off. “Campbells gone.” QM said and pointed outside. They all watched him drive off. “Wow that typical.” Ered said.  Davids phone started ringing that Max had in his pocket. “Uhm David. Your phone.” Max said and handed the phone to David.
-Blah Campbell has a speech or whatever hh-
-They have an adorable ass water gun fight and everyones happy running around-
- Campbell comes.-
“You will now be taking orders from him” Mr. Miller pointed at David. Evryone turned to David. “Now its perfect!” David said acomplished. “Welcome to camp, asshole!” Max said crossing his arms. “OUR camp, asshole!” Vera joined in and put her hand on Max’s shoulder in a sassy kin of way. Max looked at her with a tint of blush but she just winked >;3c
They all turned and did their own thing until only the group of 5 was left in front of the mess hall. Malva gave Neil a quick peck on the cheek before running off to god nows where neils face turning red. “OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH SHIT I KNEW IT I KNEW IT I KNEW IT!” Vera fangirled and they laughed at Neils blushing madness. Okay bye
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solenelanza · 4 years
I know it’s a bit confusing. I mean most of the planet is isolated for the moment and I am talking about traveling. Well first, it was not Yesterday. Then, it was just A Day In A Life but it was the start of something new. A new adventure. And I would be delighted if you joined me in the future in this new challenge.
Je sais, c’est un peu perturbant. Une grande partie du globe est confinée à présent, et me voici en train de parler de voyages. Un, ne croyez pas qu’il s’agisse d’Hier mais bien d’une histoire d’Autrefois. Puis, ce n’était pas Huit Jours par semaine mais, ce sera le début d’une nouvelle aventure. Un nouveau challenge pour lequel j’espère vous retrouver très vite !
Let me take you down, ‘cause we are going to Strawberry Fields. But not for a first stop. I mean traveling from London to Liverpool is already an adventure in itself; Plane, bus, train, whatever your way of transport, you might have the chance to come through John Lennon airport but will finally meet Paul McCartney first on Penny Lane.
Il est plus facile de rêver à elle, les yeux fermés. Qui elle ? Strawberry Fields, en version française. Mais d’y aller c’est une autre histoire. Car le premier arrêt est autre. D’abord voyager à Liverpool est déjà une aventure en soi-même. Par avion, bus ou train, il est fort à parier que vous passiez par l’aéroport John Lennon avant de finalement rencontrer Paul McCartney à Penny Lane. 
And as soon as I recognized the stones of Penny Lane, though I might know to find out why this memory made him so happy. As the modern Marcel Proust, I have to find out, in situ, how Penny Lane could turn people in the 50s, the time when Macca was not 64, but was just a kid. Well, well, well, nothing really changed as the barber shop is still showing photographs, mainly of the Fab Four or the late visit of Sir Paul with transatlantic anchor man James Cordon. The bank is still there as well and the vintage feeling is really high when you are passing though the area via Double dock bus. But on a rainy Sunday, everything was so quiet that we thought (with amazing photographer Outfiteuze) that crowd could gather elsewhere.
Et tout d’un coup le souvenir m’est apparu. Ces morceaux de pierres, de Penny Lane. Peut-être parce que de ces souvenirs abandonnés si longtemps hors de ma mémoire, tout s’était désagrégé. Un peu comme une madeleine de Marcel Proust moderne ! Je devais imaginer ce Penny Lane des années 50, celui de l’enfance du personnage que tout le monde surnomme Macca, sans savoir alors ce qui se passerait 45 ans plus tard. Et bien, rien n’a vraiment changé, c’est chez le barbier qu’on voit tous les gens, beau temps, mauvais temps. Comme celui de notre visite, un dimanche matin, avec la fidèle blogueuse Outfiteuze. Des gens un peu discrets car tout était bien calme, comme si la foule s’était donnée rendez-vous ailleurs dans la ville. 
Hundreds of bus stops away, Strawberry Fields stands forever. With its Red iron nature inspired gates. And we were not the only one to care about the former Salvation Army children’s home. But waiting between the Beatles Magical Mystery Bus and the Fab Four Taxi Tourists for the Instagram pics in front of the ruddy portal, something was wrong in the vintage cliché. The kind of school, looking like kind of Hogwarts, turned into …. A very trendy one-floor flat. Not a wish to forget a part of history but to put on highlights the memories of John Lennon, who used to live nearby. A visitor attraction commemorating John Lennon’s link with the place in an exhibition, café and garden will open in September.
Deux bus à deux étages plus tard, Strawberry Forever semblait intacte. Avec sa grille ciselée d’un feuillage délicieusement écarlate. Nous n’étions, apparement, pas les seules à aimer l’ancien orphelinat de l’Armée du Salut. Aux aguets d’un créneau d’observation enfin libre dans la longue file d’attente des aficionados griffés Beatles Magical Mystery ou Fab Four Taxi Tour. Soudain, quelque chose d’insolite m’apparut. L’école d’antan, aux allures de pensionnat anglais digne d’une image d’Epinal, avait laissé place à un logement dernier cri apprécié des branchés et des magazines d’architecture les plus demandés. Pourtant il n’était pas question d’oublier le passé mais plus d’accentuer le lien sentimental entre le lieu et le musicien dans un musée, expo, café et jardin qui ouvrira ses portes en septembre prochain. 
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If you could only meet the faces of the famous band thanks to Street artists in the hip areas, you should have to become much more central to meet the Fab Four. Have a beer with John at the Cavern Club where the band started and today the music lovers do some covers late by night of I Wanna Hold Your Hand. Not far from the Beatles Story and some solo experiences of the musician at the Museum of Liverpool. Go along the seaside to have a walk with the Four of them, always and forever young. There, you can Close your eyes, And while I’m away, I’ll write home every day. And I’ll send all my lovin’ to you. 
Si les streets artistes sont bien timides mais les seuls à dessiner les traits des musiciens dans les nouveaux quartiers, c’est au centre que le Fab Four montre son vrai visage. C’est en effet possible de prendre une bière avec John au Cavern Club, où le groupe a fait ses débuts, et où les fans jouent encore des reprises de Day Tripper jusqu’à tard dans la nuit. Plus loin, à deux pas du célèbre Beatles Story, et des expériences en solitaire des musiciens au musée de Liverpool. Il faut longer le bord de mer pour retrouver pétrifiés les Quatre Garçons dans le vent, jeunes éternellement et qui donnent l’impression de chanter : Et si toi, l’ami, demain tu t’en iras, n’oublie pas, Souviens-toi de nous parfois ? 
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Texts+pictures: Solène L. Portraits+Editing: Kelly
Pour d’autres histoires musicales à Londres ou ailleurs, suivez-moi ou contactez-moi 😉
A Fab travel for a Fabulous year I know it’s a bit confusing. I mean most of the planet is isolated for the moment and I am talking about traveling.
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kaituku · 6 years
this is about my moms fucking boyfriend again. 
I havent seen him in forever. i dont live at home anymore, so i really cant even remember the last time i saw him as my mom has tried to keep ut away from each other. Well, he is supposed to come here this weekend and stay with my mom. And were supposed to go to sweden tomorrow do do some cheap shopping, the famous harrytur. But i overheard my mom speaking with him on the phone, and when she mentioned that im coming with them, and am home for christmas, he makes it perfectly clear that he doesnt want to come either way, because i am here. And i can understand that, i havnt exactly been nice to him, and vice versa, so the fact that he doesnt want to see me is understandable. Dont get me wrong, i sure as fuck dont wanna see him either. But at least i am the bigger person here, and dont have a problem with him joining us on our trip to sweden.
What really bugs me about this is that 1) he is being such a fucking baby about it, he can just shut the fuck up and we sont have any issues. Shut up aka dont make racist or homophobic comments. and 2) he can man up for my mom, and show her that he really does care about her by TOLERATING to be in the same car as me for a few hours. Its not like im planning to stay all up in their shit. at all. If he does decide to come after all, you can be sure im going to stay in my room 90% of the time he is here. okay and 39 i often overhear these kinds of conversations and they are often about how hes not interested in my mom, or doesnt want to drive “that far” to see her, or he never pays attention to what shes saying. Almost everytime. Their conversations are just about this fucking crap, and it annoys me that my mom keeps up with it??? She deserves better so why the fuck does she let him behave like this? And hurt her over and over again. i fucking hate that dude, and for more reasons than him just being racist and homophobic now, but because he doesnt treat my mother well enough. fucking SCUM 
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unptybouhdeweb · 6 years
Revue de web du 6 septembre 2018
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Childish Gambino offre deux chansons inédites à ceux qui ont acheté des places pour sa tournée !
Il est précisé que les chansons ne sont pas totalement terminées, et qu’il ne faut pas les faire fuiter en ligne.
Camila Cabello est la 1ère femme à dépasser le milliard de streams sur Spotify avec Havana !
Ni Taylor Swift (749M de streams sur I Don’t Wanna Live Forever), ni Rihanna (815M de streams pour Work), ni Beyoncé (492M sur « Halo ») n’avaient encore atteint ce chiffre sur une chanson !
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Facebook lance son Creator Studio pour contrer Youtube
Cette nouvelle interface permet de publier et gérer les contenus sur plusieurs pages à la fois, et fait la part belle aux vidéos, avec notamment l’intégration de la monétisation des vidéos. On a pu tester, et on n’a pas trop vu l’intérêt par rapport à l’interface actuelle, mais c’est peut-être plus intéressant pour des producteurs de vidéos qui ont plusieurs pages.
Facebook et Twitter devant le Congrès américain
Toujours dans le cadre des audiences sur les ingérences de l’élection 2016 et autres abus sur les réseaux sociaux, Jack Dorsey (Twitter) et Sheryl Sandberg (Facebook) faisaient face cette semaine au Congrès américain, aux côtés du siège vide, très remarqué, de Google. Résumé de ce qu’il fallait retenir par The Verge. Pendant ce temps-là, ¼ des Américains déclarent (à prendre avec des pincettes donc) avoir supprimé l’app Facebook de leur téléphone.
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Twitter teste deux nouveautés dans son affichage !
Une pastille verte pour signaler qu’un utilisateur est en ligne, et pour les threads, les réponses de l’utilisateur qui en est à l’origine seront mises sur un fond de couleur différent. Les 1ers essais ne nous paraissent pas très beaux pour l’instant mais la tentative n’est pas inintéressante…
Instagram lancerait une app dédiée au shopping
Après IG TV, Facebook serait sur le point de lancer IG Shopping, où les utilisateurs pourront voir le catalogue des marchands qu’ils suivraient et les acheter directement dans l’app. Une aubaine pour les 25 millions d’entreprises qui ont des comptes Instagram et qui taguent actuellement leurs produits sur l’image. Mais après les performances mitigées d’IGTV, est-ce que les gens téléchargeront cette application supplémentaire ?
L’exemple de GQ sur IGTV
137K vues sur IGTV (pour 4,3M de followers)  VS 29M sur Youtube (pour 2,5M de subs) #jdcjdr
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La plateforme business de Snapchat dévoile le reach adressable dans le monde, et surprise, la France est N°1 en Europe !
Il y a 93M d’utilisateurs adressables aux Etats-Unis et au Canada, et 76M en Europe, dont 17,5M en France, suivis par 15,5M au UK et 9,2M en Allemagne.
Snapchat dévoile la nouvelle génération des Spectacles
Des fonctionnalités identiques mais un design plus classique. Pas sûre que cela suffise…
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Si comme nous vous n’osez pas demandez à vos neveux/enfants « mais bordel c’est quoi Fornite ?! » pour ne pas passer pour une vieille bique : cours de rattrapage
Notez qu’il y a même maintenant des cours de danse Fortnite. La techtonique, en pire #vieillebique.
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Google fête ses 20 ans !
20 ans et des chiffres vertigineux : 130 000 milliards de pages, 100 milliards de requêtes par mois, 67% de part de marché pour Google Chrome, 1,8 milliards d’utilisateurs mensuel de Youtube etc…
Trop occupé par son anniversaire peut-être Google a du coup « oublié » d’envoyer son CEO devant le Congré Americain, au côté de Twitter et Facebook pour reparler des ingérences russes dans l’élection de 2016
Skype annonce l’enregistrement d’appels vidéo
Les 25 expositions les plus attendues de cette rentrée à Paris !
Basquiat, Picasso, Michael Jackson (legendary, timeless and eternal), mais aussi Miro, Giaccometti ou Freud ! Il y en a pour tous les gouts ! Et après le très triste incendie du musée National de Rio on a quand même envie de soutenir les musées et la culture.
Qui est Colin Kaepernick, la nouvelle égérie de Nike
Si comme nous vous n’avez pas compris l’énorme couverture médiatique autour de la dernière égérie de Nike, petit rattrapage : joueur de football américain, Colin Kaepernick a été le leader du mouvement #TakeTheKnee en protestation contre les violences policières contre les noirs et est depuis blacklisté du football américain et dans le viseur de Trump. C’est donc une véritable prise de position forte de Nike qui fête les 30 ans de son slogan « Just Do It ».  Dès mercredi Nike publiait sur twitter un premier spot inspirationnel avec Kaepernick.
Une prise de position qui fait donc couler beaucoup d’encre mais aussi bruler beaucoup de chaussures, des américains ayant lancé un mouvement d’immolation de Nike pour dénoncer ce choix (les mecs ont du fric à perdre donc…). Une prise de position qui vaut aussi à la marque de perdre quelques points à la bourse, soit quelques milliards de dollar. Mais coup marketing ou pas, à la revue de web, on salue le choix !
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Firefox bloquera le tracking pub par défaut
Ces cigarettiers qui utilisent les influenceurs pour pousser les jeunes à la consommation.
Le dégout est total. Tout comme l’illégalité en France d’ailleurs il me semble…. #LoiEvin #santepublic (pour mémoire, le tabac tue 7 millions de personne dans le monde chaque année…)
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