#i spent a lot of my adolescence binge-reading godawful harry potter and naruto fic on fucking fan fiction dot net
gender-trash · 1 year
OKAY ffnet seems to be at least temporarily up so i'm downloading as many of my old bookmarks/favorites/influences as i can get my hands on. the PROBLEM is that most of my ffnet bookmarks live in the browser on my ANCIENT ipod touch which no longer boots and if i have Any backup, Anywhere, it's probably on a macbook which is itself ancient and creaky, and i don't know how to extract bookmarks data from that. so i'm mostly going from memory here, which (because i have adhd) is VERY fallible.
and i know this is a long shot, but... does anyone remember an ffnet author who wrote a lot of itachi/shisui, and in particular wrote an incredibly fucked-up itachi/shisui oneshot sometime prior to maybe 2015 with an ambiguous ending where it's hinted that shisui used kotoamatsukami to brainwash itachi into compliance? i think the author had one of those all-lowercase names, one word, three or four syllables, starting with a C or possibly an S. (i wish anything i remembered about this fic was googleable.) i think they took all their fic off ffnet a while back; at any rate it's not showing up when i filter for itachi/shisui but i have to confess i've completely forgotten how to use ffnet filters so i might be fucking it up.
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