#i spent so long adding to this AND I ALREADY HAD THIS MUCH DONE VKNJDK
snekverse · 2 years
Kindly asking you to hand over your ideas/hcs for the Divine Warriors NOW 🤲🤲
FUCK yeah now we're talkin!! Full disclosure before I get started I never watched mcd s3 so idk any of the dw canon lore so I just kinda made it up lmao <3
Irene got the moniker "matron" bc she literally made the other divines. She's essentially god, has existed since the beginning of time, and will persist long after
Her power comes from her relic (heart)
Over time she got really lonely watching everyone die all the time so she split her relic into 5 different pieces. She kept one for herself and created 4 “gods” to inherit the rest of her power (Esmund, Enki, Menphia, and Kulzak). It did weaken her immensely, but now she had people who wouldn't die on her
Shad was unique in that he was a human person before becoming a “god” 
Irene's weakened state made her appear less monstrous (more human) and she sometimes wondered what human life was like
Enter Shad, they met and fell in love, even had a kid that Irene was insistent on turning into a relic so that Shad could be by her side forever
This is where she accidentally reveals her true nature as an out-of-touch God at best
She gives him the relic, he accepts, and then sometime later realizes what she’d done
There was a war between Shad and the other Divines
Irene tried her best to stay out of it, but that’s kind of hard when your enemy’s beef is with you specifically
Tension had been building between the two of them long before he discovered the origin of his relic (bc of her status as out of touch god), but that was the final straw
Immediately after finding out he goes on a grief-stricken rampage, destroying anything Irene had even the smallest part in. Temples, villages, even entire regions were burnt to the ground in his rage (hence how he got the moniker “destroyer”
This went on for decades before Irene finally got involved. Both mortals and The Divine begged Irene to end the feud, so eventually she gave in. She couldn't bring herself to kill Shad, so instead she created a new dimension the sole purpose of which was to imprison Shad. 
Shad's relic was fragile, having been created from a partially human source, and Shad’s fully human body couldn’t handle the partial divinity; whenever he used the relic’s power/exerted too much power fragments would break off and shoot out kinda like shrapnel, and they’d get left behind
By this point his body was so dependent on the relic that without its power he lost his body, leaving only his soul behind (“shadow lord"). He was incapable of opening the rift, especially in his ever-weakening state and was successfully imprisoned up until the events of MCD
All of the Divine (sans Shad) were given their own pocket dimensions, all created before Irene split her relic. Irene obviously had the "Irene dimension", Esmund had the "dream realm", Enki had the End, Kulzak had the Aether and Menphia had the wyvern dimension (before it was given to the wyverns)
sorry this took a minute I wanted to add a little more to what I already had but it got,, wildly long and out of hand so for now this is just the Divine Warrior lore for my rewrite and I’ll go a little in-depth with the individual DWs in a separate post
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