#i spent way longer than i'd like to admit making this .gif
mypokemonranch · 1 year
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this one goes out to all of my inflammatory bowel disease homies who can't take nsaids
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wifeboys · 3 years
Third Time’s the Charm // Wilmon
Summary: Wilhelm kisses Simon three times before he gets the hint.
Word Count: ~2600
A/N: A little in-universe fic to tie us over. Based on prompts from this prompt list *shamelessly plugs my prompts blog @deity-prompts *. Also I haven’t written fanfiction is a while so I’m a little rusty.
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gif credits: @princewilhelm
Wilhelm kisses Simon three times before he gets the hint.
The first time is at Rosh's soccer final. The pair (and Ayub) had gone to every single game of the season, rain, or shine. They stood at the side lines. The night air gripped them through their puffy coats. Flood lights illuminate their breaths. Wilhelm and Simon pressed shoulders to 'help keep them warm'.
The game is intense. The ball is sent over and back again and again. Fouls are left and right. Fights even break out. The crowd hold their breath, each moment electric. Simon is so focused on the game that he forgets where he is. He forgets who he's with and who he is. All he can concentrate on is Rosh.
The whistle blows, once, twice, three times. Rosh punches the air with a victorious scream. The crowd erupts. Everyone rushes onto the pitch. They clutch each other into hugs, exchanging "congratulations!" and kisses on the cheek. Simon sprints to Rosh, grabbing her tightly. She slaps his back and yells something he can't hear. Ayub pushes him out of the way and hugs Rosh. Simon staggers back with a laugh. Wilhelm is in front of him. His eyes sparkle with happiness and Simon can't help but smile. Before he can hug him, Wilhelm places his hands on Simons cheeks and quickly kisses him. The kiss barely lasts two seconds, but time seems to freeze. Simon short-circuits.
Before he can process or kiss him back, Wilhelm is already hugging someone else and Ayub is grabbing Simon. "SHE DID IT! FUCKING YEAH!" The night moves on. Everyone goes out to celebrate, still full of energy until they part in the early hours. As Simon celebrates, he can't help but think about Wilhelm kissing him. Did he kiss him or did he imagine it? No, it definitely happened. He can't imagine the electricity pulsing through him. He can't imagine the rush and heat he felt.
But that doesn't mean Wilhelm wanted to kiss him. It was an intense game. Everyone was celebrating. It was probably just a "hey bro, we did it! let's celebrate!" kiss. Wilhelm would've kissed anyone, Simon just happened to be there.
That's what Wilhelm is acting like. He's hugging everyone he comes across. Simons not sure if that's because Wilhelm is a hugger or because he's buzzed on celebratory drinks. Either way, he's not treating Simon any different. He's still talking to him like they're regular bros who like regular sports and other regular things.
It was nothing, Simon decides.
• ❤︎ •
The second time is at Felice's birthday party. She spares no expense. The common room is decked with streamers, balloons, and stocked with alcohol. Everyone is wearing the most extravagant outfits they have. The birthday girl has braided her hair short as a boys, and wears a purple robe that reaches her heels. Simon wears a black, glittery blazer over his bare chest with waist high black trousers. The lack of shirt was probably a good idea, considering people keep bumping into him and spilling their drinks.
The music is practically deafening. You can't walk two steps without knocking shoulders with someone. Simon keeps to the back of the room, fiddling with the hem of his blazar as the party unfolds in front of him. Sara keeps him company, chatting his ear off about something he can't hear. The only thing he can focus on is a certain prince across the room.
Simon barely notices when Sara tugs at his sleeve. "Si! I'm going to find Felice. Don't just stand here for the whole night. Go talk to someone"
She disappears into the sea of drunk teenagers. There's no way Sara was telling him to go talk to Wilhelm specifically, but that's all Simon wants to do. Actually, he wants to skip the talking and pin Wilhelm against the wall.
But Simon can't do it. He's glued with his back against a wall as people make out around him. He can't mess things up with Wilhelm. He can't scare him off. He can't lose a great friend on the tiny chance he might get a boyfriend. Simon repeats this like a mantra to the beat of the music.
None of this stops him checking out Wilhelm, the crowd acting as a safety buffer. His simple yellow shirt is plain considering the occasion. He made up for it by covering his hair with glitter that has fallen onto his face and shoulders.
He watches as an already tipsy Wilhelm finishes his drink. He's surrounded by people (probably his friends). He suddenly cracks up at some joke they say. Glitter explodes into the air with the quick movement of his head. A shiny halo illuminates his face. God, he's beautiful when he laughs.
"Simon! Simon Simon Simon" Felice nearly falls on top of him. "I'm so glad you're here- and you look amazing"
"Thanks, so do you- and happy birthday" Simon has never been good at taking compliments.
"You're too kind. I'll admit, I can't get enough of my cape. Hey, you should try it on! Purple is definitely your colour"
"Oh no I couldn't-"
"Oh yes you could. Let's swap jackets. I promise I'll give it back"
Next thing Simon knows, Felice is slipping off her cloak-y thing to reveal a white blouse and black skirt. She takes Simon's jacket, even giving him a spin. "We look stunning" she says as Simon wraps her robe around him. It looks a bit weird on him, but it's soft and smells nice. Felice sips her drink, and frowns. "My cup is empty. Can I get you a drink?"
"Uh- sure"
Felice disappears into the crowd. Simon goes back to looking for Wilhelm, but he's nowhere to be seen. He scans the crowd carefully. Wow, there's a lot of people here. A lot of bodies. The air is thick. The music is too loud. The room is too small. Simon needs to get out.
He excuses his way towards the door, not stopping until he's breathing in the night air. He leans next to the door, careful to keep Felice's robe clean. Deep breath in, deep breath out. Simon can only handle parties for a short while before he needs a break.
He stares up at the sky. Deep breath in, deep breath out. The stars are like glitter. The moon shines brightly at him. Deep breath in. He can't find Wilhelm, but at least he can spot the Man In The Moon. Deep breath out.
He's grounded again. He knows he should go home soon, but he figures a bit longer inside wont hurt. He gets up to go inside and find Felice when the door swings open. A yellow shirt stumbles into the night, glitter sparkling in the moonlight.
Simon finally found Wilhelm- or, rather, Wilhelm found him.
Wilhelm finds his footing, looking around. He finally spots Simon by the door.
"There you are!" He exclaims. There I am?
If Simon moves fast enough, he can slip back inside before Wilhelm even notices him. He can grab Sara and pretend he never came to the party. Before he can put his plan into effect, Wilhelm is cupping his face again.
Wilhelm kisses him. Simon is quicker to react this time. He kisses back, his plan to escape already forgotten. Wilhelm pulls back for a moment to tilt his head to the side. Simon holds the back of his neck, running his fingers through his hair. Glitter falls around them.
Wilhelm's hands slip behind Simon's robe, pulling him closer. Simon shivers as his hands run up and down his back. He drowns in bliss, finally getting to kiss Wilhelm the way he always wanted to.
When Wilhelm finally pulls back, his eyes stay closed. "Oh" he sighs softly. "Oh . . . I'm about to throw up. Excuse me"
Without even looking at Simon, Wilhelm turns and staggers around the corner. Simon hears retching. His escape plan kicks in. He practically runs back into the party, nearly knocking people over as he finds Felice.
He finds her giggling with Sara, who's cheeks are blushes deep red. They swap their clothes back, re-completing Felice's outfit. She truly looks stunning, tonight more than ever. Up close, her hair is woven more intricately than he realised. It's as short as his but looks ten times better.
Oh God- with the short hair and purple cloak, he probably looks just like Felice. Especially to someone who's drunk. Wilhelm didn't mean to kiss him. He meant to kiss Felice. Now Simon feels like he's going to throw up.
• ❤︎ •
The third time is after Parents Day. Simon spent the days leading up to it avoiding Wilhelm. He probably doesn't remember the kiss at all but Simon wont chance it. He won't give Wilhelm the opportunity to reject him. This doesn’t stop him from looking at him for a little too long from across the room. This doesn’t stop Wilhelm looking back.
His ingenious “if I ignore him he can’t reject me” plan fails, however, when Wilhelm sits with his family as they eat. Simon can't take his eyes off him as he chats with Simon and Felice's family. Wilhelm combs his fingers through his hair, licks his lips, laughs along to jokes. Simon soaks up every minute of it.
Dinner plates empty. Belts are loosened. Waiters come around to collect dishes and Simon starts to panic. Wilhelm has been glancing at him again and again throughout the dinner. He's definitely going to corner Simon and let him down. Tell him to forget all about the kiss (if he even remembers it). Simon pulls out his phone.
Simon I need you to pick me up
Ayub Thought you were at the parents dinner Cant ur mom take u home?
Simon I'll explain later If you pick me up right now I'll be forever grateful
Ayub I'll be outside in ten You owe me one
Simon I love you more than life itself
Simon rests his phone on the table, slightly less panicked. As soon as people start getting to their feet, he bolts. Out the door. Our of the school. He only slows when his feet crunches on the front road's gravel.
Ayub arrives right on time. Simon jumps on his bike before he can ask what's going on. It isn't until the next day that Simon comes to a shocking realisation: he left his phone at Hillerska.
• ❤︎ •
"Didn't think I'd be back here so soon" Ayub says as he drops Simon off.
"I'll be in and out, I promise. Everyone's gone home so I'll be able to find it and grab it"
"Here, call yourself on my phone. You can follow the ringing"
"Where would I be without you"
Ayub tosses his phone and gestures for Simon to go. He pushes open the doors. Hillerska feels haunted without students bustling through the halls. It's like a museum. Simon opens Ayub's phone and calls himself.
It's probably in the dining room where they ate. He walks towards it, listening intently for his ringtone. What he doesn't expect is for someone to pick up.
Simon stares at the phone for a moment before pressing it to his ear. ". . . Hello?"
“Simon? That you?”
“Wille!" Perfect. The one person he was trying to not talk to. "Sorry, I didn’t recognise your voice”
"Don't worry about it, I don't think you were expecting me to answer"
"Yeah, uh, you have my phone. That's why I was calling it. I must've left it here yesterday"
"Where are you? I can drop it off"
"I'm already at Hillerska so I can just grab it. Want me to come to you?"
"Just start walking, we'll find each other"
Simon decides to go in the general direction of Wilhelm's dorms. It really does feel like a museum. Each alcove is like a display he can't touch. His footsteps echo.
“So . . . what’re you doing with my phone?” Simon asks.
“I actually didn’t know it was yours. It was left on one of the tables, so I took it in case the owner came looking for it”
“And here I am”
“And here you are”
Simon can't help but smile. He's sure he can hear Wilhelm smiling too.
Wilhelm takes a deep breath. “I’ve actually been meaning to talk to you”
“Talk to me?”
“Yeah. Um . . . it's about Felice's party"
Simon stops. Here it is. Everything has backfired and now the one thing he didn't want to talk about has come up.
"Simon? You there?"
"Yes! Uh yes I am." He rubs a hand across his face. Play it cool. "What about her party?"
"I'm sorry that I was so drunk that night. I figured I'd need some . . . liquid courage but I guess I had too much"
"Yeah. It was a uh, a wild night" Simon feels like he's choking on his own heart. He distracts himself by looking around at the hallway. He's not even sure where in the school he is. He's more focused on not throwing up.
"Do you remember that night?"
Play it cool. "Anything specific you want me to remember?"
There's a moment of silence. Simon can hear Wilhelm's footsteps through the phone. "If you want to forget that night and move on like nothing happened, we can definitely can"
Simon doesn't want to forget. It's all he can think about.
"Do you want to forget about it?" Simon asks, swallowing.
Wilhelm's walking slows as he thinks. "I don't want you to be uncomfortable"
"I don't . . . I wasn't uncomfortable"
There's a beat. "I'm glad. That-that you weren't uncomfortable"
"I'm a little uncomfortable now" Simon laughs awkwardly. His tension eases a little when Wilhelm laughs too.
"I'm sorry. I just don't know how to talk about this" Simon kicks his feet against the floor.
"I have to say, I didn't think I'd be talking to you about this over the phone"
"I didn't think you'd want to talk about this at all. I thought you were going to avoid me forever"
"Hey, you're the one who was avoiding me"
"Yeah yeah I know" Simon smiles.
Wilhelm takes a deep breath and exhales. "I really wanted to kiss you that night. That's why I got so drunk I needed a confidence boost. It uh, it didn't help that you ignored the kiss at Rosh's game"
Simon's jaw drops in a smile. "I didn't ignore it! I just panicked. I figured it was a spur of the moment celebration"
"None of it was spur of the moment. I've wanted to kiss you for a while"
"You have?"
"You didn't notice?"
"Not at all. If I did, I probably would've kissed you"
Simon hears him stop and smile. “Simon, you are the smartest idiot I ever met”
He hangs up. He hangs up? Simon looks at the phone as if it holds the answer. His brow furrow as a hand grabs his shoulder from behind. He turns, that there he is.
"Hi" they say in unison.
Wilhelm's hands are on Simon's shoulders. He holds his gaze with a smile. Simon completely forgets how to breathe. All he can think about his Wilhelm being so close to him and his lips being right there because really they're right there-
"Can I kiss you again?" Wilhelm asks. Simon nods.
Wilhelm kisses him for the third time. It's hesitant- like he's testing the waters to see if Simon is willing to swim. Before he can pull away, Simon yanks him back in. His hands thread through Wilhelm's hair as Wilhelm wraps his arms around his waist. They pull each other impossibly close. It's their third-first-kiss and it is perfect.
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theboredwritertm · 4 years
"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were trying to seduce me", Din/Reader, please? Your writing is absolutely amazing!
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[Gif by: @bestintheparsec  - It fit perfectly with this scene, but if it’s not cool that I used it, please tell me and I’ll take it down!]
A/N: Another nice and short fic for you all! I’m actually enjoying the shorter ones because I have the attention span of a toddler, and writing anything longer than 2k usually has me so hyperfocused that I won’t get anything else done until the fic is finished. My life is a shambles.  Anyway… In saying that, I’m genuinely looking forward to getting knew requests again. I love coming up with things based on your prompts! I hope you like this, anon 💗
Rating: PG-ish
Pairing: Din Djarin x Pregnant!Reader
Warnings: Pregnancy, mentions of nausea, brief mentions of sex (no actual smut), a bit of fluff
Word Count: 1137
Summary: Pregnant and tired, you find you need a little help from your loving husband.
 All you had wanted was a glass of water.
Somehow forgetting how big you’d gotten, you’d managed to turn around and knock at least three different bottles of liquid onto the floor with your protruding belly. You’re sure one of them has to be dish soap, since the strong scent invades your nostrils and has you nearly gagging. To think you used to enjoy little domestic things like washing up after dinner, and now, thanks to your over-sensitive nose, such simple things could have you running for the refresher.
Still, you can’t just leave it like this, where one of you might slip and hurt yourselves. Sighing at your luck, willing nothing else to go wrong, you bend over as much as you can while clutching the bench with one hand to steady yourself, and make a poor attempt using a dishcloth to wipe up the mess you’ve made. With your big belly throwing off your center of gravity, and your ass stuck in the air and swaying with every swipe at the ground, it’s the least graceful you think you’ve ever felt.  
That’s when you hear a low, gravelly hum behind you – the kind Din only makes when he’s about to pounce on you. You snap back up to a standing position immediately, unable to think of anything worse right now than being manhandled, given your nausea and how exhausted you’re feeling. You couldn’t think of a time where you’d felt less sexy.
But try telling your husband that.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were trying to seduce me,” his voice rasps, as he steps towards you.
You know that stride, the slightly predatory way he approaches, and there was a time when it would have made you weak. But you’re sore, and tired, and Maker you just wanted a damn drink.
“That’s what got me into this situation in the first place,” you reply, aware of how grumpy you sound and feeling slightly guilty for it. The sudden standing movement had proven a bad idea, and a dull pain is throbbing through your lower back. Your hand goes to rub at it, and Din’s stance and expression change instantly, any deviant thoughts evaporating at the prospect of you being hurt.
“Are you okay? What is it?”
He’d been fussing over you ever since you’d told him about the baby, hovering constantly as if the body he had once trusted to fight beside him had suddenly turned to glass. It had been sweet at first, but now it’s like you can hardly be trusted to walk to the refresher by yourself.
You’ll admit that since your belly has grown it’s gotten harder to do some things – like climb the ladder to the cockpit, or feel confident when you’re on top in bed – but you refuse to sit back and be waited on by anyone. After a lifetime of self-reliance, you couldn’t think of anything worse.
“It’s fine, it’s just my back,” you tell him, but his expression doesn’t change as he drops to one knee in front of you, his hands moving immediately to your belly.
“The little one is fine,” you assure him, and you can’t help but smile at the way his worried gaze is trained on the soft swell that has been giving you so much trouble. He rubs gentle, soothing circles over it with one hand, as he leans forward to rest his head against it.
“Are you giving your mother trouble, ad’ika?” he asks quietly.
“Taking after their father already,” you reply, smoothing his hair in loving strokes as you smile down at him. 
He lifts his head and presses a kiss to your belly before moving his hands to your lower back and rubbing gently there. You emit a slow, relaxed hum and close your eyes.
“What were you trying to do down here?” he finally asks, and your eyes snap back open. He looks around at the mess of broken glass and splattered liquids, frowning, then back up at you with an amused twinkle in his eye.
“It’s not funny,” you tell him.
Your words have the exact opposite effect on him, though, as he stands back up and chuckles.
“I just wanted a glass of water.”
He reaches past you to grab a glass, his body so close you can feel the warmth radiating off of him. You’re sure he’s doing it on purpose, too, because despite how tired and achy you feel, your body’s reaction to having him this close is still that same as it always is, as a bolt of arousal sparks in your lower belly. He flicks on the tap to fill up your cup, smiling down at you all the while as you feel the heat rise in your cheeks. As irritated as you are by his amusement at your expense, you still accept the drink when he hands it to you. You know the consequences of ingesting any amount of liquid these days will be trips to the refresher every five minutes, but you’d woken with a dry throat and knew better than to let yourself get dehydrated in your condition.
Your gaze remains locked onto his as you drink, your eyes narrowing suspiciously as his remain soft and full of warmth. He reaches up to cup one of your cheeks.
“You look beautiful.”
Your eyes narrow further. “Are you still trying to get into my pants?”
He laughs, and the sound proves to be infectious, as you lower the glass back down and finally return the smile.
“Always,” he says, “But right now I just want to make sure you’re okay.”
“I’m fine, Din,” you assure him, sounding weary, but you find can’t stay annoyed at him for long. Not when he’s looking at you like that. You think of all the wasted time that could have been spent gazing into those beautiful brown eyes if it weren’t for his creed, and you’re grateful now to be permitted to see him without his helmet now that you’re married.
You’d fallen in love with his courage, kindness, and his sense of humor and you’ll admit you had even developed a kind of attraction to the armor, since you’d come to associate it with him; but your heart had never felt so full, your love so complete, as when you’d finally met the person underneath it all. And you couldn’t be happier to be having his kid.
“Come on, let’s get you back to bed,” he tells you, “I’ll clean this up.” He wraps an arm around you to pull you close and presses a kiss to your bed-mussed hair, and you feel your heart swell.
Some days it’s still hard to believe that this is the same man that you used to watch take down a dozen enemies on his own; a man who could intimidate almost anyone just by walking into a room. And although that version of Din still has a place in your heart (not to mention many of your fantasies) you find that you prefer this one – and you can’t wait to share the rest of your life with him.
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aprilsrant · 4 years
Liquid Luck and its wonders | Harry Potter x Ravenclaw!Fem!Reader.
SUMMARY: Harry meets a shy girl from Ravenclaw House. After taking a liking to her, he tries to catch her attention. 
WORD COUNT: 1,693.
WARNINGS: none, I think. 
REQUEST: Hi! Um I'd like to request a Harry Potter x Ravenclaw!reader where she's pretty shy and Harry has a major crush on her so he's always trying to catch her attention in any way he can? Thank you!
A/N: English is not my first language, there could be mistakes here! If you enjoyed this, like, comment or reblog, whatever you want!
This took a little longer than I expected, but I wrote something and didn’t like it so I had to do it all over again and here it is! I love Harry so I’m really happy someone requested a fic for him because he’s so underrated! Hope you enjoy it!
Gif below is not mine.
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The fake Galleon felt heavier than usual in her hands, the date of their last meeting —the fact unknown to any of them— still engraved in it, gleaming from different angles depending on how the sunlight would shine through the large windows. Not a single day would pass without (Y/N) looking at it from time to time, expecting to see the numbers change, waiting for the return of Dumbledore’s Army. 
Once more, reality didn’t reach her wishes. 
A sigh left her mouth while she climbed down from the windowsill and abandoned her dorm, Rowena Ravenclaw’s statue watching her back as the sixth year girl started to walk towards the Great Hall, stomach rumbling and crying out desperately for breakfast. 
She sat down next to Luna Lovegood, her closest friend, and listened to her comments on Nargles, —“mischievous they are”, she said in a dreamy voice whilst buttering her toast—. (Y/N) knew a lot about the creatures that only Luna and her father believed in after years of being by her side, only separating for lessons and to sleep because of her being a year older than the silver haired girl, although you could find (Y/N) in her friend’s dorm more times than you could encounter Hermione Granger in the Library, laying down on the bed and staring at the canopy filled with little stars that would shine whenever Luna touched them with her wand. (Y/N) had done something similar with hers, but with a glowing full moon instead. 
The stars and the moon were never far from each other and neither were them.
Zoning out from her housemates chattering around her, her eyes diverted to the Gryffindor table, quickly finding the remarkable Golden Trio talking to each other. Hermione seemed frustrated, Ron had a delighted expression on his face while the last member had been discussing with the only girl in the group. 
Her heart jumped at the thought of them arguing about whether or not Harry would teach the D.A again, just like last year. But why would Hermione be upset then when she was the one who initiated the whole thing? The realisation that they were discussing other matters saddened her. Unconsciously, her fingers reached for the golden coin inside her rob’s pocket.   
Glancing back at the plate in front of her, (Y/N) missed Harry waving his hand at her, closing his mouth about to greet her when he noticed the Ravenclaw was no longer looking at them. 
Although Harry and (Y/N) were both sixth years and shared many classes, they hadn’t seen each other as much as the first would have liked because of the never ending assignments and most of their free periods spent in the Library. 
On the day of tryouts for the Gryffindor Quidditch Team, this changed. The girl and Luna had been relaxing near the Quidditch Pitch, resting on top of the grass while the first one read a book and her friend doodled faces on a notebook (Y/N) had gotten her as a birthday present alongside a new set of charcoal crayons, when a large group of people gather around the Pitch. 
Leaving the book by her side, (Y/N) began to watch just as a first year crashed into one of the goalposts. Her right hand flew quickly to cover her mouth, a loud laugh trying to escape from her throat. But the laugh disappeared and a tight knot took its place upon seeing the amount of girls trying to catch Harry’s attention, and maybe more. 
Luna giggled, her hand still moving around the paper but her bright, blue eyes were flashing with realisation and a funny tingle. 
“You like him, don’t you?,” she asked without needing much of an answer.
(Y/N) shocked her head, eyes moving between Luna and the Quidditch Pitch. To her relief, Harry had, apparently, dismissed the girls and they were now sitting on the stands. 
But nothing could escape Luna, and most certainly not something related directly to her best friend. 
“He fancies you too,” the girl commented casually, like it wasn’t what (Y/N) had yearned to hear since their third year, “you should see how much he stares at you. I was concerned at first, maybe he’d noticed you’ve become infested with Nargles and I hadn’t, but… but then I realised he liked you because I remembered seeing the look on his face.”
“From where?,” (Y/N) questioned softly, still trying to process the fact that Harry Potter liked her. It’s not like she didn’t trust Luna’s judgement —even if people believed she was out of her mind, the girl was surprisingly good for this kind of thing—, but her own insecurities clouded her mind. Did he really fancy her? And if he did, what was so special about her that had captivated Harry’s interest when so many others were throwing themselves at him? 
“My dad had the same expression whenever he looked at my mum.” A small smile grew on her face while (Y/N)’s hand travelled to grab one of Luna’s, the one resting on top of the notebook, and squeezed it lightly and reassuringly. “I can still see it whenever he mentions her.”
After the conversation she had with Luna, (Y/N) started to notice more of Harry’s efforts to talk to her while walking to class; after a particular rough lesson of Defense Against the Dark Arts with Snape; sharing hushed instructions (different to the ones in their book but incredibly helpful) every time he pretended to look for more ingredients and walked right behind her during Potions. 
Their short exchanges turned quickly into long conversations and shared afternoons, both of the teenagers trying to forget, maybe even ignore for a little amount of time, how dark and obscure was the Wizarding World becoming. 
Harry didn’t confess his feelings, —those increasing each time she smiled, or laughed, or gazed at him while rays of sunshine illuminated her skin, making her look even more endearing than usual—, until one particular afternoon.
After succeeding on his mission, —to retrieve an important memory concerning Voldemort from Professor Slughorn that he had altered—, something coming from the interior of his body, or mind, he didn’t know, screaming at him to go to the kitchens. Logically, if a potion that induces luck to the drinker tells you to walk towards a particular destination, then that’s exactly what you do.
The boy wasn’t sure about what could possibly be waiting for him in the kitchens, but after seeing her sitting in one of the large tables across the room, coincidentally the replica of the one she’s used to have breakfast and dinner, he knew the reason the potion had wanted him there. 
He took a seat next to her before greeting the house-elves, who were already bringing him trays full of pastries, and struggled to shake the dizziness out of his head —Harry couldn’t figure out if it came from the potion running off, the excitement of finally achieving the memory that would take him one step further to understand Voldemort and his plan, or the nerves that’d always attacked him whenever (Y/N) was near—.
“Hi, Harry,” she murmured softly without looking him in the eyes and grabbing a cookie from the plate in front of her, “what brings you here?”
What brought him to the kitchens and face the girl he had a crush on? Felix Felicis, of course. For what had the potion made him go there? He didn’t want to admit it, Harry didn’t want to confess the urge he had to kiss her whenever she would laugh at one of his jokes, even when they were terrible; he didn’t want to talk about how much he cared for her and how that was the exact same reason why he had taken so long to, first, accept his feelings and to even think about telling her about them. (Y/N) didn’t deserve to be thrown into a war he wasn’t sure he could win. And he didn’t deserve her. She would have to find another person to tease, to laugh with, to confide her problems and desires. 
However, the potion hadn’t left his system yet, not entirely at least and enough to make a difference in (Y/N) and Harry’s friendship.
“I-I think I have feelings for you,” the words escaping his mouth before he could stop them, “and they are kind of weird because every time you walk in, or you are close to me, like right now, I don’t know how to act around you.”
No reaction came out of her, not even a slap, which he was kind of preparing for. (Y/N) stood motionless beside him, with the half of her cookie still in her hand, rests of chocolate and crumbs around her mouth.
“I’m sorry if I ruined our friendship, but I just,” he said before releasing a shaky breath,” I needed to tell you that I fancy you and that you are absolutely amazing.” 
Swallowing and licking her lips, missing for a few inches the bit of chocolate scattered on them, (Y/N) shifted her position. Her chest was now facing Harry completely, her left leg below her body, giving the impression that she was taller than him, while the other one supported her weight. One of the girl’s hands had barely touched Harry’s jaw when she kissed the corner of his mouth.
“What took you so long?”
Harry could no longer see the chocolate and the crumbs, instead, he was capable of tasting them the second their lips met, hesitant at first but more confident the second time they did. 
Whispers coming from the house-elves, —who had stopped, for once, doing their work and were now staring at them, many with tears in their big eyes—, made (Y/N) and Harry to separate from each other, even if it was the last thing they wanted.
“Maybe we should leave,” the Ravenclaw suggested softly in his ear. 
Nodding eagerly, Harry took her hand and they both walked out of the kitchens, a grin on each of their faces.
general taglist: @gcdric @lilac-wrists 
If you want to be add to the general taglist or to the taglist for a specific character, let me know!
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theyilinglaozus · 3 years
With the year ending, let's look back at what we did! What are your favorite creations you did or the ones you think deserve more love? Send this to 5 other creators to share the love
Aww, thank you so much for this message anon! I haven't really thought back on my creations for a little bit - mostly because I've been so swamped with personal goings-on and trying to finish some gift fics for people - but I fully intend on returning to giffing and graphic making within the new year, so this is a perfect opportunity to look back on the things I worked on this year!
1 - Wenzhou 'Can You Feel The Love Tonight?' gifset
This was one of two of my entries for @priestnet's genre remix challenge earlier this year, and it was something I had a ton of fun working on! At first, it was a bit of a struggle, and I was working with that second Zishu gif first. But once I'd figured out the layout and colours for it, the rest of the set seemed to follow the plan I had well. I had a few instances where I had to trim the gifs since they grew too large, but in the end, I'm really proud of how it turned out.
2 - Wei Wuxian and Jin Guangyao Loki quote gifset
This got way more attention than I ever expected it to, considering how it was a very self-indulgent edit. But it made me really happy to see it so well received at the time since I thought the quote was perfect for these two characters, as well as the ongoing theme in The Untamed / MDZS which is that sometimes, 'evil' is more an act of how we choose to handle the circumstances that are often handed to us, as well as how the world decides to view us for those choices we make. That it's not just black and white, but very grey. I love exploring the meta in the shows which I love, and I hope that maybe I can continue doing that more in the new year.
3 - Wangxian 'I Don't Want To Live In A World Without You' gifset I'll admit, although I'm very much content with the attention this did receive, I wish it had done a little better given the time spent on it.
This was a fill I worked on for anniversary requests back when I used to be a member of @mdzsnet ((blows a kiss to the net because I do miss some of the friends I made there at the time, and carry some fond memories)). I think I spent about a week working on this in total, which at the time for me was huge. I was back to reminding myself how bigger, more complex gifsets worked and in a bit of an experimental session, so I really liked how it came out. I ... never did learn who the requester was though? So I hope that if they're still out there, I made something they maybe enjoyed?
4 - Wenzhou 'Touch' fanfiction series
Look, not to toot my own horn here, but I am so damn proud of the work I poured into this series this year. Currently, the series is sitting at 22k words, which is ... pretty big for someone like me whose mostly been writing one-shots in recent years.
I currently have a potential or two other additions to this series I'd like to write and add in the next year - one of them a potential event fill and another will be dependent entirely on my own energy and maybe interest? I have a few other writing projects under my belt for the future too so I'm not too sure which will become the main focus, but I'm really happy as this series made me more engaged in longer fic writing again, which is something I've struggled with for a while now. ... Now just to finish my updated proof of the first installment.
5 - Zhou Zishu 'Castle' gifset This is another one of those 'I really liked how this turned out but why oh why did it not do as well as I hoped notewise' sort of deals (the answer is the tumblr algorithm, but ssh). I was so damn happy with the finished product of this, especially the blending. The only one I probably would change is the last gif - but by that stage, I had gone square-eyed editing for so many days, I just gave up trying to make it blend nicer. I have a few Zhou Zishu gifsets I've been sitting on for a while, but it's only recently that I've felt comfortable and motivated enough to consider digging the plans back up again.
6 - Ghost Valley 'Grim-Grinning Ghosts' gifset
LOL, oh my god. This has to be one of my most self-indulgent surprise hits of the year.
This was made for @priestnet's Hallowed Souls event, and honestly? I was just living my 'it is Halloween and yet again I am not in my second home of Disneyworld like I usually am: time to make a Ghost Valley gifset to the Haunted Mansion theme song :<'
I'm really surprised how good it turned out, especially given I was mostly just playing around with the color settings for part of that. The final Luo Fumeng one will always shock me for how much I love it? Not a purple hue in that scene and yet my dumb brain decided to make it purple anyway.
7 - Wangxian Language Fest gifset
I was so happy with this gifset, and then it didn't do half as well as I'd hoped, and ... I don't know. It's made me a bit hesitant to work on bigger Untamed graphics for a while now. Which is a shame, because I really felt I was learning a lot through them, but the interest just doesn't seem to be there. Anyway, although not my best set by any means, I thought it was a nice one, and I really liked the coloring and the notepaper textures. But I think if I do work on any more Untamed pieces, I'll be sticking to things like my Wei Wuxian in Every Episode challenge instead.
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