#i stayed up too late for this and now i gotta go to bed heehee
magicveiled · 8 months
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Morgan/The The Mórrigan but make it American Gods ... made with imagineart and photoshop
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yukiwrites · 5 years
Baby Cyn’s Time Was Now
Thank you so much for the support and the patience as always, @breeachuu​! This was so heart-warming to write alskdjlmasd I hope you like it as much as I did!
Summary: Nidra was (finally or already?) pregnant with Cynthia, but this time around, she wouldn’t let herself be overcome with anxiety -- nor would she want to. She wanted to spend all the time she could with her family, and share these wonderful, nurturing moments of her pregnancy with them.
Commission info HERE and HERE!
Summer was nearing its end. According to Henry's, well, calculations, Nidra should have conceived sometime between mid-July and early August.
The dark mage wriggled his eyebrows to his wife one morning, silently hovering over her just to watch how increasingly red her mien became.
Nidra pressed her lips into a thin line, turning away from her husband as she boiled water for her morning tea. Henry circled around her, barely containing his large grin, but once again Nidra looked down, her face burning as hot as the boiling water.
That silent dance went on until Nidra finished making her tea and hurriedly sat by the table to drink it. Henry almost threw himself on the chair beside her, giving her almost no personal space, his breathing so close to her cheek he could feel the steam coming out of her cup.
"E-enough, Henry!" Nidra finally gave in, loudly placing the cup on its saucer, covering her face with both hands.
The dark mage snorted loudly, almost forgetting they weren't alone in the house, immediately leaning back to her. "Wellll?! You're preggerz, right?! You gotta be! We didn't rest at all this summer-"
"By Naga, hush!" She covered her own and Henry's mouth with her hands, her face as red as a cooked octopus. Henry gurgled a laugh under his wife's hand, tickling her fingers. "I-I'm not sure yet, alright? It's still too soon to know and- and there are no foreign pregnant dragon shape-shifters to shock me into realizing my pregnancy on its early weeks."
Nidra could feel Henry's smirk growing under her hand. "But you gotta be! There was boinking happenin' everywhere! Dang, even here in the kitchen-mmmph" His voice sounded muffled at first until the manakete used more strength into shutting her talkative husband up. "And there was that tea you made, too!" He pulled away from her to continue with his lewd speech, enjoying how flustered that made her.
"By the heavens, I know!" She hissed, leaning closer to him so as not to wake up any sleeping dragonlings, infant or what not. "But it's still too early to tell!" She leaned her head on his shoulder, suddenly feeling very drained despite having just woken up. "IF, and I am saying IF I c-con, cough, if I conceived during the window of time you so very readily calculated, I should be around my 6th to 8th week or so."
Henry giddily wrapped his arms around his wife, enjoying how she tilted her chair towards him to dive into his hug. "If you were human, you'd have the bloody days-- wait, lack of them, nyaha! As an indication, right? As it is now, we..." he carefully brushed his hand up her back, feeling her shivering with his touch, "... gotta wait 'till it's around your 'heat' months to make sure, yeah?"
Nidra blushed again, wriggling inside Henry's unexpectedly strong arms so as to leave that den of lewdness that was brewing inside that kitchen. "T-that is so, indeed." She tried to sound proper despite still struggling in Henry's arms under his easy-going laugh.
After needlessly struggling for a few more seconds, Nidra gave up and melted into her husband's arms, giving into her own eagerness to find out if baby Cyn was on her way or not.
"I have been paying close attention to any bloating and sickness, but so far, I'm healthy as a horse. As far horse's health go, anyway." She commented, hearing her own voice echo into Henry's heartbeat. "I barely, if ever, felt the morning sickness humans so often complain about during Meli's term, so that will not help either..."
Henry stayed oddly silent, his hands simply going up and down Nidra's back. She could almost hear the gears of his brain circling around, trying to find a way to know for certain that she was pregnant without having to do it the old-fashioned way and wait. The both of them shared the same serious, frowning expression when a noise from a nearby room made something click inside Henry's mind.
"Oh!" He mused at the same time Nidra heard Cynthia jumping out of bed. Before she could ask what he had thought of, the younger manakete's loud stomping passed through the kitchen towards the door.
"Morning, Mom! Dad!" She ran outside. "I gotta brush my partner! Can't believe I woke up this late after dawn! She must be starvinggg! Sorry, sorry!" She cried out, explaining while she ran towards the small stable she and Henry had built for her pegasus the previous year.
From the kitchen window one could see the backyard completely -- from the stable to the tall hill Nidra usually liked to take a nap atop of. Watching her daughter run around with her pegasus brought a smile to Nidra's face, but suddenly her eyes trailed to the tree on the hill, her lips forming an exclamation of surprise.
"Oh!" She perked up from Henry's chest, glancing from him to the hill. He snapped his fingers, smiling widely.
"I thought so, too!" He laughed. "You're really preggerz!" He opened his arms so as to engulf Nidra in a deeper hug, dissolving into a warm laughter.
From outside, one could see Cynthia freeing her pegasus so it could take flight at the same time Cynthia herself transformed into her dragon form. "Need to stretch my wings too! Let's race, partner!" Her voice sounded into their minds rather than leaving through her throat, her eagerness seeping into every awake being at the premises.
Still laughing and feeling her eyes burn with tears, Nidra squeezed her husband with everything she had, almost breaking a bone or two.
She didn't feel that urge! She hadn’t been feeling that urge for at least a month now! that was the sign they've been looking for -- Nidra's body's own way to preserve the half-human baby inside it was to simply not wish for transformation, much like what had happened the first time around.
Neither Nidra nor Henry had noticed that she was taking her naps in human form, unconsciously leaving her dragonstone inside the velvet box by their room for weeks.
His heart almost exploding with emotion, Henry jumped out of his seat, taking Nidra in his arms towards the window. "YOU'RE ON YOUR WAY, CYNTHIA! RIGHT HERE!" He yelled atop of his lungs, lifting Nidra princess-style to their flying daughter in the sky.
It took Cynthia a moment to understand. "I'm what? On my way? Eh-" she blinked slowly, then glanced from her Father, Mother and her partner flying beside her. "MY LIL' SIS! She dove downwards, almost crashing into the ceiling before transforming back and throwing herself through the window. Henry let go of Nidra so he could catch their cannonball daughter and roll around the floor, knocking down the table, all the chairs around it and the now cold tea all over the floor.
Instead of yelling at them for the mess, Nidra screamed a laugh, holding her stomach with both hands as she lied down beside the husband-daughter ball on the floor. Of course, the mess was not without repercussion as it woke up both Meli and Meliodas, making the older brother run to pick his younger sibling up and go to where the noise was coming from only to find his family sharing a laugh attack all wrapped around the tablecloth.
Influenced by the laughter, baby Meli quickly shifted from crying to laughing, cooing with both hands towards his father-mother-sister ball on the floor.
Also infected by the good humor, Meliodas giggled as he also lied beside Nidra, placing Meli over his chest, dissolving into a bigger ball of laughter.
After they all managed to calm down (Cynthia's pegasus watched everything from the window with the most amused expression a horse could make), Nidra covered her children with kisses while Henry proudly announced that she was expecting baby Cyn.
"That's wonderful news, Mother! But-" Meliodas tenderly hugged his mother, though the worry from the memory of the first months of her previous pregnancy still gnawed him intimately.
Nidra touched her eldest's lips, preventing from speaking any further. "I will be alright, my dear. Thank you for worrying, as always. I plan on spending as much time with my family as I am allowed to."
"Which is ALL THE TIME EVER!" Cynthia bounced, her loose pigtails coming off after all that excitement. Nidra smiled fondly, turning to her daughter so as to caress her cheeks.
The young manakete squeezed her eyes to enjoy her mother's petting, getting on the tip of her toes as Nidra's hands moved from her face to her head.
"Why, your hair is rather long, Cynthia. Though fluffier than mine, it's rather resembling my own once I leave it down." She commented, running her hands through her daughter's green locks.
"Heehee," Cynthia smiled proudly, happy to have been compared with her mother. "I'm thinking of growing it out like you and Meli, Mother! But since it gets in the way when I fly, I gotta tie it up in pigtails."
"Which only enhaces your adorableness, my dear." Nidra pinched her cheeks, then caught her nose. "I am honored you will grow it out to match me, but only do what you must, hm? I wouldn't want it to get in your way during your flights and result in an accident."
Cynthia saluted, puffing her chest up. "Aye aye, Mother!" She laughed, stealing a few giggles from her brother and mother, as well. "I'm so happy that my lil' sis is on the way! I'm gonna teach her everything I know! And more! Hey, Meli! Teach me how you braid your hair like that, too! I wanna teach her that myself!"
Meliodas adjusted baby Meli on his arms, though managing to make a pensive expression. "Oh? You wish to steal MY bonding moment with my little sister for yourself?"
"But you're gonna bond with THIS little sister first, right? Riiight?" She got on her toes and blinked adorably, making large, irresistible puppy eyes.
Blushing with his sister's adorableness, Meliodas lifted his chin, "I-I suppose I can spare a moment or two for this little sister, yes."
"Yahoo! Thanks, Meli! Let's start right away- ouch, ouch, my ear, Mother!" She was about to pull Meliodas out of the kitchen right in time for Nidra to pull her daughter's pointy ear.
"Clean this mess first! Try not to cannonball from the sky into the house again as well, yes?" The mother snorted, doing the 'I'm watching you' sign to both Cynthia and Henry before reaching out to pick up baby Meli from his brother's arms.
Henry and Cynthia exchanged playful glances, their wide smirks mirroring each other. "I'll tryyy," the younger manakete said after her father winked at her, promptly getting ready to start cleaning up.
Nidra narrowed her eyes at the interchange, but never lost her smile. She deeply wished her days would continue on being as peaceful, though with less mess, if possible.
Now fully prepared for the 11 months term ahead of her (well, technically, as her husband would say, 9 months since she found out about the pregnancy after the eighth or so week), Nidra felt infinitely more at peace with her pregnancy than during the time she was with Meli.
Spending time with her baby boy during the particularly slow afternoons helped immensely as well, of course.
Still, she would catch herself humming the lullaby she sang for Meliodas even during her alone times, absent-mindedly caressing her still flat stomach. Whenever she closed her eyes she would remember Henry's eye-opening words from last time and fell her heart filling with warmth and love.
She didn't feel anxious, nor nervous.
She was only a mother who patiently nurtured her baby inside of her until the day of their meeting would arrive. She still enjoyed warm naps under the tree atop the hill, all huddled around her husband and children (young Meli properly laid inside a comfortable basket beside them as well); she still loved hearing all about Cynthia's day as a city guard (she decided to join in alongside Owain some time after Meli's birth) as well as answering any questions Meliodas had about their draconic ancestry.
She would never trade the nights she shared under the same blankets as Henry, his tight and needy hug all she ever needed to assure herself that she was, and always will be, loved.
Peacefully did she watch the days go by, between visits from her friend Robin and her family and lazy afternoons filled with knitting for her babies.
In one of her latest visits, Robin had gifted Nidra a rocking chair so she could sit by the veranda to people watch and enjoy the breeze while still rocking slightly.
It was the best present Nidra could have had ever asked for -- she loved the way the gentle rocking would lull her to sleep while she caressed her growing bump and hummed her favored lullaby.
After waking up from one such naps, the sun still strong up in the sky, Nidra rubbed drowsiness out of her eyes as she heard mumbling coming from hers and Henry's room.
"Henry?" She asked, her voice still hoarse from sleep, as she walked towards the noise.
Inside, she found her husband perched on his chair, nose deep into his research papers as he mumbled this or that detail aloud so as to counter-check himself if he had said something wrong.
For years now, he had been studying ways of extending one's life so he could maximize the time he would spend with his immortal wife -- and the center of that research fell into Nidra's dragonstone, which he absent-mindedly fiddled with.
Smiling softly, Nidra's soundless steps tiptoed into the room, carefully placing one hand over his shoulder so as not to startle him out of his skin.
Used to his wife's silent movements, Henry simply drooped his head backwards, resting it on her overgrown belly. "You sure you don't mind if I chip away a piece of two of it? It's so carefully polished..."
Never losing her smile, Nidra gestured for Henry to give her the stone, which he complied. She closed her eyes and focused her energy on it, the flow of power inside the room swirling around her, much like the times she would transform.
Henry raised one eyebrow, knowing that she wouldn't transform while so far into the pregnancy, and much less inside their house, so he simply turned to her and watched.
"See here?" Her voice sounded distorted, as though she had transformed, her eyes shining in its draconic color. She tilted the stone to the side, showing how it shone from within -- a single pearl-like glow at the very center of the stone flickered with waves of draconic energy. It ramified itself through the entire stone, as though it were a heart beating energy into its veins, syphoning the power from the core to the manakete holding it.
"Oh, wow, I never knew it did that! I can't see this core thingy at all when I'm studying it." He mused, digging his nose into the stone so as to count how many 'veins' were there.
Nidra stopped tapping into the stone's power, her eyes turning back into their normal color, without the draconic glow. "This is the core of the dragonstone -- you can chip away as much of the stone as you want, as long as you don't harm the core. It's actually from it that we draw the power necessary to transform and retain our conscious mind."
"Muh? So your stone could've actually been way smaller? Like, pearl-sized?" He put his index and thumb a centimeter away from each other.
"Indeed. Though it would be that much easier to lose it, hence the reason why we either keep them as large stones or fashion them into jewelry, always keeping the core's size in mind, of course."
"Huuuuh," Henry hummed, his thin eyes narrowed towards the stone, his frown deep. "Hey, do you think I can, maybe, pierce it with a real tiny drill all the way to the core?"
Nidra leaned on the chair's backrest as her husband took the stone to look at it through the sunlight. "As long as the core isn't harmed, I do not see why not. Does such a drill exist, however? It would require much precision..."
Henry shrugged. "I'm sure I can ask Miriel to help with making one; she makes her own tools, didya know? Her laboratory's amazing!"
"Mhm, I know... of it. She hasn't given up in studying me so I was invited over many, many times." Nidra cleared her throat, making way to sit on her husband's lap. "What do you have in mind, Henry? To go as far as drilling the dragonstone open?"
His eyes shone with wisdom. "Y'see, here I wrote how drinking water after soaking your dragonstone in it for three days made me feel not, like, rejuvenated, but reinvigorated? I felt like I could stay up for a week on end!" He puffed his chest, adjusting Nidra on his lap so he could go through the mountain of papers by his desk.
Nidra coughed awkwardly, remembering his, ah, vigor during that time. "I, uh, remember it well."
"Riiight?" He wriggled his eyebrows wickedly, stealing a kiss on her lips before continuing. "So when you showed me the dragonstone doing all that twinkly stuff, the power went FROM the core TO the edges through some sorts of veins, and it actually looked like liquid? Power in liquid form that evaporates into energy to help you transform? If that makes any sense," he scratched his head. "Sooooo, If I manage to drill a way towards the core -- I'm assuming that those ramifications aren't actually physical so I don't think I can drill THEM, but if they are, I would wanna try, of course -- and stop right at the, uh, cove? Where the core is stored? I'm sure the stone itself is like a carcass to hold the core in place so it might be inside a lil' round opening thiiiiis thin," he almost touched his index on his thumb, "that if I drill up till this cove and have you do this twinkly thing again, the core might expell the power directly into the water! THEN, I drink it!"
Blinking, Nidra simply placed both hands behind her husband's neck, processing everything he had said. "You thought this all up just now? On the go? I confess I... have no words to express my surprise."
"Welllll," he chuckled, placing his forehead on hers, "I actually thought of grinding the stone into powder and then mixing it into my tea to drink it once, so that's just a derivation of that theory.
"Don't drink stones! Grinded or not!" She reprimanded, though giggling.
"I'd swallow it whole if it would help me stay with you, Ni-Ni. I'm not stopping until I find a way to stay with you forever -- your forever, not mine." He said in a serious voice, digging his face into her neck. "I won't let you be alone anymore. It'll also be lonely to die first on my own." He pouted slightly, kissing her shimmering skin.
Nidra's eyes welled up with emotion, her hug faltering as her body trembled. "Oh, Henry. I love you so, so very much. T-thank you for... loving me back as intently." She whispered, more securely wrapping her arms around his neck. He reciprocated the hug, though mindful of her large stomach between them.
"I told you my feelings were heavy," he chuckled, trailing his kisses from her neck to her shoulder, enjoying how she trembled with such a slight touch.
"And I am so very glad they are," she closed her eyes to enjoy his caresses further, her love overflowing through her eyes.
The new year's festivities came and went, the half-dragon family celebrating it in their own way, amongst their close-knitted familial bonds.
With the passing of months, Lucina's birthday approached and, with it, so did Morgan's followed by Cynthia's, the most awaited one of all. As the festivities for the young crown princess came and went, Nidra's excitement to finally meet her baby girl reached its peak.
From morning to night she would caress her stomach and talk with her baby, most of the time alongside Henry who would glue his ear to her navel and try to discern the variety of sounds coming from inside.
"It's your Dad here, baby Cyn!" He would start every single time, "don't forget my voice after you come out of there, you hear? I wanna see your big, cute eyes look at me the first time I call your name!"
Nidra would laugh and pet her husband's head. "Babies cannot focus during the first months of life, Henry! She won't look AT you, but TOWARDS you."
"Mana-babies can't see from the crib, though? I remember reading about it 'cause they need to be able to discern stuff from early age and stuff," he would reply, receiving a flick on the forehead.
"They're half human as well -- indeed, the time they take to be able to focus is less than a full human does, but still more than a full manakete."
Henry smiled widely. "I don't care! I want you," he poked Nidra's stomach, feeling the baby move under his finger, "to answer me the moment you open your eyes, you hear? Dad's orders!" He giggled, dissolving into laughter as Nidra once again flicked his forehead.
As the big day approached, once again Nidra felt the urge to give birth inside the stream behind their house, but this time she only needed to hauled back home twice before being worn out -- perhaps, she thought foggily as she felt the pains of birth, I still need to have two more children to be able to fully stay inside and birth them properly.
Much like Meli, baby Cyn was larger than a normal human baby, but still smaller than what Nidra's body was built to deliver, so the birthing once again went on without any problems.
This time, however, Henry held onto Cyn after giving her her first bath and poked at her chubby cheeks, his eyes watery. It felt somehow different, to be the father of a little girl -- she looked so much smaller than their still infant son, and her tiny nails were so, so small and cute and-
"Hey there, Cyn! It's your Dad," he choked a sob as he poked her nose while she still wailed from being taken out of the womb.
But the moment she heard his voice, she stopped crying and gripped at is index with everything her little hand could. She still couldn't open her eyes, but the familiar voice made her somehow feel like she was still safe -- not in the womb, but in these very warm and welcoming arms.
"N-Ni-Niiii!" Henry sobbed, sitting beside his huffing wife. "She heard me, Ni-Ni! She-" he didn't feel the tears streaming down his face, dripping on Cyn's still wet cheeks.
Emotional, Nidra brought both hands to cover her face. "She's such a good, Daddy's girl! Oh, Henry!"
"Our baby -- our little girl...!" He stuttered, smiling widely. And now, with how fast his research progressed, he would make sure to watch over her until HER old age. For sure!
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ask-joeydrewstudios · 7 years
Henry's Unfortunate Ink-antation Part 6
[submitted by: @the-elusive-blue-skittle]
Day 2 
In the morning, the smell of coffee wakes Henry up from a nice, restful slumber. He sits up in bed and rubs his eyes, soon finding that Bendy had curled up next to him in his sleep. Henry shuffles out of bed, stumbling as he has to get used to his noodly legs all over again. Slugging over to the nightstand, he finds a note with his name on it next to an inkwell.
  To Henry…          In order to keep your strength up (you were melting when I found you in the music department last night…), you need to drink this. It may taste funny, but you can’t go on without drinking it forever.
Henry winces. He doesn’t want to drink it! God, it’s the most disgusting thing he’s ever heard of, and he HAS to do it. The little toon whines,
“I don’t wanna drink it…”
Bendy rolls over and opens an eye, muttering to Henry. “Quit whinin’ an’ just do it, ya big baby…”
Henry rolls his eyes and uncorks the bottle. Grimacing, he plugs his nose with one hand and chugs the black fluid. Once he’s finished, he coughs a small amount of the liquid up and into his hands. “Oh, gross!! So disgusting…”
There’s a mug of hot coffee also sitting on the nightstand, poured into Henry’s favorite mug, which is ironically labeled:
And if it’s in HENRY’S MUG, it must be for him. He picks it up and looks inside, tilting his head a little. Aren’t toons not allowed to drink coffee? He takes a sip…
Ew, decaf. Well, it’s better than nothing to get the taste of ink out of his mouth. The little toon wanders out into the rest of the studio, where people are waiting in line to punch in for the day. A few employees stop what they’re doing to gawk at Henry, and it makes him feel two inches tall…
Maybe in heels.
He gets nervous, legs quivering beneath him in a comical fashion. “Wh-What’re you all starin’ at me for?”
Oh, right. He’s a toon. Perhaps he’s getting a little TOO used to this. His co workers continue to stare at him, making the toon unbearably nervous.
“Hey, stop that, would’ja? Please? It’s not polite to stare!”
At Henry’s escalating frustration, the majority of employees quickly glance back to their work, though some of the older individuals still raise an eyebrow in confusion.
Henry pouts, waving them off. “Feh.. To heck with you all…”
Chugging the rest of his decaf coffee, the toon makes his way to the staff lounge to put his mug away. Before long, he fails to pay attention to his surroundings and proceeds to run straight into one of his co workers, knocking his glasses off his face in the process.
Uh-oh. He can’t see without his glasses. LITERALLY. Everything is black around him, unable to see who he ran into.
“Oh, my, Henry, I’m so sorry! Here, let me help you…”
“S-Susie? Is that you? I can’t see a thing!”
The blonde-haired woman notices Henry’s glasses on the floor in front of her. She helps the little toon to his feet, and carefully pushes his glasses onto his face with a smile.
“There. That better, sugar?”
“Yeah, much better… Thank you, Susie.”
“It’s no trouble! What happened, by the way? You, uh…”
Henry sighs. “Pranks happened.”
Susie snorts at how high-pitched and Bendy-like Henry’s voice had become. Though not quite on-par with how he usually MOCKS the little devil, the pitch is nearly a perfect match. She’d know about that kind of thing.
“Hey! What’cha laughing for?”
She waves him off. “Oh, n-nothing, I just- eheh- I was just thinking about somethING-”
Susie gets thrust into a full-blown laughing fit, though with no ill intent. “I’M SORRY, I CAN’T-”
Henry seems terribly confused. He’s gotten more into the mind of a toon, so when Susie started laughing at him without him having done anything funny, you can bet the little toon would be met with befuddlement.
“No, really, Susie, I don’t get what’s so funny!”
Susie wipes a tear out of her eye, going back to meeting her co worker’s gaze. “It’s just… Heehee… I’ve never heard that voice before! Are you doing that on purpose?” “No, I’m not doing it on purpose! It’s stuck like that!”
“Oh, Henry, you’re the second cutest thing I ever did see..” “What’s the first?” “Ah, well… I won’t say a word!”
Susie looks at the clock. It’s already eight-thirty!
“Oh, golly.. Look at the time! I’ll see you around, Henry. Take care, now!”
Susie wanders off, humming to herself as she goes to her own department for the day. Henry blinks.
“What just happened?”
Norman stands up in his projector booth, joyfully drumming his fingers to the beat of the band playing down below, when Sammy Lawrence bursts in and shouts,
The violins screech to a halt as the trombone honks pitifully.
The music director throws down his clipboard in a small fit of rage, stomping down the stairs to confront and conduct the band himself. If it can’t be done right…
Meanwhile, Henry’s having a chat with one of his co workers over a cup of decaf coffee. The toon is standing by the door, finding it too difficult to squirm up and onto one of the high-up chairs in the break room.
“And that’s when I said: ‘How are we gonna get that many cucumbers this late at night?!’ ”
The other man in the room, Shawn Flynn, laughs boisterously. “AHAHAHAH, AH WOW…  Henry, you are a RIOT!”
“Thank you kindly,” Henry replies with a smirk, adjusting his tie in a conceited fashion.
Just then…
SLAM. Sammy storms in the room with a bitter scowl, with Susie following close behind to try and talk some sense into him. Shawn stares at the door in disbelief as Sammy shouts at the top of his lungs about the clarinet players.
“Uh, Sammy-”
“Oh, for the love of.. WHAT, SHAWN, WHAT?!”
“Henry was behind the door you were slammin’!”
Sammy turns around to look at the entrance, where a half-splattered Henry peels himself off the wall and lands on his face on the hardwood floor. Susie gasps, and turns to Sammy with an intense stare.
“Sammy! Look what you did!” “But Susie, I-”
Susie approaches Henry with a panicked expression.
“Sugar, are you okay?!”
Henry, feeling the most nauseous he’s ever been, can’t seem to find the motor skills to open his mouth and speak, not to mention that his voice hasn’t exactly found its way back to his body. The toon nods, soon slapping a hand over his gooey mouth. He feels like he’s going to be sick.
Susie turns back to her partner. “Sammy, if you hadn’t been waltzing around and slamming doors, this wouldn’t’ve happened!”
“He had it coming to him!! Maybe he shouldn’t have been standing behind the door!”
“What if he was about to leave?!”
Henry stumbles to his feet with the help of Susie. The toon wobbles, holding a hand to his forehead as he adjusts his glasses with the other.
“Hooh, wow-wie… That’s less fun on this side of it…”
Just then…
SLAM! Bendy bursts in the room, frantically glancing around. “Where’s Henry?! Is he okay?!”
Shawn is trying his hardest not to bust out laughing. The door slowly swings shut, revealing a re-splattered Henry all over the wall.
The little devil panics and produces a giant spatula out of nowhere, proceeding to shove it underneath the splattered animator to pry him off the wall. After successfully peeling Henry off, Bendy carefully and fearfully coaxes Henry to reform.
“Aaaaalright, nice and easy.. Find yer face, pally….”
Henry slowly forms a body of pure black ink. He rises to… Whatever replaces his feet and stumbles. He can’t see a thing! The splattered toon tries to communicate this problem, though only soft squeaks and growls come out of his half-formed mouth. Henry almost immediately goes into panic mode, and Bendy has literal alarms going off inside his head.
“H-Henry, ya gotta calm down! Yer fine!”
The taller toon shakes what could be perceived as his head as he grasps at what could be perceived as his throat.
“Yer throat? No, no… Yer voice? That’s gotta be it! Henry, yer voice is gonna come back, don’t worry, but right now, ya gotta focus on the rest’a yaself!”
Henry gurgles and coughs, seeming to nod in understanding. Bendy goes back to gently coaxing the other to reform, small bits at a time.
After about half an hour, Henry is mostly reformed, but still fairly blackened and goopy. At least he’s got his face, body, and hands under control. His little friend carefully helps him stand up once more. The taller toon coughs hoarsely into his hands, threatening to keel over again. Bendy pats his back softly with a small smile.
“Easy now, pally… You got this..”
Henry shudders. Everything is cold, his inky hair won’t stay out of his face, and he can’t stop shaking. He glances down at Bendy for a moment before swiftly, though wobbily, scooping him up in a big hug. The little devil opens his mouth to tell him to put him down, but this time…
He doesn’t quite mind.
Bendy smiles big, wrapping his arms around his beloved animator in a tight squeeze.
“Eheeheehee… You’re welcome, Henry.”
((THANK YOU FOR ANOTHER PART, I’m sure people will appreciate this after all the Pain ‘round here lately. I mean this chapter’s a little sad too, but it’s got some cute in there still.))
part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | part seven
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