#i stg i have ptsd from that interview
softandwildx · 10 months
Hi peeps, I have an interview in a couple hours and I really desperately need to make an income again, so can y'all send your positive vibes and pray to any god you believe in that I do well in this interview? Or at least don't dive bomb as royally hard as I did in my last interview a few months ago 💜
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blackbird-brewster · 2 years
I'm going to make some predictions for Criminal Minds: Evolution. It is officially two months til the premiere and here's what I think we're going to get (lots of this will be based on that sneak peek interview):
UPDATED: 26/11 (Ep 1-2) GREEN is correct prediction. RED incorrect. (Subscript is comments)
Emily: She's section chief now. She has grey hair now and there is a 50/50 chance they will write a line that's like 'LOL Wow Prentiss, the job is so hard you went grey!' but also equal odds no one says ANYTHING about it. Emily gets the band back together and she's just a v good badass. I DO NOT for a second believe they're going to make Emily canonically queer. They're probably going to double down and give her a sex scene with some generic dude. But she'll be able to say 'FUCK' and that's great. I love that for her.
JJ: I STG if they give us some wild Willifer sex scene (I had to witness that innuendo and Emily saying people were getting laid so it counts!) ....dksjlahdlksahl. *CRINGE* Henry is *14* now, that's bananas y'all. He's in HIGH SCHOOL. Michael is also in school now?!?!?! HOW???? She'll talk about it but we may not even see her fam bc it's ten episodes and they only ever get brought out of the prop closest like once every three years. She and Will went to NOLA for a while then moved back to DC. She'll talk about how nice it was to be away for a bit but ultimately 'I missed the BAU because this is my family' bc we have seen time and time again how she makes excuses to be at work vs being with Will lmao
Tara: They're going to give Tara a love interest and I honestly doubt it's not gonna be a dude. She and JJ have teamed up to go over every single case request for however long and so there will be JARA, which is delicious. But again, I won't for a single second hold my breath thinking they're going to suddenly make an MC queer just because it's streaming or whatever. Being on network TV was never the issue, so I don't feel like streaming isn't going to flip a magical gay switch in the show runners.(SO FUCKING HAPPY I WAS WRONNNNGGGGG!!!!!) I think we'll get some good Tara storylines though which will be SO SO good because she is the perfect character!
Rossi: I think it's SO obvious they're going to kill his wife. Probably via the pandemic. Because this show is so obsessed with trauma porn. He's unit chief now which is funny considering how much he hated it when he was interim UC before Emily came back. But it's pretty on brand because none of the show runners have ever understood continuity, why start now? I think they're going to use his wife's death to fuel him being like “I know I'm old but I just need something to do and something to make me feel useful and this is all I know. So I'm back!"
Luke: Obviously Luke and Garcia went on a date, that's been confirmed. Again, I dunno if we'll get to see Garvez on screen. At least, not how we want! I think maybe they dated a bit and now that they're back, there will be a moment of adjustment to seeing each other and things being slightly awkward but then they'll go back to their banter and shit. I just don't think this show is going to actually give us an inter-team romance on screen. I will be SO happy if they do, but I'm not holding my breath
Garcia: Obvs what I said about Luke. I think Garcia will be the one that's hardest to convince to come back. She left because those last few seasons were SO hard on her. Like this ray of sunshine had SO much shit happen to her and I think she would very much be hesitant to come back. Someone, (Rossi) (should be Luke but probably will be like JJ) will convince her to come back because the team really needs her. There will be an emotional scene where she talks about her PTSD from the BAU but then she'll just be like 'yeah, okay I'm back'. Because this show never actually addresses trauma (CANNOT BELIEVE THEY TALKED ABOUT GOING TO THERAPY!?!? WHAT A CONCEPT!)
Place your bets guys, gals, nonbinary pals. WHATEVER we get in two months, will be a TRASH FIRE. I don't have any doubts about that part. I do not expect the reboot to be any better than the show, which is an absolute dumpster fire....but it's our dumpster fire. So here we are!
Also, you are allowed to have other opinions. This is mostly a post for me to write my thoughts so I can check back when the show airs to see if I was right or not. This is not an invitation for discourse, my nerds.
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Alright, since I can’t sleep and I’m bored, I’m going to list a few things that I hate about Tony Stark/RDJ, and his “fans”. If youre a Tony/RDJ fan pls ignore this.
Tony Stark made weapons for the military and only stopped because he was nearly killed and no
It wasn’t because he “felt bad” for those that were actually being harmed by the weapons. It was for his personal benefit
He constantly flirts with and messes with women while dating pepper
In the first IM movie, he made a transphobic joke and in an interview for his Sherlock movie, made a joke about cross-dressing
In AOU he made a rape joke, saying that if he ends up ruling Asgard, he’d reinstall pre minocta (or however you spell it)
He made Ultron, and before you start with the whole “B-b-but Wanda mind raped him!”
Firstly, wtf is mind rape? Really? For anyone who says mind rape y’all need therapy—maybe more so than Wanda
Anyways, he made Ultron and in civil war, had the A U D A C I T Y to say “we need to be put in place” as if it was the avenger’s fault that he created Ultron.
And him being the Rich white dude he was, he knew the accords wouldn’t effect him. He could still break the law without any consequences.
So he a brought a 15 year old child into battle with professionals, lied about his age, and didn’t even tell him the full reason of why he was fighting
Also? He thinks? Him and Steve? Were friends? Last I checked, they couldn’t stand each other, and had a hard time working together
So when he says “I wAs YoUr FrIeNd ToO” uh no. He’s known Bucky for 100 actual years. You guys have known each other for like 2, with 6 month breaks from working together
Homecoming, he completely neglects Peter and passes him off to happy, who ignores him as well
And then takes away the suit because Peter was trying to do his job.
You could give the excuse—“he sent government agents after the vulture!”
Yes. And toomes overpowered them by a lot so that didn’t do anything
Tony says he doesn’t want to end up like his father, but it just as emotionally distant as him
The endgame scene where he basically yells at Steve for “not being there” knowing full well that if Steve were to come out of hiding, he would’ve been arrested
Has a child five years later and then suddenly on tumblr, he’s “dad of the year” even tho he got like two scene with his kid...I mean...Stan Scott Lang
Him figuring out time travel makes no sense??
How’d he get pym particles of Hank kept his work secretive??
I’m telling you if Shuri hadn’t been dusted away, they wouldn’t have needed tony I stg
Fast forward and now he’s dead, and lemme tell you—it took EVERYTHING not to laugh at their faces.
Scott, Hank, Janet, Hope, Wanda, and Bucky, to be specific.
I mean
They didn’t even wanna be there lmao
Ok, now that that’s done with, let’s move onto RDJ
I really never liked him as an actor because he has limited range when it comes to characters
By which I mean all of his characters are cocky, smart, “handsome”, and “funny”
They aren’t, but k
But now that he defended Crisp ratt for being a T*umpet supporter and a homophobe, I hate him even more now
And it’s not even because he’s standing up for ratt
It’s because he never showed this type of compassion when his female and cast mates of color were being attacked for their roles
Brie Larson got rape and death threats for being captain marvel, and only wanting more diversity/better pay for herself
Zendaya got hate because she was the first black MJ
Ratt got hate because he attended a homophobic church that supported conversion therapy
Guess which one RDJ defended?
And not only that but he’s just a really unfunny person. He’s basically Tony Stark and not in a good way
Though there isn’t a good way to be Tony Stark in the first place
NOW onto my favorite part
RDJ/Tony stocks fan club
Or “defense squad” as they call themselves, as if tonky doesn’t have enough defense already, with his suits and all
His fans ignore every flaw about his character and the actor himself
They constantly say how he’s a father figure to Peter, Shuri, nebula, Harley, when really...no
Peter has a father figure—Ben Parker
Shuri already had a father
Nebula didn’t have a good father, but in no means did they interact more than the beginning of endgame
He literally called Harley a p*say for MOURNING OVER HIS ABSENT FATHER
like haha ok Stark you can’t talk
Just because you have your own sob story doesn’t mean you can project that onto others to silence THEIR trauma
And that’s another thing—
His fans claim to say that he “portrays ptsd” more than any other avenger accurately
A C C U R A T E L Y???
Wanda and Pietro?
Peter Parker?
Literally anyone else but him???
What angers me the most, however, is that people will go as far as to say that Wanda is a nazi b*tch, but...
Not her brother
And I’m being dead serious—no post about “anti-maximoff” ever mentions pietro
Only wanda, as if she were an only child
Well now she is but that wasn’t the point
Their internal mysoginy hurts me both physically and mentally
I’m sorry I made it so long, but if you’d like proof of any of the points I’ve made, I’ll be happy to provide them (;
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sol1056 · 6 years
several anons on lotor
here we go, rounded up into one that pretty much captured a dozen asks in one neat package:
I think what bothers me most about Lotor is that they marketed him AS abuse and biracial rep in interviews and stuff, and then they did That to him, and never provided an abused character to contrast so the message we get is that Abused People Will Become Abusers. Plus they said they'd analyze the biracial thing and then they made it Like That.
If you don’t want to accidentally convey a negative message, you need more diversity, not less. Don’t want to imply women of color are racist? Have more than one woman of color --- or don’t make her the only one making those statements. Don’t want to say all disabled people are useless without adaptive devices? Have more than one disabled character. Don’t mean to imply all wlw characters are evil psychopaths who die horribly? Have more than one queer couple.
And if you don’t want to send the message that growing up with abusive parents dooms you to turn out just like them, then for heaven’s sake, you must find a way to have more than adult child of abuse in the story.
VLD has struggled from the beginning with juggling the cast it does have, and has never quite known how to fold in more characters. It’s not just wasted opportunity with secondary or tertiary voices (ie Kolivan, Olia, Slav, etc); it also makes for a very sparse cast without a lot of room for echoes.
The one area it managed to show multiple characters of one ‘type’ was mixed-race (and stg ppl please stop using the term half-breed; it’s offensive as hell). We know at minimum this group included Lotor, the four generals, and Keith; if we count Regris and Antok, being mixed-race in VLD gives you a 25% chance of survival. Those aren’t great odds, and that’s before we get into the ethically questionable issue of a mixed-race child having to ‘choose’ between one parent’s evil!race vs the other parent’s, uh, not-so-evil race. 
(Ugh. My head hurts.)
Any other type, we’ve only gotten one each that’s even remotely sympathetic. One woman of color, one from an abusive family, one orphan, one implied genderfluid of some degree, one character with extreme anxiety, one with PTSD, one disabled, one queer. The sparse cast means any attempt to ‘provide rep’ meant someone would be overloaded --- note that those last three are all in one character --- and the remainder would each be the sole representation. 
There is no way to not end up boxing yourself into a corner, to be honest. If you try and put any of those categories on a villain, you’ve effectively just tied categories --- most of which come as villain-coded already --- to Being Bad. If that’s the route, then spare me. That kind of representation is not actually an improvement over none at all. 
As for race, I’ve said this before at greater length, so here I’ll just say: VLD has all the markings of what passes for ‘an interrogation of race’ by people who’ve always been privileged enough to only ever treat the topic academically. It’s not personal, which means it can be treated lightly and dismissed without second thought. 
Which honestly could be said of just about any representation in VLD: it’s all treated lightly and dismissed without second thought. Race, ethnicity, familial abuse, child abandonment, sexuality, disability, even the concept of found family that’s sometimes the only family some of us can ever have: it’s all purely academic in VLD, good for doing a victory lap and never considered in any greater depth.  
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