#i still don't know what's on top of her hat bc it's cut off on her mugshot. leaves? feathers? idk
webslingingslasher · 11 months
heyyy I was just wondering WHAT THE HELL DO YOU PUT IN THIS FRAT!PETER FICS BC I CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT TROUBLE AND PETER! I just melt for them together😭😩❤️
I swear when I'm about to fall sleep he just pops into my head and HAVE to grab my phone to reread some of them. Your writing is just soooo god and I wanted to thank you for creating such a work of art🥵🥵🥵
Also I can't stop thinking about frat!peter being jealous like finding a guy talking who hooked up with trouble and overthinking how different they are from each other? and if the ex fling keeps trying to talk with trouble in a friendly way, he would play it cool? i feel like he would look at them talking and he knows about what happen between them but is kinda nervous? idk
first, peter and trouble are crack. second, thank you very much for enjoying!!!
peter knows what it looks like to awkwardly chat with an old hookup, he’s done it more than a few times. so, when he watches your eyes dance around the room while you politely laugh in response to the guy in front of you, he just knows.
he’s taller than peter, and he’s not one to be self conscious about his height, but he might now. and he’s got bigger biceps, peter’s spider-man and doesn’t have the build this guy does.
and he’s got nice hair. really nice hair. the kind of hair he knows you love. it’s like peters, but longer and a bit more curly. peter pats the hair on the back of his neck, he’s been growing it a little longer, but apparently not enough.
in a desperate attempt to keep your attention on him tonight, he takes his hat off to throw it on top of the fridge. you always beg him to take it off, it’ll work. he’s sure of it.
it doesn’t. you’re unable to stand still, if he was projecting, he’d say you went from awkward to uncomfortable. peter’s not going to be the guy to barge in, but he takes a step forward, just in case.
it’s like you can feel him, your eyes shoot to his across the room. no words are said or mouthed, but your eyes said enough. ‘help.’ its all he needs.
peter cuts the guy right off, slinging an arm low around your waist. a kiss to your temple, ‘hi, trouble.’ you relax into his touch, you hold on tight to his arm. ‘have you met tanner?’
he hasn’t, and he really doesn’t care to. it looks like tanner doesn’t either, they’re both sizing each other up. peter’s putting on a brave face, but he knows tanner's thinking he’s no competition, and peter can’t help but feel the same.
still, he throws a hand out. ‘sup, man. i’m parker.’ tanner shakes it, ‘sup.’ peter holds his hand a bit too tight, he’s trying to subtly prove that even if he was smaller, he could kick his ass if needed.
tanner asked peter how he knew you, he had to bite his tongue on the disrespect. he knew exactly how peter knew you, his possessive hold tells it all. ‘i’m her boyfriend.’
you dig your nails into his arm, you were caught off guard with the statement. he said it like it was obvious, tanner smirked. ‘ah, lucky man.’ peter really doesn’t like his face.
‘yup. sure am.’ you nudge back against him, peter takes it as a hint to get out of there. he couldn’t agree more. ‘wanna get a drink?’ you nod quick, 'yes, please.'
your 'boyfriend' made a small show of spinning you in his hold, you laughed at the twirl and balanced yourself on his shoulders. 'nice seeing you again,' you forgot who you were with for a second.
'you too, tanner! have a good night.' peter nudged your lower back to get you walking, you didn't make it four steps until you were pulled in for a bruising kiss. every thought melted away, there was only one person on your mind.
'peter,' it puffed out, just like your lips.
'trouble,' he said it like a greeting. you shook your head, leaning in for another, you were lucky tonight, he supplied.
'thanks, boyfriend.'
'that was a typo.'
you scoff. 'no it wasn't, that was you acting like you have one foot up so you don't feel as threatened.'
the choice of words make his skin crawl. peter knows it's not exclusive, exclusive. but he at least thought you both were on a similar page, one that didn't include saying 'so you don't feel as threatened.'
'what the fuck is that supposed to mean, trouble? so i don't feel as threatened? i was doing you a favor, but feel free to go entertain whoever you want, i'll do the same.'
peter's sudden aggression had your head spinning, you tried to grab onto his arm before he left you entirely. 'did i say the wrong thing? i didn't mean to say the wrong thing!'
'i didn't feel threatened until you said i should be. i just really don't like being reminded that i'm a choice you can change your mind on at any time, it's not a good feeling.'
sometimes when he says something to that effect, you want to tell him he could do something about it. sometimes, you let it go and remind him you're not looking for anyone else, if you were, you would've stopped putting up with his shit ages ago.
this is one of the times you put his fears at bay.
'look, peter, that guy, tanner? he's all talk, he seems like some cool guy but he really kind of sucks. in the least commitive way possible, boyfriend, there are no threats.'
'you keep talking about threats.'
'cause you have none!' you exhale deeply, 'i don't like anyone else, okay? and talking to other guys makes me wanna bash my head into a brick wall.'
'you talking to other guys also makes me want to bash my head into a brick wall.'
you grin and smooth out a wrinkle on peter's shirt. 'good, we're on the same page, then.'
peter throws an arm around your shoulder while he guides you to the kitchen.
'i'll deny it if you say anything, but i quite like reading at the same pace as you, trouble.'
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michibap · 2 months
also sorry for the spam but schlatt ruffling hockey readers shaggy hair when ur finally being nice 🤧 schlatt making sure to kiss all ur cuts and bruises from hockey 🤧 schlatt who traces your cut and cracked knuckles from the cold and scolds u to make sure u wear more lotion,,,,,,, u r changing my brain chemistry idk sorry
malewife schlatt truthers rise up ✊🏻
-everyone knows that the main appeal of hockey players is the shaggy hair
-and what is jschlatt if not part of a statistic??
-he's taking any chance he gets to bury a hand in your hair
-you're standing still in his general vicinity for too long? he's twirling a strand around his finger
-taking off a hat? he's fixing ur hair for u
-resting your head on his shoulder? he's petting ur hair
-fresh out of the shower, exhausted after a game or practice? if your hair is short enough, he's running his fingers thru it | if it's longer, he's more than happy to have you sit on the ground between his legs so he can brush it for you
-waking up after falling asleep in yet another strange position? he's licking his palm and trying to flatten your hair back into place, obnoxiously laughing as you yell and try to keep him away
-doesn't even give a fuck if you're all sweaty and gross and stinky after practice, he'll just wipe his hands off on you or his pants
-schlatt cooing at you all sweet as he smooches any new bruises he finds, only to jam a finger into them a few minutes later when u do sth to piss him off
-laying in bed with him and he's trying to feel u up, but stops when he feels a long scar on your torso
he's like "What the fuck??" sitting up and yanking up ur shirt to see it, "Where the fuck 'd you get that?"
you laugh tell him about the time some bitch tried to gut you on the ice after sharpening her skates,
"I honestly don't even remember what I said to piss her off that bad" you chuckle like you're reciting some fond memory
but he is Not laughing,
"You realize this woman made an attempt on your life?"
you shrug, "Must've been a fuckin good chirp."
-schlatt who knows you're a little forgetful after getting your poor little brain rattled so often
-he slowly accumulates a small collection of Things he carries around for you bc you forget them so often
-hairties, lotion, gum, water, protein bars, the whole nine yards
-though he's not sure why he bothers bringing you your own water, especially considering that you go out of your way to drink out of his bottle
-if he's at your practice, you'll literally come off the ice to drink His water during your breaks, even though he knows damn well that he threw one in your bag for you before you left,
"You fucking have your own!" he basically whines (but would never admit it) as he tries to take back the bottle you literally just snatched out of his hands
watches helplessly as you drink most of it before unscrewing the top and dump the rest on your head,
-for no reason other than just to be a dick
you hand it back to him with a cocky grin, "Yours just tastes better," you pant, before leaning down to give him a placating kiss on the cheek, "Y' should take it as a compliment, sweetheart."
-he rolls his eyes, but still gets up to refill it at the water station for the next time you come over
-the skin of your hands getting so dry that they crack and start bleeding
-and you just???? don't seem phased??
-he's not sure if you don't notice or don't care
-but it's lowkey grossing him out
-and he knows either way he's gonna have to be the one to do it
-grumbling to himself as he forcefully grabs your hands, pulling them to him so he can gently apply ointment to the cracks and massage lotion into the rest of your hands
-you sigh, watching as hands work over yours, enjoying yourself as he firmly massages your palm
"Fuck, you're really good at this."
he looks up at you with a grin and a raised brow,
"Keep it in your pants," he simpers
"Is this why your hands are so soft?" you ask with an innocent cock of your head
-and he's scowling as he's roughly putting your hands down before gets up and walks away, "Fuck off."
-he likes to make sure you're eating good when you're home, but he can't do much more than pray when you're off at an away game
-returning to your feral ways without him keeping an eye on your protein intake and nutrients or whateva
-daily conversations go sth like this:
smartfella 🤓: what have u eaten today?
fartsmella 🍖: slimjim
smartfella 🤓: gross???
smartfella 🤓: is that it?
smartfella 🤓: it's 8pm
smartfella 🤓: you're actually going to die an early death
smartfella 🤓: do you even know what animal thats made of?
fartsmella 🍖: slimjikm
-the rest of the team likes to flirt with him just to get under your skin and rile u up
-your eye twitching when you hear him all "omggg guys stoppp", definitely gloating with all the attention
-him laughing with your teammates as you drag him out of the rink, and he's still a little smug when he sees the way your jaw is clenching and you've gone rigid, grip on his wrist gradually growing tighter
"Aww, is someone jealous?"
-you don't even dignify him with a response
-knows he's in for it when you're too pissed to even shoot back some witty response
-ain't shit funny when he pulls up to your next practice with his hoodie pulled up, still unable to cover the way you fucking marred him, a few bruises and a couple of tasteful bite marks still visible despite his efforts to cover up
-flushing bright red when he hears your teammates wolf whistling at him
-"What'd you try to fucking eat 'im?" one of your teammates laughs as she skates up to you
-you only shake your head and laugh, looking incredibly satisfied with yourself
this is all i've got for now, but i think i'm gonna flesh some of these out a little more eventually
so ty dearest anon for the request
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lightprkdraws · 1 year
How about talking about Valentine?
Okok I can do that! She started off as an OC-insert (not really a self insert) for the world of Shiki, although nowadays I prefer to think of her in my own universe.
Valentine is a vampire, she feeds from humans and she doesn't really feel bad about it. She's outgoing and playful, but she's also harsh and guarded, but she doesn't really show those parts of her. She travels from one place to another so that her immortality won't be discovered by humans. Also, she has seen at some point someone close to her die, and she was unable to protect them. Because of the frequent travelling, and the fact that she hasn't found any immortal companions to travel with for long periods of time, she is actually quite lonely. That is until she coincidentally meets Maira! I won't go into detail about Maira here, but she's a ghost, and Valentine becomes her protector/mentor. She appreciates having her company, and she likes being relied on. She also becomes fond of Maira after a while of the two travelling together.
She's probably from France, because I remember looking up french names for her. I don't know how I landed on Valentine, but I had gone through at least one other name before it.
I can't rememeber what time period she lived in exactly, possibly the 16th or 17th century. (Because I was copying Shiki) she had died after a vampire drank from her, possibly in the span of several days, and her death was considered a tragic death due to illness. I haven't really thought of her personality before she was turned, although I image it couldn't have been completely different to her post-death one.
She doesn't age, she's immortal to some forms of death, although fire and a steak through the heart will work. She can mesmerise people in order to be able to drink from them, and she can control their actions after she has drank from them (again, bc I was copying Shiki XD). I don't think she's particularly strong, but maybe only a bit more than average?
I want to say that she can die from exposure to sunlight, but in the past I've been inconsistent with that... Maybe there are methods through modern medicine that allow her to be able to go in the sun for brief periods of time? Either way, she doesn't go out in the sun much, and if she does, she tries to cover up as much as possible. This is where big fancy hats come in handy!
She was from wealthy family, so she is used to luxury. She likes over the top expensive outfits and she keeps up with fashion trends. She's pretty vain tbh. Despite being completely cut-off from her family after her death & revival, she's still rich because vampire (don't think about it XD)
I haven't made a playlist for her, but her vibes would probably something like Hiasobi and Watashi no Koi wa Hellfire, although I also like a more gothic theme for her as well, like Illuminati.
She's honestly not an original concept for a character but... Idk, I still have a soft spot for her. And I do like to think of her as a complicated character who has multiple sides to her.
AND FINALLY, here's an old sketch of Valentine with Maira <3
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birthclod · 4 years
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i figured out how to draw lady d 🍰💀
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volfoss · 3 years
part 5 characters ranked on how safe their outfits are for cooking
i blame only chris for this and our horrible little hells kitchen au, under the cut bc its a ton of characters
Giorno- no hair net, minus the boob window, his outfit is fairly compliant with standards and safe. i think his hair probably causes the biggest fuss.
Bruno- again, no hair net and boob window, i feel like all of his zipper details could also be a problem with how large they are.
Leone- this man is not remotely wearing a shirt he is just wearing a coat and not one that would be protective in the slightest, the amount of jewelry (belt buckle being very big) would not help, as well as his coat being loose towards the bottom.
Guido- is actually wearing a hair covering, unfortunately the whole crop top is a pretty big con, other than that, it seems relatively close to standards. he also has boots that could potentially have reinforced toes, although they don't necessarily fit the norm of what boots seem to be used in restaurants.
Narancia- his hair being so loose definitely doesn't help but neither does his skirt or jewelry. at least his shoes seem somewhat safe?
Pannacotta- his hair being down and wearing a suit with SO many holes cannot be safe in terms of oil splashes and his tie could easily get caught on things. his shoes arent necessarily unsafe but the biggest gripe is definitely how holey his outfit is.
Trish-her first manga outfit is relatively ok in terms of top coverage but the skirt being so short would be really bad for spills. as for her anime/second manga outfit, there is NOTHING safe about this other than maybe the boots, but the skirt and top show so much skin and her hair is a bit more loose here.
Diavolo- this man is violating everything, his hair is fully down, his entire torso is exposed, his weird little tail things are not remotely safe, he is just asking to get injured from spills.
Doppio- his hair is mildly pulled back which is progress from diavolo's look, and his shirt minus the small window and cropped vibes would be relatively ok coverage wise. his boots seem to go up bit higher on his leg than diavolo's does, so seems a bit safer.
Cioccolata- i think genuinely if his hair was in a net and he wasn't stomach exposed/long coat, he would be the best suited for this. hes wearing a full pair of pants, boots, and his shirt is high collar.
Secco- TECHNICALLY he has something that resembles both a mask, gloves and hat with oasis, and minus that tiny gap of flesh, is fully covered. unsure how easy this would be to get stains out of but seems safeish.
Squalo- big points off for his sandals, thats not safe, as well as his shirt being sleeveless and what looks to be bracelets. he does have gloves and pants and an intact shirt which is more than what i could say for a lot of them. his hair is somewhat pulled back but not fully.
Tiziano- again, sandals, but tiz also has his hair fully down which arent great things for safety. he at least has one short sleeve but it doesnt seem terribly safe.
Carne- quite honestly, carne seems dressed relatively ok for this, if you just look at the areas covered and not how the clothing fits. he has gloves and seems to wear somewhat good shoes for this, although it looks like his pants go over them somehow? which seems like a choice.
Luca- minus how low cut his shirt is and his somewhat loose shirt, hes dressed ok? his pants look normal and his shoes look like theyre safe. he does need smth covering his hair but still.
Polpo- he does have a hair covering despite it being relatively unconventional, he's wearing boots and seemingly normal pants, his shirt is full cover but the little belt thing on his wrists doesnt seem too good in terms of germs spreading
Zucchero- i dont know what is up with the part 5 characters wearing boots and pants as one single item, but he also is. minus the spikes, i would think his outfit would be relatively safe. his hair is pulled back which i think is the better than loose.
Sale- this guy really didn't wanna wear something safe, as there's just a lot of skin showing and he has bracelets, his shoes don't look necessarily the most comfortable or practical, and his hair is in his face.
Risotto- hair covering but not covering all of it and at the cost of his tits fully out. his shoes and pants look practical enough but i think that the bells on his hat could definitely be a hazard.
Formaggio- manga formaggio is a million little hazards with his shirt, but anime formaggio has a tiny bit less danger. the crop top is still not super safe either. the cuff/bracelet things cant be super sanitary and his shoes do not look the most practical.
Illuso- this man has the most flammable looking shirt, but outside of that, his hair is practically down, and his stomach is fully out, so thats absolutely horrible for spills.
Prosciutto- at least his hair is pulled back, if his shirt was actually pulled together and he didnt have this MASSIVE necklace, it would probably be the closest to good in terms of how it fits him.
Pesci- his arms being fully out and having the cuffs/bracelets that SO many part 5 characters have isnt great. the bodysuit/boot combo is certainly an option but hes mostly covered. the coat being loose also doesnt seem super safe.
Melone- the only good thing for him is his gloves, which even then don't seem great. his hair is fully down, his outfit is showing a fair bit of skin and just doesnt seem suited to the kitchen
Ghiaccio- minus his glove problem, his outfit is SO good for the kitchen, hes mainly covered and has somewhat comfortable shoes.
Sorbet- manga sorbet has his shirt fully buttoned up and seems to (from what we can see) have a button up shirt which is relatively good. anime sorbet (at least looking at the reference sheet) is dressed normally and honestly seems relatively safe.
Gelato- manga and anime gelato wears actually the most kitchen worthy outfit, its very plain but resembles a lot of the normal chef's outfit, silhoette wise.
Scolippi- all of the metal tags on his shirt are SO unsafe and his hair is loose, as well as his shoulders being exposed. the shoes look very uncomfortable and his shirt is somewhat lowcut, so not super safe.
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exyjunkies · 6 years
Prompt for andreil...bc I don't feel like we talk enough about andrew self-harm past, what about he does it again and neil finds out
 valid sentiment. as much as this is uncomfortable to write, i’ll do the best i can.
trigger warning: self-harm, blood, blades, and alcohol
*under the cut for those who’d rather do without reading this*
It was a quarter past seven in the evening, and Andrew felt like he could stay here forever.
Their bathroom floor has never felt this inviting, this… accepting. Andrew ran his hands all over the tiles, feeling the cold of it reach his fingertips and go all the way up to his wrist.
Never mind the trail of blood that he spilled across one of the tiles. If anything, the dark red actually made the surface a lot brighter. The world was spinning too much for any of it to look bad. He made a mental note to thank his second whiskey bottle, a quarter of it already circulating in his system.
Whatever. It didn’t matter.
None of it did.
“Hey, you’ll never believe what I just saw in the hallway,” Neil’s voice came from outside, and Andrew heard the faint opening and closing of the door. The clink of Neil’s keys against the bowl on the table.
Shaking a little, Andrew put a finger to his mouth and shushed himself. The shaking came from his held-in laughter, not from fear.
If you keep really quiet, he won’t hear you.
“Andrew?” Neil’s voice sounded curious, unaware. Andrew heard a glass being set down on the counter, a liquid (maybe some fruit juice) being poured into it. “Are you home?”
Looking up at the ceiling, Andrew was thankful that he remembered to turn off the faucet. His knives, piled on top of one another, were in the sink.
“Eh. Maybe he isn’t.” 
Neil still had that habit of talking to himself. He thought no one knew, but Andrew did. Some of the other Foxes did. And it was something that no one wanted Neil to change about himself.
“Neil, you wonderful, wonderful man,” Andrew muttered to himself, inhaling a bit.
Briefly, Andrew wondered what excuse he’ll be able to come up with, on the off-chance that Neil does come across him like this - slumped against one corner of their bathroom, one bleeding wrist on top of his stomach, and the other slowly releasing blood onto the tile beside him. The empty whiskey bottle sat at the edge of his right foot, while the second, still mostly full, was beside the tissue box by the toilet. 
It had been a textbook breakdown. Andrew knew all the stops. The clock had said 5:32 PM, and his mind had screamed fuck it, fuck everything. Only this time Andrew had decided to skip the cry-for-help part. Even the having-second-thoughts bit. He had gone straight into the downfall of the curve.
Life had seemed more exciting that way.
“Alright, so after a bit, I’ll watch that tape Kevin asked me to…”
The hurt wasn’t extremely unbearable. At least not the whole time. No, what Andrew was experiencing right now was more of a rank five thrumming along his cuts, an ache in the back of his neck, and a dryness in his throat from all the whiskey. Enough for him to be informed that he was still conscious.
Enough for him to know that this attempt hadn’t worked.
Yet another failure to add to the pile.
He thought about where he’d try again next. Their apartment bathroom wasn’t the wisest decision, but he knew he was smart enough to keep Neil out. He won’t need to use the bathroom for another hour at least, and that was enough time to get himself together and pretend that nothing had happened. He’s done it before, and Nicky was dense enough that he bought it. 
And Neil will have to listen to some lie later on, too. Andrew just… took particularly long on the toilet. Had some bad clams for lunch. That’s all.
Andrew heard the front door being opened, and a soft mumble of voices. He could only make out Neil’s voice, polite as always.
“Oh, no, thank you Mrs. Whitley. I couldn’t possibly– oh, wow, okay, that is a lot of casserole. Well, if you insist… Okay, thank you again. Bye.”
The apartment complex they lived in was still relatively spacey, save for them, Mrs. Whitley, and the guy with all the tattoos. He was always oddly suspicious to Neil, even if Andrew has seen him a couple times cooing at the birds by the window near the fire escape. He really wasn’t much of a problem.
Mrs. Whitley, a homely 65 year-old with white curls and a hat for each day, always made it a point to stop by and ask how the both of them were doing. At first, Andrew had one-word responses and a grunt for everything she said, but she’s gotten close enough to get a full sentence out now and then. He had Neil’s look of amusement memorized, the one that came every single time Mrs. Whitley would take his hand in hers and reminisce about his grandson that looked just like him.
As much as he hated to admit it, Andrew was going to miss the old lady.
“And then maybe you and King can sleep with us on the bed. Only if the both of you behave. How about tha– hey, why is this locked– Andrew?”
Oh shit. Andrew hadn’t heard Neil walk near the bathroom door. It was probably the damn carpet.
“Andrew? You in here?”
Think, Minyard, think. He stayed completely quiet and completely still.
Which… probably wasn’t the correct course of action.
“Alright, I’m coming in,” Neil went, then Andrew heard a few footsteps. “Oh, God, this is gonna bruise tomorrow.”
Unexpectedly, Neil went up against the bathroom door with his entire body, and Andrew straightened up a bit as the entire door quivered. He wasn’t ready. There was still so much fucking blood–
Neil got in after three more body slams, the door swinging open. “Andrew, what in–”
Weakly, Andrew lifted a few fingers off his stomach. He even had enough in him to smile a little.
It was sick of him.
“Hiya, Josten.”
Neil’s face showed all kinds of emotions as he swiftly went to Andrew’s side. He began to hyperventilate as he put a hand against Andrew’s arm.
“Oh– oh my– fuck, Andrew, what the hell– I’m gonna… gonna call for some help, yeah? You’re– you’re gonna be okay– oh God–” His eyes kept surveying the blood, and the scene all around him. “Oh my God.”
Andrew didn’t like the look on Neil’s face. That had to go away.
“No, Neil, listen,” Andrew mumbled, putting a hand over Neil’s. “I’m gonna… take a few words from your dictionary, okay? Listen: I’m fine.”
“No, you fucking aren’t,” Neil’s eyes were wide with worry. “Fuck, I should’ve– I should’ve gotten home sooner. Andrew, I’m so sorry. I–”
He couldn’t understand why Neil was being the way he was. “Neil, this was all me.”
“And I wasn’t there.”
The insistence in Neil’s voice startled something up Andrew’s spine. Before Andrew could reply, the dial tone in Neil’s phone ended, and a voice inquired about how they can help. Neil rattled off their address and “There’s a lot of blood, please, hurry,” before hanging up.
Neil looked Andrew in the face. “I wasn’t there, and you needed someone, and– God, I don’t even know how long this has been going on. I’m such an idiot.”
Andrew said nothing, because he didn’t think he could say anything more. The blood loss was making him a little woozy.
After a shaky exhale, Neil stood up and took the bottle of whiskey off the toilet, along with a roll of toilet paper. He went to the sink, got the knives, and ran the faucet over them.
“I didn’t know how to tell you.” It was all Andrew had at the moment, and he didn’t know if it would be enough.
“Well, then you still tell me.” Neil’s voice was rough. He let the knives clatter to the side of the sink, and he sat back down beside Andrew. After some hesitance, Andrew nodded at Neil’s silent offer of cleaning him up with toilet paper.
“What if you aren’t here–”
“You still tell me. It doesn’t matter how hard it is or if there’s no right way. I need to know.”
Nodding, Andrew closed his eyes, and felt wet toilet paper dab on one of his arms. It stung, but he felt a lot better than he had a few hours ago.
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wri0thesley · 7 years
> So... your askbox is always open, yes? I just... look. I loved P3. And I've just been thinking a lot about a chivalrous mom friend that joins the crew and just... takes care of these dorks. Like Kakyoin was going crazy over that evol baby? Someone please put an arm and hold this boy and listen to him for a bit even if you don't believe him but make him cALM. Or Polnareff and his brash attitude? Tell him you care for his well being and show him how to keep your cool. Jotaro and his awkwar
“-awkward self? Gently nudge him to get out with y'all and buy him nice food and enjoy the quiet and your surroundings. Talk with Avdol and his homeland and his language and just - more Avdol??? idk?? Avdol is so cool. Joseph seems like that cool gramps that has a lot of wisdom but can be a perv but he’s ok and you actually have a lot of comic talk and his adventures and– story-teller, this dude. But really let me have a polite frend in that crew that puts themselves in front of dangerfor these dudes because they have a stand that protecs, they want to protec, and they believe they’ll be ok in the end - and even if they don’t get out of this - they can pave way for these guys and save someone - Holly, an innocent bystander - and know they did the right thing. Lemme have a pal that bursts into singing and fencing matches with Pol Pol, or someone who teaches Kak too about other cultures and languages - actually just lemme have this calm, motherly pal to go along with them.   and I ranted a lot and Idk what I was asking for in the first place. maybe just. protector frend in the crew…? and maybe hcs of who falls for ‘em or becomes besties??? idk man. i just want to protect the whole crew and let them have a bright future and happines. oh. and Iggy. let them have the doggo nap on their lap, bond with them through trial and error, defeating enemies. … phew. lot of ranting. i just want some slow burn ok. srry but ur a cool approachable person so i ranted 
MOM FRIEND HEADCANONS BENEATH THE CUT!!! (also i’ve been saving this ask bc i knew i’d have fun writing it, i love you friend!!!
(First Impressions)
Jotaro has a mother, and despite outward appearances he’s very fond of her. It will take him a little while to warm up to anyone who reminds him of her; he’s on this mission for her sake, so liking somebody so much like her will make his heart ache. What if it feels like he’s replacing her? On top of that, he ordinarily can’t stand being fussed over. Kakyoin is drawn to people who make others smile, and that’s one thing that this particular friend is good at. He feels warmed by their easy nature, but still, frightened. He has seen first-hand what DIO can do, and he fears that their friendly nature will put them at a disadvantage when it comes to battle.Joseph likes that this friend of Jotaro’s is polite and well-mannered, that they speak to him with a respect that he deserves! Jotaro gets a lot of pointed looks and comments about kids these days. The ways in which the friend reminds him of Holly are numerous, but unlike Jotaro these just bestir Joseph to want to take care of them and make sure they’re safe. Avdol’s profession means he reads people well; if their stand doesn’t tip him off that they’re a protector, the aura around them will. He’s calm and collected and, as one of the more serious and pragmatic of the crew, is glad to have them around because a healer will be useful. Polnareff starts off with flirting because that’s what he’s used to doing; but, spending time with them and realizing that they genuinely care about what they’re doing and believe in the SDC as a whole will make affection swell up in him. He’s on this mission for his sister - everyone but the motherly friend is here for someone, and Polnareff respects that 
(On the Road)- MomFriend (hereby referred to as m/f) notices that Jotaro is awkward around other people, that he hides his eyes behind his hat and seems at a loss for what to do when not fighting. It’s m/f who slides in beside him; after ascertaining that he does not do small talk, they walk in companionable silence and Jotaro is glad for the company. As time wears on, they make sure to include him when the group is bantering, to pull him along when they go out for food - Jotaro rolls his eyes and yare yare dazes, but he’s glad to be involved. When m/f holds up the camera to take a Polaroid of all of the boys together, he’s glad that in ten years he can look back on his memories with a smile. - In the case of ‘BABY STAND’, m/f is outnumbered when they try to convince people to at least listen to Kakyoin and try and figure out what he’s trying to say - it’s they who sit with him and apologize for the rash decision, and Kakyoin is comforted that even though m/f clearly doesn’t believe him, they’re willing to try. They smile and clap their hands in delight when he drops out a new piece of cultural information, and Kakyoin finds himself driven with desire to tell them more - when they match with facts of their own that Kakyoin didn’t know, he’s delighted. He wants to talk with them forever and work out all of their secrets. He’s never had friends before, but now he has a group of them, and he can’t remember a time in his life he’s ever felt less lonely. - Joseph loves to tell stories about his past; sometimes they are deeply boring ones about real estate, but sometimes they are genuinely interesting ones about the time he defeated a group of Aztec Gods or the time he saved himself and his rich uncle from plane hijackers - Jotaro has heard the stories before, a million times, but m/f is fascinated and Joseph is glad for the rapt attention. Yes, he has a tendency to flirt - with winks and risque jokes - but he’s doing it for the blush on m/f’s face and not for any real interest in betraying Suzie, and m/f can tell. They sometimes even flirt back just to see Joseph’s face, much to Jotaro’s abject horror. - Avdol is the quietest on the trip, preferring to speak only when necessary - m/f, when approaching him, is careful. They know the least about Avdol - he seems entirely self-possessed and dependent, but who knows what kind of temper he might be hiding? M/F, then, is delighted to find that Avdol’s serious demeanour hides someone who cracks jokes at the same pace as Joseph, even if his are many-layered. M/F begins to understand why Joseph and Avdol get along so well - and when m/f begins to ask questions about Avdol’s home, he’s only too quick to answer. He’s proud of his heritage, and of his little fortune-telling business, and as the others listen to the pride glowing in his voice they feel bad that they have never bothered asking. - It becomes clear to m/f that Polnareff is a goofball whose chivalrous demeanour can easily be derailed if one tells him a good enough joke, and it becomes somewhat of a game among the more fun-loving of the group (everyone aside from Jotaro) to see who can make him laugh at the most inopportune moments. When he puts on the radio and begins to bounce excitedly, m/f is so pleased to see him grin that they join in, much to Polnareff’s delight. He still flirts relentlessly with them, but m/f is now able to see that it’s just part of Polnareff’s charm - he barely even realizes he’s doing it, it’s so much second nature to him. When m/f heals him after a particularly harsh fight, he feels so grateful to them he almost cries. 
(Various)- It takes Iggy a while to warm up to them, as it does for him to warm up to any. He’s perturbed by how much m/f seems to like Polnareff, but he soon learns that m/f is a soft touch when it comes to anyone in their team, and he begins to slumber by their side and come barking at them when he runs out of chewing gum. He’s even more devoted to them after they heal his leg after the fight with Pet Shop - part of the reason he defends Polnareff so viciously and single-mindedly in the fight with Vanilla Ice is because he knows it will make m/f sad if he perishes. - If m/f lives, the most likely romantic link-up between any of the characters is Polnareff. He has no family, and during the time on the road he and m/f grow closer until the idea of being without them makes his heart hurt - m/f likes taking care of him, likes the goofy smile that blooms across his face whenever they tell him he’s handsome. They like how oblivious he seems when he’s being a dork. It’s a happy relationship. - They keep in contact with Joseph and Jotaro; Joseph excitedly invites them both to visit New York and meet Suzie. He doesn’t flirt quite so hard when they do - m/f can see why. Suzie is a formidable woman. 
(Extra)- In an AU in which everybody lives, it’s entirely likely that m/f could end up with Kakyoin. He’s reassured by their presence, likes the way their smile lights up the room, likes that they take care of him and everyone else. He thinks about spending the rest of his life travelling the world with them, soaking up knowledge and trading bits and pieces of trivia. He’s never had friends before, but with m/f he feels like he’s found another little piece of his soul. - Whatever happens, whoever it is that m/f ends up with, Iggy will want to follow them. Not just because they feed him gum and make a fuss of him (though that’s important to him too) - their presence calms him, and Iggy feels as though he’s had enough adventure in his life. He’d like to settle down and sleep in front of a fire. 
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liinos · 4 years
Not that anyone cares but I really think curley is like perfect center material (and i would be very shocked if she didnt end up winning) like she can Sing, she works hard, she dances well and learns really fast, she has amazing stage presence... she has the talent like she SHOULD win
#her and nene... i would be shocked if they arent in the final group like vocal wise top 2 for sure and they can both dance well#and are fast learners#nenes biggest weakness is her mandarin but shes honestly super impressive considering she hasnt been learning very long#and she is still nailing the songs so really...#i can say with confidence nene curley and zhuoxuan are gonna be in the group if any of them drop ill eat my hat#i think yifan is also a fairly safe bet she is a consistent 5th#yijin is in a dangerous spot but shes been there the whole time so maybe shell just hold 7th the whole time#xiening keeps dropping so i dont think shes a shoe in but she is pretty popular if not her then my bet is on yiyang#i want zhenni in top 7 but i am keep my expectations managed tho maybe the public will wake up some more#she did go up 7 places so <333#zhao yue... im not sure if she has staying power cuz i think she was in the top 7 at first then fell out#i feel like her rank is really tied to her screentime#unlike yijin's cuz she had like no screentime past the singing face off like i did not know who tf she was until the ranking ep#which is why i actually think yijin will stay even if she is on the edge#i also think its kinda crazy that junyi will probably be the first center who doesnt even make it into the group#she could come from behind but as of rn... i don't think she will#her last song choice was terrible for her idk what she was thinking with that with her rank she couldve done anything#and her screentime got cut a lottttttt#screentime fr says a lot bc if a trainee ranks High without a lot it means theyre legit popular if they fluctuate with their screentime#it means that they arent really#i could be wrong but i think yifan benefits a lot from it like i like her i think shes sweet and shes a good dancer#and shes pretty which helps msksk but without her screentime i wonder where she would rank#i think its interesting how much she gets actually i honestly thought theyd just use her in the 2nd ep since she was so shy and#it makes for good tv but nah shes holding on with an Iron grip the producers must really like her#and like deserve#also since shes friends with zhenni that gives zhenni more screentime so a double win for me#anyway chuang thoughts over yall are boring plz watch it
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