#i still have no idea how im gonna approach things with odd packaging
maeborowski · 5 months
i love nothing more in this world than organization. what if you had many things but you knew where to find any of them. fuuuuck
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Unbelievable || Dustin H. x Fem!Reader
Requested: @im-eating-rn Hi!hello!May I request? A little Dustin x reader where nobody of Dustin's friends believe that he got a girlfriend who goes to a different school but he actually does? they always meet in the arcade? And then maybe Dustin finally set up a meet up with his friends and his little gf at a party? And everybody is start asking since when and how? And Dustin's mother (bless her sweet soul I love her) is just like "oh yeah they are together since idk... hi y/n sweetheart!" I just love them.
A//N: this prompt is absolutely freaking adorable and I love it but I apologize in advance if any of the interactions between reader and Dustin seem forced. I'm so used to writing the reader as Dustin's sibling so this was tricky to write😂
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"Come on, Dustin! I bet they're just teasing you. They're your friends, I'm sure they believe you," You rubbed your boyfriend's back soothingly, trying to comfort him.
"You'd think so," he sighed, putting his head in his hands. "But I know those assholes and I can tell when they're teasing and this is not it."
You continued tracing circles in his back, falling silent but still offering your support.
He took his head out of his hands and smiled, looking at you.
"Then again, I can't say I blame them."
"What do you mean, hun?" You asked, brow furrowed.
"You are pretty unbelievable"
You blushed furiously and you felt your chest grow warm.
"Oh, Dustin." You smiled brightly and leaned in giving him a tender kiss.
The two of you pulled away, and you intertwined your fingers with his and rested your head on his shoulder.
"So why don't we set something up?" You said simply. "A little get together at your house. You can invite your friends over. And I can swing by and meet them. Besides some homework I gotta get done, I'm free Friday. What do you say?"
He looked at you adoringly, as usual, and smiled.
"That sounds perfect. Have I ever told you how awesome you are?"
Your face scrunched up in a playful manner, you peered up at him. "Not today, you haven't."
Your head moved with his shoulders as he chuckled. "You are unbelievably awesome."
You could hear the smirk in his voice, and you smiled as your eyes focused on a random spot on the wall.
"I can't wait for you to meet them" he said contently. "And for you to wipe those smug smiles off their faces."
You giggled picturing the sight. You couldn't wait either.
"No offence Dustin, but do you want to head to the arcade or something?" Will asked timidly. "There's not exactly a lot to do here,"
Dustin, whose eyes kept flickering to the door, something his friends picked up on, brushed off the comment.
"Uh yeah, maybe later though" his voice sounded distant, he was distracted.
"Dude, what is up with you?" Lucas asked.
"Oh, it's nothing," Dustin mumbled.
He shook his head briefly, taking his eyes off the front door and stood up. "I'm gonna get something to drink, does anyone want anything? I've got cola,"
"I'm good," Mike shrugged.
"Same here," Lucas said.
"I'll have a cola," Will said.
Dustin nodded and retreated to the kitchen, leaving the three boys who looked at one another.
"Something's not right, man." Lucas whispered.
"Yeah something's definitely up," Will said.
The boys fell silent when they heard footsteps approaching and sure enough Dustin emerged holding two cans of cola. He handed the can to Will who mumbled a thanks.
Dustin made his way to the couch and just before he could sit, the doorbell rang. He jumped up quickly and scrambled to the door, his friends sharing weary looks.
"I think you guys will find my guest very interesting." He said smugly, over his shoulder.
He grasped the doorknob and swung the door open, Dustin spoke confidently. "Hello, my lo-"
In front of him stood a very confused mailman holding a package.
Lucas and Mike stifled their laughter and Will was having difficulties keeping the amused grin off his face. He hid behind his drink and took a sip.
"Um, package for Mrs. Henderson?"
"Great, thanks, okay bye." Dustin took the package swiftly and reached for the door to close it but the man spoke up.
"Sir, you have to sign for it."
Letting out a weak chuckle, Dustin quickly grabbed the clipboard and scribbled his signature with the attached pen on a chain, and shoved the clipboard back into the man's hands and hurriedly shut the door.
Sighing, he leaned against the door, thankful that the exchange was over with. But when he saw the peculiar look on his friends faces he knew what was coming.
"Just save it alright?" He grumbled.
He trudged back to the couch and landed on the cushions and let himself sink into the pillows.
"You were saying?" Lucas quipped, quirking an eyebrow and smirking.
"Shut it, Sinclair."
Lucas chuckled and Mike got up and took a seat next Dustin on the couch.
"You wanna tell us what all that was all about?" He asked, a hint of amusement in his voice.
Before he could answer, a brief series of rhythmic and gentle knocks came from the front door.
Dustin, who recognized your pattern of knocks - something he picked up on somewhere along the way - and he knew this was Y/n.
Plastering on a smug smile, he looked to Mike.
"Why don't you find out yourself?"
Mike frowned, and looked over his shoulder to the door, briefly making eye contact with Will and Lucas before looking back to Dustin.
"Please, be my guest." He urged.
Dustin gestured to the front door and Mike stood, making his way over to answer it.
Mike had no idea what to expect, but when he opened the door he was still surprised to see a girl their age, standing on the front porch. You looked as if you were just as confused to see Mike as he was to see you.
You recognized him almost immediately from the pictures you had seen. It was just odd having someone else answer the door that wasn't Dustin.
He always answered the door when he was expecting you. Even the times where you could hear Mrs. Henderson call out to you that she would get it, it would usually be followed by a muffled thud and a slew of curses as Dustin scrambled to get there first.
You smiled politely. You recognized Mike from the pictures around Dustin's house and you figured they had been giving him crap or something and that's why Mike answered the door.
"Hi, you're Mike right? I'm Y/n," you stuck our your hand out for him to shake and in his confused daze he shook your hand as if he was on autopilot. "Where's Dustin?"
"Over here, Y/n/n." Dustin called wistfully.
You smiled, and rather than wait for Mike to let you in - it didn't look like the thought ever occurred to him - you stepped passed him, knowing you were invited anyway.
You stepped into the front room and you noted the delayed sound of Mike closing the door behind you and he wandered past you and back to his seat.
You looked at each of the boys, Will and Lucas gaping at you as well.
"Hi there," You met Will's eye and smiled. "You must be Will and that would make you Lucas?"
They each nodded respectively and Dustin got up, joining your side. He gently put his arm around you, a gesture you welcomed.
"Gentlemen, this is Y/n," He wore a beaming smile, looking at you fondly before looking back to his friends. "My girlfriend"
"Wait, seriously?" Lucas asked, dumbfounded.
Your smile grew brighter, albeit a bit smug, and you nodded proudly. "It's true. We've been together for some time now."
"So," Will spoke up. "You're the Y/n?"
"The one and only. And it's my understanding that you guys have been a bit "skeptical", you made air quotes as you said this, but out of politeness you kept them hidden at your sides. "about me and Dustin?"
Lucas opened his mouth to speak but the words seemed to have died on his tongue.
The guys did believe you existed of course. You and Dustin had met at the arcade, fighting over who got to play dig dug first. You had both gotten to the machine at the same time, but fought over it.
Dustin didn't argue that much, and gave the machine up to you. Not that he thought you couldn't win on your own or anything, but because he was more than fine waiting his turn for it if it meant having a reason to spend more time with you. A fact he had kept to himself. You two ended up taking turns on the game, each of you trying to beat each other's scores. Dustin had caught his friends up the next day at school, inadvertently gushing about the awesome girl he met at the arcade the previous day.
This adoration for you continued for weeks, the guys quickly lost interest and got fairly annoyed. He would find a way to bring you up in any conversation. "Y/n said the funniest thing today," and "I wish Y/n was here, she'd know just what to do," or "It's funny you say that, Y/n was just telling me about..." Eventually, one of them snapped one day, making some comment about he needed to get over her and Dustin retorted that as a matter of fact, he asked you out for a lunch date and you said yes.
A mixture of bad timing and irritation from the guys' side is what caused their disbelief. That and how highly he spoke of you. Surely no one was that perfect.
Any time he mentioned you from then on, something you did or said, anything involving you his girlfriend, they just assumed he didn't want to be caught in an embarrassing lie and kept up the act. For the sake of his dignity.
Yet they still couldn't quite shake the doubt that had taken root in their minds. Small parts in the back of their brian fed them alternate scenarios, any suggestion that could possible make sense all because if they admitted they were wrong they knew they had been bad friends.
Maybe you were just doing Dustin a favor by coming here and saying these things. Hell, maybe you found out he liked you and you didn't recproacte the feeling and as an act of pity, you agreed to lying for him just to shut them up. It was a definite stretch, but it was possible right?
No matter the doubt, however crazy the scenario, it didn't do anything to help the guilt that settled heavily on their concious. But in the whirlwind of it all, their attention was pulled to the front door for the third time that day to see Mrs. Henderson walk through the door, coat on, groceries and her keys in her hands.
She smiled brightly and greeted the boys, who politely greeted her back and when she saw you her lips stretched into a big grin.
"Y/n, honey! What a lovely surprise!" She set down the grocery bag and walked over to you.
She enveloped you with her signature mama bear hug and you gladly accepted the familiar embrace.
Pulling back, she inspected you, plucking a few cat hairs from your shoulder that had attached themselves to you during her hug. You were not fazed by this, you had gotten quite familiar with her motherly behavior. She went nuts for you when you met her and everytime you were around she doted on you more than she did Dustin if at at possible.
"Oh, how have you been sweetheart?"
You smiled warmly. "I'm great thank you. How are you?"
She gushed. "Oh I'm just fine, thank you sweetie. So tell me, what are you kids up to? Dusty, have you offered your friends a drink yet?"
"Yes mom," he said, a hint of impatience in his tone. "I was just introducing them to Y/n,"
Dustin made firm eye contact with each of his friends, reveling in the fact that they were finally listening.
"In fact, we were just clearing up some questions they had." He smiled smugly at his friends and they struggled maintaining eye contact.
"Oh, I remember when Dusty here was so excited when he first told me you guys had finally planned a first date. Gosh, he could not stop talking about you honey," Her loving gaze shifted from you to the other boys. "He was so nervous too."
"It was so adorable," She giggled. "Hard to believe it's been almost a whole year now, isn't it?"
When they heard this from Mrs. Henderson, that was the final confirmation. Lucas, Mike and Will all felt immediately crushed by guilt and sent their friend many apologetic looks and apologized profusely the rest of the night.
In fact, it took them a very long time before they finally stopped apologizing. Even a scattered one here and there months after it happened.
Of course, that may or may not have had something to do with the fact that you never let them forget it.
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