#i still need to write more roach centric stuff but this is an okay start i think
izzy-b-hands · 2 years
Cute/emotional little Roach centric fic. Went sort of flowery prose in bits, forgive it if u can, if not I absolutely get it and valid lmaooo
TW for brief descriptions of medical care/treatments & allusion to abortifacients (no actual abortion or miscarriage occurs in the fic, this is just a general allusion as it being noted as part of his medical knowledge.)
"I know," Roach sighs. "I'm sorry!"
The little girl wriggles on her mother's lap, but lets him finish her stitches.
"Thank you," the woman sighs and hands him a few coins. "I don't quite have-"
"This is more than enough," he cuts her off gently. "Make sure she keeps that clean. If anything starts to look infected, she'll need the next doctor that comes through."
She nods and waves as she and the girl leave the small empty shack he's commandeered for the duration of their stay at the port.
He told the captains that he simply prefers to find his own accommodations, but truthfully, it's because he doesn't need the crew knowing about and hanging around all this.
Part of why people come to him, after all, a transient pirate doctor/cook, is for the discretion and quiet.
He's helped out girls and women needing certain teas, with ingredients his mother taught him about.
There are babies growing up that he delivered, then for a fee took and found a home (sometimes as easy as reaching out to the local church or orphanage, other times begging a better off family or a pirate captain in want of an heir but lacking a family to consider a new baby.)
Broken arms he's set while ignoring blackened eyes and listening to insistent protests of a bad fall. He always mentions how easy it is to simply disappear on a ship, should one need to escape from anywhere for any reason.
And worse. So much worse, often begged to be kept secret, but they simply had to tell someone who might help.
And a doctor always tries to help. A decent one, at least. He may not be quite decent yet, but he figures he's close enough.
"Please," the man comes skidding around the corner, wailing bundle in his arms. "I need five minutes. Just two, even."
"Hey," Roach says softly. "What's up?"
"She left me with him," the man holds out the bundle. "He won't stop crying. I can't take it."
Roach silently takes the baby, and points the man across the way towards a cheap inn. The coins the girl's mother gave him will be enough for that, and the man can sleep for the first time in days.
"You're giving your dad a lot of trouble," Roach says over the baby's cries. "And all of what, a few days old?"
He's joking, but he feels bad when the baby wails louder.
To make up for it, he doesn't set the baby down in the bassinet in the shack (one bassinet and one small cot, in case anyone needs to be monitored overnight or longer), even after the baby sleeps.
Instead he walks the small square of the shack and rocks on his feet and drowsily mumbles shanties and lullabies until the two blur into an odd mix of fish in cradles knocked out of tree boughs by sailors.
Four hours later, the man returns with an older woman. Grandma, who upon hearing the situation has agreed to come and stay with them.
Roach hands over the baby with a bittersweet ache. Memories of younger siblings held and the idea of a family of his own (incredibly unlikely considering his career) and the physical ache of his arms from cradling the baby for so long.
"Here you are."
He peers out as his latest patient is carried off, and there stands Ed.
Pipe in hand, smoke lazily drifting through the candlelight shattering the dark. He looks imposing, every bit the fearsome Blackbeard of legend.
He also looks incredibly, almost upsettingly attractive, but Roach is fairly sure Ed just has that effect on most if not all people.
"Can I help with something?" Roach asks.
"Everyone else is waiting for you to come out with us," Ed replies. "But no one knew where you went. When I volunteered to find you, I didn't know what I'd expect to find you doing-"
Roach braces for a lecture about being a pirate, or something to that effect. It won't stop him doing this, and he'd be disappointed in Ed, but this wouldn't be the first captain to disapprove of what he did, of the time and loyalty they always claimed he took away from them with such work.
"But this is awesome! I could hear that kid clear across the way earlier, but look at you!" Ed smiles. "How'd you quiet them down so fast?"
"Practice," Roach shrugs. "Siblings, then patients."
Ed's eyes grow wide. "Midwifery?"
Roach nods. "Sort of. As needed, thankfully not too often."
"You've got stories," Ed beams. "You've gotta come tell us-"
He pauses. "You're open all night to help people, aren't you?"
Roach nods. "But I can-"
"No, hang on!" Ed says. "I'll go get everyone, and we'll have things here. We can help you with anyone who comes by! We've got food and drink we can carry over, and I want to hear stories while we eat! Gorier the better!"
Ed claps a hand on his shoulder before jogging off to wherever he left the crew, leaving Roach stunned.
Stunned, but incredibly happy. Not just for the company, but for the extra hands. With them, he might even get to sleep for an hour.
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