#i struggled a bit w drawing a pomeranian since it was my first time but i think i did pretty well so yay!
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i haven’t stopped thinking about @legogeek33 ‘s kitty sora and pomeranian arin btw (og post here!)
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bakugous-bbygirl · 4 years
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~Sleepless nerd~
Bakugou X F!Reader
First time doing this please don’t make fun of me please feel free to give me feedback and help me make more stories like this one!
Warnings: swearing. (That’s it really)
Bakugou called all his classmates nerds, but you, you were the actual worst nerd he’s ever met.
When you started attending UA high your room had been placed next to the angry blonde’s. Your quirk made you quite diffrent. You were incredibly smart and had the ability to hack into anything you needed no matter the size. It seemed like your quirk had no downsides
Except your god awful sleep schedule.
Durning classes you looked as if you were always alert. You participated well, never even dosed off in class once as far as everyone knew. But durning the night bakugou could hear you playing away on some game. At first he assumed it was a one night thing. But that was two months ago.
Night after night he would hear you turning on your tv leaning against the thin walls and would just play away for hours. He wondered how in the world you functioned.
It wasn’t your fault really. Your quirk has your brain running all the time constantly trying to hack into phones and other electronics. Not only that but constant math equations and other school stuff took over your mind all day. It was absolute hell for you but you never let it show.
Other than that though. The rest of your classmates loved you. You were socialble, always helping others when it came to school work, and even seemed unbothered by mineta’s terrible comments about you looked in your uniform. “Looking perfect as always (y/n). Your skirt is juuuussst right” “Thank you, please back away from me now your starting to drool :)” your reply was always the same regardless of what he said but it was still really impressive you delt with the comments at all. But Bakugou held a personal vendetta against you and your awful sleep patterns. He never attempted to talk with you besides the small rude comments on how your in his way, or smaller things, he couldn’t deny though. You were adorable durning the day. Your smile made him feel warm feelings in his chest, and he could listen to that laugh forever. Damnit why did the most annoying girl have to be the one he fell for! He knew one day he should probably just ask you to stop playing so late at night since it would wake him but he couldn’t bring himself to face you for more than a few minutes without getting all red and flustered thinking about being your boyfriend. Thinking about holding your small frame against his body and sleeping soundly together. Bakugou figured he didn’t have a shot though, since you were much closer to that annoying red headed rock, but after seeing your notes you had passed on to kirishima, Bakugou had no choice but to look at you in a whole new light
“Kiri, you need my notes again?” You whined while leaning against your doorway.
“Ah I’m sorry (y/n)! You know English just isn’t my strong suit.” The red head rubbed the back of his neck embarrassed while facing you. You weren’t surpised but you were realllly tired. He had just knocked as you were getting ready to crawl into bed and pass out. “Alright alright, wait out here I’ll go grab them” you yawned while closing your door back gently as to not seem rude. You rummaged through your bag while rubbing your eyes and grabbed the first sheet of paper that was labeled “English class” not spending to much time checking over it. Boy you wished you read that paper better
After handing it over to kirishima you admitted that you were planning on napping and to just give them back to you later in the afternoon. “Thanks again (y/n)!” You closed your door and decided before crashing to clean up your energy drink cans you had let make a small pile on the ground. It was kinda strange but you had done this since your quirk manifested. Your brain was always ticking, so you had trouble relaxing and sleeping normally. You had come to learn sleeping durning the night was a joke and your brain would only stop after you couldn’t stay awake any longer. So you decided to drink energy drinks durning the day to keep yourself awake letting your brain just go and after classes you would just curl up and proceed to drool all over the floor or wherever you passed out. Kept you alive this long, but durning the night once you awake your brain just started up again and the cycle restarted, however today you had messed up and forgot your drink so you were a bit groggy and more down than normal, people begun to notice but you played it off as feeling slightly sick. Kirishima though did not expect anything less from the perfect note taking student and just wanted to copy your notes so he could figure out how to spell certain words. What he GOT instead was a huge picture of Bakugou and half way copied sentences. The picture was his soul focus though as today you had decided to absentmindly draw serval small side profiles of the angry Pomeranian with cute little words under it. The main one looked amazing. He couldn’t knock it. You were a great artist! If hero stuff didn’t work out you could easily make money this way! It was Bakugou looking out of the window with his headphones in. It was some real good stuff. But he couldn’t stop laughing at how clear your crush was and no one has picked up on it. Not even Bakugou himself! He couldn’t pass up a chance to help you out for a change instead of you helping him. “Ohhhh bakubro is gonna love this” he hummed to himself while knocking on the man of the hour’s door.
When the door was opened Bakugou could not believe his eyes. Of course he had feelings for you as well! But damnit he wanted to confess first! Now this stupid shitty hair knew before he did! “Give me the damn paper you extra! Just go study and get out of my hair!” Bakugou slammed his door while clutching the paper to his chest. He was mostly in a state of shock, not only were you a remarkable artist, but you had drawn him. And it looked incredible. Truely heart stopping stuff. You really fell for him hard. “Tch, damn cute nerd..” he decided to hang the paper up near his bed out of most people eyesight and knew he had to talk to you tonight. Cause there was no way that red head was taking that paper back.
You groaned silently after reading your clock on your phone screen. You slept passed nine again, meaning you way missed dinner, and would have to sneak down all quietly so you wouldn’t wake anyone. “What a pain..” you slipped out of your bed and slid your socks over your feet while opening your door gently, what you did not expect to find was a certain blondie waiting on you. “Jesus Christ..! Bakugou you scared me..why are you up so late?” You tilted your head as Bakugou’s body had tensed. Like he owes you some explanation! “Better question dumbass..! Why are you up huh? Shouldn’t we be both sleeping?” He got you there. You had made a promise to yourself to keep your weird habits to yourself so you wouldn’t worry any of your classmates. “W-well, uh. I..um..well...” you struggled to form a actual sentence. Since you had never had more than a few seconds of conversation with the punk boy. You couldn’t help it. Your feelings for him has bloomed so out of control you often found your brain slowing down and filling itself with him. “Save it nerd. We need to talk, can I come into your room?”
You swear up and down your heart and brain stopped working at the same time. Bakugou, big meanie, Katsuki wanted to come inside of your room. Your safe haven! And better yet! What in the world did you two have have to talk about?! He’s never spoken to you! You haven’t even begun to form your denial when he just grabbed your arm and dragged you back into your room “W-wait..! What do you have to say to me..?! Did I make you upset..?!” You didn’t know what you did but your mind was already back and running to a thousand different things you could’ve done to make this hothead mad. You’ve seen how he treats midoryia you didn’t want to take any chances. “What? No. Why would I be mad at you dumbass?” Bakugou actually looked...confused? Man this night was defiantly a weird one. The only face you’ve ever seen him make was a mad one. Why did he seem so relaxed around you? “Then...why are we standing in my room..holding hands..?” You pointed at your interlocked fingers gently seeing as you weren’t sure when in the world that happened since he grabbed your arm. And why were his hands so perfect for holding?! Bakugou was caught off guard clearly but didn’t let go while he was..blushing? “Listen stupid! Shitty hair gave me your trashy notes. If I knew you had liked me I would’ve spent more time speaking to you and shit.”
Second time. Second time you felt yourself die. Did, Bakugou, while holding your hand. Just confesss that he knew you had feelings? How in the world did he know?! “Kiri did what now.” You were almost fuming. You were gonna kill kirishima. Your foot. So far up his ass it was gonna be a new record. While plotting your murder you didn’t even notice that the blonde boy was trying to explain how he got his hands on your notes and that he’s felt pretty much the same since you’ve started attending school together. His confession had fell on death ears though as he faced you noticing that you weren’t listening. Bakugou sighed and snapped his fingers in your ears to jolt your attention. “Hey dumbass.” You glanced up tilting your head “ha? What’d you say?” Why in the world did his heart stop around you. “I tried to say you made a mess of your notes today and you had basically admitted you had a crush on me. And for some odd reason. I feel the same way about you. You spend all damn day stuck in my mind. Your damn quirk hacked your way into my head and won’t leave me alone. Then you would keep me up all night. And I thought I hated you but I guess it’s pretty clear I like you and your stupid noisy ass.” To put it lightly you are kinda caught off guard. This guy hated everyone! But you always figured it was kinda a act to make himself stand out better. “So..your telling me..you actually..like..like like me..?” Your brain had begun to slow down again.
Everything in your head felt so much better around him. You didn’t know why but everything settled with his skin met with yours. Even if it was the softest touch durning classes or a half assed hug it was all you needed to make yourself seem normal. After that night of confession and confusion you had agreeded to be his girlfriend and he started crashing in your room to make sure your stupid ass slept like a normal person. Surprisingly to you he was extremely patient and helped your body sleep durning hours that everyone should sleep at. In turn durning classes you actually started acting more like yourself than you had knew was possible. Your brain wasn’t racing all day and you didn’t need to drink out of a can every two hours or so to make yourself hyper. The change went noticed by all your classmates since Bakugou with his loud self made a huge deal after you walked in holding hands and denki pointed it out to everyone. “Yeah she’s my girlfriend now!! So what?! Your just all jealous I got a date first!” Overall though. He was extremely nice and gentle with you like he was always nervous and couldn’t control his real feelings around you. It was pure heaven to you. He was just what the doctor ordered and you needed your daily dose of him for the rest of your life
Please make sure give me feedback and tell me what you think of this! Like I said this was my first time writing really in this type of format! I can already feel some things I would have to change but don’t be afraid to tell me anything!
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