#what if i was a kitty and you were a doggy and we were best friends :3
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i haven’t stopped thinking about @legogeek33 ‘s kitty sora and pomeranian arin btw (og post here!)
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onewmin · 9 months
the perfume on the shelf. pt. 11 | bangchan
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Pairings: Bang Chan x Fem!reader, Kim Yugyeom x Fem!reader
Summary: Falling in love with your best friend was never a part of the plan. So you end it up. But does he want to put a stop to it, too?
Warnings: AU, mentions of verbal and physical abuse, descriptions of a toxic relationship, mentions of s*icidal thoughts, profanity, descritpion of a fire, the reader loves her cat very much, another day of the reader and Chan being annoying (the latter especially), jealousy, the reader is going through major changes (good for her), another bunch of Taylor Swift references, the reader has yet another traumatic experience; typos
In the parts with the cat it's very much self-inserted. Shout out to my cat and all other kitties and doggies <3
'Dal' stands for 'moon' :)
Word count: 5411
Author’s note: welp, there's a lot to read lol. Idk why this whole work lacks happy moments so much, I'm trying my best to make it more positive, but in the end... We get this lol. Still, hope you enjoy another part! I'll try posting part 12 in a couple of weeks, but, as my summer vacation is over, I'll have a lot of work to do, so I cannot promise you an exact date. Again, thank you fro reading and supporting 'the perfume on the shelf' and enjoy the ride! (put ya seatbelts on)
Disclaimer: the names and appearances of real people are used for inspiration and writing purposes only. I do not claim anything, everything belongs to its owners.
Part 10 | Part 12
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Another day to cry in the bathroom of your therapist’s office. 
Wiping your red cheeks, you took a deep breath in, trying to calm this sudden outburst of pain down. Talking about your unsuccessful attempt to go back together with Chan resurfaced in something deep, something that has affected you too much to even be able to handle it on your own. Your fear of rejection has finally become real - and instead of feeling calm after so many years of being scared of it, you found yourself utterly broken. 
As long as you could remember yourself, this fear of being rejected has pressured you into staying out of the picture, of never saying what you truly feel. You were shaking at the thought of confessing to Yugyeom, when you were a teenager; your breath was hitched in your throat when you decided to join that writing club at university; the idea of asking anybody out made you sick to your stomach. And finally, all the mess with Chan was partially launched by your inability to ask direct questions, to come clean eventually. However, your initial choice was to live a lie, to let yourself have dust thrown into your eyes, to rather have smoke and mirrors than an honest relationship. What does this say about you? 
“I don’t know”, you muttered, looking at the reflection in the mirror. “I don’t know”, you repeated, sniffing and exhaling once again. When you were nineteen, everything seemed so easy. When you were nineteen, you seemed to know everything. 
“What would nineteen-year old you say about this whole situation?” Your therapist’s question was left unanswered, rather as introspection for the next two weeks. What would she say, really? That’s a walk in the park for her.
“Dump his ass”, the advice you used to give all of your girlfriends popped up in your head. “Find a new hobby, work more, go out more - do anything to forget him. He’s not worth your tears and time”. Easier said than done. 
You sighed once again, before collecting your lip gloss back into your purse. It’s time to go home and prepare for going out; even though you try following your own advice, the thought of Chan is a lingering memory, a signature left right on your forever restless brain. 
Running up the stairs on your subway station, you checked your messages to find Yugyeom and Eunjoo discussing art in the chat. Two weeks ago, after the airport incident, when Yugyeom was dropping you off at your apartment complex (the conversation with your parents about your early departure from the countryside was guided by Gyeom perfectly), Eunjoo caught the sight of the two of you while she was waiting for her best friend on the bench. For some reason she decided it would be a great idea to start going on ‘double dates’ - although, you could barely call them dates at all. She was unsure about her relationship with Minho, so she needed you to check up on him. You didn’t want to be the third wheel, so… So she invited Yugyeom. And now the four of you had a group chat. Was it a nightmare? Absolutely. You found out what nerds Gyeom and Eunjoo were; discussing everything - even rocket science, are you kidding me? - while you and Minho intervened in their intellectual conversations with memes and ridiculous videos to watch. For instance, when you sent a Tarot reading video, just for shits and giggles, just to send a follow up message, “This woman said I’m gonna have a billionaire husband in a couple of months” - only to get bashed by two absolute smartasses for your silly little hobby, as they threw in their pieces of mind on how Tarot is a scam, and it doesn’t work, and people like that woman are a fraud - et cetera, et cetera, blah-blah-blah. Minho, on the other hand, was pretty supportive (and a pain in the ass for Eunjoo and Yugyeom) when he sent in ten more videos of that same creator, chiming in with his comments about toxicity. Yeah, this chat was a shit show; however, it was bringing you too much joy to hate it.
In your apartment your cat greeted you with irritated meows and sweet purrs when you took her in your arms as if she was a baby. “Mama’s sorry, Gaeul”, you said, kissing her in between ears, “but I promise I’ll be back sooner than later. Just a couple of hours, okay?” She started gently biting your hand as you tried to scratch her tummy. “And you get to be the boss of the house. Not just for a few hours”, you kissed her nose and she put her paw on your cheek, “but forever, Gaeul”. She jumped from your arms as soon as you heard a loud stomp and a screeching curse - ugh, your neighbours were fighting again. How could a family that looks picture perfect hate each other so much? Well, you knew the answer to the question, but still, it never failed to arise every time you heard these two fight.
“You’re a piece of shit, Hajoon!” You sighed as you heard the man’s voice. “A piece of shit wife and mother!” This was the unfortunate reality-TV-turned-real-life program you had to listen to; the walls were rather thin not to hear them constantly fight over stupidest things in front of their little girls. When you saw the two of them ride their bikes and laugh, you always wondered, how they managed not to lose their innocence yet - with parents like theirs, who trapped themselves in a toxic marriage, the innocence of a child being saved was a miracle. 
The drama continued as the woman cried out harsher curses, accusing her husband of cheating. Is that the life that awaits everyone in a marriage? Is that the life you’re going to have too? That’s what your parents have; constant fights, verbal abuse, toxic apologies with flowers and luxury candy, and no words uttered. No resolution of those conflicts, no rethinking of the life choices they’d made to get to this point of no return. Nothing. And this family, a family so similar to yours, was the same. Only the girls were lucky to have each other and not to be alone. However, calling the kids ‘lucky’ for lulling each other when their parents scream all types of insults, calling the children they created with ‘so much love and affection’, as the mother posted on her stories, ‘mistakes’ when they were in another room - calling them ‘lucky’ was a direct insult. 
Accompanied by curses coming from a wall away from your living room, Gaeul was circling around you the whole time you were collecting your things. When you looked at the wrist watch, it was already ten minutes past the time you should have left the house. “Shit”, you mumbled, rapidly taking the bag in your hands and giving Gaeul a couple of more scratches, while she was meowing and standing in front of the door. “I’ll see you in a couple of hours, sweetie”. 
You were supposed to be drinking as the four of you were going for some type of party one of Minho’s friends was throwing - so taking the car wasn’t an option; you didn’t know much about Changbin, but you were willing to get out of your shell and meet new people. “Maybe you’ll finally find a boyfriend there”, your mom told you over the phone, “you’ll be thirty soon - not really soon, though - and your father and I are waiting for grandkids. Your cousin is already a mother”. Ugh, yeah, whatever. Some nonsense that your mother confidently states is out of this world sometimes. 
Running up to a bus stop, you conveniently saw your bus pull up; jumping in it, you paid for the ticket and sat down on one of the many empty places, staring out of the window. As the music took you to another dimension, your thoughts flew by, pictures of your mother nagging you about the prospect of marriage, Chan putting his arm over Micha’s shoulder, Gyeom stuffing his mouth with a sandwich in one bite, Eunjoo and Minho holding hands ran in your mind with a uncontrollably rapid speed. You were thinking about Chan less each day, the images of him being replaced by your friends, new people you met and surprising revelations you made about this world and, first of all, yourself. 
Every bus ride that lasted more than twenty minutes - just like this one - got you hooked on rethinking and reflecting on every little thing that had ever happened to you. Sometimes it would be sappy, rainy autumn day like memories: Chan holding your hand while driving, bringing it to his lips to leave a small kiss on your knuckles every time the car stopped at the red light; you and him lying in bed, face to face, heart to heart, having those rare sincere conversations, filled with laughs and kisses. Whereas sometimes you’d lose yourself to cheerful moments, those July bright yellow afternoon days memories, with Yugyeom watching you chase after his golden retriever Dal; with you watching some happy kids fly kites while on a picnic with Eunjoo; with you writing your earliest stories in your old diary, sitting behind the desk in you sunlit childhood bedroom. The happiest that you were, in all of those memories you couldn’t even find the ghost of Chan; as if he had never existed in the most joyful moments of your life. As if - no, no ‘if’s’ - he had only brought you pain, and tears, and gut wrenching disgust towards your own self, towards the little girl, singing along the radio songs in her parents’ car, towards the fifteen year old girl, who wrote her stories on her old laptop and squealed after getting her first likes on the web, towards the woman you’d become. The woman who made stupid mistakes one after another, noticing but not seeing the pattern she had with every lover of hers, not seeing Chan being the same guy like the rest of them in her history. The woman you’d become, the woman you’re still thriving to be - she doesn’t deserve the slander you put her through. 
There might have been happiness during him - his jokes, warm hugs, car rides to his parents’ country house, him playing with Gaeul, his voice, his soft curls, his late love confessions. But there would certainly be more happiness after him, after this whole mess you yourself created. No acid rains burning your cheeks anymore, no scratching yourself so much you start bleeding anymore, no gray colors during the brightest sunny summer mornings. Is this what the phase of acceptance looks like? Is this where you stop blaming Chan for the pain he caused you? Nah, you’re not there yet. But close. Definitely close. 
Receiving another text in the group chat, your thoughts suddenly led you to the anxious search for your ID in the handbag of yours. “Shit, shit, shit”, you muttered under your breath, when you realized it was nowhere to be found. Did you lose it on your way to the bus stop? Or did you lose it here? Oh no. You rolled your eyes at the clear memory of seeing it on the kitchen counter before you rushed out of the apartment. How could you be so irresponsible? You’d never forgotten your ID, ever in your life, even taking it to the convenience store at 7AM to get a snack on your day off. And now, when you clearly needed it to get in the club, you’d left it at home? Super responsible, girl, just awesome. 
Having jumped off the bus at the nearest stop, you caught yourself feeling absolutely shameless about the fact of being late. After you moved almost to the outskirts of the city, not being on time has become your signature mark. Now you were texting your friends, explaining the whole situation, while getting in an Uber - just to shorten the forty minutes you’d already spent on the bus to twenty-five. And as the car started off, your friends couldn’t leave you alone. 
“Gyeom, I’m sorry”. The first words you said to him after picking up, annoyance recognizable in your voice. Yeah, you were the one being late, but Mr. Punctuality didn’t have to remind you about it as well. 
“I’m actually late too”, he let out a breathy chuckle. What? Kim Yugyeom coming late? 
“What happened?”
“Nothing”, he sighed, “I just spent too much time on the phone with my dad”. You hummed in response. “I can pick you up, by the way”, Yugyeom added. 
“You don’t have to”. 
“Ah, it’s not like I’m goin’ to be on time anyway”. The yippy notes in his voice made you reflect the smile he was probably wearing on his face. “So it’s not a problem, really”.
“Thanks, Gyeom”. 
“I’ll be at your place in, uh, around ten minutes”. As you ended the conversation, you heard the siren sounds in the distance. It wasn’t an unordinary occasion: the song of the sirens was playing almost an unstoppable tune every minute of the day, as the ambulances were rushing through the busy streets, or the firemen were driving to stop the fires. It was not unusual for a city like Seoul; however, the closer you were getting to your apartment complex, the more the clump of fear inside your chest grew. 
The first thing you saw when the car turned to your building was the blinding light of the fire truck. Then it was the group of firemen. After it was the crowd, surrounding the fire engine. The last thing was the smoke coming out of the apartment on the fifth floor. From the apartment right next to yours. 
Jumping off the car, you rushed through the crowd, forcibly pushing apart the nosy neighbors and bystanders, only to be stopped by a firefighter. You couldn’t think of anything else, of other people, of the party you were late to, of the things in your apartment - the only image in your head was of Gaeul. How scared she must be, how she’s probably sitting in the corner of your room, far away from the strange and dangerous smell. The clouded vision of yours, the tears in your eyes were invisible to you. The only thing you needed was to get your baby out of there. 
“Miss, you cannot go in there”, the voice of the firemen echoed in your ears. 
“My cat’s in there”, you mumbled, but he heard you, “I need to get her out. It’s an apartment right next to that that’s burning”. 
“We’ll get her out, no need to worry”. The calm notes in his voice had awoken some primal rage in you - how could he even say that? You couldn’t not worry, for fuck’s sake! 
You quickly disappeared in the crowd so that the firefighter wouldn't recognise you if something was about to happen. There was an emergency exit, but they were probably evacuating people through it, right? What should you do to get in? 
As the thoughts were rapidly running through your head, you saw smoke coming from another window. Your window now. Your heart sank; everything around started spinning slowly and you grabbed your chest in order to calm yourself down - at least, a little bit, at least, before you took Gaeul in your arms. 
Fuck it. You hastened your steps through the crowd, away from the main entrance, in hopes to get lost amidst those being evacuated, in hopes to get through the emergency exit without being caught. In the inner yard of your building your restless, teary eyes noticed one fireman guarding the entrance; and over there, on the bench was your neighbour from the fourth floor, a fourteen year old, holding her brown dog close to her heart. 
“Hello?” She picked up her phone, the shaky voice of hers bringing more blood to your already jolting heart. How smart it was to exchange numbers with her all those months ago.
“Could you distract that firefighter for me, please?” You uttered, while looking at her. She turned her head and found your eyes. “My cat’s still in there. I can’t… I can’t wait till they save her. Please”. The girl nodded and quickly rose up to her feet, probably coming up with an idea of taking the fireman’s attention. 
She ran up to the man, still holding the dog in her arms, and started rambling something loudly, the hysteric condition of hers being the direct result of this horrible evening. “What was she up to?” You thought to yourself as you moved from a tree to a tree as fast as you could. “Was she walking her dog when the fire started? Was she at home?” 
How convenient it was to have a bunch of trees to grow in the inner yard of the apartment building. “I should thank the managing lady after it”, you watched as the firefighter turned his back to the entrance - now. The adrenaline in your stomach felt like a fuel to the fire of anxiety and fear; as you leapt up the stairs, two, three steps missed, your heart was pumping somewhere in your throat, bringing the inevitable, horrible thoughts to your brain. You brushed them off before you reached your floor, running in the corridor, which was filled with smoke, with an empty head. The door to your apartment was being broken down as you ran up to it, right on time - maybe, the first time you were not late in the last couple of years. The firefighters weren’t pleased a resident was out in the dangerous area, but you quickly opened the door - having promised you’d let them in without getting inside yourself - breaking the recently made promise immediately when the lock was open, dropping the keys to the ground. If the building management had fixed the electronic locks on time, maybe the whole building wouldn’t have to use keys; maybe, the fire issue would have been resolved earlier, had the firemen had an easier access to the apartments. 
Gray. Choking color gray - that's what your apartment was. You could get suffocated in here just for breathing in the smoke, but was it even a priority? You would die but get Gaeul out of this place.
“Gaeul!” Your voice came out quaking, eyes getting watery with every step you took. “Gaeul, baby!” Almost flying into your bedroom, you noticed her scratching the window in hopeless attempts to get out. “Baby, you’re safe”, you whispered, swooping her in your arms. She let out a weak meow as you covered her chubby face with a palm of your hand. The firefighter was quick to escort you from the apartment, having thrown a blanket from the couch over your shoulders. You wrapped Gaeul in it when you got to the hall; she was meowing as you ran down the stairs, telling you how scared she was. “I know, honey, I know”, you kept on repeating, “you’re safe now”. 
The fresh air hit both of your faces abruptly, making you gasp and cough. Holding Gaeul as close to your heart as it was possible - perhaps, if you squeezed her tighter, she would be inserted in your heart directly - you sat down on the grass next to the girl with a dog sleeping on her lap. 
“Is she okay?” You nodded, leaving a kiss between Gaeul’s brown ears. She started purring, exuding that velvety purring of hers that signaled of her finally feeling safe. After finding her in a pouring rain, as her dirty little paws left marks on your white hoodie and her squeaky voice notified you she wasn’t pleased with being carried by some stranger, after washing her up and taking her to the vet, after making sure she felt comfortable in every corner of any of the places where you lived, after teaching her to use the litter box, after buying her the most expensive and delicious food she liked, after having her sleep in between your legs every night since the first one she spent with you, after building up your whole life around her when you needed someone to give your unconditional love to, after having no suicidal thoughts the moment she took a step in your apartment, after having her as the only living creature who loved you unlimitedly - how could you sit and wait till they save her? How could you leave her little figure in the hands of fate? 
“Mr. Choi set his apartment on fire”, the girl said while petting her dog. “That’s entirely his fault”. 
“Tell me about it”, you mumbled. 
“Why didn't the police do anything when they were called on them last week?” She questioned. “He literally threatened to burn the house down”. You shrugged your shoulders. No one really did anything when he threatened to jump off the window, no one took his threats seriously when he promised to burn the apartment if his wife got on his nerves again. Yeah, like it’s a reasonable excuse for a possible homicide. What a scumbag. 
“He ran away though”. She sighed. “But they’ll find him in no time, I guess. Mrs. Choi said he broke his wrist trying to hit her, so he won’t be far away”. You nodded absentmindedly, eyes still focused on Gaeul. She already seemed peaceful, only her yellowish eyes still being completely overtaken by the dilated pupils. She was lying on your legs, covered by that blanket. “Isn’t it your phone buzzing?”
Oh, that was the annoying feeling in the pocket of your jeans. “Hello”. You responded in a monotonous voice. 
“Where are you?” Yugyeom sounded panicked. “I’ve been calling you for the past ten minutes! Are you okay? Where are you?” He repeated. After muttering a few words you hung up, putting the phone on the grass. The autumn nights started to get chilly; but you were willing to stay seated on the cold ground as long as it took for Gaeul to fully calm down. 
In mere seconds Yugyeom appeared in the inner yard, dashing to you. “Are you okay?” He observed you carefully, and then the gaze of his fell to Gaeul, curled up on your lap. “Are you okay, sweetling?”
“She ran into the building to save her cat”, your neighbor proudly proclaimed. Yugyeom gave a look - not the ‘Are you crazy?’ or ‘You’re insane’ one, but the look, striking as… Worry? Pain? Hurt? Love? 
“I think the two of you need some warming up”. His soft voice impinged upon your indifference to everything but Gaeul; it seemed as if the part of you that was scared started to heal as soon as he helped you get on your feet. For the first time in the last half an hour you shivered under the cool wind, and Yugyeom took his zipper hoodie off to put it on your shoulders. 
“You’re wearing a T-shirt”. You stated, looking at him. He gave you a small smile and shrugged his shoulders. 
“I like the cold. I’m like Johnny Storm, y’know that”. You let out a breathy laugh - the first one after pulling up to the building. Your cat was already napping in your arms - the safest place for her, as it turned out - so you and Yugyeom slowly moved to his car. 
The windows of your neighbors had ruined the whole front of the building - now the gaze of any person would fall on black frames around them. “I wonder if my landlady is here”. You said, when getting on the passenger seat. 
“D’you want me to find her?”
“Gyeom, no”, you answered in a soft voice, ‘you’ve already done enough”. His brows knitted as he looked at you with utter confusion written all over his face. 
“I didn’t do anything except for panicking and calling Minho and Eunjoo”, he noted, “and not like it’s hard to help you. Especially now”. 
You gave in rather quickly. “Alright”. 
“Give me her number, so I-”
“Just take my phone”, you shoved the device in his hands, “she doesn’t pick up if she doesn’t know the number”. He nodded before getting out of the car. 
And as you were petting your sleepy cat, you felt the tears being finally let go from your eyes. Gaeul woke up when the salty drops fell on her side and, after staring at you for a couple seconds, started to licking herself up. You laughed through the choking tears and caressed her head and back, thinking how much your life had changed since the moment she magically appeared in it. It became… Brighter, funnier, sweeter. Even when she would wake you up at three AM ‘cause she was hungry; or when she would try to eat the yarn whenever you crocheted; or when she would sit on the kitchen counter while you were cooking. The thought of losing her made your heart hurt even more than it already was. 
“We’ll be fine, right, baby?” You murmured when she started snoring quietly; you turned your head to look out of the window and noticed Gyeom in the distance, still talking with someone over the phone. A strange feeling of being absolutely safe around him had arisen in your chest the moment you saw his worried face tonight; maybe you shouldn’t push him away too hard - he’s one of the few people you can trust, after all. 
Gyeom was right; he cannot certainly save you like he used to when you were kids. You can come up with a rescue plan yourself, like today, when you couldn’t wait for anyone else to save the most loved part of you. Anyone but you. Gyeom cannot save you; but he can give you  the sense of comfort after you help yourself get back to life. 
“Gaeul”, you muttered, “how long it’s been since we called him ‘Gyeom’?” A short version of his name, and he hated being called that. But when it came to you, his first love? He blushed whenever you said ‘Gyeom’. And why did you start calling him that again? Maybe that’s a sign, you thought to yourself, leaning your head back, maybe I do need him around.
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“So you mean to tell me”, Jisung was talking with his mouth full, “that you and Micha are not together? What’s the point of bringing her here then?”
Chan let out a deep sigh. It was only a matter of time when Han found out. “We are together. But we just don’t like labeling it as a ‘relationship’ Just give us some more time”. 
“ Are you kiddin’ me? It’s been two weeks, Chan!” He gnashed his teeth. “Every media outlet is calling me to confirm whether the two of you are together. What am I supposed to tell them?”
“That it’s none of their business”. 
“It doesn't work anymore. Is she your girlfriend or not?”
“She is, technically”, Chris leaned in his chair, “we’re in an open relationship”. Jisung set his palms down flat on the table, the heavy breathing of his sending shivers down Chan’s spine. He loved riling his friend up, but sometimes he seemed to forget Han was also his manager. A scary one at times. 
“I swear to God”, Jisung hissed, “I’m gonna kill you and replace you with another dude. No one will see a difference”. Chris chuckled and went back to his dinner, leaving Han’s question unanswered. 
Him and Micha had a lot of history; but when he showed up at her door, drunk to the bone, she was more than shocked. He kept on complaining, crying about you, cursing you, proclaiming his love for you. Micha was impressed only by him being that emotional - nothing like that ever happened when they were together. A couple of days later one thing led to another and… Some time after that she was already packing her bags to go to Melbourne with him. Was it a smart, calculated decision? Absolutely not. But Chan, for whatever reason, promised to support her financially before she’d find a job there; alright, to be honest? He wanted to hurt you. To hurt you the same way your reconciliation with Yugyeom made him feel. Chan wanted to see you suffer as much as he did, to see you try to beg for him to come back to you. Spoiler alert: you never did. 
Except for the airport incident. He almost caught the slightest glimpse of you, almost canceled his entire flight, almost called off all the business he had in Australia. If only he could delve into your features one more time, he would’ve put everyone aside. ‘Cause if you were there and he saw you, he wouldn’t need anything else. But he didn’t see you, so it was all settled as it was supposed to be. 
Han was grumbling something under his breath while Chan was scrolling down the latest news; some of his friends had a comeback coming up, the other was starring in a new drama, the third proposed to his girlfriend… Everyone seemed to have their life put together but him. When he laid in bed, staring at the ceiling, Micha’s head resting on his arm, Chan would only think about a life he gave away. He could’ve been lying in his bed now, with his head snuggled into your neck, inhaling that sweet scent of yours right into his system. He could’ve been waking up to your leg lapped across his. He could’ve been with the woman he’s in love with, not the one he pretends to love. Micha doesn’t deserve this; but something tells him that she knows - just pretends not to notice. 
‘Hey, doesn’t this house seem familiar to you?” Han shoved his phone right into Chan’s face; when his eyes could finally focus, he recognised the building immediately. “They report it’s been a fire, they’re still locating it”, Jisung continued, “and the guy who started it wanted to kill his family. What a piece of shit”. 
The only thing Chan could see was smoke coming out from the apartment scarily close to yours. He was unable to forget the window of yours, the window he would always look up to just to see your smiley face. “Can I borrow your phone?”
Jisung swallowed his food, looking confused. “What for?”
“I need to call her”. Han rolled his eyes but obliged, lending the phone to his friend. Chan practically jumped from his seat, running from the second floor of the restaurant they were in to the street. Chan was aware of you blocking him everywhere; so he hoped you’d pick up if Han called. What was that logic? Why would you even pick up?
If the fire was still being located, how big is it? Were you home when it started? Were you not? Is Gaeul okay? 
Long beeps only fueled his anxiety. Pick up, pick up, pick up. Please. 
“Hello?” The voice on the other side of the phone wasn’t the silky one Chan was hoping to hear. 
Chan asked for your name. Was it a cop? A firefighter? A doctor? “She’s okay, she wasn’t home when the fire broke out”.
“Who am I talkin’ to?”
“Kim Yugyeom. I’m a friend. You?”
Another tingling in his chest, every little blood cell of his running to his head, fueling his rage and pain, mixing them altogether. So, Yugyeom is there? After all of your claims he meant nothing to you? 
“Hello?” Yugyeom asked once again. “Say your name at least, so that she’d know whom to call back”.
“Don’t you see the name on the screen?” Chan’s words came out harsher than he planned. “Sorry, whatever. Don’t tell her anything”. Chris hung up the phone and let out an exasperated sigh. Rubbing his face with his hands, Chan couldn’t even comprehend what he was feeling. Why was the mere thought of you and Yugyeom in the same space bringing him the worst pain of it all? It was jealousy. It was all the love he couldn’t properly give you resulting in that horrendous feeling of envy. The feeling that Yugyeom might give this love to you. The love that you deserve. 
How long will he continue pining over you? Maybe he should just start paying more attention to his actual girlfriend rather than the dream woman of his?
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@heylookwhoitis @amaranth-writing @itstorimf @tenshimara @whyyougottadothatbro
The story's masterlist <3
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alltoolewis · 2 years
Love Bug- Mason Mount ✨
I did try and post this yesterday but it kept glitching & the tags aren't working ���� So 2nd times the charm! Haven't written much for daddy mount before so this was new... but I sort of loved it lol! Hope you enjoy 💛
Summary- When Mason comes back from the England camp, he finds you and your little one a lot needier than he left...
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Prompt- "Aww did you miss me..?
"When's daddy back...?" Your daughter, Sienna, asked for the tenth time that hour. You tried your best to distract her with her dolls and her favorite TV show on the telly, but nothing was working... she wanted to see her daddy, and you'd be lying if you said you didn't either! It was safe to say you were both missing Mason's affection after being without him for almost 2 weeks... it has been the longest time you'd been apart since the euros and all you wanted was for him to be back at home and in your arms.
"Shouldn't be long now honey.." You sighed, picking her up and putting her on your knee "How about we make some cookies for him yeah?" Sienna immediately nodded at your suggestion, dashing off the to the kitchen as she already started planning what flavours to do... The sad truth was at this point you were willing to do anything to stop the excitement from becoming too much... you needed a distraction just as much as your 4-year-old did, that's how needy you had become!
You didn't hear the door shutting as you both danced away to Encanto! His heart burst at the scene in front of him, both of you giggling away singing, totally oblivious to his return. "Having fun without eh?" He chuckled as your heads whipped around so quick, you swore you could see stares. "DADDY!" Sienna yelled, pouncing on him as she wrapped her arms around "Hello princess... you okay?"
"I missed you..." She whispered in his neck, causing his heart to break "I missed you too baby..." Looking up, his eyes caught yours where you were eagerly waiting to give him a hug. You wanted to join in on the moment, but the mother in you was stopping you... knowing just how much your little girl has waited to be in here daddy's arms, you were willing to wait a little longer "Hey... mummy told me on the phone last night, that nanny & grandad got you some new toys!"
"They did!" She gasped, already pulling out of his arms to go get them "They are so cool, there's a doggy and kitty & a doll that looks just like mummy!" "ooooooo" Mason gasped, tickling her sides "How about you get them, while I say hello to mummy, then we'll go watch Encanto & eat some of those amazing cookies I can smell!" Without hesitation, she shot out of the kitchen, leaving just you and him alone... something you have been craving for a while...
"My turn...?" You giggled excitedly, causing him to let out a low chuckle at your childishness "It's your turn... come here lovebug!" Almost as quick as Sienna you leaped in his arms, wrapping your legs around his waist almost taking you both out. "aww, did you miss me?" Mason teased, yelping a little as you bit his neck playfully "Not funny mase..." You groaned, looking up at him with tears in your eyes "You have no idea!"
"Oh I do.." He smiled, carrying you over to the couch to cuddle you properly, finally putting your lips on his "Because I missed you just as much!" Pecking your nose, before your daughter came barging in, interrupting the two of you with all her toys in her arms...
The rest of the day was spent just like that, you and Mason cuddled up on the couch as Sienna told him everything he had missed the past 2 weeks. & although he knew he should have been listening to her, he was too lovestruck in his own bubble to fully understand what she was talking about... having you back in his arms and his little girl in front him was all he needed, it was all wanted!
Once the overall excitement of her daddy's return at gone, Sienna finally settled down on his lap, eventually nodding off. "How about I get this one ready for bed, while you run us a bath..." Mason whispered, already lifting the little girl up as you nodded your head "Okay." You smiled, pecking his lips and Sienna's head "Which bath bomb do you want?" Since you first started all those years ago, Mason had grew a sucker for one of your lush bath bombs, even stealing them for his own personal baths much to your dismay...
"Sex bomb..." He winked, before walking out of the room ready to put his little girl to bed so he could celebrate his return with just you. Don't get him wrong, he loved being a dad more than anything in the world, being responsible for a little girl who was the perfect mash of the two you couldn't make him prouder. But that didn't mean he didn't miss your old nights alone when he returned, both of you getting lost in love and lust without the fear of Sienna interrupting you or hearing it. So when he turned around after tucking her in to find you stood there wrapped up in your gown, his matching folded on your arm ready for him to take... he couldn't get out there quick enough. Muttering one last quick goodnight to his sleeping daughter head before he whisked you off your feet, carrying you into the bathroom as you both got carried away with love like the old days...
"That was fun..." You sighed, climbing off him as you crawled into his open arm, letting him engulf you in a hug "It was indeed." Mason smirked, kissing the top of your head as you both started to drift off into sleep... that was until the sounds of your daughter's cries could be heard, causing Mason to immediately shoot up. You couldn't help but giggle as he climbed out of bed, desperately searching for his shirt and underpants. Leaning over the bed he kissed your lips softly "Be right back gorgeous... daddy duties calls!"
Shooting you one last wink as he left the room he smiled "Try not to miss me to much love bug... or do if it means doing that!"
"Oh shut up & go help Sienna before I fall asleep without ya!"
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choccyhearts · 1 year
New Friend // Eddie Munson x Reader
Note: I've been thinking about hamsters a lot and also, what if you were living with Eddie and Wayne and you've been begging them to get a pet?
CW: Fluff ^_^, g/n!reader, Eddie being a hamster dad
Summary: You want a new pet and Wayne and Eddie finally agree to let you get one
"Puhleeeeeeease, Teddy Bear?", you pleaded with your best puppy dog eyes. Your boyfriend continued making his breakfast, swerving around you and avoiding your stare.
You had been begging for a pet since you began living with the two men. Eddie had a good argument -- "We can barely feed three mouths, how can we feed four? And we have no room!" But all you heard was, "No fun allowed, you aren't allowed to be happy."
"I'll take care of it, and I'll clean everything and feed them, and water them, and I'll use my moneyyy", you whined.
"Stop whining", he mutters. "Or I'll give you something to whine about."
"Pleaseeee", you grab ahold of his arm and shake him back and forth, risking him dropping his cereal.
"Baby, let go! I'm gonna spill all over the carpet and Wayne's gonna get pissed!"
"Hmph!" You let go and turn your back to him.
"Awh", he clicks his tongue. "Don't act like that just cause you can't get your way." He kisses your shoulder. "Anyways, doesn't matter what I think, it's Wayne's trailer."
You sigh and slug over to the couch, flopping on to it. Eddie sits down on the floor and begins to feed you his cereal. As you're sulking, the door opens.
"Oh God", Eddie shakes his head.
"Wayne, can I get a pet, pleasseee. I'll do everything myself! I'll use my own money!"
Wayne walks into the kitchen as you plead your case.
"No, tell them that there's already too many people in this trailer", Eddie's voice is muffled by his moutful of cereal.
"Uh, a doggie or kitty isn't a person, Eds, duh."
"Listen, I don't care, long as it doesn't piss on the floor, rummage through the fridge, or get up to any debauchery", Wayne comes back out of the kitchen holding a mug of coffee. "Got enough of that here already."
"Really?", you gasp. Wayne nods and scoots you over so he can sit. The moment of silence is broken by your shrill screech, "EEEE!!! Thank you!!"
Both men brace themselves as you leave to yours and Eddie's room. In a couple of minutes you emerge wearing your shoes and coat.
"Where you goin'?", Eddie asks.
"Going to go get my pet."
"Yes, I want to have them here as soon as possible", you say determined.
"What're you gonna get?"
"Hmm, not sure. I'll see when I get there and see what speaks to me." You open the door and step out.
"Just get one!"
"No spiders!"
You arrive back home with your new friend and all of their equipment. You weren't sure what to get when you were at the store. Everything was so cute and fluffy and you wanted all of them.
You picked a little black teddy bear hamster because, "It's like my Teddy Bear."
Both men are gone and you cheer internally. Now you can have everything set up for them to be surprised.
You spend the afternoon building the hamster's cage. Your cage is a glass and wood one with wheels. You set up the inside with the goodies you bought.
A large exercise wheel, tunnels, chew toys, a sand bath, water bottle, etc. You place your friend in the cage, pressing your face against the glass.
"Do you like it, buddy?"
The hamster sniffs the air, looking around. It's tiny body moves up and down fast as it breathes.
"Eee, yay", you say softer than you had previously in the day.
After half an hour you hear the rattle of Eddie's van pull up.
"Ooh! That must be Eddie! You'll like him, he's reay sweet when you get to know him, promise! He's gonna be like your daddy!", you smile at the rodent who continues building it's nest.
You quickly make your way to the door, blocking Eddie's path.
"Hi, Eddie", you smile brightly.
"Hi, baby", he says suspicious of you. "Can I get through?"
"Yes", you nod. "But first prepare yourself to meet the newest addition to the Munson family."
He chuckles, "It's just an animal, not a baby." He pauses. "Right? You didn't go steal a baby?"
"Nope! But you're still a new father!" You take his hand and drag him inside. "Taadaa!"
You gesture to the hamster cage. He turns his head and raises a brow.
"What is it?"
"A hamster!" Eddie looks at your happy face, his heart softening. He leans down and peppers your face in kisses. "Come on, come look!"
You kneel down on the floor, him doing the same. You point at the little black ball of fur. The hamster is sleeping, curled up in a corner.
"Awh, he's a cute one, baby." You nod. "He got a name?"
"Not yet, I've been thinking all day." You set your head on his shoulder.
As you two watch the hamster, another vehicle pulls up. Wayne notices that you're home and as he opens the door, he braces himself to be tackled by whatever fur-devil you brought home.
"Hi, Wayne!"
"Where's your lil pet?"
You point to where the hamster is sleeping.
"You got a rat?"
"Noooo, a hamster." Eddie pulls you on to his lap so Wayne can get a look inside the cage.
"Where is it?" You point again. "Cute. Got a name?" You shrug.
"By the way, how'd you get this thing in here?", Eddie asks.
"Through the door", you tease.
"You little shit", Eddie nuzzles his face into your neck.
"I had to build the cage, it came in a big box."
"You built this?"
"Why's it gotta be so big?", Wayne asks.
"So he won't get bored."
"Bored? He's just a hamster. Don't they spin on those things?"
"Yeah, but he'll want more to do. I want him to have the best life while he's here. Plus, wouldn't you get tired of running in circles?"
"I 'spose so, but they got little brains, they don't know."
"So does Eddie, but we still keep him entertained", you giggle and Wayne chuckles.
"Hey!", Eddie gives a strong pat to your bottom. You giggle and kiss his nose.
"So, a name?"
"Whiskers?", Wayne suggests.
"Hams Solo", Eddie chuckles.
"Sir Hamilton Munson the Second."
Both men look at you quizzically.
"Who's the first?", Eddie asks. You shurg.
Sir Hamilton wakes up, yawning. The three of you spend the evening watching the hamster run around doing it's hamster activities.
Quick Headcanons:
Eddie definitely sits next to the cage and announces, "Hey, my favorite show is on!", when Sir Hamilton is awake.
He was a little scared of holding the hamster. Half because he didn't want to hurt the poor creature, half because he didn't want to be bitten.
He helps you decorate the outside of cage for different holidays -- cobwebs and spooky stickers for Halloween, tinsel, lights and a little stocking for Christmas, hand turkeys for Thanksgiving, etc.
He tries to be a little quieter when Sir Hamilton is sleeping.
Feeds him carrots and his treats happily
Says, "I gotta get home to my son" when leaving get-togethers with his friends
Wrote Sir Hamilton into one of his campaigns
"He deserves to be included"
Delivers light kisses to Sir Hamilton when he holds him
Got a little exercise ball for him to roam around the trailer in (note: I know these are bad, but in the 80s these were normal)
Does sometimes help pitch in and clean the cage
Is actually excited to come home and see the little fluffball -- he's such a softie for animals <3
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aeoki · 10 months
Seven Bridges - Hate Control: Chapter 14
Location: Tanabata Fest Stage Characters: Tsukasa, Ritsu & Arashi
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ&lt; At that time. Near the ES building (“Tanabata Fest” Venue 6). >
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Tsukasa: Eek, where is that damned beastly howl coming from!?
Ritsu: Don’t say that. Manners. …The entire area has gotten pretty noisy ever since “Tanabata Fest” began – maybe the doggies or the kitties are excited and making a fuss.
Tsukasa: “Tanabata Fest” this year is on an unprecedented sense of scale. This may be the largest national Event aside from “SS” that takes place throughout the entire country.
Ritsu: It probably is – Anzu sure came up with something interesting.
“Tanabata Fest” was originally a school-only event. Sure, it was an “S1” where visitors could come and watch, but it was just an event held on Yumenosaki grounds.
But Anzu made improvements to “Tanabata Fest” – in other words, “Neo Tanabata Fest” – and it’s now a large-scale festival that involves the whole local region.
Arashi: What was the reason behind phrasing it in such a lame way?
Ritsu: Wow, Nacchan’s definitely in a bad mood today. We’ve got an electrifying Nacchan.
Arashi: Can you not make it sound like I’m some sort of carbonated drink?
Ritsu: That’s just my preference. …Anyway, as a condition, Anzu couldn’t let “Tanabata Fest” fail no matter what.
Tsukasa: The producer and the one responsible for “Tanabata Fest” is Anzu Onee-sama, after all.
Things were already underway so she couldn’t pretend nothing had happened.
Ritsu: Yeah. It was harassment from the “Peace Party” people who don’t think too fondly of Anzu. Actually, it was just a flat-out attack.
She sure did a good job dealing with all of that.
Tsukasa: Heheh ♪ And the plot states that we “Knights” are the ones who gallantly saved Onee-sama who was in a predicament!
Ritsu: If anything, I think we were the ones who drove Anzu into a corner. It’s all because Nacchan wasn’t like her usual self and was all whiny and said she didn’t want to take part in the school’s “Tanabata Fest”.
Thanks to that, they couldn’t get all of the performers together and the event was close to failing.
Arashi: …………
Tsukasa: Don’t say the things you don’t mean, Ritsu-senpai.
I believe I made the right decision – and the best one I could – back then as the king of “Knights”.
It’s not your fault at all, Narukami-senpai. I did take your opinion into consideration, of course, but the responsibility for “Knights’” actions falls to me.
If anything, it feels like you’re trying to take that responsibility – the crown – from me, so I’m somewhat angry at that.
Arashi: You’re such a good child, Tsukasa-chan.
Tsukasa: Don’t call me a good child; call me a good king!
Arashi: You’re so adorable ♪
Ritsu: Good king ♪ Good king ♪ Nice king ♪ Handsome king ♪
Tsukasa: Don’t make fun of me! I’ll really get angry!
Arashi: Ehehe. Anyway, the proposal for “Tanabata Fest” was very close to ending in failure, but Anzu-chan worked really hard to revive it, huh.
She’s got guts, I’ll give her that. I always knew that was the sort of girl she was.
Ritsu: Indeed. “Trickstar” are a bunch of pervs and monsters who get even more motivated the more they’re driven into a corner.
I want to learn how to do that too since I tend to give up right away.
Tsukasa: Yes. Let us learn all that we can from our Rivals.
Arashi: But how did Anzu-chan cheer up so suddenly? It looks like her encounter with NEGI-chan had something to do with it, but did she take such a liking to her?
…As I thought, do they understand something about each other that only fellow girls would?
Ritsu: Nacchan, you’re such an idiot for a change.
Arashi: What? Who’re you calling an idiot?
Ritsu: Sure, it looks like Anzu did take a liking to that NEGI person.
But she’s not like Secchan whose motivation levels go up and down depending on his personal likes and dislikes.
Arashi: Can you stop using “Secchan” as some sort of slander?
Ritsu: I’m just guessing but maybe Anzu saw that NEGI person like this:
Like they were similar. They’re both girls who are doing their best in this male-dominated society.
She realised there are people who aren’t giving up and are doing their best to fight.
So she also thought that she couldn’t give up and got motivated.
I’m not Anzu. She’s taciturn and doesn’t tell anyone what she’s feeling, so it’s just what I think, though.
Arashi: I see… NEGI-chan was the one who cheered Anzu-chan up.
That’s amazing. No, it’s frustrating… NEGI-chan became Anzu’s idol in the most correct sense.
She gave Anzu-chan courage, comforted her and gave her a push on the back. She turned her negative feelings into positive ones and made her smile.
She made her life sparkle and shine, with her singing and dancing.
She could sympathise with her own way of life and made her feel like she wasn’t alone.
I too want to be “someone like that” for Anzu-chan – no, for the whole world.
Ritsu-chan, Tsukasa-chan, I want to be an idol too.
Tsukasa: Why say that now?
Ritsu: Everyone feels the same way, Nacchan~ That’s why we’re in a unit together.
Arashi: That’s right.
Ehehe. I should stop sulking, remember the spirit that I started with and do my best ♪
(...The person who left this world probably loved me romantically like that.)
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rirismommyspace · 5 months
a kitty on the internets made me sad cause she went to the clouds. i know she’s gonna be treated so well cause she’s a queen kitty but im still sad abouts it. is okay though cause now when im sad about it i hug a plushie i gots from one of my friends. is a strawberry cow an now i have two strawberry cow plushies so i can have a collection! an both of them were gifts so i can think of my friends when i hug them.
do you have any gifts that make you think of your friends? i hope you have things that make you happy, and i hope you get to see cute kitties, or doggies, or whatever animal makes you happy! i really like jellies and bunnies and kitties, what about you?
- 🫧
˚₊✩‧₊ you're so adorable, my love ! please don't ever let anyone make you feel bad for feeling sad about things, okay ? no matter what it is, you always have a right to your emotions and how you feel ! And I'm glad that you have things that make you happy and bring you comfort when you're sad ! Strawberry Cows are very very cute as well ! Your friends sound so kind !
I do have gifts that make me think of my friends ! In life I got very lucky with the people I have as friends and they're very kind also. (I would honestly call them the best people I know, and they are the reason I am who I am) I have the things they've given me displayed in my room! But I also believe that the people we love are always with us in everything we do, so that's comforting too, yea ?
Also !! Jellyfish are my favourite animals too !! I have a couple pictures in my room of them !!
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hepbaestus · 1 year
Thoughts on X-Men Days of Future Past (2014)
Ooo sinister music
Oh no not quarantine again
Humans and Mutants worked together? Nice
The world looks so sad
Yes Charles we are, we're a destructive power that has lived too long
"is the future truly set?" Ooo time travel pog
The credit intro is so cool!
The ships remind me of the ones from Star Wars
Elliot Page?! I didn't know he was in this
Shit those things can take on a Mutant's powers?? Fuck.
Rip these guys I guess
Blink is pretty.
Ayo what the fuck is that the time travel thing??
Man's really did go bald just like he didn't want
Wolverine!! Hugh Jackman, sadly not Ryan Reynolds' favourite Australian anymore
Storm is also so pretty!!
Ian McKellen??
Wait is Mystique dead??
Fuck that's terrible.
Oh wait this has long haired James McAvoy doesn't it??
Elliot's name in this is Kitty Pride? Wow
Just a little sting, eh?
Quoting Charles Xavier, good play
HIM!! I forgot his name, Alex?
Gotta say not a great fight scene
Jennifer Lawrence looks good in military uniform
Oh shit Xavier's school for mutants disbanded?
The scream and then seeing Wolverine flying.
He can walk??
The Piss off. So British I love it.
He thinks it's a dream? That's a fair reaction.
Tragic backstory time 2: electric boogaloo
He's addicted. Fuck.
"Sent me back here together." Charles'reaction
Of course Erik killed JFK
God. The phone book. I remember those.
That's so on-brand for a villain to have a painting where he's seemingly "good" behind the desk
Fuck. Those images.
The sound of wolverine's claws (they're bones??? I always thought they were metallic) I hate it
That food looks mank.
Ooooo fancy door
His lil smile. Reminds me of polite cat (r.i.p)
He said mind the glass dipshit
Of course, French chefs
I'm not too keen on his outfit.
"I'm not very good with violence." Immediately punches Erik.
The homoerotic tension between these two. Jesus Christ.
Peter's just a lil guy.
It makes sense why Wolverine's claws are not metal now. Huh. Why didn't I think of that?
The one-sided stare. Jesus Christ just get together already. (I know they don't sadly)
The pose James was in when Erik's yelling at him? I thank the director for that shot.
Jennifer is so pwetty.
Chess, the game to reconcile with the lads.
This film feels like it's going on forever. I'm not even an hour in.
The creation of the Sentinels.
The acrobatics. Holy shit.
Erik no. Don't you dare.
God that must be so painful.
Of course man's just forgets.
Of course, Charles, says the man's on acid and he's having a bad trip. That definitely won't end badly.
"research purposes" of course.
Oh god. Self-sewing his wound? Ew.
Not even a thank you? Wow, Logan.
It's always raining when something sinister is about to happen.
There's no nearly enough dust on the cerebro
The gentle coaxing. My heart.
This is trippy.
Talking to his future self.
Power's back on? No shit Sherlock. It's not as if the lights turned back on now is it?
CGI's kinda iffy here.
But still cool nonetheless.
"Your best is enough." Oof the pain.
It's the star wars looking ships!
Oh shit , just a light stab wound for Erik
R.i.p Storm
Ouchie pt.2
Somehow the cameras still work
That close-up shot of Logan's eye.
Logan has grey hairs, ooooo me likey
Kitty Pryde as a teacher? Nice.
Logan's so confused.
Jean? (Admittedly, I have watched the wolverine films so idk much about her at all).
Overall score: 4.5/10 felt like it dragged on for too long.
Recommendations welcome!
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kahran042 · 2 years
Encyclopedia Brown thoughts: book 18
Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Disgusting Sneakers
This was my first Encyclopedia Brown book, so I might be softer on it than others. I'll try my best not to, though.
The Case of the Fifth Word:
Diamond Mart? Doesn't exactly sound like a reputable jewelry store to me.
This story is the first place where I heard of the word nominative (which I still don’t know exactly what it means) and the Ute tribe.
I think this is the first story to mention that Mrs. Brown used to be a teacher.
What if there hadn't been a fir tree in Nolan's palm-tree nursery? Or did he plant one just so he could use this specific code?
The Case of the Teacup:
What kind of nine-year-old would already be collecting chinaware for his/her future house?
Are there even 43 different kinds of silverware?
Is Fu Chee's restaurant the same one from The Case of the Chinese Restaurant? Because I like to think it is.
This case is the first place where I ever saw the term "doggy bag". Personally, I would call it a "kitty bag" because I wouldn't keep dogs if I had my way.
I did not know until I read this case that Chinese teacups don't have handles.
The Case of the Broken Vase:
Another nondescript "Bugs tries to frame Encyclopedia" case... I'm starting to see why @brownencyclopedia skims so much. :P
The Case of the Three Vans:
Awfully convenient that one of the three vans was from ABC TV Repair, so that Mr. Dunn was able to make a code based on that.
Is Mr. Dunn's sister really a nurse?
The Case of the Rented Canoes:
Was there any point to Sobol including a canoe-safety lesson in this case?
Who steals fishing rods... well, besides the Baldwin sisters?
I really hope that the Smith twins start going by Finbar and Garrett/Gareth later in life.
It's nice to see high-schoolers who aren't the bad guys feature in these stories.
Would two sisters only two years apart really have that great a difference in size? At least it’s not as egregious as the height difference between the Hightower siblings in The Case of the Seven-Foot Driver... :P
The Case of the Brain Game:
Finally, Chester Jenkins gets a description besides "fat." And it's nice to see the fat guy also being smart.
What if someone didn't know "The Yellow Rose of Texas"?
Did Sobol not know that "gyp/gypped" is a racial slur?
Why would a young girl be named Edith in 1990?
What's a cherry spit?
The Case of Black Jack's Treasure:
Everyone had heard of Black Jack Lefever, the pirate who hadn't been mentioned up until this point, seventeen books, one spin-off cookbook, and seven cases into the series.
The Case of the Missing Shopping Bag:
Everything in this case is over a pamphlet on chess. Not a book, a pamphlet. I want you to keep that in mind.
Seriously, why do these books always mention the ages of teenage bullies? :P
If "Gelula" were a real word, it would totes be on my list of funny words.
How much business would a store called Just Skirts really get?
The Case of the Disgusting Sneakers:
They biked to South Park? How are three kids going to bike from Florida to Colorado? :)
Aww, they don't look at aglets?
Stinky Redmond and Tessie Bottoms? Two recurring antagonists in one story... they're really not making this one easy.
And then, it turns out that they were both innocent anyway. :P
The Case of the Smugglers' Secret:
How did Charlie know that they were smugglers? Have we suddenly been warped into the Hardy Boys universe? :)
Just ten books left to go!
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OMG CAUSES RACER HARRY HAS A DOG I CAN TOTALLY SEE IT WAS Y/N PERSUADING HARRY SO HARD LIKE "it will keep me company whilst your out" "it will give the kids something to get there energy out on"
A man’s best friend
Okay I love that you keep up with his blog 😭 side note, sorry, this is a little shitty but I tired my best. I hope you like it! ❤️‍🔥
“But he’s so cute, lover. And he’s just a puppy now. Please! You know how much poppy would love him.” And that wok harry over, y/n got anything she wanted most of the time, but as soon as she mentioned poppy he was grabbing her phone and calling up the shelter to see if they could come up in a few hours to get the puppy.
“You’re so spoiled. I already get you anything and everything you want but then you bring my baby girl into this? This isn’t fair.” But of course in a few hours he would be loading the kids up in his Range Rover and driving down to the shelter with his wife buzzing in the passenger seat.
“Did I ever tell you you’re the best husband ever?”
“Well, yeah, but I’m not mad about hearing it again.”
The family of five squeezes out of the car, Y/n rushing into the shelter with harry and poppy hot on her tail. Y/n smiles widely at the woman who greets them. “Hi! My husband just called about the little Dalmatian. I think it said he was three months old.” The woman nods, grabbing a stack of paper work from a clipboard before leading the family back to the cages.
“Daddy, where are the lions?” Beau asks, holding Harry’s hand that wasn’t holding poppy secure to his hip. “They aren’t any lions here, baby. Only doggies and kitties.”
“But why?!” Harry laughs, rolling his eyes, “because that’s how animal shelters work, my love.”
Y/n instantly squats down once the employee lets the dog out of the cage, sitting on the ground and letting him run into her lap, prancing around her and licking fat stripes up her face with his puppy breath. “Awe, he loves me. Let’s take him home now, H.” The kids run over to their mother, going to pet the dog.
“We can soon, lover. Let me do this paper work.” Harry gives the young blue haired woman a smile before penning over the paper work they needed in order to adopt the Dalmatian.
Soon they pack the pups things into the back of Harrys car, shoving a crate, food, bowls, and the toys they purchases from a pet store before coming over. Y/n hips into the from seat with the over excited puppy dancing in her lap. “He’s the cutest. What should we name him?” Y/n turns back to her kids with a large smile.
“Let’s name him dick.” Y/n gasps at Grey’s words even thought they were probably innocent. “That’s your kid” she says after glancing over to her husband who was busy driving.
“Let’s name him sparky.” Beau suggests, shaking a rattle at his six month old sister. “Good name, bub. I like it.” She holds a hand out for him and lets him slap his own down on her palm.
Harry swore up and down that sparky was all Y/n’s, that he would help out with the dog but it wasn’t his.
Well, that was probably one of the fattest lies he’s ever told because one months in and they were best friends.
“Come here, sparky. Let me brush you.” He would spend hours in the back yard playing with him, tossing balls and playing tug-of-war with the clumsy dog.
And every-time he was away harry would have Y/n put sparky on the phone so he could coo to him. “I miss you spark! I’ll be home soon to scratch your belly and give you treats!” Then he would get all sad like “give the doggy belly scratches for me.”
And once he got home after he got big hugs from everyone he would go seeking Sparky out. He was laying in the sun in their laundry room, like normal. Harry’s face instantly dropped when he saw the bright blue Dalmatian. “What did the babies do to you sparky?!” Harry asks, the dog lifting his head up and jumping around at the sound of his owners voice, “that’s my boy! I missed you!”
It’s true what they say, a dog really is a a man best friend.
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I'm Yours, You're Mine | 7
Word Count: 4k
Genre: Smut, angst
Warnings: yandere!felix, sub!felix, dom!felix, sub!reader, dom!reader, mentions of violence, character death, drugging, noncon, breeding kink, binding, doggy
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GIF CREDIT @christopherbanq
You wake up in a warm embrace, surrounded by the sweet, vanilla scent of Felix. Opening your eyes, you’re met with the splatter of his freckles that seem to glow under the sunlight. Everything feels perfect. It feels right, and you wish you could stay in this moment forever, protected from all that has happened or will happen. But you can’t, the memories of last night’s darkness creep around the corners of the brightly lit room, seeping the warmth out of it until everything is plunged into darkness.
Felix opens his eyes, his bright sparkling eyes, unaware of the darkness surrounding him, his ignorance protecting him. But his light diminishes as his gaze focuses on you.
“Noona, why are you crying?” He asks, arms pulling you even closer to him to the point where you don’t know where your skin ends and his begins.
“Chan…” You sputter, little sobs rattling your chest now. Felix frowns sharply, “Did he do something to you?”
You shake your head, your tears now flowing down your cheeks. “He’s in the hospital. Someone attacked us while we were coming back from the cinema yesterday.”
Felix bolts upright, pushing you at an arm’s length and scrutinizing every inch of your body. “Are you hurt?”
“No, but Chan is.” You wail, throwing your arms around him and burying your face in his shoulder. “He’s hurt really bad.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” For the first time, Felix doesn’t comfort you, his body rigid in your embrace and you hesitantly pull back to look at him. He is completely still, a numb look on his face. And you suddenly realize how thoughtless you’ve been. Despite their fight, Felix and Chan have been best friends for years, way before you met either of them. You should’ve told him as soon as it happened.
“Is he going to be okay?” His lips quiver as he speaks, his eyes terrified and looking through yours for help, and you could smack yourself for being so selfish.
“Oh, baby.” You breathe, pulling him into your embrace again. “I’m sure he’ll be okay.”
He wasn’t.
Chan hasn’t woken up by the time you both visit him in the hospital, and the doctors were giving you vague responses every time you tried to ask about his condition--if he’s going to be okay, if he’s even gonna make it--and that petrifies you.
“We’re doing the best we can, but I can’t say anything for certain. He’s in a really bad condition.” The doctor informs you after you’d asked for the millionth time. You nod heavily and he lets you know that he’ll be there if there is anything else you need before he leaves. Yeah, right. The doctors were basically running from you at this point. You weren’t stupid. You knew what it meant.
“Thank you, doctor.” You mumble. You feel guilty, like this is all your fault for wishing for Felix to come back, like somehow this had been a bargain by a cruel god, giving you Felix back but taking Chan away.
As soon as the doctor leaves, Felix falls to the floor beside the bed sobbing. You run to him and wrap your arms around him and he immediately leans into your touch. “I did this.” He wails and your body goes stiff, your breath stuck in your throat, choking you.
But then he continues, “I wished for this the night he threw me out. I was so angry at him, but I never wanted it to really happen.”
Your body turns to jelly, the fear that had gripped it was so intense that it left no energy in its wake, and you can’t even caress Felix’s back to comfort him.
The police interview you over and over, asking you to remember if there is something about the man who mugged you that you’re forgetting that could help identify him. You don’t have to force yourself to remember, you see him in your dreams every night, and every night you wake up screaming, poor Felix having to comfort you and kiss you back to sleep, never once complaining.
Through it all, those few agonizing days, you held a terrible secret close to your chest. You felt wretched just thinking about it, but you couldn’t help it. You knew he was going to die anyway. You just wished it would happen sooner than later so you could properly grieve instead of being stuck in this fake limbo, pretending like you think he’s going to make it, even to Felix, so that he wouldn’t completely break down.
You go to visit him less and less until you stop completely, which doesn’t paint you in a very favorable light in front of law enforcement or the doctors, letting Felix go on his own to the hospital every day. But fuck them. What do they know about the pain you’re going through? The guilt?
When it finally happens, you can’t believe it. They say he coded in the night and they tried to do everything to save him, even brought him back a couple of times, but it was ultimately useless. He was gone.
You had to see him for yourself to believe it. You went alone. Felix couldn’t bear to look at his best friend’s now dead body. He begged you not to go but you needed to.
As you gaze across his face, you’re thrust back to that night. You had heard that dead people often have a peaceful look on their face, but Chan didn’t look peaceful. It almost looks angry, accusatory, asking you why you weren’t there for him.
He doesn’t forgive you, but it’s okay. You don’t forgive yourself either.
The case officially turned into a murder investigation following Chan’s death. His body was handed over to the coroner to do an autopsy and try to gather any forensic evidence left, but neither yielded much information, and the police had no leads.
Soon, the case turned cold.
As for you, you had moved in with Felix,, unable to step back into your apartment without Chan. Fearing that in doing so you’d be acknowledging that he’s gone, and then his spirit would remember to come back to haunt you.
Felix takes such good care of you, even though he’s the one who has the right to be hurt more. He stuck around you all the time, making you feel safe and comforting you. He also kept his distance as much as he could. You could tell he wanted to seek comfort in your body, to help each other through this pain, but you were selfish as always. You only let him comfort you. You never comforted him back.
As the months passed, Felix started getting more and more needy, making you feel even more wretched even though he never said anything. He loved you and you loved him, but Chan’s death had pushed a wedge between you. You couldn’t touch the younger boy without feeling guilty. It felt like you were cheating on Chan more than you ever did before, and so you kept Felix at a distance.
For his part, Felix never outright made an advance on you, respecting your need to grieve, but you could tell from the boner he’d get every time you kissed him even a sweet innocent little kiss or put your arms around him that he needed more, and it made you feel even more horrible. You couldn’t help Chan when he was alive and now you can’t help Felix. You felt like the most selfish fucking human being in the world.
So when you’re woken up from sleep one night, feeling hot and with something hard poking against your ass, you decide to finally give back.
“Noona...” Felix whimpers into your ear, nuzzling his face in the nape of your neck, making goosebumps erupt along your body. You weren’t ready to go all the way yet but at least you could give him some release.
Turning on your back, you guide him to straddle you and let yourself slip into the right headspace. "You dirty little thing, humping your noona in her sleep?"
His eyes light up when he realizes that for the first time in a long time, you’re reciprocating, and he sighs in relief, starting to grind his hips against yours. Tantalizing, you lower the straps of your nightgown, a delicate pink satin piece that Felix bought for you, to expose your tits for him. He hums appreciatively, reaching out to touch, but you slap his hand away. “Only look.”
He shudders, nodding, and humps against you faster. "Noona, please, fuck me. Fuck your dumb baby."
"No whining." You reprimand, lifting his shirt up to his mouth and he obediently bites on it, muffling his noises. With the shirt up, his boxers are exposed, and you watch as every time he thrusts forward, the tip of his dick pokes out from his boxers, red and leaking. “And I thought you’d thank me for being so nice to a pervert like you.”
Felix pants around the fabric in his mouth, his dick dripping over your panties. Placing your hand on his ass, you feel the muscle clench and relax as he ruts desperately against you. “Is this how you wanna fuck noona? You think your little dick can make me feel good?”
He pushes the shirt out of his mouth with his tongue and babbles. “I can noona. Just let me put it inside.” He grabs his dick and runs the head of it over your clothed slit, making you shiver at the stimulation. Then he pushes the head against your hole but is prevented from pushing in because of the underwear “Just let me put it in, noona.”
“You’re a greedy little kitten aren’t you? Put your hands up to your chest, kitty.” You order, and he reluctantly obeys. “Now stick your tongue out and pant for me.”
He does so with a flush, looking like a cat in heat. Absolutely filthy.
“That’s it. That’s a good, boy. Putting on a show for noona.”
He nods happily, high off the praise you’re giving him. "I'm gonna cum for you noona. Watch me cum for you."
“I’m looking, little whore. Cum for me.” You purr, cupping handfuls of his ass as you encourage his now sloppy thrusts.
Felix cries out, cum spurting out of the tip of his cock and landing on your pretty silk nightgown. You tut disappointedly, “Look at the mess you made, kitten. You ruined my nightgown with your filthy cum.”
“I’m sorry, noona.” Felix pants, not looking sorry at all. In fact, he looks enraptured by the sight in front of him. “I’ll buy you a new one.”
He falls over your chest, suckling on your breasts gently as his breathing slows down and becomes deep as he falls asleep.
That’s how things go for a long while. Just you helping Felix take the edge off without actually going all the way. You can tell he’s disappointed. He must’ve thought that this was the start of you reigniting your relationship, but you still can’t get yourself to be there for him in the way he needs you. And despite you acting romantically together and going on dates, you never officially acknowledged that you are in a relationship, and you can tell that this, more than anything, hurt him the most.
You feel pity and self-hate fill you up as you play with the boy’s hair, his head resting on your lap.
“How do you like the cocktail?” Felix asks lazily, taking you out of your thoughts.
You blink and take another sip of the drink he made you, appreciating the taste on your tongue. It’s actually pretty good, and you tell him exactly that. “But it seems quite strong. I’m a little lightheaded already. What’s in it, kitten?”
Felix giggles as he presses a finger to his mouth, making a shushing sound. “It's a secret.”
You smile fondly at him, soaking up his laughter along with the afternoon son, the calming rhythm of lix's breathing and the strong drink making you feel sleepy. You decide you’re gonna ask him if he’d like to take a nap with you, but before you can form your words, you abruptly get much sleepier, your eyelids turning to lead as they struggle to stay open to the world spinning around you.
You finally manage a little groan, attracting Felix’s attention. He looks up at you in question and his curious eyes are the last thing you see before it all goes black
You wake up feeling hot and sticky. Groggily coming to, you blurrily see a mop of blonde hair over your exposed chest and feel wetness over your nipples. Despite your heavy head, you can immediately tell it’s Felix, and your thoughts trudge along as you try to think of what you were doing last but the memory is too fuzzy.
You’re easily distracted when you feel his moans against your skin as he kisses and suckles on your breasts, his hips dragging over your thigh needily. You try to move your hands to push him away, confused and mad that he is touching you without permission, but you only hear the sound of metal clanking as your hands stay above your head, and with a panic, you realize that you were shackled to the bed.
At the sound, Felix lifts his head up and smiles at you sweetly, as if nothing about this was weird. “Noona, you’re awake!”
You stare at him in bewilderment, and he finally realizes what’s wrong. Sheepishly, he explains, “I’m sorry. You were taking so long to wake up and I couldn’t help myself.”
His words don’t really make the situation much clearer. "What is happening? Why am I bound?"
He smiles, moving up your body so his nose is touching yours. "You've been bad noona, rejecting me for so long. I tried to wait. I tried to be good for you but you still kept rejecting me. So I decided to push things along a little."
"What?" You ask, throat dry.
"I put a sedative in your drink so you'd pass out and I can play with you." He explains cheerily, like that was a completely normal and benign thing to do.
"What the fuck, Felix?” You shout, pulling on your shackles in alarm. “You're crazy."
"Crazy over you." He giggles, pinning your hands to the bed so you wouldn’t struggle. “Now stop or you’ll hurt yourself.”
“You’re the one who is hurting me!”
He frowns. “Don’t say that, noona. I’ve been taking good care of you, haven’t I?”
“And you think that gives you the right to drug and assault me?”
His frown deepens at that, all air of playfulness gone from around him. “Stop. Saying. That.” He grits, “I can’t assault you when you’re mine.”
He leans back and palms at your breasts greedily, his thumbs brushing over your wet buds, and you struggle to not arch up into his touch, a fresh wave of arousal sticking your shorts to your pussy even more. “You’re so perfect, noona.”
"Let me go." You cry, gradually getting more and more panicked.
"I'll never let you go again." His voice is gruff and it sends a shiver down your spine as he rubs his fingers over your clit coarsely. “So stop this or you’ll make me really angry, noona.”
You still immediately, thinking back on what he did last time he got mad. You could still feel the suffocation gripping your throat.
“If you’re wet, noona. I’ll know you want me too.” He pulls back from your chest and slowly peels your shorts down your legs, a gasp escaping him when he is undoubtedly greeted by your underwear sticking to your slick, puffy lips in arousal. “I knew it. Fuck, you’re so sexy.”
He grabs the top of your panties, pulling them up so they’d rub over your pussy, teasing you and delighting in watching you involuntarily squirm. “You’re so sensitive, noona.”
“It’s okay. I’ll take care of you.” He slinks your panties down your legs then pulls your thighs up, spreading your legs wide for him, and moaning out in appreciation. “Ah, fuck, noona…so hot.”
His fingers slowly rub over your exposed, drenched pussy, driving you crazy with the deliberate, wide strokes. You have to fight hard to not close your legs around him. “Want more, noona?”
You bite down on your tongue. You won’t give him the satisfaction of admitting it out loud. Resolutely, his fingers trail down your pussy and into your warm, tight heat, and you can’t fight back the gasp that is ripped from you. You shake as his fingers ever so slowly pump in and out of you. And when he puts his mouth on you, your moans flow out, not caring anything for your ego.
Felix moans into your pussy, eating you out slowly too, maddening slow as if he was kissing you. The wet sounds of his lips and tongue on you make you burn in shame and arousal.
He stays between your legs a long time, driving you mad, his tongue deliberately moving along your folds and and his lips sucking on your sensitive skin, while his fingers stay inside your pussy and relentlessly but equally as slowly rub against that sweet spot inside you. You feel the burn gradually build in your body, it fries your brain and by the time you cum, your entire nervous system is on fire.
He climbs up your body, looking down at you with the most fucked out look on his pretty face, his eyes absolutely glazed over with lust as he bucks his crotch against you and kisses your mouth the same way he did your pussy. You taste yourself on him so clearly it feels like the taste is imprinted on his tongue forever.
Pulling away, a trail of saliva and cum connects your lips. “Need you to fuck me.”
“Let me go, baby.” You coax gently, hoping he won’t get upset if you’re sweet. “Let me go and I'll fuck you."
He shakes his head, "I know you're lying to me, noona. I know I have to break you in first before I let you go."
You pale, bile rising up your throat at the ominous words. "Break me in… how?"
"You’ll see." He giggles, craning your neck up and kissing your skin harshly, growling in between the sloppy kisses, "But when you're over those worthless boys, maybe you can fuck me again. I hate being a bad boy but this is the only way to make you see."
Pulling back from your stinging neck, he presses his dick to your entrance. Your pussy spasms around the tip of his dick, and he chuckles deeply. “Look how needy your pussy is for me. Noona was wasting time being a little slut and letting those bastards touch her when she could've had me." He says reproachfully, as if you were a misbehaving child, and it makes your anger flare up and overpower your fear.
"I don't want you, you freak." You spit out and he slaps you, hard, the force of it busting your lip open. Taking a deep break, he calms himself down and smiles again. "Now that's not very nice, noona. After all I've done for you." He leans down and licks at the drop of blood that sprung from your lip, moaning at the taste.
"You made me wait for so long, noona. I can't wait anymore." He shakes a little, as if it really was hurting him physically to hold back. Pushing into you, he lets out a shuddering cry. "I love you so much. You're finally mine."
You arch your back as he buries himself all the way inside of you, and he takes that opportunity to bend down and pluck one of your nipples into his mouth. You whimper against him, making him speed up his thrusts.
“I’m making you feel good, aren’t I, noona?” He grunts, keeping your legs wide open as he fucks into you but you don’t reply, angering him. Suddenly, you’re flipped onto your stomach, and he pushes himself between your spread legs so you can't close them, plunging his dick back inside you. “You will not ignore me, noona. I will not allow it.”
He steadies himself on both sides of you and leans over you, trapping you under him and fucking you hard and slow, trying to get as deep inside you as possible despite his size and making you shiver as his dick drags against your walls. He gradually speeds up, his dick gliding easily over the track it made, overwhelming your poor pussy.
He fucks you so well, and you’re entirely, completely ashamed of how good it feels. It seems like he is intent on humiliating you, his dick hitting the sweet spot inside of you perfectly with each thrust, and your pussy keeps clenching around him more and more as the sound of your flesh smacking together fills the room. You’re transfixed under him, eyes squeezed shut and mouth hanging open with your back perfectly arched to receive his thrusts, and soon, he grunts into your ear, "I'm so close."
Your eyes snap open urgently. “Pull out. I'm not on birth control. You can’t cum inside me." You explain hastily. You had stopped taking the pill ever since Chan had passed away. You weren’t fucking Felix so you felt no need to take it.
"I know, noona." He says and you almost sigh in relief, fully expecting Felix to whine but pull out. But to your horror, he continues, "Gonna breed you so you'll never leave me again."
Your breath catches in your throat and your nerves go numb. You sob, “Felix, please no. Pull out, baby please. I won’t leave. I’ll stay.”
“You will.” He promises you, and doesn’t pull back. Instead, fucking you harder and spanking your ass as he grunts loudly, "Take it like a good noona."
He empties himself inside of you, his hot cum flooding your pussy, and to your great shame, that pushes you to cum too, your pussy milking him obediently. He praises you happily, "Good noona, taking all my cum. Your pussy knows you belong to me."
You think he’ll be done now, having fucked you and filled you up. But to your horror, he turns you on your side and embraces you from behind. Lifting one leg up in the air, he starts fucking you again. With how wet you were and his previous ejaculation, wet lewd sounds fill the room along with his low grunts and your breathless gasps.
He spends the whole night fucking you, taking you in every position conceivable and making sure to empty every little drop inside of you, apologizing for being a bad boy and promising you that he'll take any punishment you give him once you’re pregnant with his baby and he can be sure you'll stay.
The worst part is that he makes sure you cum too, seeming intent on not allowing you any space to later claim like you didn’t enjoy yourself, murmuring praises into your ear every time you orgasm. "Good noona, cumming around my cock. Kitty is so happy with you. You wanna cum again?"
You are almost passed out when he’s done fucking you. Leaving you used up and sprawled out on the bed, he gets up to retrieve something. When he gets back on the bed, you purposefully don’t look at him, expecting him to now try to suck up to you and get you to forgive him.
But he doesn’t say anything and you suddenly jolt at the sharp sting you feel along your inner thigh. You look down in horror to see felix carving something with a knife onto your skin. His own name.
You shout and begin to struggle, only to quickly realize that you shouldn't be moving around with a sharp knife so close to your genitals, and Felix is aware of that too. He ignores your tearful pleas and pained screams until he’s all done. Brandishing the now bloody knife, he whispers conspiratorially, “Wanna know something, noona?”
You don’t reply but he doesn’t care, smiling as he pushes the knife to your throat. “This is the knife I used to stab Jisung.” Your stomach drops and your blood beats frenziedly against the knife pressed to your skin. “It’s also the same knife I used to kill Chan.”
You stay frozen in place, not even breathing, not even blinking.
"I didn't want to kill him. I really loved him. He was the only one I was willing to share you with but he left me no choice.” He goes on, pouting slightly as if he was lamenting losing his favorite mug. “But it’s better this way. Now you’re all mine. And once you're broken in, I'll let you use this to mark me up too."
A/N: let me know what you think of the ending. I love to hear it!
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sunshineseung · 3 years
You Tried // Minho
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🍄 | genre: smut ☁️ | pairing: Lee Minho x female!reader 🌿 | wc: 1.9k 🌸 | includes: hard dom!minho, sub!fake dom!reader, consensual sleep play, mentions of safe word (color system), restraints via handcuffs, slight dd/lg because “daddy”, slight pet play because “kitten”, teasing, grinding, degradation, strong!minho lol, angry sex, dumbification, brat taming, unprotected PIV, spanking, doggy style, choking, possessive!minho, lots of dirty talk omg minho is loud, creampie, aftercare, affirmations :), cuddly ending
☀️ | synopsis: When you tie down Minho while he was sleeping, he’s absolutely furious, but there’s nothing he can do about it. You’re the one in control now... right?
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Minho yawns loudly, stretching his arms out to find that they’re already stretched to the frame of the bed. He pries his eyes open, unable to fully comprehend why he can’t move his limbs. There’s a cold metal sensation on his wrists, and that’s when it clicks. Looking down, he sees you resting your head on his thighs, staring up at him with eyes glowing with innocence.
“Did you do this, little one?” Minho sounds calm despite his rage slowly boiling in him. You know he always wants to be in charge, his body controlling you, but ever since you had the okay to play with him in his sleep and vice versa, you’ve been wanting to test him a little. “Did you cuff me up while I was sleeping?”
“Maybe…” your voice was as sweet as sugar despite your intentions, “but I just want to play with you, daddy. Is that okay?”
“We can play when my wrists aren’t stuck to the bed, kitten.” He struggles against the restraints. “Until then, you better not try anything with me.”
“Try anything? You mean like this?” You run your hand over the bulge in his underwear, effectively making him semi-hard easier than expected. You continue to run your hand over his length as he hisses and curses under his breath. “Color?”
Minho takes a deep breath in, mentally weighing his options. Either stop now and rail you or see where this goes. As much as he wants to be unchained, he also wants to see just how far you’re willing to take this. “Green.”
“I knew you’d like this!” Your smile was so damn cute, Minho couldn’t help but giggle. You were so eager, beginning to restart your hand motions on his cock. He grunts from his chest as you expertly work his length from over his boxers. “Can I take your cock out?”
“Yeah, suck me off, kitten.” Minho bit his lip while watching you pull his underwear down his legs, revealing his hardened cock. You salivate at the sight of his hot, red tip. It was practically begging to be in your mouth. “It’s rude to stare.”
“But your cock is so pretty, daddy.” You whine as you take his cock into your hand, stroking him slowly to get him as worked up as possible. Your mouth hovers an inch from his member, your breath blowing down onto him. You look so enamored by his cock despite it being inside you countless times.
You kiss his cock before running your tongue along the shaft from his balls to the tip. Keeping eye contact with Minho, you take him into your mouth, taking him about halfway down your throat before gagging and pulling back.
“Aw, I know my kitty can take me all the way.” Minho raises his hips as you suck on the head of his cock, precum dripping onto your tongue. You lower your head back down his dick, and you finally take him fully down your throat. His tip hits the back of your throat as you hold the position for a few seconds, pulling back up to get air. The amount of drool coating his cock was absurd, but seeing his dick glistening with your spit was truly a godly view. “Alright, princess, untie me. It’s your turn.”
“What if I don’t?” You raise your head away from his hips, your hand still stroking his cock. He raises an eyebrow at your disobedience, anger filling his brain again. “I don’t want to uncuff you. You’re my toy today, got it?”
“Don’t play with me. Get these fucking cuffs off my wrists right now.” You shug, speeding up your pace on his cock. Minho twitches in your hand, biting harshly on his lip as he threatens to lose it. “Little girl…”
“Make me.” You smile, taking your hand off his cock so you can take off your underwear set, finally getting fully naked to show off to Minho what he’s missing. You spread your legs over him, leaning back and giving him a full view of your pussy. “Maybe I just want to watch my daddy suffer.”
“This is your last chance. Uncuff me or else, you fucking brat,” Minho growls through gritted teeth. He was really trying his best to keep his cool despite the rage bubbling inside him.
“Or else what? You’ll punish me?” You laugh, moving yourself to straddle him. His cock lays hard against his body while you grind against him, dragging your folds along his length. “I’m not scared of you, Minho.”
“Let these restraints off of me, bitch!” Minho’s voice is deep and serious, his eyebrows furrowed in anger. His arms would be swinging violently if they weren’t held back by handcuffs. You look down at his spasming body and laugh, pressing yourself down even more onto his cock. “You’re so in trouble!”
“Aw, but daddy, you’re not saying the safe word, are you?” Your voice is calm and high-pitched, talking down to him as if you’ve ever been in charge. “Judging by how hard you are, I think you like being tied down by your little girl.”
Minho has had it. Officially. He pulls the cuffs from the bed frame, unable to get proper leverage to get freed. You raise your hips over him, raising his dick with your hand to line him up with your sopping entrance. While he struggles, you lower yourself down onto him, gently riding his cock at a pace of your liking.
“You’re so hard inside me. You must really like this.” You tease Minho, one hand playing with your clit and the other going to his chest to flick his nipples. His groans grow louder as your cunt tightens around him. “You’re such a good daddy for your little kitten.”
“G-gonna cum inside you, fill you with my cum.” Minho throws his head back, moaning curse words loud enough for anyone in neighboring rooms to hear. You speed up the pace, the stimulation from your cunt and your clit quickly becoming overwhelming.
You remove your hand from your clit to play with both of Minho’s nipples, something he never will admit that he likes. He starts twitching inside you, his wrists pulling against the handcuffs harder than ever. He feels his orgasm right on the edge until you stop.
You just stop. Instead of lowering back onto him, you pull yourself off of his cock and lay back, resting on your elbows as you wait for him to react. He bucks his hips in the air at nothing, cock still twitching. Sweat runs down his forehead as he whines from his ruined orgasm.
“Oh, I’m gonna ruin you.” He pulls one last time against the cuffs, one chain breaking and the other cuff swinging open on the side connected to the bed frame. You gasp in fear, scared he’ll be too angry to even look at you. “You’re in for it now, kitten.”
He pounces onto you, pinning you down to the bed so your feet are on the pillows. You know you can’t fight him off at this point. He turns you around so your face is pressed against the bed, but he ruthlessly grabs your hair and pulls your head to the side, forcing you to look back at him. His expression can only be described as lustful anger, the darkness in his eyes combining with the snarl on his face to create a terrifying sight.
And yet, despite the horrific situation, you’re absolutely dripping.
“If you want to act like a slut, I’ll treat you like one.” He spanks your ass with his bare hand, creating a handprint on your skin. The mewls coming from your mouth are absolutely pathetic, and Minho is living for it. “Daddy’s gonna fuck you dumb.”
With your body flat against the bed, he pushes into your pussy, stretching you out in a matter of seconds. His thrusts are merciless, pounding into you from behind while his hands grip your hips. Drool drips from your mouth to the bed with every motion of his, and you can’t moan anything other than a hoarse “daddy~”
An arm swings around your waist, pulling you up against Minho’s chest. While his arm holds you up, his other hand comes around your neck, the pads of his fingers pressing into the sides of your neck. You feel lightheaded from all the pressure, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Color, baby?” Minho grunts into your ear, clearly nearing his climax in no time again. “Cmon, baby. How are you feeling?”
“G-green, daddy. So green.” Your tongue hangs out of your mouth as you moan exactly what Minho wanted to hear. “Feel g-good.”
“Yeah, that’s my good girl.” He chokes you harder, his thrusts becoming deeper and faster. You start to tighten around him as his cock rams into your g-spot with ease. As your vision begins to blur, all you can think about is Lee Minho. “Cum on my cock, kitten. Cum for daddy.”
For the first time this morning, you listen to his orders. The walls of your cunt spasm around his cock, locking him in with your wetness as you coat his dick in the juices from your orgasm. He groans against your neck, sucking a quick hickey on the side where his hand isn’t covering.
Coming down from your high, his thrusts start to get sloppy. The familiar twitching feeling of his cock shoots through you, the overstimulation taking hold of your aching pussy. Your whines go from pleasureful to painful, his cock tearing your pussy apart.
“Now I’m gonna fill you with my cum and you’re not gonna stop me, alright?” He spanks your ass again with the arm that was holding you up, your body falling limp onto the bed with your ass still in the air. As your body falls, his hand around your neck jumps to your hips. He pulls you closer to him by your lips, his cock hitting deeper inside you than before. “Your body is mine, princess.”
“My body is yours, daddy!” He lets out a string of curses and pet names as he shoots his load into you, filling you with his hot cum just like he said he would. You’re too braindead to feel anything other than fullness. His twitching cock holds still against your walls, fully bottomed out as he releases. Minho spanks you one more time before pulling out of you, watching his cum drip out of you before he pushes it back in with his finger, two of his digits thrusting shallowly inside you.
Minho catches his breath and falls back against the pillows. He pulls on your leg in an attempt to get you to get up and go cuddle with him, which you obviously do. His arms wrap around you as he kisses your forehead, holding you as close to him as possible. Your cheeks heat up as you feel his cum continue to drip out of you.
“I’m not actually mad at you, sweetheart. Please remember that.” His kisses continue from your forehead to your nose to your cheeks. “You did so well for me. You always take me so well.”
“Thank you, daddy.” You lift your head up to kiss his lips for the first time that morning. “Can we shower now?”
“You go in before me. I’ll join you in a minute.” You raise your body off of him before realizing that your legs are still jelly. Falling back onto his chest, you both laugh, his arms wrapping around you again. “Alright, I guess not.”
“That just gives us more time to cuddle, right?”
“Of course, baby. More time to cuddle.”
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quietmyfearswith · 3 years
cartoons ; preferences
warnings — fluff (?) 
characters — andy barber, steve rogers, ransom drysdale, bucky barnes, lance tucker, syverson, august walker
a/n — THIS IS A DDLG FIC,, i understand that for some their litlte age or little space activities varies for some but for this sake lets imagine that the reader loves to watch cartoons,, feedback is appreciated :)
their love language | with their little | when you’re insecure | slipping into little space | fussy | happy hoelidays
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As a reward for her good behavior, Andy allowed Y/N an extra half hour to watch television and she chose to watch her favorite cartoon — Higglytown Heroes. “Poor kitty!” She gasped out as the kitten was stuck on a tree. The lawyer was seated on the couch beside her with his hand rubbing her back as he quietly read a case file, “Kip is stuck now too!” Silently chuckling at her blow by blow report of the events of the cartoon he proceeded to read until he was summoned, “Dada, what will happen now?” Her eyes displayed worry and curiosity so he set the folder on the side table before making a guess, “Maybe they’ll ask someone from help? Let’s watch it, little missy.”
A few moments later, the characters were singing a song to reveal that they would be asking help from the firefighters. “You see that, missy? Who rides a big red vehicle with sirens?” His question got her racking her brain for a bit before answering, “Is it from the firefighters, dada?” Smiling widely as he pecked her cheek, he praised her, “Such a smart girl!” Her giggles indicated she loved the praise he was giving her, “The firefighters are the heroes because they help others.” Pondering on what he said, she stared at his bearded face with her lips pursed with a deep stare. “What are you thinking about, missy?” It was unusual for her to be this silent and serious when she was deep in little space, so it was slightly concerning. “Heroes help people; right, dada?” Andy nodded as he revisited the cartoon, “Mhm, just how the firefighters helped Kip and the kittens.” Holding his hand, she played with it as she concluded, “So does that make dada a hero too?” With a mouth hung agape, no words left the lawyer’s mouth as he was dumbfounded as his girl continued her explanation, “You help people and protect them right?” Planting a kiss on his bearded cheek, he smiled as her words of, “You’re my favorite hero, dada,” Melted his heart in the best way possible.
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“Little one, what do you want to do today?” Hearing August’s deep voice tore her attentive eyes away from the television screen as she smiled sweetly at him, “Can we bake that cake, daddy?” Following where her finger pointed to where Mr. Bean was currently slicing a piece of the chocolate cake. Sitting down adjacent to where his beloved was sitting on the floor, he tried to convince her from doing something else, “Perhaps you’d rather go to the park? Or even color?” Crossing her arms as she let out a huff — an indication that her mind was set on imitating the animation meal, “But daddy I want to try the cake! It looks so yummy and I want to taste it!” Comparing her attitude to the previous times she whined about wanting something, she was relatively tame — so it ultimately convinced him that there was no harm in complying with what she wanted. “Okay, we’ll bake the cake,” She clapped her hands, excited at the thought of getting to taste the pastry; but her glee was halted as the CIA agent raised a brow at her, “But you have to wait a little while okay? Daddy still needs to find a recipe for the cake and see if we have the right ingredients; can you be a good girl in the meantime?” Nodding her head up and down, she proceeded to clasp her hands together on her lap as she returned to silently watching the cartoon. Draping an arm over her shoulders, his other hand fished out for the phone on his pocket and searched for the recipe; and he did find one after a few minutes.
With a kiss on her shoulder, he then excused himself to the kitchen to check if they have all the required ingredients; and when they did have everything it was then he called for her, “Turn off the television, little one. I found a recipe and we can bake that chocolate cake!” Never in their entire relationship had he seen her comply instantaneously and with a smile on her face. Standing beside him he smirked as he placed the cute apron he got her, “Are you ready to be a good baker, little one?” Jumping on her feet she nodded as she exclaimed, “I am, daddy! Can’t wait to feed you what we baked,” To show her appreciation of him going along with what she wants, she stood on her tiptoes to plant a kiss on his scruffy cheek, “Thank you so much, daddy. I love you.”
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“Tătic, what color do you like most — pink, blue, or green?” She asked the former Winter Soldier without diverting her gaze from the piece of paper she was drawing on; the man in question however stopped reading the newspaper he was reading as he peered up. “I like the color blue the most, sweetheart; why’d you ask?” Continuing with her drawing, she just mumbled a soft, “Nothing,” And there was really nothing alarming about her behavior so he shrugged it off and continued to read about current events. After a few silent minutes, Y/N asked him again, “Would you rather be an owl, a cat, or a chameleon?” Bucky was able to connect some of the dots — the three colors and animals she mentioned was reminiscent of her favorite cartoon, “Why are you asking me about PJ Masks, sweetie?” Having been caught, she removed her focus from her drawing to look up from where he was sitting on the couch while she was sitting cross-legged at the floor. “I’m drawing something for you, tătic. Please don’t take a peek yet.”
She so sweetly requested it from him that he had just nodded and answered, “I’d rather be a chameleon, sweetie,” Before reading through the text again. Folding the newspaper and placing it by the side table; deciding that he needed to scratch an itch, he quietly lowered himself to sit on the floor. Once doing so, he inched closer to his left so he could try to sneak a peek at  what Y/N was drawing; but it was as if spending so much time with the super soldier she gained spy skills, she sensed what he was trying to do and was quick to call him out on it, “Tătic, stop peeking!” Wrapping both his arms on her waist as he rubbed his forehead against her arm as he dramatically sighed, “But sweetheart I wanna see what you’re drawing.” Matching his sigh with a dramatic one of her own, she then pushed his face away and grabbed her drawing pad. “Okay here it is, tătic,” She showed him a suit she was sketching for him, it was blue and she tried to replicate Gecko’s scale in the suit but it proved too difficult to do so. “Wanted to design a new suit for you, tătic; you know just like in PJ Masks.” Unable to let out an audible coo, Bucky hugged Y/N in his arms as he planted kisses on the top of her head, “I love it so much, sweetheart. I love you so much.”
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“What are you doing to my hair, doll?” Steve wondered as she was sitting on his lap, with her tongue slightly poking out of her cheeks as her hands were ruffling through his hair in her efforts to style him. “Just fixing your hair, sir.” Her answer just confused the retired Avenger even more as he just brushed his hair earlier; but apparently it wasn’t good enough for her. She was arranging the strands of his hair so they’d stand up instead of his usual look. “Only a little bit more and you’ll look like Ryder.” At the mention of that name, Steve was slightly concerned that he had a rival for his lover’s affection, “Who’s Ryder, baby doll?” Feeling giddy with the nickname she was called, she failed to focus on how he asked the question venomously. “The team leader of PAW Patrol, sir.” He let out a relieved sigh as relaxed visibly as he allowed her to rummage through his golden locks. 
“Why do you want to style me like Ryder?” Halting her movements through his hair, she grinned widely upon seeing that his hair now looked like the cartoon character’s. “Because you’re so much like him, sir. You’re both leaders and love dogs too!” The last part peaked his attention as she seemed extra giddy at the mention of dogs, “Is this your way of telling me you want a dog too?” Placing her head against his chest, she nodded as she shyly mumbled, “Yes, sir.” His fingertips grazed the skin of her shoulders, “Then are you gonna name ‘em after the dogs in PAW Patrol?” The suggestion had her enthusiastically nodding against his chest, “I’d love that so much, sir!” Hugging her frame flush against him, Steve then decided to play along with her, “Maybe someday, when you prove to be responsible enough; if I’m Ryder, who are you then?” Removing her face from his chest she beamed, “The Princess of Barkingburg! Which means you need to comply with my orders of us getting a dog!”
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gif by @henry-cavlll​ i really wanted this gif but it wouldnt appear on the gif finder
“Aika, come here, doggy!” Upon hearing her name called, the German Shepherd plopped  herself down beside the girl who was currently watching cartoons as she was watching her favorite cartoon as she waited for Sy. Stroking her brown fur she looked at the dog who was staring at her with curious eyes, “Do you like the color red, Aika?” As the dog laid her head down on her thigh, the little girl took it as a no. “Why not? Clifford likes the cower red,” She pointed to the huge dog who was licking Emily as she was brushing his fur. “Maybe Captain will let me put red color on you,” She then began to brush her own nimble fingers against the brown and black fur of the dog as she imagined what it would look like with the color red instead.
“I’m home, baby girl!” Sy announced as he closed the front door behind him. Her head turned to his appearing figure with a wide smile as she waved enthusiastically, “Captain! I had a bright idea.” Having his curiosity piqued, he told her to remain seated on the couch as he placed some of the groceries he bought on the kitchen island and sat beside her. Not even more than a second after he sat down, she immediately perched herself on his lap, calling for Aika as well to scooch closer to the both of them. “What are you up to, baby?” Bopping her nose with his finger and she playfully chased his finger to bite it; pointing to the television where Clifford the Big Red Dog was still playing, “Clifford is red, right?” Not knowing where she was going with this, he just nodded and looked at her with curious eyes as she pointed to their dog who was laying on her crossed paws, “Can we please color Aika red? Please?” Chuckling at her suggestion, the former soldier could only shake his head, “No we can’t color her red, babygirl.” At the sound of the rejection of her idea, Y/N pouted in hopes to persuade him to change his mind, “But you colored her green!” Sighing, he held her hands as he explained, “Captain only colored her green so she wouldn’t be taken away.” With a huff she crossed her arms as she continued to whine, “I want a red dog.” Coming up with a bright idea, Sy then offered, “How about I buy you a Clifford stuffie? That way you’ll have your own red dog.” Almost immediately her pout left her mouth as her eyes shined at the thought of having one and she wrapped her arms around his neck as she excitedly squealed, “Yes please, Captain! Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
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“What’s going on, papa?” Y/N wondered as she found Lance perched down on the floor as he was tinkling with his laptop; she awoke from her nap and instead of having the gold medalist wake her up it was the faint groans and curses he let out that woke her up. Looking up from where he was trying to get the device to work, he put on a smile upon seeing his girl, “I can’t get the laptop to turn on, angel.” He was only slightly alarmed when she jumped and down, “Oh let me help, papa! Hold on, let me get my tools!” He could barely process anything she said as she was quick to leave him on the floor.
Dismissing her behavior, he turned his attention back to his laptop and stared at it as if his gaze would get it back to work. “Handy Y/N at your service! You break it, I fix it!” She said the cartoon character’s famous catchphrase, she held onto her own version of the toolbox he got her as a surprise. Smiling, Lance patted the spot beside him as he called her for help, “Hello handy Y/N! Can you please help me fix my laptop?” With a slight pout, she pretended to inspect the device for a little bit before grabbing Felipe, the yellow screwdriver that seemed to be her favorite character, and pretended to screw around the device. As she turned to place the tool box on its container and was rummaging through her tools, the gymnast sneakily pushed the power button and by some miracle it did turn on, “Look at that, angel! You fixed my laptop!” She jumped a bit at the sound of his voice but smiled widely upon seeing the screen light up, “I guess Handy Manny really teaches you how to fix things huh, angel?” Nodding her head she smiled brightly as she grabbed her toolbox and struck a pose, “It did, papa! And now I can always fix something up for you; you only have to pay me with kissies and cuddles!”
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“King, can I pick what we’re both going to wear?” Ransom looked up at the girl who laid beside him, they both woke up a few minutes ago and they were just cuddling in bed as they traced shapes into each other’s skin; usually she would ask if she could dress herself, never him as well. Seeing how she hasn’t had the chance to slip into her comfort space usually — thanks to her demanding priorities — he didn’t see any harm in letting her do so; after all, he wanted her to enjoy her Christmas break. With a sweet kiss to her forehead he allowed it, “Okay princess, you can choose what we both wear. But why stop there? Choose what you want us to do this morning too.” Her eyes lit up with excitement at what he said as she stood up from the bed, leaving the former playboy to whine about missing her warmth, and search through their shared walk-in closet about the clothing articles she was looking for. Returning with their matching cable knit sweaters and a pair of plaid pajamas that had a king and queen symbol sewn on it. With a raised brow, Ransom silently wondered if she was planning this for a while and her excited squeal of, “Wear this one please, king — this way we’re like B1 and B2!”
“So that’s why you wanted us to match huh?” He concluded out loud as he sat up on the edge of the bed so he could reach for her to tickled her sides; in between her fit of giggles, Y/N managed to confirm it, “Mhm, I wanted to be like them. And this is my way too of making up for not spending so much time with my king.” Displeased with the whiff of sadness at her statement; grabbing for both of her hands, he held it against his as he rubbed soothing circles on it, “Princess, I completely understand that you were buried in your workload, okay? I’m so proud that you got to accomplish everything right away,” He paused his little speech to plant kisses on the back of both her palms before inquiring, “So have you decided what we’re going to do?” Nodding her head yes she shared what her ideal morning would look like, “Maybe you can make my favorite breakfast, king? Then watch ``Bananas in Pyjamas together?” Ransom could feel his heart flutter with how simple she was — which was a stark contrast to how the people that surrounded him for all his life was extremely materialistic — that all she wanted was to be with him for that would make her happy. Grabbing the clothes she had picked out in one hand as the other hand was dragging his princess on the other to guide them to the bathroom to change he jokingly scolded her, “Then what are we waiting for? We can’t let B1 and B2 waiting for us for too long!”
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“I understand we have a holiday break, but I just wanted to go over the contents of the report one more time,” Will tiredly explained as he was having his final video conference before his holiday break. Y/N was currently watching Twirlywoos in the living room. Redirecting her gaze from the television screen to her bubba who was stressed out and she wanted to help him relax — but knew that one way of doing so is by not bothering him right now as he worked. “Okay, see you all again on January 3rd,” Was the last thing Will said before ending the call and groaning out loud as he rubbed his hands on his eyes, “Bubba, are you okay?” Hearing her concerned and small voice snapped him out of his distress; he was then quick to put up a smile on his lips as he left his home office that was adjacent to the living room and sat beside her on the couch. “I am now, munchkin. Bubba doesn’t have to work for two weeks and you have him all to yourself.” With that Y/N smiled brightly as well and kissed all over his face, “Okay calm down, munchkin,” He laughed feeling ticklish with all her kisses, “How about a snack?” Nodding her head, she accepted the help he offered her to stand from the floor, “Yes please, bubba.” 
Grabbing her hand he led her to the sit on one of the chairs on the breakfast bar, and just as Will was about to head to the pantry to grab some snacks he remembered, “Oh hold on, I just need to fix my things before fixing you a snack, okay?” The business consultant expected that his girl would be disappointed but she was the opposite, “Can I help you with that, bubba?” He had to take a double look at her as he wondered out loud, “Are you sure you want to help? And I don’t think you know exactly how to do so, munchkin.” She pouted when he doubted her capabilities, “I do! I learned from the Twirlywoos,” She pointed to the cartoons playing on the background — the family of four were now carelessly shoving all the beach items inside the tent — and since this was her favorite show, she’d watch this particular episode multiple times and picked up quite a few things. Will wrapped an arm around Y/N’s waist to lead her into his home office, “Very well, my Chickadee munchkin, show me what you learned from the show.”
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shinsouskitten · 4 years
Shinsou Hitoshi nsfw alphabet
damn kat back at it again with the thirst i hate myself 
Idk how I haven’t done a nsfw alphabet for my KING yet but I’m disappointed in myself for it
this post was mostly finished before the whole ‘this cold makes me feel like im dying’ thing so i just had to add a few and it was ready for publishing (bonus points if you can tell which ones were added in my cold-induced craziness)
Warnings: you know it, you love it, the thirsting of a lonely writer
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Shinsou is a king when it comes to aftercare. Hot baths, massages, cuddles, you name it. You mean the absolute world to him, and he’ll go out of his way to show that, both in and out of the bedroom
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and their partner’s)
Shinsou can be pretty self critical, but if you pushed for an answer he’d probably say his hair, cause he knows how much you like it. For his partner, horny Shinsou would immediately go for your neck (literally too). He loves how a single kiss can turn you into putty in his hands, and he’ll leave marks in places he knows you can’t hide just to prove to the world that you’re his
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Inside you, on you, he doesn’t really mind. Whatever you prefer, he’s happy with. If you want to get messy, he’s more than happy to help, but if not he’ll keep you clean (ish). Although he’s unlikely to admit it, seeing you swallow his cum ignites a fire in Shinsou, and sets up quite a few more rounds so he can give you a reward for being so good
D = Dirty secret (pretty clear, a dirty secret of theirs)
Shinsou’s pretty open with what he wants, but when you first start getting intimate there’ll be a few things he doesn’t really want to say in case he scares you away (he could never, but he still worries). He wants to experiment, but he makes sure he knows your boundaries before he suggests anything too out there. The thing he keeps secret for the longest is the desire to wrap your neck in a beautiful collar emblazoned with his name, simply cause he doesn’t want you to think it’s weird
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He does his research, but hands on experience is pretty limited before you. It’s a learning curve, both of you learning what makes the other tick, what causes you the highest amount of pleasure, and what to steer clear of
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Loves to see you ride him. It gives you the power to control the tempo, but also gives him a beautiful view to tip him over the edge of ecstasy. More needy Shinsou (aka when he’s in hornball mode) likes doggy style, cause it means he can pull your hair or hold you up against him and kiss your neck
G = Goofy (how serious are they in the moment?)
He’s not going to whip out a joke book in the middle of sex, but he’s also not going to act like an uptight secretary who’s only able to follow the rules (well, not unless you ask 👀) 
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Keeps himself trimmed, possibly even shaved. It’s no nonsense and means it’s also more enjoyable for you if you’re giving him head
I = Intimacy (how romantic are they in the moment?)
He’s an intimate guy, but he’s also not above teasing (though there’s another letter for that so I’ll keep on intimate for now). Like I mentioned in B, Shinsou can be pretty self critical, and sometimes he can get scared that you’ll leave him if he doesn’t prove how much he loves you, which to him means intimate sex and reassurance (aka, saying ‘I love you’ every two seconds)
J = Jack off (what are their views on masturbation?)
He does it when needed. He’s not insanely horny, so chances are if he is you’re there to deal with him. But if you’re not, and he’s especially needy, he’ll most likely call you up for a little phone session. The thought of you is incredible, but being able to see and hear you is even better
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
I think we all know the phrase kitty, right? Well inference leads me to believe that Shinsou would be down for trying out pet play. And yes, as I mentioned before, he would 100% have a collar for you with his name on it. I don’t take criticism for that one
L = Location (favorite places to do the dance with no pants)
More traditional. Sex between the two of you means intimacy, so he’d prefer privacy. You have yet to find a surface in your house he hasn’t tried to fuck you on. That being said, your comfort is of the utmost importance to Shinsou, so if he’s going to fuck you over the kitchen counter, he’s going to make sure you feel comfortable while he does it. So yes, that means he’ll take pillows off the sofa’s just to make you comfy
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going, etc)
You. Simple as. There are certain things that especially turn him on, such as you biting your lip or being extra attentive to him in what would seem like a normal scene to anyone else watching. Put your hand on his thigh when out at dinner and pay the price when you get home. Or maybe that was your plan all along
N = No (turn offs, something they wouldn’t do)
Shinsou never wants you to be in pain (well not unless you want to be in pain). He’ll leave hickies all over you, but that’s about as far as he’ll go with marking you. Maybe a spank here and there, but he won’t scar you or leave any marks that won’t be gone in a few days
O = Oral (do they prefer giving or receiving? how skilled are they?)
Shinsou prefers giving, but he’ll never say no to receiving either. He wants you to feel good, but if you decide to turn the tables he’s not going to deny you. Once you’re finished though, he’s repaying the favor tenfold. And just as a note, pull his hair when he goes down on you. He adores it
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Yes and yes. It all depends on the situation, his mood, the usual things. He’ll do whatever provides you with the most pleasure (while also allowing him to tease you)
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies)
He doesn’t love them, but if they’re the only way to get some gratification then he’s willing (only if you are though). He’s careful about location, he doesn’t want someone walking in and ruining the whole thing, even if the risk of being caught makes everything a little more exciting. Chances are he won’t engage in quickies unless he’s been to the place at least once before (he wants to know which wall you’d look best pinned to). He has to feel slightly comfortable in the environment
R = Risk (how risky are they willing to be?)
He’s down for a little risk, but nothing that would be too mortifying for you. If he’s going to screw you somewhere other than your home, he’s going to vet the place over a lot, and find the best place where you have the comfort of being private but the thrill of being caught if someone were to venture too close to your hideout
S = Stamina (how long do they last? how many rounds?)
Freaking hell where does he get it from? Like, he just doesn’t stop. Not that that’s a bad thing, mind you. Most of the rounds consist of him pleasing you, and he’ll only give in and finally fuck you when your throat is hoarse from begging, or when he feels the smallest amount of pity at the tears rolling down your face (did someone say crying kink)
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them on a partner or themselves?)
Vibrating panties. I said he doesn't physically act on desires when in public, but touching a remote isn’t the same thing as touching you, so he makes an exception. He’s not insanely cruel. For him it’s more about teasing that mortification, so if someone senses something’s wrong, he turns off the remote until they give up. But the moment they’re gone, it’s back stronger than ever
U = Unfair (how much do they tease?)
*roblox oof sound effect*
Once Shinsou gains his confidence with you, he’s not going back. His teasing is often coupled with praise, telling you how good you’re being for him while he denies you pure bliss again and again. He’ll edge you to hell and back if you give him the chance, but don’t worry, it’s worth it in the end
V = Volume (how they sound, how loud they are, etc)
Small moans and louder grunts are the main sounds coming from Shinsou when he’s enjoying himself. He swears a lot, and it’s always easy to tell how close he is to the edge by how creative his swears become. As for his partner, he wants to know how well he’s doing. He wants to hear you whine and beg while he edges you, and the pornstar-like moans that fill the air when he finally gives in and gives you what you really want
W = Wild card (a random headcanon)
You think I forgot about his quirk. Ha, I could never. I said in my hcs that it takes a while for Shinsou to integrate quirk use into sex. As much as you assure him you’re in full trust, he’s anxious about the inability to say no when he has you under his control. The longer you’re together the more willing he is, but even when he does use it it’s usually a way to make edging even more dangerous, with you unable to resist his words when he tells you you’re not allowed to cum just yet
Okay maybe we have 2 wild cards this time cause I also wanna mention his capture weapon. Again, it’ll take a while for it to be available in a less-than-pg manner, but he’s more willing to use his capture weapon than his quirk. Main reason being, you can still use a safeword when tied up. But tying up goes both ways, so even if he prefers to be the one giving the pleasure, he’d never deny your wishes
X = X-ray (let’s have a looksee in those pants)
I’m trying not to be biased cause I love him so much but I feel like Shinsou’s kinda packing. A good 8.5-9 inches (no, I won’t take criticism) and on the skinnier side. But the amount of attention he gives you before his pants are even off means taking him is never difficult
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Not the highest, but when you’re around it increases significantly. He’s not going to fuck you every time he sees you (I mean, he thinks about it) but he also isn’t a nun. It’s a good level, cause most days you can walk, and then on the weekends you’re a little bedridden
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He’s a bit of an insomniac, so screwing the energy out of him is one of the best ways to get Shinsou tired enough to sleep. He likes to hold you, so once he’s satisfied with the aftercare, he’ll crawl in bed for cuddles until the both of you pass out
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janeykath318 · 3 years
The Avengers Zoo
“Since when did the Avengers compound become a zoo?” Darcy asked, flabbergasted to see a frog and a porcupine just chilling out while a hairless cat sat in a sunny corner relaxing. Jane had been summoned down to headquarters and she’d begged Darcy to come too.
“Since Loki showed up and decided to cause havoc, as he is wont to do,” Jane sighed. “Everyone is….not human right now.”
“Oh, dear,” Darcy sighed. “Have you figured out who’s who?” 
“Getting there. Hawkeye and Falcon are obvious, The bald eagle has to be Steve, and Thor is a golden retriever, which I have to admit, is kind of fitting.” 
A big yellow dog trotted over to Jane and sat at her feet, tail wagging and tongue lolling. 
“Hey there, big guy!” Darcy greeted. Thor barked and doggy grinned at her. 
“Yeah, it’s good to see you too, pal,” she returned, smiling at him. “Hopefully, we can convince your Bro to undo whatever he did.”
“We think they still have their human minds, but Leo and Jemma are running some tests to verify that,” Jane informed her, leading Darcy to another room, which contained a dozing black bear, a striking panther, an adorable floppy-eared bunny, and three large birds of prey.
Darcy’s jaw dropped and she saluted the bald eagle. 
“Wow, Cap. It’s a good look on you,” she said with a twinkle in her eyes. The eagle-Cap’s eyes narrowed, but he didn’t move a muscle. 
Talk about majestic.
The sleek Falcon next to him let out a sound that Darcy took to be a birdish laugh and preened his feathers. 
“Yeah, I see you, Wilson. You’re looking good, too,” she assured him.
Clint-Hawk flapped over to her and squawked a greeting.
“Hey, Clint. How’s the bird life treating you?” She asked, trying not to laugh. “If this wasn’t top secret, I’d have so much good blackmail material on you.” 
Hawkeye gave her a birdie glare and shook his brown feathery head. 
Darcy had to stifle a shriek when two large spiders suddenly dropped down in front of her. Of course, they were much bigger than any natural spider, but Loki had probably done that on purpose.
 “Natasha?” She asked nervously, looking at the one with the red hourglass symbol on its body and thanking her stars she wasn’t arachnophobic. 
The spider blinked at her and waved one of its legs, as if affirming her guess. The other spider was a solid black and much more wiggly than Natasha. 
“Let me guess: Peter?” She queried, laughing at the younger spider’s antics as he shot around webbing everything in sight. 
“Yep,” Jane sighed. “He makes such a mess.”
“King T’Challa looks every bit as regal in panther form as human form,” Darcy commented, watching the panther walking alongside one of the scientists, not making the slightest noise. 
“He’s trying his best to help us figure this out,” Jane said affectionately. “He’s quite brilliant even in large cat form.”
The bunny rabbit hopped over to them and looked up at Darcy intensely. In a flash, she was given a mental image of the transformation moment and all the human identities of the animals. 
“That’s definitely Wanda,” She informed Jane. 
“She showed me who everyone is.” 
One of the other scientists ran over eagerly.
“Ooh. Do tell,” he begged, looking like an excited puppy.
Jane rolled her eyes. 
“Darcy, this is Leo Fitz. He’s helping figure this thing out. Fitz, this is Darcy.”
“Nice to meet you.” 
“Likewise,” Fitz said. 
“Other than the ones we already know, the cat is Dr. Strange, the frog is Bruce Banner, the porcupine is Tony Stark…” She cut off with a giggle and Fitz and Jane grinned at the hilarity of Tony the Porcupine.
“Anyway, Wanda is the rabbit, and the bear is Bucky Barnes, bless his heart.”
Darcy looked over to the bear, who was now awake and watching her with quizzical eyes. 
“I’d stay away from that one,” Fitz advised. “He growls if anyone gets within three meters of him.”
“Poor Bucky really doesn’t like scientists,” Darcy told him. “He knows me. I’ll be okay.”
She walked over and sat down beside Bucky the Bear. He lifted his head, but didn’t growl or lunge at her. 
“Hey, there, Bucky.” She told him. “Can you understand me?”
The big bear head nodded clumsily. 
“Excellent,” Darcy beamed, then sighed, remembering their last very awkward encounter. “Now I can finally clear the air about us without you running off or interrupting me with self-flagellation.” 
Bucky bear made a mournful sound, but Darcy kept on track.
“I thought we had a good thing going, Bucky. The flirting was top-notch and you had me completely wrapped around your little finger. Then we kissed and suddenly, you freaked out and avoided me like I had the plague. It’s okay if you aren’t ready, but I want you to know I’m not scared of you in bear form and I’m not scared of you in human form, either. 
You’re a good man, Bucky Barnes. Believe it or not, you do deserve to be happy. Just think about that, okay?”
She could see Steve’s eagle eye watching them, and The Falcon and The Hawk were also gazing with interest. 
The bear snuffled and looked up at her with soulful eyes that were ridiculously cute in a large beast like him. 
Darcy had a strong urge to give him a pet, but figured it would be best to ask first.
“Do you mind if I touch you? That fur is really something.”
The bear didn’t seem to mind and Darcy slowly sank her fingers into his side and marveled at the feel. She gently ran her hand over his soft black fur, noting that Bucky bear had closed his eyes in bliss. 
“Oh, you like that, do you?” She teased. “I bet your human self would too.” 
Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a commotion and Jane Foster giving a familiar mischievous figure a thorough chewing out. Loki was trying to be a smartass, but Jane was having none of it. Finally, he gave an exasperated huff.
“Fine! I have modified the spell to wear off in three days. There is no need for more threats. I am well aware of your expertise. You mortals have no sense of humor.”
With a poof, Loki turned himself into a snake and slithered away. 
Jane sighed. 
“Hear that everyone? You’ll be human again in three days. I have no idea what we’re going to do in the meantime.”
Turned out, Darcy added Avengers zookeeper to her resume during the next few days. She chatted to them, made terrible bird jokes, and helped make sure they ate. She got to watch Steve, Sam, and Hawkeye soaring regally in the air, which was a pretty incredible sight. Bunny Wanda liked to sit on her lap and nibble at lettuce while Porcupine Tony made ridiculous faces at Darcy and pretended he was going to poke Bucky with his quills. Bucky mostly snoozed at Darcy’s feet or watched the Birdy Trio flying around. 
Kitty Strange slept most of the time and looked disdainfully at the others when he was awake, goblin like eyes eerily watchful. Thor of course, followed Jane around with his undying loyalty, and the spiders chilled out in their webs, amusing themselves by building more and more elaborate designs. Bruce was given his own private enclosure away from the chaos and he hopped about contentedly. 
When day three arrived, they made sure everyone was in a safe location for a safe transition back to human form and waited it out. 
Darcy got a text from Jane while on a coffee run that simply said, “I forgot how annoying human Tony is. I think I liked him better as a porcupine.”
The avengers were chattering and joking around about their antics as animals when Darcy got back. 
“Lewis! I hear you’re switching careers to zookeeper!” Tony yelled. She flipped him off and ignored him. (She’d learned long ago this was the most effective method of dealing with him if Pepper wasn’t around to tattle to.) 
“I have now dubbed you three the Birdy Trio and nothing is gonna change it, so get used to it,” she informed Steve, Clint, and Sam. 
They all groaned and Darcy grinned in satisfaction. 
Behind her there came a rusty bark of laughter and she turned to see Bucky grinning from ear to ear. His smiles were rare, but they were so adorable, Darcy’s heart skipped a beat.
“Don’t be smug, Barnes,” she playfully chastened him. “You’re gonna be Bucky Bear to me for the rest of your life.” 
The smile did not diminish one bit.
“I hope that’s not the only thing I am to you, doll,” he said softly, making her blush.
Steve, observing their interaction, dragged Clint and Sam away to give them privacy and Darcy vowed to thank him later. Steve really was a good bro.
“You were right. I shouldn’t have run away like that,” he admitted, taking a tentative step toward her. “I’ve been kicking myself ever since. I’ve got more issues than National Geographic magazine, but if you’re willing to give me another chance, I’d definitely like to take it.” 
Darcy smiled and grabbed his hands in hers: both of them. He looked surprised when he saw her grasping his metal hand, but he gently squeezed back. 
“Bucky Bear, I’d love to. How about we start by catching up over dinner?”
“Sounds great, doll,” he said, beaming at her. 
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howlingday · 3 years
nora the arc) nora wants a pet to compete with zwei because it's not fair that rwby gets one but they don't! jaune points out it can't be a sloth because it wouldn't be able to be taken care of by them as often as needed.
thus the search begins to find the ultimate animal companion!
or nora adopts a Kodiak bear and everyone's too scared to tell her no and jaune can't tell her no without making her cry and he just can't handle that
"Get the chicken, boy! Get the chicken!" Nora sighed as she sat on the common room couch, watching Ruby play keep away with her dog, Zwei.
She always wanted a pet, but the Arc family household had a strict 'no pets allowed' rule. Part of it was due to the Nora and the other kids being too chaotic to properly care for them, but mostly it was because Isabella was allergic to pet dander.
"Yay! You got it!" Ruby cheered as Zwei hung from the chicken, shaking his tiny body to tear free the juicy, tender meat. The chicken squeaked as his jaws tightened around the chew toy.
"Jauney?" Nora whined. Her fiance was currently looking over important documents with Weiss. He wasn't familiar with them, but as a result of her upbringing as an heiress, she was.
"Yeah?" He replied without glancing from his papers.
"I want a pet." Nora whined.
"I'll pet you in a minute." He replied.
"No, like, a doggy, or a kitty cat!"
"We can't have pets, Nora." Jaune said.
"Ruby has a pet!"
"Ruby is dog sitting while her dad is on a mission." Jaune countered. "Zwei isn't going to stay with them forever." A paperclip hit him square in the nose, causing him to flinch. "Ow! What was that for, Weiss?"
"For being so rude." Weiss replied with a huff.
"Yeah, you're right." Jaune said, scratching his nose. "I'm sorry if I was rude to you, Nora."
"Not to her, you goof!" Weiss groused. "To me!"
"Huh? What did I say to you?" Weiss turned away and huffed.
"Well, if you won't get me a pet," Nora declared, standing from her seat, "then I'll just have to go out and find one!"
Before anyone could stop her, Nora was already gone. She left the common room so quickly, Jaune thought she might have been a pink blur. He simply sighed, since he knew there would be no stopping her.
"Right, where were we?" He said, turning his attention back to the papers. He was looking over leases, permits, fees, costs, and something called a home equity notice. He groaned as he remembered. For the past few hours, he was learning finances, realty, and the oh so wonderous benefits of home ownership. He hadn't even moved in and The Watchtower was already giving him a headache.
"We can stop for now, if you'd like." Weiss offered.
"Yeah." Jaune answered. "Yeah, I think that'd be for the best." He leaned back with a groan and massaged his temples. "I didn't sign up for this. I didn't sign up for any of this."
"Well, according to this document, you did." Weiss replied, holding up a page.
He sighed. "Where would we be without you, Weiss?"
"I'm lost." Nora declared. She decided the best location to find her pet was in the untamed wilderness of the Emerald Forest. She wandered in, Magnhild in hand for protection, and walked until she got here: in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by trees. "Wait!" She looked behind, then around the tree in front of her, and then crouched low, putting her ear to the ground. "Ah, now I know!" She stood up triumphantly. "I'm hopelessly lost!"
She decided she couldn't get more lost, so she decided to walk until she made it back to Beacon. As she traveled in the shadows of the forest's majesty, she considered what kind of pet would be best for her family.
First, the animal needed a lot of energy. Nora doesn't accept laziness. Sloths weren't lazy. In fact, they might be the most energetic animals in all of Remnant. Dedicated, too, since they never just poop from the trees. They climb down, poop, and then climb back up. If that wasn't dedication, Nora didn't know what was.
Second, it had to be tough. A pet that can't fight for it's home is just an expensive free-loader. It either had to be big and tough, or feisty enough to fight the big and tough.
Last, it had to be cute. Now, cute is a subjective term, but Nora knows cute. Zwei? Cute. Chihuahuas? Not cute. Ursas? Cute! Girls flirting with Jaune? Not cute!
A snapping twig caught her attention. She turned and saw the most adorable creature she ever saw! She almost cried. She kneeled down to her hands and knees, chin level to the ground. "You're perfect!"
"Has anyone seen Nora?" Jaune had just finished shuffling the papers into a pile, and placed them inside his bedside dresser drawer. Should make for a cozy roommate with his X-Ray and Vav comics. "It's almost time for dinner."
"Is she still looking for a pet?" Pyrrha asked, brushing her hair.
"I hope she didn't get lost." Ren said, eyes shut in meditation. "Does she have her scroll on her?"
"She does, but she didn't answer when I tried calling her." Jaune answered, holding up his scroll. "I'm gonna go look for her."
"We'll all go." Ren stood up slowly, recovering from sitting for so long. "I'll inform Professor Goodwitch."
Jaune nodded. He opened the door to their dorm and walked down to the locker storage to retrieve their weapons. They met up with Ren and Professor Goodwitch at the entrance. Her expression was as stoic as always.
'We're on our way.' Jaune thought, sending a silent prayer to Nora. 'Just hang on, Nora.'
Nora was bleeding; covered in scratches and bites as she wrestled with the beast in her arms. It was a Grimm of some kind. It had the dog-like features of a Beowolf, yet had more round features with floppy ears instead of erect points, and it's mask-like carapace only covered it's eyes instead of the entire top of it's head. It barked and snarled in her grasp.
"You are soooooo cute!" Nora cooed she walked with her puppy-dog Grimm. The little thing was all alone, and she just couldn't leave out here alone. They needed a home, and a mommy and daddy to love them. "I can't wait for you to meet your daddy."
She stepped into a clearing, and stared with wide-eyes at the stars that shined from the clear skies above. The pup continued to squirm in her grasp. She shifted her hands to hold the dog-like Grimm to her chest with one hand while resting the other on her brow.
"Aha!" Nora pointed into the darkness, a dark tower only seen atop it's hill by the moonlight. "There! Do you see that?" Nora held the pup aloft over her head. "There's your new home! Once Mommy and Daddy graduate, we'll be living there, just the three of us."
She sighed as she closed her eyes and dreamed of the future. She imagined her and Jaune, much older, sitting in a big living room on the couch, their children playing with their toys as their new puppy, now a much bigger dog, rested at their feet.
"Happily ever after." Nora brought her arms down to her. "Doesn't that sound nice?" She opened her eyes to a black-and-red mouth with sharp teeth on the edges, a reverberating growl tickling her face, numbing the pain.
"Nora!" A familiar voice called out to her. She turned to face it, but all she could see was Grimm mouth. "Are you okay?!"
"I'm fine!" Nora replied cheerily. She felt a tug on her face, and fingers over the white teeth. "I'm just out here playing with Lucky!"
"Lucky?!" Jaune pulled as hard as he could, pulling the jaws backwards to remove their grip on her face. He pulled it off, then let go as he moved in to check her wounds. "What did this little monster do to- OW!" Jaune felt a sharp pain on his rear, like needles digging en masse into his buttocks.
"Aw! Lucky loves your butt, too!"
"Nora, get it off!"
She rolled her eyes and sighed with a smile as she removed his new baby from his perfect butt. His pants ripped, but his underwear remained. She noticed the pup chewing on something between the fabric. It was a small, glass vial of Forever Fall sap.
"Aw, you brought us a present!" Nora cooed as she wrestled the glass from their teeth. "You didn't have to."
"If we needed a distraction, I did, and we probably will." He placed a hand on Nora's shoulder. "Honey, I understand you want to add a pet to our family to help us grow bigger, but a Grimm is-"
Nora stepped away, kneeling down and releasing the pup. They ran away from the two, barking loudly into the night. When she popped open the cap and poured the liquid into her palm, they stopped bark and watched carefully. She stayed low with an extended palm.
"It's okay." Nora whispered. "We won't hurt you." The pup cautiously approached. Once it got close enough, it pounced on Nora's hand. It's paws sticky, it sniffed and licked the sap from it's fur. Once it's paws were clean, it lapped up the rest of Nora's palm. Nora cautiously reached with her other hand, slowly and carefully, and scratched behind it's ear. It momentarily flinched, but continued to lick up the sticky substance. "Lucky, you're such a good baby."
"This is... interesting." Ren, Pyrrha and Professor Goodwitch arrived in time to watch Nora feed the tiny Grimm. "Are you okay, Nora?"
"I'm fine, Pyrrha." Nora said, refusing to look away from the pup. "Just a few cuts and bruises." Once the sap had been licked away, Lucky ran away from Nora. It stopped to look back once, then disappeared into the forest.
Nora stood up, taking a few steps towards where Lucky ran. She stopped and smiled. "I'm glad you liked it, Lucky. I love you."
Jaune smiled as he walked to her. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pulling himself closer. She instinctively rested her head against his shoulder, cuddling closer.
"Do you think they'll be okay?" Nora's smile faded.
"You picked them, Nora." Jaune hugged her closer. "You don't settle for less than the best. I mean, you picked me, right?"
"Jaune," Pyrrha beckoned, blushing, "why do you have a hole in your pants?" He sighed. Yup, she sure knew how to pick them.
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sadistgalore · 3 years
Chapter 15: Luther's Brilliant Fucking Plan
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Taglist: @tropes-for-my-md-daydreams, @whumptakesthecake
Please let me know if you would like to be added/removed from the taglist.
CW: dehumanization, pet whump, lady whump, captivity whump, referenced torture (branding and burning), hair pulling/grabbing, referenced noncon, blackmailing, death threats, multiple whumpers, multiple whumpees, manhandling, shock collars, infidelity, creepy/intimate/delusional/sadistic/possessive whumper(s), noncon touching, noncon kissing, stabbing, implied torture/noncon
“So, how was she?” Dark asked as he sat down in the chair opposite Luther on the couch, both of their pets kneeling next to them.
He had returned from Maryland not even five minutes ago, giving a short greeting to his friend and a heartfelt kiss to his housewife.
“Oh, she was wonderful, Ed. You trained her well,” Luther said with a shit eating grin.
Dark chuckled, pleased that his defiant pet behaved so well for his best friend. Her hands were twisting and pulling the fabric of her dress, but he couldn’t care less at the visible discomfort on her face.
“I’ve noticed she has a few more scars than when I left her, including a brand,” he said in a low voice, face in a scowl once he stared at the designed burn on her right arm.
Luther didn’t look the least bit threatened at his friend’s dangerous tone. “Believe me, it was justified. She made a new friend,” he said in a mocking tone before harshly pulling at his pet’s hair.
Killian gasped as his scalp was pulled, every instinct telling him to sit still, though. His arms had healed fairly well, but the burns on his face would be deeply scarred for a while, if not forever.
“I see he had his own share of punishment as well,” Dark added, looking at the boy’s scarred face and arms.
“Your girl tried to feed him against my permission, then her defiance rubbed off on him. But I had them under my control soon enough,” Harper forced down a whimper as she recalled the horrific week of rape and torture she had spent with the man, who wasn’t sharing even a fraction as he should have with her captor. But she knew better than to say anything.
She then felt hands gripping her chin, taking her out of her thoughts. “Harper, did he touch you at all like the way I do?”
The girl swallowed as she stared at the familiar and possessive look on her captors face, before fearfully glancing over at the man on the couch. Luther’s face was emotionless, but she knew his mind was threatening her if she dared to tell the truth.
The kitty had finally stopped crying, knees tucked up to her chest on the bed. She and the dog, who was still tied to the chair, were staring at each other, regret in the dog’s and anger in the other.
“I’m gonna tell him, as soon as he gets back,” the kitty promised, throat scratchy and raw by the night they had shared together.
The man finished zipping his pants and rolled his eyes, not bothered to talk as he reached down to grab his shirt off the floor.
Kitty painfully sat up, pissed that he wasn’t paying attention to her. “I’m serious. He’s the only one allowed to rape me, he told you-”
Doggy screamed as his shock collar was set off yet again. Master grabbed his hair painfully, forcing him to look at Kitty.
“He. Is. Mine. Like you are Edward’s. Ed can do whatever the fuck he wants to do with you when I’m gone, just like I can do whatever the fuck I want to do with him. No one will care if I kill him, understand? If I even suspect that Edward knows what happened here tonight, and what will continue to happen, your precious little Ian is going to have a long and painful death. Understand?”
Kitty didn’t respond, just let out a small sob and rolled back over on the bed. The man smiled as he let go of the dog’s hair, walking out of the bedroom leaving two broken pets behind.
Harper breathed out, trying to not give away the emotion on her face, for Killian’s sake. “No, just the brand and a few beatings, Master. I was good for him just like you told me to.” It was forced, she knows, but best not to make him angry when he just got back.
Dark smiled, patting her head. “Very good girl. Sorry for the accusation, Lou, you know how I get about my pets.”
Luther laughed. “No worries, Ed. Besides, I would never dream of touching her.”
Killian’s heart dropped as he stared at the girl, watching her try so hard to keep a straight face and not tell what really happened.
All for him.
Dark changed the subject matter quickly. “Anyways, did you hear the news? Helene’s going away to Philadelphia for three weeks.”
Harper looked up confused. Helene? As in Congresswoman Helene McKinley? Beth’s boss?
“Really?” Luther questioned. “She never leaves DC.”
“Had to take care of a personal matter. She ensured the subject will be one of ours soon.”
“Very good. What does that leave you then?”
“I was thinking of taking Harper back to my base again,” Dark started, fingers flowing through his pet's raven hair to keep himself calm. “Possibly my manor, but you know how my gang loves to talk. And with how often Noah comes around, he’ll be sure to share my new pet with Noami. I’m afraid it’s too much of a risk to my marriage to take her anywhere but here.”
Luther chuckled. “Noami will never stop running her mouth to Helene if she finds out. ‘Helene did you hear? Your Edward found himself another slut to fuck behind your back! If you don’t murder his ass right now, I will do it for you!’” He finished the imitation with a smile, but Harper couldn’t tell if it was genuine or not when she stared at him.
Dark laughed at the scene, but continued. “Unfortunately, coming here to Delaware constantly prevents me from running my base in DC. I can’t let her be another one of my one-offs, she’s,” the man stopped to grasp her chin again, thumb running over her lip, “Special.”
Luther sat in silence for a moment, then spoke up as if a lightbulb had just casted a light over his head. “How about taking her to my building? The top floor is a private penthouse that I only have access to, with tons of rooms and space for you two to live. You’ll be easily able to travel between your base and there, and I could watch her while you’re gone!”
Watch her while you’re gone. Harper wished she had the nerves to scream her protests against the idea. But in reality, which one is the lesser of two evils? A sadistic man who sees her as nothing but a kitty, or a delusional man who sees her as a housewife that he can kill at any moment?
Dark scratched her chin, pondering the idea. Killian stared blankly ahead, a distant part of him hoping his Master’s idea would work; maybe he could see Harper more.
“You know, Lou, I think I’ll take your deal,” Edward said after a moment of silence. “Are you sure it’s not a problem for you?”
Luther waved him off. “Don’t worry about it. I barely use it anyways. You can even use it after Helene comes back or for as long as you need.”
“Thank you, Luther,” Dark said with a genuine smile, not the creepy one he always uses on Harper. “I owe you one.”
Luther nodded, scratching his pet's hair one last time before getting up. “Well, I should be getting back. Give me a call when you’re coming, and I’ll be sure to sneak you in.”
Dark got up as well, going out to shake his friend's hand. “You’re the best friend I’ve ever had, Luther. We’ll be there by tomorrow evening.”
You’re the best friend I’ve ever had, Beth.
Luther shook back with a smile. “Oh, I know. I’ll be looking forward to seeing you.”
I know, Harp. Now come on, we gotta catch the bus to get back home.
How do I get back home to you, Beth?
“Come on, Kill.” Killian rushed to get up, back hunched as he stood next to his master. As Dark walked towards the door to open it for him, Luther quickly turned around towards Harper, his dangerous gaze vastly different from his friendly one just a minute ago.
“If you say anything, I’ll kill him,” Luther whispered, hand gripping Killian’s neck as he raised an eyebrow at Harper.
Harper gave a slight nod, staring at Killian before mouthing, Goodbye, Ian.
The boy swallowed against the tight hold. Goodbye, Harper.
Luther rolled his eyes and pushed the boy towards the door, giving Dark one final goodbye before leaving. The said man closed and locked the door, loosening his tie as he walked back to his pet.
Harper’s instincts were screaming at her to run away from his predatory walk, but she stayed kneeling before her hair was harshly grabbed and she was pulled to her feet. “Oh, darling,” Dark said with a sick smile. ”It’s been so long since I’ve heard you scream.”
The pain on her scalp was relieved just before she was thrown across the room, back hitting the couch before falling to the floor. She shakingly looked up, expecting anger from her captor, but all she saw was lust. The extreme lust to hurt her.
Harper whimpered, lips trembling as she moved back until she hit the TV stand behind her. Why did this have to be her life? She was a good person- she was a detective for God’s sake. She devoted her life to searching for her brother who everyone said was dead. She worked to expose the most dangerous and corrupt people in her city with her best friend. And now she was a fucking pet for one of them, the same man that ruined her life seven years ago.
The girl heaved in before she broke down sobbing, her fight leaving as her reality came crashing down. The previous discussion was two sick men talking about moving her, so no one will know where she is. Or even alive. And if she wasn’t useful to him anymore, she would die.
Dark cooed as he kneeled down, fingers brushing the hair out of her face. “Oh, sweetheart, I know. You’re just so excited to see me. Don’t worry, I’ll make up for all the time we missed.”
Harper couldn’t even plead for mercy before her vision partially blacked out. Her head erupted in pain as it was slammed into the stand behind her. Through the fog that formed in her vision, she felt herself be laid down on the ground, and a heavy weight be placed on her waist.
She heard a murmur from above her. “Daddy missed his toy.” Dark’s face leaned down, lips trailing her neck. She felt his breath on her face that smelled of tobacco. Then she was forced to listen to her shirt being ripped open.
The man kissed her lips, passionately and with emotion that shouldn’t come from a man like him. His tongue slid in, trailing her gums and teeth and making sure to consume every part of her. Harper suddenly screamed when a knife was plunged into her shoulder, shrills and pleas being drowned out by the kiss as the knife dug deeper into her skin.
Dark pulled back, stomach filling with joy as he saw the tears cover her face, his finger going to trace the wound in blood. He made sure to coat himself in it before touching her face again, smearing her own blood there. He smiled maniacally as Harper’s scream almost shook the room when his thumb dug into the wound, every movement causing her face to contort in unbearable pain.
She’s never looked so beautiful.
“I love you, Evie,” he said before hungrily kissing the girl on the floor again, screams never stopping as she writhed under the man who would never let her go.
Nic almost fell off his chair as he heard a knock on his front door. His hair was a mess, eyes sunken and colored due to many sleepless nights, and clothes that had not been changed since five days ago. He scrambled to open it, seeing the familiar blonde and curly hair of the secretary.
“Beth,” Nic said in almost disbelief. From their falling out yesterday, he had figured she wouldn’t want to see him at all. But the girl looked at him with a sudden determination he had not seen the previous day.
“Let’s find Harper and expose these fucking bastards.”
Nic smiled and stepped back to let her in. “After you, Mrs. Carrien.”
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