#i suck at explaining
roslina-w-bagnie · 2 years
Honestly, when it comes to the ashrym scenes in the last episode the thing that stuck with me more wasn't the middle-of-the-night-hand-touching-and-hugging at the start of the episode (I mean it was great also, BUT) imo it was during the fight with the chimera when Orym run up Ashton's hammer saying "Sorry, Ash" to which Ashton immediately responded "Into it".
It was just really casual in an intense moment and just very Them, if you know what I mean
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sat1n-problem · 10 months
/So how did you make the home head I'm considering being home for Halloween and I never did stuff like this before
I made the whole mask out of eva foam (5mm) and painted it myself with spray paint, but i’m sure you can also use different coloured once. The brick pieces i pushed down with soldering iron, but please be careful with it!! The eyelids are made out of felt and velcro so i could attach and remove them!
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I also made two separate pieces for the eyes, one purely black and second one with black pupils (i also plan on doing the red with black pieces but whenever goes your imagination!) It’s made out of cross stitch net
they’re supported by three glued on pieces (it was originally three but one broke off during filming so i suggested gluing them on more tightly!)
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My first mask concept looked a bit different and it was supposed to have more movable parts, but i quickly realized that it would be very difficult to make for me. I suggest instead of making the pieces on the bottom for neck support to plainly use one of those neck pillows and stuff it on top of the insides!(i did that myself)
front piece is about 29 cm in width and lowest point of the the height is 19 cm with something, highest is 31! side piece is 25 cm in width and also 19 cm in height, but make sure those measurements fit you and don’t be afraid to fix it your own liking and comfort!
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It was also my first time doing a mask like this and i hope i explained it well at least..srry for the long post
I’m sure your Hallowing costume turns out great!
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crowcryptid · 5 months
My only impression of Ultrakill is that it has hyperviolent robots and a gay angel. No jokes, if I play it, what am I expecting as a casual gamer. If its just an action game I'm not interested.
The main gimmick of the game is that you can only heal by getting blood from enemies. So get in there!
It's an FPS built around playing "stylishly" which means you "should" be doing fancy movement and combos, its not required to do that, but knowing some basic info makes it easier. By that I just mean understanding how the guns work, how to avoid hurting yourself, and enemy weaknesses and resistances. Levels are relatively short and meant to be replayed so you can practice and find secrets. Also there are secret un-serious levels that are completely different than the base game.
The best comparison I can make is Doom Eternal but with unlimited ammo (instead you have cooldowns) and less strict rules for countering certain enemies. If you haven't played Doom Eternal idk what else to compare it to other than Turbo Overkill which, despite the name, is a different game.
The first 2/3 of this vid is a pretty good showcase. It is an edit so it's overly flashy on purpose, but its more or less what to expect once you learn how to combo. You don't have to do anything like this to beat the game tho. The last 1/3 is uhh very edited, you can ignore that part. (music isn't from the game)
Lots of flashing lights, if that is an issue then you definitely should not play it or watch the vid.
If the vid doesn't seem up your alley then you probably won't like the game. If it interests you, but seems too fast, there are a lot of accessibility options to slow things down, help with aim, make visuals clearer, etc.
It might be kind of hard to tell what is going on but the player randomly punching is parrying their own bullets/coins for damage lol also the game freezing for a bit is on purpose, not part of the edit.
If you are still interested but unsure, there is a free demo on steam.
As for story, yes it's there, no there isn't a ton. For reference, the player character is silent and it's not really about them, it's about the gay angel :) You'll spend most of your time blowing things up more than anything. Don't expect actual cutscenes. All you'll get is environmental story telling, some paragraphs in books, boss monologues (2 of whom a new player will not meet anytime soon), and terminal entries. Also there was some ARG stuff but... not relevant to a new player.
Also I should mention: the game isn't complete yet. Its still missing the last 2 parts of the final chapter. First 1/3 of the final chapter came out last month.
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statictelevisionart · 5 months
If you have pages you don’t want people to see take a paper clip and clip together the page so people can’t see it
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quackoyesyes · 1 year
Markwardo but Eduardo sings Million Dollar Man by Lana Del Rey
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mintcrows · 1 year
How do you draw revenant?
I don't know why but it's hard for me to draw him 😭
i mean it took me like 1 year to get the bases down for him in a way that i like, but i guess the basics is that you kinda need to think in polygons and big shapes.
he's very edgy inside and outside, he's very pointy and has a lot of straight lines.
like he's both a low poly character and one of those wooden model things that actually dont work for anatomy, so you can kinda piece together how he works
for the face, idk, pray to god because even now i struggle with it sometimes if i want to deviate from the ''>B('' face, but its technically a face with no skin and no nose.
tl,dr: practice a lot and separate his body parts like the doll that he is to ''study him'' and learn his shapes
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natashxromanovf · 2 years
hey! what does the “5+1” mean on day two of the eddie munson appreciation week prompts?
hi anon!! it's basically an "AU" of some sort where there's 5 times someone did/didn't do something and the one time they did/didn't/done something differently. i really don't know how to explain it other than that.
for example: 5 times you said i love you and the one time they said it back
or: 5 times you were the one to apologise and the one time they apologised first
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carrotkicks · 5 months
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don't get lost, stranger
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playgrl0 · 2 years
Did you take a course for getting the license or how does it work?
yeah so i went to a makeup school for 6 months :D learned everything from natural/wedding makeup to more "crazy" nd colorful makeup to tv makeup or makeup for photoshoots, ect. how to do hair too :D also a little bit of how to do the proper skincare for a skin type. oh, oh! and also the chemical aspect of it as well like. nd yeah at the end u do one theoretical and one practical exam
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craske · 2 months
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a small prediction, or speculation on where the story in beast yeast might go in the future, based on what weve seen in the story mode in the cookie lab
or, as one would say, fuck you unbeasts your jester
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starryfictionalgirl · 2 months
Watcher announcing they’re leaving YouTube and putting all their new content behind a paywall via a new streaming service in a nutshell:
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kociamieta · 5 months
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they are real now. sadly
thank you @zarithial for their names !!!! in awe of your rain world naming powers
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firefrightfic · 13 days
to anyone missing my writing please know i am also missing my writing
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buggachat · 1 year
"augh, this [media] sucks. it's all about shipping"
romance is a genre, harold
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main takeaway from certain fan reactions to the finale is this:
the final scene with ankarna was so meaningful to the bad kids' arcs and how they made peace with being wronged by people they loved, and if all you can focus on is that the rat grinders didn't get much screentime, then you don't love dimension20 and you don't love this world: you want to be playing your own hs themed dnd campaign and you're mad the oc versions of the rat grinders you made up in your head acted ooc. these are not your characters and this is not their story.
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thinking about Steve digging into a KFC bucket around Eddie, who is about to snap in half at the sight of it. Just seeing Steve Harrington sink his teeth into a chicken thigh, sucking on a drumstick bone, swallowing the most ungodly-sized bites he’s ever seen. His eyes are fucking locked on Steve’s lips that are extra shiny from all the grease. Eddie can’t even touch his own damn food because his stomach is in knots from this weirdly erotic and carnivorous circus act.
Steve smears the grease off with the back of his hand, staring hard at Eddie. “What?”
Dumb. Idiotic. Why is Eddie suddenly experiencing the same level of flusteredness as the varsity cheer squad around this guy? It’s just Steve. Steve eating meat…
Thick, juicy, noisy meat in Steve’s mouth. His mouth that looks so-
“Dude, try some.” Steve waves a half-eaten chicken wing in front of Eddie’s face. He’s smiling as he chews, looks honest to god tipsy from how much he’s enjoying this meal.
Eddie shrugs, pops his knuckles to keep his hands busy. “Not hungry.”
Which is a big, fat lie. He is hungry. Thoroughly starving to see Steve in angles that are banned from biblical literature.
“Christ on toast, Harrington, close your mouth. I can see your fucking tonsils from here.” And yeah, that’s a problem too. Eddie could draw the inside of Steve’s mouth from memory by now. Could make himself a handy little diagram on how stuffed it could be if he just-
“Can’t help it.” Steve interrupts. He tears another piece of meat off and chomps as he speaks. Says something that actually breaks the last bit of dignity in Eddie’s soul. “It’s finger lickin’ good.”
Right, yup. Okay. Eddie is all impulses after that. His gaze drops to Steve’s slick hands. His ears only able to process words at a caveman baseline:
‘Finger. Lick. Good.’
Yeah. That does sound pretty good to him. Really good, actually.
So Eddie reaches across the table and takes Steve by the wrist. He opens his mouth, swirls Steve’s index finger over his tongue, sucking on it for way too long. Makes a loud slurping sound as he returns Steve’s hand back to him. He’s pretty sure Steve gasped at the contact, but couldn’t exactly focus on anything other than the taste of salt and grease and skin.
As Eddie sits back down in his chair, he examines Steve’s face. Red everywhere. Up his ears, down his neck. He isn’t moving either - like Eddie’s little stunt just paused all the muscles in his body or something.
He should run. Avoid getting beat up by a guy who’s a former jock. Besides, Eddie Munson is somewhat famous on cowardly shit like running away. It wouldn’t exactly be unheard of for him.
But he doesn’t. Instead, Eddie dabs the corner of his mouth with a napkin. Takes a deep breath in. Smiles sweetly over at Steve, sweet enough to feel playful. Edging on mean.
“Looks like it wasn’t false advertising after all.” Eddie tosses the used napkin at him. Isn’t trying to make Steve flinch, but it happens anyways. “Finger lickin’ good is an understatement.”
“Understatement?” Steve studies his finger, the one Eddie just used like a jolly rancher, then smiles wide:
“Should be mandatory with you, Munson.”
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