#i supoose
pokeattorney · 1 year
Ummmm miss slay!
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inutaffy · 10 months
he is going in on him the bones snapping? ok period
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camzverse · 22 days
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some stuff 4 the sb rewrite that im cookinggggggggfg.....
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milimeters-morales · 10 months
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willowser · 10 months
much as bakugou hates having his privacy invaded, he doesn't bother to hide his face when buying you flowers.
out in public, right there on the street. first, in front of the strangers passing by, and then not long after, his candid, frowning face is plastered across several cheap magazines all throughout the city. it pisses him off to no end to keep his mouth shut when he knows some bastard is snapping his picture from across the street — but he swallows it all down, for you.
doesn't pull his hat any lower as he drives through the streets, doesn't hesitate to take the stairs up to your apartment, doesn't care to cover up the look on his face — with his pitifully sad eyes and soft frown — when you open and shut the door before he can even say anything.
bakugou hates to have his privacy invaded, but he'll gladly let the world know where his heart lies, this time. yeah, he fucked up before, but he'll be front page every single day if that's what it takes for you to realize how much you mean to him.
if, eventually, the center spread will be of you, leaning against the door frame with a little smile and a bouquet in your hands. he wouldn't even mind, really, if they captured the exact moment you decide to give him a second chance, or the kiss you plant on his cheek after.
can't tell how red his face is from a distance, but his smile is crystal clear.
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simplysparrow14 · 6 months
Taliesin Jaffe and Ashley Johnson really gave us 20 whole minutes of giggling, hair twirling, feet kicking awkward flirting and expects me to be normal about it.
The flirting?? The banter?? the playful innuendos??? Ashton and Fearne just getting to be in each other's space, testing their new powers, hugging and holding hands and being a normal pair of people with developing feelings???
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look at them. Really taking the fucking crown for "most slow burn, realistic Critical Role romance" I have ever seen.
"I will accept your greatness."
And Your Honor, what if I said that Taliesin Jaffe gave us Ashton Greymoore's version of the Princess Bride's "As you wish"
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askblueandviolet · 29 days
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kaciidubs · 8 months
Chan’s recent insta post is so boyfriend/husband coded I can’t :(
Imagine him taking you out for dinner and you take your child with you and chan holds the baby secure to his chest while admiring you with heart eyes… brb gonna cry please hand me some tissues cuz the thought of how gentle chan would be is making me melt like how carefully he would hold his baby and shush them every time his child’s shows the slightest bit of discomfort….
Oh god please, I just woke up to see those and now THIS?! Be still my beating heart 😩
"Chris, you don't have to hold her, you know - the high chair is fine."
"I know, I know, but I want to."
Looking up at him over the edge of the menu, you can't help the way your heart flutters when he bounces your daughter against his chest; his eyes soft and warm as they gaze at her soft features.
'The perfect mix of me and you' - he'd always say.
"I hope you keep that same energy when we get our food, I don't think she'll appreciate being passed off for some steak."
The teasing joke was met with a series of disgruntled coos from the baby in his arms; tiny hands doing a number on the drool stained collar of his jacket.
Chris bounced her lightly, lips pouted as he cooed back, "No, no, no, I would never do that! Daddy thinks you're worth more than all the steaks in the world!"
After putting in your orders, you found yourselves melting into conversation about anything and everything that came to mind, slowly forgetting about the world around you.
"You should've seen the look on Hannah's face when-" Snapping out of your heated retelling, you were suddenly highly aware of the way he was gazing at you; head slightly tilted, lips curved into a soft smile, and eyes filled with so much adoration you swore your heart skipped several beats. "Chris, baby."
He hummed, his position resolute even with a wiggly baby in his clutches - a bashful heat of embarrassment washed over you.
"You're staring at me!"
"I love you."
Those three words fell from his lips effortlessly, he was in awe with you, in love with you and the life you created - the life you're building with him. His little family doing something so simple as getting dinner suddenly turning into one of the many nights he would never forget.
Your lips curved into a smile, a soft chuckle bubbling up at his sentimentality, "I love you, too."
Your daughter made a babbling sound, wiggling around before unceremoniously opening her mouth and mushing her face against Chris' cheek; slathering the skin with copious amounts of baby spit.
The sound he made was a cross between a yelp and disgruntled laughter, "Okay! I love you, too, baby girl, thank you for the kisses." He tried to crane his face away as best he could, but she simply followed with high pitched squeals.
Doing your best to not burst into laughter, you took that as your sign to get her dinner from the diaper bag hanging on the back of your chair. "She's hungry, but if you wanna say those are kisses, be my guest."
"Ah, she definitely gets that from you." He grinned, managing to save himself from the face suckling long enough to take the bottle you held out.
Your eyes narrowed playfully, "Weren't you just saying how much you loved me and how you appreciated me being your wife and the mother of our daughter?"
"I mean- I didn't get to the second part yet!"
"Well you should."
Chuckling lightly, he made sure your daughter had a proper hold on her bottle before looking up at you with loving eyes, "I love you, not only for being my wife and the mother of our daughter, but for being you - for being all I could have dreamed for and so much more."
Your heart swelled, words befalling you as you watched him go back to watching his daughter with the same look he gave to you; infatuation, adoration, love.
Shaking your head softly, you watched the scene before you as the scent of your food drew near.
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kalak-2 · 1 year
I relate to luke skywalker because I, too, am a dumbass
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triptychofvoids · 22 days
Does it bother you when Engie smokes?
hm.. yes and no. it bothers me much in the same way spy smoking bothers me, as in i wish they would both look after their health. but i suppose thats what im here for! i certainly dont encourage it... but its not something i take any personal offense to either, and the smell of smoke does not bother me in the slightest.
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i01-xcl · 5 months
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out of sight ( ̄  ̄|||)
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parmaviolets · 9 days
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my coworkers r gonna ask why im so tired tmrw and I'll be like well. um,
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batsbolts-andfangs · 3 months
I hate my maternal instincts. I hate how I long for living, breathing pups and to have them raised by me because I can't handle that. It's too much both mentally and physically for me yet my bat brain screams from it. It's painful, I wish the instincts would stop and as much I take in plush pups it's never enough. I hate it.
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footiehoemcfc · 1 year
me after city won the treble and all the celebrations are over:
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eo03o · 4 months
let's go
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rewarding myself after exams
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armenelols · 5 months
You ever get nicely into studying but then have to stop to take your recently broken glasses to the optician and when you get back there's suddenly this block stopping you from studying and suddenly it's 2.30 am and you only now open your notes and then it's 3.40 am and you have to go to sleep because your exam is in 5 hours and you are utterly fucked and you really should have studied during those 6 hours you've spent scrolling on phone? Did I mention the exam is for 5 credits. Yeah
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