#i swear if they're not the silliest mfs in the galaxy as soon as they stand on the same planet again blood will run
Current Star Wars is very serious and that's okay, I guess? It works for shows like Andor and Mando, for sure. But you know what it won't work for? Ahsoka. And not to say that the show can't be overall serious, but the moment —and I really mean the very moment, the very millisecond— Ezra and Sabine reunite, the show HAS to become silly. I don't care if it gives you tonal whiplash. Rebels was a silly ass show and the Ahsoka series should honor that.
I mean, these were Commanders Ezra Bridger and Sabine Wren in their youth:
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They are so fundamentally unserious. They do not have any functioning braincells. They must be silly or so help me, I will RIOT.
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