#they have to banana peel trip shin
Current Star Wars is very serious and that's okay, I guess? It works for shows like Andor and Mando, for sure. But you know what it won't work for? Ahsoka. And not to say that the show can't be overall serious, but the moment —and I really mean the very moment, the very millisecond— Ezra and Sabine reunite, the show HAS to become silly. I don't care if it gives you tonal whiplash. Rebels was a silly ass show and the Ahsoka series should honor that.
I mean, these were Commanders Ezra Bridger and Sabine Wren in their youth:
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They are so fundamentally unserious. They do not have any functioning braincells. They must be silly or so help me, I will RIOT.
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goldenhydreigon47 · 2 years
Omori SSBU Moveset
Jab (gentleman) - 2 diagonal slashes and a slash across (mimics Hack Away animation)
F tilt - Stab forward (can be angled, mimics Stab animation, similar to Joker f tilt but less range and only 1 hit)
Up tilt - Slash upwards (similar to Young Link)
D tilt - Trips opponent in-front of him, slow startup and animation (similar to Lucas d tilt, trip is same as a banana peel)
Nair - Red hands surround Omori and attack as he quickly curls up (basically Sephiroth nair)
F air
(On tapping A) stab similar to ftilt (very fast attack)
(On hard-pressing A) slash forward while moving forward a little bit (mimics Lucky Slice) (quick startup but a lot of endlag, maybe more damage if Omori's happy?)
B air - Joker b air
U pair - Slash upwards like uptilt
D air - Throw jacks downward, very low knockback and damage but wide cone radius
Grab - Tether grab using red hands, pulls opponent into Omori's empty hand
Pummel - Slow but powerful pummel, stabs opponent in stomach
D throw - Trips opponent down and slashes twice diagonally (mimics attack again) (attributes similar to Sonic d throw)
F throw - Pushes opponent forward while looking away, low angled kill throw
B throw - Throws opponent backwards with one hand without looking (average throw, doesn't kill until super late)
Up throw - A red hand throws the opponent upwards as Omori watches (average throw, doesn't kill until super late, combos at low %s)
Smash Attacks
F smash - Omori quicksteps forward, covering some distance. Anything between his start and end position is suddenly caught in a flurry of attacks, a ton of end-lag (mimics Final Strike animation)
D smash - Kicks an opponent's shin, similar to Snake d smash, but only one kick (Cripple)
Up smash - During charge animation, Omori looks around scared. When unleashing the smash attack, he quickly ducks down as his Something appears behind him.
Whenever you take damage, your energy bar fills up to a maximum of 10. Each hit of a multihit counts as 1 bar, so it'll fill up really quickly against characters like Pit but slowly against characters like Ganon.
However, the effects of side b and neutral b are based on the damage taken in the bars used (Like Game & Watch bucket). Getting hit by 3 Ganon dairs will make them incredibly potent in comparison to getting hit by 1 Pit fair.
Energy bars are stored in a queue of 10, but if the queue is filled and the next attack creates a "stronger bar" than the "weakest bar" in the queue, it'll replace it.
Bars are stored from strongest to weakest, so the strongest are always prioritized when using side b and neutral b.
Each side b and neutral b uses 3 energy, Omori starts his stocks with 3 energy.
Happy = faster movement speed
Angry = do more damage, take more damage
Sad = take less damage and decreased movement speed, normal attacks and throws do more damage
When damaging an opponent, Omori becomes happy. Depending on the strength of the attack, he can become ecstatic or manic (happy after 1 hit, ecstatic if attack does 10-19.9%, manic if attack does 20% or more)
When being damaged, Omori becomes angry. Depending on the strength of the attack, he can become enraged or furious (angry after 1 hit, enraged if attack does 10-19.9%, furious if attack does 20% or more)
Down B - Sit in criss-cross position and read through a poem book. The longer the skill is held, the sadder he becomes (pressing B for sad takes 1 second, holding for 3 secs for depressed, holding for 5 secs for miserable)
Side B - One of Omori's friends phases in from behind him to help him out, depending on his type and level of emotion, it will have different properties:
Neutral - Omori glares at the enemy, stunning them in place for a short moment (mimics Stare). Does not change his emotion to happy since the stun does no damage.
Happy - Aubrey swings her weapon, like peach fsmash (happy=stuffed toy, ecstatic=sweetheart bust, manic=nail bat)
Angry - Kel throws a ball forward, like Wiifit ball (angry=rubber ball, enraged=beach ball, furious=basketball)
Sad - The range on stare increases based on how sad he is.
Up B - A red hand appears above Omori, he looks up to it and grabs it, teleporting him (long startup teleport recovery)
Neutral B - Hero cooks Omori a cookie, healing him for some % (Using more powerful energy bars will have the cookie heal for more %, takes a couple of seconds)
Up-Taunt - Omori holds his knife out to his side and looks at it Afraid.
Forward-Taunt - All of Omori's friends suddenly phase in around him as he looks around at them surprised. They make the same pose as the one in the mirrors around Headspace. They disappear into mist shortly after.
Down-Taunt - The dog from the Vast Forest phases in and approaches Omori as he kneels down to pet it.
Crouch - Similar to Lucas' crouch.
Sleep - Omori quickly pulls a blanket over himself and wraps himself in a cocoon.
Shield Break - After falling onto the ground after the shield break, Omori begins holding his head as various Somethings appear and disappear around him. At the end, he uses Calm Down and they all vanish.
Final Smash
Final Smash - All of Omori's friends phase in and charge out from behind him. If it lands, a cutscene plays out similar to Release Energy and launches anyone that was caught in the initial charge.
His Neutral B is a heal?
He is BROKEN as hell.
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kissinginkitchens · 3 years
You Bring Me Home—Chapter Seven: How Sweet It Is
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a/n: Welcome back friends! Thank you again for tuning in for another chapter of YBMH. It has been so much fun to talk to you lovelies and hear your thoughts, so keep them coming! I have to give a very special thank you to the wonderful @duckyficrecs​ for all of the love and amazing commentary so far, I really appreciate you!! Happy reading! Much love, Mel <3
Pairing: Hawai’i!Harry x Original Character
Warnings: unrealistic standards of men (sorry) 
Word Count: 6.8k
catch up on parts one, two, three, four, five, and six
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Alani’s eyes peel open and she squints at the clock on the bedside table that reads 8:53 a.m. The sun creeps in gently behind the thin curtains, casting the room in a soft, warm glow that pales in comparison to the light inside her chest. As she inhales deeply, the arm strapped across her midsection rises, but it doesn’t budge. Alani turns over carefully to face Harry still sound asleep with a light snore escaping from his parted lips. She fondly observes every detail of his serene features, from the tiny freckles atop his cheekbones to the curl of his eyelashes. As her finger glides along the slope of his nose and the indentation of his cupid’s bow, Harry stirs lightly and his arm tightens around her waist with a contented sigh. Alani drapes her leg over his hip and presses a feathery kiss to the middle of his brow that causes the edges of his sleepy mouth to twitch. 
“Good morning, sunshine,” she coos and Harry’s eyes flutter open slowly. 
“Mornin’ beautiful,” he replies with a deep rasp in his voice. 
She massages his scalp gently and he hums, planting a sweet kiss to the spot just over her heart. 
“Y’hungry?” Harry murmurs against her skin. 
Alani’s stomach growls in response and they both giggle. 
“I’ll take that as a yes,”
“Need a shower first,” she decides, sitting up. 
Harry groans at the loss of contact, but he manages to secure a hand around her wrist. “Ten more minutes,”
“Nice try,”
Alani grins before burrowing under the covers again with her cheek fit snugly against Harry’s chest. His knuckles skim over her arm as he fights the drowsiness weighing on his eyelids. 
“Did y’dream anything?” he mumbles. 
“I did,” she admits apprehensively. “But I don’t know if you’re gonna like it,”
“Why not?”
“Well, I sorta dreamt that I was married to James Marsden—the guy from The Notebook,”
Harry laughs gently. “Lucky bastard,”
“What about you?” Alani deflects, peering up at him with curious eyes. “Any dreams?”
“Not really. But I did wake up a few times in the middle of the night ‘cos you were hogging all the blankets,”
“I get cold!”
Alani presses her chilly toes against Harry’s shins and he grimaces, peeling himself out of the bed to escape her icy touch. With a self-satisfied chuckle, she swings her legs over the edge of the mattress and slips away to the ensuite bathroom, chin held high as Harry trails close behind. 
Harry digs out a faded t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants from his closet for Alani to borrow, and although it’s a small gesture, the sight of her in his own clothing fills his entire body with euphoria. He holds out a white t-shirt with the Volkswagen logo on it and a pair of grey sweatpants that she accepts gratefully. While she slips into his clothes, Harry puts on a pair of running shorts and a black hoodie with the image of Earth and the words “Spice World” on the front. Next, he digs through his drawers and produces a red bandana that is used to keep the damp hair out of his face, but Alani has already braided her wavy locks before he can find a similar garment for her. Harry extends a hand and Alani interlocks her fingers with his as they set out for breakfast. 
“Why don’t you go pick out some tunes?” He suggests when they reach the kitchen. “There’s a record player in the living room,”
Alani wiggles her brows and gives him a quick peck before venturing out ito the other room. Her eyes immediately land on a wall full of vinyls, and she excitedly browses them with delicate fingers. The Zombies, Bill Withers, and Sam Cooke are among the first in the collection, but her eyes widen when she spots a familiar blue cover. Joni, she gasps, pulling the record out of its sleeve. Alani quickly switches the player on and navigates the needle over the first track on the disk, turning the volume up and filling the room with the sound of a folk guitar. Harry’s ears perk up in the other room and the music brings a wide grin to his face. A few moments later, Alani reemerges in the kitchen, her hips swaying; she reaches out for Harry’s hands, which are occupied with the switches on the stovetop and a carton of eggs. He puts it down and gives Alani a twirl, which elicits a playful giggle that tugs on his heartstrings. His hands settle around her waist while her arms weave around his neck. They sway for a moment, hips flush with one another, before another soft kiss is exchanged. 
“Looks like I don’t need a ‘kiss the cook’ apron after all,” Harry jokes lightly, their noses still touching. 
Alani rolls her eyes with a scoff. “You haven’t made anything yet,”
“That’s because a certain dancing queen keeps distracting me,”
“Fine,” she starts to pull away but Harry immediately ropes her back in. 
“Not yet,” he smirks, lifting her with a quick spin. Alani shrieks and her arms tighten around his neck. 
“I see the lovebirds are up,” Mitch grumbles, the heel of his hand rubbing his tired eyes. 
The pair conceal their laughter and put a bit of space between each other, though Harry instantly misses Alani’s touch. 
“Morning, Mitch,” she says sweetly. 
The guitarist forces a smile on his face and reaches inside the fridge for a bottle of water. “Morning,” he returns, padding back to the hallway. “And keep it down, you crazy kids. Some of us are hungover and not in the lovesick way.”
Alani’s cheeks flush. “Sorry, mom.”
Harry snickers and he returns to the stove with a gentle shake of his head. 
They scarf their breakfasts down with legs woven together under the table and fingers interlaced. While their meals are identical, they take turns feeding off of each other’s plates and stealing sips of the other person’s drink. Harry feigns annoyance over the spilt orange juice on the t-shirt that he lent to Alani, though a part of him hopes it will leave a stain as a subtle reminder of this moment. It amazes the both of them just how quickly they had fallen into a shared rhythm, as if breakfast was a sacred ritual engraved into their muscle memory. But despite the natural ease that comes with each other’s presence, there is an impending sense of dread looming over Alani and Harry’s heads about the inevitable end to their domestic bliss. 
“I should probably get back soon,” she sighs, thinking of her younger sister waiting alone at the house. 
His stomach turns. “Do you have to?”
“Afraid so. Need to check on Pua and Freddie,”
Harry nods with a small sigh and collects both of their plates. “‘Kay,”
Alani follows him into the kitchen and her arms delicately wrap around his torso from behind when they reach the sink. “Are you upset?” she asks timidly. 
Harry’s heart cracks, racked with guilt over his petty behavior. It wasn’t her fault that she had to leave eventually, and it wasn’t right to take his disappointment out on her. He turns his back to their dishes and presses a light kiss to the tip of her nose. 
“No,” Harry assures her with a soft, dimpled smile. “Could never be upset with my sweet girl. Just gonna miss you.”
Alani’s chest stirs at his words and she slots her needy lips between his. Now that they had tasted a little less than twenty-four uninterrupted hours together, being apart for more than one moment seemed near impossible. Harry’s fingers slip inside the back of her shirt, and his nails gently graze the outline of her spine with a sly grin. 
“I don’t think I’ll have what she’s having,” Jeff teases, sifting through a bowl of fruit on the counter. Harry grits his teeth and makes a mental note to plot revenge on all of his friends later. 
“Good morning,” Alani offers shyly, pulling away from his warm touch. 
Jeff smiles and waves with a banana in hand. “Buenos días. Always good to see you, Alani.”
“You too,”
He whistles a cheerful tune and roams into the living room, leaving the pair alone again. 
“I think we better go before we get caught.” Alani jokes weakly.  
The Range Rover pulls up slowly in front of Alani’s house and Harry’s grip on her hand tightens as he puts the car into park. 
“Where’re your parents?” he wonders aloud, reaching in the backseat for a spare bag that Alani can use to carry her clothes in. 
“Mom had a big surgery this weekend, so she stayed at the hospital to keep an eye on her patient. Dad is in California on this chef’s weekend trip with, like, Guy Fieri or something. Just me and Pua until tomorrow night,”
Harry hums, watching her stuff her belongings into the bag. “You working?”
“Yeah, I close tonight,”
Damn, he swears to himself. There go his plans. “What’re you doing until then?”
Alani shrugs with her hand already on the door handle. “Chores, I guess. You?”
“Probably nothing,” Harry sighs. “Missing you.”
She grins and presses an affectionate peck to his cheek. “Ditto, sunshine. I’ll call you tonight, okay?”
“I won’t miss it.” The new pet name makes his stomach twist, but the butterflies quickly turn to stones when she slips out of the car. 
Alani begrudgingly treks down the stone pathway when she hears loud music coming from the car behind her. Turning quickly, she spots Harry peeking over the roof of the SUV with the song “Baby Don’t Go” by The Supremes blaring from his speakers. She shakes her head playfully and blows him a kiss before retreating back to her house; He catches it in his palm and presses his palm to his lips. The song is still playing softly when Alani closes the door and she momentarily considers throwing all caution to the wind by inviting him inside. 
“I’d ask how your night went, but I think half the block knows that answer now,” Pua smirks with arms crossed as she descends the stairs. 
Alani offers a sheepish smile and clutches Harry’s bag to her chest. “Morning,”
“Are those his clothes?” her sister questions. 
“Okay that’s really sweet, actually,”
Alani shuffles through the house to make sure that everything is still in one piece and Pua follows close behind, anxious for all of the details about her older sister’s date. “So I wanna hear everything, but you can spare me the making out parts,” she insists. 
“What? Harry didn’t give you the rundown already?” Alani pokes. “I’m assuming you’re the one who told him about Angelo’s,”
“It may have come up once—casually, of course,” Pua admits. 
Alani rolls her eyes playfully, but the confirmation that Harry had conspired with her sister melts her heart. “Well then, I guess I owe you some thanks for a perfect night,”
“It was all his idea,” Pua maintains with her hands raised in surrender. “But it was? I mean, really perfect?”
“Straight out of a movie,”
“He has that way about him, doesn’t he?”
Alani’s mouth curls gently. She couldn’t describe Harry’s allure better if she tried. “He really does,”
“I can’t believe it,” Pua muses with a starry look in her round eyes. “My sister is dating the Harry Styles. I can practically hear the millions of hearts shattering over the news,”
Out of all the thoughts running through Alani’s mind these days, the public’s response to her blossoming relationship with Harry was apparently last on that list. Fame hardly seemed to be the focal point of his life given how little he had to say on the subject, thus it was easy to forget that he was, in fact, a celebrity, especially when they were alone. But despite his reluctance to open up about stardom, it’s a conversation that Alani figures she should prepare for. 
“Speaking of,” she begins, making her way upstairs. “What are his fans like? You know, what should I expect?”
Pua considers it for a moment, searching for the right words. “Passionate I guess. Loyal,”
“And they’re all in love with him?”
“Can you blame them?”
Alani chuckles lightly and her chest swells as she reflects on her growing feelings for Harry. While she had initially wanted to believe that he was no different from any other guy, it was becoming increasingly difficult to stand by that judgement. His immense thoughtfulness was evident long before he had whisked her away for the evening of her dreams. Afterall, what famous person willingly agrees to help a stranger with their homework? And then there was Harry’s boyish charm and tenderness that no leading man in any romantic comedy seemed to rival in Alani’s opinion. Could never be upset with my sweet girl, his words echo. 
“No,” Alani exhales, her throat tightening with a sudden sense of longing. “I really can’t,”
Pua squeals and envelops her sister in a warm embrace. “God, I’m really so happy for you both. My favorite singer and my favorite sister,”
Alani hugs her sister tight and it temporarily quells the ache left by Harry’s absence. “Me too.”
“But if he hurts you, I will kill him.”
“Hey Harry, what do you think about Maui?” Jeff proposes, typing into his phone. “The resort’s got a private pool for every room,”
Harry blinks with a faint smile still on his lips. “For what?”
“Next weekend, maybe. Glenne and Jenny are thinking of meeting us there,”
The thought of going an entire weekend away from Alani makes Harry’s brows furrow. He was going on just five hours now and it was complete torture.
“Can’t,” he says quickly. “I’ve got—”
“You can bring Alani,” Jeff reassures him with a knowing smirk. “But you two gotta promise you’ll socialize,”
Harry blushes and his chest aches at the sound of her name. “I’ll ask,”
“Don’t make me say it,” Mitch threatens from the sound booth. Harry’s head tilts, challenging his friend to continue. The drummer clears his throat and coughs into his closed fist. “Whipped,” 
“You’re just jealous that your girlfriend couldn’t make the trip ‘cos  she’s too busy being a badass rockstar,” Harry shoots back coolly. 
“So we’re dropping the g-word, huh?” 
The singer casts his eyes down at the guitar in his lap and fiddles with the strings to occupy his hands. “Dunno,”
“He’s got it bad,” Tom teases, turning to Jeff Bhasker with a dramatic outstretched hand. “Alani, my dearest, how could I ever live without you?” 
“Oh, Harry.” Jeff raises his voice a pitch. 
Tom drops to his knee, clutching Jeff’s hand to his chest, and the group erupts into laughter. “Say you’ll be mine at once!”  
Harry relinquishes a shy smile and a dry laugh at his friends’ antics in an effort to be a good sport. “Very funny. Oscars for you both.”
 His idle fingers continue strumming the guitar gently as everyone else dissolves into their own conversations. The  phone balanced on his thigh pings, and though the notification has nothing to do with Alani, Harry decides to check in. 
Harry: How’s the weather?
He can’t think of anything particularly witty to say, but the mere action of sending her a message keeps him from dissolving into a puddle on the floor. 
Alani: Google is free, you know
Harry: Ouch. Trying to tell you that I miss you here :(
Alani giggles at Harry’s clingy show of affection. Truth be told, she also misses him deeply and resents the fact that she has to work instead of staying snuggled into his side all day. The smell of his shampoo lingers in her hair and it twists the knife deeper. She decides to snap a silly photo of herself, eyes crossed, and sends it off to him. 
Alani: Missing you too, my little pocket of sunshine ☀️
Harry’s heart nearly bursts from his chest when he opens the attachment, and his cheeks hurt from smiling so hard. He quickly saves the photo to his phone before setting it as his lock screen. 
Harry: My god you’re going to be the death of me
Alani: The feeling is mutual 
It takes less than five minutes of admiring the photo for Harry to decide that he can’t go any longer without the real thing. 
Harry: What time does your shift start?
Alani: 5 minutes 
Swiping his wallet and keys, Harry slips out of the studio without another word. 
Alani ties her hair up and adjusts her apron as she heads out into the busy restaurant. She quickly falls into a rhythm of taking orders, clearing tables, and filling drinks while the minutes in her eight hour shift tick by. Before she knows it, an hour has already passed and her mind is completely occupied with her guests, but a familiar voice sticks out among the buzz of it all. 
“Excuse me, miss?” Harry pipes up from the counter, a bouquet of sunflowers emerging from behind his back. “Think these are for you,”
Alani fights back a smile, but it’s no use. She accepts the flowers gratefully and raises them to her nose.
“Why, thank you. They’re beautiful,”
“They’ve got nothing on you,” he suggests, leaning in closer over the counter. His eyes dart to her lips in silent prayer, but Alani clears her throat and scans the busy scene around them. 
“Can I get you something?”  
Harry peruses the menu with a serious dent between his brows. “Hmm sure, I think I’ll have the Chef’s Salad—dressing on the side—a lemonade, and a kiss,”
Alani smirks, accepting the menu from his hand. “The kiss is extra,”
“Make it two, then,” he offers expectantly, but she shakes her head in disapproval. 
“Kissing the waitresses isn’t allowed,”
“Well what if I don’t wanna kiss a waitress?” Harry counters. “What if I wanna kiss my…” 
He intentionally trails off to read Alani’s reaction, but she suddenly feels flustered by the implications of his statement and turns on her heel to put in his order. “I’ll go get your lemonade.”
“Alaniii.” he complains, watching her back away. She shoots him a wink over her shoulder and darts into the kitchen to avoid his further protests. 
The afternoon rush gradually subsides after another hour of Alani racing around the restaurant. Eventually, as she heads back to the counter to refill two iced teas, Harry catches her attention again and holds up his own glass. “I think something was missing in my lemonade,”
She frowns. “What was it?”
“Some sugar,” he replies with a mischievous grin. “Have any to spare?”
Alani rolls her eyes playfully, but before she can quip back with something clever, one of her co-workers calls her to the kitchen. Harry slumps in his seat and picks at an olive on his plate. 
Two more hours go by and he silently watches Alani dart from table to table, hunched over a journal splayed in front of him. Alani’s eyes repeatedly linger in his direction as the night winds down and she knows without a shadow of doubt that more of his antics await, but she can’t resist wandering over to indulge his advances and her own curiosity. 
“Whatcha working on?” she questions with a quick glance at the page in front of him.
Harry beams, shutting the book and leaning against the counter on his elbows. “More pick-up lines,” 
“I admire your tenacity,” Alani chuckles lightly. “How long are you gonna stick around here?”
“How long you got left?”
“Three hours,”
“Then I’ll have another lemonade.” he says with a flash of his infectious smile. 
Alani swipes his nearly empty cup, but before she retreats to fill it again, her head lowers to his level and she plants a chaste kiss to his eager lips. “Didn’t wanna forget your sugar this time.”
Families come and go and tables are cleared as the sun disappears into the horizon. By the last hour of Alani’s shift, the restaurant is practically dead save for Harry, who eventually migrated from his perch at the counter to a more comfortable booth in the corner. The sight of Alani rolling out her shoulders across the room steals his attention away from his scribbles, so he stands and makes his way over. When his warm fingertips meet her tense muscles, she immediately sinks into the touch. 
“That better?” Harry murmurs, feeling her gradually relax as he works the knots at the base of her neck and shoulders. 
“Yeah,” Alani hums. The relief is instant just like it always is when he’s around. After a moment, she reaches up to where his fingers are pressed against her skin and she spins so they’re standing chest to chest, hands clasped. 
“Hi,” she greets softly. 
“I can’t believe you stayed here all day,”
Harry shrugs nonchalantly. “It’s better than being at the house missing you. Besides, I got some work done, too, so I’d say it was a success overall,”
The edges of Alani’s mouth turn up and she pulls away slightly with their hands still attached. “Oh yeah? So are you finished with that book of pick-up lines, then?”
“Almost,” Harry laughs airily. “Think it might even be a New York Times Best Seller,”
“Maybe ditch the ‘have any spare sugar?’ one. It’s a bit saccharine, don’t you think?”
“Dunno, that one worked pretty well, if my lips remember correctly.” 
The corners of Alani’s mouth curl and she pulls away with their hands still attached. “Want some pie?”
“What kind?”
“Cherry,” she says, making her way over to the dessert bar. 
“The best kind,” Harry replies, taking his seat. 
Alani cuts out a generous portion and serves it to him. “I’m more of an apple pie girl,”
“A la mode?”
“You know,” Harry starts, cutting out a slice with his fork. “I used to work in a bakery,”
“Is that so?” she indulges him, taking a seat on the opposite side of the counter. 
 “Oh yeah. I’m a natural baker, it’s what they all used to say,”
“You’re gonna have to prove it one of these days,”
“Maybe I will,”
Alani rests her chin in her hand and watches Harry finish the rest of his pie, a content glimmer in his eyes. It’s ten minutes to closing time, so she wipes down the counter and starts the routine that she knows all too well. Harry sneaks off to the jukebox and sifts through the selections available, his tongue peeking through the corner of his lips when his eyes land on the perfect song. A gentle piano wafts through the restaurant followed by Diana Ross’ vocals singing a cover of “Bring it On Home to Me.” Alani hums the familiar tune and continues cleaning up before she feels an arm slink around her waist. She stops her work and turns around to face Harry who is singing the lyrics softly. 
“Bring it to me, bring your sweet lovin’, bring it on home to me,”
Alani turns slowly to face him and she watches his strawberry lips carefully, realizing that this is the first time she’s ever heard him sing in person. His voice is low and smooth with just the right amount of grit behind it. She savors the sound, wondering what he would sound like performing his own lyrics before her memory recalls the image of him stooped over his notebook, scribbling something secret. The pair begin to sway gently, Harry still singing as he pulls Alani closer. He slips one hand to hers and lifts it so they’re in the starting position of a waltz. She slips an arm around his neck and her head meets his shoulder, feeling the vibration of his voice against her temple. For the remainder of the song, everything ceases to exist but the two of them: two hearts beating against each other—beating for each other. Harry dips Alani gingerly as the melody begins to fade out and she cranes her neck just enough to grant him another tender kiss. Her lips feel like the first sip of water after a long journey through the desert, and he knows that he will never get enough as he pours every ounce of adoration and longing that he can possibly muster into the kiss. Slowly, he brings her back to standing with their lips still attached before pulling away to catch his breath. 
“I’ve never heard you sing.” Alani murmurs with her heart still racing. “Not like that,”
“I’ve never sung like that before,” he confesses, referring to the emotion behind the lyrics. “Guess I never really had a reason to.”
Alani’s breath hitches. Once again, she finds herself toeing the line between reality and fantasy. It often felt like he was too good to be true and this moment is no exception, but the delicate brush of his fingertips against her arm coaxes her back to the present—and very real— moment. Alani hugs him to her chest to feel the fierce beating of her heart and the drum of her own love song. 
“Did that sound weird?”
“Sounded fine to me,”
Harry chews on his lower lip, eyes pinched shut as he locates the correct pitch in his head. “No, it sounded weird. Let’s go again,”
“You got it,” Tom says over the sound system that floods into the recording booth. “Take two of Harry’s untitled thing, rolling,”
“That’s not what we’re calling it on the tape, is it?” 
“We are until you title it,”
Harry releases an amused breath. “Fair enough. Let’s just call it…” he hums and a faint smile creeps across his lips. “Let’s call it Clair de Lune for now.”
Tom scoffs. “Okay Debussy. Take two on Clair de Lune.”
“What does that mean?” Jeff asks, adjusting the levels on the soundboard. 
“It’s French for ‘moonlight,’” Mitch declares. “According to Google Translate.”
Alani peeks inside the back entrance of the dimly lit studio and immediately hears a faint chorus of laughter. She cautiously steps inside and follows the sound down a narrow corridor, treading lightly to go unnoticed. The familiar gaggle of voices grows louder as she reaches the end of the hall and up to the door of the sound booth left slightly ajar. Her head pops in first, index finger raised to her lips, and Jeff silently beckons her inside while Harry and Tom go back and forth over the sound system. 
“It’s fine—”
“—It’s not fine, it’s missing something.”
“So go again, but maybe try head voice instead of falsetto this time.”
Alani observes the scene with her back pressed firmly against the door to remain out of Harry’s sight. His presence at the café earlier in the week had been such a pleasant part of her day that she decided it was her turn to surprise him and show support for his work, which would undoubtedly be more interesting than watching her serve food for hours on end. The impromptu day off cost her a week of doing Pua’s laundry, but it was worth the chance of becoming a fly on the wall in the studio before eventually stealing Harry away for a few hours.
“I think I wanna do a harmony for this bit,” he says finally after a minute of playful bickering with Tom. “Can you send Mitchell in?”
The guitarist flashes two thumbs up through the window and stands, but he makes his way over to Alani, instead, and prompts her to go in his place with a conspiratorial wink. She slips inside the recording booth and Harry casually glances up from his notes, doing a double take and grinning wide when he realizes that it’s her. 
“Sweets,” he beams, hanging up his headphones to scoop her into a tight embrace. 
Alani’s feet hover a few inches from the floor and she giggles into the crook of his neck. “Hi, sunshine,”
“Whatcha doing here?”
“Just wanted to see you,” she admits, pulling away to relish in his dimples and bright eyes. “Well alright, maybe I also planned to kidnap you at some point, too, if that’s okay,”
Harry laughs and plants a kiss to her cheek. “Course it’s okay. Was just about to take a break and head your way, but you beat me to it,”
“Perfect,” Alani smirks. “So I’ll just wait for you to finish up here and then we can head out,”
The singer shakes his head before taking her hand and stepping over to the microphone.
“That’s a wrap for the day. Great work everyone,”
“You don’t have to do that,” she insists. “I can wait—”
“—Well I can’t. I’m dying to see where you’re whisking me off to.” Harry quips back, already escorting her out of the booth with a jaunty spring in his step. 
“You can open your eyes now,” Alani bids after putting Stevie into park. 
“Finally,” Harry huffs teasingly. “Missed your face,”
They share a lighthearted kiss before Alani nods to the passenger side window. “Aren’t you curious to know where I dragged you to?”
Harry’s head turns, a cheshire grin spreading across his lips as he catches a glimpse of the sign that reads ‘Akaka Falls State Park. “Hey! Déjà vu,”
“My reason for bringing you here is twofold,” Alani explains, reaching into the backseat for the supplies she had brought along. “I know you’ve been in kind of a writer's rut lately, so I figured some proximity to the falls might help. But I also thought that maybe you could flex your painting skills, too,”
A tote bag full of fresh paint, canvas, and brushes materializes onto the middle console between them and Harry’s eyes light up. He gleefully sifts through the materials before looking back at Alani with a tender expression. “Alani, this is amazing,”
“I want you to draw me like one of your french girls,” she jokes with batted lashes. “Sorry, I’ve been sitting on that one since yesterday,”
Harry’s eyes crinkle with unbridled laughter. “You’re the best,”
“You get me,”
“Well what are we waiting for?” he questions, stepping out of the car and into the fresh air. “We’ve got some masterpieces to create,”
Alani meets him at the hood, and her arm slings across his back as his rests around her shoulders. “Full disclosure: I’m terrible at arts and crafts. I think I was the only ten year old who flunked art class,”
“Nah, I don’t believe it,”
“It’s true!”
“But you’re good at everything,” Harry reasons. “Maybe you’re just one of those artists who weren’t appreciated in their own time.”
Alani scoffs, her gaze occupied with the way their steps fall into sync. “Sure, let’s go with that.”
They venture down the same route as their very first trip to the falls, though this time joined at the hip. The cerulean sky overhead and high summer sun provides the ideal subject for landscape paintings, and though dozens of tourists have also gathered to enjoy the perfect day, Alani and Harry are oblivious to everyone else. His cheeks flush with self-consciousness when she casually mentions the song that she had overheard him working on earlier, and he simply rubs the back of his neck and feigns ignorance when she asks what it’s about. It had always wracked his nerves to let other people hear his music before it was completely finished, but the fact that his current work-in-progress was heavily inspired by Alani only makes him that much more reluctant to share. While her curiosity begs to her to keep prying, she shrugs it off and refocuses on the lush scene before them as they reach Harry’s favorite lookout spot. 
“What’re you gonna paint?” he asks, tongue peeking out of the corner of his mouth in concentration as he picks out his supplies. 
“I don’t know,” Alani ponders. “What about you?”
“Something good—hopefully,”
“Have you ever painted before?”
Harry’s eyes lift to the sky, as if searching the clouds for his answer. “Sure. Loved art class when I was in school. It’s a good way to de-stress,”
“Have any favorite artists?”
“Keith Haring’s pretty great, saw some of his stuff in New York City last time I was there,”
“Oh yeah, he’s incredible,” Alani agrees, mixing some paint on her platter. “Hey, have you ever been to the Louvre?”
Harry nods and the tip of his tongue peeks through the corner of his lip in concentration. “Yes actually, once,”
“Lucky. Paris is definitely on my bucket list,”
“Good to know,” her comment is stored in the back of Harry’s mind for future reference. “Hey sweets, you’ve got something on your face,”
“Oh really?”
“Yeah, riiiiight,” Harry leans in, silently dipping his pinky in a dollop of pink paint before pulling back and smearing it across the bridge of her nose. “There,”
“Hey!” she cries. 
Harry throws his head back and laughs. “I don’t know how you didn’t see that one coming,”
“You are such a child,”
“It’s fun, you should try it,”
Alani’s lower lip pouts. “Don’t wanna,”
“Sure you do,” Harry insists, holding out his plate of colors to her. “Go ahead,”
She releases a sharp breath and turns her back to him, strategically dipping her fingers in her own palette out of his sight.
“Sweets,” Harry coos. “Alani, hey, I’m sorry. That was a stupid—” 
Her fingertips meet the side of his face and slide down to his chin, leaving a trail of yellow, orange, and blue. “Oh, sorry. What were you about to say?”
Harry’s mouth hangs agape and he blinks slowly. “You know what, I’ll let that one slide,”
“No you won’t.”
“No I won’t.” 
Alani springs up from the bench and turns to bolt, but Harry’s arms snake around her waist and lift her in the air with one swift move. She shrieks, but she doesn’t fight his grasp and turns to face him instead, offering her puckered lips in surrender. Harry slots their mouths together with a satisfied smirk, but the spirited kiss quickly dissolves into laughter when their teeth collide.  
Alani flips her bedroom light on and ushers Harry inside. “Sorry about the mess,”
He steps inside and absorbs every detail, taking note of all the photos and trinkets on display. The walls are a shade of blush, which doesn’t surprise him, and the bed is tucked neatly in the corner under a skylight. String lights dangle along one wall above a desk piled high with books and magazines. A hanging plant in another corner catches his attention, but it’s quickly overshadowed by the presence of her own record player and collection of vinyls. A red, heart shaped rug in the middle of the room ties it all together, and Harry doesn’t think that it could possibly be more Alani. She plops onto the bed with her completed artwork and motions for him to do the same. When he makes himself comfortable, she turns the canvas over with a wiggle of her brows.
“What do you think?”
“I think it’s amazing,” Harry applauds, admiring the blobs of colorful shapes that somehow coalesce into a perfectly admirable—yet unidentifiable—piece of art. “What is it?”
“It’s you!”
“Mhmm,” she begins, sitting up straighter to explain. “I really tried to go for the Keith Haring thing, but I added a little bit of my own touch to it. And there’s me too, see? The pink one in the back. And that’s supposed to be a palm tree but it looks kinda like a dude with green hair,”
Harry’s heart soars. “You made us into a Keith Haring?”
“I know it’s not as cool as what he would’ve done, but—”
“—It’s perfect,” he asserts. “I love it,”
Alani beams and she sits back on her heels, setting the painting against her nightstand. “Your turn,”
“Alright, well,” Harry clears his throat. “I also tried to emulate your favorite artist, so hopefully you’ll like it,”
He turns the painting over and a light gasp escapes Alani’s lips. She immediately recognizes the waterfall—the same one from ‘Akaka Falls that they had visited together twice now. Alani had had the slightest inkling that Harry was being modest about his artistic abilities, but she hadn’t quite anticipated this level of skill. 
“Harry,” she starts, breathless. “I don’t even know what to say. This is incredible,”
“It’s no Georgia O'Keeffe, but I did my best,” he offers sheepishly. 
Alani shakes her head with a small laugh. “I kind of hate you for saying that. It’s gorgeous. Blows my stupid kiddie craft out of the water,”
“Hey,” Harry tuts. “I love your painting, it’s so creative,”
“Yeah, well, yours is infinitely better and I love everything about it,” Alani states matter-of-factly, admiring each brushstroke and use of color. “So would it be okay if I—I mean… can I keep it?”
“Course you can, made it for you,”
“You did?”
“Yeah,” Harry admits shyly. “It’s kinda like our spot, you know?”
A wide grin splits across Alani’s lips and she slinks her arms around his neck to bring him closer. “Yeah, I guess it is,”
“And the lookout where we saw that rainbow and had our first kiss,”
“Maybe even the café,”
“The whole island,” Alani hums. “And the sun, and the moon, and the stars,”
Harry smiles softly. “The sun and the moon, eh Mahealani?”
“Funny how life works out like that, isn’t it sunshine?”
next chapter
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ao3feed-thorki · 5 years
Need help on plot direction.
Alright, I can’t decide which way to go. I’m writing a hate fuck fic about Thor and Loki. There is a competitive wager involved. Loser sucks the other’s dick. Or, it’s a tie and then they hate fuck anyway. But I don’t know if I like that. What do you guys think?
Men like Loki did not belong at the annual Great Chili Cook-Off. With his perfectly manicured nails and long hair which was guaranteed to get into the food at some point, Thor practically sneered when he saw that Loki had been placed in the tent right next to his. Thor had long hair too, but he had the good sense to tie it up out of the way while preparing food. And no, that is not a man bun. Thor does not do man buns and anyone that accuses him of sporting such will get their ass beat. Man buns were for hipsters, like Loki. That skinny newcomer with his gluten-free cornbread had no business being here. Loki should wear a man bun. Those curly locks would tie up well and expose that long lean neck that Thor has dreamed of throttling.
“If you stare at me any harder, I’m going to assume that you’re fantasizing about fucking me,” Loki interrupted Thor’s thoughts on winning the $10,000 prize. His jaw fell for a moment, caught off guard, but then he smirked.
“No, but you can blow me.”
“And you can eat my ass when I win again this year. You’ll be at the perfect height for it when you’re standing on the runner-up pedestal.” Loki grabbed a handful of diced onions and tossed them into his heated pot to sizzle for the sound effect. He sucked in his bottom lip, his eyes looking slightly dreamy, just to shine Thor on.
“If you want to bottom for me baby, just say so. All you gotta do is bend over.”
“The only person getting their ass pounded today is you. That trophy is mine,” Loki’s eyes narrowed with a mixture of fuck you/fuck me in them. He turned around and bent over to fetch an ice-cold drink from his cooler, knowing damn well how tight his jeans were today.
Thor muttered under his breath, “Little bitch.” He shoved down his semi-erection and got to work toasting his spices. He put on his gloves to chop the jalapenos as Loki browned up his meat. Heavenly aromas wafted throughout the fairgrounds. Loki’s chili had sweet pepper notes while Thor’s had a smoky hickory essence.
The pots of chili bubbled quietly as they developed flavor. Thor cleaned up and prepared for the walk to the judge’s tent. He looked over as a curly soft tendril of hair slipped free from behind Loki’s ear and dangled forward, framing his face just so. Loki bit into a strawberry, the red juice tinting his lips which closed around the soft red flesh…Loki’s gaze caught his.
He looked away.
Loki put his hands on his hips as he considered Thor and then marched over like a man on a mission.
“Don’t think I haven’t noticed the way you look at me or that tan line on your ring finger.”
“I’m married.”
“So, where’s the ring?”
“In my pocket, away from the jalapenos.”
“Uh-huh. What’s her name?”
“None of your fucking business.”
“Tell you what, you smug sore loser. If you rank higher than me today, I’ll suck your dick,” Loki said, making Thor’s breath hitch, “…but, if I rank higher than you, you have to give me the most amazing blow job of my life. Do we have a deal?”
“Hmm, continue to enjoy the view then.” Loki went back to his tent and proceeded to peel a banana. Thor suddenly became very concentrated on his cornbread. Damn him! The image of Loki on his knees sucking him off while he held the trophy aloft was an intoxicating one. He cracked open a beer and thought about that wonderful moment, holding the big trophy and smiling for the cameras. He’d won 2 years in a row and had damn near won a third-time last year when Loki took it from him in an upset. It had been Loki’s first time ever competing. Thor would have been gracious about it if Loki hadn’t rubbed his nose in it.
The announcement overhead signaled that Thor and Loki’s group was due to deliver their chili to the judge’s tent in five minutes. With the hundreds of people here competing, the walk to the judges was a long minefield and more than one competitor had seen his or her dream go down in a pile of spilled chili on the ground. Tripping was its own sport here.
Thor and Loki ladled up their masterpieces and proceeded to race walk them to the other side of the field. Running was against the rules for safety reasons.
Loki of course, could not make the trip quietly. “Your chili smells like something that came out of dive bar toilet at 5 am.”
“You would know what a dive bar toilet smells like. I bet you let guys use you like one too. What’s the name of your chili? Glory hole?” Thor countered. Loki side kicked Thor in the shin, which hurt but it didn’t take Thor down. “What kind of a pussy kick was that?” Thor laughed.
“The kind your wife makes when you fuck her from behind so you don’t have to see her breasts!” Loki said.
“If you say one more thing about my wife I’ll…”
“Bend me over and fuck me?” Loki interrupted.
“You keep begging for it. Why don’t you jump on my cock since you’re so desperate for it.”
“Why don’t you jump on mine? I can be your first.” Loki entered the judge’s tent first, drenched in sweat from the summer sun beating down on him during his steamy foot race. He smiled politely as he set it down on the table in front of the check-in official. Thor did likewise and the two men left the tent, no longer needing to hurry. Thor saw an opportunity for privacy behind a shed. He clamped his hand over Loki’s mouth and wrapped his other arm around Loki’s waist, picking him up and carrying him a few feet. Loki made a muffled squeal at first and then bit Thor’s hand.
“Ow! Was that really fucking necessary!” Thor yelled.
“Yes, you ignorant ape! What the hell do you think you are doing, grabbing me like that!”
“If I beat you, you’ll suck my dick.”
“Don’t forget what happens if you lose.” Loki crossed his arms, feeling certain Thor would not keep up his end of the wager. Thor smirked at Loki. He reached for his fly and unbuttoned it and unzipped his pants. “What are you…”
Thor whipped his dick out. Just for a moment. Just so Loki could see it. Loki wanted to drop to his knees right then. It was glorious.
“Tell me how badly you want to ride my dick,” Thor said, arrogant as ever. Loki crossed his arms and tilted his chin upward.
“I’ve had bigger.” He turned on his heel and left. It was a bald-faced lie, but he wasn’t about to tell that arrogant asshole that. They returned to their tents and proceeded to serve up their chilis to the fairgoers. There were additional prizes awarded for votes of best chili from the crowd. Loki and Thor each ignored each other and served their customers with their brightest smiles.
By the time they ran out of chili, it was time to announce the winners. The crowd of cooks all converged upon the main stage where the big trophy sat gleaming under the stage lights. 
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viralhottopics · 8 years
How To Get Rid Of Bruises Fast
Bruises are a daily phenomenon and unavoidable problem. Whether it is a bruised shin from tripping over your coffee table for the thousandth time or a giant goose egg on your childs head froma fall, bruises are unsightly injuries that youd much rather have gone.
If youre like me and bruise really easily, youre probably always researching how to get rid of bruises and trying to find new treatments. There are many phases of bruising and understanding how best to treat abruise can be challenging. To save you the time, weve tested the best home remedies for getting rid of bruises quickly. If one remedyisn’t working fast enough, you can always try the next one!
But before you start treating your bruise, its helpful to understand what causes bruising. While its difficult to prevent getting a bruise, there are some things you can do to minimizebruising.
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What Is A Bruise?
Morgan Swofford / LittleThings
The medical term for a bruise is a contusion, which is a region of injured tissue or skin where blood vessels rupture. According to WebMD, bruises form when you hit a spot hard enough that the small blood capillaries near your skins surface break. After impact, these blood vessels leak into the surrounding tissues, causing the discoloration under your skin in blue, red, purple, and black tinges. Your body eventually absorbs the blood back and the bruise will disappear in about two weeks.
What Causes Bruising?
Morgan Swofford / LittleThings
Here are some factors, suggested by E-Medicine Health, which can aggregate the chances of forming a bruise when you get bumped:
1. Diet
Nutrients we get from foods can help keep our blood vessels strong and flexible, making it less likely well bruise easily. Foods rich in bioflavonoids such as dark leafy greens, garlic, onions, and dark-colored berries are great sources to strengthen blood capillaries.
2. Age
As we age, our blood vessels get weaker and our skin loses its elasticity and protective layers that cushion us against bumps, allowing for easy bruising.
3. Medical Conditions
Some blood disorders such as hemophilia and leukemia can cause unexplained bruises. Blood that does not clot normally may be more susceptible to easy bruising.
4. Exercise
Strenuous exercising may lead to bruising easily because blood vessels may tear and burst when under tremendous pressure and strain.
5. Supplements And Medication
Certain medications like aspirin and oral contraceptives can thin out your blood or weaken your blood vessels. There are also supplements such as fish oils and ginkgo that will thin out your blood, increasing the chances of blood leakage into tissues. If the medication reduces your bloods ability to clot, bruising is more likely to occur.
6. Sun Damage
Sun damage causes your skin to lose its ability to protect what is underneath its surface, causing you to be more susceptible to bruising.
How Long Does A Bruise Last?
Morgan Swofford / LittleThings
How long a bruise can last and what phases of bruising youll experience vary greatly by the intensity of the injury. Your skin turns red immediately when a bruise is formed. However, the black and blue color that is distinctive of bruises will not appear for another day or two. Once a bruise appears, it will take approximately two weeks for the bruise to disappear.
According to Kidshealth.org, the surface of your skin will be tender and slightly puffy from the broken capillaries spreading blood in the surrounding tissues. In the next few days, the bruise color will deepen to a blue or black tinge. Within five to 10 days, the bruise color lightens up to a green or yellow, followed by days 10 to 14 where the bruise will become light brown until it dissolves away.
Extensive swelling, signs of a lump and bruising within half an hour of the injury may be a sign of something more serious than a bruise. In that case, a doctor should be consulted for further examination of the injury.
How To Get Rid Of A Bruise Fast
Morgan Swofford / LittleThings
Sometimes you don’t have two weeks to wait for a bruise to naturally disappear on its own. If you’re getting married, you don’t want to walk down the aisle with a giant bruise on your arm. Fortunately,there are several home remedies you can use to quickly get rid of a bruise.
1. Boiled Egg And Silver
Morgan Swofford / LittleThings
This is a tried-and-tested bruise-healing method my family has used for as long as I can remember. The remedy works for bruising anywhere on your body, but works especially well on a black eye. Many families in Asia have passed this tradition of bruise healing on in their families.
To get rid of a bruise with this treatment, youll need one very hot boiled egg (peeled), a cheesecloth, and a real silver coin or spoon.
After peeling your hot hard-boiled egg, wrap it in the cheesecloth along with the silver coin to ensure it wont fall apart in your hands. Rub gently on the bruise until the egg cools. When you unravel the cheesecloth, you will find that the silver has turned a purple-black color. The concept of this method is that the egg and the silver absorb the discoloration of the bruise and heal the broken capillaries.
2. Cabbage Leaves
Morgan Swofford / LittleThings
While banana peels can be used to get rid of a hickey, cabbage leaves are very helpful for removal of facial bruising. In fact, cabbage leaves are recommended as one of the 10 best natural remedies to speed bruise healing from Mercola.com. You can use this method to get rid of a bruise fast by dipping the outer leaves of a white cabbage into very hot water and then applying it to the bruise.
Cabbages contain anti-inflammatory compounds and lactic acid, which can provide relief to swelling and pain and effectively heal bruises.
3. Calendula Flowers Or Leaves
Morgan Swofford / LittleThings
Calendula flowers or leaves can be boiled or extracted for the juice to use for bruise treatment.
Once the mixture has cooled, apply it on bruises that are located on flat surfaces like your shins or arms. This bruise remedy is also good for muscle sores and sprains. It takes the soreness away and penetrates the skin to begin the healing process.
4. Fenugreek Seeds
Morgan Swofford / LittleThings
The first step in this bruise treatment is to crush fenugreek seeds in a small bag. Boil the small bag of crushed seeds to steep a tea. Apply the tea to your bruise, whether its on your thigh or arm, at a temperature as hot as you can handle.
5. Garden Thyme
Morgan Swofford / LittleThings
Garden Thyme are extracted for the green plant parts. Boil this in water for three to four minutes. Steep for another two or three minutes, then strain to be added to your bath. Soak in this bath mixture for a relaxing way to get rid of a bruise on your body.
6. Onions
Morgan Swofford / LittleThings
For a quick and easy way to get rid of bruises, slice up an onion and apply it raw to your bruise. If you have a bit more time and patience, dice up the onion and gather it together with a cloth to be bandaged to the area of the injury for a couple of hours. Anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties in the onion make it an effective bruise treatment.
7. Essential Oils
Morgan Swofford / LittleThings
Essentials oils are amazing remedies for bruises. They stimulate the white blood cells to flow through the trapped fluid in your bruised skin tissues. This process of spreading the blood leakage is critical in how to heal a bruise.
Arnica Oil
Arnica oil, which is extracted from Arnica flowers and roos, has a long history as an anti-inflammatory herbal medicine making it an excellent treatment to get rid of bruises, according to Arnica oils should not be used directly and should be diluted and applied to your bruise after a cold compress.
Jojoba, Rosemary, Geranium, and Lavender
An easy essential-oil concoction from Essential Oils Sanctuarythat you can use to heal a bruise is made up of one teaspoon of jojoba oil, two drops of rosemary oil, two drops of geranium oil and one drop of lavender oil. These will help heal a bruise by constricting the spread of blood in your skin tissue, repairing damaged skin and diminishing bruise discoloration.
Lemongrass, myrrh, helichrysum, frankincense, fennel, and cypress are additional essential oils that work well for treating bruises.
8. Over-The-Counter Ointments
Morgan Swofford / LittleThings
This is the best bruise-treatment ointment on the market. It works with compounds that promote tissue regeneration and swelling reduction. The penetrating property of the cream is an ideal way to make a bruise go away in one day. If you have little kids that get bruises on a regular basis, this cream will be a staple in every room of your house.
Arnicare Gelworks
Arnicare Gelworks is very effectively as a bruise treatment for minor injuries that cause bruising. The arnica components of the gel reduce swelling, discoloration, and pain at the injured bruise site.
Dermend Moisturizing Bruise Cream
This cream can soothe bumps and bruises with its arnica, witch hazel, and soybean formula. You can heal a bruise quickly using this cream by simply massaging it into the affected bruise area.
Try these methods today to get rid of bruises and let us know what you think, and dont forget to SHARE it with you friends!
Read more: http://ift.tt/2kGu8zs
from How To Get Rid Of Bruises Fast
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dreamcatch22 · 8 years
Dream Blog: Escape from the Library
August 26th, 2016:
Ewan Stodson, Craig the Lawyer, and Derek the Limousine Driver did not see me. They walked straight to the car show. I blended into the crowd of people surrounding the circulation desk by standing in line. They also did not look around at the circulation desk. I walked briskly to the nearest water fountain, which was located on the other side of the library near the Non-Fiction Department. My lips and tongue felt parched. I finally found an old, worn-down water fountain. A dent stood out near the base of the water fountain, and rust corroded near the drain where the water goes down. I pushed the button that was straight across from the nozzle, and water flowed as if the water fountain was brand new. I slurped at the stream of water erupting from the nozzle. I drank the water for a few minutes. The water ran down my throat, which sent a numbness throughout my body. I closed my eyes out of satisfaction. My moment of peace and quietness ended up when I felt a force, another person to be precise, push me to the ground. A fist repeatedly punch me in the right cheek while this intruder pinned me to the ground with his other arm. I decided to thrust my arms towards my enemy’s throat. I tried strangling him. This perpetrator hit me as hard as he could on my right shoulder. I pushed him to the side of me as a reaction to being punch brutally in the shoulder. While crawling frantically away from this man, I turned my head to the side and saw that it was Ewan Stodson, my high school principal. He tackled me again and continued to punch me in my face. I punched him in the chest several times during our second confrontation. I even used my right leg to kick him in the shin a few times. Yet, this attack did not accomplish anything since we were still wrestling on the ground.
DJ Khaled and George the Orangutan walked away from the car show and saw me fighting with Ewan Stodson.
“Hot jumpin’ banana pancakes, DJ Khaled! We’ve got to help, William,” gasped George the Orangutan.
They shoved several patrons out of their way and sprinted toward Ewan Stodson and me. Out of nowhere, Craig the Lawyer jumped out from behind an aisle of books in the Non-Fiction Department and tripped George the Orangutan by tackling his legs. After he fell, George immediately grabbed Craig by the neck and threw him against a wall. DJ Khaled quickly turned around and walked over to Craig. He punched the lawyer in the face so hard that he hit the wall again. Ewan kept hitting me repeatedly until DJ Khaled and George the Orangutan finally arrived to rescue me. George the Orangutan lifted Ewan in the air. My high school principal did not stop punching his fists around. When I realized that the battering was over, I turned over, laid on my back, and witnessed the amusing sight of George lifting Ewan in the air as if he was a very light item such as a pen or a plastic fork. Although I was in a lot of pain, I couldn’t help but laugh to myself. George then body-slammed my high school principal to the ground. Without hesitation, DJ Khaled kicked him and stomped on him until Ewan was motionless. George banged his fists several times on Ewan’s chest even after the high school principal appeared unconscious. DJ Khaled grabbed my right arm and ran back to the car show. George followed us and gave other onlookers a menacing grimace. 
While he dragged me to the other side of the library, DJ Khaled told me, “William, we have to go now!”
“Here we go again,” I grumbled to myself.
DJ Khaled stopped in front of a hearse. He opened the trunk, picked me up, and laid me inside the space where the coffin normally goes. Luckily, I wasn’t dead just injured and exhausted. George hopped inside next to me. DJ Khaled closed the trunk door. He walked around to the driver’s side of the vehicle and sat down in the seat behind the driving wheel. He put the keys into the ignition and peeled out of the library. The song, “Electric Avenue” by Eddy Grant, was playing on the radio. DJ Khaled drove straight through the front entrance. I heard the glass of the automatic sliding doors shatter outside. DJ Khaled honked his horn over and over until he was far away from the library and the parking lot. I lied there and didn’t say a word for the rest of the car ride. I heard other cars honk at us as DJ Khaled sped down the nearest exit and onto the highway. George didn’t talk either.     
The rest of the patrons were too scared to confront George and DJ Khaled during this brutal fight and escape from the library. This is why no one tried to intervene. I was also surprised that Derek the Limousine Driver never partook in this attack.            
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