#i swear sashisu squad played hot potato with a rented brain cell
rmorde · 1 year
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To add another layer of tragedy to Geto's "Fall" is just how poorly SaShiSu communicated with each other post-Toji.
Before everything fell apart for them, SaShiSu are in harmony with one another:
Satoru is the impulsive loudmouth assuming anything and everything.
Suguru is the responsible caretaker silently analyzing everything.
Shoko is the unbiased, unflappable, and supportive observer.
They play each other off really well as seen in EP 1* Basketball Scene.
Satoru instigates trouble.
Suguru was ready to rein him in.
Shoko leaves them to hash it out themselves (and presumably heal their beaten asses later).
Their trio just works. They understand each other and react accordingly.
However, Suguru changed post-Toji. He went out of sync and neither Satoru nor Shoko noticed. Their dynamics here backfired.
Satoru is assumptious. As far as he was concerned, Suguru was okay because his image of him as his "equal" never shattered. Satoru assumed that Suguru is still keeping up with him - that they are still the Strongest together. He never noticed that Suguru is faltering because he was blind to it.
Shoko is reactive. She never really takes the initiative with Satoru and Suguru. She always leaves others to their own businesses and only comes in to help during the aftermath or when asked to without judgement. She may have noticed Suguru is struggling but waited for him do or say something about it first.
Suguru is a martyr. Being the "responsible one" meant he cannot be a bother to Satoru and Shoko. He would rather wrestle his own demons alone than show weakness to them because if he did, then what else is he? What would be his role in their relationship? So, he suffered in silence.
Suguru changed but he tried to maintain his old dynamic with his friends. Meanwhile, Satoru was too comfortable to notice the change and Shoko was too patient to adapt to it.
SaShiSu were rendered unable to communicate properly their needs and care for each other until they broke apart.
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This is a problem which, frankly, I think still plagues Shoko and Satoru in the current time.
Shoko remains a steadfast and stalwart friend. She always has Satoru's back even if it was against the higher ups.
But she still waits for Satoru to reach out and ask for her first. She is still unable to take the initiative in their interactions. Hence, she felt like Satoru is not truly seeing her support.
Satoru is still an assumptious friend who respects and relies on Shoko's strength - as their resident doctor and his "rock". He likely never thought that Shoko needed his overt appreciation and reassurance of their relationship.
Shoko also trusts him. Satoru draws confidence from that. So he'd most assuredly wouldn't show any vulnerability to worry her even if he wants to. He didn't want to break her trust.
In short, SaShi are two emotionally constipated fools that are still communicating poorly with each other. What a pair of painfully mutually pining friends. They should be locked up somewhere together so they can hash things out between them.
I mean, look at these two. They walk so far apart from each other.
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And yet, they are keeping up with each other's pace.
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Just talk with each each other for real. Please 😭
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