#i take much time to write my OC's flaws because i feel they're very important (to me anyways)
boowhumps · 1 year
Whumptober 2023
Day 6
By - B.W
~ Swearing
~ Mentions of Death
~ Mentions of Suicide
~ Mentions of Injury
“..yes.. I understand..”
“..Thank you, keep us updated on his recovery.”
“Yes, thank you..”
Kaiden hangs up the phone, rubbing his eyes with a sigh. He walks to a closed door, and opens it a bit, peeking inside.
He smiles a bit seeing his daughter, Astrid, asleep and safe. He slowly closes the door as to not wake her, and walks towards his bedroom.
In the bedroom, Karyme sits on the edge of the bed, hands together in prayer. Her eyes are shut tightly together as she mumbles small prayers.
Kaiden walks into the bedroom, stopping at the doorway. Karyme looks over to him instantly.
“Any news.?” She mumbles.
“He’s okay right now, the surgery went fine.. but..” He says slowly.
“..but.?” She asks.
“..he isn’t waking up..” He replies.
Karyme drops her head, shaking.
“..they don’t know for sure if he’s.. in a coma.. they’ll run more tests tomorrow.” Kaiden mumbles, arms crossed.
Karyme does not respond. Her body shakes as she sits.
Kaiden approaches her, taking a seat next to her. He pulls her into a hug, sighing.
“Don’t say it.”
Karyme takes a quivering breath. “..but-..”
“No, don’t.” He replies. “Not now, not ever.”
Karyme shakes her head. “..I won’t..”
He squeezes her tightly. “I wont say it’ll be fine.. because frankly I don’t fucking know if it will.. but we’ll get through this..”
Karyme grips onto him. “..why him..? Why our son..?”
“I don’t know..” He mumbles back.
Karyme narrows her eyes. “..this won’t be left unsolved.”
Kaiden pulls away from her, looking into her eyes. “Karyme-“
“No, we have to find out who did this.” She says, standing up abruptly.
Kaiden stays sitting. “..Karyme.. whatever you’re implying.. stop. This won’t solve anything-“
“No, you don’t understand. Whoever is responsible for this will pay.” She says coldly.
Kaiden frowns. “Listen to me-“
“Elliot is assigned to the case. He’s helping me find data the police may have missed. I’ll find who did this, and when I get my hands on that person-“
“Karyme!” Kaiden shouts.
She turns to him, eyes widened.
He takes a deep breath and stands up. “Fuck.. I don’t mean to yell.. but I need you to listen to me.” He says, grabbing Karyme by the shoulders.
“But first, breathe. You’re tense.”
Karyme takes a deep breath, leaning into him. “..sorry..”
Kaiden sighs. “I know.. you’re grieving, I don’t blame you.”
She shakes her head. “Why can’t I be calm like you..”
“I’m not calm right now..” Kaiden responds. “I’m breaking, Karyme. The difference between you and me is I don’t act on those negative emotions.”
Karyme looks away in shame.
“Believe me, if I saw who did that to Ashton.. I would do as much as you.. but that won’t make our son better..” He says.
Karyme looks at the floor. “I’m fucking losing it.. I can’t be strong right now..”
Kaiden holds her close. “..I’m not asking you to be.. just don’t do something you’ll regret.”
“I’ll fucking die if Ashton dies..” Karyme whispers.
Kaiden shakes his head. “Don’t say things like that.. you won’t..”
There’s a silence as Karyme composes herself.
Karyme sighs deeply. “..What about Astrid..?”
Kaiden raises an eyebrow. ‘What about her.?”
“How are we gonna keep her safe..?” Karyme asks.
“Hun, she’s fine-“
“We thought Ashton was too..”
“..what are you thinking.?”
“She needs to stay home, until we find out who did that to Ashton..”
“Karyme, that’s drastic, we can’t keep her here locked up all day-“
“How else will we make sure she doesn’t end up with a bullet through her head like her brother!?” Karyme shouts.
Kaiden shushes her. “You’ll wake her up.”
Karyme takes a deep breath. “I’m scared, Kaiden. I failed once already, and I’ll be damned if I let the same happen to Astrid.”
Kaiden crosses his arms. “I know you mean well, but she has school, friends, a life. I don’t want to take that away from her.”
“Either we take her life temporarily, or someone else will take her life, permanently.” Karyme replies.
“Ashton isn’t dead-“
“He’s damn close to it, isn’t he?”
Kaiden shakes his head. “Look, we can’t come to any conclusions now, like this. We can discuss more in the morning, when we’re all more calm-“
Both Karyme and Kaiden turn their heads to the doorway where their daughter, Astrid, stands.
“Astri, sweetie, what are you doing up.?” Kaiden asks, suddenly changing his tone.
“I heard yelling..” She mumbles, arms crossed.
Karyme sighs. “..we didn’t mean to wake you, Astrid-“
“You guys were fighting..” Astrid says softly.
Both Karyme and Kaiden shake their heads.
“We weren’t fighting-“ Kaiden starts.
“You’re fighting over me and Ash.. right.?”
Karyme frowns. “..It’s nothing, we just had a disagreement..”
Astrid frowns. “..it didn’t sound like that..”
Karyme sighs. “Me and your father don’t always see eye to eye, Astrid. We aren’t mad at each other, we just have different ways of thinking.”
Astrid looks back and forth between her parents. “You guys never yell though..”
“Come here, Astri.” Kaiden says.
She walks into the room, and Kaiden pulls her into a hug.
“We’re sorry for waking you, sweetie. I promise, no more yelling, okay?” He tells her.
Astrid nods slowly. “Okay..”
Karyme feels guilty as she watches Kaiden take Astrid back to her room. She sits on the side of the bed again, fighting back tears. The last thing she wanted was to fight with Kaiden, but she was breaking inside..
She doesn’t look up, even when Kaiden walks in again. He doesn’t say anything, just walks up to her.
“Hun..” He starts. “Look at me..”
Karyme shakes her head.
He lifts her head up. “C’mon, we’re fine, yeah? No more fighting.”
Karyme holds back a sob. “Kaiden..”
She hugs him tightly, catching him by surprise. He doesn’t waste time and holds her, his head resting on hers.
“Let it out." He says. “I know you’re hurting, just cry, yeah?”
Karyme holds back from making noise, only letting tears fall.
He sighs. “There you go.. easy now.. we’ll get through this, just like we’ve gotten through everything else..”
Karyme takes a quivering breath. “..together.?”
Kaiden smiles.
“Exactly, together.”
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kitcheninaman · 10 months
tell me all about ur OCs RN!!!!! /nf
AHH OKAY. THIS WILL BE LONG SORRY BUT IM GONNA TELL U ABOUT THE LUCASWORLD CAST BC ITS SIMPLER THAN IF LOL (if u wanna hear about IF feel free to ask it might just. take time)
lucasworld is the nickname for the novel im writing but the current working title is Middle Of The Road. the main characters are:
Lucas Dixon
Noah Campbell
Lin McAster
Odin Lester
Madison Harpham
there are 3 others (crya, finn, and holly) but they're sadly not all that relevant. they also (mostly) have parents who make varied appearances. lucas noah and lin are 16, odin is 17, and madison is 18.
theyre all trans guys apart from madison who is a cis girl (unless you ask my bf he is adamant she has tgirl swag). the interesting thing with odin is that it isnt revealed that hes transgender until quite far into the book, for various reasons.
lucas and lin are the Main Characters, most of the book alternates between their povs, but occasionally odin gets a chapter because he's my Baby Boy.
important information about lucas: he's about five foot seven, he has shitty brown hair and wire-framed round glasses. he tried to cut his own hair once and it never fully recovered. he loves car seat headrest, he's anxious all of the time, and his biggest flaw is how much he projects his own issues onto others.
important information about lin: he's about five foot five, has silver hair in a middle part which he dyes exclusively with the cheapest box dye he can find, and he's very scottish. his mummy issues r what make him funny. he loves listening to music in the woods, he gets hatecrimed literally daily, and his biggest flaw is he either thinks too much or too little. no in-between.
important information about noah: he's about five foot eight, has a blond mullet which lucas would DIE for, and he's very pale. pale to the point he looks like a ghost... i wonder why. he likes lucas, lying about being dead (he is), and his biggest flaw is the fact he died.
important information about odin: he's about five foot ten, has greasy black hair he slicks back awfully, and is literally always wearing a shitty leather jacket. he thinks he's literally JD from heathers but cooler. he likes planes, bullying lin, and his biggest flaw is his INSANE internalised transphobia.
important information about madison: shes about five foot eight, and has brown hair which she likes to keep down but is forced to keep up for school. her dad is the mayor and shes not very good at relating to normal people. she likes psychology, penelope scott, and her biggest flaw is that she treats odin like a science experiment rather than a friend.
anyway can u guess which of them kiss (on the mouth)
thank you SO much for asking i really love talking about my sillies :) please ask more if you think of anything else!!!! id love to share!!!!!
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oddyssea-a · 7 years
First off your character is amazing and I can feel the love you've put into him. It's wonderful! I love reading all you write! Secondly, I was wondering if you could give any advice on how a new fandomless OC can get their blog truly going (especially if they're a sideblog attached to a personal)
Tumblr media
O MG!!! Ur so nice thank you very much lemme love you!!
OK to answer your question, I think the best advice I can offer for new OCs is this. Getting traction WILL take time. I wouldn’t really recommend writing an OC as a sideblog not because writing on a sideblog is bad, but because OCs are a MASSIVE undertaking, and to be blunt, they’re going to require an IMMENSE amount of attention. 
I’ll break my advice down into a few tips here:
1. Backstory & Personality: This might seem like stating the obvious but you would be shocked what kind of an impact both these factors have on a person’s perception of your character. But it goes beyond just reading the muse’s biography. You can’t reveal all the aspects of your character through a biography because in some ways that takes the fun out of learning about the character. Leave a few quirks ‘unmentioned’ in the bio so people have a fun little surprise waiting for them. The perfect example I can give is Karter has a very VERY soft spot for children. Softer than most, and it only ever comes out when he’s with a kid. He’s patient and kind to them, and it’s a rare moment of genuine warmth from him. But I’ve never once mentioned it in my bio because it’s a SURPRISE. It’s important to make your character enticing, but not to reveal everything all at once.
2. Complexity: You want to give your character layers. The bottom line is that at some point or another you’re always going to come across people who hone in on one aspect of your character and slap a label on them because it’s easy. I’ll save you the trouble of getting annoyed by it by flat out saying it’s just human nature. We as humans want to grasp the things we take in both visually and literarily. So we often try to categorize. It doesn’t mean anything harmful. But the way you combat this is by making your character LAYERED. Give them motivations, weaknesses, quirks, strengths. Natural talents, NATURAL PITFALLS, character flaws. Bring forth every ounce of creativity you have for explaining to your readers ‘WHO’ your muse is. Now as a side note, I classify Karter as morally grey on a regular basis. That’s not mandatory. Characters can be more ‘good’ or more ‘evil’ but still be interesting. Writing a complex character is difficult and requires extensive thought. Just do your best to make your character have multiple ‘moving parts’ that come together to make the character as a whole ‘well oiled’ machine.
3. There’s no Rush: This is the BIGGEST thing to remember. You’re writing an OC muse. Nothing is gonna go quickly for you. It’s not meant to be rude, it is just the fact of the matter. People don’t really know your character so it’ll take time to pick up some interest in others. Don’t take it personally because most of the time it really isn’t. You have to understand that there’s really no rush to this. It’ll take time for your muse to be noticed and get recognition because that’s just how tumblr works. But using the time you have to build your character and really develop them is the best way to get there. Don’t try to rush into getting a lot of writing partners or getting a lot of followers or a lot of attention because you’ll just end up frustrating yourself. Be PATIENT. Take your time. I promise you tumblr isn’t going anymore.
4. Have passion: Statistically, as social media coordinator for a tech company, I’ve learned something important that I’ve ALWAYS applied to my blogs and it’s this: ‘Passion gets attention.’ or in more straightforward terms, if you’re not invested and excited about what / who you’re writing, no one else will be either. Get excited. Be proactive. Really get into writing your character. Writing an OC takes a lot of work and you have to be motivated and HYPED about creating something completely new. There will be hard times, there will be easy times, there’ll be good times AND bad times. Nothing is going to stop that, but you need to always be sure that you’re enjoying what you’re writing and your passionate about it. I’ve met MANY roleplayers in my time on here and I can honestly tell you that the ones who are most fun to write with are the one who love writing their muse. They’re EXCITED to be here and building & exploring their characters and meeting new characters along the way. Be excited about being here to write.
5. Don’t give up: As a person who’s been writing OCs EXCLUSIVELY ( I’ve never touched a canon a day in my life ), I’ve been through pretty much anything you can think of. I’ve had days where I feel like I’m on top of the world. Where it feels like Karter’s really out there and people are just as excited to write with me as I am to write with them. And I’ve had days where it feels like I’m INVISIBLE. Where I feel like I’m either being ignored or worse, I’m simply not worth the time it’d take to make interactions or anything like that happen. Let me tell you one thing: You have to persevere. Writing on tumblr is for you. Understand that you are creating a whole new character, a whole new UNIVERSE even in some cases, and it is you. All you. The bottom line is that it has to be YOU. It has to be done for you. You have to care about making your characters better and care about developing them and wanting them to succeed. Having people who are excited about your muse is nice and it’s great feeling but at the end of the day the only thing that should be keeping you going is you. If you join tumblr with the expectation of being ‘popular’ or ‘well known’ then you’re setting yourself up for failure. Don’t write to get tumblr famous write because you’re excited and write because you WANT to make something new. Because there will be days when you’ll be ignored. There will be people who will walk all over because they think they can. Don’t. EVER. Give. Up. Because the bottom line is, no one can make you feel ANYTHING that you don’t want to feel. No one can MAKE you give up. That power rests solely with you. You need to OWN your ‘power’ if that makes sense. Don’t let rude people, or people who won’t give you a chance ruin your passion because those people AREN’T worth it. I’ve met a lot of rather unpleasant and just straight up mean people and I’ve succumbed a few times, but this time around I’ve put my foot down and stood up for myself. I’ve surrounded myself with positive people who are just as excited about writing here as I am and they genuinely care about Karter. Don’t let people who are mean or people who try to bring you down get to you, because at the end of the day IT’S THEIR LOSS NOT YOURS.
I hope this helped!! And if you ever have any other questions please don’t hesitate to come to me over IM or even by sending an anon :D I want tumblr OC roleplayers to have confidence and if I can help promote that in any way I’ll gladly do so :)!! 
Good luck with making your new OC! I hope I get to see them around here at some point
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