#i think a big part of the reaction was readers not heeding warnings about content they may struggle with
endwersed · 4 months
13 fics to me that is crazy. Can I say I truly enjoyed Striking Out. I really don't understand the hate you got for it. Understand not liking what a character is doing but in the end its truly just a story that the author is creating don't read if you don't like. It's tagged angst with a happy ending. There is going to be parts that make you feel sad or mad but it will get better. Sorry I just really loved what you have written for the story.
It's crazy to me too, anon 😁
Thank you, that's very sweet of you to say - and I do agree with you, when I read a story tagged with angst, I'm expecting angst! Over time, I've come to think that maybe some people took the actions of the characters in that story a little too personally, and that's why the reaction was as... intense as it was.
Either way, as much as I have gotten some negative and demotivating comments on that fic, I have also had some truly lovely ones that have been a joy to read - stuff a lot like this 💖
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chrisbbaegopayo · 5 years
Hold Your Breath (Stray Kids: Stalker AU) ➻ Chapter 2
Genre: Thriller, Angst, Gore, Mystery, Suspense Characters: All of Stray Kids, reader, OCs. Word Count: 3.6k Warning: This story will contain elements of gore, on- and off-screen abuse, torture, mental illness, and stalking. It will feature themes that are not suitable for all ages, readers discretion is advised. Each chapter will have its own specific warning.
Her first semester of third year has started! This is the present time.
Chapters: Premise | 01 Prologue | 02 Chapter one | 03 Chapter two
Jisung’s grew grim at her expression. By the sound of her hesitation, she might have gotten in trouble or something. He hated seeing her in trouble, in pain, or unhappy. The silence became more and more unbearable for him as he stared at her.
Her lips seemed to be glued together with her reluctance to talk. If he knew anything about her, it was that she hated to make herself a burden. Although there were parts of that quality that was endearing, but more often than not, he hated this part of her. It made her more vulnerable to what could be hurting her and she would just take it like everything was her own fault.
But it wasn’t, and he needed to make her realize that. 
He wanted to coax the truth out of her, but she seemed to beat him to that at that moment. 
“You said you wouldn’t get mad,” she finally managed out. “You promise?”
He nodded.
“I…someone at school has been sending me gifts.” 
He stared at her incredulously. “Are they dangerous?”
She shook her head, “no, the gifts themselves aren’t dangerous, but they’re kind of…creepy.”
Jisung leaned back, deep in thought. “Can’t you tell the person to stop gifting stuff to you?” 
“I did that, but I’m not sure if it worked…” her voice trailed on, then she looked up at him. “…there’s something else.”
His eyes widened, “what?”
She stopped, wondering whether she should even tell Jisung about the threatening letter that she received. She was this far into telling him, so why should she stop? On the other hand, her friends from school weren’t aware of the existence of the letter, and she thought it would be better that he didn’t know, right?
It was hard to make a choice. Maybe it would have been better if she didn’t open her big mouth.
“Um…it’s just that my friends know about his creepy guy—“ 
She didn’t even get a chance to finish her sentence when he interrupted, visibly irritated at her.
“What the heck, Y/N! You told everyone else before you decided to tell me?” He was not happy—no shit, Sherlock.
“I—look, I didn’t want you to worry, seriously, I wanted you to think I was okay! You know how I hated it when you get all ‘mom’ on me!”
In retrospect, maybe she shouldn’t have said that—it wasn’t as though she could take it back. She wished she could, though.
“‘Mom’ you? Seriously? Is that what you see me as?” He was almost ready to burst, and the look of contempt was clear. 
She hated it when he got angry—always.
“Here I am worried about you and you call my concern for you as nagging,” he said. “Why do I even bother?”
Because you care, Jisung, you care. Damn it, it wasn’t supposed to be like this. Sometimes she hated when she let her emotions talk for her. 
She reached out and grabbed the hem of his shirt, gripping it tightly in her hand.
“I’m sorry—I didn’t mean it like that, Jisung,” she said. “I just didn’t want you to worry and then focus entirely on me, I hate to burden you.”
His angry expression melted away, replaced with a regretful expression. 
“You’re my best friend,” he started to say, “I have every right to be worried about you. Whether you tell me everything that bothers you or not, I’m going to worry about you. I made a promise to take care of you, I’m supposed to be the older one—the most responsible one—and I care about you, so, so much.”
He reached down and placed his hand on her hand, which had been gripping the hem of his shirt, and took her hand in his, squeezing it assuringly.
“You would never burden me. Ever,” he said. “Remember? We promised we’d never keep secrets from each other, we’re this close.”
A small smile broke through her features. “I remember that promise. You made me promise you with a pinky swear.”
He laughed. “Yeah. I did, didn’t I.”
Jisung then scooted closer and took her in his arms, rubbing her back. “I never want you to be alone. I never want you to face your problems alone—not when I’m here with you. And I’ll always be here. Always.”
She buried her face in his chest and nodded. 
There would be no more questions between the two of them, and even though she felt extremely guilty for keeping secrets from him, she felt that that would have been better left to another day, at least, not right now. She knew that if she told him later, he would get angry, again, and yet, she didn’t want to break this moment. She did not want to take him for granted, push his buttons, but…if she had backtracked and told him, he might not be too happy.
But at least it was out of the way, right? She wouldn’t feel like she would have to carry about this burden. This heavy load. He did say that he was there and that she wouldn’t be a burden to him. 
Her parents had been out of the country for work and assigned Jisung the task of keeping an eye on her, making sure she didn’t do anything dumb, and yet, here she was, doing really stupid things. Should they figure out what was going on, then they might just order her to go abroad to some all-girls’ school and then do away with all her friends and possible threats. Because they were that type of parents. She had begged them to allow her to go to school by herself here in the city, and one of the reasons why they even agreed was because Jisung was here—someone she could count on, and someone her parents trusted to take care of her.
But she would worry about her parents’ reaction later, there was no guarantee that her gift-bearer—now upgraded to the creepy stalker—would give her gifts again come third year. But the existence of the text message that she received completely crushed that possible, right? She wanted to believe that it was a prank gone bad, it was one step too far from a person who might have taken pleasure in watching her squirm in discomfort or something. She wanted to, so badly, just avoid school, but it was time to be rational, and to her, even though she wanted so badly to put on a strong front for everyone, she was really freaked out.
One of the reasons Jisung made her feel so safe was that he had been there for her since she was little—they grew up together, and he always had been the older brother. And yet, every time she asked him to do anything, he would comply without a second thought, taking him away from everything he loved to do, everything he enjoyed. And she hated that.
She wanted nothing more than to give him the freedom that she owed him…
She thought she could deal with this on her own. She thought that she would be able to do this by herself. She was 21 now, an adult in the eyes of society, and she shouldn’t be scared of something like this. 
But…maybe this was too much for her to handle.
She looked up at him. 
He looked down at her, “yeah?”
“I—also got a creepy letter.” 
His expression was hard to read at this point, it was as though he was frozen in place with his expressions intact. For a long time, she wasn’t even sure if he was breathing, but as he breathed out, Jisung pinched the bridge of his nose, that subtle hint of irritation marred his features once more. 
I knew it. I shouldn’t even have said anything.
“What did it say?” He looked back at her, his lips pressed into a thin line. 
She told him that she didn’t bring it home and that it was still in her locker. She did not want to carry that around with her. But regardless, she remembered the content and told him everything that was written on the letter, and he just stared at her, almost as though she had told him a blatant lie, because wow, what kind of letter was that?
“Okay, that’s creepy,” he said. “Why haven’t you told anyone else about this? Like your campus security?”
“I honestly didn’t think it would go through, I mean, with the school having way more important things to worry about, I mean, the other day, my friend filed some form of report and it didn’t get addressed for a few months or so, and then the administrative officers just waved her off like it was no big deal.”
He looked flabbergasted at her reply. “Seriously? What was it, though?”
She rubbed her chin in contemplation. “I think…it was some theft? Or misplaced item?”
Jisung scoffed at her. “A missing item? Seriously? Of course it wouldn’t get addressed. Your case is different, it’s actually mental harassment or something, I mean, this is the kind of thing that would threaten your safety, and it’s the school’s utmost importance to deal with your safety, especially to make sure you’re safe and not dead in a ditch somewhere.”
She stared at him incredulously. “Wha—! What do you mean dead in a ditch somewhere!! I resent that! Damn it, Jisung, knock on wood, you foul-mouthed creature!”
Jisung rolled his eyes. “It’s a figure of speech, come on, that’s not going to happen to you, I promise. That only happens in your creepy horror movies, seriously.”
She pouted. “You’re honestly freaking me out, please for sake of all things sacred, please knock on some wood, please.”
He sighed and tapped his knuckles on the wooden coffee table, and gestured to her like it was some sort of assurance. “There, I did it, see?”
She did not look too amused with him. “I guess.”
His cheeky expression turned serious as he stared intently at her. “Seriously. File a report. It will give you peace of mind, at least.”
She nodded. “Okay.” 
She was going to heed his advice, and then take whatever that came with stride—what else could go wrong at this point? If, like Jisung said, that this entire ordeal turned into something like out of the movies, it might do more good than harm, because should the authorities take her case into consideration, they would help her identify the person who was giving her gifts, and she wouldn’t have to worry much anymore.
If the campus security didn’t, then, hey, at least she tried, right? It sucks that she didn’t realize that before, having been so occupied with keeping this a big secret from everyone—look what it had done. 
Indeed, look what it had done…the things she built around her started to crumble away. Soon, she would have nothing left...
The next day, the two met with Sooji and the three of them hung out like good friends, except she kept on noticing Sooji sneaking glances at Jisung, in a not-so-subtle way, and she had a feeling Jisung felt that too. The food was good, and so was the coffee, Sooji, being a coffee enthusiast that she was, got herself a decently sized iced americano. Jisung and Y/N ordered themselves an iced mocha and caramel macchiato respectively.
It was good, the cafe, and the three seemed to bond really well, at least between Jisung and Sooji. 
Sooji seemed to enjoy his company, and in her own mind, she felt like the two were quite nice together, like a band of three. Y/N talked about her life, as
But the end of the day, Sooji and Jisung had swapped numbers.
The whole hot boy trope that Sooji placed on Jisung seemed to multiply as Y/N had an inkling that Sooji might be a little smitten with him. Jisung, on the other hand, seemed to view her as a good friend, for now. It would be interesting to watch her two best friends get together, and she felt good about the two of them.
“This is the friend who argued with the professor?” 
She nodded. “Yup.”
Jisung ended up staying over at her house as he always did on the weekends, and the two stayed up watching movies until 1 a.m. in the morning. Come the next day, the two lazed around in the house doing really dumb things while they baked together. 
She enjoys baking, and she often rope Jisung along to bake with her despite his habit of making a little bit of a mess in the kitchen sometimes, and this day was no different. The floor was covered in flour as they threw a handful of it at each other, but they managed to clean it up without much of a fuss. Luckily, Jisung managed not to but himself peeling the apples, but he did, however, slip on some water and landed on his butt. 
While the apple pie was cooking, the two chatted about random things, like always. There was nothing else that they couldn’t talk about, and in a sense, it felt normal for her again, as though nothing happened, as though it reverted back to normal. The next school semester would start a day, and she would look forward to it with renewed appreciation, and hopefully, everything would settle down like it was normal again. 
The nagging thought of her gift-bearer disrupted that thought, and the message that she received two days ago made her uneasy. She still hadn’t deleted the message, and she hadn’t yet shown it to Jisung, and it was as though everything he had said a few days ago was utterly disregarded. 
While it was true that there was a 50-50 chance that her gift-bearer would start up again, and it seemed to indicate so in the text message that she had received from the person, but would she be okay with taking this leap of faith? 
Did she have the liberty to do so?
She shook her head—now wasn’t the time she would second guess herself. She would do what Jisung told her to do. Whatever happened after that, she would deal with it as it came, like she had decided before. 
While she had been in deep thought, Jisung placed a hand on her shoulder, effectively prying her from her thoughts. She stared back up at him, the worrisome thoughts still fresh on her mind. 
“What are you thinking about?”
She looked back at her hands, unsure of what to look at. “Life, mostly.”
“Is that bad or good?” 
She didn’t see what his reaction to her answer was, but she was sure he didn’t buy into her response. 
“I don’t know, just everything that goes on, you know, everything is being thrown at me,” she said. It was here that she heaved a heavy sigh—almost as though she was ready to give up or something.
“I feel like I have lost my way, you know? Before, we used to spend time together, do stuff, and just be kids,” she said, her expression sad. "We used to sit around and be lazy every weekend and watch as many movies as humanly could before we passed out on my couch, or until my mom yelled at us to get off our butts and go outside, you know?"
Jisung could tell that she was sad, and through her voice, it was clear that the things she knew, the things she felt she held dear to was utterly disrupted with the new development, and she was so overwhelmed. But she had Jisung—and it was something that she and Jisung both knew.
She looked up at Jisung, her expression more evident of her vocal distress.
“Remember when we used to do all the really dumb things together? And then we would get yelled at my mom or your mom because either you got hurt or I got hurt? I used to think that was the worst. I used to think that was the harshest thing or the most devastating thing,” she said. She dropped her head, her eyes hid behind her hair. “I’m so stupid. I’m so ignorant. I don’t even know the worst, I can’t even imagine what the young me would have felt if she were here in my shoes. Why couldn’t we go back to that time? Forget this time? I feel like I’m at a crossroad and I want to shrink back to where I came from and just relive my life over again, I want to change, I want to be different.”
She knew, clearly, that even though she was letting off steam, some aspects of it was true, and it was frightening to her, how blissfully she was unaware of the dangerous world around her. 
Though she had Jisung, how long did she really have him for? How long was she going to have to lean on him for? What if she didn’t have that crutch any more? What if that liberty she took in confiding in him would be short-lived? Did she really take him for granted? 
When would she be able to stand on her own?
He placed his hand on her's and gave her hand a reassuring squeeze as he offered her a comforting smile. “I’ll be right here, I'll always be right here. I’m not going anywhere.”
But somehow, his words, which was supposed to be the source of comfort and reassurance for her, instead felt like a splash of icy water. Deep in the depth of her own gut, there was something very wrong with him just plainly waiting for her, for eternity. Why now, of all times, would she feel like this was an inevitable moment where she had to face herself?
It felt like steps she climbed from was crumbling beneath her, and she had no choice but to keep on going, and Jisung, who was behind her, slowly melt away into the depth of the darkness that surrounded her. She was afraid to look back.
But she nonetheless took his words of reassurance, for now. “Thank you."
All would reveal itself when tomorrow came.
True to the gift bearer’s words, a single rose sat atop her locker shelf, above the letter he had left for her last year. Attached with the rose was a neatly tied ribbon with a note attached. It read:
A new school year turns a new page, but my passion for you will continue from where it left off. I love you more than ever. I hope you’ll enjoy my gifts to come.
She slammed her locker shut and almost ran to her first class, her heart pounding restlessly from the creepy message. The year did not start off well. She was not looking forward to the doom that will befall her. 
The class had started off without a hitch—she had two classes that day, Tuesdays. She already made it through her first one, which was a humanities class, and the next class would be criminology, something that she had chosen mostly because Sooji said it would be fun—plus, the professor was fun, so it would be a breezy course. 
She probably should have seen this coming, because Sooji was dead-set of becoming a lawyer. She was an aspiring lawyer to be and considering that her parents' careers were law-related. Her mother was a district judge, and her father was a prosecuting attorney, so Sooji was very well accustomed to hearing legal terms being thrown around.
Memorizing law terms was not Y/N’s specialty, but she could always ask Sooji for help if she was stuck anywhere.
And true to Sooji’s words, the professor, who looked rather young, made his way to the front of the class and introduced himself as Lee Minho, an enthusiastic lecturer with a Ph.D. in Criminology. 
“Hello class, this will be my second year teaching criminology at this university. I’m 31 years old, and I currently have a Ph.D. in this field. I’ve published four papers before my employment here at the university, and seven more since being employed,” he said. “Now, one of the reasons why I was hired here was because one of papers that I published back when doing my doctorate launched me into fame, and opened up a few more avenues of thinking in the legal sphere, and it gave me nationwide recognition.”
This gained the students’ attention, as many started looking up the professor on the internet. Professor Lee chuckled.
“Actually, for me, at least, I was always intrigued by the legal sphere. I took on this path when I was inspired by television reproductions of what the legal world looked like. I was quite naive then,” he paused and chuckled at himself. “I approached the world with such vigour only realize that it was never really how it was portrayed on television. But! I did, however, as a requirement for his undergraduate in the legal field, criminology, a required course in my undergraduate plan, and it was through this course that I found my passion.”
“And here I am.”
It was an amazing story, Y/N thought—Sooji was right, he was interesting, and quite good looking, too, but that wasn’t the main point. He seemed like he had a lot of stories to tell regarding his journey to where is now.
“Enough about me,” professor Lee said, and gestured to the students. “It’s time for you to chat amongst yourselves. I want you to find a person, may sitting next to you, and introduce yourself to that person.”
Y/N panicked a little and turned to face the person who was sitting left of her—and thank goodness someone was sitting there—and found herself quite reassured that he seemed to be looking at her, as well. 
Then he broke into a smile. “Hi, my name is Hwang Hyunjin. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
She returned the smile, and introduced herself, too. “Nice to meet you, too, Hyunjin, I’m Y/N.”
I had a few blurbs for my author’s notes, but due to some technical difficulties, I forgot what I said. I’m sorry for being late! Life got in the way.
In addition, there will be other additions to the story provided later. Thanks for reading!
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wildfirewinchester · 7 years
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There are so many great fics out there that need to be recognized! If you find something you like on this list, be sure to show it the appreciation it deserves with likes, reblogs, and messages to the author! I hope you can find something to enjoy!
Just a reminder that no all/mostly smut fics will be added. If they’re part of a series I will link non-smut parts.
Note: It took me so, so long to make this post. I understand that it’s long. You may not want to look through it just because of that, but these authors all deserve some love and I want to spread love as much as possible. All of the stories on here were amazing and I’m so glad I had the opportunity to read them and tell the authors how much I enjoyed them. I hope you enjoy them too, and please reblog this post to spread the author love!
Note 2.0: Authors, some of you may have been mentioned multiple times! Use Ctrl+F on a computer to find the occurrences of your URL if you don’t want to go scrolling through the whole list.
Good Morning by @yet-another-lockup (Reader x Sam) - This was so cute and so true to Sam’s character! I can totally imagine this happening if he were ever in a relationship.
Happy Father’s Day, Babe by @teamfreewill-imagine (Reader x Dad!Sam) - This was the perfect little drabble for Father’s Day, and I think it was perfectly adorable! Great job!
The [Once] Demon Barber from Robintree by @seenashwrite (Reader x Sam) - This was definitely not at all what I was expecting, but I loved it all the same! I love the relationship you have between the reader and Sam here, as well as Dean continuing to barge in throughout! His enthusiasm for haircuts always makes me laugh, too.
Simple Man by @hanny-writes-spn (Reader x Bartender!Sam) - Oooh, the intrigue! I loved this a lot, and I always forget that this whole bartender!Sam thing truly is canonical, so this was really fun to read and remember this part of the series. The reader and Sam were so fun and cute together, and I would totally read more of this!
Fools Rush In by @impalaimagining (Reader x Sam) - Good old fashioned Sam fluff. Sometimes that’s just what you need, and that’s just what you wrote! I loved this from start to finish. Thanks for writing this!
Head First by @idreamofhazel (Reader x Sam) - MORE SAM FLUFF! I love fics that have twists and turns, but this was perfect without them. It was beautiful and straightforward, and I loved every word of it.
Imagine Staying In and Reading With Sam by @deansleather (Reader x Sam) - I don’t even know what to say besides that this was super cute and I loved it and I want a relationship like this someday.
Father’s Day - Daddy’s Little Lovebug by @torn-and-frayed (Reader x Dad!Dean) - SO MUCH FLUFF! I love this series and I was super excited to see that you had written another part! This didn’t disappoint and I loved it from start to finish.
Bright and Warm by @lipstickandwhiskey (Reader x Dean) - I ADORE soft, warm, caring, loving Dean! You wrote him so perfectly in this and I loved it. I’ve read it several times now!
Morning Kisses by @supernatural-jackles (Reader x Dean) - This was perfectly perfect in every way. You write Dean amazingly well and this made me melt a little inside, ugh. I want a Dean!
Colors by @jpadjackles (Reader x Dean) - I don’t know what else to say to you, Bronwyn, other than that I adore your writing in all its forms! I’ve always loved the trope of the artist x non-artist pair, especially when they decide to create a masterpiece on/of their loved one. This was particularly sweet, being it Dean, and you wrote it so, so well!!
“Wiggle the Piggies” by @atc74 (Reader x Dean) - I have to admit that the title took me off guard, but you know what they say—never judge a book by its cover! This was such a great AU and I loved it! The reader was fun to read and Dean was a great match for her (obviously). Great job!!
Can’t Hold Your Liquor by @ravengirl94 (Reader x Dean) - Oh, Dean. Always the troublemaker. I loved the whole concept of Dean tricking her to go to the tattoo parlor just because he wants to make sure she’s safe, and I loved the fluff at the end, as well! This was super cute!
Pieces of Us - New Orleans by @torn-and-frayed (Reader x Dean) - This was adorable, and I loved the reader joking around while Dean was so grumpy. It made it all super fun! I can’t wait for more parts of this drabble/mini-series!
Scavenger Hunt by @just-another-busy-fangirl (Reader x Dean) - I loved this! Not only was the concept behind it original and fun, but I loved Dean’s reaction and the reader’s friends. 
Hopeful by @percywinchester27 (Reader x Dean) - I think my heart just grew three sizes as I read this. It was so sweet and so simple and just... ugh. I loved this.
Sympathy Boner by @pinknerdpanda (Reader x Dean) - This was hilarious! Poor Dean dug himself into a hole, but that last part made me laugh! The reader had just the right response for that, and I wish I had that good of timing!
Imagine always loving the jokes Cas always tries to tell you to cheer you up, even if you don’t understand them... by @supernaturalfreewill (Reader x Cas) - This was adorable and so true to Cas’ character! I wish this kind of thing was written in more Reader x Cas fics because I think Cas telling angelic jokes to the reader is both hilarious and realistic for their relationship.
Wing Man by @pinknerdpanda (Reader x Cas) - Sorry I couldn’t tag you! This was fantastic and I loved the ending! The whole thing with Dean egging Cas on, as well as the reader being snippy and rude gave everything a lot of color and character. Great job!
I’m Here by @deansleather (Reader x Cas) - I love sweet, protective Cas. I think it’s such an important part of his characterization and you wrote it so well! I needed this, so thank you for the beautifully written Cas fluff!
The Lies We Tell Ourselves by @webcricket (Reader x Cas) - Reassuring!Cas seems to be a big thing lately, but I’m not complaining. This was beautifully written and I loved Cas in this. Great job!!!
Preference: Cuddling Positions by @supernatural-jackles (Reader x Dean, Reader x Sam, Reader x Cas) - I think you’re trying to kill us with all these fluffy preferences. On the other hand, however, if this is how I’m dying, I’m quite content with that. This was fabulous and absolutely perfect for each character! Please keep writing these!
Trouble and Tequila by @fandommaniacx (Reader x Sam) - This was so great! I can’t wait to read the nex part, and I could totally picture this happening between Sam and a girl (if she ever drunk-dialed him, that is). You made my Sam!girl very happy!
Dean’s Doc by @luci-in-trenchcoats (Reader x Dean) - I would so totally read another part to this if you wrote one! I’m always so fascinated by the boys’ mental states, and I would love to see the reader interacting with them and helping them with the tough things they go through in their lives. I have a feeling she would be very very good for both of them, not just Dean.
Give Me Love by @deansleather (Reader x Dean) - This was so cute, even with the added weight of Dean’s heart on Father’s Day. I adore your comfort fics, so thank you for this beautiful gift!!
Wanted by @jotink78 (Reader x Dad!Dean) - I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again: I AM SUCH A SUCKER FOR DAD!DEAN!!! You wrote this aspect of him beautifully, and his reaction to Anna’s friend just made my heart melt! Great job!
Craving You by @luci-in-trenchcoats (Reader x Detective!Dean) - This was absolutely fantastic! You did such a great job mixing the angst from Dean’s job with the fluff from his home life, and I was on the edge of my seat when the big thing happened! (I don’t want to spoil anything, but you know what I mean, I hope.)
Nine by @teamfreewill-imagine (Reader x Dean) - So I’m not really sure if this series has a name, but it’s adorable in every way. It’s perfect if you need something short and sweet (which I often do), and I love the whole concept of the number/time that winds through each part!
Backstabber by @moonlitskinwalker (Reader x Sam) - Um, can you not? I realize this was for Angst Appreciation Day, but can you maybe, like... not? This hurt! This hurt a lot! I want them to be okay!!
Somewhere, Someday, Part Fifteen by @jotink78 (Reader x Sam) - This was so heartbreaking, and definitely be sure to read the warnings for this one! You wrote everything so fantastically well, and I’m really curious to see what will happen in the next part with the boys...
That Would Be Enough by @saxxxology (Reader x Sam) - Heed the warnings! I’ve always wanted to read a fic that dealt with Sam’s feelings/thoughts about these things, and this was perfect. You handled everything so well and it was beautifully written. I loved this!
“The Reader Makes a Deal” Drabble by @sleepywinchester (Reader x Dean) - This broke my heart! Dean would definitely have this exact reaction, and if you ever wrote more drabbles based off of this I would love to read them!
Just a Pawn by @deansleather (Reader x Cas) - I refuse to admit that this fic exists. It just hurts too much. My Cas needs love and he needs care and he needs hugs and he doesn’t! need! this! STOP DOING THIS TO ME!
Series Works
Links in the series section are always to the masterlist, or if unavailable, the latest post will be linked.
Nikao by @idreamofhazel (Reader x Sam) - This series is incredible, and I’m so excited for the next parts. The reader is a great character, and I love the idea of Sam and Dean coming into town and helping people because that’s all they’ve ever wanted to do!
What If? by @moonlitskinwalker (Reader x Boyking!Sam) - I want more Sam! As much as I love Dean and the reader together—and I would like to say that I think they make a fantastic pair and I hope they get closer through this because I would love to see that—I want to see my boyking!Sam again. You write him so well (just as well as the reader and Dean in this), and I’m excited to see how he shows up next, especially because of the part where “you don’t find Sam, he finds you.” Also, I loved the appearance of Bobby!
Poisonous Soul by @super-not-naturall (Eventual Reader x Sam) - I’m so excited to see what happens next in this series! It’s so intriguing and I’m DYING to know why the reader got kidnapped, as well as how she and Sam will get together! (Also, I go to a Christian college like the reader, so that little detail made me so happy! That’s not something you see in fics a lot!)
A Dog is a Dog by @moonlitskinwalker (Reader x Sam) - I had totally forgotten about this series until you posted the new part, and so when I read it all over again I remembered why I liked it so much! This series is so original and so much fun to read, and I can’t wait to find out more about Cerberus and the reader’s relationship, as well as see the developing relationship between her and Sam. Plus, who doesn’t want Sam to get a dog?
Stroke of Luck by @percywinchester27 (Reader x Dean) - I’m so excited to see where this series goes! I have so many questions about the reader’s past, and I can’t wait to see what will happen with the case in town, and with the reader trying to avoid the Winchesters!
Invisible by @just-another-busy-fangirl (Reader x Dean) - They finally realized what I’ve been thinking since the very beginning! I’m so in love with this series and I can’t wait to see if, or when, they’re able to reverse the curse! I’m also really worried that something is going to happen on this hunt...
World’s Best Dad by @luci-in-trenchcoats (Reader x Dad!Dean) - Squeeee! I love Dad!Dean series and I’m so glad I found this one! It’s adorable, and the reader is so unique and brings a lot to the story, which I think can be hard to do when you’re also writing such dynamic characters like Dean and his daughter. I can’t wait for more parts (if there are more)!
Fragments by @torn-and-frayed (Reader x Dean) - Oh, man. I don’t know if I would’ve given the reader that necklace. That seems like a time bomb waiting to go off and it’s making me so nervous! I just have this sickening feeling in my stomach that tells me you’re going to do something horrible with it. I’m just not feeling it. I’m not. I don’t want to be hurt!!!
When They Can’t See by @luci-in-trenchcoats (Reader x Dean) - Wow, this was such a great series! I love Dean getting cared for, and you wrote his internal pain showing through in such a way that it could definitely have been an episode of the show. The ending was perfect, so great job!
The River Deep by @femmewinchester (Reader x Dean) - I WANT TO KNOW MORE!!! Please tell me there are more parts I can catch up on because there’s so much more that I want to know!!! This is so intriguing and I’ve never read a fic like this before. I love it!
Finding Home by @willowing-love (Reader x Cas) - This is such an amazing series! I love time travel fics, especially to this era, and I think Cas is such a great character to be used for both time periods. You write them both so well and so distinct and I absolutely adore it. I can’t wait to see what happens next!
Non-Reader Works
Urban Legends by @sasquatchandleatherjacket (No Pair) - This was really interesting to read, and I would highly recommend that all fanfic writers who plan to write anything with a monster!reader read this because it puts a lot of things into perspective if you want to make the Winchesters well-known in the supernatural community in your fic!
My Savior - Epilogue by @saxxxology (Sam x Ruby) - I loved this whole series, and the ending of this was absolutely perfect. Even if you’re not a big fan of Sam x Ruby, I would suggest reading this because it’s super original and just an amazing series! I don’t even typically read this pairing and I adored it!
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