#i think being kissed /p by that eldritch horror would fix me. Yeah
idyllic-affections · 5 months
i miss my favorite eldritch horror (yaoshi) (it's yaoshi)
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kennysatyr · 4 years
Me First
(AUTHOR NOTE: Sorry if this is kind of bland ,but I am really tired and felt bad for not updating for a while and i've been sick so enjoy)
02/14/2014 12:35 PM Rafael was slammed into a locker, he once again was punched while being told: “You are such a worthless piece of shit!” his boyfriend grabbed his face and kissed his cheek he sometimes wished his boyfriend was not like this Rafael thought to himself “how the fuck did I even get into this relationship” Rafael gave him a sour look “Don’t look at me like that princess” “Just call me prince-” he gets slapped “Don’t fucking correct me you know what you are” Rafael didn’t have the energy to argue with him “Now I got to get to class see you later slut” he smacked Rafeal’s butt he walked away Rafael kept trying not to cry as he picked up his backpack and started to walk to his class the hallways were silent and empty reminded him of how he felt besides all of the Valentines day decorations this holiday made him sick he walked into his class “Mr.Ghali nice of you to show up?” said his teacher he looked at him he had a dead look on his face the teacher showed concern then gestured for him to come to the desk Rafael complied “Are you alright?” “I’m fine why?” he lied “Have you looked at your face?” he pulled out a mirror from his desk and showed him he had a big black eye and hickeys on his neck “Is everything okay at home?” “Just fine” “I heard what happened to your mom” “I’m still fine I just fell down the stairs” he walked away and sat next to his friend Roody immediately tapped his shoulder and signed “Are you okay?” he couldn’t lie to him he signed back “No K-Y-L-E is back on his bullshit” “Did he abuse you again?” “What does it look like?” Suddenly a person sat next to Rafael “I could understand every word you were signing and I just gotta say I’ll punch him for you” Rafael looked at this person fairly androgynous, fair-skinned, wore a black wide-brimmed hat, green flannel, brown eyes had brown and purple hair “Who gave you-?” “Sorry I couldn’t help but chime in my name is Samhain by the way” sticks their hand out to shake Rafael didn’t shake it “I get it I get it, but still sitting here” “No one is stopping you” “Good” Sam started to set up their easel and pulled out an almost complete painting it was a boy in a tight box crying “Wow that looks depressing” “You like it? It’s about my claustrophobia” they take out a lot of oil paints they pull their hair from behind their ear it’s pointed “Hey dude is your ear fake?” Sam looked at Rafael “No its real man wanna touch it?” Rafael was hesitant “S-sure?” he reaches to touch it it is real “Don’t worry man I’m only a half-elf” “Elves aren’t real you stupid fuck!” said a random kid Samhain immediately rebutted with “I’m sorry you are insecure and feel the need to pick on others to hide your dick is tiny!” the kid blushed was silenced Rafael was impressed then he noticed that Sam was wearing gloves “Why are you wearing gloves?” “After class, I’ll show you” then he remembered he had to see Kyle after class or he will get hit again “Can’t my boyf-” “Forget that asshole”
1:30 PM Sam is pulling on Rafael’s arm pulling him to the park near the school and climbed on some equipment into a small area that sat on top of the slide “Why here?” “Fewer people also what I freaks out people” this just raised more questions Sam took off their glove hand held it out “Now shake my hand” he was hesitant, but as soon and he did Sam’s eyes turned white mouth opened with a “Uuuuuuuuuuuuuh” sound Rafael let go and Sam came back again and a tear went down their face and went to hug Rafael “Dude what did you do?” Sam let go and wiped the tear “Well I have an ability to touch someone and see their past” “So you saw-” “Everything man your dad was an asshole” “Why do you think he’s dead” Sam laughed a bit “But seriously dude your boyfriend is horrible to you” Rafael sighed “I know he is, not like I can break up with him” “That is where you are wrong you can you are just scared” Rafael knew Sam was telling the truth and slumped in his spot “I know you just met me today, but I cannot stand and watch someone be in this situation” “I appreciate your generosity, but-” “ You need to stop worrying about him and put you first what do you want to do?” Rafael thought for a minute “I want to break up with him, but I feel trapped” Rafeals phone buzzes it’s Kyle he texted “Bitch where are you??? >:(” Raffy sighed Sam looked sad “It’s him isn’t it?” he nodded he felt like crying Sam took his phone and typed “hanging out with my friend” he replied, “Who tf would be friends with you?” “People who don’t beat me just because they feel like it” “You are on your way to another beating >:( ” “I’m breaking up with you” “No, you are NOT” “I need to put myself first” “That is the shittiest excuse I’ve ever heard” Sam looked at Rafael “Wow he is a dipshit” the phone buzzed again “I am going to beat your sorry little ass in front of everyone to show you are a piece of shit that doesn’t deserve love” They gave the phone back and started popping their knuckles and took off their flannel and wrapped it around their waist Rafael was concerned “what are you going to do? “You’ll see”
2:00 PM Sam was practically marching over to the school Kyle was still angrily texting Rafael he was scared of Kyle when he gets like this yet was following Sam, Kyle was in the lunchroom when he saw Rafael he started to march on over full of rage Sam stood in front of Raffy perfectly still fist clenched “Hey Bitch!” Kyle shouted everyone in the attention of the room was caught Sam still stood still and whispered “Leave this will get ugly” Rafael was still scared suddenly Roody grabbed Raffy and moved him out of the room “HEY ASSWIPE WHERE ARE YOU GOING?” Kyle shouted he was about to push Sam out of the way Sam grabbed Kyles arm Kyle was surprised and shouted “LET GO DIPSHIT” and went for a punch Sam caught it and said “You really need to work on your anger” then kicked him in the stomach Kyles back hit a table full of kids he quickly got up to punch again, but Sam blocked it and blocked another one and proceeded to punch him in the face Kyle was thrown off guard, but his anger raised and finally got a punch in on Sam “Not so tough are ya?” Sam giggled “I can do this all day”.
2:15 PM Rafael and Sam were now sitting outside the principal’s office Rafael kept looking at sam and his new bruises “we are both screwed aren’t we?” Sam said Rafael sighed “With my mom probably yes” “Probably yes with my aunt” “Why your aunt?” “I live with her since my parents died” “Oh dang so you are birdman with extended family” Sam laughed “SAMHAIN MARIE LOVECRAFT” Sam froze suddenly a dark-skinned woman with white tattoos, white long hair, with a pastel purple dress was in the room “What did you do?” “Aunt-” “Rafael!” Khadijah walked into the room “I got a call from the principal what’s happening?” she saw the bruises on him she started to touch them “Who did this?” before he has a chance to answer Kyle walked out of the office with a death glare pointing at Rafael “Ms. Ghali Ms. Lovecraft we are ready for you” they all walked in.
2:30 PM “SO YOU KNEW MY CHILD WAS IN THIS TOXIC RELATIONSHIP!” “Ms.Ghali-” “AND YOU DID NOTHING!” “Not nothing-” “What kind of bullshit school is this” Ms. Lovecraft said “Celine-” “Don’t fucking Celine me! You are going to persecute my nibling for defending their friend?” “Well, she-” “You won’t even use the right pronouns for them!” Sam and Rafael were looking at their caregivers ripping the principal a new one they felt bad yet amused suddenly Khadijah said “You have 24 hours to fix this or I will sue the school for discrimination!” she grabbed Rafael by the arm Celine did the same for Sam as they got to the parking lot Celine started laughing “Are you actually going to sue the school?” Khadijah chuckled “No I don’t even have a lawyer” “I never properly introduced myself I’m Celine Lovecraft I am Sammy’s aunt” extends her hand to shake “I’m Khadijah Ghali I am Rafael’s mother” shakes her hand “Do you have a ride home?” “Unfortunately no my husband has the car I took the bus here” “I can drive you and Sam home my car has enough” They all get into the car the adults started talking about their lives the teens looked at each other and knew this would start a beautiful friendship.
05/21/2014 4:03 PM Sam was knocking on the door vigorously Raffy answered “Welcome Eldritch god” “Happy to be here juniper boy” Sam had a backpack “Sleepover again?” “Hell yes get in here” Raffy pulled them in laughing Khadijah was in the living room “Hello Sammy” “Hi Ms. G! I’m spending the night again!” “I heard don’t break anything like last weekend” “No promises!” The two teens laughed and ran up the stairs. They make it to Rafael's room “Alright crack open the bag what do you got?” Sam sat on the bean bag chair and rummaged through “Well some sunflower seeds, Plateau Condensation, some horror flicks also” they pull out a bag of weed “Ah hell yeah but did you bring the Air freshener” they pull out a can of it.
7:38 PM “Hoe you don’t run from a serial killer!” “Defend yourself!” they proceeded to throw popcorn at the tv a scream came from the TV “Why do we watch these if we are gonna know they get killed” “I don’t know it’s funny and hilarious with your best bud” “I mean true” a knock is heard they start hiding the weed someone opens the door it’s Sahar “Hey bro can I crash in here?” “Yeah man” “Also I’m about to say something I’ll probably regret later” Rafael was skeptical “which is?” “Can I have a hit of the weed?” “Sure man close the door mom will smell” he closes the door and sits on the floor and takes the joint and takes a hit and coughs hard Raffy and Sam laughed and Sam said “If you aint chokin you ain’t toking” Sahar passed it to Sam “So Sahar what made you wanna be a weeder with us” Sahar pointed to the door and suddenly heard yelling “HERMES YOU ARE UNBELIEVABLE” all three teens looked at each other and Raffy sighed and said, “Your dad is here again?” “Yup he just does not learn” “Why is mom yelling at him?” Sahar sighed “He heard about Dembe dying and now just now is deciding he wants custody of me” “Oh hell no” Sahar scoffed “As if mom can’t provide for both of us” Sam passed to Rafael, Sam just said “Dang your family life seems more complicated than mine” “How so?” Sahar asked Sam sighed “Well I live with my aunt who is considered a freak in the elf world because she is a dark-skinned light elf and transgender, she is also fostering my cousin who is drow elf, and she is married to a centaur and is fostering me all because my uncle decided to be racist” Rafael passed to Sahar “Wait a minute a centaur? Isn’t she married to a dude in a wheelchair?” “Yeah he hides his horse half in there like some magic shit” “Wait does he use the horse half with your aunt” he smirked Sam pushed him “Please don’t put that image in my head” “Well everyone has sex” he laughs “Except mom” Sahar laughed Rafeal laughed even harder everyone in the room was then suddenly they hear a vase break down stairs “GET OUT OF MY HOME YOU ARE NOT WELCOME” both Sahar and Rafeal were silently rooting for this, Sam grabbed the remote and turned the volume up on the TV they all silently agreed to deal with this later.
07/02/16 11:06 AM “A is for Organization” “In what fucking Alphabet?” “Shhhh” Sam said as they picked up a box Raffy was left confused a grey skinned man with red hair said “Don’t question anything my cousin says dude” “I’ve been friend with them for a bit and 97% of what they say confuses me” “Well you are going to live with them” “Too true dude” he moved a box into the empty space Rafeal was long graduated Sam recently did and now they could finally live together with Roody of course Rafeal felt like his life was coming together at last.
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