#i think despite the intent vengeful reads like a middle book in a trilogy Nd doesnt hold up on its own . but EYE would be fine with it
robobee · 8 months
I can sit and critique forever as I am the world's proudest hater but I do feel that a lot of the snark around Vengeful is just people crucially misunderstanding the point of the villains universe. it's fucking camp! everything is self aware and overdramatic and reads like a published (albeit very good) fanfiction. if you're in specific circles you absolutely recognise the tropes schwab is pulling from and the tongue in cheek references she makes and all of them are on some base level FUNNY. I don't think it can be read with 100% gravitas because as much as it is brutal and visceral and about extremely traumatized people desperately clutching onto each other because carrying on feels easier than trying something new, it is also a book in which the girlboss mafia leader queen gets taken out by a naked college quarterback . schwab likes nice and wrapped up endings and after dealing with stief and Muir it is a BREATH OF FRESH FUCKING AIRRRR
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