#i think hajime would have very conflicting feelings on regards to nagito
haunted-xander · 2 years
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I'd still like you around, for some reason
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fluffyfranny · 2 years
Hey, idk if you do writing requests but what about a fluffy komahina fantasy au where Nagito is a kitsune and Hajime is a werewolf
I'm totally on board with this!
And the fact you requested two of some of my favorite mythical beasties makes me even more excited to write this!
Hope you don't mind the brainrot >:3
In certain historical analyses of kitsunes, I believe that the higher the number of tails, the wiser the spirit is. So I'd like to think that Nagito would have four and a half.
Reason being that in the SDR2 game, he is known as a "lucky student," whereas in the anime, he is the "unlucky student," so I believe he'd have a number of tails right down the middle to represent his conflicting luck.
Regarding the "half tail," I imagine it being in between the two other pairs of tails, except it's very matted and scarred with tufts of fur torn out to represent his struggles with a lack of luck, while the four tails surrounding it are sleek and plush, the fur being the same color as his hair, with the tails boasting green tips, all to represent his lavish, unexpected successes.
Similarly, the fox ears atop his head are of the same white coloration as his hair, and one is always perky and attentive while the other is mangled, a piece or two missing.
When he doesn't feel like exposing his vulnerable, mythical features, he can conjure up a glamour and make his ears and tails invisible.
Outfit-wise, I imagine Nagito wearing a kimono similar to the one worn by Grimsley in Pokemon Masters, with the majority of the clothing being green like his jacket and the edges being red like the insignia on his shirt.
Now for Hajime, I imagine that when there's a full moon, things will go something like this: his eyes will go red and his pupils will be blown to slits. His hair will darken and elongate, and his legs, arms and backs of his hands will start to gain a fine coating of black hair. Two black ears sprout from his head, a thick black tail from the base of his spine. Nails become claws, and front teeth become fangs.
(Basically, he becomes a were-version of Kamukura)
When in this form, he only has one form of communication: growls. Angry growls are loud and rumbly from the chest, lips quirked up in a snarl to expose those sharp teeth. Content growls are akin to purring, and sad growls are higher in volume and pitch to resemble whines. The key to better understanding what kind of mood he's in is facial expressions accompanied with the noises.
Now for how they reveal to each other that they're both beasties!
Nagito never understood. Why did Hajime avoid him one specific night every month? The date always changed month to month, but without fail, the brunette always managed to avoid the luckster's attention. Even odder was the fact that Hajime always disappeared just as the sun finished setting.
He was wise enough to try and take a stab at figuring out what was wrong with his cohort, but he was unlucky enough to feel stumped.
He had to get to the bottom of this. And he had backup.
With the help of Gundham's Devas, after an immense bribery session with the Overlord of Ice involving plenty of pets and snuggles for the hamsters that were supposedly their method of unknowingly leeching necessary life essence to fuel their magic, he had them stand guard by the doorway to the outside just past the dorm rooms. They would alert Nagito via scampering over to his room, where he'd be hiding right after dinner, after the brunette left and squeaking their hearts out as a sign for him to give chase.
Sure enough, about a half an hour after dusk had settled, the furry alarms went off outside Nagito's room, prompting him to whip open the door at lightning speed, almost knocking the Devas across the hallway as he sprinted out the doors.
He could just make out the silhouette of Hajime, who was dashing towards the edge of the courtyard, just before the entrance to a grove of trees that outlined the perimeter.
It was getting rather dark, the last traces of sunlight fading from the dusky air as fireflies began to blink on and off, their time to shine arriving, as well as that of the moon, beautifully whole and full amongst the clouds.
What if he lost his way and gets himself hurt from not being able to see? He'd for sure get a squeaky scolding from Mikan if that were to happen.
He had no choice but to follow.
Hajime had long disappeared into the trees now, not having looked back once to see Nagito in hot pursuit during the seemingly eternal sprint. With the brunette no longer in his sight, Nagito decided to harness a little trick he kept up his sleeve.
He snapped his fingers and pointed directly in front of him. In an instant, a bright blue wisp poofed into existence and zoomed into the trees, leaving a smoky trail that shimmered and extended deeper into the forest. He realized that this trail was the exact pathway that Hajime took, for a few green sparkles were embedded into the mist, and these sparkles radiated essence of the brunette.
Nagito knew this without hesitation, and he mentally high-fived himself, thanking the gods above for gracing him with luck this time around.
He began to follow the trail, with it fading behind him as he made progress. After following the blue smoke for what seemed like a mile, he arrived smack dab in front of a cluster of oaks, the trail sneaking around and behind them before fading away completely.
This was the spot.
Nagito had an inkling that his friend came to hide here once a month because he was hiding something from him, and he preemptively put a hand to his heart. Being as close as he was to Hajime, he felt a twang of betrayal, large enough for him to have to hold back a growl that was building in his throat. He wanted to know what was the cause behind this ludicrous cycle, so he grabbed the side of the tree and stepped around it to face...
A very unwelcoming, unlucky site indeed.
Hajime was on the ground, shaking and curled up against the tree trunk, back facing Nagito so he couldn't see his face wincing and sweating from the sheer force of holding back the change. He obviously didn't want it to happen, but it would do his body more harm than good by trying to bar off something that already caused him enough stress and pain, both physically and emotionally.
Nagito reached a quivering hand out to place on Hajime's shoulder, only to be met with an angry set of red, fiery eyes as the brunette's head snapped around to face him, snarl intact and fangs bared. The former let out a startled yelp and whipped back behind the tree, unable to keep his composure as his ears and tails poofed into existence from behind the glamour he had set upon himself that morning.
He assumed a position similar to that of Hajime mere moments before, curling in on himself and shielding his chest and face with his tails, letting out a shaky whimper as he heard his friend continue growling from the other side of the trunk.
After about a minute, the growls ceased, but Nagito kept shaking and whining softly, mentally scolding himself for not catching on to his friend's habits sooner rather than later. Vanishing once a month, doing so when it was dark...
He was a goddamn werewolf...
Suddenly, he heard his friend's footsteps round the tree and towards where he was laying against it, grass rustling and crunching under his feet. Nagito didn't dare look up at his friend, in fear of accidentally inciting an attack from a sudden movement. Instead, he shrunk further into his fetal position, not caring if Hajime went after the tails that shielded him from his monster of a friend. He didn't care if he called Nagito a freak after he reverted back to normal a few hours from now.
Just please don't hurt him...
However, the searing pain never came, nor did anything along the lines of a snarl. Instead, a high-pitched mewl emanated from Hajime's throat, face set in stone even as a lone tear trickled down his cheek. This caused Nagito to peek through a gap in his tails, eyes blown wide at the sight of his...friend?
Him and Hajime were the only ones around at the time they entered the forest, but the thing above him certainly didn't look like Hajime. His hair was much longer and darker, his face much paler and eyes a much more vibrant shade of red, when they were originally an olive green color. However, the shape of the thing's face and eyes told a different story, that behind this facade under the moon...
Was his closest partner in crime...
Seeing that Hajime made no moves towards hurting him, his tails unfurled from around his body and floated to the side, where they gently lay on the grass near the base of the tree. The now noiret gazed down at the appendages and carefully lowered a clawed finger to a few inches above the scarred middle one, returning eye contact towards Nagito as if asking a question along the lines of:
May I?
Nagito looked at his friend, then to his tails, then back at him before nodding slightly. Hajime looked down again and gently ran the finger against one of the tail's bald spots where the fur was brushed aside and torn out, exposing the pale flesh underneath where white fluff used to be.
He did this a few times, almost as if he were petting the tail, before lifting his finger and pointing up at Nagito's mangled ear, asking the same question again mentally, earning another nod in response.
He nudged closer to Nagito on the balls of his feet until he was right in his personal bubble. He raised the same finger and gently brushed along the back of the ear, causing it to twitch briefly and for Hajime to draw his hand back suddenly, almost as if he were wondering if Nagito was now peeved and ready to strike.
Instead, he patted the ground next to him, an invitation for Hajime to sit next to him against the tree. It was the noiret's turn to do a miniature double-take with his eyes before he nodded silently and slid onto the dirt beside him. Almost out of pure instinct, his thick, black tail laid against the top of the three leftmost tails, the end coming to curl around the scarred tail in the middle. In return, Nagito sent him a soft smile from the side before he curled the end of his middle tail over the top of Hajime's.
Making eye contact with his friend, he said: "You know, I may be none the wiser, but I feel like the luckiest being in the world."
After saying this, he laid his head against Hajime's shoulder as he gazed back through the trees, his cohort returning a similar gesture and laying his head atop his own, both of them taking in the sight of the moon that crested the spires of the school's main building.
It may have been a trick of the eye, but you could almost make out the tips of their tails making a faint heart shape.
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dingdongrumba · 4 years
1. Fight them or fight for them
Hajime my precious baby boy I would diE FOR HIM, MY LITTLE HIMBO HE’S SO DUMB
2. On a scale from 1-10 how excited do I get when I see the
oh MAN okay so just because he’s not komaeda, I’m gonna put him at 9 but I still go FERAL with him. I remember at first I didn’t care much about him but god,,,, he completely won me over, I just love him a lot
3. Would I smooch/date/etc
Okay so I actually. Would date him probably. I wouldn’t date komaeda cause he uuuhhh has some issues to work through first LOL but Hajime I’d reckon would be a great partner!!! Yes shut up I’m in love with Hajime Hinata and if he was real there would be no stopping me skldfjdkgfd get off my case
4. Do I write for them
Yes!! I actually find I’m really comfortable writing Hajime?? I feel like he’s very easy to relate to, he’s such a down to earth kinda guy that for me it’s easy to imagine what he would do or think, I suppose? My komahina fic is from his perspective after all! And since the game is from his POV as well, I’d say we get a pretty good insight on how he thinks
5. Their defining color (color I most associate with them)
Ahaha, definitely green as well, obviously there’s the brown of his hair but his tie is a much more prominent accessory for him. Orange is also a pretty close second!
6. My nickname(s) for them
O c t a g o n  g u y
Hinata-kun~~ lmao
7. Something I have in common with them
I think we both can be very anxious people to be honest? I’m a very socially anxious person and I second guess myself a lot, and Hajime does a lot of that as well sdfkjdgtg. On a lighter note, we both love Nagito Komaeda to death sooooo ;)
8. Song I associate with them
Okay so??? I actually,,, was listening to disney music the other day and I’m still here from Treasure Planet gave me A LOT OF Hajime/Izuru vibes?? like holy shit listen to this, especially regarding the reserve course/being talentless thing!!
9. Who do I ship them with (and type of ship ex. Romantic or brotp
Honestly??? Hinanami cute! I hate dr3 hinanami lmao but I think they were really cute in the game~~
I lowkey ship him with Fuyuhiko and Gundham because of their FTEs dgkdfjgftkjgr
Listen,,,, hajizuru/kamuhina is so good, I think the dynamic between these two would be super interesting!! (If you havent noticed I basically ship every single possible combination with Hajime, nagito, Izuru and Makoto dgkdfjgkdfjg)
As for brotps! I actually really like his friendship with Souda! I think it’s silly and dumb but it has the potential to be really cute~~ I also think he deserves a lot more with Imposter, and even Fuyuhiko and Gundham too as just friends, just let the boy have friends smh
10.I dea for an imagine/fanfic for them (if I have one)
I have no original ideas of my own cause all my braincells get activated with the komahina server people so none of the ideas are completely mine dgjkdfKDFGTRIDF but another thought nugget we like to toss around is the idea of hajime being a lil tsundere little brother for Kamukura~ honestly the twin AU is so good and the kamuhina possibilities are so good in this dynamic!! Local talentless Hajime Hinata and prodigy son Izuru Kamukura? The conflict is d e l i c i o u s ~
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