#i think he Wants to be an art student buuutt
midmare · 2 years
what if,,, i had a modern/university au?
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nightowlfandom · 6 years
Requested: Jungkook (The Bad Boy AU)
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Requests from the prompt list RIGHT HERE .Also I should say that you don't HAVE to follow the exact list of prompts if you don't want to, it's just there to stir some ideas :)
10- "Could we go four seconds without you being annoying?"
18- "Only make that face in front of me..
20- "I'm bored. Wanna Fuck?"
48- "You deserve someone who cares about you."
I'm not sure how I did on this buuutt yeh. Hope I did your request justice! It'll take a while before we get to the good stuff as usual with me. I'm really bad with bad boy AUs.......
"Hey!!" you snapped as your favorite book fell to the floor. How dare this all black clad, bear mouth mask wearing, punk insult poetry like that. "You almost rammed me into the doors!"
It wasn't like you didn't blend in, like come on you were literally the only (insert race here) in the hallway at the moment!
Jeon Jungkook turned around, his eyes darting down at you who had managed to pick up your book, smoothing out it's pages. He walked back over to you, leaning a hand against the lockers. "Aw I'm sorry Y/N. Is the book okay?" he said in a baby-ish voice.
"Most likely not" you answered flatly. "Suffered minor damage."
"Whoops." He winked. You couldn't see his mouth under that stupid bear mouth mask but you were sure those lips were formed into a smirk. "Sorry to hear it." he shrugged before catching up with his friends. You glared at his back, shaking your head mentally as other girls secretly gawked at him.
What was the appeal? He broke rules for one, he rarely does his work, he's just!
Growling under your breath, you didn't realized your friend, Lisa had walked up to you. (It can be Blackpink's Lisa, or whoever you want lol).
"Why does Jungkook always make you so mad." she giggled.
"Because he enjoys making my like a living hell." you grumbled.
"Come on, I packed lunch for us both." she laughed, patting your back. You followed Lisa to the cafeteria. The way your school was made, you had classes in the morning, all the important stuff, then lunch around noon. Then the rest of the school day was focused on fine arts. Gym, music, art, etc. The students who decided they didn't want to follow rules we're given extra classes or worse...cleaning duty.
Exactly the reason you were the perfect student. The hell you look like cleaning floors or a tiny room that makes you claustrophobic.
You and Lisa sat at your usual spot.
"So what are your plans after lunch?" Lisa asked, furiously biting into her sandwich. "Ugh, I accidentally ate yours again. I really have to label these things."
You laughed you two switched sandwiches. "Probably gonna go to the dance studio next to the gym." you shrugged. "Work on some stuff."
"You're the only person I know who looks graceful dancing, but right after when you begin to walk, falls on your face." she laughed. You flicked a peice of bread at her, making her laugh louder. Your happiness died down at you saw 'them' enter the room. They were all laughing like the delinquents they were.
"Incoming." you rolled your eyes as your table was approached.
"Hey Y/N. When are we finally gonna go on a date?" Namjoon winked. Lisa fake gagged as you answered.
"When hell freezes over." you flatly said, causally drinking your bottle of apple juice.
"How cold." Namjoon took the sandwich from your hand and took a bite. "Not bad, American cheese?"
"Hey! That was mine!" you said disgusted as it was set back down in front of you. You used a plastic knife to cut around where his mouth touched. "And for the record, it's Pepper jack cheese!"
"Awww she's defending herself." Yoongi cooed. "She's adorable."
"Jungkook could you please inform your friends that just because I tolerate you does not mean the favor transfers to them?" you looked up at Jungkook who had taken off his mouth mask.
"Aw do you only want me to make fun of you?" he put a hand over his heart before walking over to you. "How thoughtful!"
"Could we go four seconds without you being annoying?!" You asked, raising a brow, before you face formed a pout.
"Oh another thing." Jungkook leaned close to your face, his fingers grazed your chin. "Only make that cute face in front of me."
"What face?" you snapped, while ironically making the exact face he was talking about.
"Later Y/N." he chuckled. You swore a genuine smile crossed his features. Maybe you were hallucinating.
You watched as they walked away, leaving you and Lisa. "He totally likes you." she giggled. "I can tell."
"I hope you're wrong." you sighed." I'm gonna throw our trash away."
As you went over to the trashcans, you were approached by a girl, you knew who she was but not so much her name. You kept forgetting.
She would brag about how her parents have ties to the biggest companies in the country. Good for her, she'd have some luck decided that type of idol Career she'd want to choose, that was pretty cool! What wasn't cool was the fact that she always rubbed it in everyone's face. Every chance she got.
"You think you're good enough for one of the Bangtan boys?!" she crossed her arms like a stereotypical villain.
"No. They think that I actually enjoy their presence in my sight." you scoffed. "The bastards."
"Liar! You're probably trying to-"
"I didn't ask for them to just come up to me, you can have them." you began. "I have no interest in-"
Before you could process what had just happened you fell a rush of coldness down your front. Only to see the girl with an empty cup and a smirk. You stared down at your shirt just to see foam and macha powder. The side of your face had warm liquid (most likely coffee) dripping down your cheek.
"That'll teach you to interrupt me, stay away from Jungkook."
The entire cafeteria went silent before erupting into whispers.
"Poor Y/N"
"Why did she do that?"
"Y/N wouldn't hurt a fly!"
"Y/N is so sweet, how could anyone bully her?"
You couldn't believe what had just happened, this girl purposely dumped her drink all over you. In front of everyone.
Your eyes instantly darted over to where Jungkook and his friends sat. They all stared in disbelief. Why did you suddenly care if Jungkook saw? You saw traces of sympathy, worry even. Or maybe that was your brain playing trick on you.
Embarrassed, upset, and taken aback you stared over at Lisa who quite literally jumped over the table and ran over to you.
"Y/N....Y/N speak!" Lisa shook your shoulders. You turned away from your friend, back to girl. Before you knew it, she was on the floor holding her nose. A pain shot down your knuckles in the realization that you, good girl Y/N had just punched one of the meanest people in school.
You made a beeline for the exit. You didn't run, nor did you fast-walk. You wouldn't give anyone who hated you the satisfaction of knowing you were embarrassed.
As soon as you got outside, you ran. You didn't care where your feet took you...you just ran.
This. Was. All. His. Fault.
"Y/N." a masculine voice called from behind you. "Hey!"
You turned around to meet Jungkook who had caught up with you. "Are you okay?"
"Stay away from me." you warned. "Your little girlfriend gave me a message, which I'll deliver back to you. Don't talk to me, don't look at me. Matter of fact, don't breathe around me." you began, choking a bit, " if THIS is the treatment I GET FOR JUST TOLERATING YOUR PICKING ON ME-"
"What are you talking about?!" he cut you off. "Are you crying?"
"I just got hot coffee spilled on me because that girl in there is under the impression that I have an infatuation with you!" you poked his chest. "Of course I'm crying you imbecile! She did this to me because of you!"
Before you knew it, Jungkook had whipped out a napkin and wiped the dripping coffee off your face. You didn't say anything as he wiped around your eyes and hairline.
Why was he being so nice to you?
"You really are a goody two shoes." he shook his head. "She's not my girlfriend, I don't even know her!"
That still didn't change the fact that he was the subject to the reason you got a green tea latte spilled on you.
"Then why did she-" you began. "Forget it." you turned away. You didn't even care about the fine-arts portion of that day, you just wanted go home.
"Because she's jealous that I give you all my attention!"
"Which brings me back to why? You always seem to have a new girl on your arm every time I see you. You should be laughing in my face with the rest of your friends, you should be making a snide comment, you shoul-"
Jungkook suddenly spun you around and kissed you in the middle of your rant. His fingers tilted your chin up. "Mm, when will you learn to shush."
You couldn't wrap your head about what had just happened.
"You still mad at me?" Jungkook asked and you angrily scrubbed a beaker. Of course the first time you defend yourself, your punishment is detention. WITH JUNGKOOK NO LESS.
You didn't answer, running the glass under water and setting it down with the rest of the lab supplies. "Hey, I'm bored. Wanna fuck?"
You almost dropped the test tube you were holding as you turned to glare at him. "What do you want?" you bit back a snide comment.
"To talk to you." he said is a "duh" tone.
"Well I don't." you replied. You just wanted to serve this detention and never get another one. "And no, I'll pass on fucking you."
"Aw maybe next time. Do you have a boyfriend or something?" he asked, leaning against the counter. You shook your head to signify that you did not. "Why?"
"Because nobody cares enough." you said flatly. "Happy?"
"No really. You're great!" Jungkook mused. "Any guy would be happy to have you."
"Huh?" you raised a brow. "What are you getting at?"
"You deserve someone who-....who cares about you Y/N. Who wants to see you happy." he said seriously. "Someone who knows you, but also learns new things about you as well." he chuckled. "Like how good of a hit you are despite me only ever seeing you read books." You focused on Jungkook's face, where was the annoying bad boy who always got on your nerves? He was still there, right?
"Whose dumb enough to care about a stick in the mud goody two shoes like me." you looked down at your shoes. "I'm all about rules and knowledge. I've never met someone who finds that endearing."
"You really are innocent." he shook his head. "Do I have to spell it out?"
You looked up at Jungkook who wore that typical smirk that didn't reach his eyes. He brushed a few hairs from over your eyes. Jungkook crashed his mouth over yours. He threw the sponge you were holding off somewhere and your hands tangled in his hair.
You leaned your head back, feeling his scalding hot mouth against your flesh. His tongue left a scorching trail down your neck. His hand contrasted in temperature, feeling cold as he slid under your shirt. Your hands rested on his cheeks, your lips moving steadily together. Before you know it, you were being lifted onto the counter.
"Does this mean you like me back?" he chuckled, smiling cheekily.
"Come on. If anyone says anything, I'll kick their asses." Jungkook cheekily smiled. You two stood outside the double doors of the entrance to the school. Last week was hectic and seemed like so much happened.
"Okay." you slipped your hand in his. It was like several gasps could be heard. The two polar opposites seen holding hands, stop the presses! Innocent little you was seen holding hands with the man who broke the last principal's nose.
You walked over to Lisa who was wearing a smirk. "Told you so."
"Shut up." you mumbled.
"Hey, you got an eye problem fuckface?" you heard Jungkook growl at who you assumed was someone who was glaring a little too hard. "Look somewhere else before I-"
"Aye Jungkook!" Hoseok suddenly walked up. "Calm down bro. Hey Y/N, you're looking-"
"Say anything to her that she doesn't like and there will be one less man alive today." He warned, pulling you closer to him.
"So you two are-" Namjoon raised an eyebrow.
To answer his question, Jungkook grabbed you by the waist and crashed his lips over yours, causing fake gags and "EW's" to erupt from his friends.
"Get a room would ya?" Jin rolled his eyes.
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