#i think he looves interacting with his fans.
gloopdimension · 1 year
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i like wayneeeeeeee a normal amount
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thiccsys · 8 months
OH OH killer is one of my favourite guys
you can kind of find small snippets answered through a doodles on Rahaf Wabas's doodle(?) account https://rahaf-wabas.tumblr.com/ and searching the killer!sans / killer sans tag! (hopefully the search engine will be kind to you ahoo)
Here s a link to all 3 parts of his original comic, i feel his creator did tweak some things and some info after it too though, so it is a base at least.
I love loove Rahaf Wabas style of making comics, there are many on their blog where killer is explored either through, for example, :
- his interaction with swap!sans (swap believed killer can be better, but his papyrus-like brute force way of doing it didnt have the wanted effect on killer, killer just ended up beating him up, the fight scene was good if i remember!)
( someone on youtube even made a fan continuation!! https://youtu.be/75S7vobY8H0?si=_IIEOBnsJhaXUbBg )
- meeting and befriending color!sans through helping him?, (rahaf and color!sans' creator, super youmna, were friends i think) who then tries to help killer escape nightmare, and we see killer genuinely want to, but then nightmare appears and grabs his soul
- killer taking care of his kittens in a void after nightmare hurt them (he found a box of kittens in an au if i remember, and took them in secretly). this makes dream find him since he felt his positive feelings (his love for his cats) and the comic ends after killer pinches dream, unsure if he was real or not at first, then his inner dialogue of fighting dream/ just talking w him.
I think rahaf liked to keep it open ended a lot of times? on whether Killer will chose to continue being a tool for nightmare ( just how he was a tool for his Chara and was horribly Manipulated to hold the Most skew views of the world and himself) or if he ll finally escape and live happy and get better.
There are some asks answered on either the main account or the doodle account, tagged with killer sans or killer!sans, where we get additional info on how his inner dialogue works, his soul, and what those inner sides of him are (id fully agree with you this skeleton has got some dissociation going on) and some more lighthearted or lore stuff too eee
omg this got so long, sorry if its too much text, i just looove killer so much, i hope this helps and is fun to start with 👉👈☀️🌻💚
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I LOOVE your IGBP AU tbh! :) your story was super cool, I'm so excited for the next chapter, and i love also the way your write it! I'm so into it, i was shocked when SMG4 came back in the loop!!!
Some questions :
--> will SMG4 get out of this loop?
-->How will you portray SMG34, I'm curious abt this haha, since it can be interesting to see how it is put
-->Will each "loop" be the same or be different?
-->To the Previous question, does SMG4 will somehow loose memory, or a character? Temporary or permanently?
-->How many chapters do you think this story will have? (you can skip this question I'm just curious lmao)
-->Does any characters will know abt the loop?
-->Tv hardware? Will be shown, interact with the others? Hmmm
I'm SOOO sorry for all these questions, I'm sooo curious abt your AU, LIKE İ LOVE IT, I LOVE YOUR STORY❤️
Omg omg you're my first ask hgsngsnhn I cannot keep this cool and mysterious persona (that I already heavily failed) anymore RAGHHH iM SO GLAD YOU THINK SO HERES A LIST OF RESPONSES
- Yes he will, this will be angst with a happy ending! I will add more tags and tw and cw the more I add on (I'm not evil I swear)
- How I portray them is based on their current canon personality from what I have observed so far from MAR10 Day till latest episode. BUT with a dash of psychological elements that they (unwillingly) have to face during the whole shenanigans.
(help me these two are stuck in my brain matter it's almost parasitism- but it's actually comensalism)
- the loop will be the same, but it's up to the characters to change or alter how they go through it. E.g: Same place where it all starts, but different endings when they change their actions such as SMG4 didn't make any of those Toad Legs models, the whole meme reaction thing. This is because he is aware of the mistakes he had done and trying to fix it while he still can.
- It's more of a brain-fog kind of thing. (Temporary) Memory loss is quite common with people with depression/developing depression. There will be serious topics in this fic that might be triggering so I would have to warn y'all beforehand because working on this actually made my friends worry about my mental state AHAHAHA
- I'm glad you asked! IM WORKING ON THE INBETWEEN(s) RIGHT NOW AND ALREADY HAD THE MIDDLE AND ENDING DONE. I already posted the introduction. So far 6 chapters and there may or may not be more. I've been working on this since November and it's driving me as crazy as the guy.
Oh, did I ever mention that? Hehe, forget it.
- Unfortunately, no. Mario would probably have a glimpse of what's going on but not entirely. It is about his recolours after all-- I mean guardians.
- n̵̨̛͉͚͎̯̘̮̭͓͇̪͎̘̥̖̱͖͆̽̓̇͜o̴̧̧̡̫͙̥͔̞̼̝̪̝̜͇̜͓͈͍̎̌̇̔̊͂̃̆͑̑̀͑̐́͝ͅ ̴͚̜̹̪̊̉̌̑̎͋̌̕c̷̞̘̬̟̓͂̀̚o̴̡̰̜̜̮̮̘̺̲̰̅̌͂͐́̋̋̕͝m̴̨̡̧͓̱̼̫̝̞̝͎̮̘̜̬̣͙̼͉̣͛̉̈́m̵̡̛̰͎͙̟͙̮̲̪̗͓̰̹̰̪̦͍͕͑̈́̃͂̀̈́̇̾̚ȩ̶̢̡͎̟̻̙̭̰̞̰͎̤̬͔̣͖̗̜̽͋́̆͒͂̑͗̌͛͆͂̽͘͝ͅn̷̩͇̙̳̫̬͓̓̃̾̆͂͋̃͌͆̚̚͜͝t̴͍͙͍̪̩̥̫̥͍̳͒̏̽̑̽̑̀̋̔̈̎̈́̎͊̾̆̑͆̂͂
That wraps it up! AND NO PROBLEM I HAD SO MUCH FUN ANSWERING THEM! and it helps me reflect on what other kinds of stories I should do with these two goobers ( or three! I really love Mario 💓) I hope I can get the next chapter up as soon as possible, if my work doesn't give me overtime again- ugh. I'm glad you love my work! It means that the ungodly time I spent drawing (still unpublished) and writing (also unpublished) wasn't a dud!
Thank you so much for expressing your interest and curiosity, anon! You made my morning a bit less bitter and a bit more better. (Incorrect grammar but this is nsrs). I hope I could deliver up to your expectations!
I hope.
(Might do a fan-fanfiction take on the BR AU a certain artist made though, I do like the concept. But I need permission probably lol so I'll work on that.)
Thank you so much! You really made me feel worth something :DDD
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dollfacevn · 1 year
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Doll face contains sensitive subjects like bullying, stalking, murdering, occult stuff, mental illnesses(Depression, anxiety, more to be added), gore, derealization, suicide/self harm, and creepy imagery in general. If these topics trigger you then please do NOT interact. More trigger warnings will be added as I progress the story.
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Doll Face is a visual novel
Everyone gets magic when they are 16, not you though. Because of that you have been outcasted by society. Yearning for friends, you make them through dolls. However, it isn't enough for you. You turn to other ways in order to make them come alive. At first it doesn't work but when you wake up all of them are alive!
Note: years have passed since you were supposed to get magic and when you first made the dolls, you're at LEAST 18 now
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If I make "Doll Face" content, can I tag you in it?- Yup! I would LOVE to be tagged in any fan content! It makes me so happy and overjoyed to see people making stuff for Doll Face. I'm happy that others are interested in my stories and characters.
Are we allowed to send asks interacting with the Li's? - Yeah! I think it would also help me write the characters better for when I write their routes.
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Jondi: Jondi is the first doll you ever made. She's a joyful, loyal and sincere doll. She cares a lot about you and her other doll friends. Her hobby is making her friends smile and laugh.
Aiden: The second doll you made. He's a sweet and gentle plant lover. It's rare to see him without his dearest plant. Often checks up on you. You're one of the people he can speak to without getting super nervous.
Bao: The timid astrologist. Quiet and shy in front of others, talkative in front of the stars. Want to get them to speak, ask about anything space related.
Bartholomew: A mystery. They're quiet and don't talk a lot and the others are kind of scared of them. Ehren's older brother.
Eevi: A clown! They LOOVE making people laugh. Her and Jondi have a playful rivalry. Gets upset when it doesn't make people laugh but it will NEVER give up.
Ehren: An assassin. They aren't bad at their job but at first glance you would think they are. They space out a lot and they're kind of clumsy. Bartholomew's younger sibling.
Bix: A total flirt. They turn everything they can into an innuendo. Gets on everyone's nerves and enjoys it.
Charon: The headstrong knight. Comes across as rude but is very protective. He means the best for you and his friends.
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#🔪- Ehren
#💌-fan content
#🔞-minors dni
#🪡-Doll Face
#🌟-abt star
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Ageless in bio(either put your age/birthday in your bio, or you can send me a message telling me your age, if none of those I’ll block you)
I won’t be writing any gross out kink or anything like that.
If you’re a minor please don’t interact with my content that is 18+, especially since the base content won’t be 18+ so you can still get content.
Please be patient with me
I’d prefer it if younger kids(14-) didn’t interact with this blog because there will be swearing and triggering topics, thank you.
I’m happy to take criticism on anything and will take it into consideration. What I won’t listen to is any hate comments without criticism, I’ll just block you.
If you're going to send in an NSFW ask, please turn off anon, otherwise I'm not gonna respond to it or I'll make it SFW, thank you!
More might be added/changed to most sections as I develop this blog
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thespeedhighway · 2 years
My overall thoughts on Sonic Frontiers (with spoilers) under the cut!
Well, overall, I thought the game was absolutely amazing, even though there was some occasional janky, frustrating moments, mainly on that second to last island where you had turn off the towers, and how you get locked into 2D sections you weren’t intending to enter lol. The Cyberspace stages were... meh at best (what's up with the rebound/slowness when you attack enemies?) but I really hope they continue to work on and improve the open world gameplay cause I was looving it! Story wise, it was the best story in years!! I was actually emotionally invested (gosh, poor Sonic man... never seen him that in pain before) and waiting to see what would happen next. The character interactions are so well done. They actually feel like themselves again, and the cutscenes take their time too. It never feels as though the plot is being rushed forward. Even though I've never been a fan of Roger Craig Smith's take on Sonic before, he really knocked it out of the park with this one!! I guess all he needed was a better direction and script cause holy cow. I guess one of my few critiques on the story is that I kind of wish the cure to Sonic’s cyber corruption was handled in a more interesting way. It would’ve been cool if the final boss was in Cyberspace, and Sonic had an alternate pixelated, glitchy Super form or something. And I'm still not sure how to feel about the Eggman and Sage father/daughter relationship. On one hand, it's really sweet and it has a lot of potential, but on the other, I was really trying hard to suspend my disbelief and not Cringe at the end there with that one line from Egg... it's just soo.. I don’t know? I get that she's probably the most intellectual, competent creation he's ever had, but it's still wild to think of Eggman being so kind and caring like that with one of his creations, ya know? I thought the Egg Logs expanded on it better, but I wish their bond (from Eggman’s perspective anyway) was better translated in the actual cutscenes. Anywho, I hope they keep Ian Flynn on board for stories in the future, but they improve on the translation for the Japanese fans, cause I heard it wasn’t done well for whatever reason.
Oh yeah, and of course, as everyone has probably said, the soundtrack goes absolutely hard and is just... phenomenal. Break Through It All especially is so raw. Don’t look doooownn!
I’m really excited for what’s to come for Sonic. I really feel like the series is finally back on track, and embracing the earnest sincerity that makes it special. 
Easy 8/10.
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jhsgf82 · 2 years
Favourite Peeta moment or quote in each books/movies?
Note : everyone is welcomed to answer this question, thank you for your answer 😊
Um, wow, that's really tough. I don't think I can do just one. I feel like I've answered this before, but I will again!
I mean, gosh, everything he says and does is good/iconic/funny/sassy/sweet/incredible (any/all of those), but I'll give several from each movie/book:
*Most of these will be the famous ones, but I might throw in a few lesser talked about ones.
The Hunger Games:
"I don't wanna be another piece in their Game. [...] If I die, I wanna still be me." -This is just, wow. Enough said.
"Because she came here with me." (and his whole interaction with Caesar and talking about his crush on Katniss)
"She has no idea. The effect she can have." -This one's a classic. Every Peeta/Everlark fan loves this one and uses it in fics frequently, but we can't help it. It's so good!
"We're madly in love, remember? So feel free to kiss me anytime you feel like it." -Peeta is just the ultimate flirt (but with feelings). Such a Loverboy. He's half-dead by a river bank, and he's STILL flirting with Katniss. I guess he's thinking, what's he got to lose now?
The entire Cave dialogue, the lovey moments, Peeta flirting...
"We just have this and then we go home, and Haymitch can't watch us all the time." -I may have slightly misquoted this, but that's the gist. A lesser talked-about part, but I just love it (and also hate it). Peeta was soo happy and excited, so in love, and he's thinking, basically, that he and Katniss are gonna be sneaking off to be together every chance they get. And it even makes Katniss shiver. the girl SHIVERS at his words. It's so sad because Katniss isn't feeling as strongly as he is, and he doesn't yet know that it wasn't *all* real. Even so, she's confused and does later realize her feelings, the long, hard way, but it makes me ache for Peeta.
Catching Fire:
*Geez, there are soo many in this one; it's my favorite of the series, but I'll try*
The whole interaction after Katniss hurts her ankle. Peeta covering for her with the Peacekeepers, the teasing and playing keep -away with the sweets, then Peeta hugging her, realizing she's hurt and later just scooping her up and getting her to bed when she can't walk. And of course, of course, the "Stay with me"/Always” (in all iterations, which Katniss doesn't realize he says until later)
Comforting Katniss when she has nightmares on the train
Peeta volunteering for Haymitch INSTANTLY
“If it weren’t for the baby.” (BABY BOMB and that whole speech about them getting married/having a toasting) 
"Watch out, there's a forcefield up there."
Peeta comforting Katniss from the jabberjays. I loove how Katniss ran directly for Peeta (after being hurt that he didn't come after her, but he was trapped). And in the movie, you see how she just throws herself at him to be comforted, but she just bounces off the forcefield/blockade. He stays there, talks to her, puts his hand up in the movie, and then after, he holds her/cradles her in his arms (book) and convinces her how the Capitol won't touch Prim
Giving Katniss the pearl
The "You're gonna be a great mother" part with Peeta touching her stomach to play to the cameras after a serious, real discussion. *Added bonus, Finnick saying it's just her hormones after she was a blubbering, snotty mess when Peeta almost died, LOL. And then she nearly bites his head off, screaming at him that "It's not the hormones!" And ofc this looks to the Capitol like it is, so played just right, you two (good teamwork there, P and F), but ofc, we all know, that's just Katniss. Haha.
The beach scene/discussion/kisses
Peeta's whole monologue with the dying morphling, comforting her and talking about his paints and trying to capture sun on white fur and a baby's skin and a rainbow
I could seriously go on and on, but I'll stop...
Damn, this book gutted me. I read it in a day, just couldn't stop. I needed it to be good again (somewhat)
Peeta talking about what happened in the arena
Peeta being sassy/basically saying he's a prisoner and he doesn't like it (the cards, etc)
Peeta's warning to 13
Peeta being antagonistic to Katniss in the cafeteria in 13. Yes, I like that scene. Finnick chiming in after Peeta hits on Annie. Delly getting upset. I wish that scene had been in the movie. It's just rife with tension. So many buried feelings and frustrations there, for both P and K.
Peeta giving Katniss the lamb stew in the Capitol. He remember her favorite dish!
The don't let him take you from me/stay with me/always scene (of course!)
Peeta and Katniss's goodbye in the Capitol. Him wanting to be a freaking DISTRACTION for her because people know his face, even though they just saw a man who looked like him get beaten to death. I need to check the exact dialogue in the book, but I love the hug in the movie and the "If I see you again, it's gonna be a different world."
Peeta freaking putting Katniss out when she's on fire!!!! (why did this scene get cut from the movie?! Why?)
Peeta returning to Katniss in 12 and planting primroses. Assuming he carried her to bed.
Growing back together! 'Nuff sad
“You love me. Real or Not Real?” -OF COURSE, BOOM 
The epilogue. The picnic in the meadow and the toast babies!
(indirect Peeta quote) "...Peeta says it will be okay. We have each other and the book. We can teach them about it in a way that makes them stronger."
*Well, I probably missed a lot of ones I love, but there are so many!
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vb-hcs · 4 years
haikyuu reacting to stan twitter
(haikyuu spoilers)
made a version w the Sendai Frogs !! thank you for reading <3
this y’alls tall boy of the month ?
yes, that’s exactly how he blew up and gained stans (outside of volleyball fans)
his friends made fun of him so much when he was trending. he almost started avoiding them before it calmed down
he made a handful of tweets about the situation at first that only made people fall further in love with him
he sorta just like,,,,, ignores that fact that he’s kind of famous
he just tweets for an audience now
he doesn’t really interact w anyone unless it’s like one of the top comments of one of his tweets. sometimes he responds to those if he finds them particularly funny or cringey
only really acknowledges it when there is a game or some kind of volleyball event coming up. then he’s a little,,,,, soft 🥺
he just appreciates the support
broooo he was so excited when he started getting attention
he sorta anticipated it but as soon as it started happening !!!!!!!
he was a little nervous but he got so many nice comments it made him feel much better 🥺 he just wants them to think he’s cool
he uses lots of •0• -w- ;3 these faces
and also at least 7 emojis per tweet
(people always copy him. it’s impossible to tell if they’re mocking or if they just thought it was cute an started doing it too)
vv responsive and interactive ! has liked or responded to nearly every tweet about him ever twooted (assuming the number is manageable !)
he just really likes knowing what people are saying about him. be it positive or negative
he looves any memes made about him. he literally made a SHIRT w a popular meme of him on it,,,,
(it literally just got him more stans)
at first he was like “wtf is this about” but after seeing people being so nice and supportive he was more like “thanks -/////-“
(this might be ooc but i feel like he got a little calmer as he got older)
he mostly ignored it at first and thought the stan culture was distracting but as he got more comfortable w the topic :D
he’s really close and casual w his fans :] frequently replies to them and chats w them on twitter
(he’s sweet but its a little bit about his ego)
he doesn’t actively hunt down tweets about him but when he sees one he’ll try to interact w it
he always does polls, asking for opinions on random stuff or what he should do w his hair next
as a result i feel like his stans are super chill, they’re all so used to literally interacting w him that it’s almost impossible for them to be star struck lol
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fyrapartnersearch · 7 years
a voltron rarepair or oc roleplay! <3
ALRIGHT!! What’s up, I’m Vennev, 18+, looking for a fun partner (also 18+) to roleplay with me! I RP in paragraph form, third person, and my limits are essentially the general ones (like abuse, toilet play, incest, pedophilia, bestiality, mpreg; things like that), with the addition of large aquatic creatures/animals. Yeah, weird and an outlier, I know, but I can’t help it haha. And, yo, maybe we can chat OOC too, because I love making new friends and talking about our characters and rp and exchanging music and silly videos that remind us of the characters! My length varies, but I stick to around two paragraphs minimum at the very least. I also really, really love to explore characters and their emotions - romance is a given, ofc, but I’m talking about the nitty gritty details that make a character who they are. I’m also really uninterested in M/F pairings, so hit me up with all the M/M and F/F you’ve got and we’re golden✰ I only play switch, btw! And I loooove doubling/tripling/playing many characters, it’s super much fun. SO IF I’VE CAUGHT YOUR INTEREST SO FAR, STICK AROUND DUDE and let me fill you in on what I’m shooting for! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧ Things I’m game for RPing are listed here below, with a star level of how much I’m craving it - the more stars, the more I’m into it, as is the way meters go. Voltron: Keith/Hunk✰✰✰✰ Listen…listen, okay, don’t even get me started on these two, I just. Really love their dynamic, someone I follow mentioned heith and I was suddenly struck by how much I actually really adore them. It was very much an eye opening experience, ha! So, that being said, I’m really craving someone to RP them with me. I’d really like to explore their dynamic, toss in some confusing emotions and pining for them - pining especially, oh, man. Give me the back of Keith’s throat tasting like acid for some inexplicably when an alien gets too friendly with Hunk and his stomach curling and his chest going warm when Hunk throws an arm around his shoulders after a mission and Hunk being struck with the way the corners of Keith’s eyes crinkle up when he laughs at something Lance and Pidge said to him and I’ll sign my life over right then and there. listen im gay and so are they As a sidenote, I’m also game for playing out OCs in Voltron’s universe - our own paladins and everything like that. What can I say, season three’s left me with some Voltron cravings lmao. Tokyo Mew Mew: OCs✰✰ Okay, so I’ve been a long-time fan of TMM, and have admittedly never come across anyone who’s a fan as well. So I might as well try my luck, right? I’d loove to do something with a new mew team, maybe tossing in some boys as well; at the very least, I’d love to explore our characters interacting and adjusting to being magical girls/boys and the whole animal-like aspect of them that TMM didn’t shoot for all the way (like ur telling me Ichigo didn’t have the most unnerving unblinking cat eyes and uncomfortably sharp teeth as a mew in a way that made her look slightly inhuman/unnerving?? please). I’m also game for either making alien OCs as well or go for a new villain! (TMM A La Mode didn’t quite do it for me as far as the villain team went, with the exception of Duke) Steven Universe: Gemsonas and/or human OCs✰ I’d love to do something with gems with their own agenda separate from Homeworld and earth, or gems finding refuge on earth or another planet entirely, starcrossed lovers from different social standings running away together (sort of Ruby/Sapphire-y, but doesn’t have to be!), gems set during or after the war - anything really, haha. The idea of a gem and a human is interesting, too! I have a couple gem ocs, but I would kind of like to do something with a Lapis Lazuli gem I have. Haikyuu!!: OCs THROWBACK TO MY SPORTS ANIME ROOTS…Admittedly, I love a lot of sports anime (oofuri being my favorite), but this one just really gets to you, y'know? That, and I have a few OC characters for HQ, haha. Whether it be us playing out a team of our own or focusing on characters from rival teams, hit me with anything you’ve got! Magical girls/boys: OCs✰✰ Alright, so. Magical girls/boys. I was thinking more along the lines of a team of boys and girls, with them being magical protectors - as the genre goes! I’d really love to go into how being a magical boy/girl isn’t everything they thought it would be: you can’t save everyone, you and your teammates get injured, you fail missions, the people you love get hurt. I guess this is a little bit more like a superhero thing, in a way? Adjusting to new abilities/discovering new abilities, bonding with teammates. I'm all for that! But I do have a confession, which is I don’t…exactly have the most set plot/setting for this. It’s more of an inspiration from numerous things! Tokyo Mew Mew, Sailor Moon, Yuki Yuna Is A Hero, Power Rangers, Voltron - you get the main idea, at least. The last two would be interesting in a form of a different inspiration, though, that one being more super hero-y with a tie to space themes! Maybe something like Pacific Rim, as well? The idea of a team or characters making a strong magical/otherworldly connection with each other is cool… I have a small example (ft an oc wowie) of what I was shooting for in the general magical boy/girl genre with costumes and the like, so I’ll tack that on here too! ANYWAYS YES THAT IS MAINLY ALL I HAVE TO SAY… if ur interested, hit me up! I’m admittedly mainly looking for a heith partner, but I’m game for anything! My email is [email protected] (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
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