#i think i need to make peace with the fact mot everything in this story can be a Big Reveal
encrucijada · 9 months
society if i could write the forest with its teeth
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hope-for-olicity · 6 years
Home for the Holidays 3/3
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Merry Christmas Helen @oliverfel4! So sorry for the delay but due to your patience you are getting a multi-chapter story. I so hope you enjoy! Hugs - @hope-for-olicity
Synopsis: Captain Oliver Queen runs into CEO Felicity Smoak at O’Hare Airport as they head home for the holidays. The two have not seen one another since high school.
Also available on AO3
Felicity woke with a smile on her face. She touched her lips remembering how Oliver kissed her the night before. The man had talent. She sighed, stretched in bed. She’d definitely like more of that before he left.
“Good morning,” Oliver stood in the doorway, enjoying how adorable Felicity looked all cuddled up in bed. He wished he could hop in with her. Something told him, her mother would be just fine with that idea.
“Oliver!” Felicity began to straighten in bed. “Have you been up long? You must think we are awful hosts. My mom works nights so she often sleeps in.”
Oliver chuckled. “Actually, your mom has been up with me for a while. We are making breakfast, it’s almost ready.”
Felicity slanted her eyes. Her mother helped make breakfast?
Oliver could see Felicity was starting to get worried at the prospect of her mother cooking.“Okay, it was me. I made breakfast, your mother really helped with her encouragement.”
“Okay, I’ll be out in a minute. I need to make myself pretty.” She joked as she began to get out of bed.
“You are already beautiful to me,” Oliver said softly before turning away.
Felicity couldn’t help but blush.
Oliver found he quite enjoyed the Smoak women. They clearly loved one another very much but they were very different.
They had just finished breakfast in Donna’s cozy little kitchen when she turned to them, “so what are you kids up to today?”
“Felicity and I have a date.” Oliver declared, smiling brightly.
“Oh, do you?” Donna looked at her daughter.
“Yes mother, the man you told to ravish me last night is making an honest woman of me today. Taking me out to lunch. Isn’t that right, Captain Queen?” Felicity smiled.
Damn, the way Felicity said Captain Queen, almost made him forget her mother was sitting right there. “Yes,” he managed to sputter. Oliver began gathering the plates from the table to clean up.
“Sit down, Oliver. You did the cooking, I’ll do the cleaning.” Donna shooed him away from the dishes. “Why don’t the two of you get ready and head out. You can borrow my car if you like. Oliver, did your parents say when they would be getting back?”
“Yes, ma’am. They said they’d be back around two. I was going to go to lunch with Felicity then head back to the house.”
Donna giggled. “You called me ma’am, you really don’t need to. Just Donna is fine.”
“Donna,” Oliver emphasized her name. “Thank you so much for letting me stay here last night. It was very much appreciated.”
“It was our pleasure, Oliver. Wasn’t it, Felicity?” Donna nudged her daughter.
“Yes, of course.” Felicity felt slightly embarrassed at her mother reminding her to be mannerly.
Oliver reached over, squeezing Felicity’s hand. “I’m just going to get my things together. Maybe then we can head out. Take a tour of the downtown, see what’s changed.
“That sounds great.” Felicity smiled at Oliver before turning to her mother. “Mom, I’ll head back here after I drop Oliver off, maybe we can make some cookies before tonight’s Christmas Carnival outing.”
“Christmas Carnival?” This sounded like something Oliver could get in on. He couldn’t explain it but he really just wanted to be with Felicity.
“Yes, I told you mom and I do all the holiday traditions here in Star City. Maybe we’ll see your family there tonight. It tends to be well attended, right mom?” Felicity turned to her mother.
“Yes, dear, very well attended.” Donna nodded at Felicity. She then turned to Oliver. “I’m sure your family will go, Oliver, they are big supporters of community events, in fact, I think your mother was on the organizing committee.”
Oliver and Felicity spent the rest of the morning wandering around the town. Felicity even helped him pick out a few presents for his family. “I know they will love your presents, Oliver but I think having you home will be the best gift of all.”
Oliver smiled. He was really excited to see his family. He could hear the tears in his mother’s voice when he talked to her last night. It suddenly struck him, He couldn’t wait to tell his mother about Felicity.
Felicity continued to look at items in a local craft shop. “Oliver, do you need any other presents? I just found this stunning painting of Star City harbour.”
Oliver walked toward her. “That is stunning.” He looked at the painting over Felicity’s shoulder. “No, I’m finished my shopping. What about you? Do you need to get anything? I know you don’t celebrate Christmas but do you do gifts?”
“We don’t officially exchange gifts but as I didn’t come home I used to send something to my mother at the beginning of the season. She always said she understood my not coming. We talked every night during Hanukkah but I wanted to show her I missed her. This time, I brought us home some fancy hot chocolate to share.” Felicity rubbed her hands together as they headed out of the warm store into the cold street.
Oliver took her hand in his, “I think it’s time for some Big Belly Burger. What do you think?”
“I think I’m all.” Felicity smiled, knowing she meant that in more than one way. She really should be freaking out this man was about to go back to war but she was so happy to have found him and have this moment, she couldn’t bring herself to worry.
They headed back to the car their bellies full of Big Belly Burger. “Ugh, I think I get the name now. It tasted so good but now I totally have a big belly.” She winked at Oliver as he got in the passenger seat.
Felicity went to put the keys in the ignition when Oliver took her hand. “Felicity, I know you are taking me back to my parents but I don’t want this to be over. I hope to see you tonight and other time you can find for me when we are home. I understand this trip is to visit your mother, I don’t want to infringe on that but, I really like you and being with you….” Oliver trailed off.
“Feels right. Like you are at peace? I mean, I don’t want to put words in your mouth but that’s how I feel. I really like you to, Oliver. And I know I should be freaking out because we have such little time before you ship out again but I can’t because I’m enjoying each moment too much. So if this is all we have, I want to be happy now.” Felicity blushed. “I hope I didn’t say too much. It’s just, I really like you, Captain Queen.”
Oliver knew exactly what she meant and the fact that they were on the same page, filled him with happiness. He quickly reached over pulling her into his arms for a kiss. He meant it to be a quick kiss but that’s just not what they did.
Felicity laughed as the pulled apart noticing the steamed up windows. “Well, now we will be the talk of the town. Kissing in a parked car on Main Street. My mom would be proud.”  Felicity couldn’t stop smiling.
“Happy to help.” Oliver beamed.
“Okay, let me take you home. Text me when you know what you are doing tonight. I want to meet up.” Felicity turned on the car waited a moment for the windows to defog before pulling out onto the street.
“You just want more kisses.” Oliver teased. He couldn’t remember ever being this happy before.
“Well, of course. You give good kisses, Captain Queen.” Felicity gave him a smile before turning her attention back to the road.
As soon as Felicity pulled up in front of Oliver’s house the front door swung open and Oliver’s sister came running out.
“I have to go. But I’ll text.” Oliver leaned over, giving her a quick peck on the lips before opening the passenger door to hug his sister.
“Thea! Are you taller?” He squeezed her tight before waving to his parents waiting in the doorway. He pulled away from Thea to grab his bag from the trunk then walked back to the house. Where he was hugged by both his parents.
His mother sobbed. “I’m so happy you are home.”
Oliver couldn’t lie there were tears in his own eyes. He thought of his family so often when he was deployed, now he was here. He was with his family and everything was wonderful.
Felicity spent the rest of the afternoon making cookies with her mom. They ordered pizza for dinner and ate it while watching a Hallmark Christmas movie. She was so happy. But she missed Oliver just a little bit. Felicity phone buzzed, smiled seeing Oliver’s name.
Oliver: Miss you lots
Felicity: I miss you too
Felicity: We are a fine pair of saps
Oliver: I don’t care
Felicity: How is family time?
Oliver: Amazing, I missed them so so much
Oliver: But I wish you were here
Oliver: Maybe you could come over tomorrow?
Felicity: Sure
Felicity: You are going to the Christmas Carnival tonight, right?
Felicity was suddenly worried he was going to say no. This was silly, she was with him all morning. He deserved time with his family.
Oliver: I’m going even if my parents don’t but I think we are all going
Felicity: Can’t wait to see you
Felicity: Mom and I are heading over around 730
Oliver: I’ll try to get us to go at the same time
Oliver: I’ll text when I’m there
Felicity: See you soon
Oliver: For sure
Felicity put her phone down.
“Well, Felicity I can’t believe it. You’re in love. Although I’d be surprised if you weren’t, Captain Queen is quite the catch. I’m so happy for you, baby.” Donna pulled her daughter in for a hug.
Felicity was too overwhelmed with emotions to deny it. She was in love with Oliver Queen. She’d never believed in love at first sight...maybe she was wrong.
Oliver was so excited to go the Christmas Carnival he managed to get his family to go early. He looked around at all the twinkle lights strung above, the booths selling food, drinks and wares. It started to lightly snow. It really was lovely. Oliver smiled.
Oliver’s mother Moira walked over, hugged her son. “Oliver, I love seeing you so happy. I can’t wait to meet, Felicity. I’ve heard about her from her mother but I can’t recall meeting her when you were young.”
“I don’t think you would have. I’m glad you will meet her now. She’s really special, mom.” Oliver looked ahead hoping to see her.
“Well, anyone that brings you this much happiness, I can’t wait to meet her.” Moira chuckled. “I think I see them, isn’t that Donna Smoak?”
Oliver looked in the direction his mother pointed. He began walking toward Felicity, whose head was down looking at her phone. He felt his phone buzz in his pocket, he suspected it was a text sent from Felicity saying she arrived. He stopped in front of her. “Felicity.”
“Oliver,” she smiled before going up on her tiptoes to give him a quick kiss. “It is so nice to see you.”
Oliver took her hand. “Hello, Donna. I was going to bring Felicity over to introduce her to my family, do you want to come with us?”
“I’ll join you in a moment, I just need to say hello to someone. Go off and have fun.” Donna waved as she headed in the opposite direction.
Oliver rubbed his thumb over Felicity’s gloved hand as they walked toward his family. He could sense she was nervous, he wanted to provide some support. He leaned down to whisper in her ear. “They are going to love you.”
“How do you know?” She whispered back. “I have a habit of saying the wrong thing when I’m nervous.”
“I’ll be with you the whole time. After we meet them, I’d like to take you away for some alone time. If that’s okay.”
Felicity blushed. “That’s more than okay.”
“Felicity, it is so lovely to meet you. Oliver has told us all about you. Thank you so much to you and your mother for taking him in when we were away.” Moira extended her hand in greeting.
Felicity shook her hand. “So nice to meet you, Mrs. Queen. It was no problem really, Oliver and I arrived on the same flight. I’m so glad to have met him again.”
“Felicity, this is my father, Robert and my sister, Thea. Guys, this is Felicity.” Oliver felt so proud to introduce her to his family.
“Are you the Felicity Smoak who runs Smoak Tech?” Robert couldn’t help but inquire.
“That’s me.” Felicity smiled.
“Well, it truly is an honour to meet you. You have accomplished so much. I hope we, meaning Queen Consolidated, will get the opportunity to work with you in the future.” Robert smiled.
“That would be amazing, Mr. Queen. I’ve always admired your company.” Felicity suddenly felt flustered. She reached out her hand and Oliver immediately took it in his own.
“Felicity, it is very nice to meet the woman who stole my brother’s heart.” Thea smiled.
“Well, he stole mine first,” Felicity mumbled.
“I heard that! I really like you, Felicity Smoak. I hope to get to know you better. Right now, I’m off to meet my friends at the skating rink. Did you guys want to come?” Thea nodded toward the rink in the distance.
“I think we are just going to wander around.” Oliver looked down at Felicity, she nodded. “Maybe we will see you there in a bit.”
Felicity smiled up at Oliver as they walked. “I’m so happy.”
“Me too.” He kissed her forehead.
“Is it bad, if I say I don’t want this to end?” Felicity tried to keep the worry out of her voice.
“No, because I don’t want this to end either. Felicity, there is something I should have mentioned. I’m finishing my final tour in Afghanistan. When I go back it’s to tie things up and do a handover. I’m officially retired from the Army as of February 28th.”
“You mean you are coming home, home?” She couldn't keep the excitement out her voice.
“Yes, I’m coming home permanently. I just didn’t know where I was going to settle. I thought about coming back to Star City and opening a restaurant but I can open a restaurant anywhere and I hope this is not too forward - I mean I don’t want to freak you out…” Oliver was trying to read her reaction before he continued.
“I want you to move to New York City with me! Please tell me you will!” There were tears in Felicity’s eyes.
“If you would be okay with it. I know we only reconnected yesterday but Felicity, I’m falling in love with you.” Oliver took Felicity’s cheeks in his hands.
A tear slipped down Felicity’s cheek. “Oliver, I’m already there.”
Oliver kissed her lips. Knowing she would be the last woman he would ever kiss.
One Year Later
“I’m so glad you two came home for the holidays!” Donna practically squeed with delight.
“Mom, it’s so good to see you.” She hugged her mother. “As Oliver’s restaurant isn’t opening until January we were able to swing it this year. We are so glad to come home.”
Oliver stood back watching Felicity and her mother. It had been a year and his love for Felicity hadn’t lessened, only grown. Yes, their were some growing pains but they worked through them and were stronger for it.
They were spending the first few days at Donna’s before moving to Oliver’s family’s house for Christmas. Felicity still didn’t celebrate but she was happy to be included with Oliver’s family.
Felicity enjoyed Christmas morning. She gave Oliver a lovely set of knives for cooking at home and he gave her the beautiful painting of the Star City harbour they had seen the year before.
While they both loved their families, they were happy to go to the Christmas Carnival themselves this year.
As they walked among the stalls. Oliver looked down at Felicity, “can I get you anything?”
She wrapped her arm around his waist. “Oliver Queen having you is all I’ll ever need. You make me so happy.”
“You are my always, Felicity.” Oliver got down on one knee in the snow. “Would you do me the honour of becoming my wife?”
“Yes!!!” Felicity dropped to her knees in the snow with him. She began kissing him all over his face. “I love you, Oliver.”
“And I love you, Felicity.” Oliver slipped the ring on her finger. He was so very glad he came home for the holidays.
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ofmsfortune · 6 years
"I had always thought I knew everything about myself. The capacities of my mind, the shape of my feelings, the depths of my desires. I've had more than enough time to get to know myself. Then I met you and I realized I knew nothing."
under different —  very   different — circumstances, freya might have found joy in the thought of having turned someone else’s world upside down, in the idea of having made someone realise they did not have everything figured out after all. but this … she sighed and slowly shook her head. then, she sighed again. dylan was not the only one who had learnt things about himself, then. she had learnt things about herself as well, things she had not been able to reconcile with the concept she had had of herself, before. she had not thought herself capable of feeling  like this  for anyone. she had not thought that she could ever value someone, anyone more than her schemes.
she had not been accustomed to wanting, either. more than six centuries into her life and she had been able to count the things she had ever wanted on one hand. one. for the pain to stop. two. for nothing to ever hurt her again. she had gotten both, had she not? who had been able to hurt her, to really hurt her after she had no longer been around her mother? no one. because she had not allowed it. then, there had been other things. none that had mattered as much as the first two — wealth, for one, because money offered freedom. pretty things because throughout her life, she had been accustomed to a certain luxury. giving it up had never been something she had regretted  ( much )  — the payoff had been too great to ignore.
but dylan? with herself, at the very least, she could be honest; she had wanted him. not just because he had been a crucial part of the project, but also because … he had been special. different. she had not even looked at him and seen a challenge, a game. she had not seen the ultimate test of her abilities, the answer to the question if she could  truly  get everyone to dance to her tune. this was a question that had not needed answering; freya had been led by other sins than pride. even at the beginning, she had looked at him and not quite known what she was seeing. a solution, maybe. this had been what she had been  supposed  to see. maybe a new question, wrapped in the answer of an old problem. maybe the first  ( and last )  love she would ever have.
it had mot been like the love stories her sisters-in-law had favoured always had suggested: it had been different. and this had been fine — freya did not think that she had ever been made for a love, gentle as a summer breeze. this was the kind of romance others should have, like mathilde  ( sweet, gentle mathilde )  who had looked at asce like he was the sun itself. freya could not remember ever having looked at dylan like he was the sun.
( the answer was likely that she never had; there was little about dylan that would make comparing him to the sun a logical and obvious thing to do. )
“ i know how you feel, ” she finally said, her eyes finally leaving the spot between his ear and his shoulder and looking at him instead. there were times when  not  really looking at someone made things easier, but this had never been one of those conversations. few conversations with dylan could be treated like ordinary chats; he had never been ordinary. had he been, she would never have trapped herself in this, a situation that could not be won.
it would be naive to hope that everything that had happened had just been a  bad,  no, terrible first chapter to their story. freya could fool many people and sometimes even herself, but — even she could not make herself think that the last eighty years had been just one chapter. no, the first chapter had been her deceit and the third chapter had been her betrayal. the only consolation this view offered was that they were still far, far away from a possible epilogue.
folding her hands in her lap, she sighed. again. “ i remember meeting you, ” she continued. “ finding you … it was a bit of a challenge, though i knew what i had to look for: the same gaps in the resumee all of us have. i just … i didn’t think that anyone ever could mean … that much to me. ”
had she known, she would have run. everyone made love sound like something great, like something wonderful and they all ignored that love was terrifying, too. and love was a slow poison, too. it did not kill at first, it slowly wove webs around one’s heart and by the time they were visible, it was already too late. it was something that neither songs nor stories had ever warned her about. for all her skill and experience, she had walked into her own heart’s trap like a fool.
( as a general rule, freya did not like to play the fool. )
“ you are too smart … and i guess you know me too well by now to think that i never played that game before, ” she said quietly,  defying  the urge to look away. honesty was still an unfamiliar trait, but she had known that promising him no further lies would not be easy; she only hoped that it would be worth it in the end. “ and i don’t think your ego is … desperate enough to make a compliment out of the fact that i never actually … felt anything before. ”
this was no empty flattery. it was as she said — dylan, someone who had been fooled by her and had lived to learn from this mistake, knew her too well to fall for these tricks. and catching flies with honey was not even a particularly advanced scheme in her book. but it was the truth: by now, he knew her.
she did not think she had done him a service when her actions had led him to realise how little he knew about himself. dylan was not like his sister; auburn might have been thrilled by the prospect of learning more about herself, of being thrown back to square one. but this was because auburn was a better person than she thought herself to be. whatever veil freya could have torn away from the redhead, she would not have been hurt by it. maybe, she would even have found the peace she craved. dylan … dylan was a different story.
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“ i’m sorry for doing this to you. ” freya nearly whispered her words. she was not sure what else to say, what else to apologise for. had it hurt him? having to realise that he had not known himself as well as he had thought? realising the same thing about herself had not hurt her, it had just … changed her. she was no longer the same she had been when they had first met. she had come to find out things about herself, too, and some of these things still frightened her. she could still not reconcile all of this with who she thought she was, but … she had made progress. progress that had been forced upon her when she had no longer been able to run, but it was progress still.
twirling her hair around her finger, she shrugged weakly. “ i can offer you phrases, ” she added, more an afterthought than something she truly felt. “ how no one ever knows themselves as well as they think they do. but … that applies to mortals. their time doesn’t allow them to get to know themselves. so … i don’t know. you weren’t the only one who had to realise how much more was hidden within the own soul? because i don’t know what else to say. ”
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assbuttyourlife · 6 years
When We Were Young - Chapter Twenty-Eight
Pairing : Misha/OFC
Warnings : Language, Fire, trauma, PTSD, family members death (including child), therapy, flashbacks (not in every chapter), injuries, cheating. Sexual content. Violence. Non Con/Threats of rape. Long fic. Angst, fluff, Smut. Mention of suicide.
Words : 6344
Summary : After her grandmother’s funeral, Lily must return to the place she lived in when she was young and has to confront the ghosts of her past. She will run into an old friend that she thought was lost forever.
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Tags : @jhudawnareeves
Drop an ask if you wanna be tagged :)
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CHAPTER 28 - Confrontation
Mr Adams' farm was situated a few feet away across the road, hidden from the Hagen's property, which was perfect for Lily who didn't want to go back to her house without confronting the old man first.
His property was smaller, but she would have to cross his fields before she could reach his house.
He was surely old and retired now, but his business was obviously still running: the fields were full of vegetables, the fruit trees were well kept and the corn fields were all ready to grow through next season. She also could hear the horses in the stables, and on her way she crossed path with a few working farmers that she didn't know.
She had no idea if he was here, or what she would find inside of his house, what she would say, how he would react seeing her after all those years, no idea if he was still healthy enough to remember everything he did (or didn't do), but she was determined to at least try to hear him out.
She was walking through the corn field when she felt her phone vibrating in her pocket for what appeared to be the hundredth time. She wasn't surprised to see Misha's name lightening her screen, but she didn't pick up.
Katie and David tried to reach her too, probably because Misha asked them where she was and why she wouldn't answer, but she didn't want to talk to anybody except for Mr Adams, at least for now. They would all have to wait.
When she heard the ringtone signifying she had another voicemail, she sighed but didn't stop walking, not bothering listening to it. She knew it was Misha being all worried and warning her she should be reasonable and call him. She didn't need this right now. She was actually tired of listening to him.
She was still mad he lied to her. Actually she was doubting everyone since she found out the truth. Dr Dorville, her psychiatrist, for example… did she know? Did she play with Lily the whole time? The corrupted doctor who took care of her at the hospital recommended Lily to Dr Dorville at the time… did he explain the whole case to her or did he lie even more?
And her grandmother… She wondered how much she knew. She signed all the medical records and she was already by her side when she woke up at the hospital. She knew everything that happened that night so she must’ve talked to someone first… Never in her life had she thought she would once doubt her own family, but here she was, drowning in her confusion.
She wondered what her mother would think now if she could see her. Would she be proud of her for getting justice? She liked thinking it was indeed the case.
Maybe she was with her right now... maybe she was guiding her steps and pushing her to do this...
She wasn't sure of anything, but she knew she would not be at peace and she couldn't live with herself until she spoke to Mr Adams. Just talk...
Her heart was pounding when she stepped on his porch, and she had to take a deep breath before pressing his doorbell.
She almost ran away when the door opened, but she didn't and came face to face with a young woman she didn't know.
“Hello. May I help you?” the woman offered politely.
She must've been in her thirties.
“Um... yes I... I'm looking for Mr Adams. Is he here?”
“He's resting. Maybe I can leave him a message?”
“Thank you but I would actually prefer talking to him. I'm... I'm an old friend. I knew him well when I was young and I just wanted to say hi since I'm in the neighborhood for a few days.”
“Oh, I see. Well maybe you can come back later? He always rests after lunch, you should be able to-”
Lily's heart stopped when she heard the old man grunting with his raspy voice. He sounded rude, but he must legitimately not have been very pleased to be woken up by the doorbell.
“Well aren't you a lucky one... please come in, I'll go get him.”
Lily stepped inside of the house and followed Penny to the living room where she offered her to sit on the sofa.
The house was well kept but still very rustic and dark, giving Lily a very uncomfortable feeling, and it smelled like alcohol and medicine which didn't reassure her a bit.
Penny reappeared a few minutes later, pushing Mr Adams in his wheelchair, and Lily could’ve sworn her heart stopped beating for a little while.
She was excited but terrified and mad at the same time.
Penny settled Mr Adams across the coffee table facing Lily but he didn’t look at her right away, he was too busy smiling at the young woman taking care of him.
“I’ll bring your coffee in just a minute. Can I get you anything to drink, Misses?”
Oh geez, Misses??? How old did she think Lily was exactly?
“Just a glass of water, thank you.” she politely replied.
She actually needed the water badly, she was so nervous her mouth was dry.
Mr Adams finally looked at his visitor and frowned, studying her face closely.
“You look just like your mother, Lily. Delight for my eyes.” he announced with a surprisingly sweet and sad voice. “Except for that red hair of course...”
So… He remembered. That was a good start.
She was determined not to show any emotion and stay strong. She didn’t even thank him.
“I see I don’t need to introduce myself. I’ll take that as a compliment.” she nodded with a weak smile.
“It is one. What brings you back here?”
Straight to the point… he didn't even try to pretend he thought she was dead…
“You don’t look too surprised to see me, considering...”
“Why would I be? My son told me he saw you at your property a few years ago. I’m surprised you didn’t show up at my house earlier to be honest, especially when he told me you were with Misha.”
So he knew that they knew at least a part of his plotting.
“Yes, we wanted to see what was left of the house.”
She didn’t want to dive into the drama right away.
“I thought you were here to finally sell the place.”
Of course he did… the tension in the room became thicker and thicker.
“No. I didn’t want to rush things at the time. I needed to think about it first.”
“And? Did Misha succeed making you feel guilty if you sold it?”
Lily cleared her throat and rubbed her moist palms against her jeans before taking a sip of water. She didn’t like his tone at all.
“It’s my decision, not his, he knows that. It’s officially for sale now though.”
Mr Adams chuckled and took the cup of coffee from Penny’s hand.
“Right… don’t tell me you’re here to sell it to me now, I’m too old for this and your mother’s gone so what’s the point anyway?”
“No, um… I’m here for answers actually.”
Mr Adam's eyes sparkled when she said that. She could’ve sworn he wanted to have that conversation for a long time.
Lily side-eyed Penny who was listening to their conversation from the armchair near the fireplace, but she didn’t move and nodded at the old man. She understood there was no way their talk could be private.
“About what you did in 1990.”
He was just like stone… showing no emotion, not moving a finger, but he still had that disturbing sparkle in his eyes.
“And what do you think I did in 1990? Or should I say… What did Misha tell you I did?”
Would it be like that? Would he still blame Misha and his family for everything?
And more importantly… was he in fact right to do so?
“Why do you think Misha has to do anything with this? He doesn't even know I’m here.”
“Hah!” he chuckled. “Come on… You think I don’t know he’d been putting his nose in your business? He went everywhere in town to interview people. I’m not completely stupid, and I know he still has influence on you. I don’t know what he’s trying to do but I’m pretty sure he’s searching for trouble… as always. But tell me Lily... I know he's married now, and from what I've heard you were not the bride... how come you still hang out with him?”
He must've been upset his plan to separate them failed, and to be honest, Lily felt something close to satisfaction knowing he screwed up with that part of the story.
“I understand your surprise, Sir... someone in town was very determined to spread the rumor we all died in the fire. Call it a miracle or... destiny, who knows?”
The old farmer chuckles sarcastically. “My poor child, you're so delusional. He got you good, huh?”
Lily started to feel anger rising in her chest and that wasn’t good because she didn't know how long she could contain herself.
“Why? Why do you hate him that much? Why do you hate Rebecca? Why did you twist the truth to make them disappear? I don’t understand.”
Mr Adams gave her his best fat laugh. It almost scared Lily.
“See? They still have influence on you. You’re blind and clueless, little girl. He will destroy what’s left of your family… which is your properties first… and then you. You have nothing else left anyway. And by the way who said I did anything?”
She clenched her teeth and tried to stay calm.
“You’re not answering my questions.” she firmly pointed.
“And I won’t. You’re accusing me with no proof, just because your dumb teen crush told you what he wanted you to believe so he would look like the hero. Be careful Lily, I warned your mother back then, I’ll say it to you too: when the Krushnics will have what they want from you, they will destroy you just like they destroyed Mary. And they’re half way done already from what I can see.”
What was that supposed to mean? She clenched her teeth and her nostrils flared. He was infuriating.
She had some proof though...
“I found the letters you sent to my mom.”
“And? Did it burst your little bubble? I truly loved your mother, Lily, and if Rebecca hadn't been here, I'm certain she would still be alive today, and we'd probably be happy together. If someone's responsible for your family's death, it's not me. Look somewhere else.”
Lily's eyes widened a little and she clenched on her glass.
No... Rebecca would never hurt her mother... It was not possible... or was it?
When he saw her reaction, Mr Adams laughed so hard that it made him cough and Penny immediately stood up to help him.
Lily could feel the sting in her eyes, but she fought with herself not to show him how she felt.
“Look at you! You should’ve talked to her at least before coming to me, sweetheart… there are probably a million things she didn’t share with you… same for Misha.”
Ugh! He called her 'sweetheart' and her stomach twisted. She hated it!
“You’re searching in the wrong place. I won’t tell you more. I loved and respected your mother enough to warn her, she didn’t listen. You’re exactly like her… But I still owe her to protect you too. Run Lily, run far away from that hippie family as fast as you can and never look back. That's all I can do for you today.”
God she was even more confused than before she came here and she had zero information, just more doubts!
“I need to rest now if you don’t mind… Penny?”
“Wait! You can't just-”
“I'm too old for this, I can do whatever the hell I want. If you decide to not listen to me, that's your problem, not mine. I'm done.”
He nodded at his caretaker and she stood up immediately, bringing the old man and his answers away from Lily.
She woke up early the next morning, all sweaty and panting from the nightmare she just had.
It was the same nightmare she always had, even years after the 1990 events. She hadn't dreamed about that for something like a decade, but it came back that night after she spoke to Mr Adams.
She was locked outside her burning house and all she could hear were the screams of her family and Misha dying inside, calling her name. She could do nothing except screaming back at them and as hard as she was trying to get inside of the house, she had never been able to.
She had to take deep breaths and study the room she was in before realizing where she was. She forgot she was still in Litchfield, staying at the same hotel she shared with Misha when they came here together a couple years ago.
She got out of the bed to go take a shower and went downstairs at the restaurant after hearing the atrocious noises her stomach made. She was so disturbed and so tired yesterday that she didn’t even think about eating something.
She checked her phone quickly while eating her pancakes and wasn’t surprised to see the dozens of missed calls/voicemails/texts she received from Katie and Misha. She didn’t read everything, she knew it was just full of where are you? and why aren’t you answering your damn phone?
It was time to clear her mind now, so she decided to go to Brooke Park to take a long walk in the nature, just like she used to do with her grandfather.
She took her time and walked the whole morning. It was so peaceful, which was exactly what she needed to think.
Problem was, she still didn’t know what to think about that messed up story. She was still as lost as when she left Seattle, if not more.
She wanted to trust Misha and his family because her mother did so she felt like it was the right thing to do… but what if her mother was wrong after all? They hid very important information from her, about her own family. They had no right to do that, it wasn’t something easy to ignore. Plus she was pretty sure they still knew things she didn’t and the simple fact that they weren’t speaking was enough to make her angry. She was supposed to know everything that happened, it was her life, her past, her family.
Maybe she would just have to take a step back from them after all... including Misha.
But she loved them so much...
And then there was Mr Adams who clearly loved her mother, and hated Rebecca and Misha for some obscure reasons. But then again... did he know something she didn't? Was there a darker side in Rebecca's life that she didn't know about because they hid it to her her whole life?
She sat on a bench without thinking where she was, she was just tired of walking after a while, but when she looked up to observe the nature around her, she saw she was sitting on the exact same bench she was with Misha when she won the bike race, right before they had to run to the hospital for his appendectomy. She smiled weakly and slowly shook her head remembering that story.
“I knew I'd find you here.”
Lily didn't even look at him, she closed her eyes and sighed deeply. Of course he flew here... of course he found her... of course he had to insist.
Misha sat next to her and waited, crossing his arms but not saying anything. He seemed calm and in peace with himself... exactly the opposite of Lily.
“You're very quiet for someone who keeps calling and texting.” she sarcastically pointed out.
“Yeah... I kinda figured you didn't want to talk. But do you have the slightest idea about how worried I was?”
Huh... maybe it was just a facade then, he sounded actually worried. But... worried about what? Her flying away from him without a word or... her finding out the truth?
She scoffed. “I'm a big girl now, Misha.”
“You may be an adult, yeah... but you're acting like a child. I was worried sick, Lily! You could've at least told Katie where you were going so I would stop imagining the worst when I was actually supposed to work!” he raised his voice a little, unable to contain and hide his anger anymore. “And if you came here to talk to Mr Adams, I suppose you're not as smart as I thought either... especially when you promised me you wouldn't.”
She turned to look at him, narrowing her eyes. He looked pained and... furious now. All the muscles in his face were tensed, his jaw clenched, his eyes dark. The hint of sadness reappeared in his gaze too...
“Why? Are you afraid about what I could've learned?”
She saw him clench his teeth even stronger, obviously filtering his next words in his head to avoid saying something he would regret.
“You mean about me or my family? No, Lily... I'm not afraid, you already know everything you need to.”
“Oh... and who decides what I need to know about my own family then? You? Because that's exactly what you did.” she spat venomously.
Misha rubbed his face and sighed in his hands.
“Have you been to his house yet? Have you talked to him?”
“What difference does it make?” she was looking everywhere but in his direction.
He was slowly starting to be tired of her little game, she was not answering him and she was clearly distrustful right now, but he needed her to talk. He needed to know what was going on in her head.
“Why don't you just answer the question? Or better... why don't you tell me what you think I did, or what you think I'm responsible for... it will be faster that way.”
She puffed and looked down at her shoes.
“I don't know what to think anymore, Misha. You lied to me. Everybody lied to me pretty much my entire life. I don't know who to trust anymore. It's that simple. I thought I knew you, I thought I knew everything about your family, I thought I knew my mom, my grandmother... and it turns out I was wrong.” her voice was shaky as she was on the edge of tears.
Misha didn't reply, still leaning on the bench with his arms crossed.
“I did talk to Mr Adams.” she confessed, still without looking at him.
“Was it helpful?”
“No... he didn't say much. I just realized he really hates you and your mom. He didn't clearly say why though, and I have to admit I'm a bit curious.”
Misha uncrossed his arms and bent over a little so he could see her face, but she was still avoiding his gaze.
“We were living for free in the huge farm he wanted to buy, and your mother trusted us more than him despite his love for her... that's why.” he laughed bitterly shaking his head.
“Is that it?” she was a little surprised... she didn't know someone could hate people and be that mean for such a lame reason.
Misha lolled his head “Well... I wasn't exactly the neighbor of the year, especially when Darius was involved but... does it justify what he did?”
She didn't answer because she didn't know what to say. Mr Adams never admitted he started that fire in 1990.
Misha immediately understood why she was so silent.
“Of course... that's only my word, right? And you don't trust me anymore. You know... I've been mistrusted my whole childhood, and disliked later, everybody was judging me on my lifestyle and not for who I was, but I never thought you'd be one of those people. I thought you knew who I really am.”
She closed her eyes, ashamed of herself. If her grandfather was here right now, he probably would be ashamed of her too, that's the exact opposite of what he had taught her. But still, she couldn't help the awful feeling he betrayed her and was still hiding things from her.
“So what now, huh? What's going to happen for us?” Misha sighed shakily, visibly scared of what she would reply now.
Lily shut her eyes tight. “I don't know... I... I think I need to step back from all of this for a while or I'll end up crazy.” she swallowed the huge lump forming in her throat, not believing what she was about to say to the man she loved more than anything.
That was exactly what Misha didn't want to hear, and he had trouble keeping a straight face, tears threatening to fall already.
“Is that really what you want?” He almost whispered. If he had talked louder, he probably would've broken down in front of her.
But if it was deeply what she needed, he would stand down too, but not without fighting first.
“Yes... I have to, I'm sorry.” tears poured down her face when she opened her eyes, but she was totally unable to look at him when she said that. She needed to go, but she still loved him, and it still hurt.
Misha wiped the tears from his face quickly.
“Have you gone to the farm yet?” he suddenly asked with a determined voice.
She looked at him with a puzzled look, surprised by the sudden change of conversation.
“Uh... No. I didn't plan to, But-”
He stood up fast, stepped in front of her and offered his hand to her. “Can I show you something? If you wanna go after that, I'll let you go. Promise.”
She frowned, looking at his hand waiting for her.
“What now?” she sighed.
“Please. It won't be long.”
She looked around her hesitant but finally accepted his hand and stood up.
She owed him that at least.
In the car, she tried to ask him why he was taking her to the farm, but Misha stayed quiet or replied vaguely. He just said she needed her to see something before taking her final decision.
Oddly, it didn't comfort her at all, it just meant she was right: he was indeed hiding more from her. She was a little scared about what she would find there, and why Misha was being so secretive about all of this.
He stopped the rental car at the end of the road as usual and waited for her to make a move.
“I don't understand what we're doing here” she admitted. “I thought our last trip was the end of all of this.”
Misha looked outside, following the main path with a sad look.
“Yeah... for you maybe. I just want to show you something. After that, it will be over and we won't come back, if that's what you want, but you have to see it first.”
And just like that, she was even more terrified!
She sighed. “Okay, fine... Let's get this over with.”
She went out of the car and Misha led her to the main path. They walked in silence, side by side, and when Lily finally found the strength to look around her instead of staring at her shoes, they were already at the cross path between the pond and the cottage. She could've sworn something had changed since the last time she was here, and she had a very weird feeling but she couldn't put her finger on it.
She didn't say anything at first, but when they arrived at the orchard, she couldn't hide her feelings.
“Hey! Do you see that? It looks like it's been weeded... last time we were here it was a terrible mess!”
Misha simply smiled. “Yes. It's been weeded. Keep walking.”
He kept walking even if Lily stopped to study the area. He didn't sound surprised, which was not good, and she had to run to catch up with him to ask him why.
“Hey! Why do you run like that? What's going on here? Who came here to weed the orchard? Is is Mr Adams?”
Of course Misha didn't answer. “Keep walking, Lily.”
She stopped and crossed her arms. “I'm not taking another step until you tell me what the fuck is going on with MY fucking property!”
She was so angry and so tired of all his lies and secrets, she would have answers, and he would answer now!
Misha stopped and turned around to look at her.
“You and your attitude...” he sighed. “Do I have to carry you? You won't believe me if I tell you everything now, so you keep walking or I'll take care of it.”
He stared at her with an insisting and very intimidating, (but still extremely sexy) dark look in his eyes.
“And don't even think about running away, I run faster, you have no chance.”
Lily scoffed.
“Asshole.” she quietly mumbled when she resigned to walk again.
“You'll pay for that.” Misha warned.
 Oh... he heard.
He playfully slapped her butt when she walked passed him.
“Did you just-”
“Walk!” he laughed. What was with this place making him so... childish!?
She walked so fast for the rest of the way that she was panting when they arrived in front of the main house where Misha finally stopped.
“Will you at least look at it?” he noticed Lily was looking everywhere but the house. She was currently bending over to catch her breath. He knew she was terrified but insisted anyway.
She rolled her eyes, slowly straightening to take a look at her former home.
“Really this is getting ridic-”
She couldn't talk anymore, the air escaped her lungs too fast when she saw her old house completely restored.
Nothing was burnt anymore, everything was clean and painted, the tower was rebuilt, nothing was broken, and the landscape was perfectly tended outside.
It felt like she stepped back in 1990.
“What the... Mi-” she swallowed his name, unable to talk more.
“Alright... don't be mad at me before I explain everything, deal?”
“YOU DID THIS???” she screamed, her eyes popping out of her head.
“Lily... you're being mad at me.” he fairly pointed out.
Actually she didn't know if she was mad, angry, sad, confused, scared, nostalgic or grateful at that moment. She was a walking wreck of emotions.
“I'm... I... Misha what...” she sighed in defeat. Trying to form a sentence was useless right now.
Misha took her hand and realized how shaky she was.
“No, I didn't do this... Well at least not alone. Can we sit a moment?” he offered and sat on the wooden bench near the main entrance.
She followed him and was grateful to sit because she wasn't sure her legs could hold her any longer. When she sat facing the house, the tears ran down her face without her being able to control them, but she tried to sniffle them back.
“I... I really was upset about you planning to sell this place so I talked to my mom and Sasha and they were surprised I wasn't the first one thinking about buying the place. I have to admit it didn't even cross my mind, I don't know why... probably because it will always be yours to me.”
“You... you bought it?”
He chuckled weakly “No, not really. I asked my fans for help actually... Random Acts bought it with their help, and some of them are working with the volunteers to rebuild it. It's not done yet, but they've done a great job so far, don't you think?”
So that's why she had no idea who made the offer a few months earlier...
“Why didn't you tell me?”
“Because I knew you wouldn't be happy about it until you see the house completely done. It was originally planned for next spring, I wanted to show it to you for your next birthday. It would've also given me more time to find the answers we're still seeking.”
She shook her head and wiped the tears from her face with the back of her sleeve.
“I never signed any papers allowing this...” she raised an accusatory eyebrow toward him.
“Yeah um... I know but you were about to and you were not supposed to see it now so...”
“So you tricked me.” she finished his sentence harshly.
“If that's the way you wanna see it...”
She closed her eyes and shook her head before looking back at her house.
“Misha... you live at the opposite of the continent, what will you do with such a huge property?”
“That's the good part actually” he smiled tenderly. “One of the volunteers working for Random Acts, Lucy, has a project, she wants to create a shelter home for kids and teens. My mom wanna help too. It's the perfect place, Lily... they can work on the farm and live here until they're old enough to start a life on their own.”
She thought about it for a moment and she had to admit it was theoretically really not a bad idea. It actually even felt way better than selling it.
“I told her we would have to wait for your consent of course, but I actually love the idea. This place was everything to me and my brother when we were teens, I guess it would make a huge difference for other young people in need too.”
“I... I don't know what to say.”
He took her hand.
“Don't say anything then... Do you want to look inside? A few rooms are ready, not everything though, but we can definitely visit.”
She looked at him and couldn't turn her gaze away from him all of a sudden.
“I can't believe you did this...” she whispered.
He didn't know if she was happy, sad or mad at that moment.
“Well... I knew you wouldn't do it, but I also know selling the place doesn't feel right to you.”
She never talked about that with him, nobody knew she hated the idea of selling... he just knew her too well, and at that moment she felt like her heart exploded with love for this man, swiping all the secrets he kept from her.
Misha stood up and led her to the front door.
“Uh... do you have the key?” he asked a little embarrassed, scratching the back of his head.
“What? You fucking bought the place, you should have the key!”
“Yes, I should... except Lucy has all the keys and nobody's working here this week because we're waiting for some materials' delivery... and since I left Vancouver in a hurry to find you without planning to show you all of this, I didn't take my keys.”
Her face suddenly fell and her eyes popped out.
“Aren't you supposed to film right now???”
“I am... but like I said... I was fucking worried.”
He left the Supernatural set during filming to jump in a plane to find her??? He was probably in trouble because of her...
“I'm sorry...” she whispered and covered her mouth with her hand.
“It's fine, don't worry. But I'll have to go back tomorrow or they'll probably kill Cas for good this time.” he laughed.
Lily chuckled nervously, opened her purse and handed him the key. He opened the door but didn't step in.
“After you.” he offered.
She looked inside and her heart was pounding so hard she thought everybody could hear it in America at least. She stopped in the entry, shocked by what she was looking at.
The wooden stairs were rebuilt and all clean, the high sculpture of two dogs was proudly decorating the room, the same exact paintings were hanging on the dark yellow walls, the old suitcases were still waiting under the stairs, the steel vase was on the small table in the archway except there was no flower in it... everything was exactly like it was in 1990.
“Holy shit...”
“I wanted it to look like I remembered it.”
She didn't say more, she slowly walked further to the kitchen. The white counters, the double stove, the huge silver fridge, the marble center counter with the big pots under, the books, the bar with the view to the backyard, the stools... everything was here!
“Misha how... how did you do that? It looks exactly how we left it!”
“Lots of people and patience, very determined fans, good cleaning tools... and a bit of money does help.” he chuckled. “the breakfast room and Ryan's bedroom are not ready yet though.”
Ryan... God if Ryan could see this... if he could still run inside the house, sliding on the long marble halls laughing his ass off...
“There is something I want you to see.”
Lily chuckled “Something else you mean.”
Misha smiled and took her hand to guide her up the tower stairs. Those same stairs that completely burnt and collapsed trapping her mother while she tried to save her children. It even cracked the same way when they stepped on it.
They arrived in the tower, in front of what was her old bedroom. It smelled like fresh paint and fresh wood though.
“They can do whatever they want with the other rooms, but I wanted to do this one myself...”
He pushed the door open before her and she completely broke down crying as soon as she stepped inside.
Of course he had to rebuilt it the exact same way, with the same bed,the same patchwork blanket laying on it, the white sheets, the light garland that made it look like little fireflies, even the dream-catcher she made with her grandfather was hanging on the wall among the pictures of her family.
“Oh my God...” she whispered shakily.
Misha walked right behind her and wrapped his arms around Lily, burying his face in her neck. She raised a hand and placed it on his arm around her when she felt his warm tears running down her skin, so she turned around and hugged him tight.
“Since that fucking night in 1990 I hoped I could come back in this room with you and I knew it wasn't possible... until I ran into you at the airport and you told me you still owned the place. I had to do this, and I had to be here with you at least one last time to say fuck to fate. Now you can decide whatever you want, you can do whatever you want, my impossible dream came true, I'll be okay now.”
Lily sobbed in his arms, holding tight on his chest, unable to speak.
“I can say fuck to Mr Adams at the same time... because he definitely tried to stop me and that's one more reason for him to hate me, but I don't care.”
He pulled away from her just a bit to study her reaction. They chuckled at the same time when they both saw their wet faces.
“Are you mad?”
Lily scoffed “I'm not certain I can define my emotions right now. Look at that! I feel like I'm sixteen again, but without the drama. I just... I can't believe you did this.” she was just amazed and shocked.
“There is absolutely nothing I wouldn't do for you, Miss Hagen, you should know that.”
He tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, leaned his head and softly kissed her lips, savoring every second of it. It's been a whole week since they haven't been that close to each other, and Lily had to admit it felt incredibly good to feel him close.
They pulled away but Lily couldn't open her eyes.
“So this is it. Now if you still want to go without me, I will respect your decision, even if I really don't want to.” he swallowed the lump in his throat.
She opened her teary eyes and stepped away from him, walking toward the window to look outside absentmindedly. The view from her room was stunning, she could see the woods and as it was high, she could even see the orchard. It was a very strange sensation to be here after so long, she was forty years old but felt like she was still a teenager inside. The only thing that was missing were her mom and Ryan.
And just like that, she remembered why she came here in the first place, and that someone was responsible for her family's death, Mr Adam's words resonating in her head.
"He will destroy what's left of your family, which are your properties first... and then you."
Silence became thick and heavy in Lily's old bedroom. Misha didn't dare talking nor moving, too afraid of what she would say next. He just stood there, facing her back and trying to contain his nervousness while she was looking outside.
It was time to make her decision. Sometimes it's easy, and sometimes doing the right thing hurts like a bitch.
This time she knew exactly what the right thing to do was.
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Libra Quotes
Official Website: Libra Quotes
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• A libra is skilled enough to be one step ahead, but make you believe they are one step behind. – Anonymous. • Confrontation is not written in Libra’s dictionary. – Unknown • Libra will travel with you and leave everything behind. – Unknown • A Libra is the right blend of beauty and brains to make the ideal lover. – Unknown • A Libra is usually generous, provided you don’t take advantage of that. – Unknown • A river cuts through rock not because of its power, but its persistence. – Jim Watkins • Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory. – George S. Patton • After the worst fight, Libra can always forgive you. – Unknown • All Libras’ speak at least five languages: english, love, sarcasm, truth, and justice. – Unknown • Although they are not always willing to talk, they always know how to listen. – Unknown • Any Libra hates being exposed to others. – Unknown • As a Libra you win people over with your charm. – Anonymous
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Wishing you a very happy Birthday. . – Unknown • Don’t ask Libra the end of a story; they’ll tell you everything. – Unknown • Don’t misact a Libra’s compassion for stupidity because they can see through all the bullshit. – Unknown • Don’t trust a Libra to look like they’re not getting it. – Unknown • Even though Libra is all goodness, they also know how to leave you speechless. • Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough. – Og Mandino • For Libra, things aren’t always white or black. – Unknown • Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. – Mahatma Gandhi • I always wanted a gossipy friend and finally I got you and you are a Libra. . – Unknown • I am a Libra so I have to balance things. – Mark Viduka • I cannot keep calm because it is my Libra friend’s Birthday. . – Unknown • I think even great writers only write two books that you might like. When I think of my touchstone writers like Saul Bellow, I think of ‘Henderson the Rain King.’ With Don DeLillo, I think of ‘Libra.’ – Ethan Canin • If Libra doesn’t like you, they may be the most distant person on Earth. – Unknown • If Libra doesn’t say something, their face does all the work. – Unknown • If you love a Libra, you must accept them as they are. – Unknown • If you’ve pissed off a Libra, it’s because you’ve really tried. – Unknown • I’m a libra, I always have two sides of everything. – India Arie • I’m a Libra. If someone compliments me, I’ll say something nice to them. I like to give out compliments.- Amber Rose • I’m a Libra. I’m happy to be an air sign, but I do think I have a little too much air in my chart as a whole – some more water would be useful, especially in my personal life, as an emotional counterweight to all that abstraction. – Eleanor Catton • I’m a Libra. That means that I can make a decision, but only after much thought. – P. J. Harvey • I’m Libra and to mess with a libra will leave you nowhere. – YA Chhora • I’m pretty good at thinking about everything – all of my consequences – before I make a decision, and I think about everything that’s going to happen because of that decision. I’m a Libra, and I’m very strategic. – Hilary Duff • I’m the crazy Libra everyone warned you about! – Unknownn • I’m too much of a Libra. I too often see the other person’s point of view and capitulate, even though I have strong political convictions. It’s just my liability. Maybe I’m too empathetic. That’s the actor in me. – John Lithgow • In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can. – Nikos Kazantzakis • It’s really okay to not be a diplomat most of the time… not all can be a Libra, you know. – Unknown • Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground. – Theodore Roosevelt • Libra always like balance in every matter. And your balancing nature has helped a lot to continue our friendship when the time was so hard. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday. . – Unknown • Libra always maintains a balance between accountability and lighthearted nature. I am here to wish you a very Happy Birthday. – Unknown • Libra always prefer to know each fact of the matter before reaching the final decision of any problem. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday. . – Unknown • Libra are known for even-tempered and gregarious. I am extremely lucky to have a Libra friend in my life. – Unknown • Libra are super sensitive and that is not your fault it is only because you were born Libra. – Unknown • Libra can be attracted by nice dressing and when they are treated best. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday. . – Unknown • Libra doesn’t say much, but if you listen carefully you’ll get to know them. – Unknown • Libra hates people who try to pretend. – Unknown • Libra hates routine and likes to do different things. – Unknown • Libra have a balance that is not always still. – Unknown • Libra have a big heart,and are the least selfish sign of the Zodiac. – Unknown • Libra is not allowed to hate, because it means to unbalance them. – Unknown • Libra is sanity, but with doses of madness in small amounts. – Unknown • Libra knows how to make others comfortable when they are in your company. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday. – Unknown • Libra may change their mind overnight. – Unknown • Libra want other to have fun and they are the finest people to get debilitated with. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday. – Unknown • Libra wants and can’t, Libra can and won’t. – Unknown • Libra wants to fly always high, but at the same time is dependent of others. – Unknown • Libra, pleasure can lead you to commit excesses. – Unknown • Libra: probably the most civilized sign of the zodiac. – Unknown • Libras are experts in conflict mediation, but not theirs. – Unknown • Libras are graceful, inventive, and understanding above all. Wishing my Libra friend a very happy Birthday. . – Unknown • Libras are great listeners. They are sweet until you cross them. Happy Birthday my dear Libra Friend. . – Unknown • Libras are great therapists to others, but not to themselves. – Unknown • Libras are known for their devoted, thoughtful, effectuate, corporeal, appealing, influential, dependable and peaceful nature. Wishing my Libra Friend very Happy birthday. – Unknown • Libras are known for: DERISION, ADORE, REALITY and PROFANITY. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday. May you live long and prosper. – Unknown • Libras are much more stronger and smarter than their appearance. Wishing you a very happy Birthday. – Unknown • Libras are not weak but they cannot please everyone. Wishing my sweet nature friend a very Happy Birthday. – Unknown • Libra’s are rarely wrong and they are usually right. So, arguing with them is pointless. – Unknown • Libras are stubborn but mostly when they are being mistreated. Wishing my stubborn friend a very Happy Birthday. – Unknown • Libra’s attraction to beauty goes beyond the physical. – Unknown • Libras enjoy small things, and the happiness of others. – Unknown • Libras hate to see others hurthing, but when you irritate them their temper can be destructive. – Anonymous • Libras like to be seductive, although they must learn to control themselves. – Unknown • Libras like to take risks! – Cardi B • Libra’s opinions don’t last long. – Unknown • Libras really love to stay free and this is the most important thing they need in any relationship. May you get the life partner who can understand your point of view about freedom. Wishing you a very happy Birthday. . – Unknown • Libras receive great pleasure by pleasing and helping others. – Anonymous • My dear friend Libra..!! May your this birthday brings so many good bombshells, enjoyment, contentment and amusing. . – Unknown • Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God’s handwriting. – Ralph Waldo Emerson • No need to give Libra orders. They won’t obey them anyway. – Anonymous • People who are born as Libra have family oriented mindset, energetic and have positive mindset. Wishing my dear Libra friend a very Happy Birthday. – Unknown • Pissa a libra off enough and you become invisible to them. – Unknown • Sometimes Libra’s sense of justice leads them to meddle in other people’s affairs. – Unknown • The elegance is as physical, as moral quality that has nothing common with the clothing. You can see a countrywoman more elegant than one so called elegant woman. – Karl Lagerfeld • The pleasure of arguing is not one of Libra’s natural attributes. – Unknown • The secret to getting ahead is getting started. – Mark Twain • The sense of justice is one of Libra’s greatest virtues, and also a flaw. – Unknown • The story of ‘Libra Scale,’ the storyline was created first, and then the music was created around the story line. – Ne-Yo • They’re not always sure of themselves, but they’re always sure of others. – Unknown • Though intelligent, Libras can stumble several times on the same stone. – Unknown • To know what a Libra is like in love, let yourself be seduced by them. – Unknown • When a Libra Loves you,they love you with their entire soul.They will always accommodate to make sure that happiness comes first, – Unknown • When Libra are upset, all calm is gone. – Unknown • When Libra is in a conflict, they always look for the middle ground. – Unknown • When Libras are left without any solid reason by their beloved ones then they are surely going to fight with them for their right. Wishing my fighter Libra friend a very Happy Birthday. • Why Libra personality is a warrior personality? – Sai Thanmae • You always wanted everyone to stay happy and that is the real you. I Happy that I have a Libra friend in my life. I am here to wish you a very Happy Birthday. – Unknown • You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. – C.S. Lewis • You are so good at tolerating criticism. This is only because you were born Libra. – Unknown • You have always been undecided in each matter but I do not have any issue with that. I am always going to stay on your side because I have chosen you as my lifetime friend. I am happy that I have a Libra friend in my life. – Unknown • You never fail until you stop trying. – Albert Einstein • You won’t realize that a Libra is suffering until they tell you. – Unknown • Your over bearing nature put you in trouble and you need to change yourself in this concern. . – Unknown
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'a', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_a').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_a img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
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jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'i', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_i').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_i img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'o', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_o').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_o img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'u', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_u').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_u img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
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equitiesstocks · 5 years
Libra Quotes
Official Website: Libra Quotes
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• A libra is skilled enough to be one step ahead, but make you believe they are one step behind. – Anonymous. • Confrontation is not written in Libra’s dictionary. – Unknown • Libra will travel with you and leave everything behind. – Unknown • A Libra is the right blend of beauty and brains to make the ideal lover. – Unknown • A Libra is usually generous, provided you don’t take advantage of that. – Unknown • A river cuts through rock not because of its power, but its persistence. – Jim Watkins • Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory. – George S. Patton • After the worst fight, Libra can always forgive you. – Unknown • All Libras’ speak at least five languages: english, love, sarcasm, truth, and justice. – Unknown • Although they are not always willing to talk, they always know how to listen. – Unknown • Any Libra hates being exposed to others. – Unknown • As a Libra you win people over with your charm. – Anonymous
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'Libra', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_libra').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_libra img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • Beauty and harmony are two indispensable attributes for Libra. – Unknown • Being a Libra, You don’t like to take decisions because you are mot good on that. – Unknown • Blaze all way to the Libra back to the cheater. – Anonymous • Do you the reason that why you have such a good taste. It is only because you were born Libra. Wishing you a very happy Birthday. . – Unknown • Don’t ask Libra the end of a story; they’ll tell you everything. – Unknown • Don’t misact a Libra’s compassion for stupidity because they can see through all the bullshit. – Unknown • Don’t trust a Libra to look like they’re not getting it. – Unknown • Even though Libra is all goodness, they also know how to leave you speechless. • Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough. – Og Mandino • For Libra, things aren’t always white or black. – Unknown • Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. – Mahatma Gandhi • I always wanted a gossipy friend and finally I got you and you are a Libra. . – Unknown • I am a Libra so I have to balance things. – Mark Viduka • I cannot keep calm because it is my Libra friend’s Birthday. . – Unknown • I think even great writers only write two books that you might like. When I think of my touchstone writers like Saul Bellow, I think of ‘Henderson the Rain King.’ With Don DeLillo, I think of ‘Libra.’ – Ethan Canin • If Libra doesn’t like you, they may be the most distant person on Earth. – Unknown • If Libra doesn’t say something, their face does all the work. – Unknown • If you love a Libra, you must accept them as they are. – Unknown • If you’ve pissed off a Libra, it’s because you’ve really tried. – Unknown • I’m a libra, I always have two sides of everything. – India Arie • I’m a Libra. If someone compliments me, I’ll say something nice to them. I like to give out compliments.- Amber Rose • I’m a Libra. I’m happy to be an air sign, but I do think I have a little too much air in my chart as a whole – some more water would be useful, especially in my personal life, as an emotional counterweight to all that abstraction. – Eleanor Catton • I’m a Libra. That means that I can make a decision, but only after much thought. – P. J. Harvey • I’m Libra and to mess with a libra will leave you nowhere. – YA Chhora • I’m pretty good at thinking about everything – all of my consequences – before I make a decision, and I think about everything that’s going to happen because of that decision. I’m a Libra, and I’m very strategic. – Hilary Duff • I’m the crazy Libra everyone warned you about! – Unknownn • I’m too much of a Libra. I too often see the other person’s point of view and capitulate, even though I have strong political convictions. It’s just my liability. Maybe I’m too empathetic. That’s the actor in me. – John Lithgow • In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can. – Nikos Kazantzakis • It’s really okay to not be a diplomat most of the time… not all can be a Libra, you know. – Unknown • Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground. – Theodore Roosevelt • Libra always like balance in every matter. And your balancing nature has helped a lot to continue our friendship when the time was so hard. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday. . – Unknown • Libra always maintains a balance between accountability and lighthearted nature. I am here to wish you a very Happy Birthday. – Unknown • Libra always prefer to know each fact of the matter before reaching the final decision of any problem. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday. . – Unknown • Libra are known for even-tempered and gregarious. I am extremely lucky to have a Libra friend in my life. – Unknown • Libra are super sensitive and that is not your fault it is only because you were born Libra. – Unknown • Libra can be attracted by nice dressing and when they are treated best. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday. . – Unknown • Libra doesn’t say much, but if you listen carefully you’ll get to know them. – Unknown • Libra hates people who try to pretend. – Unknown • Libra hates routine and likes to do different things. – Unknown • Libra have a balance that is not always still. – Unknown • Libra have a big heart,and are the least selfish sign of the Zodiac. – Unknown • Libra is not allowed to hate, because it means to unbalance them. – Unknown • Libra is sanity, but with doses of madness in small amounts. – Unknown • Libra knows how to make others comfortable when they are in your company. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday. – Unknown • Libra may change their mind overnight. – Unknown • Libra want other to have fun and they are the finest people to get debilitated with. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday. – Unknown • Libra wants and can’t, Libra can and won’t. – Unknown • Libra wants to fly always high, but at the same time is dependent of others. – Unknown • Libra, pleasure can lead you to commit excesses. – Unknown • Libra: probably the most civilized sign of the zodiac. – Unknown • Libras are experts in conflict mediation, but not theirs. – Unknown • Libras are graceful, inventive, and understanding above all. Wishing my Libra friend a very happy Birthday. . – Unknown • Libras are great listeners. They are sweet until you cross them. Happy Birthday my dear Libra Friend. . – Unknown • Libras are great therapists to others, but not to themselves. – Unknown • Libras are known for their devoted, thoughtful, effectuate, corporeal, appealing, influential, dependable and peaceful nature. Wishing my Libra Friend very Happy birthday. – Unknown • Libras are known for: DERISION, ADORE, REALITY and PROFANITY. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday. May you live long and prosper. – Unknown • Libras are much more stronger and smarter than their appearance. Wishing you a very happy Birthday. – Unknown • Libras are not weak but they cannot please everyone. Wishing my sweet nature friend a very Happy Birthday. – Unknown • Libra’s are rarely wrong and they are usually right. So, arguing with them is pointless. – Unknown • Libras are stubborn but mostly when they are being mistreated. Wishing my stubborn friend a very Happy Birthday. – Unknown • Libra’s attraction to beauty goes beyond the physical. – Unknown • Libras enjoy small things, and the happiness of others. – Unknown • Libras hate to see others hurthing, but when you irritate them their temper can be destructive. – Anonymous • Libras like to be seductive, although they must learn to control themselves. – Unknown • Libras like to take risks! – Cardi B • Libra’s opinions don’t last long. – Unknown • Libras really love to stay free and this is the most important thing they need in any relationship. May you get the life partner who can understand your point of view about freedom. Wishing you a very happy Birthday. . – Unknown • Libras receive great pleasure by pleasing and helping others. – Anonymous • My dear friend Libra..!! May your this birthday brings so many good bombshells, enjoyment, contentment and amusing. . – Unknown • Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God’s handwriting. – Ralph Waldo Emerson • No need to give Libra orders. They won’t obey them anyway. – Anonymous • People who are born as Libra have family oriented mindset, energetic and have positive mindset. Wishing my dear Libra friend a very Happy Birthday. – Unknown • Pissa a libra off enough and you become invisible to them. – Unknown • Sometimes Libra’s sense of justice leads them to meddle in other people’s affairs. – Unknown • The elegance is as physical, as moral quality that has nothing common with the clothing. You can see a countrywoman more elegant than one so called elegant woman. – Karl Lagerfeld • The pleasure of arguing is not one of Libra’s natural attributes. – Unknown • The secret to getting ahead is getting started. – Mark Twain • The sense of justice is one of Libra’s greatest virtues, and also a flaw. – Unknown • The story of ‘Libra Scale,’ the storyline was created first, and then the music was created around the story line. – Ne-Yo • They’re not always sure of themselves, but they’re always sure of others. – Unknown • Though intelligent, Libras can stumble several times on the same stone. – Unknown • To know what a Libra is like in love, let yourself be seduced by them. – Unknown • When a Libra Loves you,they love you with their entire soul.They will always accommodate to make sure that happiness comes first, – Unknown • When Libra are upset, all calm is gone. – Unknown • When Libra is in a conflict, they always look for the middle ground. – Unknown • When Libras are left without any solid reason by their beloved ones then they are surely going to fight with them for their right. Wishing my fighter Libra friend a very Happy Birthday. • Why Libra personality is a warrior personality? – Sai Thanmae • You always wanted everyone to stay happy and that is the real you. I Happy that I have a Libra friend in my life. I am here to wish you a very Happy Birthday. – Unknown • You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. – C.S. Lewis • You are so good at tolerating criticism. This is only because you were born Libra. – Unknown • You have always been undecided in each matter but I do not have any issue with that. I am always going to stay on your side because I have chosen you as my lifetime friend. I am happy that I have a Libra friend in my life. – Unknown • You never fail until you stop trying. – Albert Einstein • You won’t realize that a Libra is suffering until they tell you. – Unknown • Your over bearing nature put you in trouble and you need to change yourself in this concern. . – Unknown
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'a', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_a').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_a img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
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jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'o', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_o').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_o img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'u', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_u').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_u img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
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