#i think i was fated to fall down this rabbithole the day I got my sweet bun bun 6 years ago ngl
yumemiruuuu · 8 months
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Gonna be making RanWan’s Wontons tonight, wish me luck 😔🙏🏻
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hazbinextgeneration · 4 years
Down The Rabbithole Ch7
The clear and crisp day made it where anyone would be happy to go outside and play all day in this lovely spring whether, but that did not comfort the girl under the covers of the bed at ALL as she curled up and under the blanket more away from the sunlight that threatened to wake her up. She did not want to brace the day or even bother to get up and go anywhere at all. She was perfectly content with staying right where she was and not going anywhere but her home. ....But this wouldn't be her home for too long. You see. A man came, a man in a fancy suit and tie came in a big fancy car and knocked in her door. She had never seen him before but had stood at the top of the stairs and listened in when her granny sent her upstairs to play. She watched as the well dressed man was invited in by her granny and sat down in the living room by the fire place and offered some tea by her granny. She still remembered what the man had said to her.
"Ma'am. I'm with Social Services and lately we've gotten record of a young girl in your care?"
"Yes. Allison's been living with me since her parents ran off to lord knows where," her granny crossed her arms and rose a brow, "Do forgive my bluntness, Sir. But what business would you have with me now?"
"No offense taken, Ma'am. But...We are concerned for her educational and social needs."
"And what concerns are those? She knows how to read and write, and other basic math and science things I learnt. And it's not like she's being left alone in the middle of the woods!"
The man held up his hands. "I'm not discrediting what you've done for her, Ma'am. It couldn't have been easy. But the fact of the matter is, your time and this time is different. She's going to need a better education and social skills for later in life, and by law she's supposed to have started school last year when she turned six. Our records say she's seven now and hasn't been enrolled in any online or public schools. And with your age and living so far from any civilization, along with our records,....we have to do what's best for the child."
"...What are you saying then?"
The man sighed. "What Im saying is that the child would be better off in the care of another realitive. The agency found an older cousin of yours." He made a shrugging movement. "Nice small town with low crime rates, the school is a nice one with a decent average score rating, and said realitive has a decent track record herself and has children of her own. It'd be the perfect place for her."
"You can't just take her from me!"
"Can you supply her a sufficient home? Ma'am you're already in your sixties, if something were to happen to you it would leave her in a state of unknowing on her own which would lead to an even harsher outcome. How can you gaurentee her safety?" Her granny remained silent....and the man sighed and stood. "It's not my choice to make anyways. I'm only here to deliver the message, but the court has decided. Miss Allison Gale will be removed from your care within a week's time. I suggest you have her ready by then. Mrs. Gale."
All she remembered was the sound of her granny crying and the next week after that her granny being very clingy towards the small seven year old her. The child barely got to spend anytime with Chesire or play that week because her granny insisted on having her spend time with her baking things or reading her stories, to even sitting down and playing with her. Of course the young cat was always just out of sight of the old lady, peeking around the corner or floating near the ceiling watching annoyed and curiously at the old lady playing and suddenly spending so much more time with her granddaughter and spoiling her for a few days. Allison could only spend a little bit of time with him right before she fell asleep but the cat was angered and annoyed.! How dare they try to take her away!? She was perfectly fine where she was! Those last nights were spent with her crying and hugging him and begging her granny not to let her go and making a promise to her friend she would come back and they would play again. But that morning....That fateful morning would be her last time there. As footsteps approached her bed the blanket was yanked off her and the child didn't react as the face of her granny was standing there in tears. She didn't react when she was made to get out of bed and get dressed. Went to her Granny's hold as she cried her eyes out over her departure, nor when she was taken down the steps and to the front door. A blue head poked out of her bedroom doorway as soon as the two were outside and he zoomed to the window to watch.
A shiny black car was sitting in the dirt driveway and a different man in a suit was standing there already putting Allison's suitcase into the back of the car as the crying old lady hugged the tiny child goodbye before the man took her and put her in the back of the car. The seat belt clicked into place before the door was closed and the young girl stared out the window as the engine started up. First she glanced at the crying grandmother as she cried her heart out as the car pulled away. But the child caught another person staring at her through the window as she was taken away for years.
A young chesire cat. Looking down from her bedroom window as fat tears rolled down his cheeks-
"Miss Allison?"
Red eyes blinked open from the world of sleep and blinked tiredly as two pink blurs were looking down at her. The human woman groaned as she laid on their floor, before she slowly sat up and stretched. Yawning as she did before reaching up to rub at her eyes. The polka dot blanket fell off of her as the blurs slowly turned into a small clown and small rabbit....Who-? Where was-?...OH! Right. She could've sworn all of yesterday was a dream by the way that dream was, but nope! The two were smiling at her before Marsh held up a small tray to her with a smile.
"It ..may not be healthy for a human." He set the small tray on her lap. A small plate of tea cakes and mini sandwiches were on it, with a cup of what smelt like English breakfast tea. "But it's all we have. And it'd be unwise for you to venture on such a long journey with an empty stomach. I don't think you have any gold coins or jewels to trade for food in town, so it's best you eat up before you set on your way."
.....Oh. Right. Her next long trip to find these Twiddle Sisters. "T-Thank you." She said and she grabbed one of the chocolate looking macaroons as the two smiled.
"Of course. It'd be very unkind of us to let you leave with an empty stomach! And Chesire would've been saddened if we didn't treat a friend of a friend with hospitality!"
She blinked and swallowed the coco macaroon. "....I wonder where he is? He hasn't shown up has he?"
Both shook their heads before Hatter spoke. "He's prolly just wondering around doing cat things! He'll show up eventually! Don't worry! You remember how to get to your destination right?" ....Allison blinked her half tired brain at him and hummed. "Go back to the fork in the road and travel to the second fork. Go right at the second one and walk straight ahead until you come to Enchanted Vil. and look for the building called Granny's Cottege! You can't miss it!"
".....Walk down. Second fork. Go right. Granny's Cottege. Got it!" She smiled a little bit before popping another in her mouth. "...I wonder what that cat's doing now?"
"Trust us! Whatever it is, We're sure he's just fine!!"
Thunder and lightning lit up the sky as rain poured in gallons as it still stormed outside, but thankfully the more dangerous thunder had passed. But that didn't matter tiny paws held a secpter out and directed it as a conductor would a baton stick to lead the band. Only this thing was directing a whole clump of glass shards and the cat wielding the magic gritted his fangs as he pushed his magic to it's limits and formed the few pieces back into one. Cracking sounds sounded out as the pieces of the reflective puzzle were put back together and forced backwards towards the massive mirror that was leaned and reinforced to the wall as to not let anything knock it over this time. It had a few pieces of it's once shiny magnificence already put back into place, not even half of it yet. The new big glass fragment crackled more as it joined the fixed glass already on there as his body shook forcing it to fix. Once it crackled fully back into place he stopped and let out a groan. Letting his arms drop to his sides. ....This was the problem with magic mirrors. They worked GREAT as portals and for spells, but once they broke it took a HECK amount of magic to be put back together again. And unfortunately it took a lot out of him. Thankfully the magic portal would still work perfectly once he put it back together, but he needed to rest now for a few hours before he could move onto the next few pieces.
His panting body looked back down to the amount of mirror shards he still had to put back together and meowed pathetically. Dropping the scepter in favor to start pacing his mind started racing with questions. Where was she? Did anything bad happen to her? Did she get hurt from the fall? Was Allison ok? It's already been a full day and night and she had no idea of the dangers of his world. If the Queen of Hearts found out a human landed in her kingdom-...He growled as his eyes turned into slits. Allison would be forced to battle for her freedom and if she lost, she'd be forced to be enslaved or locked in the dungeon for the rest of her life, and he COULDN'T allow that. Not when he just got his old friend back and spent only a month together! He lost her once and by fur he wouldn't let it happen again.
But for now he would rest and work as fast as possible. And hoped to the mighty Mother Goose that she was alright.
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