#i think i'm just still in mikey mode since i'm writing him
luckycharms1701 · 7 months
12 23 24 and 25 for bay raph mayhaps?(if u accept him)
you bet your ass i accept bay raph! into my heart even ❤️
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
i'm going to spoil a fic idea i have and tell you that he secretly LOVES rom-coms. they are absolutely his favorite. he would commit actual crimes to stop his brothers from finding out though
23. Favorite picture of this character?
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i'll be honest, this is my second favorite, but i can't find an image of the first. i'm so bad at searching for things. look at his cute fucking face though!!!!!!
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
oh, eomer from lord of the rings. movie version, not book version. men who don't know what to do with all these emotions and so channel them into anger and fighting. who have the potential to be soft, if given the chance. who love their family so fiercely it hurts...
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
my first impression was that he's so angry and brash. as someone who doesn't handle other peoples' anger well and who has mad secondhand embarrassment, it was a little difficult to honestly even look at him at first. but i think it was the scene with splinter in the infirmary that first had me going 'oh' and then his 'i've gotchu' to april when he grabs her out of the air that had me going 'oh'. add in his little confession at the end and i was a goner. if mikey didn't exist he would be my number one easily
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faetaiity · 2 years
Hi! I saw you where trying yandere fics so i was wondering if you’d be interested in writing some platonic yandere headcannons (basically the yandere idea without the romance) with the four rise!brothers (or just raph and/or donnie if all of them are too many), discovering a male human younger than them (like 12-13) and while they’re out on patrol and they all become obsessed with the idea of him becoming their younger brother so much so that they kidnap them and bring them back to the lair
i’m just so curious how they’d act to a younger brother and how they’d treat him- like would they let him out of the house, go on patrol with them, would donnie let him into his lab?
if you want you could also do the bat mutant reader or the dark!au, it’s up to you! sorry for rambling lol
I WILL DO ALL OF THESE???? BAT READER IN THE DARK AU WITH PLATONIC YANDERES??? SIGN ME UP FUCKER(S)!! /POS Also, I (tried) to make the readers age ambiguous for the most part, BUT I did have in mind a reader between 7-9 (Early Adolescents)
CW: Reader ends up getting injured, mild angst(?), Yandere themes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mutating for a child is 10x worse
It's almost guaranteed that the kid will be homeless, not necessarily because of their parents (although this DOES happen rarely), but more so because they perceive themselves as monsters as kids, and teens have low self-esteem so they think no one will love them as a mutant
At least with Teens and Adults, they have Mutants in their age range that can help, there are almost NO child mutants, now, Adult Mutants will help Child mutants, but this is a dangerous area.
Cut to a little boy who just mutated into a giant Bat, you, of course, freak out and start crying (Partly because it's canon that Mutating is PAINFUL)
It'll probably be a couple nights or even weeks before the turtles find you, New York IS pretty big.
When they find you, they're curious, they've never seen a super young mutant out by themselves, sure, they were young at some point, but they were always supervised
Raphs the most patient one, even in the canon storyline, Rise! Raph is a sweetheart compared to his brothers, similar concept here, Dark AU! Raph is similar to 2012! Raph, he has his soft moments but mostly comes off as intimidating.
Raph comes over to you and sees you sobbing your eyes out, your fur is matted, you seem to be starving and you have various scrapes and bruises.
Big Brother mode is something Dark AU! Raph experiences very rarely, only towards young animals as his brothers are completely independent from him now, but you managed to trigger that response.
Honey, you got a big storm comin /ref
He picks you up and brings you with him, earning Leo and Donnie's Ire
I'm gonna be honest, he has to beg his brothers not to rat him out to the rat, he HAS to smuggle you into the lair, at least for a little bit for you to be cleaned up and fed.
His brothers taunt him about his sudden "Stupid Emotions", especially considering even though Raph is a decent person in this AU, he's still hardcore af, smashing people's teeth in 'n stuff.
But they cave, Mikey isn't as loose mouthed in the Dark AU, he's actually quite secretive.
Raph ends up taking you to the shower and asking if you know how to take one by yourself (He knows you're young, but he doesn't know your exact age, but he knows you're younger than 10.), if you agree he just gives you some of Mikey's clothes since they would fit you the best, then he leaves.
After showering, you wander around, as nosy kids do, you end up finding the orange one, drawing in what seems to be red paint, he looks over to you with a smile, ew, the paint was leaking from his mouth.
You skittishly wandered into another part of the lair after feeling like you stared death in the face of a turtle.
Going into another part, which had a lot of ripped up dummies, you see the other two that wasn't the red one, one had a midnight blue mask, and the other a Deep Purple, they were screaming at each other, calling each other horrible names, they were both pretty roughed up, knuckles bleeding, blood coming from their nose, bruises, someone brushed by you casually and wandered into that den of Vipers
"MIKEY, GET THE FUCK OUT, WE'RE BUSY" The Blue one yelled at, who you assumed was Mikey, who squinted his eyes and seethed out a "Helloooo~ My Dear and LOVING brother, could you mind NOT fighting so loudly, kid ended up watching y'all fight like raccoons over the last bit of that guy from the police" which made the three look at you
Pinning your ears back you took a step back, the purple one came over to you and coldly said "Raph's in the living room, don't go in there, Splinter will kill you."
You just stood there shaking, tears pricking your eyes before Leo sighed, stood still then giggled "LAST ONE TO SAY NOT IT AND TOUCH THEIR NOSES HAS TO TAKE CARE OF THE KID"
The one in front of you whipped around at mach one and stared at his brothers ".... I fucking hate you two, I wish you were used as omelets when we were eggs." the purple one seethed
He whipped back over to you; a giant mechanical arm came out and picked you up, making you screech and writhe
"CALM DOWN!" He shouted, making you stop writhing and start whimpering
He walks out of the Dojo and takes you through some rooms before coming to a door that has steel lock bars to keep people out, he uses a code and a print scanner before wandering in, he strides over to a desk and places you on it.
He taps his desk for a few minutes, deep in thought before looking over to you "My name's Donatello." he states, you carefully responded as if saying one word wrong would make him snap your neck "I'm Y/N"
He huffs a small "Don't touch anything, tell me if you need to go somewhere", before he starts to code on a computer, several minutes pass by before a hurried knock at the Lab's door
Answering it, he lets his three brothers in, all of them approach you, as you start shaking violently the more they got close.
Three of them stopped before you, but the red one got closer, He kneeled down, so you were at eye level, you were scared shitless, these were highly scarred turtle mutants with weapons, any kid with enough marbles would shit themselves.
He sighs before saying "We haven't introduced ourselves, I'm Raphael" he stops for a second before continuing "That's Michelangelo" He points to the shortest one with a deep dark orange mask, "That's Leonardo" the one he pointed to was the most scarred out of all of them, he had a giant bloodstained sword, he didn't seem amused that he was there "And that's-"
"Donnie!!!!" you said, kicking your legs back and forth, giving a giant goofy grin, Donatello was NOT amused "It's Donatello." He coldly said, his face was bright red as his brothers started snickering behind him
Raph pulled out a small hairbrush and some hair conditioner "Can I help you untangle those mats?" he gruffed out, it wasn't intended to be scary, his voice was just naturally rough.
You nodded, He spent about an hour detangling your fur while his brothers did other things in the lab, such as Donatello making upgrades to SHELLDON.
After he was done, you got up from his lap and turned around "Thank you Mr. Raphael!!!!" you squeaked out and hugged him, causing him to freeze
His brothers looked over and saw you hugging him, they saw how at ease their brother was as his massive hands draped around you
Once you were done hugging you ran around like a normal kid would do.
Raphael often mentioned to his younger brothers about the feelings of being a big brother and how he felt as one, they got this feeling from you, despite you only having met them for a few hours.
They see you trip and freak the fuck out, this isn't their normal reaction, they would usually laugh or just ignore it, but they felt more panicky.
But then you got up and gave them the most dumb, goofy, teeth filled smile, giving them a thumbs up and running off to other parts of the lab.
They felt warm, deciding to leave you with Donnie in his lab as you seemed to like him
He had to fake being Inconvenienced and irritated, but even the CIA couldn't get that out of him ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GENERAL HCS THAT ARE SET A FEW WEEKS AFTER THE STORY PART!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Yeah, you can't go anywhere without them, end of story
Donnie's Lab? Donnie has to be with you and starts rambling about his tech, feels like fainting from happiness when you take an interest.
Splinter ends up finding out about you and for the first time ever, his students rebelled against him violently, his ear became more torn up, he had a tooth knocked out, and some of his nails cracked, needless to say, you were kept.
Raph's the most Overprotective out of all of them, sees you cry and suddenly finds an excuse to fight anyone who comes near you, even if he didn't really care, having someone other than him near you gets him unnaturally angry for no reason
Mikey was the youngest before you, but he has no resentment towards you, you're absolutely ADORABLE! He's the one that takes you to the hidden city to see the cool things there, He's the 'Fun' but cautious big brother, and by that, I mean, he makes you think he gives you the most freedom but really all he does is give you a safety net that traps you, making you believe after that one incident that you need protection, slowly constricting your freedoms until you HAVE to be with him or his brothers.
Donnie would be the carefree one, he doesn't NEED to be by your side, he has tech and hacking abilities, he can just spy on you, His robots are deadly enough to kill any human or mutant that hurts you.
Leo is the second most carefree, he mainly helps Donnie if his tech fucks over and can't be used or the entire PowerGrid is down, He just teleports to find you from your last known location!
They all adore you, calling you their younger sibling, often making you feel overwhelmed or suffocated (Especially if the reader is Autistic.)
I can see them mildly infantilizing the reader, not as if they're actually like a baby, but more like they're helpless and can't do ANYTHING by themselves, you wanna get something off the top shelf? Raph can do it! GO SIT BACK DOWN.
If the reader gets hurt by another mutant all hell breaks loose
They don't even care if they can only get to them in broad daylight, they have disguises, they'll make it work.
Don't expect them to not scold you if you break the rules.
First offense is a verbal warning
Second or more offense is timeout
Third offense is only reserved for trying to leave them permanently more than once. They snap your leg.
You'll learn to NEVER leave again, either that or your legs won't be able to work anymore.
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jestersmonsters · 6 months
Jester's Monster AU
Part 10 (End Of Chapter 1)
Warnings(for all parts, not just this one): Blood, gore, general angst, panic attacks, violence, death, dismemberment, attempted cannibalism (from vampires & werewolves), trauma, possible bad writing (I try), and the closest thing to realistic trauma responses I can get in a tmnt monster au.
💜First - 👈Prev - C1 Art Dump👉
Donnie was on his phone in bed, looking for more info on vampires. It was hard to know what was real and what was just fiction. He was getting increasingly frustrated.... but with what Mikey had told him, he was able to kind of guess. He preferred to write it down on a notebook or something, but since he was trying to rest, he just wrote what he knew in his notes app. He'd have to make a physical copy later. He was most worried about that "withered stomach" thing Mikey had mentioned, so he was looking for more details on that. It took some digging, but this is what he found:
Vampires can eat and drink any food or drink regularly so long as they feed on blood once a week. A week without blood will cause one to be unable to stomach human food from then on this is what they call the withered stomach. If another week passes without this being resolved, then the affected vampire will go into a defensive mode, losing control of their body and attacking any blood they can smell to drink it. If they are fed in that time, then they will return to normal, but if they remain hungry for approximately four hours longer, then the withered stomach will then become permanent if the vampire does not starve to death first.
This information cleared things up for him. No more starving himself from now on, got it. Sure didn't make him feel much better, though.... He already felt sick at the thought that this had happened to him. He assumed his little outburst had come just from that he was new to all this, and his body was still weak. Maybe he'd been trying to replenish energy lost from..... dying. It scared him, though. He'd bitten Casey of all people. That guy was supposed to be tough, and yet he wasn't able to defend himself... just how strong had the vampirism made him? Normally, the idea of being so strong wouldn't scare him, but it did. Because it came with the idea of hurting his family.
As if sensing his stress, there was a knock on the door, and Leo's voice came through. "Hey Dee, can I come in?" he asked. Without answering, Donnie just clicked a remote to open the door and let him in. Then Leo just sat on the edge of his bed, hands clasped quietly. "We didn't really get a chance to talk earlier, so I thought I'd start. And you know I don't apologize often, so you can't fight me on this, but... I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not talking to you for so long. I wouldn't have minded you bringing me back to life, honestly. But the way you did it really scared me. All of it scared me. The way you looked at me with that creepy smile, all the blood, the way my body looked, all of it." he paused a moment to look at Donnie, who wasn't looking back, just staring at his phone with brows furrowed. He just sighed and kept talking. "But when you died, I think.... I understood why you looked at me that way. Because I would have done the same thing in that moment to get you back. It's still... scary.... but it felt like the only thing I could do so.... I get it." he finished. Donnie was looking at him now. He'd put his phone down, and he was just staring. His expression almost looked blank except for the slightest bit of tears brimming his eyes. Cautiously, he placed his hand on the other's.
Leon just smiled at that, understanding that it was Don's own version of an apology. "S'okay bud. I'm alright. You patched me up real good." he assured, leaning over to see what Donnie was doing. "You find anything out?" he asked. "Yeah. Just more about what my diet's gonna be like from now on." Donnie answered. "It's..... a little scary, though. I don't... I don't want to hurt anyone else." he said. To which, Leo just squeezed his hand. "Hey. I didn't get those blood bags for nothing. We're stocked up plenty! And with Raph and I around, even if you do get a little hungry, you won't get your teeth anywhere near anyone else, alright?" he assured, wearing a confident smile. But seeing Donnie was still worried, he just placed his free hand on his shell and rubbed gently. "We'll figure it out, mkay? Just get some rest. You'll be okay." he said in a quiet voice. With that, Donnie tried his best to quiet his troubled mind as he shut his eyes and drifted off to a deep sleep.
[End Of Chapter 1]
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fueledbysano · 1 year
i wanted to ask...... since you're a tokyo revenger enthusiast, i wanted to know deeply about your analysis on draken, mikey, toman, just the whole series in general
since tr has irl japan content, i'm quite hesitant to tackle it when it comes to writing, so here's me asking mikey's wife 🤭
i also.... really need a deep char analysis on draken when it comes to him, i was hoping that you knew more about him as well
like from the surfaces, to the depths of his character
just like you, i am so utterly smitten by him, there's just this wave of- maturity? around him that i cannot describe nnghgg
but anyways, i'm just stopping by again 🥹🩷 (and will continue to do so in the future)
your if/then prologue impacted me as always 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 fucking hell like i forgot toman literally goes ghost mode 😭 i love and adore your writing so damn much
with tears of admiration,
- hiraeth
Let me just start this off by saying that this is my personal view on the series and the characters, based on their canon personalities and everything that happened throughout the series. There will be some spoilers for arcs that haven't aired in the anime yet but I will be putting a warning for a heads up!
We all know that the series circles around the themes of friendship, loyalty, growth, and the importance of second chances.
For those who don’t know, Ken Wakui himself was a gang member in the 2000s called “Black Emperor” which actually heavily influenced the series. He said in an interview that he has lots of regrets in his past and often wished to go back in time, so instead, he made a story out of it! (You can look this up yourself, I found out about this in 2020 through a Japanese forum whom I had my sister translate for me)
… Which is why I think the series feels very authentic and nostalgic! The mangaka himself experienced the gang life and made a whole story and characters around it. (Could it be that Takemichi was a self-insert and your other favorite characters are driven out of real people too?)
The #1 on the list as best boyfriend! I personally love the DrakEmma ship. They’ve always showed how they cared and love each other, but both are so stubborn :’)
That’s why the Tenjiku arc and the beginning of the three deities arc really hurt like a bitch. I'm such a sucker for bittersweet tropes. But I’m very happy how Wakui gave them the ending they deserved. I don’t care that people say he had a Disney ahh ending but I truly think that it’s the right path to take here. These people deserve to be peaceful once and for all and they have it!
But here’s my relationship headcanons for him!
We see that this guy is practically Mikey’s father. He depended on Draken as a teen and Mikey even got him to be his motorcycle mechanic. This just shows how reliable he is. However, I feel like he may struggle with letting others in emotionally. He may be someone who values his independence and autonomy, and may be hesitant to open up and trust others. It takes time to fully know his heart. And once you do, he is deeply loyal and committed. He may value stability and consistency in his relationships and may dislike drama or unnecessary conflict.
Draken is an ESTP personality type and is known for his outgoing and spontaneous nature. He may be the type of person who enjoys adventures and new experiences, and may be spontaneous and impulsive. He may be someone who values excitement and variety in his relationships, and may struggle with staying still or with routine. On the other hand, he may also appreciate a partner who can help him slow down and appreciate the quieter moments.
Draken's love for muscle training and physical fitness may make him attracted to someone who also prioritizes physical health, well-being, and how they present themselves. He appreciates a partner who can be workout buddy or partner in his fitness journey. If he gets you to the gym with him, he is more than willing to be your very own personal trainer!
Draken's love language is acts of service and gift giving! He may show his affection by performing tasks or favors, and he may enjoy taking care of his loved ones in practical ways, like he does with Emma and Mikey. Like if you're a person who has dyed hair, he dyes your hair on your blind spots for you.
One thing I can also envision is him lending his iconic black and white patterned cardigans to you. the iconic style is recognizable at first glance and would send any delinquent out of your was from a mile.
And finally, Draken's love for motorcycles and his passion for riding them extends into the relationship too. He always has a helmet ready for you, in your favorite color. He loves having his partner holding him close throughout a joyride. Even when tinkling with motorcycle parts, he would find himself asking his partner to reach for certain parts and tools. They grow familiar with what certain parts are called and surprise Draken when they start to actually help him with the hands-on work. Kenchin appreciates someone who is adventurous and up for a challenge, as well as someone who can match his energy and intensity.
Okay I put him last on purpose, and I’ll explain the best I can :’) Okay… He is a deeply complex character, who has a strong sense of honor and loyalty to his friends, but who also struggles with his own sense of self.
In this house, we love every Mikey version. Not only there is more to write about but also there’s just also a lot of him to love… thank you Ken Wakui <3
Now, being in a relationship with someone who has trauma is… not for the weak. Of course, everybody deserves to be loved. But never get into the relationship with the intent of “fixing”. It would be unhealthy to rely one’s happiness on another person. When you're in a relationship with someone who has trauma, it's natural to want to support and comfort them. However, it's important to be mindful of creating a healthy balance and avoid becoming your partner's sole source of happiness or support.
Mikey is often shown to be struggling with complex emotions. He just needs someone who can provide a safe and supportive space for him to open up and share his feelings in his comfort. We all know that he enjoys being taken care of and pampered by those around him. I believe that to be in a relationship with Mikey, you have to get on Draken’s level of dedication and trust. He loves the feeling of being taken care of and protected. Someone who is patient and understanding of his emotions may be a perfect match for Mikey.
In the relationship, this extends to having bath times with Mikey, making him bento boxes during lunch, doing his hair, or even the simple yet sweet snuggles. Just overall lots of acts of service and quality time. He is very lazy but for yo, he will never run out of ideas for dates and adventures.
Mikey is known to have a sweet tooth, he will always ask you to get him treats, but he prefers everything that you hand-made. And hey, look at that— he’d share his sweets with you too! Indulging his sweet tooth and his love for food in general truly is the way to this man’s heart.
This is something I came up with at the very last minute but since he is canonically a great singer, I feel like he loves singing you to sleep and learning your favorite songs. :')
Lastly, Mikey's childish side makes him a fun and loving person to be around. Matching his sense of humor and being able to bring out his playful side is a must. He enjoys spending time for spontaneous adventures and bringing you along to trips and hang outs with Toman captains.
But as much as he loves being babied, Mikey values someone who can give him the freedom to express his emotions. Someone who allows him to be himself and express his emotions without judgment. He appreciates someone who can understand his need for downtime and space, and who can encourage him to take self time breaks when he needs it.
That’s pretty much what I have to say for these two and Tokyo Revengers in overview. I’m pretty pleased with how everything played out in the story. I love the way that… a lot about these characters and their stories are open for us fans to interpret and imagine around. What do you mean “where’s the Haitani brothers’ backstory?” make your own! What was Hanma going to tell about his past? Come up with yours!
But what I really loved the most about TR… every depth of every single type of relationship was shown. friendships, romance, family, enemies, brotherhood, etc… There are many ways to experience relationships… there’s no one way.
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I know this is long overdue but take my insights 🤲 this gave me a sense of inspiration and nostalgia from when I first discovered and fell in love with the series 🤍 I hope I answered what you were looking for 🤍
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alexcaninnit · 2 years
I have a few questions. You don't gotta answer all of them.
How do the brother find out about each other in your separated au?
In what order do they reunite?
Also, Raph stayed with Splinter, right? Does that mean he had to control his "Savage Raph Mode" earlier on in his childhood? And does Splinter act any different? I've seen some other people make him more protective and present in whichever turtle had been saved
What are all the turtles relationships with their guardians?
Who would be the most chaotic(idk, I just really wanna know lol)
Do any of them know they have brothers somewhere, living a different life?
And if yes to that↑ question, do all of them know, or only a few? And how do they feel about it?
Is Dr. Delicate Touch, Dr. Feelings and Dr. Positive still a thing for Mikey? I feel like the foot would be terrified of Dr Delicate Touch
I'm very interested in Leo and Big Mama's whole thing. Will it be like how she did with Lou Jitsu, but instead of the love part, like how she did with him, would it be motherly love them once he was old enough, just threw him in the Nexus? Or does he even fight in it?
Also, would some of Big Mama's speech patterns rub off on him, like how she makes up funny words even when being serious
What would Donnie be to Draxum? A son? Assistant in the lab? Both? Or just an experiment?
And how does Donnie see Draxum?
Since Donnie grew up with mystic stuff, would he be more open to using it along with his tech?
Okay, I still have a few more questions but this is honestly just getting really long, so I'll spare you from my curiosity–
Thank you SOOOOO MUCH for these questions!! To be honest, I had like just started thinking about this, so these actually helped formulate a lot of the au ngl-
Splinter straight up told Raph that he had brothers when he was younger, and the twins knew each other because Baron and Big Mama have such frequent interactions that they used to hang out together, along with Leo's adoptive siblings, Venus, Scylla, and Crollo. (Those last two are OCS.) They don't get along super well, but they talk a lot.
So the order they reunite is, Donnie and Leo, then the twins and Mikey, and then they all meet Raph.
Raph definitely has a lot more anxiety, to the point where he is selectively non-verbal. Due to this, Splinter definitely had to step up a bit more to make sure his kid didn't fucking die, but as he doesn't have as much to do in way of raising kids, since it's been pared down by around 75%, he definitely relaxes more.
All pretty positive! I... don't like writing angst lmao, so they're all pretty close with their guardians. Big Mama, in my ideas at least, is nice and kind and loving to all her adoptive children, the Foot are a bit harsh, but they still love Mikey, and Draxum and Donnie, while they have a very Jinx and Silco esque relationship, it's still got a lot of care and love behind it. Which, for a Jinx and Silco esque relationship, does check out. (LEAVE ME ALONE YOU KNOW I'M RIGHT.)
Mikey. He was already the most chaotic bitch in this group and growing up in a warrior clan with Cassandra Jones did not help.
They all know, as I said earlier. The twins hang out all the time so they don't care, but everyone really wants to meet Raph someday. And Raph really wants to meet them.
The Doctors are Still a thing for Mikey. He's still the optimist of the group, except much less controlled. If anything, Doctor Delicate Touch comes out a lot More! And yes, the Foot Clan are terrified of them.
Leo and Big Mama have a really loving relationship! She wouldn't throw a literal child into the Battle Nexus, and besides, he's her son. He is her son, she has claimed him as her child and she is not giving him up any time soon. He straight up just... volunteers for the Battle Nexus. He grew up watching his older brother Crollo (oc) fight in it, and he was like "Damn, that looks like fun," so once he was old enough he just asked. Took some convincing, but eventually, he got to go!
Sometimes when he gets really mad, he starts talking like her. It's hilarious. Donnie has to physically stop himself from laughing every goddamn time.
Donnie is like a reluctantly adoptive son to Draxum. When he learned he had gotten the soft shell, he felt a bit swindled at first, but the kid was so much like him that he became quickly endeared to him. They're not super affectionate, but they definitely love each other. And Donnie sees Draxum as his parental unit.
He's definitely more open to incorporating it, but it's too finicky for him. He doesn't like it, he can never quite predict the outcome and that scares him.
Thank you so much for the asks!!!!!!
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inupibaldspot · 3 years
Letters and Fights
Request by : @aliendoggo
Paring : Baji x Female Reader.
Synopsis: You kick Baji and then help him write a letter to make up for it
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Baji has had enough! He huffed as he walked along a path which led him to a quiet place a bit out of school campus which had an area covered with bushes and trees. I'll write my letter here.
Chifuyu always helped Baji when he wrote his letters but yesterday the former ended up laughing at the way Baji made an error on his letter which was so not cool of him. Baji thought.
Now Baji was walking to this quiet area where he was sure not many people would come and interrupt him.
So he pulled out his pen placing a paper on top of a book and started writing.
Deer Kazutora,
Recently I have been studying queet a lot, I even brought glasses.
Mickey and Draken said people who wear glasses are more intilijent.
Baji was going to continue more when-. "Meow~" His ears perked at the tiny sound and he started looking around.From the corner of his eyes, he saw movement in the bushes so he started making his way.
A small kitten popped its head out and looked at him,meowing. Baji laughed to himself making him extend his hand and gently starts petting it. "Hey there."
The kitten leaned into his touching making Baji melt on the spot. Upon hearing the kitten still meowing, he smiled. "I'll bring you some food later- URK!"
Baji was sent flying. He cursed as he pulled himself up. That kick was probably as strong as Mikey's. He thought as spit out the blood he had formed in his mouth.
"You're the one who did that to Mayo aren't you?" The person started pointing at him.
"The hell?" Baji whispered in confusion as to why a girl popped out of blue,kicked him several feet away and now was shouting at him. Plus why is this girl so strong?!
"I can't believe people like you exist?! What did the Mayo even do to you?" The girl shook her head.
Baji snapped. "Who the hell are you and Who the hell is Mayo? I was just writing a letter when you suddenly came here and kicked the shit outta me!"
The person's expression flattered. "You're not the one... Ehh?" The person trailed her eyes to indeed see some stationaries lying around.
The girl suddenly did a deep bow. "I'm sorry! Recently someone has been harassing the kitten over there and even taped her mouth so that she couldn't eat." They explained. "I came up here and saw you near the kitten and thought it was you who did those."
"My name is Y/N and the kitten over there is Mayo..." You introduced yourself.
"My name is Baji Keisuke." Baji sighed, his anger dissipating. I mean... They were just looking after the cat.
"By the way I just peaked into your letter and..." You nervously played with your hand. "You have a lot of spelling errors over there."
"Wait really?" Baji approached you and picked up the letter as he leaned towards you. "Which part?"
You picked up the pen which was on the ground and pointed at the errors. "Here and here... this part too."
You suddenly beamed,clapping your hands together in realization. "How about I help you proof read your letter as a way of apologizing for the kick earlier?"
Baji beamed at the suggestion. "You will? Thanks!"
This meeting continued even after Baji finished writing his letter. Y/N said she'll always be there to help him with his studies so it became a sort of regular meeting between Y/N, Baji and Mayo.
When Baji would write his letters, you will be playing with Mayo but when you started proof reading Baji would be the one playing with Mayo instead. Baji enjoyed these moments a lot.
The way you would patiently explain where he made mistakes, the way you scrunched your nose figuring out his handwriting, the way you made baby voices when talking to Mayo. All of these made Baji feel happy? Relaxed? Content? He wondered what word could be used to describe what he was feeling.
Baji walked to their usual spot but instead of you,he saw a group of boy. There were six students and from their uniforms he could guess that they were High School Students.
A sharp cry of a cat was heard followed by laughters. On a closer look one of the boys had Mayo held whereas the poor kitten was obviously struggling. Your words on how Mayo had tape stuck on her mouth flashed into his brain.
"Damn,this cat won't stop struggling." One of the boys said. "Maybe we should tape it's limbs this time."
Suddenly a large impact was felt on his face making him drop the kitten. "What the hell?!"
"What were you doing with Mayo?!"
Baji went into crazy mode as he jumped on the boy and punching him until he passed out. The remaining boys also joins the fight.
Don't get me wrong. Baji is strong but right now he was heavily outnumbered and his opponents were high school students. They were physically bigger putting Baji in a disadvantage since Baji was only in middle school.
"Shit..." Baji huffed as his vision start to blur. He managed to beat two more of the high schooler but then three more still remained. One of him hit Baji hard making him fall onto the ground.
"You need some help?" Why the hell was he seeing you face? Just when Baji was about to pass out your face suddenly came into view.
"Go away, little girl~" The high school said in a mocking tone. Baji confirmed that you were indeed here and that he wasn't imagining anything.
"Guess you're the guys who were tormenting Mayo..."
"Mayo? Who the hell is Mayo-"
Before the boy could complete his sentence, you jumped at him,punching his face in. Before others could react you quickly turned to the other dude and kicked him,making him stumble.
The last high schooler ,taking advantage that your back was facing him was about to punch you when a suddenly blow was dealt. You turned to see a smirking Baji. "Y/N,are you a gorilla or something? Why are you so strong?"
You gasped at him. "Why would you ever call a girl gorilla?" You asked as you started punching a guy who was bout to stand up making Baji laugh loudly.
Both you and Baji huffed as you sat side by side after you finally beat the shit out of high schoolers. You turned to look at Baji. “Gonna write a letter to Kazutora-san again?”
Baji smirked and nodded. “I’m going to write everything that’s happening around so that when he comes back he wouldn’t need to try and catch up. It’ll be as if he never left in the first place!”
You smiled as you started rubbing you hand on Mayo’s head. “You’re a nice friend, Baji...”
After that both you and Baji did your usual thing.
Dear Kazutora,
I’ve made a new friend. Her name is Y/N.
And get this! She is super strong. Just now we beat the shit out of six HIGH SCHOOLERS.
I can’t wait to introduce her to you when you come back.
Y/N loves animals a lot too. Right now she is taking care of a stray cat but then she is sad since she can’t take the cat home because her mother doesn’t like them.
She is very fun to be with and smiles a lot!
Baji left a weight on his shoulder to see that you had fallen asleep on his shoulder. Mayo on your lap had fallen asleep too. Your lips were slightly open making you look adorable.
Right now she is totally passed out. Hopefully she doesn’t drool on my shoulder. Do you think she would get angry if I drew a beard on her?
Her mouth is slightly open and I think she looks cute.
Although she fights scary, Y/N is quite pretty. When ever she smiles, she closes her eyes making her look kinda adorable-
“Are you done, Baji?”
Baji flinched as he quickly stood up making you almost fall since your support stood up. “What the hell? Why did you get you so suddenly?!” You complained.
Baji quickly crumbled the paper he had written on and laughed nervously looking at you. “I did a self check and found too many errors. So I’m going to write it again.”
You noticed that his ears were rather red.
“Hanaemiya Kazutora. A letter arrived for you...”
Dear Kazutora,
I made a new friend. Her name is Y/N.
She fights like a gorilla and looks like one as well. Living up to that nickname ,she is quite strong.
With love,
Baji Keisuke.
Kazutora tilted his head,confused as to why his friend had suddenly written about a girl and keeps calling her a gorilla.
435 notes · View notes
ryozoro · 3 years
Hades Playlist - iv.
NOW PLAYING: Memories - David Guetta [ft. Kid Cudi]
an; yo, sorry if the transitions are a little sloppy; I’ll go back in and fix them when I have the chance :,)
last song 🔊 EP 🔊 playlist 🔊 next song
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“We try to hide our feelings, but we forget that our eyes can speak.”
“Oh, fuck - sorry,” yn moved out from behind the counter, “forgive me, I’ve been daydreaming a bit. What kinda model do you got?” Yn said as she walked the nice lady to the side of the store where parts are displayed on the wall in lamented posters. “You’re very pretty, sorry if I keep staring.”
“Oh, fuck - sorry,” yn moved out from behind the counter, “forgive me, I’ve been daydreaming a bit. What kinda model do you got?” Yn said as she walked the nice lady to the side of the store where parts are displayed on the wall in lamented posters. “You’re very pretty, sorry if I keep staring.”
“Oh, fuck - sorry,” yn moved out from behind the counter, “forgive me, I’ve been daydreaming a bit. What kinda model do you got?” Yn said as she walked the nice lady to the side of the store where parts are displayed on the wall in lamented posters. “You’re very pretty, sorry if I keep staring.”
“HA,” the lady snorted as she played with her wedding ring, “you sound like my husband; you are like - the first girl I’ve met who has thought I was pretty. Thank you, it truly means a lot.” The lady smiled as she began pulling out her wallet and a few written down notes, “it’s uh - fuck hitto, you write like a kid, it’s a 2016 Ducati?”
“2016 Ducati Full Throttle,” yn said back with a small smile as the woman laughed again, “I’m assuming it’s your husband’s old bike?”
“Yeah,” she played with her ring as her smile softened, “he wants it in good condition before he gives it to one of our neighbors. It’s tradition for his - occupation..”
“He in a gang?” Yn asked as she began shuffling through shelves, “Don’t sweat it, I’m not gonna freak out over trivial matters.” The young ryuguji chuckled as she finally found the part she’s been looking for. “Here,” she place the part on the top, “its the G2 Throttle Tamer Ducati you needed. I’m assuming he’s still in a gang by the looks of how you covered for him, but don’t worry - it’d be hypocritical if I got scared you were involved with a delinquent.”
“Oh,” the lady sighed out, “thank gods. You can call me Kaku-san if it’s alright with you? Could you install the part by yourself? Sorry, my man is just always busy with work and was hoping to have someone install it for us..”
“I can’t personally install it, but my brother can! He gets back from his lunch break in about twenty minutes, so I know its a long wait -"
"I'm so sorry, I'll just turn that off-," yn went to hit 'decline call.'
“I can wait, no sweat!” She smiled as she began digging through her mini backpack, “I need to check and see if my loser has ate lunch yet. I'll be outside for a bit." With that, 'Kaku-san' had walked out as she dialed her husband.
"Fucking hell," yn breathed out before hitting accept, "Inui-senpai, hey - what did you need?" Her breath hitched in her throat as she heard his low laugh.
"Just checking to see if my favorite girl has ate yet - so, have you?" Yn could just hear the smile that creeped upon his face, but for some reason - she didn't feel as in awe as she once did.
"Ah," yn scanned the shop and began totaling the price for the repair and writing further notes for her older brother, "no, I haven't ate yet, but I was planning on just heating up some of the leftovers that Souya-kun gave me."
"You know, if you keep being as cute and clingy as you are around him," yn could hear him moving around paper bags of what she assumed was to-go food, "shit, sorry. As I was saying, if you keep being so cuddle buddy with him, he's goin to fall for ya."
"Or," yn rolled her eyes as she began to document minor details on the log for each hour, "maybe, you're just reading in too deep on the fact that Souya is just an overall easily flustered person. Being a decent human does not make my kind actions count as flirting; if it does, well, you men around me are just dumb."
"Oh, don't be like that, princess," inui said in a rather sarcastic tone, "you know I'm just teasing you. Leaving that matter, I got you lunch - your favorite lunch, might I add."
"Thank you senpai, but -,"
"Inui-kun~ why aren't you getting off the phone yet? You promised that you would pay attention to only me today!" Yn heard a whiny voice - a woman’s whiny voice - through the phone, “I thought you said after we get lunch we’re just gonna lay in bed all day.” Inui mumbled something to her that seemed to have shut her up, clearing his throat, “sorry about that, are you still -,”
“I’m pretty busy and I plan on going out with a friend for my lunch break,” she cut him off, “have fun on your day off.”
yn knew she shouldn’t be angry; inui was never hers to begin with, but she was hoping that he’d at least spare her feelings. maybe this was good. maybe knowing that he has someone, even if it’s just a fuck buddy, will help her clear her mind and finally let go.
tani senpai <3: ft during your lunch break?
tani senpai <3: wait do you play cod? if you did that’s be kinda hot
tani senpai <3: I meant dope but hot works too
tani senpai <3: OH, wait rain check on the call, why don’t we just meet in person? ;) after all, I still have your necklace.
tani senpai <3: I cleaned it up because I was wearing it so I wouldn’t lose it.
tani senpai <3: lmfao I really made it a blood diamond at one point
kaku-san paid her total for the part and repair and ensured yn that she’d be back around five. sighing once the older woman left, yn went to check her phone that had been buzzing incessantly since she hung up on her brother’s best friend.
you: I’m gonna punch you in dick next time I see you :,) I was helping someone and I had to act like my phone was not going HAAM in my pocket
tani senpai <3: uh uh uh , leave ran jr. alone. he did nothing wrong :p plus, you’d have to kiss it better if you hurt him
tani senpai <3: [location] a small nightclub @ 16:00 tonight :) I would offer to buy your dinner, but you threatened my best man.
you: I hate you :,) but um,,, I don’t exactly know — what to wear to a nightclub..? Can I just go in a hoodie and some sweats and talk to the bouncer like “hey, I know the haitani bros — lemme in.”
tani senpai <3: LMAOOO,, nah I would to see you size the man up. as for clothes — you don’t have anything like ,, that radiates “hot girl” shit ?
you: no, if I’m not in my uniform — I’m either wearing my brother’s clothes with some cargo pants or sweats. sometimes I wear my own clothes, but that’s usually just merch.
tani senpai <3: as much as I want to see you in school uniform or in full need mode, I don’t think the bouncer would just let you in. OH, wait — fuck them. I forgot that I’m literally a god to them lmao,, wear what you want , I’ll wait outside for you and we can walk in together :)
you: wait really :,) I’m gonna try and make use of what I have tho ! I’ll lyk when I get there :)
tani senpai <3: wow so you’re not gonna ft me :|
you: you licherally said “rain check”
tani senpai <3: but I just finished my tasks for today, call me or I’m calling you
you: sorry , my brother just got back, I’ll talk to ya later :p
tani senpai <3: fine :| I’ll just bother Rin then.
the young ryuguji chuckled before locking and pocketing her phone once she noticed her brother’s presence. sure, she was still hurt at the fact that inui is currently hooking up - maybe even dating - another girl, but at least she could look to the eldest of the Haitanis and feel herself forgetting all about her first love.
“What ya lookin at brat,” Ken laughed out as he went to pat her head, “hey, who has you smiling like that?” He has always been protective; it was just his nature as a big brother. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad you’re happy, but if it’s about a boy I would LOVE to know who.”
“It’s just a stupid thing that emma-senpai sent me,” yn attempted to play it off, “anyways — how was lunch?”
“It was good,” draken said as he went to put his jumper back on, “but it coulda been better if inui didn’t bring his ‘friend girl’ around. She kept hittin on Mikey and asking about my necklace and I almost called you up to come deck her.” He quickly grabbed his chain and kissed the ‘Emma’ that hung in the middle just before tucking it back under his white tshirt; it was his routine.
“I woulda showed her that ‘Draken Uppercut’ if I was there big bro,” yn made a small show of what she did in hopes of making her brother smile.
“You’re an idiot,” his smirk plastered on his face in a proud manner, “but I don’t need you wasting your energy on her. It just — like who the hell do you think you are touching a random stranger, especially around their neck. Like who?” She could tell that he was upset that he couldn’t have done anything; Draken was just brought up to be extremely respectful. “The worst part,” he threw a wrench at his ‘anger wall,’ “she kept asking shit like: “who names their kid emma,” “was she at least pretty,” and the one where I almost put my hands on her, “is she dead or something? what you just can’t let go?” Yn, I was so close to knocking her daylights out. She honestly got lucky takemitchy had tackled Mikey, or she woulda got her shit rocked.”
“I,” yn was at a lost for words; she had never heard someone disrespect any of her family this openly, “what the fuck did inui say? Did he just sit there through all this shit?” she moved from behind the counter and rolled out one of the bikes he was scheduled to work on, “please don’t tell me he did.”
“No,” draken rolled his eyes as he recalled the previous events, “just prop it up by station one, gotta get the new 340 mm rear air shock absorber suspensions, oh, could you jot that down, please? But nah, this fucker,” draken lifted the bike up so the back was in the air and put it on a lift, “just found every way to piss me off. Like I love him, but he fucked up today. He told us ‘sorry, she’s just cranky so don’t take her words to heart.’ If she called me ugly or some dumb shit I’d be okay, but he really told me not to take to heart the fact that she spoke on Emma’s name like that.” He tugged on his dark locks as he undid it, “could ya put it back up for me, it’s not tight enough.”
“I gotcha big man,” yn gently massaged his scalp as she went to put his hair in a tight but loose bun, “you know, she’s probably really proud of you right now. Bet she’s smilin up there too.” she could feel his tenseness fade as she comforted him; she’d do this one hundred times a day if it meant that he’d finally stop blaming himself for all those years ago. “There,” she smoothed over the top of his head once more, “all done.”
“Thank ya,” he hums as he begins to work on the bike, “oh, do you want to come with later? me and the boys are gonna head to mitsuyas before we go out so you can hang out with the other brats.”
“Actually, I um,” yn felt the sweat gather in her palms as she walked back to her station, “I was wondering if I could go out tonight - with a friend..”
“What friend,” yn flinched as her brother snapped his gaze towards her, “do I know said friend?”
“N-no,” she cleared her throat and began writing on sticky notes and receipts, “he — they were nice to meet when I first got back in town and offered to hang out - so, I felt that it’d be rude to -,”
“Nah, you’re not going,” draken turned his attention back to the bike, “you’re either going to stay home or hang out at mitsu’s house. No in between.”
“That’s fair,” yn sighed, “can I just have a reason as to why I can’t go?”
“Because I don’t know em and the streets have been rainin havoc since Mikey got out,” he sighed as he put his tools down. He stood up to full height and gently patted the leather seat of the propped up bike, “I just don’t want you to get hurt, bub. Yer my number one right now and I don’t know if I’ll be able to go on if you even get the slightest bit of hurt.”
“I understand big draco,” she laughed softly, “Can I just stay in then? I promise I won’t leave; I just feel like being in my own bed tonight.”
“Anything for you, yer majesty.” Ken smiled as he concluded that he had the best sister in the world.
“Alright, yn, we’re about to head out,” her big brother knocked on her door, “can ya at come say bye?”
“Fuck,” yn got up and quickly put an oversized sweater and some basketball shorts that reached just below her knees, “gimme a minute! Sorry, I was taking a nap.”
“We’ll be out in the living room, dumbass.”
If anything, yn was just glad none of them walked into her room to see her basically bare figure - shout out to her Ken-nii for knowing his sister. Once fully covered, yn made her wait out the room and noticed everyone sitting on the couch in the living room, even inui.
“Yn,” souya barked out, “you’ve ate right? If you haven’t ‘m gonna fight you!” He stood up and approached yn as all the other boys smirked and whistled in the back. “You guys shut the hell up.!”
“Neh neh,” nahoya laughed, “you need to stop bein so flirty over there, angry.” Smiley always teased angry, but that was just brotherly nature; however, if anyone else were to continuously pick on angry — it wouldn’t be a shock if Smiley was on top of them and imprinting the curve of his elbow into their forehead. “He just missed you, little Ryu. Make sure to let us know if anything happens-,”
“We’re going to get Ken-chin laid,” Mikey said with a mischievous smirk as he began pushing his taller friend out the front door. “Choi~.” The other boys followed either patting her head before they left or hip bumping her; hakkai decided to be the odd man out and hug yn to his chest and dramatically walk out the door as if they won’t see each other for fourth years.
“BYE,” she poked her head out then quickly shut the door and disregarded her hoodie, “now that they’re gone..”
“OH MY GOD, WHAT,” picking her phone up off the coffee table she fell back onto the couch, “what do they want-,”
Incoming FaceTime: tani senpai <3
“Shit.!” Yn quickly sat up and answered with an apologetic face, “heeeey, what’s up?”
“You look cozy,” he eyed the tops of her shoulders with only her bra straps decorating them, “cozy enough to make a man stand outside for, hmm - what does my watch read - thirty minutes.”
Yn looked thoroughly confused as she cocked her head to the side and fell back, “what does you standing outside of some random building have to do with me?”
“Did you really —,” she watched the man shift and bring her golden chain into view, “you were supposed to meet me tonight in order to get your precious necklace back. You stood me up and now I look like a fucking idiot who got stood up.” He deadpanned into the camera and had a small pout, “you had all the guys laughin at me, darlin. You really disappointed me.” Yn felt her heart slowly tear; she hated disappointing anyone. “If you were going to show up you could have at least said so.” Just as she was about to speak, Ran hung up and left her to wade in her thoughts.
You: Ran-senpai, I promise it was on accident ! I meant to tell you earlier, but it just slipped my mind (read 8:44 p.m.)
You: pls forgive me :,) I fell asleep as soon as we got off work and came home; draken-nii told me to rest up since I can’t go out so I figured I might as well (read 8:45 p.m.)
You: yk if you’re going to read my text, the least ya could do would be to respond. I said I’m sorry. (read 8:47 p.m.)
You: yer a fucking brat , man child who throws a fit and refuses to actually try and listen to others when they try to talk it out with you. (read 8:48 p.m.)
You: self made bitch. (read 8:50 p.m.)
You: yk what, fuck you. I tried to be nice to you and I actually enjoyed talking to you for what-? A week ? You’re mad because I can’t just do what I want? Sorry I’m a great sister who doesn’t want to make her brother worry. Sorry I don’t just abide and do as you please because I’m not a fucking sheep. Keep the necklace for all I care; I’ll just get a new one. Stupid cunt. (read 8:52 p.m.)
You: Fuck face. You probably just wanted to get in my pants and dip; fuck you. Leave me alone, if I see you on the street; I don’t give a fuck if I get shot or jumped, I’m gonna punch you in the throat, pussy ass bitch. (read 8:54 p.m.)
tani senpai <3: give me your address so I can drop this necklace off and get out of your life since you so desperately want me to.
You: no way in hell, just keep it.
tani senpai <3: if you don’t want it then I’ll just drop it off with your brother tomorrow.
You: you fucking —
You: ugh, fine, just drop the shit off and leave . [location] (read 8:59 p.m.)
With a knock at the Ryuguji’s front door, yn shrugged the jacket back on and checked through the peep hole. After noticing it was the infamous older brother of the Haitani duo, she quickly yanked him inside and made sure to lock the door quickly.
“You know drop offs don’t usually require the said delivery man to be in the house, correct?” He asked with a bored expression as his eyes scanned the small space. “‘S cute for someone with you and your brother’s income.”
“I only pulled you in because my neighbors like to talk about what goes on throughout everyone’s house,” she rolled her eyes and pulled in the strings of her sweater, “hurry up and give me the fucking necklace so you can leave.”
“I did all the work of coming here,” he brushed past her as he took off his shoes and made his way to sit on the couch, “the least you could do is offer me a drink or some food.” Ran laid back into the cushions and spread his long legs as he slowly turned his gaze to the TV, some random anime blasting in the background. “Well, if you don’t mind, a water will do.”
“Cute for someone with you and your brother’s income,” she mocked as mumbled under her breath and grabbed him a water bottle from the fridge, “here, your majesty.” she tossed it into his lap and stood in between his legs to block the tv and make him focus all of his attention onto her.
“To what do I owe you?”
“My necklace, home invader.”
“Take it off of me then,” he raised an eyebrow, “you didn’t expect me to do that as well did you?”
“Fine,” her shorts hiking up as she moved to straddle his hips, she took note that he had been eyeing her thighs since he arrived, “I’ll take off the stupid thing.” She buried her chin into the crook of his neck, “just sit still so I can -,”
“You know,” he flattened his palms against the bare tops her knees and barely sliding his finger tips up the rim of the pants, “you hiding more just makes me want to see you in less.”
“Heh,” she chuckled as she slowly wrapped her arms around the middle of his torso, “yer a fucking perv as well as a bastard.”
“You know your necklace isn’t dangling along my spine, right?” He chuckled as he gently kneaded her flesh, “am I making you uncomfortable?”
“Nah, feels nice,” she chuckles when she feels him gently dig his finger tips into her skin, “‘m makin you uncomfortable?”
“nah,” he jokingly mocked her as he took his hands and slid them farther up to the tops of he thigh, “boxers?” He pulled back slightly so he could rest his forehead on hers.
“mm, never really wanted to bother ken-nii when he did the laundry, so I just get boxers,” she laughed, “what? Did you honestly think I’d be chilling at home in a thong or something? Women gotta breathe too.” she felt her heartbeat pick up as his finger tips danced along the material; yn wondered if he could tell that she’s never had a boyfriend as she lacked - in takemichi’s words - ‘ettick.’
“You are respectful yet have anger issues, a smart mouth, and embody the term ‘I don’t give a fuck,” he swiftly took both hands from under the clothing and lightly placed them on either side of her face, “you are so fucking gorgeous, didya know that?” His rings were cold on her heated skin, making her smile softly.
“..you know,” yn laid a chaste kiss on the bonten’s left wrist, “… ‘msorry..”
“Couldn’t hear ya,” he chuckled deeply as he maneuvered his right hand at the back of her neck and squeezed lightly, “repeat it more clear this time. You wanna be a good girl, right? Be the best girl you can and repeat it.~”
“Motherfu-, AHEM,” she scrunched her face up in hopes of hiding how happy it made her to have a second chance at being a ‘good girl,’ “‘m sorry you don’t know how to communicate.”
“Ah ah ah,” he squeezed his right hand a little tighter, causing her to ground her hips down and lean forward into his chest, “that’s not what I want to hear.” she heard him groan, but she was too busy fighting the battle in her head as to why she felt more secure when he gripped her tighter.
“I said,” she nuzzled her nose between his lean pecs, “‘m sorry.” Yn got up and placed one of her hands at the base of the bonten tattoo and squeezed gently along his Adam’s apple, “I’m not saying it again, so you better have heard me the first time.”
“You’re so angry; a wolf under sheep’s clothes you are,” ran hummed as he leaned back in, noses brushing, “yer forgiven little lamb. I don’t know - you barking up the wrong tree knowing that I could hurt you just turns me —,”
Both bodies had turned their heads towards the door in confusion.
“Are you expecting guests?”
“No,” yn quickly got off of Ran’s lap and grabbed the crowbar that rested by the umbrellas, “fuck, if it’s those fucking assholes that want to fight ken-nii, ‘m gonna kill em.” She went to look through the peep hole, only to be pulled back to the older man’s chest.
“Let me get it,” ran signaled for her to hide behind the kitchen wall as he pulled out his signature baton that hung on his belt loop, “be quiet, little one.” Ran opened the door to a young man, about a year or two older than yn, dressed in a pizza delivery uniform with 3 large boxes in his hand. If he wasn’t just some kid, the Haitani would’ve beat him just for openly sporting a scowl towards him.
“Oh, hi sir, are you,” the young man looked back at the receipt then back at the Bonten executive, “Kawata Souya? I have one pepperoni, Hawaiian, and plain cheese.” Ran’s head shot to the side at the sound of you rushing towards the door.
“A-ah ! That would be me I guess,” yn guided Ran’s hand behind her to hide the weapon as she widely opened the front door, “sorry my brother’s friend probably ordered it since they went out -,”
“Huh,” she looked up at the man, “oh shit, hongo?! I thought you were in Osaka right now for Uni; you still play there, right?”
“Yeah,” the worker replied, “oh shit, this like.. a date or something?” He threw his glare at Ran and softened his features once his gaze returned back to the young ryuguji. “Nah, nevermind, that’d be dumb considering you swore off dating,” the bonten men felt as if his heart had been pricked with a small needle, “especially since you used to swear to draken we were gonna get married and stay together forever and ever.” Yn was visibly embarrassed as Ran watched her take the pizza from Hongo’s hands and start trying to kick him off the porch. “Wait, before I go,” he said as he jotted down his number on the receipt, “let me know when you’re free. Maybe ya could come see me play one of these days? Summer games start back up next week so I’ll be headin-,”
Ran pulled on yn’s wrist before slamming the door, interrupting Hongo’s spill. He made show of how hard he locked the door so anyone outside could hear that the house was closed and not expecting anymore visits.
“Ooo,” yn placed the pizzas down onto the small kitchen table and looped her arms around Ran’a slim waist, “are you upset yer not getting all the attention?” She giggled as she kissed the symbol that marked the center of his neck.
“Why would I be upset over some 4 incher maxed college boy,” he smirked as he brought his hand to the side of her face and let his thumb brush along her bottom lip, “plus, if anything he should be the one whose upset. You can’t hate me or push me away if you wanted to; your desire for me to show you the depths of the world is visible just by looking in your eyes.” Yn felt her breath quickening and her head going numb as his words made way into her; making her feel far more intoxicated than any alcohol or drug could have ever done. “You can try to deny it, but what sane person would invite one of the most violent people with the most blood on his hands into her home?”
“I’m the farthest thing from sane,” yn breathed out as she placed a chaste kiss onto his lips before burying her face under his chin, “because I find myself wanting to do this more. I’m so glad I don’t look where I’m going when I’m on my bike.” Ran laughed as he connected their lips, but this time he deepened the kiss; her knees gave out and his tongue slipped in making her lungs just as weak.
“Princess, youre fucking gorgeous,” he broke away before holding her in his strong arms, “but I don’t want to just ‘get in your pants.’ I want-,”
“Good, because im not easy,” she cut him off as she tried to catch her breath.
Ran laughed as he dragged her back to the couch, leaving her to fetch each of them two big slices of cheese pizza. He sat beside her, kissing her temple, and devouring the free meal, “yknow, this taste ten times better than any food at the shitty night club.”
“Don’t talk with your mouth full,” she said as she harshly swallowed the dough, “ish bad mannirs..”
“You,” he leaned in and kissed the sauces covered corners of her mouth, “also taste better than any food at the club.”
“Well you’ll have to wait until you can taste all of me,” catching ran off guard - she flirted back, “after all, the fruit taste better when ripened.”
“Princess,” Ran attempted to shake her tired figure off him, “believe me, I want to stay. I really do, but I don’t want to cause a stir or heated argument between you and your brother.”
“We we’re just playing Mario kart and you said,” yn stared up at him with an unimpressed glare, “I’d fuck you on the counter of the pizza place just to embarrass that pizza boy,’ and now you’re scared to be caught by my brother?”
“Not scared,” he bit the tip of her nose gently before freeing himself of her limbs, “just cautious. Want my little girl not to have any complications; plus, I’d have to kill your brother if he made you cry.”
“Wait,” she pulled his sleeve, gaining his attention, “text me when you get back home.” He leaned down and kissed her forehead before making his way out her front door, “okay, little lamb.”
Within the span of 4 hours, draken arrived back home and yn managed to make the house rid of any clues of guest over; she even masked the smell of Ran’s cologne by bringing the box of pizza to the living room to spread the smell of grease and regrets. She rested easy on the couch, allowing some random movie to lull her into the comfortable cushions.
draken sobered up a bit after he came back and went to get a late night snack from the kitchen. spotting his sister on the couch, he chuckled softly as he gently rubbed her forehead, “thanks for bein a little angel, ya gremlin.”
it’s as if the gods above could sense draken’s obliviousness and caused yns to vibrate several times. Much to her brother’s curiosity, he checked the notifications and felt his blood boil.
tani senpai <3: hey, made it back home. hope you rest easy, princess. thnx. rin also says “thanks for allowing him to annoy you so I could catch a break
inui. : yn can we talk? I promise it’s not what you thought; idk what to say. Just remember, you’ll always be my favorite girl ..<3 lmk when you’re ready.
inui. : idk jus tseeing yuor brothr without you attached at the hip just made my stomak hurt, I wanna see you more.. maybe it’s because I’m drunk and finally thinking sobre, but yer awlays my fav
inui. : look, unsot having talked for like — a weakk? Has Ben eating me up, I really miss you. I’ll see you at the shop ? dream well, pretty girl.
takemitchy: wait, can you send me your brownie recipe ??? Hina loved them :,)
he didn’t know whether to be upset at the fact that there was some random “tani senpai” texting his sister and he didn’t know jack shit about them, or the fact one of his best friends was talking and drunk texting his sister. Nothing a beer and pizza can’t help.
After grabbing a full pizza box plus some beer and bringing it to his room, ken stared at his tv processing everything he just seen. Maybe this is just a dream? Maybe he’s so dizzy from the dancing and whiskey that he can’t seem to think straight? There’s just no way that his little sister would actually go for his friend; let alone, his friend returning the affection, right ? There’s absolutely no way that his sister would be letting random boys in the house. Nah, maybe he’s just scared of letting her go to university and growing up on him. This is all just a shitty nightmare.
“Whatever,” draken burped out as he took the cheap beer bottle to his lips, inhaling the last of the liquid, “heh, maybe it’s kisaki’s ghost hauntin my head with dumb thoughts.” He felt himself drifting to sleep, but stirred once he realized he almost forgot his nightly routine. Untucking the chain from his neck and pulling it towards his chapped lips, “g’night emma.”
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Taglist: @richiyo @haitanigigi @chifuyusprincess @legravalice @l-ilysm @katariinasworld
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