#i think im just gonna say fuck it and send my resignation letter tonight.
izzy-b-hands · 2 years
work is now trying to revoke my time off request for my August vacation, that i asked for ages ago.
im. its like they want me to quit, fr. like i know i have enough, what is this shit
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ryerye · 3 years
Really really agitated tonight. Tomorrow will be Monday and honestly i dont know how am i gonna show my face in the office. Ive been dissapearing last Friday. Yep. Completely gone. No chat, no leave permission, heck i dont even reply any messages my colleagues sent me that day. Im just, completely gone. Im just tired and confused and feeling overwhelmed, i dont know what else im gonna say to my boss if i take a leave that day, so i was like FUCK IT and went to sleep again til 10am.
I know its really a bad thing to do. I know its probably not 'professional'. My boss been really pushing us to do our work professionally and my friends making it a mockery job for our lunatic company. Everyone in my division is going crazy actually, to be honest. People in turns sending they resignation letter.
Me too actually, just yesterday. Ive had enough of this bullshit and decided to take a break from 'professional' work for a moment. At least that what ive planning to do. Well it got rejected tho. Booo. Are they allowed to do that?
What am i gotta do now? I dont know. My boss sent me this messages, he said 'dont think too much. Everything will be fine'. My ass. Its you whos make my overthinking goes even more rapidly. And no, everything will be not fine no, you should take a look at your crew member, they dying. 'go back to office when youre ready' tch, bullshit. Well how about im getting my ass to the office the next next week you asshole. Whatcha gon do bout it?
Dang. He got me in his hand now. I dont know what am i supposed to do tomorrow. I gues FUCK IT.
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