#i think it makes most sense that sg silas be the government agent. probably.
transingthoseformers · 10 months
TFP Shattered Glass, but June and Fowler are swapped.
I've never seen anybody do that, usually the humans stay the same as baseline except Silas and Fowler are sometimes swapped.
Or maybe up it a notch and swap all three of them? June as a government agent, Fowler as M.E.C.H's leader, and Silas as a nurse? Or nurse Fowler, agent Silas, and M.E.C.H leader June?
You know, that would be fascinating because i admit i have a tendency to forget the humans whwn i mess with shatteree glass, but swapping all three of their roles up would be so fascinating as all fucking hell
I'd be so here for MECH Leader!June actually she'd be so fucking cool
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