#i think it'd be even more fun on a road bike
vacancy90 · 8 months
I spontaneously decided to go for another ride today on a designated bike trail through my city I meant to try for a while. It was so nice! I didn't go very far but I wanted to go fast. With that one eurosport ad voice in my head "Keep pushing! Keep going!" as a mantra I went off. 😄 Best part was overtaking other cyclists, especially uphills. (I got overtaken, too, don't worry 😂)
I definitely understand the thrill of the sport. 💜
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Today's post ride treat: 😋
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wytfut · 8 months
70 going on 20..... riding the flat lands of Nebraski
Time really does fly the older you get. I understand that this is quoted all the time, but I gotta say its all so true.
Thus.... there seems at times not enough time to ride. Or enough riding time.
Been extremely lucky.... with all of my chronic back issues, that I've been able to keep on riding at my whim. with no issues. Well maybe except for the first part of this week. I couldn't sit comfortably any where..... another time, maybe...
I started riding way back in 1973... bought my CL 350 honda brand new with a collection of "bean checks"... in Fairbury. And haven't looked back.
Even when I didn't own a bike, I was still riding time to time.... buddy here, friend there, test rides, etc. Long dry spell of owner ship, but I kept my taste buds active.
I've never been to much of a subscriber to motorcycle rags. ... have done a couple over the years. But now with www, i get more than enough info.
Obviously I'm a huge EH fan. And because of it, I've gained some notoriety here in the midwest, as "that guy".... I find that funny.
But to be real, I just love to ride. Even if its the same old route time after time. I do change it up, on a "whim". And I do like most of the time to ride "lone wolf". There are exceptions... where as I'll ask around to see if anyone wants to go... But I'll jump on my X in a second, just for the "ride".
What is it? Why is this so addicting? Well... for one, I know, I'm a weird one hard to follow, but once I'm on my favorite beast, I'm instantly in my younger 20's. That very first ride on my old 350 boils all back into my head, grinning ear to ear.
Nothing like a road trip.... out in western NebraXi..... oh lordie thats mystical and transforming.... such long lonely stretches of soft curves, no traffic, green fields of waves.
Some of it, I can't deny, is the attention side of it. Owning an X always draws someones attention. Usually somebody that knows a little bit about bikes, and can't figure out what this thing is. That is fun....
I can ride just a couple of miles, and come home with a very good attitude, and a smile.
It is dangerous, and I know it. But that's a part of my adrenaline addiction. I miss the days when there was no helmet law. There was nothing like it, so very hard to describe. So very hard to describe even with a helmet law. The NebraXi helmet law is going away January 1. I'll be a good boy, and wear it.... I've too may years of fire and rescue under my belt not to understand that it is a true injury preventer. But I'll admire those that will not.
Its also my best stress reliever. If I'm enduring a stressful situation... I'm looking for a quick chance to go ride. My back for instance, and all the unknown nuances attached to that situation. That has been a heavy load with unknowns what is going to affect me for the rest of my life. This week I was looking directly that I may not be able to ride anymore........ GAAAHHH!!!
My last surviving adrenaline rush. It'd be very hard at this time for me to give up riding. ... I do think about my age, and when will I give it up. I don't know....
I'm hoping when riding with someone, and they notice what ever, they tell me that I need to reevaluate....
I also need to plan ahead a bit... unknown how far ahead. ... but what is going to happen to my X when I quit riding? And I hope that when confronted I'm of the right mind. Not trying to be the guy who won't admit.....
My initial thoughts way back in the day was to give to Luke.... as he has never rode big bike much, nor was he a part of X world when we first got into it. But he has shown no interest at all. In fact I can tell, he'd like to own it, but he'd never ride it. At least not like I may feel it should be.... no no, not the storage of it, but enjoying riding it.
Jake and Josh both are previous X owners. Jake at this point doesn't have time to ride... I don't want it shoved off into a corner. Josh bitches about the windshield height (LOLOLOL). But his time is also a bit limited, with everything he has his toes in.
My latests has been towards my grandson Jack. He loves to ride... mostly dirt, but loves to ride. His other grandfather bought him a street/cruiser Husky thumper. I think he'd enjoy it, respect it and maybe even wrench on it as needed. I don't know that he'd sell it.
Being I wouldn't be around, I guess it doesn't matter. I may just leave it to the estate... and let them wrestle with all of that...
The old cliche of "if I have to explain it, you won't understand" .. is definitely a cliche, but its so true. How does a person describe the true joy of riding?
hopefully I've a few years left in me.... wish me good luck
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aemiron-main · 2 years
actually fun fact: i recently rewatched s1 and remembered a lot of the thoughts i originally had when first seeing the season. and funnily enough i vividly remember being confused at Will's vanishing specifically because of the shadow at the door. like, there are obviously multiple weird things happening. but as a first time watcher with 0 further context this one even seemed out of place to me back then. i think i figured it was just really bad production (with the following 3 seasons and quality of the 1st season i don't think that's the case now obviously) because it'd be Such a BIG mistake to make when filming that multiple people would have to miss in the process.
we see the full silhouette of the Demogorgon clearly as Will bikes home. no features, just the silhouette. but it's shape stands out even more like this, and we see it's Massive. tall, way too long limbs, still sort of hunching/leaning. really creepy. then we also see it move behind the clothes line. whatever it is, it's threatening, moving slowly, definitely one of those huge deadly, looming predators that don't have to sprint to kill you. right?
and then it's shadow moves in front of the door window and it's just. too small? it's not even close to being as tall as the door. we Just saw the whole monster TWICE seconds prior. and now it literally looks like some random dude is standing outside? my thoughts years ago were in line of "wait is that even the thing?" because if we didn't know that there WAS a monster hunting him i'd just assume it's a family member coming home or a neighbor checking in on the commotion. that's at most a tallish man. not whatever the fuck was out on the road. and i really want to point out that it felt so jarring to see this small shadow that i was actively thrown off back then.
we analyse a lot of details here and sometimes i question if anyone in the ga would ever actually be able to pick up on any of this yk. but i wanted to point out how on the nose this one part actually is. it just doesn't fit the rest of the scene at all. it even stuck out to 16yr old me who admittedly wasn't even paying 100% attention
AHHHH YES ANON!!! Thank you for this because it’s really helpful to know what you thought of the scene initially since I wonder sometimes if I’m looking too far into things/seeing things that aren’t there, but this is reassuring!! And stuff like the shadow at the door seeming too small- EXACTLY!! I talked about it in another post, but the shadow is actually a similar height to Hopper and Henry/Vecna, whereas with the actual demogorgon that we see in s4, the top of Hopper’s head is only roughly up to its shoulder!!
Just!! All of this!! Everything you’ve said, anon!! Yes!!!!
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spikeinthepunch · 2 years
your cryptoalia post about vehicles is interesting! I love seeing how people world build like this, with such freedom and then where they end up. From my personal experience, something is missing for me though - bikes! I couldn't imagine a world without that kind of easy personal short range vehicle, so I'm interested whether you have considered it all.
Another thing that stood out for me is "work" vehicles like garbage trucks or tractors for field work. How does that work?
I'm asking because I find it fun to talk about this stuff but please tell me to fuck off if I'm bothering you lol
thank you! and im am so glad to have anyone ask further about the ideas! honestly it helps me further develop, since i dont always think about certain questions people would have on the outside. its good to bounce off others when they question things i just dont think of.
very good to question non-motorized vehicles like bikes, so much of my world has been built around a mysterious "energy source". the world basically relies on this energy source for everyday functions and it is known to be 100% reliable, and generally not questioned to use things outside of it due to convenience.
buuut its not like things like pushed skooters and pedal bikes havent existed (the influence on human history would not have been old enough to stop that from existing)-- rather they likely fell out of style greatly because of the convenience of electric vehicles. still, thats not to say theyre gone i think. people have interest in vintage history, or some may want to do something outside of the "system". overall, motorcycles are likely the only thing you'll find if you were to try and buy a "bike" and even then it'd be locked into the digital system tracking all tethered vehicles. so to consider something powered by your body would be to deny the ease of current life, and that could lead to be further thinking about those who dont want to follow the near utopia like system-- but. back to vehicles
body powered things like that, may have more levels of strictness in certain areas. because for our main setting (the most strict of places as Elias oversees it directly) tracking tethered vehicles and the way theyre used is important- hacking it, going off road in specific areas, etc result in fines or potentially jail time depending on what youre doing. body powered vehicles like bicycles cant be tracked.... so, thats a problem. most people would wonder why tf youre using something body powered anyways because energy powered bikes are so much easier, mostly when they put you on a track you can just follow with ease! i wouldnt say youd get thrown in jail just for having one lol- youre allowed to indulge in them and say theyre hobbies- and youre allowed to ride them on the tracks provided-- but like anyone else youd be greatly fined for doing something already considered illegal, but maybe with the added consequence of it being taken away from you too.
onto other things though- yes, i didnt really specify other kinds of work vehicles (was on my mind but didnt think to elaborate).
all kinds of work vehicles- like for construction, mail, garbage etc work a bit differently in order to conserve on space. those vehicles as we know are big, and the world has become very tight due to the lack of parking lots and roads.
Garbage trucks dont exactly exist in the same way and are entirely automated- not run by people. for ease of access these automated garbage trucks follow a specific invisible track in order to reach all households and trash containers. they aren't "untethered" in a traditional sense, because they are automated and their paths are predetermined. trash is gathered in specific areas/containers, which is where the garbage truck picks it up.
mail is also automated entirely (but post offices exist still) in a similar fashion as garbage trucks.
for things like.. forklifts, cranes, etc etc- a lot of the time, these vehicles are also automated to come degree, with users actually managing them outside of the vehicle itself (in an office/building where the company owns it). why? think of it this way-- the cities have become very compact in order to fit everything into it. the tracks for subways/trains and individual vehicles take up a lot less space which means more buildings. more buildings and way less roads means everything squashed together. when something needs to be built or taken down in such an area, precision it key and so is making your vehicles super small in order to actually work. Too small and skinny to want to put a person into it- it costs more, it can be dangerous, etc...!
theres probably more i could expand on in this department too-- as work related vehicles turns me to... farming etc... is that automated too? to some level, again yeah. its not to say those kinds of labor jobs dont exist in this world- i am heavily focusing on the current setting which is probably the most "advanced" in this regard, while other countries may not do everything this way because of money/scale/etc. Cryptolalia's world is... supposed to come off like a "utopia" where things are "easy and safe" even if a little strict in places, but often places that dont matter much to those who live there. lots of jobs are admittedly, office jobs... management, organization, political, etc with lots of labor falling out of style unless someone has a passion for it. but that will be a blog post for another day unless anyone is curious about something specific lol.
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the-firebird69 · 2 months
The Hardknock Kikker 5150
They do play the music too loud but this is a cool bike and you change the exhaust out and it sounds a lot cooler and we're telling him and he said I like the way it is and you're trying a few different ones one of them sound really cool so he kept it on there sounds like a real chopper and he said it sounds really good and that's how he sounds back so I don't know we're having fun with the bike so he was happy about it then he decided to do it and boy that thing is loud and it can sound really cool
Thor Freya
This sounds okay it just doesn't sound that great and we wanted to sound really great but when we sell it it's going to be inexpensive and it will be in parts and they all go together but it's going to be a very inexpensive because shipping is going to be reduced and shipping costs a lot believe it or not it's expensive and if you take the frame apart you put it in a box the shipping is going to be a very very small numbers because of the difference in cost it's only it's a box that's half the size and it's easier to handle and they use less equipment and you can use more carriers DHL take some UPS just like the e-bike and they weigh less and it's really going to be extreme diesel sell like hotcakes I mean I was so so many in Asia it won't be funny and we're going to go ahead with it and we're going to make it work and yeah that guy's an a****** crap what is that annoying it's terrible he's the kind of guy we kick out of our Chinese restaurants they get a big deal out of everything like a b**** it really is
I'm not trying to do this any suggested it and it would be a big seller and we need to get over there like right now and we need to attract these trumps and it will
And the big fellows are going to get the attraction
Chao phat
Yeah we forgot about it already we'll see how it goes
Jet Li
And we can't stand it we're not going to be attracted to it but these idiots will and they have our information and they have more than we think he says oh
Yeah the kind of nuts but this might work
Thor Freya
He's trying this before no this is new and Chow fat has a good ideas of making a bolt up frame and it's a twist on the original hard knock kicker 5150 and it's a good one people like it they think that we're building a whole bike and they get a good feeling about it and they do have some skill and it really is a matter of taking it on and setting up the way that Bob did is not that great and it didn't work that good and his dream fell through basically because of trump but eventually you might have dealers for Chinese bikes and this would be one of them and that's a dream that China has is to have Chinese motorcycle shops in the United States and they probably start with one fairly good size one in Los Angeles this is going ahead and they're actually going to start trying it
Olympus he says you keep the design the same like child that said except the frame can be pulled up because it'd be like it coming back later on you can make the tank to this bigger or you can offer when there's an option A little later and he thinks that's the best idea he's heard ever it really is because you're selling a brand name it's like taking a Honda and changing it but the bolt up frame is a good idea but even that might have to come later then you start to smile and said the small one is real cheap and they can do it and you can put in the 250 and boy that was a thing with hum he says with him on it at 130 lb the HK one with a 250cc motor I will propel him 95 mph down the road
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j10kkuno · 3 years
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Okay, so this scene with Yuno and Dundee almost made me cry last night. It was so touching and sweet and in character but you could tell how thankful Sykkuno was for Whippy and afterwards Whippy told his chat how thankful he was for Sykkuno and it was just so sweet. Sykkuno actually went no cam for this and I think it gave him a lot of freedom? Even for a few minutes, he got even deeper into Yuno honestly.
So basically after the Rainbow Road heist, Yuno called Dundee to tell him about it and Dundee said he suppressed him. Yuno said no, of course not but Dundee said Yuno had more connections, had hacked more banks, had more bags and money, was one of the biggest criminals. Yuno said that Dundee had him, which meant every skill Yuno had, Dundee had. Dundee said that what he was trying to say is that he needed Yuno but Yuno didn't need Dundee anymore. Yuno said that wasn't true and could they meet?
They met at Burger Shot and then went to a nice parking garage with a gorgeous view of a sunset(Either through chance or devs messing with the weather for the Vault and chase, the weather for second half of stream was very fitting). Yuno asked him if Dundee remembered what he'd always ask him-What was his goal in the city? And it'd always change-rob a bank, rob the vault, buy an expensive car- but he'd realized that his goal was fulfilled his first day in the city. When he walked out of the apartments and Dundee picked him up on his bike. All Yuno really wanted was good friends and people who believed in him. And Dundee was the first.
He realized he didn't need the vault to have fun, he had fun and good friends that first day, stealing that microwave. Dundee says Yuno is the only one of his pupils who has surpassed him. Yuno still insists he hasn't, and says he only started because of Dundee. He said that Dundee will always have Yuno working for him and they hugged and agreed they've both come far(Very true!).
Right after that, Yuno picked Dundee up and threatened to throw him off the edge and Dundee called him an asshole as Yuno put him down. As they ran back to Yuno's Sultan, Dundee said Yuno reminded him of the Mindshaft and Yuno was like, I'm not like that. As they drove off, Dundee told Yuno about how X wanted to rob some 24/7s and Yuno was like 24/7s?(Dundee cackled and said X was down bad) and said that barely paid. Dundee was like "Is it about the money?" and Yuno huffed a laugh and said "I guess you're right." And they continued chatting, about racing and a Soy Boys vault and Yuno being exhausted and Dundee gently telling him just to go to bed.
It just felt really real. Like a real nice convo. Laughing over their friend and getting startled by street racers and I just loved the entire scene. It felt like a season finale. Like, Yuno's this big bank buster and he normally rolls with CB and CG and sometime X but his heart will always take him back to Dundee, his best friend. And their friendship is one of those that picks up exactly where it left off. And they're each other's ride and dies.
Also the shot of them from behind is my new header because it's perfect.
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the-firebird69 · 4 months
encontro de antigos no parque da cidade Brasilia df
I want to work for the company that they have that does this I can make I can sell these and what they're saying is this is for a three to four year old child and they said three to five depending on their size and it would have an operable door and I thought that was very cool and you said the seat down lower on the floor really and it's a go-kart and you put stuff inside that looks real and you sell accessories that make it look more and more real and things like it's an air conditioner that you put water in and it and it really is like a small swamp cooler you can make them so they work they're saying no and then someone saying yeah and they know how to make it so it's not going to ruin the car and it's really cheap and really I think this is fascinating they want to make them out of metal so you don't have to fix it every few seconds and I think it's a great idea for children to play and to have little races and rallies the rally is the best idea I've ever heard in my life you can't have kids racing around and you have them at a rally and they stopping each one let me get like a little soda it has a little ones or you have a little popcorn and the drive with their friend in the car and usually it's a couple guys and a couple girls and they try and get the time right on the money and the guy tries to get the time there so it's probably with the girls better they're pretty good with it I'll tell you what this is the cutest idea I've ever heard it'd be a great commercial
I think we need to do this and we're going to make bigger ones for a bigger kids but really kids are not kids and after age 15 and the car is really would be for ages 3 to 12 they lose interest really at 12:00 but that's really when they lose it and at that age we would make race cars and all sorts of things and they have them different classes and off-road stuff you make the Baja buggies smaller and really those things will sell like madness and you make the Baja buggy smaller for adults too and you just sit on the floor and our son and daughter say there's very little padding on the dirt bikes and that's what you're on it's like three inches and it's firm you sit on it and you had an angle and you have shocks it's a miniature Baja buggy and it's awesome the car one is the most coolest thing you've ever seen in your life it's really awesome and he said you should go through the roof and leave the roll cage intact and that's a great idea. We're starting production on these and we have a whole line of many monster trucks and all sorts of stuff but we're going to start racing and the junior level and we're going to start moving up with our brands
Thor Freya
We do hear what you're saying we're going to have Harley-Davidson it usually makes people mad and it will and what's it going to say about our son here and daughter is going to be horrible and they're not worried about it cuz they've heard all sorts of stuff and it's not even meaningful and it won't turn the other way it's just crapping on them and we do see that it's going to be better for them and what is going to have us work
Frank Castle hardcastle
You got to be kidding me he's been thinking about this for years he wants to make different tops so the same child will have like a few of them and they can change it I mean this is so much fun and you can put all sorts of stuff inside of the stereo and you have kids and you can add to it and you'd have these batteries that are for bikes they sell all these aftermarket batteries and these guys want that and they're really motorized and then you have the battery for stereos and you just take the battery out of the trunk you have to use a smaller battery and in case it for safety but otherwise I mean it's great and Latino areas in South America he wants to make the ones with hydraulics like four inches but still
Duke nukem Blockbuster
I want to make his car first The tempest down there and he said that there were a ton of those at carnivals and they used them for like the Merry-Go-Round type thing and people remember it that's what they were a similar cars probably the Ford and she doesn't want him to say anything again so we're going to try and do that and it's an awesome idea and they can help put the kids in with their father and they'd have these rallies and come with it all the way up with a GF in there and the kids too
Bitol and Goddess Wife
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