#i think its so much more fun to think of a way that reeq INTENDS to present himself but fails at it than to just take him at face value ww
ferrocyan · 4 months
in my opinion reeq's character design isn't really gendered in either direction, however what i think does matter to him is the sign of class. sorry im not bringing citations but you know how several npcs wear the boulevardier shirt such as the pendants manager in the crystarium and anfrigg in eulmore. they are working people, i believe there are more npcs who wear that shirt too and they are mostly workers (though unlike say the employees of the wandering stairs who wear the orange uniform, the npcs who wear the boulevardier shirt work at higher end establishments). so i think by wearing the boulevardier shirt reeq wishes to present himself as just another working man. which is supported by how he says that he wishes to hide his identity as a rich eulmoran citizen. however he does wear the boulevardier pants and shoes along with the shirt, unlike the pendants manager and anfrigg, both of whom wear sensible slacks with their shirt. the boulevardier pants are wide and ruffly, it looks fancy, and that enhances the fanciness of the shirt. the end result is that reeq looks like a fancy rich boy despite his intentions to disguise that.
so that was all a very long setup for my personal joke which is this: in a modern au reeq would hang out at target wearing a red polo shirt to fit in. however he wears designer pants and $1500 leather shoes with it so it's obvious to everyone else he's only cosplaying being a target employee. thanks for coming to my ted talk
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toadeyes-miqote · 2 years
Ah yes... young male Miqo'te energy...
"Hadn't deal with that directly since.... the Peering stones and The Crystarium  I guess.... It will take a while to burn itself out... Take care not to get caught up in it.... It makes one... reckless.... Shouldn't affect you much.. "
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"This outfit looks familiar." "A bit of an upgrade I guess."
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"Of course it looks familiar."
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M'zhet Tia and Lue-Reeq (as well as her own mate), hyperactive catboy energy. She's a bit wary of it. Vaguely remember someone wrote mating ritual of Miqo'te either headcannon or canon on the web before.
Its pretty much why she's stuck to Thancred and Cid most of the time. They don't trigger anything. How her squadron didn't turn into a cat house is beyond me. There's two Tias in there and D'fhul Tia does a good job managing a mostly Miqo'te crew.
G'raha's inclusion brings interesting dynamics. She's a bit annoyed that Alisaie is a bit caught up and reckless. I mean two expacs of a highly sensible girl only for this male Mqio'te to pop by and turn her into Yuffie part 2. She's incline to smack him on the upside of his head. On this point, I do think Alisaie treats him as a more fun big brother who doesn't shoot her down.
Should I be glad that he kinda operates on Sun Miqo'te system while my WoL is Moon Miqo'te rules. Oh and her mate would not complain if anything develops. Its within her rights but that thing they talk about starting a family and stuff outside of the system.
And I have receive a blond/ginger male Moon Miqo'te applying for my squadron. Putting Ziuz'a Jakkya on hold to see how things develop plot wise. Either her mate will be her retainer or join the squadron.
The way G'raha behaves, feels like how my late neighbourhood cat is when trying to walk me part of the way to school.
Note -
Of the males Thancred and Cid and probably Estinien and Lord Edmont(technically Father figure) had gotten a lot of hugs and headpats(where applicable for tall, lanky Elezans) from her. I had played this game in that unless she's comfortable around you(whether male or female), she usually keeps her hands to herself (Sorry Haurchefant).
With her Sisterhood, it was one huge hugfest.
So its probably something to do with scent marking (regardless its marking for breeding, huntsmate status. protection of ones close to her, etc). Its the "you guys belong to me because reasons/under my protection/my clan" marking.
And the "Why Thancred smells like too many female Mqio'te claiming him for various reasons" and it either attract Miqo'te who will challenge the claim or repel those wary noodle incident. Sorry Thancred the repellent is the biggest reason I gave F'lhaminn for not wanting to get involved with you. Too many claiments and probably too many mixed signals that confuse Miqo'te senses. Need to go do Alchemist quest to see where this goes.
So G'raha who is a male Miqo'te and now constantly in her face(Sorry G'raha) confuse her somewhat. I'm not sure how aware he is of himself being Miqo'te. My WoL has a mostly hunting Miqo'te lifestyle for a good chunk of her life. And its through the early trading band trips and further reminders by Leih, that she's more aware of this thing around non-Miqo'te and her treatment of male Miqo'te.
Thanks G'raha your fanboyism confuses her somewhat, that she has to keep him at arm's length (pun intended) to get her bearings right that his fanboy attention isn't Miqo'te courtship attention on purpose. Hence that young Male Miqo'te energy exuberance I mention. All things considered, her village would consider him a good catch, not the if Miqo'te Thancred sharp hunter mind variety but wise and steady enough especially if combine with good hunter like WoL herself. His magic is a bonus since WoL is not magically incline.
As for the marking itself, I kinda take it as being aether based but scent related. And she qualify as a Matriarch so this is one big clan. Mayhaps this is what Y'shtola was reacting to. Which also puts in the question of how aware Y'shtola is of herself being Miqo'te. Or the fully city bred Miqo'te aren't aware enough thing. And about Estinien, she may or may not be able to discern that dragons claimed him. But the way Vritra treats him was obvious enough.
Keep in mind the player does like G'raha. But the WoL is played as a mated moon Miqo'te with a missing mate who she was suppose to have Miq'ttens with, away from traditional context. Excuse the player who is enjoying the unintentional popcorn(and laughing in the face of the OC couple) and not forcing the route.
Ask not how thick is Thancred's Mqio'te Paper by now.
Extra note for G'raha after returning to the Source - short story material about how for the first few months he's a bit clingy after waking on account of moments of disorientation. Less rejection more towards forgetting that he's in the here and now.
A few panic attack from the crystallization during his last moments on the First. Was found in a panic attack and brought to Hylnyan's room for recovery since it was nearby. Ended up rooming with her ( move another bed in) but he doesn't sleep the first few weeks. some nights she found him crouching under the table trying to get himself together. To him she's a reminder that he's in the here and now.
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