#reeq the hunter
ferrocyan · 3 months
i am afflicted with lue-reeq madness on this fine day how are you guys doing
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sunkeeperxiv · 20 hours
FFXIV Write 24 - Bar
Timeline/spoilers - post 5.0/ShB Role quests
Daca'li receives a gift at the Wandering Stairs.
Daca’li hid a chuckle as Mei-Tatch put three drinks down in front of Giott, only to prick his ears forward in surprise when he slid one of them over to Daca’li.
“Courtesy of our own waitress, Cylva,” he said by way of explanation. “I do believe she’s appreciative of you helping out with these eaters.”
Giott nodded, a broad grin on her face. “Well, then I’d say you’ve certainly earned it. I’m not too proud to say you were a lifesaver during our encounters with Sophrosyne. Quite literally.”
Daca’li pointed his ears back a bit out of modesty. “I got there in the end,” he replied. “I daresay I wouldn’t have managed without your patience.” Healing was an entirely new endeavor for him, and while he couldn’t quite explain his newfound affinity for astrology, he couldn’t deny it had come in more than handy by the end of their encounters.
Giott waved him off, already draining one of her tankards of ale. “You were a fine healer! Once you stopped dropping all those cards on the ground, at least.” It was genuine embarrassment that pinned his ears this time, and Giott responded by laughing uproariously.
“Aye, it’s a wonder you and Urianger didn’t both give up on me a week in.” He pulled the drink closer to him and peered into it. It was the same ale Giott was drinking, which was to say it was the same ale most of the Stairs’ patrons drank. Giott achieved her preferred level of intoxication through quantity, not concentration.
He cast his eyes across the bar and the tables and found the waitress quickly enough. She was an elven woman with silvery hair and a graceful way of moving across the plaza that, while it was certainly useful for carrying mugs and bowls without spilling their contents, had caused him to almost peg her as one of the petitioners when he’d heard there were bounty hunters looking for help.
She deposited her current delivery on a patron’s table and turned, returning to the bar. Immediately, she caught Daca’li watching her, her eyes meeting his from across the plaza. There was a moment’s hesitation in it, but she inclined her head slightly to him. He raised his tankard in response and turned back to the bar, taking a surreptitious sniff before swallowing some of it. It wasn’t Buscarron’s mead, of course, but it was a fine drink in its own right. There were places where the drink was much worse, or much more watered down. Or, more commonly than he’d like, both.
“D’y’think she likes you?” Giott asked. Two full tankards sat in front of her once more. Daca’li hadn’t even noticed Mei-Tatch approach. He made a face at her.
“That’s not the impression I’m getting. I think it’s more of a, ‘thank you for keeping my best patrons alive’, between your bar tab and Lue-Reeq’s food bill.” Truth be told, he didn’t even think it was that. There had been something somber in her expression when their eyes had met.
“Think it’s something more to do with you dealing with the Virtues,” Mei-Tatch chimed in, taking an empty tankard from Giott. “She’s always taken a keen interest in any news regardin’ them. We’re all glad to see those eaters put to rest, don’t mistake me, but I think she’s got a reason for being especially interested in ‘em.”
“Oh? What might it be?” Giott asked, leaning over the bar as far as she could.
Mei-Tatch only shrugged. “She don’t talk about herself much. I only know what I’ve noticed and what my customers tell me.” That was still a lot. Mei-Tatch was an excellent repository of information on the Crystarium’s populace.
“I won’t begrudge her her secrets,” Daca’li responded. “There’s still another virtue prowling around, besides, so mayhap she’ll feel moved to explain once that one’s dealt with.”
Giott shrugged and turned her attention to a fresh tankard, and Daca’li sipped at his own considerably more slowly. Something about the woman seemed familiar, although he couldn’t place her to save his life… but sometimes the best thing was to give things time. Either she’d make it obvious, or he’d work it out.
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steak-n-popotoes · 1 year
Long post about Shadowbringers phys DPS role quests
I think bout Renda-Rae a lot bc of how she's a bow hunter whose claim to fame is incredible hearing, it's one of those "wow they put my OC in the game" sort of parallels down to how she likely starteed out in the desert and is a Miqo'te (Beef is an honorary Miqo lol)
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Even her shortcomings make me think of Beef, how her hearing is used against her so effectively it renders her totally helpless, how she's unable to move on from grief even years down the line after she's made new allies
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and that her allies see her as someone who's a wellspring of joy despite what she carries in her heart
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Like......... and then you find out she could only be who she is in her legend because she had her friends behind her, and she specifically gets the wind crystal and
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and then you realize that the deeply-ingrained impulse that still drives her as Andreia is that grief that's so strong it compels her to restore her party from whoever she can find
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This shit hits real fucking different when you think about how these quests happen right after Beef finally accepts U'zhango's passing near the end of Stormblood and thus 'kills' her
And then, again, that you have to use her hearing against her to lay her to rest........
and. and the
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the Beef
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the. bard 80 quest
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I am going to pervert this for my sick twisted OC needs
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anyway I also just really want to sic Beef on Lue-Reeq, could you imagine
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toadeyes-miqote · 2 years
Ah yes... young male Miqo'te energy...
"Hadn't deal with that directly since.... the Peering stones and The Crystarium  I guess.... It will take a while to burn itself out... Take care not to get caught up in it.... It makes one... reckless.... Shouldn't affect you much.. "
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"This outfit looks familiar." "A bit of an upgrade I guess."
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"Of course it looks familiar."
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M'zhet Tia and Lue-Reeq (as well as her own mate), hyperactive catboy energy. She's a bit wary of it. Vaguely remember someone wrote mating ritual of Miqo'te either headcannon or canon on the web before.
Its pretty much why she's stuck to Thancred and Cid most of the time. They don't trigger anything. How her squadron didn't turn into a cat house is beyond me. There's two Tias in there and D'fhul Tia does a good job managing a mostly Miqo'te crew.
G'raha's inclusion brings interesting dynamics. She's a bit annoyed that Alisaie is a bit caught up and reckless. I mean two expacs of a highly sensible girl only for this male Mqio'te to pop by and turn her into Yuffie part 2. She's incline to smack him on the upside of his head. On this point, I do think Alisaie treats him as a more fun big brother who doesn't shoot her down.
Should I be glad that he kinda operates on Sun Miqo'te system while my WoL is Moon Miqo'te rules. Oh and her mate would not complain if anything develops. Its within her rights but that thing they talk about starting a family and stuff outside of the system.
And I have receive a blond/ginger male Moon Miqo'te applying for my squadron. Putting Ziuz'a Jakkya on hold to see how things develop plot wise. Either her mate will be her retainer or join the squadron.
The way G'raha behaves, feels like how my late neighbourhood cat is when trying to walk me part of the way to school.
Note -
Of the males Thancred and Cid and probably Estinien and Lord Edmont(technically Father figure) had gotten a lot of hugs and headpats(where applicable for tall, lanky Elezans) from her. I had played this game in that unless she's comfortable around you(whether male or female), she usually keeps her hands to herself (Sorry Haurchefant).
With her Sisterhood, it was one huge hugfest.
So its probably something to do with scent marking (regardless its marking for breeding, huntsmate status. protection of ones close to her, etc). Its the "you guys belong to me because reasons/under my protection/my clan" marking.
And the "Why Thancred smells like too many female Mqio'te claiming him for various reasons" and it either attract Miqo'te who will challenge the claim or repel those wary noodle incident. Sorry Thancred the repellent is the biggest reason I gave F'lhaminn for not wanting to get involved with you. Too many claiments and probably too many mixed signals that confuse Miqo'te senses. Need to go do Alchemist quest to see where this goes.
So G'raha who is a male Miqo'te and now constantly in her face(Sorry G'raha) confuse her somewhat. I'm not sure how aware he is of himself being Miqo'te. My WoL has a mostly hunting Miqo'te lifestyle for a good chunk of her life. And its through the early trading band trips and further reminders by Leih, that she's more aware of this thing around non-Miqo'te and her treatment of male Miqo'te.
Thanks G'raha your fanboyism confuses her somewhat, that she has to keep him at arm's length (pun intended) to get her bearings right that his fanboy attention isn't Miqo'te courtship attention on purpose. Hence that young Male Miqo'te energy exuberance I mention. All things considered, her village would consider him a good catch, not the if Miqo'te Thancred sharp hunter mind variety but wise and steady enough especially if combine with good hunter like WoL herself. His magic is a bonus since WoL is not magically incline.
As for the marking itself, I kinda take it as being aether based but scent related. And she qualify as a Matriarch so this is one big clan. Mayhaps this is what Y'shtola was reacting to. Which also puts in the question of how aware Y'shtola is of herself being Miqo'te. Or the fully city bred Miqo'te aren't aware enough thing. And about Estinien, she may or may not be able to discern that dragons claimed him. But the way Vritra treats him was obvious enough.
Keep in mind the player does like G'raha. But the WoL is played as a mated moon Miqo'te with a missing mate who she was suppose to have Miq'ttens with, away from traditional context. Excuse the player who is enjoying the unintentional popcorn(and laughing in the face of the OC couple) and not forcing the route.
Ask not how thick is Thancred's Mqio'te Paper by now.
Extra note for G'raha after returning to the Source - short story material about how for the first few months he's a bit clingy after waking on account of moments of disorientation. Less rejection more towards forgetting that he's in the here and now.
A few panic attack from the crystallization during his last moments on the First. Was found in a panic attack and brought to Hylnyan's room for recovery since it was nearby. Ended up rooming with her ( move another bed in) but he doesn't sleep the first few weeks. some nights she found him crouching under the table trying to get himself together. To him she's a reminder that he's in the here and now.
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abimee · 2 years
also i hope the virtue hunters come along in 7.0 because onky including the characters that seem important in 6.1 (graha estinien yshtola urianger) the party comp is going to be
THREE BLACK MAGES (taynor unukhalhai yshtola)
TWO dark knights (granson and cyella)
one all rounder (graha)
one warrior (giott)
TWO BARDS (lue reeq and ceriqq)
ONE healer (urianger)
ONE melee (estinien)
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ffxiv-ariavitali · 4 years
homesick [hohm-sik]: adjective "sad or depressed from a longing for home or family while away from them for a long time."
Writing prompt: mal du pays
Time period: Shadowbringers
Word count: 594
AO3 ver.
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There would be little moments every now and then, ones that she would acknowledge the minute that she begins experiencing it. It was a cold emptiness eating away at her like winter, a starved beast denied food for disobedience, an ache that only got worse over time rather than healed.
Aria would be reminded when she would see couples going about their day, when parents would dote on their younglings in the city states. She never held anything against them, for it is they to which she fights so fervently on the front line.
(To preserve the smiles of the people of the realm was her ultimate goal. Although it took her a while to reach that point and be confident of her decision, needless to say that it befits her status as the Warrior of Light.)
However, as much as the citizens would otherwise, she missed the gentle snowfall and grey clouds. She missed the crackling of firewood burning in a hearth and the hot chocolate that would be prepared the moment she would step through the front door.
Most of all, she missed the people that she had to leave behind—the family that had taken her in when she and hers needed them most, her brother that could only pray for her safety and do what he can with the Scions left behind...and a lover that had responsibilities just as important as she to attend to.
Aria knew that Aymeric accepted this of her the moment he had asked her to be his. In fact, the second that he discovered that it was the Warrior of Light—and all her titles that could fill a ledger all on its own—that he had fallen for, he should have come to expect it. It didn’t stop the guilt from shaming her and a part of her wondered if she should cut back on her adventuring just a tad to spend more time with him albeit his assurances to remain exactly as she was.
It was then that the sound of a voice snapped her back to attention from her innermost thoughts. When she shifted her head to see what it was, the other hunters of the Cardinal Virtues—Granson, Giott, Lue-Reeq, Taynor, Cerigg and Cyella—eyed her with both concern.
“Is everything alright?” the Dark Knight asked of her, worry glistening in his eyes despite his hardened expression.
Aria smiled softly and inclined her head. “Indeed, pardon my inattentiveness. I was lost in thought.”
Taynor leaned in, unable to school his emotions.
“Maybe some rest would be a good idea?” he asked.
“A tankard of ale would be more than enough, eh, friend?” Giott laughed merrily as she downed one of her own.
Lue-Reeq frowned and shook his head. “I daresay it would make her feel worse rather than better.”
“What did you say?!” the dwarf exclaimed aggressively.
The sight of the two’s bantering was enough to bring good cheer to the table as Cyella leaned in to the Warrior as if to tell a secret.
“Perhaps a return home is in order, is it not?” she offered to her.
Aria pondered on that thought, inclining her head, and the sight of it was enough to catch the attention of the others in the group. Her girlish and innocent appearance caught them off guard, a look unlike that of a seasoned warrior that was a master of multiple martial arts across the realm.
“I think it might just be,” Aria replied excitedly in a soft voice.
Everyone smiled. She could finally rest.
She could finally go home.
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thecat-inthehat · 5 years
Shadowbringers Physical DPS Role Quests
I have a script available here, with dialogue choices included and bolded for the ones I chose! 
Lv 70: No Greater Sport
Lv 72: Vengeance in Defeat 
Lv 74: Freedom from Privilege
Lv 76: The Hunter’s Legacy
Lv 78: Fellowship Restored
Lv 80: Courage Born of Fear
The Physical DPS quests were my personal favorite, in all honesty. I know some people found them weak, but they made me cry and my heart clench. I have a weak spot for any found family trope, and I felt that Renda-Rae’s journey was handled a bit more subtly than I was expecting. The moment in the 76 trial against Balam-Quitz really got to me. 
Personally I feel like the PhysDPS quests actually tied in the most with the themes of SHB, with the idea that your legacy can be remembered and be passed down. Even though Renda-Rae was a villain, bounty hunters all over the First told her story, and became inspired to do greater things. Sort of like how the Warrior of Light’s tale inspired those in the 8th Umbral Era. When Olvara was sharing with you and Lue-Reeq the tale of Renda-Rae, I fully expected an Echo, but instead we got to see it being told as those that have passed down the tale over the ages. It just ... hit me right in the honey nut feelios. 
I also feel like the 76 duty helped drive home the idea that “Not even the most vaunted heroes can stand alone”, per Minfilia’s words in Ahm Areng. Which, if you’re playing the role quests alongside the MSQ, the quests line up fairly side by side, to kind of doublewhammy the point. 
Another thing that I really appreciated was the idea that Renda-Rae valued the other Warriors of Darkness so much that Andreia tried to form them again out of fallen hunters. Sort of how Lamitt was such a healer that it’s something  Sophrosyne did on instinct, Andreia was doing her best to reform the thing that mattered most to her; her family. It kind of drove home the idea of found family more than any kind of conversation about it could have, in my opinion, by showing just exactly what it was she was after. It might just be me, but it felt like Renda-Rae’s journey mirrored the Warrior of Light’s a little more than anyone else, not Lue-Reeq. 
I also wasn’t expecting to like Lue-Reeq as much as I did. He starts off as fairly standard “spoiled rich boy” and grows quickly through the quests, with recognizing his privilege and discarding it, and eventually realizing that his parents aren’t his parents, Olvara is. Going for glory, and finding a family instead, and realizing that that family made him stronger foils nicely to Renda, though without it being too overt. I also like how he’s probably one of the only people in the cosmos that’s looked at our Echo, and realized it for the nuisance it is, and had one of the most realistic reactions to it. I’ve been waiting for that to happen for literal years. 
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autumnslance · 5 years
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Being partners with Giott
Look, I love all the Role Quest NPCs, but everything this dwarf says is gold.
Also so much of the conversation with the WoL? Is good-natured teasing and asking them to lighten up a little for goodness sake.
I feel like out of all the RQ NPCs, Giott not only notices the heavy burden on the WoL like they all do, but then goes and uses dwarven methods to poke and prod and tease this new partner/friend while on their hunt for the Virtue.
Even Giott’s insults after each Echo vision are more an attempt to wake the WoL and there’s genuine concern and listening to what the vision had to say, as opposed to Lue-Reeq getting angry about the inconvenience. Giott isn’t unique in this--Reeq’s actually the only one to get seriously frustrated by the Echo’s bad timing for his own character growth reasons--but you would almost expect it of the “overconfident drunken lout”, except for everything else about Giott’s characterization as an exceptional fighter, intelligent hunter, and emotionally-mature adult with many genuinely friendly connections across Norvrandt.
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origamihoshi · 5 years
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Can we still call ourselves Reeq and Serina, bounty hunters extraordinaire? I think we should keep calling ourselves Reeq and Serina, bounty hunters extraordinaire.
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trackerkitsune · 5 years
Prompt #4: Shifting Blame
FFXIV Write Challenge Prompt #4: Shifting Blame Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Mentions of child neglect
Terpsichore watched his pet mortal slink out of his parents' apartment within Eulmore, shamefaced and with tears on his cheeks, and frowned. The hunter had been nervous about visiting to start with; he could tell the visit hadn't gone well. "Reeq, what happened?" He cooed, enveloping the Mystel in his wings. The smaller man shook his head and buried his face in his chest. "They still don't give a shit about me," he hissed, muffled by the lightwarden's clothing, and the dancer felt his ire rising. "Do you want to visit your Miss Olvara for a bit?" He asked gently, stroking Lue-Reeq's fluffy ears. "I'm sure being in her company will at least ensure you're fed." He felt another nod against his chest, and lifted the Mystel's chin carefully to place a sweet kiss on his lips. "I’ll join you later, go on ahead." "...Do me a favour and don't dirty the room too much, will you?" The hunter gave him a knowing look. The corrupted Viera smirked. "Maybe." He swatted at the resigned man's backside and sent him off with another chaste kiss.
His entry into Lue-Reeq's parents' quarters was far less gentle, throwing the door open. His sharp heels clacked on the hardwood floor, digging chunks out of it, and he stood before them with the air of someone who owned the city. "We need to talk about your son," he spoke darkly, "and what he means to me." The man he knew to be his mortal's father quivered; he could hear the fear in his erratic heartbeat and chuckled slowly, the dual tone of his voice deepening. "Let me make something clear to you," he purred, "Reeq is very precious to me. Your attitude towards him is not acceptable." He could see the man trembling.
"I-If he weren't so foolish to keep running around, getting himself into such things that detract from our life in Eulmore-" "Foolish? I was under the impression that it was a child's prerogative to seek their parents' approval," the Lightwarden sneered, "he sought your pride in him with every movement and heartbeat. And you try to blame him for your own lack of care, preferring to spend your time ignoring his genuine need in favour of your pleasures…" 
He paralyzed the couple's legs with a flick of his hand, stepping forward and mantling his wings aggressively as a set of glaives materialized in his hands. His grin was terrifying as he advanced on them, swaying slowly to a song only he could hear. "I am so very disappointed in you, stained little sinners… You will pay for the pain you have caused my sweet mortal. It's time to play, my worthless prey~!"
--- @sea-wolf-coast-to-coast
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ferrocyan · 2 months
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new icon by @antlersandstones 💖
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linelpisffxiv · 5 years
5.0 Spoilers
A’lin doesn’t push forward so quick once she returns from Rak’tika. There’s a hole in her words as well. As if there was something she was told that she didn’t wish to share.
About the only change was that he caught her looking at herself through reflections a bit more often. He’s avoided the need to watch her so far, but his curiosity knows few bounds, and wanting to know what she’s worried about it hard to fight.
She spends time talking with one of the Virtue Hunters, a few good fighters interested in some powerful eaters. They even head out a few times.
News reached his ears earlier that day that one of the Virtues was dead, Andreia, and that the slayers were none other than the Virtue Hunter Lue-Reeq and the Exarch’s Esteemed Guest A’lin.
“Drinks are on them tonight!” someone says as they rush to the bar.
Out of curiosity, perhaps an answer, he heads over as well.
“Drink, Exarch?” one says, holding out a pint of ale.
Perhaps once upon a time. But not now. “Another time, perhaps.
It’s hard to find the two of them. None of the three are tall enough. He thought A’lin would be dancing on a table singing some bawdy song, but she isn’t. Was it time? Or perhaps something else got to her in the hunt.
At least from where everyone faces, he has an idea.
When he finally makes his way through, he catches her sitting in one of the chairs. Relaxed in pose, but her face is just as somber as he feared.
Her head turns his way and her smile lights up the room for him. “Exarch! What brings you here? What’s your sin?”
“I have several sins, though I am sure most would never believe me,” he says. “Though if you’re asking about what I would like to have, I don’t agree with alcohol much these days. I have little need to eat or drink. The Tower gives me the strength I need.”
“Not even sandwiches? Whoever made them knows not only my own tastes, but how to make something so simple and from the heart taste as fine as an Ishgardian feast.”
So her tastes were still similar before. He had figured poultry would be good, but had feared that as her legend rose, her tastes would leave the simple behind. If anything, the glass of ale she has while Lue-Reeq pours out fine aged wine to any who request it shows how little she’s changed on the inside. A hero and noblewoman, perhaps, but still an adventurer at heart.
“I will let the person know that you appreciated such a gift. You can always request more and have it sent to your room, A’lin.”
She clicks her tongue and winks. “Exarch, please, don’t call me that. It’s too much.” She gives a big smile. “Call me Lin. You’re as good as clan to me. You’ve proven that.”
Something feels hollow in her voice, yet the sentiment to be only Lin sounds honest. She had never made that request to G’raha. Yet they had only known each other a few weeks. Perhaps it would have come had he not locked himself away.
“Just, you know you can talk to me too. Not just be all ‘Pray return to the Ocular,’ right?” She pitches her voice down as she imitates his voice. It’s a good impression. Not perfect, but it is interesting to hear how she hears him.
“I would never say those words to you, A’li-- Lin, though I suppose I should be less of a stranger once all this is over.” An empty promise, but if it would ease her mind, it shall.
“Though I must leave now. It is good to see you in health.”
She lifts her glass and smiles.
The Exarch leaves and needs to think about this.
Originally he wanted to tell her everything. Maybe not at this point, but after another Warden slain. When she starts to fight things. Promise her he’ll take it all and put the light somewhere it will never have a calamity.
Yet if she wants to be Lin, then she would figure out the secret. That to take it would be to take him with it, and any place that is safe is no place that is safe for him.
If she has any suspicions of his loyalties now, then it would be best to nurse those fears. And if she is loyal to the end, then better to betray her trust at the last minute.
He cannot be a Warrior of Darkness like in the poem he read once, there to take pain away to the sunless sea. A kindly figure.
Lin needs an antagonist worthy of her. An Ascian-level threat that will get away in the end.
His mind is made up.
He’ll be a thief in the end.
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ferrocyan · 4 months
in my opinion reeq's character design isn't really gendered in either direction, however what i think does matter to him is the sign of class. sorry im not bringing citations but you know how several npcs wear the boulevardier shirt such as the pendants manager in the crystarium and anfrigg in eulmore. they are working people, i believe there are more npcs who wear that shirt too and they are mostly workers (though unlike say the employees of the wandering stairs who wear the orange uniform, the npcs who wear the boulevardier shirt work at higher end establishments). so i think by wearing the boulevardier shirt reeq wishes to present himself as just another working man. which is supported by how he says that he wishes to hide his identity as a rich eulmoran citizen. however he does wear the boulevardier pants and shoes along with the shirt, unlike the pendants manager and anfrigg, both of whom wear sensible slacks with their shirt. the boulevardier pants are wide and ruffly, it looks fancy, and that enhances the fanciness of the shirt. the end result is that reeq looks like a fancy rich boy despite his intentions to disguise that.
so that was all a very long setup for my personal joke which is this: in a modern au reeq would hang out at target wearing a red polo shirt to fit in. however he wears designer pants and $1500 leather shoes with it so it's obvious to everyone else he's only cosplaying being a target employee. thanks for coming to my ted talk
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ferrocyan · 8 months
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identical, i tell you
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ferrocyan · 7 months
new post for 72, "renda-rae's defeat"
oh my god ohm y god ohmygod ohhh fuck yes this is so much more delicious bc of the gap moe.. reeq puts up a confident and aloof front buf it slips for a second and there it is, he's anxious and can't believe wol isn't standing him up! yes!! i love him soooo much uuuuuu
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ferrocyan · 7 months
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kyaaahhhh cuteeee
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