#i think maybe cause he got some of the aggressive energy out with silk?
On the larger scale I don't know if I'm happy or not but he's bein so so so sweet n good to me it's overwhelming
Silk's been much nicer to me than I expected too, I guess he doesn't see me as competition anymore? Idk but it's nice. Sharing my spot & the responsibility n rewards that come with it has been workin out pretty well, I'm thinkin maybe we managed to find an arrangement that works for all of us.
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ruewrites · 3 years
Thrones are Built on Lies Chapter 9: The Hands that Guide Me
Ship: Solomon/Asmo, Diavolo/Lucifer
Word Count: 3823
Warnings: None
A/N: Comments and feedback are appreciated! This fic has been a little harder for me to write, not gonna lie, so I hope you guys are still enjoying it!
Asmo’s voice came out as a shriek. It hurt Solomon’s ears a bit if he was being honest.
The two of them stood before Lucifer, Diavolo, and Azazel. It had been easy to push the idea of assassination attempt to the side until this point, but after an arrow had been shot in their direction… well… He couldn’t ignore it anymore. Of course the crowds had gone scattering and word quickly got back to the main palace. This is when he also learned that the princes weren’t supposed to leave the palace.
Lucifer shook his head, “You heard me Asmodeus. I shouldn’t have allowed you to go out to the sector. I thought it might be safe for you during the day, but I was wrong. So no more. You must stay here.”
“But it’s my sector,” Asmo continued. Even if Solomon wasn’t looking at him, it was easy to tell he was upset. His voice was strained and cracked. He was on the edge of begging and pleading with his eldest brother. Solomon wanted to tell him to stop, but as soon as he went to touch him, he was shrugged off. “I should be allowed to visit it whenever I see fit!”
"That was before an arrow almost took your head off," Azazel chimed in, shaking his head, "Not to mention, you put civilians at risk with your presence."
The way Asmo flinched at those words… He didn’t seem to care about himself in that moment, and Solomon couldn’t help but think back to the small children flocking around his legs and how Asmo genuinely seemed to adore every one of the individuals in his sector. Yes he seemed a little thoughtless, but his intentions were innocent.
“Not to mention, you put a king in danger,” Azazel continued, gesturing to Solomon himself, “Could you imagine the commotion you would have caused if your fiance, royalty from another kingdom, had been struck? He’s an only child, their only heir, and you almost cost them that. His death would have been on your hands.”
That was hardly fair, Solomon had gone there on his own free will. Asmo had asked him, yes, but Solomon hadn’t felt forced. Yet, Azazel’s words had him questioning himself. The entire situation was extremely uncomfortable.
“Azazel, don’t you think-”
The glare Azazel shot Diavolo as his neck snapped towards him was dangerous, “Don’t coddle him. He should have known better.”
“Uncle,” Lucifer’s voice was steady, drawing Azazel’s attention back to him, “I am more than capable of handling my brothers. Please refrain from making any more unnecessary comments.”
The two men stared each other down for what seemed like an eternity before Azazel reluctantly backed down. That was when Lucifer turned his attention back towards the fifth prince. “Asmodeus,” Asmo didn’t look up towards his brother, but Solomon swore he saw him twitch, “No more outings. None. Am I understood?”
Asmo nodded curtly and then that was that. They were dismissed.
The silence was uncomfortable, even for Solomon. Yes he had complained about Asmo being high energy, but now that it was gone… It was unnerving. Solomon had had his guard so high around his fiance, and for what?
“You’re quiet,” he said. An inch stood between them. They hadn’t really walked together like this in the halls before.
Solomon was also a bit disturbed. From what he knew of Asmodeus, he knew that he didn’t give up on what he wanted to easily. But the moment Azazel started speaking, it seemed that all of the fight had left him.
You have a role to fill Lilith.
What exactly had been going on in Arcadia prior to them approaching him?
What exactly had becoming Lilith entailed for Asmodeus?
“I was under the impression you didn’t like me talking.”
Solomon couldn’t blame him for being snippy. He just got chewed out by his older brother and his uncle for something that Solomon didn’t really blame him for. Asmo was agitated, a free spirit locked away in a cage.
"Well, I don't like being distracted by anyone when I'm doing research, and you're a rather distracting presence," he tried to joke, but Asmo didn't seem too amused, "But I don't have my nose in a book right now."
"You will soon."
Just when he was trying to make an effort, Asmo didn't seem to want anything to do with him. At least not right now he didn't, but he could fix that. "I've heard you've gotten into a bit of reading yourself."
"I guess."
"Perhaps we could have a little library date sometime."
He was almost surprised about the smile that crossed his own face when he saw Asmo's ears twitch at the mention of a date. That's what he wanted. He wondered if Asmo didn’t quite believe what he had heard. After all, Solomon knew he’d been a little aloof. A library date was also a little more up his alley. He allowed himself to move ever so slightly closer. "Would you like that Asmodeus?" he asked softly.
"It's not going out-"
"But it's still a date."
He was going to do better.
He was going to start putting a little more effort into Asmodeus.
That also meant that he was resisting the urge to grab at his pendant. He had to open himself up to talk to Asmo more, and that meant also forming a more organic way to figure out how he was feeling. He needed to ask him questions, he needed to know a little more about him.
"You would like a date? Wouldn't you Asmodeus?"
Slowly, Asmo nodded and then his motions became more rapid, "Oh! Oh yes! Yes I would like that!" He caught Solomon in a tight grip and held him close. Solomon felt himself go stiff and was unsure what to do with his hands. Although, it was nice to see Asmo smiling. Eventually he settled on patting the prince's back. Asmodeus looked up at him, eyes sparkling, "Oh you'll be the luckiest man in any kingdom! Well, maybe next to me of course. But you'll love being with me! We can talk about it more if you'd like to walk me back to my room?"
"Well, you see, I would, but someone still has to teach me how to navigate the caverns."
It was a little embarrassing. He'd been living here for a while now and still had little to no idea as of how he was supposed to get around. It was especially inconvenient when he was hungry or wanted to visit the library. Asmo tilted his head and backed up, taking Solomon's hand in his own and squeezed. His hands were a bit bigger than Asmo's, but he also couldn't help but notice how warm and soft they were. They reminded him of soft silk. His nails were also well cared for especially compared to his own which were bitten. Had anyone ever held his hands like this before? It was such a small thing to think about, something that didn't matter in the long run, but he thought about it nonetheless.
Asmo's skin felt nice against his own.
Asmo's hands felt nice against his own.
"Well, I guess that gives me an excuse to spend more time with my husband!"
"Same thing," Asmo let go of his hands and waved him off, "The point is I can get some time with you all to myself."
The very idea of spending time with him seemed to have Asmo excited, a little life was coming back into his eyes.
He was cute, and Solomon could feel an appreciation for his spark start to creep over him.
"In any case, I think walking back to my room would be a fantastic first lesson."
It was easy to forget how dizzying the tunnels were. Was the Heart always this aggressive or did it just have a special spot for him in it's cold unfeeling grasp?
"You think too much," Asmo's voice cut through the disorienting feeling. He was leaning against one of the walls, completely unbothered by the magic surrounding them. Pushing off the wall, Asmo walked closer to him and put his hands on either side of his face. "Let yourself relax."
Funny. He thought he was relaxed. There was nothing for him to be stressed about, he was as calm and collected as he could be.
Asmo pressed into his face and frowned, "You're so incredibly tense. I told you to relax." Pretty fingers pressed into his jaw and trailed their way down, "Unclench. Stress causes wrinkles you know."
"I am relaxed," he said as Asmo squished his cheeks. Yet, he felt his jaw relax.
"Clearly you're not. I've seen how you sit, slouching over those books of yours is terrible for your posture. When's the last time you've just cleared your mind and relaxed?"
Solomon scoffed, "Never, clearing the mind isn't really something a king can do." Not if he wanted to be a good ruler he couldn't. He needed to be on his toes, to strategize, to think. Not to mention, he was also a scholar.
"Ugh," Asmo rolled his eyes, "You sound just like Lucifer. Stubborn." His fingers ran down his face, neck, and to his shoulders. His touch was nice, gentle and a little curious, "If you think too much down here it's going to be harder to navigate. Pick one thing to think about if you have to. Something that won't lead you to thinking too much."
That seemed like a bit of an impossible task. What thought could possibly keep him from slipping down a rabbit hole?
The glint from the scorpion on Asmo's chest caught his eye. Then his thoughts drifted back to the hands on his person. There were only so many thoughts a single person could spark. Just like that a little bit of the haze cleared. He took each of the hands from his shoulders and held them in his own. Subconsciously, his thumbs ran over the soft moisturized skin. He couldn’t help but think once more about how warm he was. His body was very much a contrast to his own.
Asmo shuddered but didn’t bother to move. “Got something?” he asked, a hopeful edge lining his voice. His weight shifted towards the balls of his feet as he leaned closer to Solomon.
Solomon looked into his eyes. They were just as hopeful as his voice and they seemed to hold every star usually confined in the night sky. “Perhaps, but that’s for me to know,” he smirked, letting go of his hands to touch his nose.
His smile quickly turned into a pout and he placed his hands on his hips, “Boo. Really? You won’t tell me?”
“I don’t think I will, not yet anyways.”
“You stubborn man! I should just leave you down here.”
“Not if you’d like me to walk you to your room you won’t.”
Asmodeus pulled away from him and Solomon followed, walking a little closer behind him to the point where they were almost touching. He still smelled like the flowers of his sector. Solomon was still lucky to be here. Lucky to be paired with an attractive partner. Lucky that he was finally making progress.
“Anything else I should know? I doubt Diavolo just automatically knew where to go,” he leaned over Asmo’s shoulder.
Those soft slender hands reached out to run against the wall, “There are marks in the brick work. Some of them have the Mark of the Heart. You can feel them in the brickwork if you know what you’re looking for.”
Solomon placed his hand over Asmo's, stopping him in his tracks, “Show me.”
He swore he could hear Asmo swallow as he guided his hands along the subtle etchings in the brick work. They went slow along the clean cut lines, and the more Solomon moved over them the more familiar they became. They became etched in his memory as their hands cast shadows in the soft light from the torches. They stayed there in silence continuing their pattern until Solomon glanced towards him.
“You blush quite a bit,” he was so easy to read, “What is the cause this time?”
“The flames cast a wonderful shadow against your jaw line,” his voice was was soft, for once Solomon had to strain to look at him, “You’re a very handsome man, and I like touching your hands.”
Was he a mind reader? Voicing his own thoughts in such a way, Solomon swore he must know exactly what he was thinking in the moment. He didn’t look up at Solomon, but remained focused on guiding his hands along the wall.
“You think I’m handsome?”
“Well yes, I can see.”
Solomon stopped tracing his hand against the wall and pulled back only to close in to his fiance, “Then don’t avoid looking at me.”
Asmo’s breath hitched as they came closer together. Solomon threaded their hands together and squeezed. “I realize I haven’t been the kindest to you, and I apologize. I’d like to fix that if you’d allow me,” he allowed his voice to drop. His eyes swept over Asmo’s face, he was incredibly attractive and his features only enhanced his beauty. Long lashes, full lips, bright eyes. He was gorgeous.
“You’re very pretty Asmodeus.”
“Thank you.” Both of their voices were soft, despite being alone in the tunnels. Asmodeus continued, bringing his free hand back up to his face as a spark of hope returned to his eyes, “I want you, I do. I’m happy to hear that you… you want…”
He was quiet, but Solomon found it hard to pull away. There was something inside of him that felt… conflicted. It was a new feeling, one that was set into motion since he went to Asmo’s sector. He wasn’t sure what to make of the feeling yet. All he knew was that he could have stayed down here with him for hours, just like this, with their fingers intertwined together. Solomon’s other hand went to his hip and followed along the curve.
“Oh! It’s wonderful to see you two spending time and getting closer together,” the booming voice made Solomon jump and move away from Asmodeus. Now it was his turn to become red. Diavolo stood not too far away from them, his butler not too far behind. “I didn’t mean to interrupt anything if I did.”
Solomon coughed as Asmo moved away from the wall and huffed, “You kind of did. What are you doing down here?”
“I wanted to check on you! I know you loved travelling to your sector and that someone telling you you could no longer go was upsetting. But I see that Solomon had you in mind! Doesn’t he Barbatos?”
“That he does young lord.”
Solomon couldn’t bring himself to look the butler in the eye. It felt like Barbatos was bearing into his soul, that he knew what he was going to do before Solomon even knew himself. What he did see of the butler was all knowing eyes and an incredibly sly smile. Suddenly he became all too aware of himself. Hopefully the light was dim enough that his features were obscured.
“We could have gotten closer if we weren’t interrupted,” Asmo growled under his breath. It almost made Solomon sputter. Getting closer? Down here? Solomon wasn’t about to go a lot further than what he did. Well maybe he would have, he wasn’t too sure what was going on inside of his mind at the moment.
“Why don’t we walk with you the rest of the way?” Diavolo asked, “It could be nice for all of us to get a little closer together.”
Asmo held up his hands, “Diavolo, normally I would love to but-”
“It’ll be fun for us!”
And that was how the four of them walked back to Asmo’s room together. Diavolo spent a lot of time chatting with the fifth prince as Solomon walked stiffly next to Barbatos. He was a private man, he preferred things to stay that way.
“Getting used to being here your majesty?” Barbatos hummed, glancing towards him, “I know the young prince has been eager for you to be here with him, even if he was nervous about seeing you here.” The two of them started to lag behind Diavolo and Asmodeus.
“Keep an eye on him, he’s not always transparent, none of them are.”
Solomon furrowed his brow, "That's a bit ominous don't you think?
"Ominous pr a gentle hint towards well intent? I'll leave that for you to decide," Barbatos then continued onward and placed a hand on Diavolo’s shoulder, “Perhaps we should head back. I can make tea for you and Lucifer.”
“But Barbatos!”
“We should leave them be,you can talk to them later, but for now we’ll leave them be,” Barbatos turned to face them again, “I do apologize for the intrusion, but we’ll be able to see you again soon.”
“Alright! Buh bye! We’ll see you later then!” Asmo chirped, grabbing Solomon’s arm and continuing on down the hall. It was a bit faster than Solomon was expecting, but it wasn’t entirely unexpected. Asmo wanted to spend time with him.
“Come in with me?” he asked, trying to tug Solomon into his room.
“Not tonight, but we’ll meet in the library to spend some time together. I promise.”
Solomon watched him before squeezing his hands one more time before backing away, “I’ll stop by in the morning, we can eat together, just the two of us, and then we’ll read together.”
“And you promise?” Asmo asked once more.
He's not always transparent.
“I do.”
It took him a while to return to his room. He wanted to make sure he was taking the right path back. But the longer it went on, the more confident he became. Thoughts of soft skin and golden scorpions inhabited his mind, keeping his path straight and narrow.
A few non royal magic users live within the fifth district. It leads me to genuinely believe that magic truly does run through the land. They aren’t strong users, but they can use a bit. The flora and fauna in Arcadia also don’t cease to amaze me. There’s a change in variety from the entrance to the fifth district, it’s very easy to forget how large the empire is when staying in the center. People also seem rather attached to their individual leaders, so maintaining good relationships with them will be incredibly important. I have to wonder if magic users outside the royal line have always been here or if they slowly integrated into the city. I also have to wonder if they have access to the Heart.
The underground caverns simultaneously require focus and no thought at all. Thinking too much causes what is akin to interference and it is easy to become disoriented. There are also small markings along the walls that are easier to find once you have your bearings. They lead along correct paths in each of the corridors. I can only assume the path to the Heart would also be the same, only more hidden.
Asmodeus is beloved by the people in his sector. He also seems to have a natural talent with young children. They adore him and he cares for them deeply. He seems to care for every person in his sector. He’s very warm, and it’s clear that he uses products from his sector daily. His hands are soft and his nails are well cared for. There may be a little more to him than I initially thought.
Asmodeus was more focused on Solomon than on the book in his hands. He sat close to him on the couch, eyes fixed and shoulders touching. It was a little hard to focus on the words in front of him the longer he stared, and yet it was also a little nice.
“Asmodeus, nothing unsavory in my library please, and try not to drool on my books,” Satan glided behind the couch only to disappear behind one of the many bookshelves. Solomon could only dream about reading half as fast as he did, it was a mystery.
“I’m not! Hush up and let me enjoy my date!”
“Quiet, it’s a library,” Satan’s voice echoed through the room. Solomon could picture the smile on his face as he spoke. He could only imagine what Asmo had confided with him in private.
Asmodeus rolled his eyes and resumed his work.
“You haven’t made a dent in your book,” Solomon said, closing his own and picking another up from the pile, “Does it not interest you?”
Asmo looked panicked before holding the book closer up to his face, “No! It’s incredibly interesting! I just like to take my time when I’m reading about advanced stuff. But I’m sure you completely understand! After all, you read scholarly stuff like this all the time.”
Hooking his finger over the spine, Solomon slowly brought the book down so he could see the page. He wasn’t really met with any resistance. “Oh yes, I do enjoy taking my time on the table of contents,” he smiled, “Asmo, it’s okay if this isn’t really your thing.”
“No I-”
“It’s okay. It is. You don’t have to read every single book you think I’d might pick up,” he gently took the book from Asmo’s hand and placed it at his side, “We can still spend time together if you’d like, just like this.”
He could see the hesitance in Asmo’s eyes. What had him so worried? Solomon certainly wasn’t angry that they didn’t enjoy the same literature. He wanted to know him better. If Asmo didn’t find what he researched fascinating like he did, that was alright. There was still so much about his fiance that he didn’t know and so much he wanted to learn. Maybe one day he’d understand him. Just maybe.
What he did know is that physical affection seemed important. So he slung one arm around the back of the couch and motioned for him to come closer, “You can lay your head on me if you’d like.”
Asmodeus didn’t say a word, instead he jumped at the opportunity to snuggle closer to Solomon, placing his head on his chest and letting out a content little sigh once he was comfortable. He was warm. So very warm.
"Let me know if you'd like me to start reading out loud."
Asmo nodded against his chest.
His weight was somewhat calming, and he found that he didn't mind spending his reading like this. This was what made Asmodeus happy. It was so simple, Solomon felt like a fool for depriving him. He’d become paranoid due to ambition. As he read, the fingers on his other hand gently started rolling over his fiance in one fluid motion.
He was going to be better for Asmodeus, for his happiness.
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blissfulalchemist · 4 years
I got depressed writing to far in my fic that I just wrote this little bit cause I needed more happiness in my life honestly.
It was late afternoon but the sun was still going strong and summer heat was still present. Cat had spent another day inside and was getting restless. She was fine staying inside but after awhile with no other entertainment she felt trapped. Her whole day was spent trying to find places away from everyone in the house. It was hard to find some kind of peace being under watch.
She was killing time reading one of the books that were stored in the house waiting for John to come back, the subject bored her but what else was there, granted it was a cheesy mystery romance novel but still predictable. It was four o’clock by the time he stepped through the door and that meant it was time to go out and do something. “John! You’re back! Are you tired?” She asked, helping him put his stuff away. 
“Not that tired though I should change,” Catlina noticed the blood on his clothes. She nodded turning away, she wasn’t opposed to the blood but she didn’t like how it got there. She was getting better at not being so aggressive but it was far from what was ideal to her. “I know that look. I’m trying to make it easier for people to free themselves of their sin, but some just make it harder to do.”
“I just- like I can understand the idea behind using pain to help in confessing and atonement, been done for centuries, it’s just all so violent beyond what it should be. I always thought that people should be given the opportunity to become better people to help atone, let them come to terms with confession.”
He hugged her after changing shirts to a simple t-shirt, “I know you feel that way. If it was up to you we would be supporting and giving people what they need to learn better. We are trying to save them though and some will never admit their sins on their own terms, they’re too prideful.”
“You shouldn’t force someone to though. I know you’re trying to save the world but some people have their savior, your way isn’t the only way to salvation you know.”
“Well have you found salvation? One savior?”
“No. I don’t need one to be who I am. And don’t knock out those who are polytheistic, that’s just rude.” She gave some space between them. It was a conversation that was going to go in circles. Granted all conversations about morality and virtues turned in circles but there was something about the use of the violence in Eden’s Gate that was just beyond wrong. 
John rolled his eyes, she could see the frustration and anger rising but he was actively trying to control his temper around her. “I wasn’t, though your philosophy that everyone is a good person underneath it all isn’t really holding true to what the people here have experienced.”
“Hey, I have my exceptions to that rule. I know when there is no changing a person. For some though it just might take a few tries before I say or well decide that they aren’t.” John raised an eyebrow at her, “Okay fine more than a few. I also know that I should not try and convince their victims that they are better for that is for them to decide. I also wouldn’t be here talking to you like this if I didn’t believe in people. You especially have so much room to grow and become better than what you were given.” 
He held her face in his hands, “Oh Mary, my Mary.” Cat didn’t need to hear him say more to know what he was thinking. He kissed her before pulling away, “When I walked in though you seemed like you had the energy of a dog. Shall we take a bit of a walk enjoying the weather?” 
She nodded and grabbed his hand walking out the door. She didn’t bother changing out of the dress she had on and brought shoes that were easy to slip on and off. 
The route they took was new to her and very off the trail. The one thing she loved about this place was how fairytale like the woods here were. There were always new creeks and meadows to find, the wildlife was always around, and the sun shone down through the trees leaving just enough shadow to keep cool. It brought about an inner child when she took these walks and John always seemed to be okay with letting her indulge in those moments. Today was no different as they stopped for her to look at some of the wild flowers growing. She always picked a few making small arrangements to bring back. 
“Hey John, do you ever think about how many little things affect who you are as a person?”
He got this confused look that he seemed to get more often when she asked questions like these. It seemed to be born out of his wondering of how she could have had that thought pass through her head at that moment, “I don’t know if I follow where you’re going with that.”
“Well how different you turn out if maybe that one friend said something else or if you didn’t read that one book or listen to that song that gave you a new perspective. I wonder how different I would be if I hadn’t listened to rock in my teens or if maybe I never went into work on a certain day. What would change?”
“Along the lines of the butterfly effect?”
“Yeah, actually that’s probably the best way to explain it better.” She laughed, this wasn’t the first time she made things sound more complicated than they had to be. 
“Most decisions in regards to my life seem like big things. Never had time for little ones.”
“Hmm I don’t think that’s true.” He gave her a look wanting her to explain, “Well someone could have said something to you differently, like one of the case workers saying something that made you feel cared for even if it was only a temporary feeling. Something like that could have affected you to make a few more different changes and boom,” she threw up some grass in the air, “you’d be someone new.”
“You could also make the argument that it wouldn’t and we would all be stuck and end up where we are now still.”
“Where’s the hope in that? Well no never mind I see your point there. Just depends on if you want to be where you are now.”
“Dare I ask, what do you believe right now?”
Cat stopped and took a moment to think about it. She wasn’t happy being where she was but she also was trying to make the best of it. “Hmmm well I do think that small things affect your outcome, if I was different then certain things in my life that I love wouldn’t have happened. Would I have still ended up here is the bigger question. I may have but not in the same manner I am in this now. I’ll admit I don’t know what I believe right now.”
“Are you starting to like it here? With me?” 
“Unsure but I’m making conscious decisions to keep doing good in whatever way I can. If there are small things that can make a difference then I’ll pick what I won’t regret when I’m dying.” They were coming across a part of the river with some rocks and branches going across it. Cat handed John the flowers and took to walking across it leaving her shoes on the shore. Keeping her balance on the thick branches was hard and she took her time while John watched on. 
“Why do you do this every time? You’re going to fall one day.” 
“You know if you don’t distract me I won’t fall.” He was right that this could be the day as she felt the smooth wood under her. It was making it hard to walk as she felt herself slip a little. It was a balancing act and she felt herself losing her footing as she started to concentrate on her footing. She was halfway across when she really felt herself slip. Her heart skipped a beat as she almost fell over. She somehow managed to catch herself and she kept herself still catching her breath. 
“See now come back over here before you really fall and hurt yourself,” John told her. He didn’t sound like he wanted to laugh like she was doing. 
She carefully turned to face him laughing, “Oh come on. I’m fine. Stop being such a worry wart.” She honestly should have kept her mouth shut cause as soon as the words came out she did fall off into the water. It wasn’t that deep, though she was going to be walking home soaked, and the rocks hurt a little on impact but her head was safe. She quickly came back up from the water laughing. 
John made his way to help her up from the water, “I warned you didn’t I?”
“And I’m seriously fine. You’re too serious sir.” He put his hand out and she grabbed it resisting the urge to pull him in with her. Though gravity was not her friend that day as she slipped on a particularly mossy smooth rock. John followed her into the water this time. She couldn’t stop laughing at the whole situation but held her smile and laughter back as she looked at John, “I promise you on my life I did not do that on purpose.” He almost had a glare for her but his face looked more like he didn’t believe her, “Look I’m serious! I didn’t mean to pull you in, I slipped on the rock.” She brushed some of his hair back into place. 
He sighed, shaking his head, “I swear there is never a dull moment with you is there? From your questions to your antics there is nothing that can’t happen to you.” He looked at his now soaked clothes, “You’re lucky I don’t wear silk.”
She splashed him, “As if I’d care if you did.”
He looked offended after she splashed me, “Did you seriously just splash me?” He splashed water back at her. She giggled which brought a smile to his face. He kept splashing her as she held up her hands trying to stop it. 
She had some feeble attempts but he had the upper hand in this, “Stop! Stop okay I yield. I yield!” She laughed as he stopped, he was smiles for her too. His eyes sparkled in the light and with laughter. She moved closer to him and kissed him smiling. 
He grabbed her hips, kissed her back and pushed her messy hair behind her ears. “You’re also lucky that it’s summer,” he whispered against her lips, “or else there would be no forgiveness.” She rolled her eyes in feign annoyance, “I wonder why I love you most days.”
“I do too honestly. I just seem so immature for the likes of you Mr. Serious.” She laughed, “Or should I say Mr. Seed-rious.”
“I ought to drown you for that. That was just so bad.”
“Not if I drown you first,” she told him as she pushed him under the water making her escape to shore. “You want to drown me with my sinfully bad jokes, you have to catch me.” She yelled taking a few steps backwards to see him getting up from the water. She turned to run but his legs were longer and he easily caught her spinning her in his arms. 
They both laughed as he brought them down to the ground. He was on top of her and he kissed her. “I changed my mind. I love you too much to drown you. Though I will have to inform everyone that I should become a saint because I found an eighth cardinal sin.”
“Just shut up and kiss me like you mean it John.” She told him bringing his lips back to hers. They kissed there in the meadow for a few minutes before neither of them could stand the soaking clothes they wore. 
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cnc-hoebayb · 6 years
Shawty want a lil faster, slow it down so it could last longer
Numba 1: This is all Yashua content ayyy, buT it is also like pure smut top to bottom so watch ya selves if u out in public
*Numba 2: WARNINNG guys there’s heavy mention of weed/getting high in the beginning and some parts through - i know it’s touchy with some people so jus a lil warning before y’all dive in k
I’m rly excited for this tho, been perfecting it for a hot minute bc it’s something i haven’t seen a lot of, so I’m a lil nervous too ahhh
AnyWAy!! I hope u guys like it, lemme know what u think or if u would want anymore like this in the future 😘 luv uu
He passes you the small pipe and lighter, letting the soft smoke run over his lips with ease. You take the piece and light the flame over the tiny opening, bringing your mouth to inhale heavily.
The smoke enters your lungs and you feel the rush set in. Your body buzzes and everything feels lighter. Neon blue lights that surround the room somehow become more prominent. The soft texture of the couch beneath you feels like silk. “You good, ma?” His voice snaps you back to reality and you giggle.
“Fuck dude, I’m such a lightweight. I’m mad trippin already.” You pass him back the piece and he looks at you with that devilish grin. He always liked that about you. That you weren’t afraid to admit your limits. The confidence and snarkiness of your tongue that continued to entice him even after years.
He takes another hit, and maybe it’s the high, but the way he drifts his eyes in your direction feels like slow motion, it’s all a movie. The fog clears and you see his face. Those thick brows that lead into a soft angled nose. His plush lips that rest above a stern chin- guiding your eyes to admire that perfect jawline. You lick your lips mindlessly and are staring at the little smiley face behind his ear when he finally gets your attention.
“Que haces, weirdo” he pushes light strands of hair out of his eyes and runs a perfectly polished finger over his lip. He wasn’t even trying to be cute or get your attention, that’s just how he was, naturally suave. You grin at those actions, all of it just feeding into your exact thoughts.
“You’re so pretty-“ it slips past your tongue and he smiles that cheeky smile again. “Baby,” he says almost instantly and picks up the pipe one more time. “Beauty is subjective, every one has their own definition to it.” He inhales and holds it in as the smoke enter his lungs, leaning in with a bent finger to lift your chin.
You raise a brow to him with attitude, you hated when he would get deep over simple things. “Oh so you’re gonna gimme a full lesson on how everything is beautiful through other people’s eyes or something like that??” His lips graze yours and as he speaks, smoke exits his mouth.
“Actually i was gonna say fuck that idea,” he finally closes the space and the last puffs of smoke seep into your mouth from his. You take it in and exhale it from your nose, the feeling of his lips now more intoxicating than ever. He parts from you slowly and finishes, “because you blow anybody’s definition of beautiful out of this world. You the real thing, ma.”
Fuck his stupid charm and dumb deep thoughts. This kid could make anything that comes out his mouth romantic, even if it was through faded thoughts. And all you wanted after that was more. To drink in his features as much as you wanted water right now, to lose yourself in his touch even more.
You lay a palm on his cheek and pull in for exactly that. “Don’t say things you don’t mean, Yashua.” You tease and kiss his jaw. His hand snakes it’s way under one of your thighs and fingers curl in tightly. “I do mean it.” He says blunt, straight to the point. It almost scares you with as much harshnesss as he says it.
“How can i not be serious,” he keeps going and now it’s the smallest bit sentimental. You don’t want this right now, it’s not important. Your hand on his shoulder squeezes a bit as if to remind him to go back to what you were just doing. “Don’t do this now, babe. Come on..” your voice changes up as if to seduce him in. He doesn’t fall for it.
“No you’re listenin,” he almost growls, sending chills through your skin, his hand resting under your thigh tossing you over so you were seated in his lap. Your heart almost skips a beat and his demeanor becomes slightly ravenous. His fingers engulf as much surface of your ass as possible and he pulls you in blunt against his waist. “How can you not be the most beautiful thing I’ve laid my eyes on,”
The tone of his voice completely unmatches the context of the sentence. It’s rough, angry, desperate. His fingers make their way through your hair and pull back to expose your neck to him. You gasp as he sucks harsh marks on the skin, all of your senses still on high alert. “God, just look at you,” he barks and continues to work at your neck, the placement of his hands now shifting to the outside of your thighs. The tighter he squeezes, the more you want of him.
You place a hand over one of his, inviting it to slide up the front of your shirt. He sighs as skin touches skin, the work of his mouth now traveling up to your cheek, kissing the corners of your lips before finally placing them on target. “You have the most perfect lips,” he says between pecks. “I could kiss them all day.” You hold in a whimper as his teeth tug at your bottom lip, sliding it through until it bounces back into place. He soothes it with a flick of his tongue, light and to the point.
One of his fingers brush over your knuckles from underneath your shirt, his breath hitching the tiniest bit. “And these hands,” his jaw tightens under your other palm and it takes the energy to another level. “Te lo juro, these hands are magic baby.” His lips escape yours and rest by your chin as he adjusts the position, sitting up straighter against the couch to even out the angle. Before you know it, his shirt is coming off without warning, the strong scent of cologne hitting you more distinctly as he throws it to the side.
Instinct tells what it always does and you dip down to kiss along his chest, fingers twirling in every direction to trace the ink patterns you now know by heart. His voice is like background noise, every little thing coming out of him starting to feed into you like it does dirty talk. “The way you touch me sometimes is worth even more than a quick fuck,” you shiver and he takes your hands in his, kissing each finger tip before helping remove your shirt as well. “You know how many times i get off by just these hands alone? Even looking at them makes me hard,”
As your top half is exposed, he snaps the black bra off within seconds, piling it aggressively with the other loose clothes on the floor. Short cut nails somehow pierce into the skin of your back. He was keeping it barely together, but it was only a matter of time before you could both keep the tension this high and finally let it snap. “Tus piernas..” he adds on to the praises as he notices you clench yourself tighter on his lap. “Damn, don’t get me started,” he chuckles and that sound alone has you dripping.
“One of my favorite things about your legs...” he pulls your hair back again and bites the lobe of your ear. Whispering lightly before running his tongue across the open space behind the area, “..is how hard they close around my waist when you’re on top of me. How they tremble as you scream out my name.” The image causes your already fuzzy mind to scramble, knees weak and finally succumbing loosely into him.
“Yash-“ you quaver and he just knows. Hands fumble at pant buttons and zippers, every piece of clothing left already being ravished and discarded like nothing. Your foot slips out the last inch of your jeans and you hop back onto his thighs energetically. He bites his lip as your slick opening brushes over his length.
“See,” he drops the fuckboy facade for a moment and takes in the view of your body. “Mamita you’re the definition of beauty- tu eres perfecta,” you gush and it feels like your heart is about to burst out of your chest. He leads you into a sweet kiss, positioning himself underneath by spreading your thighs wider across him. “Now lemme show you how much i mean it babe.”
You nod assuringly as you feel him inch into your tight entrance. The fresh high from moments earlier assists the sensitivity, taking him in with full feeling of every move, every curve, every thing he had to offer. Your jaw drops open as he fills you to almost no end it seems, something you still hadn’t managed to get used to, and something he never got over watching you discover each time. He’d smirk and sink you lower on his length, watching as you’d work through the feeling, adjusting with little whines and expressions.
It takes for what feels like an eternity until you’re seated completely once again, successfully taking in all of him- never wanting to settle for anything less. His head falls back onto the couch behind him and his hand is shaky as it rests on the curve above your butt. You both exhale shakily and sit cautiously for a few seconds, any movement already risking your guys’ downfall due to the intense buildup.
You thrust your hips forward at an attempt to a slow start, a long drawn out moan immediately leaving your throat. “Dios mío,” you gasp and focus on your already unsteady breathing. Yashua soothes you with loving pecks to your neck, wrapping your legs around him even more as he shifts to lay you down on the couch instead. The transition is quick, smooth enough for you to rest your back comfortably on the cushions beneath you, and with enough room for him to settle between your thighs.
With that being said, he props himself up on one hand placed on the armrest above your head, the other reaching in between you both to rub long, sloow circles around your clit. Static fills your ears and head and for a minute you can’t tell if the thoughts or noises you’re making in your head are coming out or not. “Good, mamas tell me how you feel,” his sly cooing confirms how vocal you were being. “You said you want it faster??” He says, voice low and full.
“Mhmm” You almost beg through closed lips and he grips your thigh hard, grounding himself on your body. His hips wind and roll in a pace almost too fast than what you asked for. He captures a bouncing breast in his mouth and goosebumps form as he flicks his tongue against the soft nub. But it’s all so quick, his mouth loses contact just as soon as it gained it. He was always the type to change it up fast, lead you on with a small tweak here and there, over stimulate a single part of your body and then go to something else until there was no more ground to cover.
You tighten your walls around him to mirror as your legs wrap his waist more firmly. He loses strength in the arm holding him up as he lets out the most boyish moans. “Mmm fu-“ he stops and collapses on to your chest in attempt to keep it together, chest heaving and whipping his hair back to keep his sight sharp. You look up at him in the dark blue light, his features as strong as ever, his skin flush to yours. It feels like you’re floating.
You pull him down by the chain around his neck, bringing him so that there was no gap between. Your fingers glide up his back and into his hair from behind, looking into those pretty cocoa eyes. “Let’s slow it down,” you break the silence and kiss his pink swollen lips with heart. “So it can last longer. I’m not ready to be apart from you,” the passion kicks in with as much force as before and he thrusts deep into you. It’s raw and desperate, fingers bruising the flesh beneath its touch on both ends.
You hug him tightly against your body, chest to chest, his face buried in the crook of your neck, panting praises as he did earlier. His arms snake underneath your back and engulf you like a strong embrace, warm sweaty bodies molding together perfectly. Each pump of his dick makes you ache in the most blissful manner, making you pull him in for more. The throbbing of his length slamming far into your core, and in the most sedating way possible had your toes curling with pleasure in no time.
“Yashua, babe I’m gonna-” you chanted to him in high pitched moans, not even able to finish the sentence. He lulled into your ear deeply, never faltering from his agonizingly slow pace. “That’s it, cum for me luv” the fire in you kept building, the pressure through your body pulsing with every slick pass made.
Your hips lifted off the couch, sliding your dripping clit against his body, trying so desperately to fill yourself even more (if it were even possible), and with as much contact as you came undone. The orgasm crashed over you in a heavy wave, flooding your senses as it dragged on and on.
You couldn’t seem to come down once you started. Screaming his name continuously with strings of profanity in between. “Oh god, yea- say my name” he groaned, silencing himself still in the underside of your neck. “You’re perfect baby, you..” your legs locked him in at an attempt to bring him crashing to your level, causing him to slam into you one last rough time with a twitch. “Aah- shiT” he shouted and started to unload himself deep into your guts.
Going through the same wave, he groaned and vocalized his way through it with you, creating your own personal harmony. He pumped his hips a couple more times, pushing and filling his thick release around as he softened inside you. Your body convulsed in ripples from the initial aftershock, feeling empty as he pulled out gingerly. Wetness dripped down your thigh and you felt as high as you had before.
He lifted his head from your neck and went back to your lips. His default. He always knew how to come back to your favorite part, and to make it as mind blowing and intimate as last time. Easy nature for him.
His fingers brush over where fresh bruises already started to form on your legs and hips. He dips in to kiss them lightly while his big hands running up and down your skin to admire its afterglow of sex. A smile forms on the corner of his lips and you know that look all too well.
“Ya know...” he crawls back up to meet your gaze, nose brushing yours as he sinks his teeth into the flesh of your bottom lip once again. “As amazing as that was,” You feel as livid as you did moments ago and the spark in your tummy lights again. “I don’t think that really proved all i wanted it to.” You nod with wide knowing eyes that are ready to answer in an instant. There was something about him that always did this to you. Had you craving more.
He hikes your left leg up to wrap around his hip again, and you yelp at the sudden touch of his fingers sliding down your thigh and lower. “Ready for more, ma?”
“I think you already know the answer”
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